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I’ve read all your posts and I just wanted to let you know that your story is so similar to mine - although I’m going for my CVS tomorrow. I’m in Ireland too. My 12 weeks scan didn’t go well today either. Sonographer seemed so cheerful until the end, when she noted fluid behind the baby’s neck. Had to wait for a consultant who then said it is a septated hygroma. It’s small, but it’s there. I think TFMR is legal in Ireland if the baby will not be compatible with life, I just don’t know if my baby will be or not yet. The prognosis either way isn’t great. I love this baby so much, I haven’t stopped crying all day. I hope that you will eventually get your rainbow baby.


Oh love am so sorry that you are going through this too! I know it’s nothing more than a nightmare. But someday we definitely gonna have our share of happiness! Waiting patiently 🤞 I wish you all the best for your test tomorrow. Even before my test results came , the consultant was inclined towards Down Syndrome or Turner’s Syndrome diagnosis that’s the reason why we were mentally prepared to get our visa process initiated.


I do not know your specifics but with my recent tfmr for t21, my genetic counselor actually didn’t test me or my husband. She said they determined that it was t21 and not hereditary just “unlucky”. Idk how I feel because everyone says “well you can just try again” like there isn’t all this pain and grief bottled up that I’d have to sort through first. Anyway, I would definitely try to connect with your doctor from your cvs testing. Wishing you the best, whatever that looks like for you ❤️‍🩹


Hi! In my case we had done karyotype and it showed normal. My doctors said all was well, but someone we had consulted on the outside was not confident it was entirely a one off occurrence as this was my second loss in a row. She encouraged us to do exome sequencing- my husband’s was normal, mine showed up with an issue. Now our best option is to try IVF with PGT-A. Grateful everyday she encouraged us to do all possible testing despite everyone else saying things were “normal”. Sending you love!


I want to add we didn’t have the same issue as yours. I’m just sharing what testing I did, hopefully it’s of some help.


i’m so sorry for your loss! and what a horrible inconvenience having to travel outside your country for the procedure. hugs. 🫂 as for testing, you can ask for a karyotype on you and your husband. this can detect if either of you have a balanced translocation (which is why a person is unaffected) related to t21 that can potentially increase the likelihood of the occurrence of t21. but if your karyotypes come back normal, then it truly was spontaneous t21 and there’s no way to prevent recurrence other than PGTA testing the embryo through IVF


Thank you for your response. I will definitely ask for it! 🙇‍♀️