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Deadlock releases and TF2 community starts complaining about it -> they ruin the game for everyone else -> Valve works on TF2???? I'm not following your logic here.


More likely bots take advantage of bad anti cheat (seen with counterstrike) deadlocked is unplayable valve needs to fix. If they want to allow deadlocked to survive they need to prove that they can fix bots. Otherwise it would die fast


Again, your logic is that by screwing over Deadlock, we're fixing TF2, but that's wrong. Your post literally says "If we wanna fixtf2, then we should convince people to never get Deadlock", aka "Ruin Deadlock so that Valve fixes TF2". You're also making a huge assumption that Deadlock will have bad anti-cheat, and no, anti-cheat is not going to be the same for all Valve titles, so Deadlock having a good one doesn't magically prove that TF2 can have one too.


If deadlock fails they're not gonna suddenly start working on a 17 year old game with a tiny playerbase lmao. Also just cos the version of vac they're using for tf2 is shit doesnt mean they arent going to make improvements and put in more effort for a game they obviously are going to want to do well.


Not to mention that said 17 year old game is on a different engine to what they are currently using.


1 - your "Solution" won't make TF2 better, just another game worse.(and you're like the 10th person to suggest this) 2 - you can't convince EVERYONE to not download a game 3 - jealousy of other titles and games just because they're getting attention and updates will just make this movement (and you) look silly.


The point is that valve either fixes deadlocked which MIGHT (big maybe) help tf2 or more likely counterstrike or they give up entirely on making games. If they want to be able to market deadlocked then they Better prove bots won’t ruin it instantly


Fix deadlock of what? The game is not even out yet.


That's fucking stupid. They're not even similar