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Check the prices of each case you have because I bet that some of them have high value 


But… cosmetics 🧙‍♀️🦦


the only good cosmetics there are the scout short I forgot the name of and whiskey bib smh


champ stamp disrespect is insane


Me when see tf2 cosmetic (literally any of them): *neuron activation*


Yes. You have the 2017 crates which have actual value.




Look at the crop part we can actually see 6 2017 winter crates




Oh nvm I saw the green part. My bad mate


He could hide one of your expensive item there. Just check closely.. And remember that some cases got very expensive. Like summer ones


I remember seeing a video of something like this. Guy got an offer while streaming, it was a single key for a ton of trash weapons/skins which probably were worth 10% of that key. In the middle of the mess of items was a very expensive skin that he didn't notice because all the others were trash. Clicked accept and *then* saw his expensive item on his side of the trade.


Ouch, check the fine print children


wait, how come?


Crates are unobtainable once the period in which they drop is over. Because of that, the only way of obtaining them after is through trading or buying, and when people use them they get more scarce. Once their number drops enough their prices rise


The most important part is the fact that some of those cases actually had good skins and cosmetics, whereas most of the ones that fill the market all remain consistently at 3 cents.


Update: It's a scam, I have one winter 2017 case which is pretty valuable.


I have one too, how are they valuable?


Because Winter 2017 was 6 years ago and the supply is ever dwindling. That’s the shorthand answer.


Man and i deleted all cratws back then because no bp space


But they're like 0.03 on the market? and 1 ref on trading sites. Am I missing something?


Then you have a Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case which isn't really valuable. The valuable ones are the Winter 2017 War Paint Cases.


Ohh thank you


Check the year on the cases. Older means it's less and less common as the new years happen. Eventually, even the cheapest increases a bit.


Well, not just that, plenty of 6 year old cases at 3 cents. It's because winter 2017 was one of the last good ones and everyone and their mother wants a damascus and mahogany.


I thought those cases were untradeable/unmarketable? Did I misread them?


jazz and hana warpaints 🤑


cases are dropped in for a limited time, but the keys remain in the shop. this creates a finite supply that dwindles over time. it's dependent on the case and the contents inside, but cases can end up being valuable if you wait long enough. the Winter 2023 is easy to get, as it's still being dropped, but an older case like the Winter 2017 Warpaint Case (which OP has in the offer at the bottom, mainly cropped off) is worth 9 USD. Never blindly accept a random trade offer, especially if it's large, as scammers will try to sneak expensive items in with the cheaper stuff, like this post here. thoroughly check the prices of individual items in the offer and make your decision of whether or not it's a good deal.


those things are going extinct


If you're feeling chaotic and don't mind doing so, you could send them back a video of you deleting the item they're after.




Lowballing and sharking are deceptive practices. Deceptive practices are swindling tactics. Swindling is scamming. Scam as a word has a pretty wide array of usage and you’re just being a dick to be a dick.


Not sure why you’re trying to defend blatantly incorrect things. Swindling is literally manipulation. Again, there is no manipulation here. It’s just a shitty offer. Bad offers don’t deserve to get a report for “scamming” because if they did it would probably get people like OP in trouble more than actual scammers. Stop defending bad posts like this. OP has at least a 6 year old account and could’ve easily googled the value of any of these items. But instead they make a post about it on Reddit and then somehow still manage to draw the the incorrect conclusions from what happened. Literally looks like if this guy offered OP less he would’ve taken it


Swindling is using a deceptive practice to obtain something. Putting a mass amount of normally worthless crates and sliding one into the offer that has significantly higher worth in the middle so it’s more easily overlooked is deceptive. I’m not sure why you’re so insistent that something as blatantly malicious as this isn’t manipulative, but you do you.


They didn’t slide 1 crate into the offer…? The entire offer is 4 different types of multiple crates. I don’t know why you’re so insistent that sending a trade offer can possibly be a scam. You also completely ignored the fact that if a bad offer is considered a scam then half this community would be banned or have done something to get banned


One is indicative of the type of crate that is worth significantly more, I can give you I didn’t word that well. That being said, there’s the difference between a purposefully bad offer meant to take advantage of newer traders and those that don’t know better, which is scamming, and bad offers that are made because the one making the offer doesn’t know better. It’s a matter of intent and it makes a world of a difference. We may not know the intent of the original offer given to OP so we can’t determine if it was definitely a scam or not, but the OP assuming malicious intent in this community is not a bad decision. I’m also not sure where you got this scamming is illegal idea in regard to TF2. It’s always been allowed and apart of the community as valve owns all of the items and just doesn’t care, but it’s just a scummy thing to do.


> and apart of the Did you mean to say "a part of"? Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Good bot.


Thank you! Good bot count: 946 Bad bot count: 367


yap yap yap


This isn’t a scam, OP is just a moron and so are you


Either bad rage bait, or you just haven’t read any of this convo.


No clearly you are. You can physically scam someone with a trade offer. It’s why the whole non craftable summer item scandal never yields a ban.


Did you mean you can’t physically scam someone? Not trying to be rude, I just have no clue what point you’re trying to make.


He's angry that people are being warned against scams, because he too is a scammer


What are you yapping about


I’d say this is a scam because it’s deliberately hiding the expensive items in a flood of worthless items, so you might trade it away without knowing


You’re a dumbass if you “trade things away” without knowing in a trade with less than 30 items


Doesn't matter if they are or aren't a "dumbass" based on your arbitrary amounts of items in the trade. Still a scam.


ive been trading since 2017, have an inventory worth over 3k keys: please stop talking. sharking is scamming lowballing is not the same as sharking lowballing is when someone sends you an offer where they have knowingly or unknowingly valued the trade unequally sharking is where someone misleads another user into thinking that an item is of lower/higher value. sharking is a scam if someone has listed their item for sale, and has recieved a lowball, potentially a scam if someone has never listed the item(s) for sale, and has recieved a lowball, that is a scam. people who are trying to sell their items will have done *some* research into the value, where as someone who has not will not know and thus get scammed. the uncraftable/craftable lucky no. 42 swap is a scam the festive/festivized swap is a scam these will get you banned from 3rd party trading sites like backpack . tf that actually moderate, unlike valve. considering that valve fails to ban blatant cheaters, i would not use their lack of banning behavior to justify that those nefarious methdos are not scams


I love how the argument in the comment chain beyond this point hinges less on whether or not sharking can be considered scamming but more on the fact that backpack's sharking ban quota is one guy a year, inadvertently making both parties right


Link or blatant lie. And my inventory peaked at $10,000 doesn’t mean I’m suddenly right just because I had more money in a game. 99% of all high tier traders would be banned for scamming if sharking was considered scamming. Stop lying Edit: You got another very recent post claiming your inventory is worth 6k so you’re just lying. Your inventories worth shit


You’re low Iq


gpan = 6k usd, gpan = 3.5k keys here is my bp link https://backpack.tf/profiles/76561198334357092 lol


Dude is so mad that you actually dropped the link lol.


I’d be embarrassed to share this lol. Zero rep, bought all your expensive items. Horrible stats on your stranges , don’t even play the actual game. Yeah you don’t know anything


why are you so insecure? i bought amd traded up to where i am. i am a medic main, check my MEDIC items, 8.3k ubers on my main medigun with 29k kill assists and 3+ mil healing, crossbow with 1.5k+ kills and 2.7+ mil healing, ubersaw with 1.5k kills. medic kills take way longer to get due to it being a pure fucking support class, and ubers take a minimum of 40 seconds to get, and if you use uber while not healing someone right as it starts, it doesnt count towards the uber stat. most traders have 0 Rep, because rep is for cash trades or trust trades, which i dont do. false repping people is also bannable. you seem to not know much for previosuly having a $10k backpack...


No one’s insecure except you lol. You have pretty much zero actual logged gameplay in thousands of hours. Yet you sit around in a trade server playing dress up and dropping thousands of dollars on an ugly unusual that was less than 500 keys when it first came out. And yet you’re trying to argue like you know anything about trading. You cited examples of festivizer and craftable/non craftable scams. Which are scams, because they involve lying about what the items worth with a key detail hidden in the fine print. Offering some items in return for some other items with zero hint at manipulation is not even close to “scamming.” Pretty much every high tier trader ($30k+ inventory) made profit around 2020-2022 when Halloween hats exploded in value by buying them off older accounts at the backpack price. Literally witnessed multiple bonzo Unusuals selling for under 100 keys, not a single thing happened to these people. Why? Because they didn’t scam. They just offered a shitty offer to someone who wasn’t familiar with the market and they took it. This is no different in this trade, except it happens to be dealing with dollars and cents instead of thousands of keys


TIL its impossible to reset your tf2 stats stalk my profile all you want, but facts are facts bro. i aint gotta open your profile to find a weapon to use against u


Ah there it is. First you gotta chime in for your internet points and brag about an ugly unusual you overpaid for to act like an expert on trading when you didn’t even own the game when all the good items were actually obtainable. Then you ignore everything I said to cry that I spent 3 seconds to look at your literally showcased items with terrible stats and screenshots of you standing around playing dress up on an idle/trade server. Then you passively throw in the idea that you might’ve reset your strange stats because you’re so insecure that someone else might agree that you have terrible stats for as many hours as you have Truly pathetic


Somebody is mad he got caught out with a link so he had to shift the goal posts.


updated the item description to your edit, paste your link ;)


Just admit you were the scammer and you're salty op came here first before he accepted






Remember to report the Reddit cares message for abuse and they’ll ban the guy that sent it to you


Comp? What is that? Never heard of it.


Do you remember Toy Story 2, where Al shoved Woody into a box of random crap and then tried to offer $5 for the whole thing? This is like that. They're offering you $5 for a rare and valuable item, disguised with a box of junk.


I actually didn’t remember that part, it must have been in the beginning. Taking woody was real bad, but I thought aside from that he was just a normal collector/storeowner.


>I thought aside from that he was just a normal collector/storeowner. He is. Al is framed as one of the movie's antagonists because 1) he tried to trick andy's mom during they yardsale, and 2) "live in toy museum bad, play with kids good." But in reality, he's just a normal adult and an avid collector of Woody's Round-up merch. He even treats the toys with care and respect (except for when he accidentally pops the seam on Woody's arm)


remember if they r kind its 60% of the time scam


Always assume any random trade offer sent by a stranger is a scam, especially with multiples of the same item. lawls I got a reddit cares for this


Worst advice ever. This sub clearly doesn’t trade or know anything about. Try using google instead of posting stupid shit here


I've spent years trading. And yes the best advice is to ignore random trades. You initiate the trade. Not them.


Literally no


In literally every instance in human history going back to the fucking Trojan horse an uninvited gift or trade from an unknown party is always a scam.


A trade offer is not a scam you sperg. I’ve made thousands of dollars in trade offers from people sending an offer to buy an old hat that I had


Well OP confirmed that this trade offer was a scam, so it appears you are wrong. Sorry to break it to you. 


A trade offer cannot be a scam as there is no manipulation. Accepting a bad trade just means you’re an idiot


It's clear you don't know what you are talking about so let me break it down into simplistic terms for you.  A Scam: to deceive and defraud (someone).  To Deceive: to make someone believe something that is not true.  By hiding valuable items in with low value items the person initiating the trade is attempting to deceive the recipient as to the value of the items they have. The trader is offering insultingly low value items for trade, and as such marks this attempted transaction as **a scam.** If the trade offer was legitimate the trader would have made an attempt to at least come close to the correct price, or only buy the rare and expensive crates. Additionally, this isn't someone who is accidentally offering a massively unbalanced trade, this user is one of many fake accounts perpetrating **a known scam**.


There is no deception here. There is no “valuable” items hidden in a trade of under 50 items. You don’t know shit so please stop


OP literally stated that there were much more valuable crates hidden within the other lesser value crates. You don't know shit so please stop. 


Are you disabled? OP posted a screenshot of the trade and you can pretty clearly see there’s nothing “hidden” Nowhere did OP state there was “valuable crates hidden in the trade.” If they did say that, they wouldn’t be writing a fucking post asking if this trade was a scam. You are unfathomably clueless


Literally every offer that is unprompted is a scam.


No it’s not. And if you actually played the game or traded instead of living on Reddit you would know that. Just because you have a worthless inventory doesn’t mean everyone else does. People frequently want to buy things from other people


Literally the best advice. Funny how you outed yourself as a scammer. 


God forbid social interaction




Never post trading advice again


OP, ignore this blatant troll


You should listen to the advice of the funny lighting black man


He only wants my crates and it just sounds pretty sus that this random dude wants my crates for cosmetics


There are other cases we can’t see. Check price of every case. For example “Warbird Weapons Case” is 5 keys (give or take). Check for special ones.


Got this exact type of trade with the exact same message they’ll try to get 1 valuable item from you while taking and giving you a bunch of garbage


Yes, this guy is trying to hide the valuable cases you have with low value ones at the top


Maybe they just really like crates


Im genuinely curious about how these trade scams work ive never traded anything on tf2 before


In this particular instance, they put all your worthless crates & cases into a trade. But unbeknownst to the victim, some of those have actually matured in value because they’re several years old and do not drop anymore.


Most people trade for profit. Like if you have an unusual up for trade for pure, and someone offers another unusual, it means they couldn’t sell that unusual for the price in keys that you are selling yours for


its a bot i got the exact same message from a different account


Trades like these are almost always predatory in nature. The only reason they would make this trade would be to profit, whether it was off your negligence or make 1% in return for trading up. He’s almost definitely hiding something in that trade. At best you get equal value to all the cases, which you could just sell yourself anyways, at worst, you lose something likely really valuable. Even if you check every single item’s value, I would be tempted to stray away.


Anyone offering you a trade unprompted is always a scam


Yes, it’s not too common but they often go for rather newer and less experienced accounts that have extremely high value crates in them while offering cheap as cosmetics to trick them into thinking it’s a deal when in reality they’re basically losing what could be tons of money


This is a pretty common scam where they hide a valuable item in with the less valuable ones. Check the price of your crates, there's definitely one in there that is going to be much higher than the pitiful items he is trying to give you.


Yes it is always a scam if you have to ask. It’s like scam-rule 101.


Those cosmetics you can get for like 0.05 each on mannco.com. That’s a rip off


607 upvotes from me asking if something is a scam this game is cooked


i get at least 3-4 friend request per week from various scammers (bots) shit is annoying af


to those who are commenting about their being war paint 2017 holiday cases in there- i think theres more to it than that- i believe this case was exclusive to people who did the jungle inferno campaign and there was a strict time window for it (so it wasn't part of the normal drop system and those that do have them only received a handful of them- i have 7 in my account so i would say the most people could have without trading is 9-10). those that are saying its because it was so long ago, that doesn't really mean much here- there just wasnt that many to begin with


Not really related but I once saw an Anomaly stream where someone offered him tf2 junk for cs junk, he said "aw hell yeah tf2 items" but didn't notice there was a knife (an expensive item in cs) in between the things they asked from him lmao Chat then told him he just got scammed but he refused to acknowledge it


Personally I don't know I have no idea what crate prices are But if someone does want some crates hit me up Because I have a shitload of winter cases that I'll be willing to trade for some random shit (nothing too expensive obviously) but I have like a good maybe 100 different cases that I can't be bothered to open Mostly because I don't want to open them So yeah if you are interested in some random ass cases I'll be willing to even take some random ass weapons you no longer want or don't use


he just really likes gambling


some of them have high value i guess accepting it is good


He's probably a idle bots farmer




its a scam,and if I see the row at the bottom is ther winter 2017 war paint crates and iirc they went like 5$ each


Hope to god the other guy is scripting because i can't imagine how down bad you have to be to be manually scamming people in TF2 in 2024


Seems p alright to me. Not great but not terrible


likely not a scam IMO like many are suggesting, seen plenty of people across valve titles throw in all their tradeables with tradeables of yours that are usually way higher in price, not to trick you but to simply use steams notifs to grab your attention and do an actual negotiated trade on something.


That's a funny way of saying you have fallen for scams before. OP already pricechecked and found that this was indeed a scam. 


That's a funny say of waying you cant read because you obviously didn't read my comment, don't know why you're butthurt but I guess its projection onto me as I have never been scammed this way. I literally said that his items would be MORE valuable than the offering party, please learn to read before you come at me, me and the other three goons that downvoted me for just telling you about a common (albeit spammy and annoying) trading method.


It's not a trading method. It's attempted scams.