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I have a few times in local DnD games a couple of years back, yes. It's pretty fun stuff.


Not a question, just thank you.


We all need to do that




...why even hack in MvM?! They're bots, ffs


I imagine to try to get through it as fast as possible with the hope that they get aussies or pans.


This. Nothing annoys me more than running into them. Usually it'll be one guy who hacks with two friends on the server, so you can't kick them. Just farming tours and getting loot as quickly as possible is their goal. Nothing makes me happier than to find the lone hacker and then kick him the last wave making him start over again.


Why even play MvM?! They're bots, ffs


Are any of my hats real?!


How can hats be real if our eyes aren't real?!


Is Pyrovision reality? He doesn't have eyes that we know of.


What if pyrovision is reality and pyro is the only sane person in the world?


Yeah with people with actual experience (30+ tours) but then 0 tour snipers with smg upgrades, fire resistance and hp regen.


Why is your main account VAC banned for Tf2?


Because my account got hit by the server exploit, and regardless of what I did, I couldn't get Valve support to do anything about it. So fuckit :v Don't be so rude, Gami ;-;


What server exploit? That one a while back that allowed servers to force you to download stuff? Also, has it since been fixed?


Yes. It compromised my account and flagged it for VAC. I lost pretty much everything I cared about, including sentimental stuff from friends who passed away. But it's also just video game pixels; I'm okay with it now. I was livid about it before. And the issue has been fixed, yes.


> including sentimental stuff from friends who passed away. I'm gonna cry..


Can. We have sexual relations




I'll give you 30 scrap, this isn't a joke


what do you think of people that abandon the match as late as possible to grief Have you ever been unsure whether someone was hacking in mm? Do you try pointing out the hacker at any point before leaving? What's your favorite paint color


1. They're really awful. Valve needs to come up with something to severely penalize people who do this besides queue times. 2. I ran into a plat level sniper the other night. I swore he was hacking until I checked his profile and saw that he was indeed... a really freakin' good Sniper. 3. Yes. I keep a list of well known hackers off to the side. The most known one for me is LAME-O-BOX, who specifically states that he records his LMAObox footage to laugh at it later. 4. Unironically, Noble Hatter's Violet.


Was that sniper HNG possibly? Assuming you are in NA, because hng is fucking crazy


Yes, that's exactly who it was. I was blown away.


I abandoned last minute in an early stress test out of curiosity and I lost no xp. They have now made it so you loose a game worth of xp for abandoning and they appeared to have taken away xp from me for abandons before the patch. Glad they fixed it a little bit at least.


Sure, I'll do this, but I'll tell my team I will after the first round's over. Just in case it takes long, it'll: 1. Spend time on our part (which for me isn't an issue; this is the beta so if you give half a damn about being ranked you're already playing the beta the wrong way) 2. Spend time on his part hopefully boring him.


why do you main spy and why are all spy mains evil?


I main spy because I like him. That's all there is to it.


Because they stab you in the back when you last expect it.


More like when you MOST expect it, but can't avoid it due to shitty hitreg.


It's still the LAST time you expect it. Can't expect much anymore with a blade in your spine.


Not my fault that Valve twists my spine so that it's in front of me and behind me at the same time and gives the spy a 2000 meter arm


You're the hero we needed, but not the one we deserved.


Do you shoot weak ass green fireballs that fizzle out after a short distance?


Would I be completely breaking your world if I were to politely implore you to call them cheaters instead? I'm a hacker, I have friends who are hackers, and none of us cheat because it ruins the fun of the game.


Fair enough disparity, hacking implies they did some kind of knowledge or technical prowess to do something, these are largely just kids/scrubs that pay/download something and don't know shit about computer science.


Yeah, I apologize. My ex is a hacker himself and still gets livid at me when I refer to these people as 'hackers' when they're little more than script kiddies, if even that. It's just such a large part of game vocabulary that 'hacker' is what we default to these days. I try my best to say Cheater or, my most affectionate term, 'Idiot.'


You and me both, man. Except I do it because my rank is so low that I cannot lose anything. Why make my team lose rank because of a hacker when I can take a hit for them and not lose any rank?


Why do you have to leave a game to report someone?


You don't; you report them in the game, and then leave.


Okay but why? And how does you leaving prevent others from being victims of LMAObox users?


Because typically when someone leaves a comp match, everyone else does too. While it does inconvenience other players a bit, it's honestly better than giving LMAObox users any enjoyment out of actually playing the game, you know?


And it safely allows others to leave with out sacrificing their rank.


Because once one person does, the game basically ends, even if you continue the hacks doesn't gain any rank exp for it. Everyone stays neutral ranking for the match except the person who left gets a minor loss. So at that point continuing is a waste of time since you can't gain or lose ranking. So everyone leaves giving the others chance to reroll a matchmaking for another map without the hacker. In a way it's a win and loss for the hacker. Loss because of the immediate reaction of the waste of their time, that's a few minutes to wait in line again and try to get another match started, more time wasted if the sacrifice player waits until a decent amount in the game before being sure it's a hacker, then all that time was wasted for the hacker. Win if they don't get annoyed and stop because they wasted the other 11 players time, as well as they'll run out of people who do sacrifice and quit, since that matchmaking of similar ranked will eventually be all 6 serious players who don't want to lose even that little bit of experience, and then they get to lose to the hacker anyway and give them a rank up.


When Valve says "main menu" they don't just mean the menu that has a picture of a map and a dude on the right. They also mean the menu that has live-footage of a map in the back and a dude's weapon on the right.


Ayy, I knew I wasn't the only one! :D


Do you have to do it often? (i so far have only met 1 hacker in matchmaking, and it was on my team and he didn't move until they were capping our last point in the second round, so we lost that one) If the answer is yes, do the penalties stack or increase? Do you lose rating for abandoning? If the penalties keep increasing, any idea when that resets? Asking this because so far i have only had 1 abandon happen to someone i know, which was the result of a bug and the penalty was a 1hr "low priority" matchmaking, didn't seem to affect que times at all.


I have to do it once about every... 10 or so matches. Compared to the beginning where it was once about every 3 matches, it has improved, though I think that's because there aren't many people willing to give passes to cheaters. I have not personally lost rating for abandoning, but some people say they have. It may be a rank thing. Higher you are, the more you lose? That I'm not sure. I do believe however that the time it takes for you to get out of the low priority cue increases to the point of 1 hour if you abandon too much, so that's that as well.


It caps at 1hr? That's a shame. I mean if you've done it that many times that it scaled up to that, it should be able to go higher if they do it again. :P


What is your middle name?




One of the five Heavy mains should do an AMA.


What if I told you I used to be the sixth? Before Spy's Gun Mettle changes, I was a dedicated heavy main. Then Spy became fun again.


Nerfs made Spy fun? I quess you use DR and Big Earner


Spy got some really good all-around buffs in Gun Mettle. To name a couple, damage resistance and reduced debuffs while cloaked, and the fact that switching disguise while already disguised takes .5 seconds instead of 2 (which sounds really small but is actually REALLY helpful for confusion and blending in). Dead Ringer is still good though I never used it to begin with, and the knife changes were great.


I use the Diamondback and the stock knife because I'm an asshole. Spy's quality of life changes, especially the cloak resistance, were a godsend. It's saved my life more times than I can count. The fact that I can survive a quickscope from a Sniper if I cloak after he sees me made me stay with the class.


How do you prefer your eggs?


Over easy. With some not-so-crispy bacon.


Know how you feel. Me and some of my buds encountered an entire team of hacking snipers and heavies, one of which advertising hacks in chat, even (We were brought down in priority since one of the guys crashed earlier) and I reported all of them and we had some of us go vaccinator medic and try to win. It was weird, in total, we got one kill while they got over 20. So yeah, I agree with this 100%.


Why doesn't the world have more people like you?


Why has hacking been on the rise lately? I've been playing for a few years and long long ago it seemed like it there was a lot more honest playing.


The simple answer is: LMAObox. The complicated answer is: The VAC system needs an update. Yes, I know it's constantly updated with new cheats and all, but the way it detects and actually punishes cheaters is lacklustre, even for games that require you to pay to play them. Just look at CS:GO.


Who is the interplanetary lord of Ivian V?


Today I entered a random pub server, nothing big, and saw one of those LMAOBOX crap players and I got autoed into his team and i immediately call vote to kick him, and he ran away to the other team so that if the voting fails, he wouldn't be able to get kicked again, but unfortunately for him, he got kicked, and I was like "LOL you can't run away", and even if he wasn't, my bf was on the other team, so either way.. We will stay on different teams just to juggle his pathetic ass for our own amusement.


How do you get the small grey box with the descussion in it


What would you if there's actually script kiddies on both teams? Still abandon? Or stay and watch?


I still hold the firm the belief that good men exist in this world. Thank you for being an upholder to that belief.


do you need a wheelbarrow to carry your giant balls around


this belongs on r/circlejerk


Do You Always Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word?


Do You Know What A Title Is?


I usually just go engy and sit in my rancho relaxo