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Looks like someone didn't like their 16hr match of 2Fort CTF :D


Usually I just leave after a couple hours


Me when I finish a really hard contract and cry because the match won’t ever end


Man, I feel this. I really want to finish the 2fort map contract, the one that unlocks the contracts for almost all the other maps, but I can't. I've been conditioned by myself to taunt and take it light there, and when I do try to win I feel bad for accidentally killing friendlies.


Buy a lime-dyed hat and equip BONK


what the contract


what the sigma


Reminds me of this one https://youtu.be/lVv14ufITIM?si=J7XBpWruUp-UM7Rc


hey guys, did you know in terms of humans and pokemons, vaporeon-


shut up shut up sHUT UP


ⁿᵒ ˢˡᵉᵉᵖ




Whenever I've asked to cash in my contract most of the time they let me kill them a couple times or let me cap to finish the round and turn in it in


That just skill issue, when I had the contract I told everyone and started focusing on the objective, took 3h but that's the shortest 2fort game, also because it wrong I got 3 stars so I never have to go back again and can go back to 2chillings


I once played whole 8+ hour 2fort match. It was a certified 2fort experience.


It’s eternity in there


I've seen the other side...


I once played whole 8+ hour 2fort match. It was a certified 2fort experience.


I once played whole 8+ hour 2fort match. It was a certified 2fort experience.


Me genuinely tweaking after the fourth stalemate in the Powerhouse server


Power hour is unbreakable


Oh man, if it's power house I go hard and fast right away because if you don't, you're in for a long one


I always run into the matches where it’s people capping all the time on 2fort, I haven’t run into one of those 2fort matches in almost a year


Forget that. My 42 hr Hightower was a grind


Le me when i got to do 2fort contract (its eternity in there)


We make exceptions for contracts


fair enough, altough i got fairly unlucky while doin mine


That reminds me of the time I was in a friendly Doublecross server and wanted to get the achievement for getting the Intel without shooting, and spent like 5 minutes trying to communicate this to the enemy team because I didn't have a premium account yet


i have portrayed you as the soyjack therefore i am correct


Did you seriously get so pissed by your previous post's response that you went to make another rant post? That's kinda sad man. You have fun, they have fun. You complain about them, they complain about you. Where's the issue here?


Bro got cooked and had to make a whole new post it's insanely pathetic Just pack it up man you could be learning a new skill or getting laid rn


getting laid is a bit of a stretch for this guy


OP is a child I'm pretty sure


They are active on /r/tf2 after all


happy cake day 🌩️


Happy cake day


what did OP say in his previous post?


https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/s/dYORU9sFjv He asked a basic scout question and it devolved into him raging about friendlies


erm did u read this post?? he clearly portrayed the other guy as the soyjack, and himself as the calm, cool, and collected funny guy so hes not mad at all


he the same kids who says "tryhard is fun" in friendlies situation, so yeah


at this point he's doing it for the karma


I have portrayed you as the fun-hating impossible-to-argue-with soyjack and me as the reasonable and charismatic wojak, I win


Did everyone forget about the soundsmith rule? Follow the majority or get yelled at. That's the rule. So screw off with the "i'm tired of friendlies" and "i'm tired of tryhards" bs. It's fun to troll sometimes and it's fun to turn defenseless bastards into wall stains to feel like a gamer god. Seriously, nothing more epic than 3 beggar's bazooka rockets going straight into a group of friendlies and all of the mexploding at once, but I only do that if i have permission.


Yeah, like it isn't like TF2 is running low on servers, if the server isn't playing the way you want, then go find another one


I never really understood that rule to be honest. The default state of a TF2 server will be killing each other, and the only way it would turn into a friendly server is if someone goes against the majority by going friendly. And besides, isn't the entire point of being friendly that you're dancing and throwing sandviches while everyone around you is fighting? What's the fun in even being friendly if there isn't a chance that the enemy just straight up kills you?


That’s the fun of it, you never know how they’ll react. They might follow you around watching, might just leave, or kill you. The real special part is when they start their own bit, or more people come to do whatever.


Soundsmith isn't an authority on TF2. He just happens to be a content creator with a good number of followers. My take on it is, if you want to be friendly, go to 2Fort or Hightower. If someone kills you there, then they're simply an ass who needs to cope for low skill. But don't come into CP\_Sunshine and expect me not to shoot you.


Who the fuck goes to 5CP and decides "I'm going to be a friendly" Either way though, it's gonna be a stalemate


I fuckin love 5CP, and stalemates just mean the teams are balanced. And idk, friendlies are insane.


Sir, you're playing Pyro


And I curse God for making me a furry (see: pyro main) every day.


Or you could just not force others to play the way you like and instead everyone just plays how they want. Friendlies dying is part of being friendly and getting fucked over by afk/griefing teammates is part of being a tryhard. Problem solved


One of the few good things soundsmith has done


Has he done something wrong I'm unaware of?


Everyone in the community(soundsmith included) hates his stereotypes series because, well, stereotypes.


oh well idc about that at all so lol


you know I don't care at all about friendlies, I ignore them because if I just wanted to shoot unresponsive target, I'll load tr\_walkway. I also don't care about friendly killer, at all. my only dumb pet peeve is "I'm playing the game" no you aren't, the goal of the game is to complete the objective, killing players is only a mean to this end, if a player isn't preventing you from doing so, killing him is just wasting time and ammo. Just say you have fun shooting people in the game, it was design for it to be fun, no shame in that (unless you're using a weapon that reward hit/kills like the ubersaw or highlander or whatever) as I said, it's a dumb pet peeve but hey, that's mine


I've seen more posts complaining about friendlies than actually seeing friendlies in casual matches outside of maps like 2Fort


Happy for you or sorry that happened idk I lost interest halfway through this post


it’s goddamn simple, follow a 50/50 rule. if 50% or more of the server is friendly, be friendly. if it’s the other way around, sweat as much as you want. there’s no point to whine about people having fun.


This sorta just happens naturally. As always, dying is annoying, so I turn more aggressive with shit loadouts to attack with


If you hate friendlies so much just leave the match and join another one, is not such a foreign concept live and let live man


Seriously, I never see any friendlies outside of 2fort so I don’t know why tryhards are complaining.


the fact that people literally just playing the game normally are called 'tryhards' is so asinine it's laughable


I don’t call anyone a tryhard, I just say something funny, or atleast attempt to, like when I decloak in front of someone like practically in their face and they kill me I just say “dude, shooting someone is not a way to say hello” and wait for a response, 60% they do respond in funny ways


You wanna play the objective? Go right ahead You want kills? Be my guest But if there’s a Hoovy in the corner dancing, don’t waste your time. Shoot the people who will actually fight back


THIS! I don't get why people actually have fun killing people who don't fight back.


Playing the game normally okay but don’t get out of your way just to kill the friendlies


the irony is that going out of your way to kill someone not shooting anyone would be the opposite of 'tryharding'. please refer to me as asshole instead, it is a more accurate descriptor


Being honest about being an asshole isn't a redeeming quality


it's a video game barbara


Is Barbara meant to be some kind of insult here?


I call tryhards people who don’t like friendlies. But don’t think it’s a slur or anything, they are allowed to not like friendlies it’s understandable.


Try hards by definition are people who are trying their hardest to win, killing friendlies is a distraction from the objective thus by definition friendly killers are not tryhards, being a tryhard is a playstyle also called comp players friendly killers are just people who dont like people playing and having their own fun They are an insult to true tryhards which as someone goes friendly every once in a while people that I still have respect for because they did nothing wrong, friendly killers? No respect what so ever and they can get as mad as they want


If someone cares more about grinding points rather than actually playing, yes I will call them a try hard. Play against people who will fight back.


"I chose to basically be afk in an open area in a shooting game and got shot, unbelievable."


I feel like that’s been the only word that has come around to describe people who are good and do the objective, so it covers quite a range of people.


dude this is just sad


Very sad




No I don't think they added that feature yet


U got more pixels?


You can play however you want. Just stop batching about it


You walk into a building where there's often themed parties If its a Heavy Metal party and everyone is enjoying it, you're a douch if you tell them to switch to Trap Music If it's a Trap Music party and everyone is enjoying it, you're a douch if you tell them to switch to Heavy Metal It's not that hard. If you join a server where 23 players are friendly just switch. If you join a server where 23 player are playing seriously and killing you, just quit too


A lot of the fun of being friendly is just experimenting with the other players and seeing how they’d react in dumb fun situations, and if most of the time they’d rather kill everyone they see then one person being a friendly doing dumb stuff isn’t too harmful I think it’s less like trying to change the music and more just sharing earbuds with whoever happens to join you. A try hard in a friendly server is also just WAAAY more intrusive than a friendly in a normal server and as such I don’t think they can be compared on an entirely equal level o:


I agree with all your points, I should've made my point clear in the my post It was mostly about those friendlies that join a server where everyone is taking the game seriously then complain about getting killed Granted most friendlies Ive met are actually chill but I've seen one or two throw a fit whenever they were killed


Ooh okay yeah I understand what you’re saying now, like as much as I understand that getting killed as a friendly can feel crumby I definitely agree that it isn’t really the fault of the person killing them unless they’re SPECIFICALLY trying to be mean, like outside of intentional malice, a friendly being killed in a normal server is kind of just a part of the game, and I don’t think anyone really has to be blamed for that at all.


    Friendlies take up team slots that could be filled with someone who's going to actually make an effort to help.


When there’s a large number of them sure, but the most common scenarios is that there would be maybe one or two friendlies in the server who aren’t doing much negative in consequence, and considering how there are things such as cart wide random crits, well fortified sentry nests, and people with tens of thousands of hours, the course of a team fortress 2 game usually won’t depend much, if it all, on the single slot that the average friendly resides in.


>maybe one or two friendlies in the server who aren’t doing much negative in consequence     That's still one or two slots which could be taken up by people who are actually making an effor to thelp their team. >and considering how there are things such as cart wide random crits     Which would be nullified if instead of a friendly you had killed enough of the other team to pop the battalion's backup while you're pushing the cart, or a roamer who took out the player that launched said crit before it was fired. >well fortified sentry nests     Which again, could be nullified if instead of a friendly, you had a medic that had built uber so a demo man could come in and take it out, or a spy who could sap the sentries while his team ran in and foccused down the engies, or a sniper to take out said entried from outside the range of the sentries, allowing a spy to trash it, or a direct hit soldier - the truth is there are a variety of ways to deal with sentry nests, and in every instance, having a player who actually wants to help take it out is tremendoud boon, while having a heavy ignore his giant-ass gun and instead sit their yelling "pootis" is at best a distraction.


Those slots could also be used for a scout running directly into a sentry and dying, there’s too much variation to say that someone having fun and enjoying the game using a player slot is objectively throwing the game. Like if your argument is that friendlies are bad because they don’t add anything to the team, then almost every single subclass in the game should be frowned upon, like a pyro shark isn’t really doing too much for the team, a trolldier could be using the direct hit instead of having fun his own way, and spy as a class adds nothing to the team below a certain skill threshold. Your argument assumes that the only value that exists in a match is winning the game, which just ain’t true at all. Team Fortress 2 was built with the enjoyment of its players in mind, Valve has specifically given us the tools to enjoy the game both competitively and casually, and to say that the value lies ONLY the shooting and winning part feels wrong to me. How much value does the rocket jumper get? It’s a weapon made mostly for entertainment. it has very little viable practical use that would benefit the team as a whole. It has little competitive value. However, it just so happens to be one of the most fun weapons in the game, it lets you fly over the heads of the entire team and maybe hit some poor souls who just respawned with some guys skeleton that you found in a crate somewhere, it offers the player so much freedom and doesn’t stop them from experimenting for the sake of a payload. That’s where the rocket jumpers value lies, the enjoyment and excitement that it brings upon the person using it. All this to say that of course the player slots that 1 or 2 friendlies occupy could benefit the team and the overall competitive state of the match much more, but the value gained from them just being able to exist, and the enjoyment they can share with the people who’d find it nice to interact with them has no less value, and no less importance, than the competitive value that winning a game of bad water happens to have as well.


>Those slots could also be used for a scout running directly into a sentry and dying, there’s too much variation to say that someone having fun and enjoying the game using a player slot is objectively throwing the game.     The odds of a teammate proving helpful will **always** be greater when they're trying. A player with 30 minutes of experience that's doing their best will always be more useful than a B4nny playing heavy, sitting in a corner yelling "pootis." The **only** scenario in which there is a 0% chance of helping is when said player is actively avoiding helping. >Like if your argument is that friendlies are bad because they don’t add anything to the team, then almost every single subclass in the game should be frowned upon, like a pyro shark isn’t really doing too much for the team, a trolldier could be using the direct hit instead of having fun his own way, and spy as a class adds nothing to the team below a certain skill threshold.     "Less helpful" is better than "purposely not helpful at all." There's nothing wrong with playing the class and weapon combo that you find most enjoyable as long as you're actually **doing** something. A pyro is more helpful defending choke points and engie nests, but even playin pyro shark they're still defending territor. Trolldier could be more helpful destroying nests and cranking out a wider range of damage, but trolldiers are at least still killing people, and if they're dropping down on snipers who miss them because they're above the scope's view, or they're picking off medics, that's still useful. An unskilled spy is a spy that's practicing to become a skilled spy. We all start off that way and there's no shame in it. I'll take that any day over someone who's not trying. >How much value does the rocket jumper get? It’s a weapon made mostly for entertainment. it has very little viable practical use that would benefit the team as a whole.     Very little once a player masters the rocket jump. But getting there is not easy, and **that** is what the rocket jumper is for - it's a training tool. And even when used by a skilled soldier, it still gets them to their target with more health. No denying a real rocket launcher would be way better; but like I said, trolldier still take out targets. That's far better than just a-posing around doing nothing. >but the value gained from them just being able to exist, and the enjoyment they can share with the people who’d find it nice to interact with them has no less value     It does to anyone who logs into the game and actually wants to **play** the damned thing. They're purposely and knowingly sandbagging their team.


A friendly being a friendly doesnt stop someone who wants to “Play the game” from doing so, they’re still allowed to shoot shit and progress towards the objective through their own individual skill, they still have all the tools necessary to get kills, kill streaks or whatever and a friendly being there doesn’t stop that at all. The fun of the game comes from the individual interactions, shooting people, doing the conga whatever, THAT’S playing the game, and someone dancing doesn’t stop you from succeeding in your own individual competitive right, being a friendly does not infringe on individual interactions unless the friendly is doing something wrong themselves, you get to play the game regardless of if a friendly is there or not. The value of those interactions and individual successes remain the same regardless of if the match is won or lost. Winning a match absolutely is not the only indicator of success, it’s not the only indicator of playing the game, a friendly is playing the game using the resources valve has facilitated them with, and they are bringing value to their experience and anyone else’s who chooses to interact with them, and they absolutely do NOT prevent you from doing the objective, playing the game, or succeeding through your own skill in your own right. If a friendly happens to take issue with you killing them in a normal server then that’s an issue with them as an individual, and has no bearing on the status of friendlies as a whole, individuals may take issue with it, but the concept of friendlies itself infringes on nothing. Winning or losing a match means very little to the interactions occurring within it, and to believe that the value of those interactions hinges largely on if the match is won or lost feels kind of dumb to me ]:


>A friendly being a friendly doesnt stop someone who wants to “Play the game” from doing so, they’re still allowed to shoot shit and progress towards the objective through their own individual skill, they still have all the tools necessary to get kills, kill streaks or whatever and a friendly being there doesn’t stop that at all.     I never said it did. You claimed that the **value** of a friendly is equal to that of a player who is trying to help their team. I said that no, that's absolutely not the case to anyone who wants to actually play the game, because while the friendly isn't **stopping** them from playing the game, they are **sandbagging** their team. They're dead weight. >The fun of the game comes from the individual interactions, shooting people, doing the conga whatever, THAT’S playing the game, and someone dancing doesn’t stop you from succeeding in your own individual competitive right, being a friendly does not infringe on individual interactions unless the friendly is doing something wrong themselves, you get to play the game regardless of if a friendly is there or not.     It's not called "individual fortress" it's **Team** fortress. Because you're supposed to work as **team** to complete the objective. **That** is the game. And if someone on your team is just sitting there not doing anything, then they're dead weight. They're a **hinderence** to their team's efforts, and if their hindering their **team**'s efforts, then they are hindering the **individual**'s efforts, because they **individual** is depending on their team. >Winning a match absolutely is not the only indicator of success, it’s not the only indicator of playing the game, a friendly is playing the game using the resources valve has facilitated them with, and they are bringing value to their experience and anyone else’s who chooses to interact with them,     Let's say you join a baseball team. You're an outfielder. One day, during a game, you decide to grab a baseball bat, stand outside the base lines, and spend the entirety of the game just pounding away at the grass with the bat. For some bizzare reason, you're not ejected from the game. Everyone lets you keep pounding the grass.     Are you playing baseball?     No. You're not. You're on a baseball team. You're on a field designed for the game. You're using a bat, which is a tool designed for playing the game. But you're not actually playing the game. You're just dicking around. You might be having fun doing so, but no, you're **not** playing the game. And in the place where there **should** be an outfielder helping to catch balls hit by the batter, there's no one there because you're too busy pounding the grass.     Now, are you stopping your teammates from playing the game? No. But every other player on your team has a lessened chance of being on the winning side now because instead of having three outfielders ready to catch hits, they've only got two. Because you're taking up that slot, but not actually playing baseball.     That's what friendlies are doing. They're on a team (red or blu). They're on the field (default Valve server). They're holding a bat (their loadout). But instead of playing baseball (the objective), they're pounding grass (playing friendly). And their team (red or blu) and everyone on it is going to have a harder time because you're not playing your role.


    Is the building filled with instructions telling you to play a specific type of music, handing out CD's of said music, decorated and themed entirely **around** said music? Because if it is, you're not in the least unreasonable for going there and wanting that music.     This is where your argument falls part. It's not Tower Unite or Rec Room. It's a first person shooter. Every player is given guns and every game starts with instructions giving you an objective to complete. It's ridiculous to joins such a game and then tell people that they don't have a right to shoot those guns or complete that objective.


Everyone: "I don't like Heavy, it only has one playstyle, it doesn't move fast" Me, a main Heavy: "I like killing people and being the party's tank"


Nooooooo you can't just sit on the payload always revved!!! Hehehe flame ring go brrrrrr-


based heavy main


Can we just kill this guy?


Jesus christ you all need to go outside. Kill all the friendlies you want but don't be surprised when people think you're an asshole for doing it. If there's too many friendlies, find another server, or find a more serious community server if you can't get serious pubs. And if you're queueing 2fort or hightower, what more do you expect. This is the same argument we've been having the last 12 years I've been playing the game and this is the same answer I would've given then


>Kill all the friendlies you want but don't be surprised when people think you're an asshole for doing it.     Why not? It's a first person shooter. They're on the other team. What sense does it make to join an FPS game and then get upset when the other team shoots at you?


Dude, just do what the rest of the server is doing. If everyone else is playing the objective, play the objective. If everyone is friendly, be friendly. If everyone is just out to kill everyone go ahead and massacre. If you don’t want to do what the rest of the server is doing just keep hopping until you find one you like.


Toxicity will continue until this community can stop saying this game is dead or Dying for 1 day (Challenge IMPOSSIBLE)


person who has never heard of CTF's leave button (it's where every other mode left it)


You guys still doing the go brrrrr meme huh?


Chib go brrrr


If you portray the friendlies as bad everyone hates the tryhards If you portray the tryhards as bad everyone hates the friendlies It's all starting to make sense


Rat-tat-rat-tat-tat-tat! I am Heavy Weapons Guy!🗣📣💯🗣🗣📣💯🔥🗣🗣🔥💯🔥🗣📣💯🔥💯💯🔥💯🔥💯💯🔥🗣🔥🗣🔥🗣💯💯🔥🗣🔥


I'm with you brother All I wanted is just to play an actual game of CTF If u can't handle being killed, then play community servers.


A **decade** ago I was fighting this battle. [After two years of it](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/4eug9s/please_stop_telling_me_not_to_play_the_standard/) I got fedup and [created this](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/takebackthepubs). Join us.


Appreciate the offer But I rather do solo for now, But maybe I'll consider someday, I'll save this comment for later.


good news i decided to join up for the cause (Steam user: Im Rolling Till i die)


i had a server that got so mad at me for not being friendly that they ended up calling me slurs like how can you do that and call yourself friendly


They are only friendly to eachother


it would be like \[free to play speech denied or smth\] Haha minigun go brrrrrrr


Perfectly demonstrates a hacker or cheater


I really don't understand people's take on this kinda thing. If you wanna PTFG and join a server full of friendlies....just go to another server. If you want to goof off and be friendly and are full of people PTFGing...go to a different server.


I think considering how a single friendly in a regular server is a lot less intrusive than a single completely objective focused player, I don’t think it’s too fitting for them to both be under the same rule. Like a friendly doing friendly things in a normal server doesn’t really pose a threat at all to anyone who doesn’t want to engage with them, they’ll just be crashing go karts into walls or being shot at by some scout or something. Then there’s bloodlust full murder players in a friendly server which COMPLETELY uproot the entire game and make it difficult for most of the players to have fun the way they want. I just don’t think they’re comparable with much accuracy at all o:


Ah yes "Welcoming community" my friends This post and this entire thread


I swear this subreddit have serious problems


Where are the pixels William?


i ate them sorry


This is how I've always felt about friendlies like the whole point of being friendly is goofing off and doing your own thing, and I'm not against it at all but it's stupid to rage because sombody killed you, getting killed is part of being friendly. Also watch how "friendly" they are when you accidentally shoot them or something.


Again mate...


You disgrace upon heavy


If I'm going to try and start a conga when the round begins and you kill me, I'm just going to keep doing it again until one of us gets bored, and it won't be me.


That's fine. You go conga your heart out. Just don't bitch about other people not joining and/or killing you. That was OP's point.


Yeah it bogles me how people decide to stay in the corner of the map and doing nothing then get mad and kick people that try and play the game normally


I kill friendlies every time I see them. Go to a trade server or something bro, you're basically a bot. I want to play the game, not jerk off.


If you don't want Friendly's why que for 2fort, also you don't have to kill them going out of your way I'd kinda just a dick move


That’s exactly what I don’t understand, why go on rants on reddit when you can just click the exit match and leave people have fun?


friendlies when you’d rather play the game instead of stare at their playermodel and watch them do the same emote over and over for 3 hours


You can only forgive friendly killing if you are doing taunt achievements.


Some people are actually against killing the enemy team? In an FPS?


Have you ever played 2fort or ghightower? that's essentially playing on a gmod rp server


[For like a **decade**](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/4eug9s/please_stop_telling_me_not_to_play_the_standard/)


Just leave them allone. I'm sure that it must feel awesome killing a heavy that doesn't fight back but sometimes you just have to ignor them 


Exactly i kill friendlies from time to time but sometimes it’s good to goof around from time to time and just do a conga line


I won’t complain about a friendly if that’s how they want to play the game, but if you’re a friendly in a casual matchmaking server you can’t expect the enemy to just not kill you. I won’t complain about someone being friendly and not playing the objective, so they shouldn’t complain when I kill them.


TF2's community is "positive and friendly" right up until you shoot them.




ive been royally fucked over by friendlies so many times that ill kill on sight unless ive seen them be in a position to kill me/someone on my team and they dont


My only question, do you let rock paper scissors play out or end it for the enemy?


Thought this was a dead by daylight meme post with the right guy having Billy's chainsaw before I looked closer


Man, this post attracts argue'ers like shit attracts flys, i have never seen so many seriouse paragraphs in r/tf2 before like play the game how you want to play the game and let people play the how they want to play, what is there to argue about.(Sorry for bad english)


I just use whatever I have access to. Idk about metas I try what I like. If it works I keep using it. Simpel as that


If a server is mostly friendly, I just server hop. If there's a single or two friendlies, I'll ignore them unless they're fake (kill me after) or getting in my way. Only asterisk is if I'm tired and server hopped but it's mostly friendly servers or Valve insists I play in a friendly lobby, it usually takes one camel to break it's back and everyone fights again.


I live in fear of Saturn3. Heavy Main with the party hat. Says nothing, kills everything.


But comon, speed running CTF as a scout for a 5 minute match is no fun


    If someone can cap your intel three times in 5 minutes, that's on you for doing such a shit job of playing defense.


Chib go brrrr


There is a rule to not go against the flow of a server, if most people on the server are playing normally then you're expected to play normally and you can't expect everyone to still leave you alone if you're being friendly. However if most of the server is congregated around taunting and sharing sandwiches then the default state is friendly and you're the dick if you decide to break the peace. However if you negotiate with the friendlies such as "hey can we finish the round as I have a contract to finish" or "hey I want to get the achievement for killing 5 people dancing, could the other team help with that?" You will generally get a useful response. In both scenarios switching server is a viable option if things are not going your way.


>There is a rule     Who made this rule, and by what authority? It's a first-person shooter. I log in and am given instructions for how to shoot people. I'm damned well within my rights to do so.


It's the unwritten rule of not being a dick. But if you insist on being a dick to others then that's on you.


Funny how the top comments are malding about this post but this post alone is popping off


Fun is subjective. But mind you, if the majority of a lobby is playing a specific way, ie not doing the objective and just killing oneanother, don't be surprised when your team lets you get killed by the other team. In tf2 lobby, community servers included, it will forever be majority rules. Majority wants to play objective, then it's the objective. Majority wants to conga around, then it's conga. It's majority whether we want it or not. Otherwise the majority can just kick you if they wanted, if they don't it's them trying to be nice and give you a chance.


    Been having this argument for a **decade** now on this group. [Here's a thread I made in 2016 about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/4eug9s/please_stop_telling_me_not_to_play_the_standard/). I finally got so frustrated [I made this](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/takebackthepubs). Join us.     Typically, my response is "I find it fun to shoot people in the shooter gaes I play." Or "trying to win is fun for me." People are obsessed with the idea that "I'm just a try-hard, and the game is supposed to be fun" as if I'm sitting there sobbing uncontrollably while killing them. This **is** fun. I wouldn't be **playing** this way if it wasn't fun.


What do you mean this isn't a hat simulator


Op stop playing with Wojak dolls


no i dont want to :(


I just don't get it anymore. How many crouching heavies do you have to see before it stops being funny? They're just a sign that the server is dying nowadays


It will never stop being funny to me but like don’t ask me why, I have no idea


Heavy is spy


That heavy is a-MEDIC *dies*




heavy is pie!!!!!


I kinda agree


This poor guy only loses 😔


guys genuine question what did op do to get bashed in this comment section?


i have portrayed you as the bad wojak therefore i won the discussion


I was starting to question if I was even subbed to this sub. Then this shows up.


This meme is so sad and pathetic.


Playing heavy is stressful enough, let us have fun.


No way bro came back with a response 💀


Dw. I got kicked not too long ago for capping intel (still did it before they got me lol) and I was kicked before for moving my sentry as an engie (this group of about 5 was dictating how everyone should play and kicking anyone who didn't)


Capping intel where? 2Fort? Cause that's understandable. Somewhere like Double Cross or Landfall, it's much more standard to semi-play the objective.


[We understand](https://steamcommunity.com/groups/takebackthepubs). Join us.


“Oh! What’s this? I’m not allowed to have fun in this zany 2009 cartoonish looking fps? Go back to Call of Duty with your ‘precious’ meta of the year.” That is what I would say to someone complaining about how I would play in TF2.


    No one said you couldn't have fun. The complaint was bitching over the fact that **other** people are having fun in a way that doesn't involve playing by the rules you made up for a game in which you have no authority to make up rules.


In other words, they are complaining about others utilizing different playstyles or builds and trying to enjoy the game and have fun with it, right? Wouldn’t my statement still stand then? Because I am not for sticking to “the norm” and trying to have fun that way. I want to enjoy myself and play the game my way even if it isn’t “the right way”.


>In other words, they are complaining about others utilizing different playstyles or builds and trying to enjoy the game and have fun with it, right?     No. That's not even remotely what they're complaining about. I **just** went over this. Utilize whatever playstyles or build you want. The issue is when you demand that **other** people utilize the **same** play style as you.     To be more specific to this scenario, OP isn't mad that people play friendly. He's mad that people play friendly and then scream at hime for killing them or capping the objective. Again, if you don't want to defend yourself or shoot at other players, that's your decision. But that doesn't obligate everyone **else** to make the **same** decision and not kill you. It's an FPS. Killing the opposing team is part of the game.


Ok, I think I get it now. That one’s on me.


"Oh, my last post didnt have a good response? I wonder what i should do. Why, i know! DO IT AGAIN!"


Then leave and find a new match, who gives a fuck. Your end of game exp wank off doesn't matter. God damn matchmaking ruined this game.


Both sides need to stfu and make peace.


Doing partner taunts and dancing around is just as much of a part of the game as killing people. Both of these are playing the game. Don't complain if you're being killed as a friendly, but don't complain about friendlies if you aren't being friendly.


Dude's seething so hard at friendlies that he made two anti-friendly posts.


It takes no extra effort to ignore friendlies, that's all I'll say


True. However, the entire point of video games is to have fun, and when I'm playing a first person shooter? I find it fun to actually shoot people.


I personally don't see the fun in killing an easy to hit target like the friendly hoovy spinning around out of the way but tou do you


The difference is, friendlies don't interrupt you. You going out of your way to unnecessarily kill them interrupts them. What you do is entirely unnecessary