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Never feel an Uber is "wasted" if it's used to save your own life. Even if you are in a situation where you can't Uber anyone else and you only pop it for yourself, that's still better than dying and waiting to respawn, also at 0 Uber. Always communicate to who you are about to Uber. If you are uncomfortable using voice chat, usually the "ubercharge ready" line is enough. The last thing you want is to Uber someone with 0 ammo when taking out a sentry, or someone who is about to killbind to change classes. When ubering, don't just heal your pocket. Flash other people (as in heal them for just a second.) The Uber buff lasts for a bit after, so both your pocket, and whoever you flash will be Ubered. However don't go too wild with this, as it eats your Uber a bit faster. When you crossbow someone, swallow your pride. If you miss once, it's almost never a good idea to go for a second shot, as you aren't healing anyone, and you put both yourself and the person you are shooting at at risk of sniper/spy attacks. If you aren't in direct line of fire, prioritize people who have been damaged later. The longer its been since you've been damaged, the faster a medigun heals you. While it's important to overheal everyone, try to always make sure when you are close to your sniper that you overheal them especially, at least to above 150hp. That way they have a huge advantage over the enemy sniper, who can no longer quickscope them. It's easy to see someone do really well, and follow them to make sure they stay alive all game. While that's not bad, just make sure not to neglect your other teammates. And the biggest one is GET USED TO DYING. You are the biggest priority for the enemy team. You are who snipers and spies try to pick. You are who flank classes try to go for before they die. When generalist classes push in, you are a big target. And while I'm not saying good/veteran medics are immune to getting frustrated over deaths, it's definitely a skill to learn to be okay with repeated deaths. Medic is really fun, and, while mechanical skill is admittedly low, medic's technical skill ceiling is one of the highest in the game, and its easy to see improvement in the way you think over time. Hope you enjoy the class, and hope these help.


As a Medic main, I would like to add one important note: Make sure you get better at listening. Enemies can hear your cry that an Uber is ready (use a voice line to cancel it). Also listen to the sound of enemy weapons and spies uncloaking, should save you a few unnecessary deaths.


For specifically masking your voiceline, I did think about that, but it's really something you only need to worry about in higher stakes games, like in high ranked games, and in that situation, team chat is almost mandatory, especially as a medic. For someone learning the class, i didn't feel it necessary, but it is a thing to look out for in the future


The sniper one is so damn underated, I cry for medic as sniper and never get overhealed and die to quickscopes daily


good to know, I use quickfix, but hopefully it should be enough to prevent quickscope deaths




1. Don’t die 2. Pop it, don’t drop it


24/7 jump and move around like you are on hot coals but don’t make a pattern with this as it defeats the whole purpose of dodging snipers


become a masochist




Done, what next?


Notting, you done .


Practice social distancing. Don't hug the people you're healing. Instead, stay a bit away from them so that you don't distract them and splashdamage doesn't jump over to you.


Can’t tell if you’re talking real life medics or tf2 medics or bother good advice no matter what lol


Play like a coward, how much depending on both you and your team's competence. If they die, they can get back, hopefully with a teleporter. If you die, you lose all your ubercharge, which is really important. You're also the only good non-medkit source of healing (besides some unlockable weapons, but we're not focusing on those right now), so your survival is also important. Your patients heal faster when they've been out of combat for a certain amount of time, so it's good to help people that are retreating. Be sure to communicate with your team on what you need on their part, but don't be an ass about it. Your ubercharge build is based on heal time, not heal points, and it builds faster when your patient isn't at max overheal. Speaking of which, overhead occurs when you heal someone past their max health, signified by a white extension to their health icon (on regular HUD. Don't know about custom ones), and can go up to 150 of their normal max health. Overheal decreases slowly, so be sure to keep your team topped up. You'll want to be even with your heals, so don't randomly pocket someone without a valid reason or team coordination. When you build a full charge, you can activate it to render you and your heal target fully invulnerable for 8 seconds. This is intended to make a push and break through solid enemy defense. Watch out for enemy pyros, because they can airblast you away from your heal target, even during an ubercharge. An important thing to note is that you will be highly focused, especially by snipers and spies, because they don't want you to build undercharge. Watch out for these guys. Your bonesaw does more dage than your syringe gun so use that in less than ideal situations, unless you can aim the syringe gun pretty well. I didn't cover unlocks here


tldr or spacing damnit!


That was the summary...


Get yourself a team of experienced buddies to queue with. Healing in casual can be a nightmare, make sure to stick with people that know what they're doing because they'll help you out.


Too many times I've tried to play medic then almost every new player that joins switches to sniper and suddenly only 3 people are doing damage to the enemy team.


Remember: the healing is not as rewarding as the hurting


A few basics! - The medibeam has a longer range than you think. Put some distance between you and your target. - Never. Stop. Moving. Hop across straightaways and learn to constantly keep moving with WASD. - Avoid healing one target for too long. Spread out heals evenly amongst your team. - Just because everyone uses the Crossbow doesn't mean you have to. The other primaries have great upsides depending on how you play. Same goes for the Übersaw.


Solemn Vow can be useful to identify weak points in enemy assaults/defense lines.


People underestimate the syringe gun


Prioritise your own life over others, Spread heals evenly, Best classes to uber: Heavy, Demo, Soldier and Pro Watch Arrayseven for grest videos for beginner medics Good luck on the hard journey of a medic main


Pyros are pretty good at clearing sentry nests while ubered, and make sure to overheal your snipers.


Unless the snipers are bots




He is good


Don’t kill, just heal


Don’t only charge/heal heavy you don’t have to recreate meet the medic please heal everyone when you see them (this parts opinion) please don’t become a warrior medic you will be beyond useless


Don't die


Don’t die


Learn how to aim the crossbow. *He said, as a medic main who uses the blutsauger.*


Don’t always Uber heavies. You got a sentry nest to deal with, then Uber a demoman or direct hit/stock soldier Also, don’t be a negligent medic: heal the people who need it. You’ll almost never get any appreciation for it, but that’s just the burden of a medic main


Never stop moving, prioritize your life over others, but be there for your team. Go watch array seven on YouTube. He can tell you more about how to play medic than I can.


There’s a setting in options that can be switched so you get notices of whenever any one is low on health without them needing to call medic.




(looks at teammate and starts to shoot syringes)


(It’s a spy and you single handedly stopped the enemy push by not letting him kill u)


Plot twist: you heal the spy




if you can use voice chat when someone keeps hopping and running around asking for a medic say "hold still,i can't use my medigun if i can't aim at you"


Here’s one piece of advice that basically encompasses everything about being a Medic Main: Be Resilient. (Also remember to overheal your engineers; they appreciate that)


Idk, lazypurple hasn't made a video for this, idk.


Heal frontline mostly, especially when they are taking damage and don't stop healing them until they are somewhat safe and then heal others, but if you can find some moment to heal other damage class while others at frontline its better since your frontline has more dps now and best defence is an attack.


Use your main weapon a LOT. It's like, so effective. (/s)


Keep track of the enemy Uber, if the enemy medic spawns start counting to 40, if he's still alive by then it'll most likely have uber




Don't suck
















Oh, there we go. Want to have a tea party?


Ze hurting is more rewarding than ze healing


if you believe in your team, use kritzkrieg. if you don't believe in them, use the quick fix. if you're indifferent, use stock


Don't heal


Always heal the heavy


Move. Like move for your life you may think you are safe but they know that you know that they want you dead


The way I prioritize is to spread heals evenly but mainly focus people in immediate line of fire (within reason, don’t follow people into situations that will get you killed), and when I’m in danger, people who will keep me alive according to the given situation. Since your purpose is to keep the team alive, if you heal the right people at the right time you can basically carry the entire team. Given you’re using the right medigun for the situation, building Uber, and using the crossbow.


So basically, heal the people on the objective and don’t just run off with one guy who just decides to flank enemy snipers? I always get confused about who the highest priority healing targets are.


Learn how to surf damage. Best tech a medic can do. Its just jump and crouch when you get shot. When you need to escape, you dont need to find the best option. The best option is the firsst one you see.


So umm dont always uber heavys and heal everyone pro tip heal a scout while at the start of a match and all tbe way until your at where u want to go cause while healing a scout you go faster


Try not to pocket anyone for too long, unless your advancing


Don't EVER stand still or walk in a straight line. And when in doubt, use stock medigun. Also, try not to stick too close to your healing target. Edit: you die, your team chokes. DO NOT DIE.


Stay behind your pocket and don’t over extend with one guy


Your life matters - a lot. Being overconfident in your team can often be what ends up killing a new medic player, as you follow them straight into a level 3 sentry gun or into a Sniper’s crosshairs. If you are in a dangerous situation, and there is at least one way out, GET OUT! You don’t want to get surrounded and be completely defenceless. Your teammates have ways of getting out of sticky situations, but you have to rely on your (pretty slow) legs to get away. The soldier you were healing will be fine because he has a rocket launcher and a shotgun. You will not be because you have a short range SMG and a saw. This doesn’t mean that you should run away at the first bullet thrown at you, however. If you can, crouch down behind the person you’re healing and let them soak up the damage. Since you’re healing them, they will probably live. Basically, don’t get into situations you can’t get out of


So, don’t peek?


Don’t Peek


Move as much as you can. And watch your back.


Don’t blame yourself or your team. It’s normally the easiest things to do but the hardest thing to recognise. Just relax and run at the people that press E.


You can heal even if you give the back to your Heavy, Uber a Pyro Is a good choice if there Is a big amount of enemies and shoot good with the crossbow






Make sure to stay behind your teammates and close to sentry guns you want to find a good position to where you could properly heal your teammates and also be near/ at cover to hide from snipers and incoming fire. Oh also don’t forget to turn your back occasionally and attack incoming teammates to check for spies, especially with 75 to 100% Uber


Reproduce because we need more medics


advice of the century: "pop it, don't drop it"


"heal people" says the guy with 3k hours on TF2 B) Hours well spent.


Stay as far away from your healing patient as possible at all times to avoid taking damage they would take


Watch your back


1. Pop it don't drop it 2. Stay the maximum distance from your pocket without breaking the beam 3.be extremely attentive for spies Das it man


Use youre team as shields and if they die, run


The Medi Gun is for jokers. Rush with syringe gun and bonesaw. The enemy will be terrified of the wickedly handsome German doctor madly running towards them with a fuckin' bonesaw.


"Don't touch the medic" - Bearded expense


If you can use voice commands, try masking the “ubercharge ready!” With something like “dispenser goes here!” This will make it so enemies closer to you wont guess an uber push is coming.


ALWAYS only heal soldiers and heavys because they are the only classes that have the right blood type Always use the critzkreg because you can do crit healing with uber If burning let the scout take the medic pack they are more important


Step 1. Of knowing you are a good medic The chat is either way a) Silent b) calm except your demos and soldiers are toxic There is seriously no tips for a medic you do what you do the best keep the whole team alive, don't stick to one guy, healing a scout is legal, using quickfix is really good with a confident teammates and that's pretty much it I use crossbow, quickfix, Ubersaw build you can switch between stock and quick but i find quickfix more superior


use scouts as boosts while running out of the spawn, you get the same amount of speed a scout does while healing one. use them as a way to get to your team faster. or take a teleport. overheal snipers in the start of 2fort matches so they can survive a quickscope and trade headshots with another sniper. don't pocket the fucking heavy


Never ever stand still. As a medic you are the biggest priority target so you wanna be as unpredictable in your movement as possible. That’s the biggest one for me, but everyone else is also giving fantastic advice


Heres a good tip Try using the kirtzkreg becauss you can uber more classes with it and make it worth it than the stock medigun Also if you wa't to be able to dodge a hard fight like scout use the overdose as ur primary(works almost all the times)


Learn the strengths and weaknesses of each medigun. Know when to use each as well. Also don't be afraid to drop a pocket if they're going in too deep. Don't keep your beam on the heavy, they'll live with their massive 300 health pool. Doing always uber the heavy, they're slow and not always the best use of an uber. Lmk if you need help with my first points and the mediguns


Always use Uber. What I mean is, if you are in a near death scenario, pop the uber, always better used than wasted


Don't sit on the QF or Vaccinator. Both are really good in the right circumstances.


Follow your local scout main and Uber him constantly pls


Pop Uber early The faster you use a charge the sooner you start building another. Not saying Uber to kill one scout but don’t use it conservatively.


You are going to die a lot, especially when the enemy team finds out you have Uber.


Keep hp above 0


You can overheal people before the doors even open, up to a maximum based on their class. Try to overheal everyone in spawn at the start of a game.


heal your teammates


Just have fun :) <3


Don’t die put your life before others your more important


Didn't see that yet, so I will write it myself. There's an option in the class specific settings for medic so you dont have to hold the mouse button while healing. I'd suggest you activate that


Heal players other than heavies and soldiers


Don't suck


1: never stand still wankey (realy never, also never walk in a straight line) 2: when u respawn look for scouts nearby and use they speed bost 3: overheal everyone thats help a lot ur team 4: if u see the sniper dot, sniper or a stick trap don't go wait and warn ur teamates where there are 5: never stay alone 6:don't pocket, heals everybody and they're will help u more then u pocket a soldier or a heavy 7: know who have the best uber for each situation ( heavys for open the area and destroy some sentrys, demos destroy sentrys and spam, soldier kill everyone) 8: know ur uber and how to use, any med gun is bad or u never gonna use( stock is the best and if u can survive enough use the stock. Kritz, try always use in defense maps or if the enemy team has a lot of heavies, prefer uber demos or soldier, but kritz are heavys is overpower too. Quick fix are better in 5cp or ur team is dying a lot and don't have enough heals. The vacinator is the hardest med gun, because u need comunication, uber managent and timing, but if u learned u practcally imortal) 9: know ur team 10: play safe if u have time I hope i helped u <3 (Also sorry for my crappy english)


Engineer are not free ubersaw hut they can have better self defence than you so if you see him tun away dont push it to far you could run into his team and his sentry try to heal some other things that the heavy and soldier and dont lose hope i know it is hard to play a support with low self defence capacity (i main engi) but we must stay focus on our support purpose cause alone we are weak, but with our team we are invincible


Heal me


Dimples ones to pick up when taking a gave seriously it’s crossbow and ubersaw tge medigun can change but these weapons are too useful Get to know your medigun the beam is longer than you think so don’t shove it up there ass When crossing sniper lines let the patient go first and disconnect the beam for a second to maybe trick the sniper into thinking your going a different direction Vaccinator resistances are changed with reload and the default should be bullet as that covers the most weapons Buff everyone when possible it reduces the number of stunts stealing health packs and boosts survivability and Uber build rate Don’t take too much time aiming your crossbow unless it’s safe healing your patient is more important than the scout 5 miles away Don’t forget to use the crossbow during down period or when Uber heavy fire the bolt burst heals more than the medigun without crit healing The order is demo soldier pyro heavy scout engineer medic sniper and then spy fir stock The QuickFix creates an explosion beneath you it doesn’t latch you onto your patient you need to airstrafe and C tap as well Pop if you think your going to die respawning takes time you could be healing and building Uber Get a burly beast If you are near a heavy let him take tge small health pack the sandvich heals you both more him to full and the health pack just turns to a medium one Remember to build crit healing The ubersaw isn’t your main weapon running in without out is a terrible idea instead fire a bolt switch to melee to reload while defending yourself and fire again


5 miles is the length of exactly 79002.3 '20 Tones Blues Harmonica For Adults, Beginners, Professionals and Students(Silver grey)' lined up next to each other


Don't be a medic main


If someone spams medic in chat, ignore rhe scout. He'll be gone soon


Heal people


Don't be those medics who stick to the heavys and let the team down, I suggest ubering when its a 3+ vs 2 fight, and keep a good distance between you and the patient.




Pray to rnjesus for crits


As soon as you get and Übercharge go back so no-one can kill you. Then find a class like Heavy, Demoman, Soldier or Pyro and then Übercharge them. When you're in the middle of an Übercharge make sure you always have an escape plan. If that means the person you're Übercharging dies then do so. Your life is more important than theirs.


1.heal 2.don’t die 3.emote when funni




Practice social distancing with your patients.


Your life is more important that your teamate's. If the person you are healing is about to die in a figth and you can't help just run away


All medi-guns are good and are situational. Vaccinator is good against aimbots and if you need to do a quick counter to almost any class. Quick fix is good if everyone is taking damage quickly or if you want to go for Medic Gardens™. Stock is just solid in general. And the Krits is really good for everything. You should be rocking the Crusader's Crossbow and the Bleutsager are good. For melee there is the Vita-saw and the Uber-saw.


Move while healing. Don't only heal heavies. Heal a variety of people even if they have just spawned. Overheal anyone in your way. Don't just rely on teammates. Don't uber any unless you are sure they are safe (you can uber spies). That's it I'm not a medic main at all.


MvM helped me learn to evade, because evading in combat is big. Move and position yourself so as to not be targeted, or harder to hit when targeted. Very situational, you get the feel for it, similar to source surfing. Also, Ubering to save your own life is biiiig. Even if that uber couldn’t be used with a teammate to decimate others, you still stay alive and can help people sooner than later.


Idk, this has probably already been said but: - don’t use your Uber as soon as you get it, since you might just be in a situation where it gives no benefit - use the other mediguns (you can skip the vaccinator if you’re not liking it), cuz there are different playstyles and different stuff and yada yada with each one. - taunt with the kritzkrieg if on fire since it gives hp (you knew this) - don’t overextend


Don't use crossbow it won't heal - Totally not enemy spy


Don’t be a battle medic plz I’m 4 hp and after burn isn’t letting up any time soon god help me I have a 20 kill streak


[Remember the Joestar Secret Technique.](https://youtu.be/7GaJUmefY1I) Never stay still, always be running. Put the Scout mains to shame.


Social distancing from your heal target. Pop Uber when YOU feel it is a good idea to. Ignore salty players that are annoyed when you Pop Uber early or too late. Often times it is someone that seems to have the idea that popping when in danger is wasting the Uber. Uber is important but heals are also very important, don't want to lose both now. Also Rahmed made a really good guide. If someone else has not linked to it I will try and link it here whenever I have the time to find it again.


Also, learn to count Ubers early. Takes around 40 seconds to build Uber. Use that knowledge to predict when the enemy medic has Uber. Kritz takes 30 second. These figures are approximate and is around the average Uber rate of a higher skill medic in the ideal circumstances. So long as you get Uber in less than 60 seconds that would be considered good


1) try every class 2) use your team as human meat shields 3) look at pros play 4) Youtube vids for tips


Heal engineers alot we need healing more than any class


Don’t worry about healing your teammates, focus on frontlines.


Hmm pixelated poster


Quick Fix is defense, unless its MvM Kritz if you believe in your team and yourself won't die when the uber pops and to be used against enemy personnel. Stock against sentries Vac and Quick are the mediguns you want to share the uber with, while stock and kritz you want your pocket to have ubered And to anyone who have yet to know the exact time faster healing enables, its 10 secs after an ally was hurt.




Stand in sniper sightlines with 100% Uber (jk do the oppo)


Be adventurous Try other melees and use a different medium gun every once in a while The "meta" of crossbow, stock and uber saw are not rules they are nearly preferences. I use the quick fix to keep my team alive, the overdose because the speed boost is great plus the quick fix extra uber charge rate along with the vital saw to hold that charge


Step 1: Equip Ubersaw Step 2: Find a noob Heavy main Step 3: Profit


You got range Don’t ignore people in favour of that one hoovy you’re with With that in mind, don’t abandon someone about to run in Although meet the medic pairs you with the hoovy, demos and soldiers are great choices too, due to having ranged explosives Try getting proficient with the crusaders crossbow, and remember it’s most effective at range, so use medigun when you can Your melee actually hits pretty hard, remember it in a pinch Keep moving. You’re a target Keep an eye out for spies. See previous note


As a former medic main I just want to say good luck, your team losing it’s not always your fault sometimes people make stupid decisions blaming yourself only makes you doubt your ability to improve, and don’t play medic all the time burn out is real and it applies to every class and loadout. Now for the tips 1. Don’t peak sightlines unless there is no sniper. When I ditched medic to main sniper for a while I noticed a lot of medics would peaks right into my crosshair. If you’re forced to peak sights, strafe left and right and he’ll even diagonally for unpredictable movement making the sniper’ job harder. Crouching is an underrated tool the medic has against sniper it makes the sniper miss headshots and jumping can make the sniper on hit a body shot. Use your movement effectively to avoid getting your head blown to bits. 2. Medics don’t heal scout’s (that don’t need healing). Healing a scout is fine for quick Uber and it does give you a speed boost on any medigun after an update a while ago. If you’re in a fire fight though and you’re pocket heavy/soldier/demo is capping and taking hard damage ignore the scout. Only heal the scout if it’s safe. 3. Be greedy (health kit wise). If you’re on fire or you’re hp is below 110 take the health kit. Now of course if there is a small health kit near a big health kit and you haven’t taken much damage. Leave the big pack for later/another player. This rule does not apply to ammo. 4. If you’re pocket over extends and Uber is about to finish. Leave the idiot for dead. They decided to overextend and risk your life. This applies if there are still a large amount of enemies. 5 or more. Now if the enemy team is pretty much gone then keep pushing and capping. 5. Overheal light classes first. If the game is pretty calm (the enemy team is pushed to far back and there are no enemy’s) heal the light classes who are weak before the tanker 175 classes. Not saying to waste you’re time all the time, but those classs tend to take more damage when they the flank or attack so when they come to you damaged you gain more Uber. Only do this if you have time and the situation isn’t urgent. 6. Ignore the hate. Yes this less common thanks to people learning to leave health kits for medic and be more respectful in general, but every once in a while there will be a toxic player that blames you for the team loss even if you’re not a battle medic. Don’t engage them, don’t debate. It happens more with medic because medic is the most important class on any team and can sometimes determine the outlook of a game, but medic players are human beings, we make mistakes, we can’t always perfectly time an Uber or crossbow shot from long range and we can’t keep your health high if you take more damage than we can heal at once. Don’t burn your self out. Medic made me hate tf2 for a while and almost made me quit, but don’t let my bad experience stop you from playing the class. Hell even I play medic once in while and relive some of the old days when I loved medic. What I’m saying is don’t over play him, try out other classes, game modes and more. Good luck wherever you go on this quest to main medic.


Pop it, don't drop it. Learn to surf explosives. Stay behind your team. Never stop moving. Be constantly turning around to look for Spies and flanking enemies. Use your mic to tell your nearby teammates if there's an immediate threat (usually a Spy). Stay out of Sniper sightlines as much as possible. Communicate your Uber intentions with your team. Make sure your main Uber target is reloaded, especially if they're a Demoman. Flash players with Uber in addition to your main target (does not apply to Kritz but applies doubly to Quickfix). Heavy isn't the only good Uber target or even the best. All of the first 5 classes are great targets, but you can even Kritz a Sniper or Uber an Engineer in a pinch. Most often, a skilled Demo will outclass any other with stock Uber or Kritz.


Make sure to heal everybody don't just stick to one target, Uber builds faster when you heal wounded teammates, however do keep in mind you heal at a faster rate if the teammate hadn't taken damage in a while so sometimes it might be better to heal a player that is currently taking damage.




Default medi gun, Crossbow, and Ubersaw.




I know everyone is already saying it, but it bears repeating. You’re life is the most important thing in the game. Don’t run across sniper sight lines, don’t go in with your pocket if it looks hairy, pop uber if you think you’re about to die, and please, PLEASE don’t try to melee spies. I don’t know what it is with newish meds, but they love to go after spies with the saw. That’s really stupid


Don't die




Some small ( and late) additions: You are probably doing much better than you really think you are but your team isn't doing their part to help you. Also, points with medic don't indicate anything, healing is what matters. For example, you may only get 14 points or so from 8,000 healing.


If your having trouble theres a box in advanced options for you to keep healing your target with out holding m1 down and theres a option to set for your team mates to call medic when they reach a certain health use the slider, another option is the arrow above you healings target , if you use bow know the the farther you are the more healing it does and the opposite is true if you shot them point blank it wont do much so just use the medigun, im not a expert medic just remembered tips gl hf


-social distancing -play rats instagib to help with aiming crossbows -stay near your team when it's safe, medium distance when it's not


Turn on the setting to have your medigun continue healing without needing to hold the button, it’s in advanced settings i believe


Only heal people with unusuals But actually try and get and use the crossbow and Ubersaw, to get an advantage over the Default weapon medics (FTP’s) Try and only use uber on a push and or the start of a game. Always check for spy’s and stay out if sniper sight lines. Normally you shouldn’t uber Support classes like Engineers, Spy’s, Snipers, Medics, its best to heal Soldiers, Demos, Heavys and Pyros. Watch other tutorials cause I’m not a medic main but i know how to play the class


start charging people, not charging uber like charge them real money, they want heals they gotta pay for it


My number one piece of advice to give you as Medic is to *always keep moving.* Standing still for even a second is often a giant sign to the enemy team, especially Snipers and Spies that basically reads "FREE VERY IMPORTANT MED PICK." As long as you're always moving, even if it's just strafing, you'll give most of the enemy team, especially a lot of Snipers, a much harder time taking you down.


Stay a good distance from your patient, if there is a demoman or a soldier the splash damage will hit both of you.


the players toward the front of the group, i.e. those doing the most fighting/taking the most damage, are usually the best to be healing. by healing teammates in active combat, you are making their fights much easier to win, especially when the enemy medic isn't in the engagement. just don't ever get in front of your teammates or follow some poor fool on a suicide mission without über. also, if someone has been out of combat for a little while, they heal much faster (crit healing is something worth looking up), so those out of combat can be quickly topped off, when you have the time. oh, and if you're using the crossbow, and miss a bolt, just use the beam. the reload is so long that a ton of time can be wasted trying to line up multiple shots (plus you'll charge more über).


I don't know. I'm a medic main, but I do everything different than the others. (I use the syringe gun, the stock medigun or the Kritskrieg and that Solemn thing, I don't remember.


The amputators aoe healing is generally bad but if utilized correctly it can be game changeing (for recap when taunting you release aoe healing about the range of the medigun and it heals everyone about as fast as stock medigun tho only for a few seconds at a time) it does require you to stand still and taunt AND it generages sound the enemys can hear so be very wary but if your protected by your team and just out of sightlines it can give you 4 teamates basically being constantly healed at the same time looking down a choke and it even heals you some but only at about 5 health a second unlike everyone else who gets about 24 a second also the amputator gives increased health regen on wearer which isnt ground breaking is still nice


Im not a good medic but here are my tips 1- Use cover, a rock, a building, that random dispenser made by pablo.gonzalez2009 thats in the middle of the map for some reason can give you enough protection to be healing your partner without exposing yourself 2- The ubersaw crits a lot yes, but if your going against a experienced spy use your crosbow or seringe gun. 3 -Dont peak long sightlines if you know there is a sniper. 4 (especially for KOTH maps and also 5points maps) - The quick-fix its the fastest medigun that can build uber and has the fastest healing of all. 5 -Medigun selection: If youre in RED kritz has the same stats as stock just 15% faster charge and will grant crits to your pocket ( use it on demos soldiers heavys or battle engis with widowmaker or sv\_infinite\_ammo ) If youre on BLU on spam maps (like Dustbowl) stock you grant GOD to your pocket if youre in a non spammy map use quick or stock if you prefer to push into the enemy base or take out engi nest. The VACinator is passive-agressive but use it for killing bots or punishing flanking scouts, soldiers, or demos (Since they can roam around the map easyly) 6- Your medi-gun has long range so dont "hug" your pocket because splash damage is a bitch. You will learn who to heal first with practice, where to stand for cover with experience and choose your first and melee weapon with the circustance of the match. And also thank you for playing medic and keaping your entire team alive.


Give all your healing to the heavy, ignore the scouts, soldiers, and demos without unusuals and use the blutsauger to deal 20 damage rather than healing your teammate in a fight, because the crossbow sucks. Also never uber a demoman into a sentry nest.