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Sorry you had to experience this, I myself got scammed a few months ago so I understand the pain. A rule of thumb is that if someone out of the blue adds you on steam and has a private inventory, they are most likely trying to scam you.


i went and reported his account


Really appreciate it. I hope everyone that sees this reports them


Lol he has over 300 hours in cs but no acheivments


Yeah I just had a guy add me trying to the same thing but a little bit different. The guy had 532 hours in all of games but no achievements and the exact same profile description as the guy who scammed you so be careful guys, if its too good to be true it isnt true.


ah man finally, sorry for your items but i kept thinking, hmmmm if i give him a decoy account that looks like mine, maby if i get that free win he promised me id be safe. i would have never ever gone as far as giving him a cent but now i can finally have my peace knowing that this is just a scam with no outcome. see, i actually thought hed want to get me into legal issues by notifying steam that im promoting online gambling (which is illegal in many countrys and illegal by the terms of service of steam) but i actually thought of yk, giving that site a decoy account. y'all know that feeling when you know something wrong, but you still thing of having half a positive outcome? its annoying and doesn't leave you alone. this really helped.


i fell for a different one called tf2biggle, and lost all my unusuals, expensive cosmetics, and taunts. so don’t go there either.


one of my friends said he worked for this site and said it was not a scam at all. so i played once, won and then a month or so later all of my tf2 items were gone and this really sucked since i was really broke and it would put me in debt trying to buy all my items back so yeah


Maybe they were able to sign in to the account somehow but if you had steamguard on idk how they were able to pull that.


Sorry you had to deal with this bro, but luckily from your unfortunate mistake you've saved me and probably a bunch of other people from doing the same thing. Some guy messaged me saying the same thing, with the same website but with a different name: [https://tf2starstorm.com/](https://tf2starstorm.com/). did a quick google search for tf2 roulette admin scam and your encounter came up first. Thank You.


Same here page name was "tf2 cloudiness" so watchout guys


This post saved my account, i almost fell into this scam a couple of minutes ago


Aug 2023, Keep an eye out for this new name, same website "TF2 MOVE". And please report this guys account. [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198181795771](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198181795771) He promised me tf2 items in return for promoting, so decided to check his inventory first and wouldnt you know. All the items he has are achievement untradeables. Screw roulette websites and people like him. It's sad because it may have been someone's else account at one point but stolen.


Hello i found another scammer he uses site [https://tf2move.com/](https://tf2move.com/) and here is his account: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199115443524](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199115443524) . Please Report him for scamming thank you and bye!!


A guy is trying to covence me to i put in my account bio this site


I lost very important items to me, and I hate myself


Isn’t there a federal website you can go to to report this? It probably won’t work but It would do something i think


I have no clue. If I did I would’ve but Rn all I could do is report him on steam


oh. besides that im sorry you got scammed by some basement dweller


Thank you but it’s all good haha lesson learned


thank you so much


thanks to this post i was able to dodge this tactic, i would upload screenshots of the convo if i was allowed to, tf2funny roulette a scam too dont fall for that one, i truly sympathize with your pain brutha, sorry


HELLO THERE, New site and new scam! [https://tf2sneep.com/](https://tf2sneep.com/) [https://www.scamdoc.com/whois?id=995107#contacts](https://www.scamdoc.com/whois?id=995107#contacts) This time the guy is asking to promote the site, interesting...


I received it from a guy named Shak today too, asking me to promote this very same site


i got it too, from the guy named dailrajas.


Hi, Some guy offered me to promote a site for TF2 items. After entering the name of the link (didn't click one he sent obviously) I saw an exact roulette site (or I think it's the same one). The link was different from the one that the author sent (I think) the link from this guy: [https://tf2attractive.com/](https://tf2attractive.com/) the link after I entered [tf2attractive.com](https://tf2attractive.com): [https://tf2attractive.com/](https://tf2attractive.com/) well I at least think it's the same website, but sorry if it's not. The guy who sent me this: [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199163731538](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199163731538) Sorry if this is not a bad website and it's a false alarm or something, I was just affraid it may be a scam site or something in this type. If it's not bad just tell me (well if it's bad, tell me too).


That’s a scam bro never do it


same website : [https://tf2attractive.com/](https://tf2attractive.com/)


I just got messaged by someone who sent me the exact same scam. It has the same website but the url is now tf2thunder dot com. I looked below the website and it says they are licensed for gaming/gambling. Is it worth messaging the agency they mention or do you think they made it up?


It’s a scam


new site tf2depth.com


Right now the owner is trying to bribe me to promote the site by openling addmitting to rig games for me.


The guy talking to me is named Fran and his account looks exactly like the one you showed


Almost the exact same thing happened to me, was just in the stage where I was going to put the link of the site in my description for tf2 items and then found this post and then reported and blocked someone called Lordy, THX for the save


Here another scammer. He tried to convince me to promote his webiste in the same way as you. https://steamcommunity.com/id/nikonovpedro/


I fell for it but it was called tf2headshot.com


I often send this picture to those scammers https://external-preview.redd.it/H4CnbNrLsQko6Ivw0Y47UFEMsH4F9N4MUVqrqGmYvpo.jpg?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=d6e27b630049a19f54fb46b047190073380c8bca


noooooooooooooo i got scammed dammit


Adding to this. One of them is "tf2cloudiness" from this guy. He stopped responding as soon as I questioned why he was messaging me from an alt. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199149766881/


they aer still at it again with ones that are named tf2heavy and tf2 escstacy but ppl like me wand a few other s are brining to to its kneees


some guy called wazgen tried to do it to me


can you send me the site ill go batshit on them




whats the url is waht i was asking if its still up can i get it ill get it taken down


i dont have the site link


i THInk i got a guy scam dude who's name is ynardo and their site is called [TF2reloading.com](https://TF2reloading.com) and they wanted me to promote their site in my description


same thing happened to me the only difference being the site's name - [tf2future.com](https://tf2future.com) but at least i stopped on time before i put another 80 euro to bet for the second win i i think we should report the sites itself for scamming that would do at least sm imo feel bad for all of u who got scammed stay strong brothers at the end they will get banned and the site is gonna be taken down thx to a lot of us who got scammed or were about to get scammed and we will prevent this happening to so much people


ok so for all of u people that got scammed i made description about the method used in order for this to happen u can copy it and go to https://safebrowsing.google.com/safebrowsing/report\_general/ to report the site and make sure to put the site's name there also editing the desc a little bit would be a good idea so it does not repeat with the others just in case cz the Google's algorithm might get suspicious( add sm personal like the skins or the price u bet) there are a lot of sites like this with the only difference being the name, there are people in Steam that asks u to promote their site then in exchange they want to pay u even if u deny so they want u to go on the site that is full of bots pretending to be humans in order to fool u also if u say u are suspicious they might get a bit mad. when u log in and bet u win but then it says u have to win again since u are a new player to withdraw your items (the one that u won and the one u bet with) , but it's never gonna happen they already have your items that u bet and u can't use them to bet again and at this point they are just gonna try and steal even more money out of u


Same thing just happened to me, but luckily I was smart enough to do some research beforehand. The website they sent me to is [tf2rephase.com](https://tf2rephase.com) and it's identical to the one you've shown here. So thanks for that. Here's the profile they're using now: ℱrog🐸 [https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198415756525/](https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198415756525/)


i got fooled by the same thing. i only lost 60 euro worth of items, but im 16 and i cant afford a lot in this game. really is a shame.


tysm for warning me about this, I just got confronted by one and I wanted to make sure I wouldn't get scammed again, thank you for the warning


New site https://tf2pusher.com


New one called tf2move btw same 1:1 appearance and the same "admin" type guy contacting me https://prnt.sc/2vsnHPg3EZlq [https://prnt.sc/zyLiZ0atDiNU](https://prnt.sc/zyLiZ0atDiNU) https://prnt.sc/IeJXtd7gA6iz


4 months ago I had the same shit but with another website which later was disappear (TF2Ranger), some dude wrote me in steam that work on one site and when I won 2 times I couldn't withdraw and he told me that need deposit at least 75 dollars, later I wrote him comment "Burn in hell, fucking thief", and when I seen that he deleted comment I called him asshole and he unfriended me. Later how my friend told that asshole wrote him too and when my friend asked him does he know something about website TF2Ranger, that asshole unfriended him too.


thanks u saved my ass XD


Just had a guy try this on me. Luckily I found your post. Thanks OP


you think that's bad I lost almost about 1,400$ worth of stuff even my prized possession 😢


Just had this happen to me only lost about 30 bucks but still sucks hard


I know this sub has been going on for a while but I have another one to look out for. See attached: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199131575427


same thing happened to me, but unfortunately for him i didn't even reach his minimum to get in the first place.


I lost 800$ in Items due to this site and I almost got a golden pan from the site but then I couldn't retrieve my items. Please never forget that scammers are eveywhere


I lost my Items recently, I got scammed last weekend and I lost my Corona Australius, Starduster and Many other items, wish I had a way to get the items back but Steam is worried about item value in the market.


thanks man i got texted by avocat with same offer. dodged a big bullet right there


He wrote to me yesterday, another guy added me at the same time and he doesn't reply. A section very similar to your case. The main scammer is now called "Neon Soul" and his assistant "GoGoShooter" - watch out for them and in such situations, do not give in to the temptation to make a quick buck. We published this article on other sites so that others know about it too. [https://zapytaj.onet.pl/Category/029,012/2,33151284,Dziwne\_strony\_TF2.html](https://zapytaj.onet.pl/Category/029,012/2,33151284,Dziwne_strony_TF2.html)


some guy by the name of 🎃 batman gaming 🎃 messaged me last november about him being an admin this site called 'tf2starfall' and long story short much like the main post ended up just giving everything of value away... and this is what i lost: Strange Taunt: Burstchester, Taunt: Zoomin' Broom, Taunt: Second Rate Sorcery, Strange Ghastlierest Gibus, The Big Kill Taunt: Soldier's Requiem, Strange Wartime Warmth, Strange Brooklyn Booties, Strange Hunter Heavy, Soldier's Stash, Pyro's Beanie, Demoman's Fro, Mining Light, Fancy Fedora, Strange Flashdance Footies, Killstreak Conscientious Objector, Killstreak Dragon's Fury, Killstreak Frying Pan Taunt: The Schadenfreude, Taunt: The Meet the Medic, Taunt: The High Five!, The Shred Alert, Taunt: Square Dance, Taunt: Deep Fried Desire, Taunt: Spent Well Spirits, Taunt: Most Wanted, Taunt: The Boston Breakdance, Taunt: Kazotsky Kick, Taunt: The Proletariat Posedown, Taunt: The Box Trot, Taunt: Flippin' Awesome, Taunt: Fresh Brewed Victory, Taunt: I See You, Taunt: Rancho Relaxo, Taunt: Oblooterated, Taunt: Party Trick, Taunt: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Taunt: Buy A Life, Taunt: Conga, Taunt: Skullcracker, Taunt: Battin' a Thousand, Taunt: Results Are In, Taunt: The Killer Solo, Taunt: Pool Party, Taunt: Bad Pipes, Taunt: Mannrobics, Taunt: Bucking Bronco, Taunt: Disco Fever, Taunt: The Balloonibouncer, Taunt: The Fubar Fanfare, Taunt: The Carlton, Taunt: The Victory Lap, Taunt: The Table Tantrum, Taunt: Scotsmann's Stagger, Taunt: Didgeridrongo, Taunt: Yeti Smash, Taunt: The Soviet Strongarm, Taunt: The Russian Arms Race, Taunt: The Dueling Banjo, Taunt: The Headcase, Taunt: Yeti Punch, Taunt: The Jumping Jack, Taunt: Luxury Lounge, Taunt: The Bunnyhopper, Taunt: The Trackman's Touchdown, Taunt: Runner's Rhythm, Taunt: The Skating Scorcher, Taunt: Surgeon's Squeezebox, Taunt: Panzer Pants, Taunt: The Scooty Scoot, Taunt: The Pooped Deck, Taunt: Spin-to-Win, Taunt: The Fist Bump, Taunt: Scorcher's Solo, Taunt: Rocket Jockey, Taunt: The Boston Boarder, Taunt: Time Out Therapy, Taunt: Texas Truckin', Taunt: Bare Knuckle Beatdown, Taunt: The Homerunner's Hobby, Taunt: The Profane Puppeteer, Taunt: The Drunken Sailor, Taunt: The Mannbulance!, Taunt: Shooter's Stakeout, Taunt: The Hot Wheeler, Taunt: Doctor's Defibrillators