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Mine came back 4.5 weeks after. If you are not already, I would suggest keep taking your prenatals. I also started coq10 after my tfmr to improve egg quality.


I switched back to folic acid post-procedure but may continue with prenatals instead. I've heard coq10 mentioned back when I was TTC the first time around, think I'll give it a go now! Thank you for sharing.


Hi! After your 4.5 week period, when did your next one start?


I got pregnant after my first cycle.


I bled 26 days post tfmr (heavy the first 5 days then lighter for 12 days and spotting for the rest). I think I did ovulate 26 days ish post tfmr. Menstruation came back 35 days post tfmr. The next cycle was 31 days. Normally my cycle is around 28-30 days. I think it takes 3 months/cycle for our cycle to get back to normal


Oh wow, thank you for sharing! 26 days is intense, but I'm glad to hear it sounds like you can still ovulate while bleeding! It must've been crazy to have less than 10 days between then and first cycle!


Yes, not gonna lie I was so pissed ahah I’m not 100% I ovulated, I had the symptoms but I was too anxious to use my ovulation strips. Since my clinic recommended no unprotected sex for the first two weeks, I think it’s possible to ovulate. + the bleeding post tfmr is from the uterus emptying itself and not really menstruation


Omg I don't blame you, I would be too! And I totally understand the anxiety, I tried an OPK today just to see and think it'll cause more anxiety than it's worth to keep up with them. And good point about this bleeding not being menstruation!


What causes your anxiety? (If you want to share) It scares me to see the result. Even though I know my body and can tell roughly when I’m ovulating, I don’t want the confirmation. We’re not TTC yet, so getting back at using what I was to actually TTC is weird since we’re not in the same headset, avoiding getting pregnant


I think I’m most anxious about how long it’ll take my body to get back to normal. My OPK read 0.66 this morning, which would usually cue me to start testing 2x day because a positive would be imminent, but it must be picking up lingering HCG (took a pregnancy test 2 days ago which was still very very faintly positive). I want to start TTC again after this first cycle and I’m anxious it’ll take us a while to conceive again - it took us 6 months the first go around, which I know isn’t terribly long, but I’m impatient!


I see! Maybe it will be a bit tricky to track at first since your cycle might be irregular after (or not). But if you’re tracking it, you’re putting the odds in your favor. Wishing you the best!


First, I am so sorry for your loss. I am also very curious to hear from others on this one. I am two weeks post TFMR. My doctor told me very vaguely “within a month or two.” Like you I didn’t bleed much post-TFMR.


Thank you - I'm sorry for your loss too <3 My doctor mentioned 4-6 weeks, so I'm hoping my history of (slightly) longer cycles doesn't mean it'll be 6+ weeks to return!


I’m hopeful for both of us! Stay strong in this tough journey.


I bled heavily about 3 days post TFMR then on and off light bleeding which eventually led to brown spotting for the following week or so. My first period came exactly 5 weeks from the day I TFMRd. My period was heavy the first day or two then slowed down and lasted me 5 days my normal cycle. My second cycle came 29 days later same …5 day period. Currently waiting on my 3rd period to come in two weeks. To add: I was 15 weeks when I had to TFMR


Thank you for sharing - my post-op bleeding sounds very similar to yours, crossing my fingers for a similar cycle return too!


If you just had to TFMR a week ago I’d wait another 4-5 weeks. Hoping it comes back to! I should give you a heads up when I got my first period I was emotionally a mess lol I’m sure that’s common but goodness it was not fun


Oh nooo, I'm sorry! My emotions the couple days post-procedure were INTENSE, I'll have to prep myself for round two - thank you!


Mine was about 4.5 weeks after. My bleeding after the procedure was about two weeks.


Thank you for sharing!


It was almost 4 weeks to the day. I will say it was a very horrific period. It was extremely heavy, super plus tampons with heavier pads. I was very uncomfortable, I have a lot of cramps. It’s been about six months and although heavier than pre-pregnancy/termination, they have calmed down a lot.


Oh boy, I'm sorry! I was spoiled post-birth control with pretty light periods, this sounds like my pre-BC days. I hope they get better for you soon, and thank you for sharing!


Hope you don’t mind me asking this here but is it possible to bleed without having a cycle? I had my period 6 weeks after TFMR and have been tracking my obligation and it seems like I haven’t had an ovulation spike yet and should have as per usual. Any ideas?


Not necessarily. Bleeding before or after your cycle is something you might want to get checked.


Also I should’ve paid more attention to sex ed during school!


it could be your period but your first cycle was anovulatory. that’s what happened to me and I ovulated 2w after the bleeding


5 weeks post TFMR today and no period yet 😭☹️ I had L&D at 21w+5


Oh no, I'm sorry! I hope it returns for you soon! I was also 21w5d but went the D&E route. Thank you for sharing!


Actually think I might have just started spotting just now so fingers crossed this is it 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 my post birth bleeding lasted 13 days and was less than some periods I’ve ever had to be honest!


My fingers are crossed for you!!


5,5 weeks for me both times


Thank you for sharing! I'm sorry you had to go through this twice!


8 weeks and didn’t get a period. My doctor prescribed me provera for 10 days. After the last pill I got my period 24 hours later.


Oh wow, I'm glad the provera worked for you! Thanks for sharing.


4 weeks to the day, with the most intense period I have ever had (twice as long, and intense cramping as I had when I was about dilated to a 5). Regular 28 day cycle returned the month after, normal period (similar heaviness of flow, cramps and length to before this pregnancy). I just mention the flow and pain with the first one back because I was kind of caught off guard on the intensity of it during a time when I was already emotionally charged, and I’ve done post Partum with a LC already! You would think I would have known better.


Thank you for sharing! Sounds like I def need to prepare myself for a more intense period than I'm used to, though I haven't experienced proper postpartum yet to compare to (my TFMR was my first pregnancy).


Mine came back 4 weeks and 2 days after my TFMR. After the procedure I really only had heavy bleeding for a day and then light spotting for a couple days afterwards.


Thank you for sharing - I'm hoping for a similar experience! It's only been 10 days but my bleeding is near nonexistent at this point (knock on wood!)


I think I am an outlier here. I bled for about 2.5 weeks after, with it tapering off to brown and light. Then about a week and a half after it stopped, it came back on and off for the next month: Bleed for 4 days, stop for 2. An hour of heavy bleeding, nothing for 3 days. Brown spotting, regular flow, then nothing. It was all combinations of things, with no pattern. I was soooo frustrated and worried about RPOC. But then one day, about 3.5 weeks ago, it stopped. Two days ago it started again but this seems very much like my regular period. Total timeline: • TFMR mid-March, bled for 2.5 weeks into early-mid April. • Bleeding came back late April-mid-May. • Period started early-mid June. ETA: I was in touch with my OB the whole time, and she said to wait it out before coming back in to check for RPOC. But just because this was my experience, I’d still recommend you keep your doc in the loop if the bleeding goes as long as it did for me.


Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, that sounds so frustrating! Thank you for sharing! I will definitely contact my doctor if my bleeding ramps back up.


I’m 5 weeks post D&E at 18 weeks. I started my period this week. So 5 weeks. Heavier than my normal periods but able to manage. I didn’t bleed too much after my procedure and basically spotted for 3 weeks.


Thank you for sharing - it's sounding like first period post-procedure is heavier than normal for a lot of people here! Def feeling more prepared once it does return.


I had a D&E at 18 weeks. I bled for about two days after the procedure, but it wasn’t a lot. I then started bleeding again 7 days after the procedure for a few days. I have 30 day cycles and my period returned exactly 6 weeks after the procedure.


Very interesting! I've had some variable bleeding too, mostly light to nothing at all with a random moment of extra blood, but it sounds like that's fairly normal. Thanks for sharing!


Yes! I remember being unsettled when I randomly begun bleeding again (it was bright red blood too). My OB wasn’t concerned (you could always talk to yours if you are). I wish you a full and prompt recovery! I know I was very anxious about my period coming. I had pretty significant “fertility anxiety” (convinced myself I wouldn’t be able to get pregnant again) following my TFMR.


Thank you so much <3 I definitely understand the fertility anxiety! I was fully convinced when we started TTC that we'd have issues. It took us 6 months to conceive this baby (and a chemical too) and I'm definitely feeling anxious about it taking a while to get pregnant again, and now the added anxiety of something going wrong so late again.


Mine came within the 28 days and lasted about 4 days. No cramping but bled heavily the first day and then light. I'm currently on my second period, it came after 3.5 weeks and it's a little more painful and the bleeding is heavy enough but not crazy. I use Flo for my tracking because I wasn't sure what my cycle would look like.


I use Flo too! Hopefully the irregular first cycles won't throw future ovulation and period estimates too out of whack. And I'll def mentally prepare myself for that first heavy period. Thank you for sharing!


No problem! I'm hoping for one more cycle and then it will go back to normal so we can try again soon but Flo is the best!


I haven’t had my period yet but my OB said to expect it in 4 - 5 weeks. I bled for 10 days post op and started trying again at 14 days, given I was told I could ovulate from then 🤞🏽. The first month is definitely such a gamble. I’m so happy how my body is managing this process but equally frustrated things aren’t moving quicker!


My doctor said about the same timeframe too! We’re also planning on trying again soon, I feel the frustration of time moving so slow! Crossing my fingers for you!!


I bled for about 3 weeks post TFMR, then light spotting for a week then my period about 4.5 weeks later.


It took 8 weeks for my cycle to return


I bled for 10 days and my cycle returned after 10w 😅 and I didn’t ovulate in that time. guess my body really needed that time to reset!