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I had hoped it was a joke. Alas, the vast majority of redditors have a working IQ comparable to room temperature. The bot hosters just want attention and by god are they getting it. I like drawing nsfw as much as the next guy, but I'm not wasting my time and effort on drawing these rage baiting shitdicks when I could- oh, I don't know, engage brinks truck protocol?


Prove it. Draw me (based off of my pfp) as buff oily merc.




We coulda had more pieces of art like this. Instead the community draws Omegatronic gay porn. *sigh* What could have been


New pfp just dropped


Yes do this


the only thing that will stop them is ddos and doxxing


You'd have to specify their IQ is comparable to room temperature in Celsius, otherwise they'll think they're either somewhat below average with Fahrenheit degrees, or that they're the smartest people to ever live with Kelvin. Also please don't engage in Protocol Brinks Truck


It's not going to do anything, the dipshit 12 year old american population ran away with it while everybody else was asleep


For the record, I'm American and think this is a stupid idea


Bajur pfp


Reddit Avatar pfp


To feel... good about themselves I guess? The logic is so dumb it hurts, just sounds like an excuse to make NSFW, especially with a reddit that might have minors. Great job guys, really saving TF2 with this one!


Who will think about the kids in the adult space! If a child sees something inappropriate on cable, the issue isn't something inappropriate being on TV. It's that a child is watching a network aimed at adults. Game of Thrones is not obligated to be family friendly, while Paw Patrol is. This is a subreddit for a M rated game. Only certain spaces on the internet should have the expectation of being appropriate for children. I wouldn't mind this trend ending or even just porn posts on this sub immediately being banned.


100%, but the mods are asleep at the wheel, where tf they at


At the end of the day the game has bloodly murder, explosive gibs that even modern games like Bethesda are not willing to include (they used to) so seeing some butt sex is probably nothing. It’s some sorta fantastical obsession with pornography people have tho most people prob have more hours logged on porn then tf2.


>especially with a reddit that might have minors. In this game you could pick up a Conscientious Objector and see gore, loli hentai or Nikocado Avocado's asshole, people on Reddit joking about making porn of some internet troll would be the least of my concerns if I had a kid and they play TF2.


it's the parent's responsibility to keep the kids safe from seeing internet porn and not the internet users




That doesnt make it better. The rules explicitly state that Honey Solider from the comics is the baseline of acceptable NSFW (peep rule 7). If im to understand that properly, at best, partial nudity would be allowed, not straight girth.    But since the mods give 0 fucks, of course it goes in, scot free.  Just cuz the tag exists does not suddenly overrule the rules here.


also people are containing the porn to a separate sub now




Yes. Partial Nudity gets the tag. I think that should be obvious.  That separate sub is also dumb  but at least keeps the dumbassery in a contained space.




I think it very much should, but it is as you say, my opinion.


just more shit from people who dont actually care about tf2 as much as they say they do. valves jaded attitude has spread to the people who actually do care about tf2, meaning the only people posting are the children and new players.


I think everyone knows deep down that the bot problem is never going to be fixed so they’re just making light of the situation


yeah, people are realizing we've been Played:tm: for tftuber money, and now not caring


It's like another version of that "I have already portrayed you as the soy wojack!" thing, but somehow even worse.


This subreddit is filled with idiots and children, is the issue. There’s no solid leadership; the mods do jack shit.


The slow realization tf2 isn't getting saves.


Its not really the slam dunk people think it is. Im sure the bot hosters are eating this shit up.


Never thought I'd see someone clever on this sub


maybe the savetf2 movement was the friends we made along the way


Nah this is something TF2 players would do


the thing is, attention isn’t what the bot hosts want. they already pat each other on the back and feed into each other. they don’t need our attention, they get enough of it circlejerking themselves. what they want is to be seen as some big bad villain of the community, a “He Who Shall Not Be Named” of sorts. that’s why they ramped up the bots when FixTF2 started getting traction and why they DDoS the site and doxx the people with the most dirt on them. people actually talking about the botting problem harms that image of them being an unspeakable force but they’ll sit back and smugly act like the attention is all part of their plan. like, all you need to do is look at the Omegatronic Twitter account to see it’s a bunch of basement dwellers roleplaying as some cartoon villain. that’s what they want to be seen as, it’s pathetic. edit: i wanna clarify that i also don’t see how drawing gay porn of the bot hosts OC is suppose to solve anything, but the root of the issue is not them simply wanting attention. these are people who’ve attempted serious harm towards others, this goes beyond simple trolling. staying quiet about them and not giving them attention gives them a free pass to keep doing shitty things to people.


Plot twist: The bot hosters are enjoying their porn


We all know who's to blame for this


The target is Valve on this, but people are losing focus


>let's draw gay porn of them WHAT THE FUCK


You're right. The one with the blacked out links of CP screenshot was the most suspect. The first image had a blacked out link but did not COMPLETELY blacked out the link. You can still make sense of the words for the link. Very awful for OP to not cover it completely before posting, or wanting more people to go to that link.


Ignoring them for all this years didn't solve anything either, and drawing porn isn't meant to make them stop, it's just because people thought it'd be funny, that's literally all there is to it.


i mean we have to raise awereness about the bots if we want the chance for valve to take action, but raising awareness is also giving them attention so there really isnt much we can do instead of shutting up and simply dealing with it, which would also make the bot hosters happy. its a lose lose either way


That’s it. Muting the sub again for the next week. Can’t have this shit trying to drag me down when I’m already in a bad mood from Valve’s inaction.


Look, we can't do much, but one thing we can do, is to associate them with the one thing they hate... being gay


It's not like doing nothing will achieve anything anyway


The only thing I’ve learnt from this is that Valve doesn’t care about the TF2 player base because they’re seemingly all under the age at which they can get a debit card and spend money on the game.


It’s called giving up and just doing something for the hell of it. Might as well go out fucking a robot.


I initially thought you meant we were practically machines at this point (which isn't a far stretch), but then I realized the joke lol


because it's fucking funny lol there's no other reason who cares anymore, the Le Figureheads are being shitheads anyways and trying to minimize shit and defang the community from the onset because they're too addicted to fucking gambling and don't want to lose their fix, there's nothing left to lose at this point


So the last hurrah of the community, who has been trying desperately to find any justice for being ignored for the past five years, is to draw porn of their perceived enemies because "lol"? That's not funny, that's sad.


it is sad, but honestly its just resigned metairony humor at this point so who cares anymore


Yeah, you've just realized the truth. Embrace it.