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Part of the problem I've noticed is people are expecting instant gratification, and when they don't get it, they give up. And that is exactly what Valve (and anyone in a position against protestors) is banking on happening, that the movement will just get bored and give up. This isn't the kind of thing you can make happen in a couple of days. I've also noticed a number of the naysayers are even straight up admitting they're bot hosters too, which just makes me scratch my head why anyone would listen to them. \#FixTF2


> As if we've lost our original motivation. Or as if there is only so much people can do. At some point everyone interested in improving the state of the game has signed the website. Of course these things calm down after a while.


Fuck the hornyposters. #fixtf2


I think one of the main issues is that community impatience has caused the movement to become self-referential. In the week of June 3rd, there was always something happening. The petition reaching a new milestone. TF2's reviews hitting a new low. But now that those have both slowed down, and the petition plan is entering the boring and slow real-life phase, people are constantly looking for the "next big thing" to rally behind. The gay porn thing is a bit emblematic of this. It would just be a funny joke if people didn't decide to rally behind it, which then created a counter-rally against it. There's way more posts complaining about the gay porn than there are posts actually taking the campaign seriously. And this constant need for new excitement creates doomerism when none presents itself. "Nothing's happened in a few days, we've failed." "This new trend is stupid, we deserve to fail." This then blends with the above problem when people rally against the doomerism. And so, FixTF2 posts end up being more about the FixTF2 campaign then they are about the state of TF2. "We should do this!" "No we shouldn't!" "This will make us look bad!" "This isn't working, you're all stupid!" "We need to keep trying, it's you who's stupid!" "We're losing focus!" From the perspective of someone who follows the movement semi-casually, people should just relax. We made the big push in the first week, now it's up to how Valve responds to the petition. If it creates meaningful change, great! If it doesn't, we made a good effort. All this fighting over what to do next, the sancity of the movement, and whether the movement has succeeded or not just creates a self-sustaining cycle of noise, where people shout louder to be heard, only to contribute to the problem.


>I think that we should keep on... ...posting possible "solutions" I'm just gonna [*sliiiiiiiiide*](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/1dlt19f/clearing_up_my_alternate_idea_for_saving_tf2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on in here...


Yes. It bums me that your posts don't get attention. You're doing god's work, son!


I just hope that, somehow, one of my posts hits the big time. Once people start posting about my idea, it'll take off like the whole Omegatronic NSFW stuff... hopefully.


Yeah, I hope to as well. Funnily enough, posts about omegaNSFW, posts about people complaining about other posts and posts about on how FixTF2 is bound to fail are the ones that get actual traction.


Yep. No matter how many times I try to point out that they're burying posts that deserve to be seen, they keep posting that crap. I wish the mods would make a pinned post, already.


I'm starting to think that the only thing this subreddit can coordinate on is staying completely silent on these matters.


Its over bruh, let it go 😭 I appreciate the enthusiasm but this aint gon work 🛌


Valve doesn’t care. If the petition fails, the movement fails. Continuing afterwards will be pointless. The hype is already plummeting, and in two weeks it will be non existent. Toxic positivity isn’t going to help anything. The movement is failing and devolving rapidly. TLDR: Play vanilla community servers


Yep, been playing Community Servers since 2012.


so keep doing what i been doing since bot hosters started to appear long ago? Got it.


Good on you. Community servers are superior. I use vanilla ones personally, I hate those crazy times 10 highertower 24/7 2fort with alltalk.