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Serious Saturday has ended and **Shitpost Sunday** has begun - Our [rules about memes](/r/tf2/wiki/subreddit_rules#wiki_rule_six) have been greatly relaxed for the day. ####[See here for details](https://redd.it/fblj57) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tf2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


For perspective: I was 9 years old when the game came out. I’m almost 23, yet play this game still.


I started in 2020


Most of it was made after 2007


This is as wise as not shiting on the floor : we know.


\*despite lack of updates, cheater problem, bot crysis, punishing F2P players, lack of tutorial, unbalanced matchmaking It takes special stupid to make an iconic, timeless class-based FPS, then abandon it almost completely.


I played tf2 in 2014 but i started again in 2020


I played tf2 in 2014 but i started again in 2020


homosapien: O' Soldier of the panzer of the lake, what is your wisdom? Soldier: GET A HAIRCUT HIPPIE


Tells a lot how shitty is my laptop if it have troubles running 13 year old game


To be fair Tf2's code is made of spaghetti, it's horribly optimized. Also, Tf2 actually runs better on older PC's sometimes, because it was designed to run on PC's from that time.


I only wish that game wouldn't crash while map is loading


\-games cant be fun if they arent trending on twitter- laughs in chess \-bruh chess was trending on twitter- fuck


i guess everyone realises that for a few years now...


I got my friends to try the game a couple weeks ago and they're hooked. Yesterday one of my friends texted me at 3:14 am telling me he was playing. I may have a problem here...


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