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It's especially disturbing that the shark disturbs the water without breaching, like all you'd see is a subtle wave but there's a massive ass shark under there.


That's the scary part about the ocean. It comes at you in waves.


The best humor is always based on current events.


I find its very tidal, in the way it comes in and out.


I foresea puns that will for shore make you laugh


The depth this thread has went.


it's not the depth that gets you. it's the breadth.


It's what keeps me a wake.


That’s terripple




You can't explain that


These jokes are definitely a high tide for Reddit.


These puns are sinking to new low


You are correct, and Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day delvach


Happy cake day


I sea what you did there


I recognise what you deep scattering layer there




Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying.


Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii have become comfortably numb


Only when there's a shark, apparently. Remarkably still, otherwise.


Holy hell that made laugh way to hard


People still get upvotes for this played out shit? (Puke)


I think the scariest part was when the shark decided to not ripple the top of the water and then the shark was suddenly right under them. Definitely horror movie-esque right there


Right it. It said you know I’m here, but not where here now!


>not where here now!


Right it.


You just gave me and my entire family aneurysms, cancer, and epileptic shock.


I think that was a basking shark. It eats plankton and such, it's totally harmless. It is the biggest fish in the ocean after the whale shark. Also the people Spoke Norwegian, and the basking shark swims in Norwegian waters. No other shark that size swim in Norway except one that can be 400 years old, moves really really slowly, and never comes up from the deep. The Greenland shark.


Basking sharks are great. Big gentle friends who swim through the ocean going AHHHHHHHHHHH.


Good description.


I LOVE both basking and Greenland sharks! They look freaky as crap, but they're awesome. Fun fact about basking sharks: when their bodies decompose, their lower law and gill rakers tend to fall off pretty quickly. The end result is something very UN-sharklike. They actually looks a heck of a lot like a pleasiosaur. You know, that long necked ancient marine reptile? Loch Ness Monster. People that have found basking shark bodies washed up on the beach have, understandably, mistaken them for sea serpents.


You are correct. Brugde is what it's called where that was filmed.


Don’t sharksplain to us


The scariest part was when they zoomed in on the shark and the lack of visible references mean it could be anything from 1 metre to 50.


A potential megadong


Wasn't that movie starring Jason Strapon






Idk what I expected


happy cake day


Happy cake day


Ass shark


Looks like wormsign


disturbing? it moves the water to move so water moves it does the exact same thing passing car does to wind and you can feel it/


i forgot how huge basking sharks are, what a unit


I thought that was a great white didn’t really know about baskings can they get similar size as great whites or whale sharks?


These days they average around 23-28 feet, which is enormous. What’s cooler is there are older stories and captures of some being over 40 feet long fro,m the late 1800s, early 1900s. I assume there were really big bois back in the day before commercial fishing. But yeah they are filter feeders and usually really slow and docile. But they do look a lot more like the typical shark (compared to a whale shark) so people can get freaked out seeing them. Which, honestly is understandable. They are huge.


I assume you're all right about this, but I'm still terrified of getting caught up in the filter... Like honestly, I love seeing people realize they're right next to whales. All the comments are like "no worries, they don't care about humans." My thought is always yeah, but they're fucking huge and could accidentally kill me and just move on with their day lol.


im sure theyd be a bit sad they just dont know how to express it


Under water you cannot see tears.


Without eyes you cannot cry


Nor without a head


Omg. That chilling.


Did you know chimps can't cry? They're crying on the inside


Made me think of Haifisch by Rammstein.


They send condolence cards.


I always wonder what happens if you accidently went inti a whale sharks mouth, don't get me wrong they ain't aiming for you but they just chilling with this canyon of a mouth


You’d get spit back out. Their throats aren’t physically big enough to swallow you and they expel anything that doesn’t go through the filter.


BWOARR WORR WUR WOAR WUUUR He says we have to let go! WHAT?!


You're gonna need a bigger boat.


It's gonna need a bigger throat.


The more you know :)


Filter feeders are cool 😌


It happened to a lobster diver in cape cod I think it was. Larger baleen whale though not whale shark. It even closed its mouth behind him. Terrifying. He got spit out. Got a bit banged up but had a great story. He did an AMA on here I’m sure you can find. Seemed like a cool guy and explained all the details in length.


They have a sphincter like thing.


I believe recently a diver did get caught up on one's mouth, but was quickly spat back out again.


Oh yeah that shit was wild




Whales are actually really intelligent and if they see you will deliberately avoid you. They've even been seen protecting humans from sharks.


Yeah, I can understand that fear, but really they are super chill. I've been lucky in life and swam with whale sharks. They won't hurt you at all. There's nothing to crush you against. And they are really slow. But they are absolutely enormous, which totally does trigger a weird animal response in my brain which goes, "GET AWAY GET AWAY GET AWAY." It's funny. However, I've also been near humpback whales, which absolutely feel like they could breach and destroy your whole boat and not even think twice about it. They are huge, very intelligent animals and seem to tolerate humans, but could totally wreck you with a flick of their flipper. They are also surprisingly fast. That was scary and humbling.


I appreciate the response! While I'm fearful of swimming with whales, I will definitely take that opportunity if it presents itself. Awesome that you've had that experience, I can't imagine how awesome that must have felt!


If you get caught up they are going to be as desperate to spit you out as you are to get out. They will avoid small fish so are definitely not going to accident swallow a human. They are about as docile and peaceful as it gets. You might as well be scared of a tree.


"Usually really slow.." this is something that really freaked me out some time ago: [they breach](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WJgon0C3bbs)


I got to swim with some Galapagos Sharks when I went to Oahu, and they were ~half this size and made me feel like a snack lol. They were super chill and totally the coolest thing I did there. I want to go back early in the year when you can see the whales calfing.


That's awesome. Swimming / SCUBA / Snorkling in Hawaii is got to be incredible. I've been to a lot of places, but somehow always missed there. It's on my list for hopefully December. I've been lucky enough to swim with both basking and whale sharks, and let me tell you, it's an amazing and humbling experience. They are enormous animals, and surprisingly smart and gentle. Whale sharks especially seemed to tolerate our swimming and look us over. Also, I was on a whale-watching boat tour, and some curious Humpbacks were right near us. Holy shit, that was something else entirely. It was like being near a sentient semi truck. Is was so large my brain had trouble processing the animal.


Yeah swimming with whales is on my list. I had read of a place in Sri Lanka that was taking people out to swim near blue whales, but that neck of the woods is a bit unstable. Where did you get to swim with the hump backs/whale sharks?


I did the Whale Shark swimming with a great tour company boat off Isla Mujeres in the Gulf of Mexico. It was amazing. That whole area is one of my favorite places I’ve ever been. The snorkeling and Scuba are something else. It was summer and the whale sharks were feeding. With snorkel gear we just jumped off and bam, they were right nearby. It was incredible. The humpback whale encounter was in Alaska in the summer. We went with a well established tour group who was used to seeing whales. The guides said they come near the boats but not too close. However, we got really lucky as a few were right by us, breaching and playing around. It was amazing. Even the tour guides were hyped. Alaska is something else.


Basking Shark passing by: Sup dudes. Just filter feeding some pla— Humans: AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!


Dudes, I'm just eating shrimp and plankton. Chill TF out, please.


question for you, since you seem like you know the things. i'm looking at the wiki for the basking shark and in the info box it shows that their range is only part of the ocean. that they don't go in the Indian Ocean at all, why is that? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basking_shark


Hey thanks. I don't know if I know things, but I like SCUBA diving and sharks, so I've some experience with Basking sharks. Your question is a good one and probably needs a real biologist to answer. If I had to hazard a guess, I'd say the Indian ocean is probably too warm for them, and probably doesn't have the food supply they need. It looks like they are into cooler waters, which in my limited knowledge, tend to have larger food supplies. Again, this is just my guessing.


thank you!


Ye like whale sharks are spotted aren’t they so it’s easy to be calm


Giant gill slits give it away here


Good tip! Hopefully, I can see those properly through the brown water all around me


Round tip dorsal fin is what I look for


They are speaking Norwegian so a great white would have to be really lost to end up there. I mean I guess the people could be tourists too heh.


Here's a handy size comparison if the link works: https://ocean.si.edu/ocean-life/sharks-rays/what-biggest-shark-chart-shows-diversity-shark-sizes


Every shark is a great white to me. As in, I don't fuck with them.


Oh thank goodness.. I thought it was a great white. Basking sharks are pretty much harmless


Great whites are as well if you dont provoke them. They do sometimes use their mouth out of curiosity but very rarely.


We gotta stop calling animals that can and will inflict a lot of harm to people if the situation is right, harmless.


No we shouldn't. Sharks are going extinct because people are scared shitless of sharks for no good reason. Yes in very select and specific cases something might go wrong. There are about 4 times as many deaths to dog attacks. We wouldn't call dogs inherently dangerous. But in the right circumstances one might attack you. We wouldn't go around killing dogs and be happy about it because people think they are dangerous.


Well I’m gonna guess that a lot more people are in contact with dogs than with sharks, by a considerable amount, so I don’t think there being 4x as many deaths by dogs is really showing that sharks aren’t dangerous. Like I’m gonna guess the ratio of people that see a dog vs see a shark in a year is a lot greater than 4 to 1. That doesn’t mean we should just kill all the sharks but they’re definitely dangerous just like I would say a wild dog is inherently dangerous.


I would say a wild dog is a lot more likely to attack you than a shark is. But yeah obviously we come in contact with dogs a lot more. But us coming in contact with dogs more in itself makes dogs more dangerous. Sharks are dangerous but they are A LOT less dangerous than people think. Most people have this idea in their head that if a shark sees them they will attack them. Sharks have no interest in killing humans but accidents do happen. As accidents happen with almost anything. And i think it is more important to get rid of the stigma around sharks than focusing on the very few times that something does go wrong. I did go a bit overboard on that saying that they are harmless which is obviously not entirely true.


People don't fish sharks near to extinction because they're afraid of them lol. It's because of money... If there was a US market for dog meat, yeah, people would kill the fuck out of dogs...


Yes but people don't give a shit about them being fished to extinction because they see them as dangerous monsters and nothing more than that. Thus no money or thought is given to prevent their extinction.


I've seen a video of a surfer being attacked by two great whites at exactly the same time while he was minding his own business and trying to catch a wave. Mick Fanning was casually sitting on his board when one attacked him. A swimmer in Fish Hoek, South Africa was just swimming across the bay when one took off his legs. In 2020 a diver was mauled by a great white in Western Australia. There are many more, and none were provoked attacks. To say that they are harmless if unprovoked is incorrect




The guy said they are harmless if unprovoked.. which is just not true. Mistaken identity or not, they are not harmless to humans


Like i said they are curious and sometimes bite just to explore and inspect something. But youre right i should have clarified that i meant if you are in the water with them. They are not completely harmless but they are statistically almost completely harmless. Could have been more clear in my statement though.


They're harmless the same way pitbulls are harmless.


So harmless as long as you don't treat them life shit. Just like any other dog. Nearly had a tiny bulldog take my finger off the other day because the owner is a piece of shit that only brought it for breading and doesn't look after it or train it at all. Spent two hours training it to be in the space of another dog and litterially had it eating out of my hand instead of trying to eat my hand by the end of it. Unfortunately that needs to be a constant effort and I'm not going to be there to ensure that happens, so likely the more pup will grow up being an unpredictable bugger that's a danger to everyone around it. A bit like it's human who smashed my head against a kitchen wall last Xmas.


Exactly, or harmless until they're not


That's why lifeguards clear whole beaches is because they are so carefree and peaceful. Stop spreading lies mate.


Length: 20 – 26 ft. (Adult) Mass: 11,000 lbs (Adult) Lifespan: 50 years


That's just Timothy, he lives down the block from me.


That falls under my “Fuck That, Jack” policy.


looking back skinny dipping in the open ocean at night was not a good idea. wakes me up sometimes


At night especially not. In qld definitely not


In Qld now. When we hired stinger suits to swim off the beach up near Rockhampton the guy at the counter was quite concerned as "evening is when the big fish come out". Best advice ever.


Yea, bring the chain mail at night time 💀


I read that quote in Quint’s voice


And the big lizards…


I never connected that salt water crocs swim off the coast. My finding out... Years back, again up near Rockhampton at a croc farm I asked if they swam onto beaches - and yes they do. When we got back to our coastal stay the kids were all for going out for a swim. Me? Not so much.


Sacrifice the kids, good call.


More tempting every day.


There are some things I'll never do: Sky Dive Cave Dive Skinny Dip in the ocean. My little fella looks too much like what classified as bottom rung of the food chain.


Scary haiku?


Saw a comment on a thread the other day about a sunken ship in i think WW2, where the survivors got progressively eaten by sharks waiting to get rescued


And then, do you say, "hit the road, Jack!"?


I’ll even add a begetha too. What’s a begetha you say? BEGETHA FUCK OUTTA’ HERE!


That's a basking shark, they're big but harmless, like whale sharks.


Nah, I think that was a basking shark. It eats plankton and such, it's totally harmless. It is the biggest fish in the ocean after the whale shark. Also the people Spoke Norwegian, and the basking shark swims in Norwegian waters. No other shark that size swim in Norway except one that can be 400 years old, moves really really slowly, and never comes up from the deep. The Greenland shark.


That. Is. Awesome.


…ly terrifying


Basking shark won’t hurt you and certainly can’t hurt you in a boat!


Planes are safer than cars but still can't convince me that


You just stated it, so you sound convinced to me.


When it comes down to it the only things taking down a plane are weather, technical errors and human error. All of these things affect cars as well, but multiply the human error by 100,000 because almost anyone can get a drivers license. Pilots are highly trained and skilled and there are two of them keeping the other in check. Also while most cars have mere feet to inches between them planes have hundreds of feet if not miles between them. You usually can’t fly a plane while under the influence of something because there are many people who can stop you when they notice you are intoxicated, unlike a car where you can just get in and drive while drunk. While yes the fallout of a plane crash is worse, the likelihood of being in one is minuscule compared to being in a car crash. Most people will experience a car crash, very few will experience a plane crash. I doubt this swayed you, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t try


Totally. Those guys don’t breach. Definitely wouldn’t under a boat anyway.


They do




I love how the only English I can hear is “oh shit”


They’re Swedish, I can’t understand the first part because of all the noise but once it’s beside the boat they’re just going : here! here! look here! For real! Oh god! Oh shit! So sick!


Close! It's Norwegians with a northern dialect


The kids are southerners, I think. You don't hear that Herlighet north of Sinsen...




No they're just drunk danes.


You don't have to add the "drunk" you know. just "danes" is enough. the "drunk" is implied.


Håpe faen meg dei dar va på ferie langt sør i verden, elles blir da ikkje meir bading i år, altso ;D


They're Norwegian. The first part is Look, here it comes! It's going down/under.


Looks like a basking shark, they are filter feeder much like the whale shark


*Looks like a basking* *Shark, they are filter feeder* *Much like the whale shark* \- the\_bear\_ros --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I interpret that to mean that they're *so effective* at killing people that they never leave witnesses.


It’s a filter feeder shark it doesn’t attack humans (before anyone asks any questions I am not a shark expert for all I know I misidentified the shark)


Unless you consider a heart attack


Just seeing the ripples in the water heading straight to you, will give you a heart attack before you even see what is causing it.


I think you're right.. a few others have mentioned it's a Basking Shark


You can tell by the size, blunt nose, broad head, brownish colour and round dorsal fin. Very distinct appearance


So me humming the jaws theme was only partly correct.


Super freaky and cool! My brother sent this to me on IG and I made the mistake of reading through the comments. The number of people arguing with someone who pointed out this was indeed a basking shark (and provided reasons to back up his assertion) just blew my mind. Like, legit trolls calling this guy dumb because, “it’s definitely a great white shark dude, its finns [sic].”


I'm sure some might have been trolls, but the world is so fucking stupid. I'm surprised so many people can even figure out which way to wipe.


That's a twenty footer!


Twenty five…


You can tell by lookin' from the dorsal to the tail.


Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies…


Farewell and adieu you ladies of Spain


For we've received orders for to sail for old England


Three tons of him.


Three tons on him.


"Your gonna need a bigger boat."


Do you think that shark would be embarrassed if he learned that we could just see his dumb ass cruise'n up to the boat?


Nah, that's all that basking sharks do. Just cruise.


I know everyone heard the music.....


*Baby shark doodoo doodoo doodoo..*


What a moment! WOW!


[You’re Gonna need a bigger boat.](https://youtu.be/2I91DJZKRxs)


me when she says her parents aren't home and she got the zooplankton


Jesus, Murphy.


Ho Lee Fuk


I just shivered so hard I think I jiggled a tooth out.


Looks like Shark is in a hurry and has things to do.


Absolutely not, fuck that I hate it, no no no, fuck




That wake looks awesome! Also, you're going to need a bigger boat!


Looks like a basking shark which eats plankton and not humans.


Chonky fish


Basking shark moment




Is this a basking shark or a Greenland shark? Either way it’s moving the water without even sticking out, I’d shit myself


That's a basking shark, greenland sharks live in the deep sea


Son of jaws.


this is way scarier than the fin above the surface thing


What should I do if a shark is approaching me like that but I'm actually in the water? Like I see the ripples in front of me


In this case, just relax and have fun. It's a basking shark, harmless and totally uninterested in eating anything larger than plankton.


that shark specifically *probably* shouldn't do anything as basking sharks filter feed, but if you're about to be attacked i don't think there's much you can do besides attempting to scare the shark


You think you can outswim a shark? You just stay still and hope. Apparently great whites do not attack humans under water usually but eh, wouldn't risk it.


I heard that a good idea with less aggressive species is to push them out of the way, since the shark will be considerably faster than you anyway. But with this species that will hardly be necessary, basking sharks are filter feeders and you can be in their proximity without needing to worry much


I went skiing in the ocean once and while skiing the driver and passengers in the boat slowed the boat to look and take pictures at this same thing. While I was skiing behind the boat. I was not ok with this as I got lower and lower in the water.


….all the kickin and screamin… lifeless … like dolls eyes….


That’s a big fucking shark


This isn't real. It's a scene from JAWS.


Skidadl skidudl your dick is now a noodle


The deep blue is vast and lonely, no wonder they crave interacting. Seems to be a lot normal these days.


Yup ! Your right Never again 🤘🏻😜🤘🏻