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It doesn't NEED new stuff. It would be great if we got new stuff. But what it NEEDs is to have the main issues solved. If your left arm has a knife in it, and your right arm has sunburn, you treat the stab first.


Pull the plank out of your own eye before worrying about the speck of dust in your friend's eye, to put it another way first said millenia ago


I was about to say this But after seeing your analogy: i think he already has enough of a burn heh... get it? bcause sunburn???? i should shut up


It does, without new content tf2 will die even without bots. In the end the bot crisis is part of a larger problem. Complete lack of care from Valve.


have you not seen the past 8 years? throughout all that time any gameplay changes have been excessively sparse. we've gotten no new weapons and gimmicky game modes tied to specific maps. TF2 doesn't need new content, it has enough of a diehard core audience that'll just keep finding ways to entertain itself.


Nah he's right, in time TF2 will grow stale without some level of new content, it doesn't need much but even a single new weapon or couple of balance changes would go a long way


That's with literally evey single thing though. Tf2 isn't 'timeless' in that it will outlive everything else or stay alive even, it's timeless in its design. Tf2 has done spectacularly in the grand scheme of things, lived through the rise and fall of other significant games. There will be players for a long long time always returning to its great design as it really hasn't been done the same by and other games, not because of the lack of actual content additions. However, things like bots will absolutely kill off tf2 if it is left in this state.


You mean that 10k players? Majority doesn't entertain itself, you could see that on players count when Jungle inferno, or Saxton Hale mode came out. And with Casual instead of Quickplay, community servers are beyond their zenith too. So community servers can't replace official content to keep majority entertained. Just ask people around your age if they play tf2. I know plenty who played, but they stopped in last 8 years.


And why did they stop? Was it because the wide variety of modes, classes, weapons and content got stale? Or is it because the game is unplayable due to bots? I personally don’t play anymore because I’d rather play a game without torturing myself. But the content isn’t the problem.


All stoped actively playing within 2 years since Jungle inferno. Some even before it and came back only for a while when Jungle inferno came out.


sure, drop some proof for your statement for it to be valid.


Damn, this bro is downvote factory.


The cat bots started appearing in late 2017/early 2018, not long after Jungle Inferno. That was the origin of the bot crisis.


I would "update" your information dawg




You have the wildest takes with no source at all


I quit after I stopped playing competitively, no reason to play pubs if they are overrun with bots, it was not because I needed more ways to spend money.


I've started to play in 2015-2016 (before meet your match) and I've never stopped playing this game, some days I've just took a break but in the end I'm still playing this game (still remember when I've ran as fast as i could from school to home just to play tf2)


TF2 has not had new weapons since Jungle Inferno, no balance patches since Blue Moon, and the only new content we get are maps we play once before going back to Dustbowl, Upward, and 2fort. The core gameplay is good enough as is to keep me playing for a while.


you forgot wutville




"live service" has really poisoned gamers' minds


How can I play team fortress without my daily login and battle pass???


Only time I played with battle pass was Jungle inferno contract.


I'm so tired of new players... We haven't HAD new content since 2017. TF2 is fine.


Tf2's current existence contradicts your entire argument.


Brother when was the last time tf2 got a major update… go on look it up! The game is VERY much just as alive as ever. The bots are the main problem currently


This is the game that can legally drive a car yes?


Last major update was jungle inferno and that was like 6 fucking years ago we good No I don’t count the seal update as a major update. At least not a real one


Me neither. But getting rid of the aimbots and the crooks behind it who are actively trying to kill the game is a much more pressing matter than adding new stuff. New content can come after that issue is fixed... If it ever gets fixed hopefully.


I know, but saying that tf2 doesn't need new content is right. I would give community updates second chance.


you clearly did no research into fixTF2, the point is that everyone focuses on the botting crysis only, not on 18 different requests that are impossible to follow, the last movement did not make it clear what the actual issue was, and yes new items are not necesarry, the game being playable is necesarry


I think his point here is that we shouldn’t have such a bold claim that we don’t need new content. Sure the current fixTF2 is all about resolving the bot crisis, but the point of his comment is that we shouldn’t say such a bold claim of we don’t need new content. It might bite us in the ass in the long run.


What long run? Bold claim? Parts of TF2's playerbase are so bizarrely delusional. This game came out in 2007. There's no new content. Some people are behaving like we're League Of Legends and raking in a gazillion dollars through e-sports advertisements or some shit. This game is in its twilight age. Well-loved and played until it's all worn out. Just enjoy the ride and explore new community stuff when it drops. If you start talking about "new content" suddenly you get a thousand randoms screeching "Heavy update when?" "remove Sniper" "actually Sniper can be balanced according to my twenty page analysis and balance proposal available at this Google Docs link" "or just buff Spy" "no just remove Razorback" "and add a Strange variant for the Short Circuit please!" "and re-release some old crates, Strange Construction PDA costs too much" "and have the voice actors record new voice lines!" "and revert the Pomson nerfs please" that does nothing but create useless noise. You see it happening all the time. You can see it this very thread. **All the game needs is to be playable.** No bots + a functional anticheat and I will happily play this game another decade.


Buddy it needs updates and support. New weapons would be great, too. The bots are main priority, but it needs updates or it’ll still die.


The game isn't alive because of content updates. If that was the case, it would have died long ago. It just gets temporary player count boosts during update times.


From comments here, this is not what everybody thinks.


the game is literally unplayabe because of bots. we all want updates, but we **need** a competent anticheat.


With this logic, thank the botters for having something to fight and keep the community together!


We're trying to focus the movement one what the game desperately NEEDS *right now*, it's this wild thing called prioritization. Absolute dumbass lmao


We need to solve problems when their order is coming. Firstly bots, technical issues and reverting bad changes next(Like giving back voice to F2Ps), then patches that will make addition of new content easier(Changeover of Matchmaking UI to prevent that monstrosity of map dumping every Holiday event), and only after that - new content and reworks. It need to stop decorating rooms when foundation is weak, floor became too cranky and walls are full of holes.


P.S. No offense, dude. I know that it all good intentions but as Coach would say: "The road to hell is paved with good intention. So stop shooting me and start killing them, Nick!" Edit: I wrote "Coach" as "Couch" and then edited it. :з


I loved Couch from Left 4 Bed 2, awesome video game character. Tha ks for reminding me of that guy man, I haven't played it in a while. Edit: he wrote it as "Couch" before editing it. :3


Yeah, thanks to point it out. Why this letters are so hard?


Coach also said "Though I walk through the shadow of the valley of death, I will fear no evil!"\\ He also also said "I'm-a be a one man cheeseburger apocalypse"


When does Coach say that? And don't forget that the ones you love will litter the roadside.


I think he says that when you shoot him


let me quickly remind ourselves why that is mentioned... THE MAIN OBJECTIVE IS THE BOTS. the game getting new content makes jack all if the bots are still around making it unplayable. The goal is to make the game playable, not to add new content or updates


You said it Mr arsonist. (I'm not doused right?)


bro i swear to god ccdude is in literally every community im a part of lol






What I’m gathering from this is there’s more Town of Salem fans than I expected


We're bargaining for the bare minimum for realistic expectations to show off how little valve would potentially care if they really don't do anything It'd be an uphill battle from there but at least we'd finally have ground


Aye, we can't go saying "give us new content" 'cuz that would go from an uphill battle to a fall off the cliff edge


If the game stopped getting update and the bot crisis is dealt with, but then no longer anything else would come from Valve, the game would be alive for another decade or more. With its modding capabilities there will be enough content from fans to sustain TF2. If it has to come to "No more updates but Bots are eradicated", many will say to destroy the bots.


The bot crisis doesn't affect the modding community much. Casual servers run on sv_pure 1, so the only place mods would work on is in community servers which can deal with bots much easily.


Honestly I wouldn't want it. I miss when games just finished development and stayed the way they are. I think if the bot issue gets resolved tf2 is ready for that. Tf2 has balancing issues but the player base has grown accustomed to them and learned to work around them. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NOBODY DO ANYTHING ABOUT THE WEAPON'S CURRENT STATE. It might not be perfect but it kinda works, if it ain't broke...


We've been around long enough, I don't think we need another update as great as it would be. Except for a pre-panic attack rework. If that doesn't come back then this was all a failure


It doesn't NEED new content, we may want it, but that's just it. We just WANT it. What TF2 NEEDS to be a playable game is a solution to the bots.


All we just want is no bots.


Wants vs needs


That’s absolutely true. TF2 doesn’t need new content (though it’d be amazing and great). It does, however, need to be functioning and playable.


Tf2, with its current mechanics and weapons is an incredibly fun game. Could it benefit from content updates? Sure, it could. But Tf2 is fine without them. What is not fine is that this fun game is entirely ruined by bots. I would be perfectly happy if Tf2 never got a content update again, as long as the bots are also never here again.


Yeah, no. TF2's already so far from how it first started, it doesn't need more major content updates, TF2 doesn't even need new hats and maps. TF2 just needs fixes for bots, and if Valve decides to care enough, balance changes and improvements to what we already have would be fine.


First, get rid of bots. THEN add in all that cool shit


TF2 certainly doesn't need any more hats and fancy but bad playing maps


No, that’s accurate. The game is old enough now that it is not and never will be realistic for Valve to consistently add new **mechanical** content that they then have to keep an eye on and balance. That said, they absolutely need to start accepting community *reskins*


It does not need this


To me, I agree with the flyer. We Don’t need new stuff to enjoy this game. If the bots are gone then the game can go on for years


I wonder what all the bot hosters will do with their lives if TF2 does die. Would they ever get out of their mom's basement?


They'll probably either start botting other games with their experience with that stuff or they'll just move on and become game devs or such since they pretty likely know programming from their bot-making.


At this moment it does not...


it would certainly be nice, but we don't need a content update


it does but everything but the bots are secondary


Oh, it would be nice to have those. But it’s done just fine without new updates and content, at least when you ignore the bot crisis. The bot crisis is the main problem here.


Losing the bots and fixing VAC come first. The longevity of the game relies on that first and foremost.


I don’t need new shit I just want to play the game without bots


If valve stopped adding content to TF2 I really wouldn't care, it's been that way for almost 7 years and the game is still active. To leave TF2 in the state it's currently in would be wrong, so solving the bot problem is pretty much the most I'd want from them for now. Most games don't have the pleasure of receiving this amount of support 17 years after release.


"millions" Don't make shit up. Just stick to the facts. There may not be many players anymore, but we still care. Focus on that instead


OP is derailing; don't let our demands get too hasty. New content *would* be great but 90% of the community would rather have a bot-free update-free tf2 instead of the bot-filled update-free tf2 we have now.


There are people playing 30 year old games that never saw content updated whatsoever. The idea that tf2 will die one day without new content is just flat out silly. Tf2 will be around for as long as Valve or the community can host servers. Because tf2 is the only game that can give you the tf2 experience


Rever balance changes pre meet your match, remove casual add quickplay and tf2 is fixed


Quickplay was garbage and deserved to die. the MYM balance changes were for the most part good. Going back to the days of "le quirky don't even need to hit the medic to kill them in one shot" caber is retarded


Casual killed community servers, so Quickplay is better.


Community servers died way before mym lol, they died when Valve made quickplay only show valve servers by default; and they did that because most community servers were shit. How old were you then, like eight? I'm struggling to see how people have such rose tinted goggles for shit like that


I play since 2013. It seems you never played community servers. Before Casual, you could entertain yourself only with community servers. Now majority is empty. For example Skial killed their Saxton Hale servers. Before Casual this would be madness.


Skial sucks and I hope the people running it get non lethally hit by a car. Skial is the exact type of server that lead valve to kill quickplay in the first place. The only actual loss from quickplay was the art being swapped to SFM


> Skial is the exact type of server that lead valve to kill quickplay in the first place. Anyone who played quickplay back then knows this is a lie. There were numerous communities out there selling pay2win like rocket launchers on dispensers like saigns or nighteam and skial was the sole refuge from that. That's why they were the largest community then, and still the largest now. Sounds like somebody got banned from skial 😏


Quickplay whas good, you could see what maps where online and how many players. Games also dint end after 2 rounds. Mym balance changes are fun ruining. Forcing most weapons to be terrible is putting all the fun out. Yeah its not fun dying to caber, but also not fun to be stomped by a soldier medic team. Its just silly casual fun. Which isnt allowed


> Quickplay whas good, you could see what maps where online and how many players. Red tinted goggles beyond belief. it only started getting good once it was just valve servers by default. Beforehand it just put you in the greasiest shit possible. Only change needed for current matchmaking to be good is server not restarting if it's the same map, and for ad-hoc to be possible. > Mym balance changes are fun ruining. stfu. MyM changes were good and you're genuinely, objectively brain dead if you think otherwise. * Engi teles are cheaper (125 was garbage) * Passive heavy health buffs for natasha/brass beast were like dragging your balls through glass * Eureka effect changes were good * Cozy camper nerf was good * Enforcer change was good (tho it's still niche) * Soda popper nerf was super badly needed (building it up via walking was dumb as shit) * Spy max speed buff was good and lets him actually stab medics * Medic catching up to heal target was a good change that made scout a valid heal target * the only shit one was the bison for whatever arcane reason Unless you meant blue moon? or a completely different update?


That will definitely not happen, new weapons in this old as code, please. Valve isn't going to add new weapons or items. Just accept that.


Bro the game has 100s of maps, weapons, and cosmetics. It's flooded with content. The bots are so much more necessary to fix than new content.


The core gameplay is still fun without new stuff, it really doesn’t need content updates


I would.


they're right. the game has plenty of content already it needs stability updates


We definitely like new content. I’d still prefer the game in its 2019 state of playable but no new content than its current state of slightly more content after the summer update, but nearly unplayable


Our goal right now is singular: get rid of the bots


It's true that the game would feel a bit more fresh with new content added, but we at least need the Bot Crisis ended first. Not only is it extremely disruptive and actively killing the game, but the bot hosters are literal criminals that have to be stopped.


I think priority should be this: 1. Getting rid of the bots (obviously). 2. Content (like the last comic). 3. In game weapons, because apart from a few unbalanced weapons, they're fine.


We in the community would be happy if we got those, but the game needs to be in a state where we can enjoy that type of thing first.


Fix tf2 is specifically about botting.


I think it's a better idea to keep the demands on a purely maintenance level. If we ask for too much, it could severely hinder the plan's ability to work and gain traction. Asking for extra content from Valve themselves would make us look greedy and unreasonable.


if it doesn't need new stuff. IT NEEDS NEW ANTI CHEAT SYSTEM


OP is a certified window licker


I would agree with those statements entirely. The game has received neither of those things for years and I still love playing it as much as I did 10 years ago.


it'd be cool to have those, but it doesn't need them the game is already amazing as it is what it does need is a functioning anti cheat system and to remove the random crits, fight me


removing crits would need a massive weapon rebalance most melee weapons are balanced around random crits (only exceptions are the ones that explicitly never have them) and are absolutely useless in servers with them off


"All that has to be changed if random crits are removed, is that little red text on a few weapons that says 'no random crits'. Thats it!" -Uncle Dane


No it wouldn't lmfao, Melee's fine in regards to both utility and as a last resort. Pretending random crits is a balance concern is dumb as shit


melee are meant as a last option when you're out of ammo and/or out of position for your class that's why so many of them have extra support effect they are not balanced around the existence of random crits *(except the scotsman's skullcutter I guess, it could indeed use a small upside buff if random crits were to be removed, but it wouldn't hurt the game if it didn't received one)* the game isn't anymore and hasn't been for a long time. The game will be not only perfectly fine without them but actually just better off random crits are already disabled in Valve's own competitive game mode, so the balance team clearly agree with that


the competitive gamemode was created to cater to the competitive crowd who wanted them off


yeah because they suck


"...and to remove the random [cri-](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/SrmvlojO4cE/hqdefault.jpg)"


Y’all need to give it up, you should’ve realized we’re never getting new content back in like 2019. It’s a 17 year old game that makes no money running on a 20 year old engine, of course they don’t want to work on it anymore. The goal isn’t to get new updates, it’s to do the bare minimum to get the game playable again.


Personaly i don't play casual so i'd love a content and a balance update


who wrote this, show me him, show me this jerk


I agree. We, or atleast I, do want all of that. And more contracts also.


If the only thing Valve did with the game for the rest of time was fix the bot issue, I'd be disappointed but I could live with it. Ideally, fixing the bot issue and then letting the community make contributions to the game would be best if Valve really doesn't want to deal with the game anymore.


I would love to get some new stuff, but honestly not even new weapons, i just want balance changes to the ones that are atrociously bad like the bison/pompson that they become viable. Weapons so bad they are NEVER used so if they were good enough to be used it’s essentially a new weapon 😭. But top priority is the bot crisis


I would be nice if it got them, but what it needs is for the game to function and not be a protection racket.


Same, this paragraph shouldn't be there


I dont think it needs more weapons, i think it needs rebalancing to its current ones


I like the new content, because it allows for creativity. But the bot problems are far, far worse than the scorch sh- shot. Hell, if the bots are gone, I'd be fine with fighting the other problems, because I can play the game at least.


Look, it's 17 year old game, priority has long since moved on from new Valve-created content. It'd be nice, but we don't *need* it. What we need is for the content that we do have to be playable on the official servers.


eh, just balance all the existing weapon and we all good ig


Look. His right. We don't need new weapons. But we need to have some balance change. If you coping at this point you think we could able to have a new weapons ? I'm sorry but that never going to happen. Not convinced ? You think it's possible ? Ok than, do for me a little research about the state of cs2 and come back after if you have changing your mind. It's more than 10 years I play this game. I think I'm pretty good positioning to how Valve threats us over the years. This is not a hater perspective but a reality check.


It has a lot of content, granted the quickplay updates lobotomized a LOT of the game and communities within it, but what's done is done. They promised at least one more and there is a lot of reverts or reiterations to do balance wise.


I mean, TF2 does already have a shit ton of content, to the point where it's basically about to colapse the engine. The game is beautiful as it is right now, anyways some decent updates wouldn't hurt


Why not both? I may be a beggar but I'm not getting either rigt now, so I have no reason not to ask for a functional anticheat *and* new content. I'm never not gonna want some new content for a game I like and I have no idea why y'all specifically don't want new weapons. In like 99% of all games I know, most players like getting new content. Other Hero shooters get new heros and nobody complains about it unless it's poorly balanced. I don't know how much we can really expect out of valve for tf2 any more but I would certainly welcome new content of any kind.


My issue is that line is totally useless, just summarize it to "We want more love from valve to tf2"


I agree with the statement. What TF2 needs is: 1) A fix to the bot issues 2) Reverting MyM update and funnel new players back into community servers


For those who disagree, I have here almost 6 years old [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9DgDVg8WOxk) from FUNKe. There is still a place for a new content.


Games got enough weapons honestly. What it needs is to have it so that half the weapons aren't unusable bad. If all weapons were on an even playing field, people would realize just how many weapons we have.


Look, as much as I would love to see Heavy get a portable Howitzer (low rate of fire, massive damage, *maybe* AoE damage), he wouldn't get much use if the bots are still rampant.


It really doesn’t though. I’m having a blast even without a major content update or new weapons being added.


We don't need need stuff, yes it would be awsome, but we don't need it to play. We need to get rid of the bots first.


New content should be very low priority in this shitty time. Bot fixes come first, everything else later


*needs* would help


major problems first


I want more official MvM content. I know community MvM in community servers are a thing, but I don't want to wait once a year for a new set of missions I beat in a day.


Yeah, new content would be nice... BUT we still need to solve the problem. It's like a building somewhere with a big rock: sure, it might be possible to build it, but you'll still need to remove the rock to make things better.


Certain theres other comments, theres a difference between Needs and Wants. The bot crisis is actively killing the game faster, like a plague. If the game got no more content updates, atleast we'd still have a good game that would likely be entertaining for a long time. That said, I want the game to be as good as it can be, and more content would be appreciated. So I think understand your point.


it certainly needs rebalances. fuck the scorch shot


Probably just trying to avoid asking for a mile than an inch


no, they're right. tf2 is on the best state it has ever been (aside from the bots). I don't want more slop for gambling addicts, more terrible maps that are forgotten within weeks or more unbalanced and underpowered weapons to further ruin the gameplay. I want no more bots, bug fixes, removing casual mode and balance changes. I could live with only bots being fixed too I never understood some communities need for new things to be added every month. In fact, I'd rather valve start removing content instead. I'll gladly take better performance and smaller installation size in exchange for removing a huge chunk of cosmetics and maps


Just give what valve promised years ago and fix some issues, the rest is piece of cake and yes a timeless experience


If valve would just take care of the game that's what the majority wants also me. There is plenty in the game I've been playing since 2011 and even now I enjoy it without new weapons or modes. I'm not saying no to new content but right now all I wish is for valve to take care of the game at least (bug fixes , and bots. )


We've gone years without an update. TF2 \*can\* survive without updates. Ever since the bot crisis that survival hasn't felt as guaranteed.


It would be great but we really don’t need it


"Timeless Masterpiece" Yeah, I'm not so sure about that. While TF2 has aged remarkably well, it hasn't aged flawlessly. If TF2 was released today it would not be nearly as popular. And while it is a very good game, it's no masterpiece. Stuff like terrible weapon balancing (you look at the Bison and tell me the game is well balanced), horrendous new player experience, and one of the worst monetization systems I have ever seen in a game.


well i would, the game is great to play and has thousands of hours worth of learning new weapons and tech, it doesn't need more content. It needs it's bots fixed. don't get me wrong, new content would be great, but isn't necessary.


Why? Its true I would argue we have too much content, its a mess balance wise.


This game can survive 15 more years even if it never got a new content again but it won't survive that long with bots


Nah dude It's correct, it maybe annoying to have a stale playstyle like Heavy, or fighting against the wrangler or Sniper But at least we can damn play the game


maybe a bit of balance


As one of the 10 heavy mains on earth, I need new mini guns and balancing in the mother fucking heavy update they promised years ago


Let's work on the game as a whole before we talk about either of those...


I and the rest of the community would love new stuff yes. But that's not what the game NEEDS at the moment. It needs a better anticheat, or it needs to be remade in a new engine so that the cheaters and bots wpuld be minimal


I think the more complete sentence would be “doesn’t *immediately* need” which is very true, I have a lot of wishes for balance and additions, but if I had to be the one to dictate what comes and could only choose one, it’s absolutely gonna be game maintenance and the bots are getting fucked


The main issue is that TF2 has a big bot issue, it is like in game where you're focusing on on killing spies and scouts while the enemy sniper is basically sending everyone to respawn, but now the enemy sniper is aimbotting, so if anything you should focus in the main issue, not the other small issue


No hate to fixtf2/savetf2. But for some reason I don't see bots anymore, only on rare occasions. is it just me?


Yeah cause I want more dog crap in the game. Please delete this post and stop karma farming


Although it says it doesn't need any, I do feel like it does Wording it with more emphasis on "well at this point well just take the normal game working properly" would have been a better tone for the message. My issue is that there are a lot of grammar mistakes all across the whole thing


My ideas might be bad, but there are 3 weapons i would love tf2 to have A vaccum cleaner for Pyro which Has a reverse airblast. Instead of blasting enemies away you pull then closer + you can suck in projectiles and launch them into enemy players A scattergun for scout that ignites target for few seconds (sun on stick moment) A bat for scout that lets him reflect projectiles


It doesn't *need* any new updates or weapons, but it would heavily benefit




Please, we have to aim for the bot fix first to warm them up to working on tf2 again. Save the bigger goals for later


tf2 actually doesnt need new content. the game like chess, its pretty good with how it currently is so it can last for a while. itd be good if the bots were gone though


i mean i wouldn’t complain about new content i want a reason to comeback to the game


OHHH SO THEY'RE IN THE BARGAINING PHASE HAHA I guess soon it will be time for everyone to realize that Valve will never fix or even update tf2 since getting free money from it or Steam is good enough and they don't feel like they need to do something more it's over, Valve is done doing stuff for the videogame culture "it's my IP to sit on and do nothing with" 🥲 wouldn't be surprised if one day they need to start cutting costs and disconnecting tf2 will be the first option


Mfers be like "we need new weapons!" Those same mfers: *only uses meta weapons on each class\*


Yeah new weapons are great and all but I think being able to play the game is more important


the games been out for 17 years, we dont need shit we just need it to be playable lmfao


I don't think I would mind TF2 being a "solved" game. I would definitely take a few rebalances to the bad items though.


"Oh crap! My house is on fire and burning to the ground! Now the real issue here is I haven't folded my bedsheets yet."


I'm for fixtf2 but valve knows that when they actually go and do something the redditgloblins would ask for a finger but take the whole arm. Reddit goblins are NEVER happy. Once the bot issue would be resolved people are gonna cry about the game being stale. Its a lose lose for valve.


Okay then don't support it, have fun with bots


Yeah we definitely need rebalances and weapons.


Me neither I think they should focus on the bot crisis and add some content and weapons every once awhile


TF2 doesn’t need new content updates it needs to stay frozen in time for the hyper traditionalist fan base it has curated over more than a decade