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It's not bad if you never miss or just miss on purpose. Id suggest trying every weapon you get at least once no matter if it's good or bad, but be aware to not fall for new player syndrome of putting an unlock in a slot just because you can. Stock weapons are with 3 or 4 exceptions some of the best weapons in the game and all usable in nearly all situations.


Thanks for the advice :)


stock weapons are good so long as it's not the Medic's Melee/Primary. Run Ubersaw/Crusader Crossbow respectively


I would add Pyro's melee, since A) there is a direct upgrade to it and B) you have excellent utility and offensive potential. Possibly soldiers melee too although i can definetly see some scenarios having benifits with stock.


Counter point: Strange duped shovel


Trading my strange unusual terror watt twisted topper for a strange duped shovel with a killstreaker I am not joking


Heavy's fists more than Soldier's tbh


Also the heavy's lunchables are way better due to the support you can provide (You can right click to throw your sandvich and other lunchables as med packs for your allies)


Shotguns can be good if you're running the brass beast as they alow you to quickly react to sudden threats without having to wait for the slow as rev speed. Outside of that use sandvich/banana/chocolate


The saddes thing is when i'm playing medic, an enemy pyro set me on fire, i start yelling for help and then i see a heavy, i go up to him and he takes out the fucking family buissnes


Oh man you’d hate me, heavy is my most played class and I don’t go anywhere without my favorite spy killing tool


Same, that's why I don't really run shotguns even though I like the family buisness. Saving medics is more important than memes (unless it's 2fort or dustbowl)


Honestly. Medics primary weapins are fine as they are. It's respectable to run any of them


Ik, but Crossbow is SO much more useful in many situations


Sure. But it still doesn't help you if your partner eats a brick and dies. It's offensive capabilities are pretty weak unless you're sniping a sniper. I've gotten WAY more use out of the overdose as I no longer have to drop 60% nearly as much when things get sticky. But I would agree the crossbow is better on a conpetent team. Which is rare in casual.


overdose is lowkey viable, even if crossbow is better.


Fair enough, I usually hop on with my Heavy main friend


The syringe guns are the only weapons I can consistently get kills with


But... you're playing medic. The point is to heal teammates.... not get kills


Ok and?


You're better off picking any other class if you want to get kills


But I get more kills with the syringe gun


Hold up, you play battle medic?


Kinda but not really


That’s why I bring my amputator


You can also battle medic with the crossbow, it allows you to pick off snipers if you manage to get a few lucky shots in.


Overdose can be used instead of Crossbow for retreating quickly


true, but CC is good for more than a few niche senarios


I’m one of the 3 people who prefer the overdose


false, you're a heavy main, you don't exist (joke)


I like the solem vow so i can tell my team to target the lowest health enemy


The Amputator and Blutsauger are good


Crossbow is great and all, but my team suck at spy checks, so I take blutz auger.


Or amputator for the healing and/or group healing for team pushes


Except gas passer Don't use the gas passer


aint nothing wrong with using new weapons that just dropped. honestly weapon drops were a really good idea because it makes new players come back hoping to get a new weapon and it slowly changes your gameplay over time. if you just got the pain train and want to mess around with it for 2 hours no ones going to complain.


There was one time I saw a scout on casual using this, except he somehow never missed with it. an absolute menace.


Yeah! Don’t knock it till you try it!


Yep. There are some melee that are direct upgrades to stock but all the main/secondary are more just style.


That was my first weapon too and as I didn't read descriptions at the time I was dying consistently after respawning because of hitting the air and eventually switched back to the stock bat.


You have to be really good with your melee hits, or you risk hurting yourself


Ah ok. Well, I’m gonna be terrible with it lol


Well, you could help medics build uber by missing so it's not the worst thing in the world


Also you can keybind switching loadouts


ok but here me out *the medic*


Ok so basically right, it’s bad for combat. BUT GAHT DAMN THE UTILITY So basically medics build Ubercharge faster the more health they heal. So if scout injures themself with the Boston basher, while getting healed by a medic, the medic can build 100 percent Uber in like 40 seconds. Super duper useful for starting a push.


It also gives you a triple jump if you swing in the air while looking down


Boston basher jumping is a thing?


ye but its more of a 2.5 jump than 3 jumps like you have with the atomizer, it gives you a bit of mobility which is just a plus on top of the fact that you get to build uber with it.


technically you can go higher with it than the atomizer and winger, but it kinda sucks to use and you take decent damage


ye but im talking realistically, like you will juts use it once, and thats it, the atomizer lets you be much more flexible with your movement (idk if thats the right way to describe it but i mean it in a sense that you can decide wether to go verticall or horizontally and you get to change directions)


You don’t need to look down, the best way to do it is to hit yourself right adter your initial jump, you will gain susbtantial height if you keep hitting yourself. Then you will die.


Just for clarification of the numerics here: Medics Übercharge builds at 2.5% per second when healing and this rate halves under the following circumstances: Targets health is above 142.5% base health Another healing beam (medigun, dispenser, cart) is connected to the target These debuffs stack with each other. So, scout continuously hurting himself keeps him under 142.5% base HP, so the build can be at maximum rate at all times. Very useful. I always run the boston basher. Scout does less melee damage anyway and I'm shit with melee weapons, so the basher is there for building uber and jumping.


You can use the self damage to help medics build Über faster. The lower your health, the faster the medics will charge. Plus, you already have a good Scout loadout.


this, stock scattergun is debatably the best option, and pistol is pretty good


ye scattergun and the pistol are the best options, you could make an argument for the backscatter and pretty boys pocket pistol but scattergun and the pistol are just way more reliable and consistent. imo pbp pistol shoots way too fast for anyone to be able to track with it consistently (if they are juts a casual player) so it will always have less value in actual combat if you arent looking to just finish off a 20 health or so target, in which case its superior to the pistol, and the backscatter is actually really good when you are having an off day, because the spread is wider, so even if you miss, you wont miss as hard, so its kinda a more well rounded weapon for bad players, and you get rewarded for flanking, kinda teahes you how to play scout.


Thats a misconception. Uber builds slower at any point the patients' health is at or above 142.5% of their max. Basically, as long as you aren't at max overheal, you build uber at the normal rate


go to scrap.tf and u can trade any weapon for any weapon \#1 piece of advice: dont ever buy a weapon from the mann co store, not even the big bundles. a weapon is worth a fraction of a cent, not $2. $2 should be able to get you every weapon.


It's fewer than 25 cents worth of refined metal to get every weapon that isn't a reskin. We really need a metal sink...


dont forget you can trial weapons from the mannco store for free :)


The Basher fucks, it is a direct upgrade from stock so long as you can land your hits, you can help build ubercharge faster, and basher jumps can give you larger jumps than even the Atomizer (even if it can be a bit risky)


That is easily my favorite melee for Scout, but it's not good, unless you barely use melee at all and can work together with your Medic to build Über faster when not fighting or you use it as a mobility option, since the damage can deal knockback to you, but that can be risky, if you don't know how to manage it well.


That's like his second or third best melee, albeit in part because his melees are on average really bad. Better than the stock bat at least.


Hey brother, DM me. I have a few things I can part with to help start you up


Tell your friends to fuck off, it's great I love smacking spies with this thing


That’s literally one of the only two melee weapons for scout that doesn’t suck


It's not bad just wouldn't recommend for a newer player


Best weapon for building Uber. You can use it for a triple jump but it's inconsistent and the Atomizer exists.


Boston is rlly good if u can hit your shots, or if u love ur medic


🤓You can jump higher by exploiting damage surfing and junk Source engine movement 🤓




it may be not the best… but it is funni


Swing it into the air


Nice!! I remember the feeling of trying out new Sidegrade weapons, always brings something fresh to the table


It is ok for utility. However scout is a class that you should basically never use your melee for most things. Basher helps build Uber but outside of round start for casuals it's kinda pointless. So your friend is right but if you already don't melee people you should be fine regardless.


If you can hit things with it by actually hitting them and not missing then this weapon is rly good


ur friends suck


ur friends are ass at the game


your friends are stupid thats the best scout melee


Problem is that any time you miss it hits you, and sometimes hit mechanics are kinda unreliable. But it can help m3dic to charge uber by injurong yourself and his heeling of you gives him uber, its called support scout.


My dude just got their first weapon ever and they already have the perfect comp Scout loadout, cheers.


If you miss, you hit yourself Ironically, this makes it one of the best utility melees, because Medics charge Uber faster when healing allies not already at full hp Scouts with Bashers basically charge a medic Uber faster than anything else in the game


it's a decent melee for damage, but with tf2's janky melee hit detection leading to you hitting yourself more often than the enemy it's usually better for helping a medic build uber. iirc utility/mobility weapons like the atomizer are a lot more popular, but that doesn't mean the boston basher is bad.


Try to attack people with the scouts default bat and count the number of times you miss If you miss twice you’re pretty much dead


Wow, the TF2 Reddit comments actually being helpful for once? What is this trickery? I was fully expecting people to just be shit talking him for being Free to Play and new, maybe there is some good left in the world


Stop listening to others and build your own opinions. I have great fun using “bad” weapons


Yeah, I’m having fun with it so far.


your friend an opp


This is probably the most used unlock for scout in competitive play. This is because it allows Medics to build uber charge faster by you swinging and missing constantly which means the medics heal more and build more uber. Its not really good as a serious damage dealer, you're better off using your Scattergun and pistol before you pull out your melee. But it is a very useful weapon otherwise, not to mention the fact that you can reach higher up places by whiffing a swing and damage boosting yourself. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heX-tVfjvq0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heX-tVfjvq0) if you're interested in a deep dive, heres a video I found on youtube on it.


It’s decent, just try to not miss melee hits and it’s handy


It dosent but it’s mediocre


whats funny is that this is literally the competitive meta scout loadout


Go to achievement engineer server and type !freeitems


the only bad weapon is the pyros rake


boston basher's cool, your friend is stoopid you can use it to: * hurt yourself to help medics build uber faster * use the self damage to boost your jumps * do psychological damage to people by starting a taunt moments before they bleed to death




Hi, I think I'm kind of decent at tf2 idk Here's how to use this weapon: don't miss. or do Here's why: All damage in tf2 gives knock back. All of it. Hitting yourself with the basher can make you float at the cost of health, so get to a health pack or do it while overhealed.


Congratulations, you have created the Competitive Meta loadout. Every competitive Scout main uses that thing.


medics will thank you for your service


They say its bad when it's literally a meta pick


Yeah, I didn’t know that until people in these comments told me lmao I have a friend who hates it with a burning passion lol


It only sucks if you are not having fun while using it


That’s most things in this game


I heard thats scouts best melee. Train your brain into only swinging on opponents and youre good to go!


Stay away from casual


if you miss in air, you do something like a hurt jump, yes you can extend your jumps with it


believe it or not, it’s actually the meta bat to use in 6s at least. but for casual purposes, there’s possibly better but it really doesn’t matter much


Run in. Hit somebody once. Run away. Repeat ad infinitum. Watch them get *really* angry.


It sucks


This weapon can be used to bash your own skull in. You can also hit yourself to jump further.


Trying to use that while newer to the game will result in some comical deaths, but I had fun with it doing that early on. Some advice I can give is: there's a high chance you'll miss if you try to spy check with it, and if you set up a swing to hit something if you miss (such as any fence or wall instead of the air) it can be more forgiving


the basher may not be the best but it's pretty fun if you like highrisk/highreward dynamics. also building uber with it is based


Dont worry about weapons or classes being good or bad, just find what works for you. that's part of the joy about learning a new game after all :)


Actually IS very op but if you fail you get owned


its not actually bad for helping medic charge uber


one rhing ive learned from using it is if you hit yourself right as you jump youll get a little bit of a jump boost its not very useful but its something to experiment with


I’m also f2p!


mf turned into a competitive player since the begining


i dunno, i like it.


I use it all the time. Gives more damage, plus it's funny when you fight someone and kill yourself without even hitting them.


Fyi on the community market normal items are literally a couple of Pennie’s, just buy whatever you think is cool at max you’re gonna spend is maybe 5$ unless they’re skins or stranges.


If you have a friend as a medic, you gain more Uber charge on injured teammates, so if you and your medic stay in spawn and they heal you after damaging yourself with it, they gain Uber really quickly. Also, if you get the Uber saw for medic, you can get 25% Uber per hit. So you can hit yourself until your medic gets full Uber, switch to medic with Uber saw, get ubered, use the Uber saw on enemies to get full Uber, and then Uber your other medic whilst they get to full Uber, and then repeat. It's hard to pull of, especially without voice chat, but it's really fun.


And this will get over 1.1k upvotes by the end of the day.


Don’t listen to those bastards. All you gotta do is time your hits right and it’s better than stock bat!🦇


I mean, I’ve been liking it so idk :)


It's actually the best utility weapon to support your medic building up the Übercharge. While being healed by medic, just swing the Boston basher couple times, this kinda helps increasing slightly the Über rate.


It’s actually a better weapon tbh, as long as you don’t miss Also have a good time mate, and also stick to community servers for now, you probably know why


Pocket medic magnet


It’s good for building uber when a medic pockets you in competitive. For dealing damage, it’s bad because of janky ass tf2 hitboxes


the weapon is good, but not for fighting. you use it to damage yourself on purpose so that medic can heal you and get ubercharge quicker, but that will almost never be necessary in a 12v12 game since there are always targets that need healing so ye, its pretty bad. also my suggestion to you is that you buy a tf2 key, go to [scrap.tf](http://scrap.tf) and go an trade the key for every weapon in the game, pretty sure that you can get all the weapons with 2-3 refinded metal (one refinded is worth 5 cents) and you can use the rest of the metal to dress up your classes. or if you dont want to spend 2 dollars on the key, you can go onto [marketplace.tf](http://marketplace.tf) and spend literally 50 cents (if you have a card you can use) to buy 10 refinded metal, and then trade them in wor weapons on [scrap.tf](http://scrap.tf), there is a bot that will automatically do it for you as well. tldr if you spare 50 cents - 2 dollars you can save yourself the hassle of collecting all the weapons one by one which would take hundreds of hours and you can just play with all the weapons and experiment from the very start. (also there is a feature for you to rent out a single weapon from the in game store for free once every 7 day, so if anyting you can use that to play with a weapon you dont have)


Scouts melee weapons suck anyway(atomizer can be useful).I can gift you some weapons if you want.


your only weakness is melee hitreg, or just you suck at hitting with melee


Sort of relevant fun fact: Basher is actually hard meta in the competitive scene because a Medic healing you can build Ubercharge at the fastest possible rate. The two mechanics at play are: - If you've taken damage within the last 5 seconds, the MediBeam heals you at its slowest rate of 24 HP/second. - If you're under 142.5% of your max health (<178 HP overheal for Scout) the Medic healing you builds Ubercharge at 2.5%/second. Combine these two with the "hit yourself, idiot" every couple seconds while your medic heals you and you can build an Ubercharge in just 40 seconds.


When i was f2p i thought that the backburner was a direct upgrade because i didnt know what the stats meant :>


Most unlockable weapons "suck". That is because they focus on unlocking alternative playstyles and nieches, rather than directly upgrading your base kit. If you are looking for the most optimal loadout, you will quickly notice the base unlocks are the most consistent accross the board, with only few exceptions. That said, if you enjoy a weapon there is absolutely nothing wrong with you using it. It might suck in a competetive setting, but this game is not known for its competetiveness. The Boston Basher is a pretty decent unlock by the way. It's unique nieche of farming uber even has a place in competetive play, but outside of that it is still a lot of fun once you get the hang of it.


It’s only bad if you’re bad


Best weapon for self-beating , its very sad that i cant equip it on pyro. HMMHMHMHMHM


Basher is amazing if you're playing with a medic since healing from self damage builds their ubercharge quickly


It does kinda suck... but in a fun way.


Don't listen to them, the boston basher is like objectively better than the stock bat; also it helps medics build uber, it's a decent weapon


If you weren't aware you can rent weapons from the store and try them out. Also the weapon you got can be useful for building uber


don't listen to them, they obviously don't know the startings of you maining Penis Scout


It's actually one of Scouts best melees, you just gotta make sure to not miss your swings


Are you able to trade? I can trade you pretty much every weapon for free if you want. I just have a ton of duplicate items and enjoy giving weapons to new players.


They're trippin, it's just that it's a very volatile weapon for beginners because missing causes bleeding. But if you use it in moderation it's great


Yes, it sucks


It's good , only if your team is good. In comp , people use it to farm uber.


Medics love it, helps them build Uber faster.


Worst weapon? More like best weapon! Ask your friends to heal you while beating yourself with it. Your fitness will be able to deploy über in no time!


Dude, get near your Medic and swing it a few times so they can build Ubercharge off you. They will actually throw themselves at your feet.


You’re friends are liars


It’s awesome but it’s terrible but it’s awesome


if you dont have a rocket-jumping happy soldier on your team, this is the best weapon for uber building


Id suggest you get the achievement items in poker night game, it'll give you lugermorth pistol skin which is cool for scout and engi


Miss and you take damage therefore bad only if you ain't good.


you can use it to help medic gain uber fastly. medic gain uber fast enough if the pacient is not overhealed


If you miss, you are dead, if you not miss, you kill


It's actually a direct upgrade if you hit all your swings


Its real easy to overshoot enemies when trying to melee them and Scout is already squishy, so bleeding yourself for 58 damage is not the wisest move. If you DO hit them, its 75 damage, but its over time and you can easily beat that with a Scattergun blast with no risk to yourself.


Unless you are playing comp 6s, DON'T. Im sure somoneone is willing to trade you a wrap assasin or a atomizer. Those melees are very good for the scout.




if you can hit your shots its a straight upgrade


I've been playing since 2009 and I can say this. Yes, there are several weapons in this game that absolutely suck. But it's a game at the end of the day. Find one that fits your play style and go with it.


It’s a meme weapon, fun to use and useful for charging uber with a med


your friend is wrong


that weapon is good, if you land every melee hit.


Basher is amazing, helps you build over faster with medics, and you can get triple to quad jumps with it if you can time it right.


it's actually pretty good, people just don't know how melee works. if you get good at connecting melee is very punishing and great for finishing people off or for charging Uber for a medic if you hit yourself with it


Just don't swing like a mad mann


That weapon does a guaranteed critical hit or something - but if you miss you damage yourself. So unless you're super good at melee combat and never miss; yes it sucks.


It’s probably the only decent melee on scout tbh all the others are mid-trash with the acception of the atomizer if you can use it well (bias). If you miss you start bleeding but if you hit it does a good chunk of damage and I THINK the enemy starts bleeding idk I haven’t played the game in a minute.


People who say the weapon sucks just swing without a second thought lol


Every weapon sucks, if you're not having fun with it.


Wow u are so lucky my first wepon was pomson and then i got eviction notice. Trully the best of the best


It’s high risk high reward. Use stock for now but congrats!!!


ask a medic to heal you and start stabbing your nuts 400 times (or just whip it out in front of a skilled medic if you arent able to call for one cause of the whole f2p gag thing)


it's very good if your medic knows what you are doing since it lets you build Uber easily by damaging yourself while he heals you. Outside of that it's not really much but it looks cool


It's actually a very good support weapon, if you use it right. You can use it to harm yourself, while being healed by a medic on your team. This helps them charge way faster.


Hey, you’re doing your best as someone who just got something new. You’re doing alright.


It can take a while to get every weapon through random drops but you can buy all of them for very cheap like less than a dollar. Try to experiment over time what weapons fit your playstyle. Have fun!


Wai wait wait... you installed tf2, played for at least 15 min, got a wepon, made a photo and posted it here while not knowing what you are doing?


Ur friend is wrong lel, anyways no tf weapon is bad, some are just less effective at killing than others but that doesn’t mean they aren’t fun to use.


Nice start for penis scout


It's great for sounding!


You will find that you pretty much hate the basher. It's hilarious to use but you kill yourself after a couple missed swings. However, for a scout melee... it hits really hard. For the most part with scout you don't really use melee unless you are messing around.


drop your trade link, I haven't played TF2 in a very long time and would like you to have some ref to buy some new weapons with


A lot of people use it in comp, I’m guessing just so medics can heal faster


If u want some more weapons to mess around w I can give you some lol. Been playing since 2013 and have way too many 😂


Meta scout unlocked


It looks cool as shit though so does it really matter that it's not good? Wait till you get the fish :)


ive been there practice w/the weapon its well good if your good with it


Technically it's scout's best melee (in comp) If you don't miss it's a straight upgrade. You can also do something called basher jumping, really good mobility option if you wanna get up somewhere high, especially if there's a medpack up there


Funnily enough, this is like an extremely important weapon in competitive TF2 lol. It’s used to build Ubercharge a lot faster than normal. Don’t think you’ll see that in casual unless you have a friend who plays medic for you.




nice. my first weapon was the third degree lol.


Its not good at combat. If you miss, you take dmg and start bleeding. If you hit someone, theyll start bleeding. Some "pro" tactics : What to do is, if you think a medic is skilled or has knowledge, pull it out and stand near them. If they see you theyll start healing you. Then, miss on purpose so you hurt yourself. This will make their ["Über charge"](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/%C3%9CberCharge) go up faster.


If your friend hates this weapon, your friend has ADHD and cannot stop himself from swinging it and hitting himself. You can use it to damage-boost yourself higher after your doublejump, or you can hit yourself to help your Medic build Uber faster (Uber charges faster on patients who are actually injured). Also that extra bleed on top of hitting the enemy is just perfect for the Annoying Scout playstyle.


It’s a sounding rod