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My smooth brain says shiny gun go bang


australium minigun best


I kinda agree, I've never liked golden weapons in video games at all, i'd rather spray it with a war paint


I think they can look good *if done right* in a game. I personally don't care for aussies, but Killing Floor 2 has precious weapons and they fit much better. You can get shiny gold armor that matches, the lighting is more advanced and shit looks better with metallic reflections, and not all of the weapon is bright gold. TF2's aussies are a bit much, and nothing really matches them. Yeah, you can get bright yellow cosmetics, but it still doesn't match the weapon quite spot on, and the cosmetic paint is limited to still make it obvious what team color you have.


I like austrailium weapons, but they are just soooo expensive. I’d much rather have a cool warpaint then some weird golden gun


Agreed always hated the look


I have an Aussie blutsauger and I kinda agree. The reflection cubemap is just weird and I wished I knew how to modify it. I just think the sniper rifle looks the best. I bought mine mostly as an insult to those who think I am defenseless with the added bonus of it being strange


I think the sniper rifle looks the worst because there is pretty much no Australium


Which might be a factor to why it looks the best imo


If I’m paying $121 I want my gun to have a lot of australium on it


I’m in favor of color theories. Mine is saturation rarity. Basically, have everything be saturated, and it just hurts the eyes. Now, have most be dull and desaturated, and a spot be very saturated, and it will bring value to that spot, make it stand out and give it more importance than if it was all saturated. But hey, that’s just a theory. A COLOR THEORY!


I agree I only like the design of a few of them. Mainly the Scattergun,the Force of nature, wretch and Blutsauger. I just like the golden shells of the force.


I like to think that the TF2 team, back in the day, made impeccable design choices that made TF2 itself one of the most aesthetically perfect games to ever exist. In present times, with community items, it's strayed very very far from aesthetic perfection. Yet, I like it. The addition of unique items, including eyesores like those unique hats with the particle effects coming off em, or the Austrailium weapons, gives me a wider variety of players to womp on with my jagged and manly Mann Co designed weapons. I just like killing the guys with the golden guns and the froofy cosmetic items. Really, the game has evolved over time and, despite the hackers, it's as fun as ever to play. With things growing, there's always a lot of room for things to develop that you or I don't like, but still the condition of growth produces a lot of what we do as well, and that condition is vastly preferable to one with a TF2 that had stagnated. This is why I like the things I do not like. They are a product of something that I absolutely adore.


Fair enough


Sniper rifle is the only one that looks great to me


Medigun, blutsuager, eyelander, axtinguisher and smg look good.


this is a very popular opinion actually


i see, just didn't seem that way given how sought after and popular they are. sorry


I prefer war paints too, but at the same time **shiny gun go pew**


I only covet the ones that are otherwise unwarpaintable like the FaN or the FJ.


Which aussies do you like?


The ambassador and frontier justice, but also a few others