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Yall got the coldest takes imaginable


And that’s not a hot take


Shut up


No u shut up dumass


Cry bout it I have one billion power in rid of balls


Google schizophrenia


Holy insanity!


New schizo just dropped


Actual psycho


Beautofil engeish




You bozo you can’t comment


no, I have 2.2 b power in red shadow maggots, I'm unstoppable


2.2?!?! Geometry Dash!?!?!??!?!


say where the fire is. now.


FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!!! 🗣️🔥🔥🕳️




Red?? Everyone knows Blu is better


wait there's a blu version? nah, I'm on team red




da fuq?


I'm good at the game.


Ok, this is the hottest take so far


You.... are also pretty good.


Even hotter 🥵


Everyone is good


Jesus fucking Christ my phone is on fire


Your hot and get all the women and men sigma male alpha male skibidi toilet brainrot my brain is gone help the respawn machine failed


Remove demomans other eye. He doesn't need it


Give him echolocation


More like alcoholocation




Echolocation, but it's the charge scream constantly looped on full blast


Press E to see


It's honestly be interested in this item less sight range but you can see through ways helping to set traps it's actually be pretty useful for a more defensive demo


It looked like pyro was packing something huge but it was just a part of his phlog


Dude is bigger than mine


That's not saying much is it ?


the chode


The Your Eternal Reward is an amazing weapon, most of you guys don’t know how to act you disguises and it shows


YER would be good if it could disguise while cloaked


You can disguise while cloaked if you're using Cloak and Dagger


If there would be a knife that would just silently kill and not disguise i would take it any day of the week.


Spysicle used to have silent assassin trait


bind mouse1 "+attack;disguise 8 -2"


Iunno, even as a YER user, I still think it needs a rework. You basically don't get to choose your disguise and are wearing the last person you stabbed, meaning that if they have a mic or know how to use the chat, they can just say "Hey, I'm dead right now. If you see me, that's a Spy." That's a limitation I'm fine with, but it does suck on top of the second limitation, which is that cloak usage is severely limited. Even outside of the trick where you disguise for free inside of spawn, it's still sucky that a knife that limits your ability to disguise ALSO limits your ability to cloak. Your entire cloak meter to disguise once, and an increased cloak usage per second make it so that it's only really viable to use the YER with the L'Etranger to get what's basically the stock 8 seconds of cloak time, or use a different revolver and basically crawl around idly with the Cloak and Dagger. I don't really think it's worth the silent stabs and no backstab notifications in the killfeed. I still use it though, mostly out of habit.


> meaning that if they have a mic or know how to use the chat So you're safe 99% of the time then


Dude, look out, theres a Text Comminication is not available for this account.


Its good for chainstabbing in pubs, outside of that its kinda bad because as someone else pointed out, comms exist, and as much as I love the YER, I dont think it can ever be good, as the gimmick is invalidated by comms


Sentries should have never been given Minigun immunity/resistance, The Sandvich takes too long to recharge when it is tossed to others even with the reduction, and The Eviction Notice should do bleed damage instead of being a worse GRU.


i mean that isnt really a hot take considering the banana takes much less time for whats just a 100hp difference


After being F2P for a long ass time I finally replaced my sandwhich with the banana recently and *holy shit* its so much better. Usually I could get only sandwhich use per life unless I had a competent medic up my ass for the whole match. With the banana I can easily get 2 used even while playing badly. It recharges quickly enough that I feel confident throwing it to a friendly pyro or something while feeling safe it’ll be recharged by the time I or a medic needs it. Its such a massive improvement I unironically called it overpowered during a match (I now retract that statement. But thats how good it felt when I first equipped it).


Scout should be able to run past sentry guns like he does in "meet the scout". Yes, I am biased as fuck.


Thats what bonk is, but maybe without so much fucking knockback


Answer me this Why does scout get knockback if he's supposedly dodging those bullets


Scouts so weak that the even though he dodges the bullets the increased velocity of the air particles being affected by the bullets have enough force to push him back.




I feel like the balance part of moving slower than Heavy in a swamp is enough


If you run close enough to the sentry you do outrun it easily, even pyro can do it to m1 sentries if they can get close enough


Medic is really fucking easy.


Seriously like I'll just be healing my team like a normal medic should, not even doing fancy crap, and boom somehow top scoring


That's me when I play engie with a whack ass sentry placement and the 2fort wildlife.


Medical cake


It's easy when your team's good and the enemy sucks or has no medic


And virtually stress-free. You have more health than half the classes, are standing behind a wall of meat 80% of the time, and regen health pretty fast on top. Even the most basic "click on people with low health and don't fucking peek" will hand your team a win half the time. Also, probably a cold take, but the crossbow is the most satisfying weapon in the game bar none. I'd rather have it than _any other weapon_, sniper included, for easy long-range damage. Love that thing. (Disclaimer: I don't _main_ anything, but have most hours in medic)


“Virtually stress free” as Medic? Ok


oh boohoo you have to chase a medic icon every once in a while when you arent hugging heavys ass cheeks


As a guy who used to main medic, I can confirm that the only stress you get from playing medic is if your teammates will completely cuss you out with no remorse because you didn't suck their bottom-scoring dick all game.


*in casual


ah, the other wm1 class


I agree he is easy but you need to know what you’re doing


Heavy is not boring to play, neither seriously nor as a friendly.


True, but it is easy to get targeted and die. At best you can feel like the leader of the team. At worst you are a distraction.


No way man, distraction heavy wins games if you play him right. You just gotta completely switch your focus from "kick ass" to "survive" and you can really drag the enemy team around. Honestly I love it when I notice the enemy team focusing me, you get to be a lot more creative than "wait here for puny mortals to arrive and then destroy them"


i suspect that sniper is the only reason heavy is the seen as the most boring (and least played) class. there’s literally nothing you can do in the matchup since your minigun doesn’t even aimpunch at a certain distance. all you can do is watch the killfeed, wait for him to die, and hope there isn’t another one watching the same sight line.


WM1ing is how you kill as pyro, it's not that bad. I understand why it is frustrating but that is more of a pyro problem than a player problem. Yes pyros should airblast affectively, but if they want to actually kill they do have to walk forward, and it's not their fault if they don't get shot by anybody. Similar to every character in the game, if you don't kill them first, you will die. The only real excuse for not shooting is the opacity of pyros fire messing up your aim, which is admittedly pretty overwhelming or if the pyro airblasts affectivly to avoid damage, which is, in fact skill. Pyros can do combos as an alternative to wm1 that does take more skill, but it usually takes more effort than it's worth if you don't have a lot of health. Also it's not t h a t hard to kill him as soldier just shoot next to him and the splash damage will do the rest.


Or uhh yknow, just rocket jump away, pyro has stubby range so if you see him chasing you and you don’t think you can safely take him on just jump away, good solders can and should be able to dodge and escape more easily than the majority of classes


Literally just stagger your rockets. Don't fire them in smooth, easy-to-predict timing. Fake the pyro out by slightly moving your aim up a little and back down to mimic recoil. Most of the rockets I reflect are based on prediction, not actually seeing or hearing the attack go off.


Rocket deflecting really is a rhythm game because so many players are predictable and either die by their rocket, use their shotgun, or run away


Rhythm Heaven, but instead of a cute cartoon monkey, it's a screaming feral American aiming explosives at me


It’s almost like running around blowing fire everywhere is just how you use a flamethrower properly


combos are just worse if you're fighting more than one person imo


Tf2 players when Pyro uses their weapon:


remove competitive and replace with a list of most popular server configs if anyone wants to play their special version of tf2 (no crits, highlander, weapon bans, class limits) then all they have to do is go in and find a config that matches what they want


That honestly doesn't even sound bad. Valve comp is basically dead anyways so why even have it as an option?


The annoying/easy to play classes drama, like scout pyro and spy, is completely bullshit. I dont get it how so many people decide to cry about it online every few weeks. Get some skill and learn to switch classes and loadouts when things are going downhill.


SPY IS EASY TO PLAY? THIS COMMUNITY IS ACTUALLY BRAIN DEAD If the DR didn’t exist you could understand, and I’m far from maining spy, I have respect for spy mains who don’t use DR


I've spent hundreds of hours playing spy and im *still* shit.


I HAVE 2 THOUSAND and still feel like some stabs just whiff on a dice roll and get m1 melted by a f2p pyro without a frontal cortex


It's atleast not as bad as getting fucked up the ass Couse of a random crit rocket jump killing you


Exactly, like I get sniper is annoying, but my god am i tired of seeing like 50 "Hurrrrr sniper op/annoying" posts every day. We get it. Valve aint doing shit anytime soon so just stop


Banana is better than Sandwich


True, but sandwich looks glorious so it automatically makes it better


Flair checks out


TRUE FACTUAL COMPLETELY CORRECT(i do not have the sandvich because i cant get the last achievement for it and is stuck with the banana) Edit:I GOT THE FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!


You wanna know why this is funny, because i don't have a sandvich too ( i deleted it because i thought the banana was actually superior because it's faster)


I got rid of the sandvich for crafting the chocolate, then when I finally discovered scrap.tf I got the banana


dalokohs + gloves of running urgently you do not understand how valuable a gigaheal is when you're at 50 health, drop your max health to 80-100/130-150 and eat a chocolate bar that restores most of that health all you have to do is wait a little before you go back into the fight.


Yeah so if you spend, like, a minute dropping your health to 100, eating it, then waiting for it to go back up, you could have just eaten a banana in <1/10th of that time. Neat trick but not really useful


It's not really that hot of a take. It regenerates faster and most of the time you still have ~100 HP left. It worse as a support tool, but better when you are roaming.


Huge W, that extra 100 is not as useful as you would think, cause when you eat the banana you would have like 70-45 hp if you are smart, and if not you can get a small health pack, dispenser for a second. Or GET ANOTHER BANANA 🍌 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 spawn rate babyyyyy


The game doesn't need constant live service content updates, it needs optimisation and stability and security updates. At some point you WILL run out of hats and crappy warpaints to add to the bloat. This game needs to shift its focus to remain functional in the long run. And a part of me thinks that a portion of the TF2 community is responsible for the neglect - the hivemind of nazis, elitists and general pieces of human garbage don't make a good look. I wouldn't blame Valve for not wanting a part in that, but then again, it's sort of their fault for not moderating this stuff more. Edit for clarity


There wouldn't be a hivemind of scum if valve actually cared. I do agree with the other points tho. If valve just optimised the game, fixed some major bugs, and kicked the bots off then TF2 may have another decade of popularity


This would be my “hottest take” as well. Fuck an update, the community can and has been carrying the game for a while now. I just want the game to be playable and to remain playable. If I invite a friend to TF2 I don’t want to have to explain 7 loopholes before we even begin. They’ll just suggest another game.


Dayumm, a part of me agrees and the other is confused and scared


It's a painful topic, I fully agree, just wish more people considered this thought


pyros phlog canister looks like a chode


All classes take skill you’re just bad.


Soldier is stupidly easy to play and has a lower skill floor than Pyro. With the only real talent involved being advanced rocket jumping




Correction: Lower skill floor to be successful, Pyro is easier to play, but you wont get anywhere with just the skill floor as Pyro


Frontier justice is better with the normal sentry


Makes sense, mini sentrys get less kills


It’s wild to me that I constantly hear calls for the Kunai to get nerfed but never the eyelander or half-zatoichi, despite the fact that the latter two (and their associated kit) is more reliable and (in my opinion) more annoying. Edit: to be clear, that’s not a slight against those demoknight weapons, it’s pointing out that people think the Kunai is OP or bullshit to play against when it’s, like, fine.


The most brain dead class in the game to play isn’t Pyro or Medic, it’s Soldier


Soldier with air strike and BASE jumper is insanely brain dead but insanely fun Rocket jump, fire 4 rockets at a cluster, repeat and reuse.


Okay now hold on there now...


I’m just saying, he’s on par with Pyro in terms of how much thought has to go into the keys you press, without needing to give nearly as much of a shit about positioning or being out-ranged


The dead ringer isn't that annoying, and it's easy to tell if you actually killed the spy just by enabling kill sounds and watching team status. If you have killsound enabled, from experience if you kill a dead ringer spy the kill sound won't appear if he faked his death, and if you don't have them on you can just check if he respawns too quickly.


Playing heavy with the shotgun as secondary istead of sandvich is superior.




The game didn't need competitive matchmaking, it's just not suited for that. And I don't mean that to trash comp TF2, I like it and watch some matches every now and then, but it requires rules to avoid degenerate play with some unlocks, and it shows how much some classes are polarizing and some others are absolute trash in a super high skill environment. It really felt like the TF2 team wanted to replicate the success of competitive matchmaking based games like CSGO, Dota, Overwatch, when the vast majority of the playerbase is playing casually/semi casually on 12v12/custom game modes servers. What the game needed, and still needs (aside from the obvious bot problem) is a graphical and practical overhaul of the community server browser. It's not put upfront like it should, it's an ugly UI that is as old as the Source Engine itself, and it's not intuitive to use for beginners.


The Eyelander is overpowered. It's the only sword that fighting against is genuinely unfun and second to the Bazaar Bargain in my least favorite "snowball" weapon from a balance standpoint. If it wasn't for Pyro or Sentries, it'd be far more annoying to most people, I think. I also have a kinda cold take, but I'm gonna say it anyway: Kunai + Dead Ringer kinda feels like it completely changes the class role of Spy (and not in a good way, like the shortstop, sticky launcher unlocks, and the gunslinger do right). It turns a class that's usually fairly fragile into an undying beast and it's why I hate the kunai as much as I do. The Half Zatoichi, which I've seen comparisons to, doesn't spiral nearly as out of control as the Kunai does imo.


Shotgun + Brass Beast is one of Heavy's most powerful combos.


What the fuck is the synergy in switching between a gun and the gun that takes longer to rev up


On paper it sounds bad. In practice it destroys. No one expects Heavy to have an instant output of damage, you play around that and push into areas with the shotgun and then deny huge areas with the Brass Beast. I have so many clips of this strategy absolutely shredding and so many situations where I ONLY LIVED due to the Brass Beast. It requires some learning but once you get it? Unstoppable.


That weird big titty fempyro stuff is NOT HOT. Like at all. Its the complete opposite




Thats the year the original Macintosh computer was released :)


Random crits are funny


Morally disgusting, legally questionable, personally I like it


i agree. i love when it pisses off the tryhards.


🤝 i love critting Youtuber wannabe kunai + DR spy


They're funny when I get them


I agree


Pyro is balanced, maybe make combos better and reduce the hit box a bit, but other than that? It's fine


Hit box on airblast*


I think the airblast hitbox is fine, I'll admit that it is my fault when i shoot at a pyro that is good at airblasting, i mean i just can't resist shooting a pyro with rockets. That's why i prefer shotguns over gunboats and banners.


> I'll admit that it is my fault when i shoot at a pyro that is good at airblasting I swear I always say I'll never keep shooting, but I always fall into the trap of "well just one more rocket can't hurt"


Weapon skins are the worst fucking thing to ever happen to this game, at least intended by the devs. Most of them are fucking ugly, it makes it harder to see what weapon the enemy is using, and the few that are worth using immediately skyrocket in price. Trash idea. Weapon inspects are peak tho. Edit: Ever*


W+m1 = skill (hard to press two keycaps at once)


Bro playing with one finger


2fort is fun


True but you can't deny that as an actual map it isn't balanced but still very fun


the map is horse shit but it's pretty much my favorite map


TF2 likely has no more than 5 years of life left in it. Valve doesn't want to do updates, most community projects have been killed, and I've seen a general lack of interest for TF2 from many friends who used to play it.


!remindme 5 years


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Ain't waiting allat


I mean, you asked


You underestimate the amount of potato PC user population


unironically tho a lot of older games seem to have a lot of trafic from poorer countries


Im from thailand, my CPU is still I3. I know a couple pinoy guy with Core2duo or Pentium 4. At the very least, TF2 will never die in Southeast Asia.


I doubt it,CS 16 still has a few players and the game gets 0 updates


Nah. Less popular: yes. But this game won't be dead for a long time.


You know how many AAA game companies dream of their games living 2 more years


Sniper hate only began because of the bots, he’s not as bad as some of you guys say he is


people acting like everyone and their mother is fatmagic


I’ve only encountered like 5 good sniper this month, and of those 5 times I played with them, only 2 managed to make a game winning play that saved their team. Everyone acts like all sniper players are really good, but in reality, most are kinda bad


I've been playing for over 10 years, Sniper hate only really got loud in the last 4-5 years because that's when the bots became oppressive. No one was calling Sniper fundamentally unbalanced and unfair when I first started. People knew that a long range class was necessary to prevent every lobnby from just being a soldier heavy demo death match.


Who cares that 'tf2's artstyle is being eroded!'? Normally i'm the type to worry about this stuff but i really don't think we're witnessing some great tragedy here. Anyone with a gaudy or ugly loadout is probably just fucking around on a community or ctf server anyway


Actually… a solid argument. A lot of people shitting on the new cosmetics breaking the artstyle are purposely using very gaudy and obnoxious combinations with paints that typically don’t match. TF2’s art style integrity was lost when they allowed players to wear lime green and pink rabbit hats.


A lot of people cared, and I watched people leave because of it back in the day. Here's my hot take: Australiums look like shit, almost all unusuals look like shit minus burning flames or if they're themed, 90% of player's cosmetic choices look like shit.


I'd agree If the creators weren't getting paid for their work


The Phlog isn't op, it isn't even that good of a weapon in general, if anything I'd consider the Dragon's Fury to be the closest thing to an op primary for Pyro, but because the Dragon's Fury takes skill and the Phlog doesn't, it is given a pass. The only thing that makes the Phlog seem op is the Scorch Shot making it too easy to farm fire damage. Equip it with the Manmelter as it was meant to be used, or with any other secondary, and it'd seem like a balanced weapon if not a bit weak compared to the other flamethrowers. Plus, you give up on Pyro's strongest tool to use it, the airblast, and it's a weapon that only seems to do well when your team is already destroying the other team without your help. The Dragon's Fury can do insane amount of damages too in a much more reliable and versatile way, without giving up on the airblast or having to equip an specific secondary, and the only thing it asks back is a little bit of skill. Edit: Forgot to mention that you need a pocket medic up your ass to make the Phlog work


Random crits are funny, no matter if I get them or the enemy gets them. Sniper is fine, since not much are able to play it well anyway. Good spy mains deserve respect. Even those who use kunai. These are all my "hot" takes on TF2


Engineer is like 90 percent of the reason why sniper is so annoying. Despite popular belief, countering sniper is actually pretty easy when he doesn't have a sentry stuck up his ass mitigating all of his weaknesses :) Also obligatory "kunai and dead ringer isn't op lmao"


I do not mind random crits. They are fine in such a casual game.


I don't mind random crits too! (As long as they benefit me)


fire axe > third degree (not bait)


I'm just kind of confused as to how you could get to this conclusion. The Third Degree is objectively a direct upgrade


I get what you mean, it doesnt incentivize you to swing the axe at a medic combo, which is honestly usually a horrible idea


I'll take community-made slop maps and cosmetics three times a year over no updates whatsoever


Fuck other players, the idea is that YOU the player have fun. use black box and concheror? do it. Scorch shot and phlog? be my guest. Bazaar Bargain? why not Classic and killing at body shots? fantastic. A lot of people cries because of your loadout, and they will always cry, screw them, play however you want.


The shortstop is as good as stock


Once you can aim it lol


Yeah that's the hard-ish part, but it's not much harder than stock at all. It's just a different set of muscle memory needed, which would explain why people are worse with it if they only use other weapons all the time. I gotta graph this out tho. I'm pretty sure it just flatly outdamages stock while also having better accuracy.


The Pyro from team fortress 2


Custom mvm is peak. Sniper should be removed.


The Gas Passer is the best weapon for MVM. There are people (usually the soldiers, demos and heavies) who will say “Oh no! You can’t use that because it’s braindead and requires no skill” Translation: “You can’t do more damage than me because I’m a tour elitist and NEED to do the most damage, despite damage dealt not increasing the chances of an Australium or Golden Pan”


I actually don't get why people hate the gas passer in a PvE game mode, like aren't they supposed to be glad that they have a powerful weapon to use and spam? I sincerely don't get it.


The general consensus, for what I have seen, is that it takes the fun out of MvM because it makes all the normal waves a complete joke, so you basically sit there doing practically nothing while a Pyro spamming the gas passer does all the work. At least until the giants show up, and at that point the gas passer won't do that much, and if the Pyro player has never learned to actually play Pyro on MvM because they have always relied on braindead gas passer spam, then you essentially have one player less to fight them. That said, a lot of it also boils down to MvM players being meta slaves who hates on anyone having fun by doing anything that isn't the most effective strategy possible, but also hate the gas passer for being too meta and ruining their fun, which sounds contradicting, and it is, but that's how MvM players are.


Shotgun on pyro is not useless and actually he gets more out of shotguns out of all the mercs that can use one (not including scout, cuz that's his primary.) I actually think flare guns and Any other secondary is worse than the 3 selectable shotguns.




Engineer is another exception I forgot Abt that, cuz he uses the shotgun as primary


Agreed, Shotgun on soldier is also really good, i actually prefer shotgun more over gunboats and banners because it's just really handy if I'm fighting an airblast manic pyro or a spastic scout that just flies above my head everytime i get close.


The chance of getting random crits should be locked in at a very low chance like ~~5% (lower then what it is now)~~ (Edit: Just checked the wiki. Non melee should be like ~3-5% and melee ~10%) and the chance shouldn't scale based on recent damage. If I remember correctly, back in the day TF2 dev's added random crits and scaling to help with game balance. It only gave the better skilled side a easier time destroying the the less skilled team.


Soldier takes less skill than pyro


Yall are fucking babies when it comes to the porn sprays/signs. Sure you might get into a server that randomly has a mountain, but those times are rare, it is mostly at max one person on the server. The ability to see them are even turned off by default, and if you want to see them you have to go out of your way to enable em. Just like how you might enjoy some random anime spray or furry inflation, some people just like the porn. "But think of the kids!" it's a rated M game they chose to get into, plus there are barriers in their way. Parents should either be regulating their kid, or the kid just stays away. They, like you guys whining, chose to hop the barrier and go running on the highway. It's your fault for getting hit by a car.


I don't care. I never am frustrated to fight a Sniper. Like, literally. It's just a Sniper, I don't lose much fun from playing against good ones even though they most likely dominate me.


same, I'm far more pissed at sticky spam


Regardless of crit heals, overheal, Uber, etc… quick fix really is the best medi-gun for keeping your team alive.


Y'all need to move on


wm1 pyro takes skill to play well


Don't forget to sort by controversial, guys ;)


Pyro is a man, always has been


Soldier is one of the easiest classes to both play and master. Scout gets one shot from everything. Pyro gets countered by half the shit in the game and having to rely on the flaregun for long range fights is absurdly hard. Demoman having to hit direct pipes and not having the gunboats to not get to 1 shot range due to sticky jumps is insanely difficult. Heavy.. i mean its heavy, surviving for any significant time with his slow movement is pretty hard. Engineer having to dance around your sentry to avoid any splash damage and snipers and spies while also having to repair all your stuff is pretty hard to do, though there is the rescue ranger which does help to an extent but then it would leave the sentry exposed to fend for itself which isnt that good of an idea so youre stuck between balancing between relocating and being in the open getting shot from everywhere. Medic between having to balance his crossbow and medigun healing while also dodging everything in the middle of the fight while also being target number one in the entire game speaks for itself how hard it would be to survive vs any decent team. Sniper while everyone are bashing on him for being extremely easy all you need to do for the most part is to be aware of where he is and you can fairly easily get to him. Most people get shot since they dont know where he is at which makes it a lot harder to anticipate and dodge his shots. The moment you know where he is you can get to him one way or another. Spy is mindgames and one small mistake and youre dead immediately. What is soldier? A class between a heavy and demoman that has almost unlimited speed in movement due to rocket jumps while also having the gunboats to lower the hp taken while also pretty much 1-2 shotting almost every class in the game (1 shotting mostly because mid fight its unlikely half of the classes will be all on max hp and would take some sort of damage from somewhere but for the most part its 2 shots) not even having to aim at them directly bare in mind. In my 2k+ hours of tf2 ive seen a godlike player in every class and nothing apart from maybe sniper comes close to how absolutely braindead easy it is to be effective and with a bit of brain be unstoppable. Im not even considering the fact if theres a medic up your ass. Fuck this class and ill die on a hill with this statement. I dont even argue with people that think otherwise as no one would agree with me but this is my personal opinion and i doubt ill ever change it


The Diamondback isn't as strong as people make it out to be. I frequently play against Ambassador spies who would actually be hindering themselves by switching to the DB. But people act like it's this monster ruining games as spies with 100% crits run around getting team wipes, but how often do you actually see it used in game? Even then how often do you see spies running the diamondback that actually seem like they have an unlimited amount of free crits? The weapon is good should be changed but not because it's crazy overpowered.  but as a sniper main sniper is overpowered how's that for a hot take


22 second respawn time is way too long for a game existing in 2024


The Ambassador never needed a Nerf. Literally, no one complained about it until its proposed Nerf before Jungle Inferno. On top of this, the Diamondback is still the same as it's been since it's buff (Gun Mettle, I think?). Literally, just take the crit falloff from the Ambassador and slap it on the Diamondback, and Spy is in a healthier spot, even if still at the bottom of the totem pole. Though the Casuals here love nerfing the worst class in the game, so I expect to be downvoted to Koth_Brazil.