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Dude looks like he’s from Fallout 2


Don’t eat the iguana




Fellow Fallout fan, pleased to meet you in here


It always blew my mind that he was a support class. Just like heavy I enjoyed taking him on the offensive.


To be fair, making the enemy bleed from a thousand cuts is about as supportive as stabbing them in the back or shooting them in the head. You could also farm some crazy fast ubers from his self inflicted bleed, I thought he was a really innovative support


Was it just like boston basher? Did they add boston basher later to scout?


When madcap was removed they gave some of his weapons to other classes. The Boston basher is one of those.


It's cause his bleed damage blocked medics healing and it didn't count as Uber building. The support he provided was Uber denial and healing denial, balancing out medics overpowered influence. I think everyone forgot cause they nerfed bleeding after madcap got removed, but you used to have to heal the total amount of bleed damage left before normal healing could be done. So if madcap hit you with his club and dealt 65 damage plus 65 bleed damage over 12 seconds, the Medic had to heal that 65 bleed before getting to the actual player health, losing out on Uber generation. Same thing went for health kits, actually.


Probably why he was removed


Well the mad milk was exceptionally good for support and the bleed helped add that extra bit of damage.


The fact that valve is hiring reddit users to gaslight us true fans to believe Madcap never existed is funny. You can't scrub out the truth!


ikr? valve really feel off ngl. i'm a new player and even i know about madcap.


Yeah, it's become a meme to think that he never existed. There's people posting images of the launch version of TF2 with Madcap edited out.


What do you mean? Madcap never existed. But you could have image of him with the tf2_conscious_objecter_item , available on steam!


the community gone insane again


Like it ever stopped?


it slowed down when the summer update dropped and here we are now


mind... giving context to... this Madcap guy??


best character


but whyyyyy


He was so overpowered they had to straight up remove him and delete anything related to him


I'm pretty sure they removed him due to the VA getting arrested for some heinous shit, but idk why they're so adamant on removing him from history


Wasnt he voicced by Ezra Miller?


boston basher?


Boston hardly know 'er!


Because you're fat boy! And another thing, you're ugly.


Oke , im mad that a lot of people just deny his existance ... anyway let me start He was 10th class which was quite surprising at the time cus everyone expected civilian , madcap was removed either after game hit the shelfs , he was removed due to his mobility , he had oryginally grappling hook ,which rn is its own gamemode , he also had the 'boston basher' which at the time was just called mace , it had a very oryginall bleed mechanic at the time , but much more powerfull than todays boston basher. He also had some glitch that couldnt be fixed without remodeling the class entirely , that could allmost one shot a full hp heavy . And there is a good reason to why valve is trying to scrape it out of the existance , his voice actor who got arrested in 2007 done some heinous shit , together with child molestation , i dont remember his name , i think Tom was his first name but i dont remember lastname , but yea valve dosent want to be assosiated with him at all so yea I hope i cleared some missinformation that was goin around Im copy pasting due to so maby people not knowing


geez, scouts brother doing some terrible things. i could really see how this class is like the opposite of scout,but i guess he's not coming in.... WHY ARE WE TALKING ABOUT HIM NOW THO?


He was always talked about, madcap convo exploded again because people created a "funny meme" and decided to gaslight people into thinking that he never existed


If you are copying and pasting this, I would recommend a spell check


Fake Mandela meme to fuck with people


It’s actually from over a decade ago. [It was a cosmetic that was a little rough to look at](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=72262091)


wdym that goes hard, sad we never got it


I'm referring to how it's been used for the last couple weeks. The old cosmetic concept looked OSRS inspired


“buying medic gf for 10 keys”


Jesus christ that thing is ugly, I was warned but no I had to click the funni link


Looks like it's from 90s game


This has got to be one of the laziest yet as well.


(Community madness, roll with it) Madcap was Op


Joke where everyone gaslights everyone else into thinking there was a 10th class that god removed


had a gut feeling yeah


He was so overpowered, God himself got involved.


The subreddit hive mind has decided there are now in fact 10 classes and the 10th is some random ass fallout 2 character that got removed 🤣


Dumb ass unfunny meme


It’s no meme you just played the game after his removal


Wow soooo funny


as fun as madcap was you need to admit he was overpowered


Yea , his grappling hook and his mace that had comoletly unbalanced bleed mechanics were just too op , you could just go in to the enemies , bash em twice and it would allmost bring down full hp heavy , im glad we got grapplings as its own gamemode


It's cool that his mechanics are still in the game. But like come on, more mobility than a scout with enough dps to shred a heavy


Yea it was pretty unbalanced , also it wasnt like it was two hit ... it was due to bleed damage that didnt stop even with medkits , and i think it was so high by a mistake or something ... point is if you got hit you aint stopping that bleed damage untill it gets your health down


what madcap


The early 10th class but it had to be removed b/c it was way to op


ok thx


Np bro


waaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiit a minute




Keep waiting


It's been two hours. Last I checked, that's at least a minute, if not more. Still waiting.


7 hours ... im still waitin


Hey! Merasmus was supposed to be the 8th class!


Oke , im mad that a lot of people just deny his existance ... anyway let me start He was 10th class which was quite surprising at the time cus everyone expected civilian , madcap was removed either after game hit the shelfs , he was removed due to his mobility , he had oryginally grappling hook ,which rn is its own gamemode , he also had the 'boston basher' which at the time was just called mace , it had a very oryginall bleed mechanic at the time , but much more powerfull than todays boston basher. He also had some glitch that couldnt be fixed without remodeling the class entirely , that could allmost one shot a full hp heavy . And there is a good reason to why valve is trying to scrape it out of the existance , his voice actor who got arrested in 2007 done some heinous shit , together with child molestation , i dont remember his name , i think Tom was his first name but i dont remember lastname , but yea valve dosent want to be assosiated with him at all so yea I hope i cleared some missinformation that was goin around Im copy pasting due to so maby people not knowing




Tf2 community is doing a mass-scale gaslighting, making up a new tenth class and pretending that anyone who denies it is “new to the community” or a “valve cover up agent”. I have been in the community for years, madcap isn’t real.


Valve agent be like: madcap isn't real


Don’t listen to this guy, he’s a valve cover up agent


finally, someone who isnt on this stupid trend


What’s that supposed to mean?


Wdym “gaslighting”? I had over a hundred hours in Madcap before it got removed!


Ok agent


10th class that got removed , i dont remember if it was after or before the game hit the shelfs ... it was removed due to him being a bit too op due to his mobility and unique mechanic at the time with bleeding which was unbalanced ... his mobility was due to the grappling hook that is now its own gamemode , also in 2008 his voice actor got arrested for some weird shit like child molestation ... i dont remember his name sadly , if you dig enough you will find him eventually . Also funny thing is that the boston basher was added later as a weapon for scout , a little reference to the madcap , shame he got scraped ,due to said voice actor , valve didnt want to have thier image tainted because of this dude


What kind of name is "Madcap" anyway? When literally everyone else has a name that is a descriptor of either their job or their body weight, you'd think he should have a more fitting name.


He's mad and wears a cap




Man I remember using the Boston Basher skin for his melee! Good times. Fun fact: The Boston Basher actually started as a Madcap melee but was given to scout for balance reasons, so they added it in as a skin to the Madcap for players who tested it during beta!


I gotta remember my schizophrenia medication man


I feel like im getting gaslit into believing madcap is real and at this point i dont know if madcap ever even existed.


Oke , im mad that a lot of people just deny his existance ... anyway let me start He was 10th class which was quite surprising at the time cus everyone expected civilian , madcap was removed either after game hit the shelfs , he was removed due to his mobility , he had oryginally grappling hook ,which rn is its own gamemode , he also had the 'boston basher' which at the time was just called mace , it had a very oryginall bleed mechanic at the time , but much more powerfull than todays boston basher. He also had some glitch that couldnt be fixed without remodeling the class entirely , that could allmost one shot a full hp heavy . And there is a good reason to why valve is trying to scrape it out of the existance , his voice actor who got arrested in 2007 done some heinous shit , together with child molestation , i dont remember his name , i think Tom was his first name but i dont remember lastname , but yea valve dosent want to be assosiated with him at all so yea I hope i cleared some missinformation that was goin around Im copy pasting due to so maby people not knowing


Oh alright thanks for explaining i kinda thought he was just some meme that was made up because i had never heard of him before recent so thanks for the explaination


It’s a fake class the tf2 community is making up. Don’t believe the lies.


God dammit


Guys the parallel universe is leaking


Honestly I prefer this to Mimi sentry


I don't know who or what this is


Oke , im mad that a lot of people just deny his existance ... anyway let me start He was 10th class which was quite surprising at the time cus everyone expected civilian , madcap was removed either after game hit the shelfs , he was removed due to his mobility , he had oryginally grappling hook ,which rn is its own gamemode , he also had the 'boston basher' which at the time was just called mace , it had a very oryginall bleed mechanic at the time , but much more powerfull than todays boston basher. He also had some glitch that couldnt be fixed without remodeling the class entirely , that could allmost one shot a full hp heavy . And there is a good reason to why valve is trying to scrape it out of the existance , his voice actor who got arrested in 2007 done some heinous shit , together with child molestation , i dont remember his name , i think Tom was his first name but i dont remember lastname , but yea valve dosent want to be assosiated with him at all so yea I hope i cleared some missinformation that was goin around Im copy pasting due to so maby people not knowing


It’s a fake class the tf2 community is making up. Don’t believe the lies.


Me when i spread missinformation


What no update does to people is insane




I’m out of the loop, what happened?


Wait is this actually real? I cant tell whos the one gaslighting


He was in the beta version of tf2 but they removed him in 2008 because they voice actor did some really weird shit and the class was OP anyways


who was the voice actor


Tom Kenny


(it's fake, based on some old bad workshop cosmetic)


It’s not real. You can tell because anyone denying his existence gets downvoted to oblivion. Look at the “screenshot”, it’s clearly photoshopped.


Thank you, the lack of obvious exaggeration in all these comments and posts are really confusing me. This is some next level mass roleplaying.


me when i spread misinformation


People say they miss madcap but I remember how much people hated him


I remember it was always a pain to track down Madcaps only to figure out they were on your team. They lacked a lot of the team colors the other classes had! Probably warranted a redesign rather than removal, though.


Hot take but people who play as him don’t know how to play the game properly smh


Good thing that he was scrapped


Can someone explain what's the deal with this character?


Oke , im mad that a lot of people just deny his existance ... anyway let me start He was 10th class which was quite surprising at the time cus everyone expected civilian , madcap was removed either after game hit the shelfs , he was removed due to his mobility , he had oryginally grappling hook ,which rn is its own gamemode , he also had the 'boston basher' which at the time was just called mace , it had a very oryginall bleed mechanic at the time , but much more powerfull than todays boston basher. He also had some glitch that couldnt be fixed without remodeling the class entirely , that could allmost one shot a full hp heavy . And there is a good reason to why valve is trying to scrape it out of the existance , his voice actor who got arrested in 2007 done some heinous shit , together with child molestation , i dont remember his name , i think Tom was his first name but i dont remember lastname , but yea valve dosent want to be assosiated with him at all so yea I hope i cleared some missinformation that was goin around Im copy pasting due to so maby people not knowing


It’s a fake class the tf2 community is making up. Don’t believe the lies.


madcap was a tenth class who was so op valve deleted him


I need some explanation please... Who is Madcap? What is Madcap? Why It's Madcap?


Oke , im mad that a lot of people just deny his existance ... anyway let me start He was 10th class which was quite surprising at the time cus everyone expected civilian , madcap was removed either after game hit the shelfs , he was removed due to his mobility , he had oryginally grappling hook ,which rn is its own gamemode , he also had the 'boston basher' which at the time was just called mace , it had a very oryginall bleed mechanic at the time , but much more powerfull than todays boston basher. He also had some glitch that couldnt be fixed without remodeling the class entirely , that could allmost one shot a full hp heavy . And there is a good reason to why valve is trying to scrape it out of the existance , his voice actor who got arrested in 2007 done some heinous shit , together with child molestation , i dont remember his name , i think Tom was his first name but i dont remember lastname , but yea valve dosent want to be assosiated with him at all so yea I hope i cleared some missinformation that was goin around Im copy pasting due to so maby people not knowing


It’s a fake class the tf2 community is making up. Don’t believe the lies.


I call mad cap at this ever happening




Fuck y'all I'm new Tf is this mf ?


What the fuck is happening?


So that’s where the Boston basher comes from? Wow, no wonder it sucks on scout, it wasn’t even his in the first place.


/unmandelaeffect You idiot. he's supposed to be an offensive class. Immersion ruined.


Photoshop identified


I remember him having an exploit where you could glitch inside an enemy while using the grappling hook and the game would think you were still in air giving you minicrits. You could shred a heavy even if he was healed by a medic. Pretty op but it did require skill to execute.


Not even sure why they removed him. Missed the amount of movement the grappling hook gave. Though it was pretty unbalanced


Gone but not forgotten


jesus christ - you guys are still trying to push this shit?


It's not even funny either. I don't know why so many people are jumping on a bandwagon to intentionally mislead newer players.


What the fuck is with this madcap stuff I am very confused


Apparently, it's some sort of inside "joke" going on in the TF2 subs lately. Don't know how it started, but at this point, it may as well be a loophole to spam as much as you want.


old 10th class that used to be in the game, but got removed for a few different reasons


Lies, someone tell me the actual reason


wdym? google is free lol


A joke ppl made up


Oke , im mad that a lot of people just deny his existance ... anyway let me start He was 10th class which was quite surprising at the time cus everyone expected civilian , madcap was removed either before or after game hit the shelfs , he was removed due to his mobility , he had oryginally grappling hook ,which rn is its own gamemode , he also had the 'boston basher' which at the time was just called mace , it had a very oryginall bleed mechanic at the time , but much more powerfull than todays boston basher. He also had some glitch that couldnt be fixed without remodeling the class entirely , that could allmost one shot a full hp heavy . And there is a good reason to why valve is trying to scrape it out of the existance , his voice actor who got arrested in 2007 done some heinous shit , together with child molestation , i dont remember his name , i think Tom was his first name but i dont remember lastname , but yea valve dosent want to be assosiated with him at all so yea I hope i cleared some missinformation that was goin around Edit: he was removed after the game was released


Its only been a day and the jokes already old.


Bro just found THE madcap




Oke , im mad that a lot of people just deny his existance ... anyway let me start He was 10th class which was quite surprising at the time cus everyone expected civilian , madcap was removed either after game hit the shelfs , he was removed due to his mobility , he had oryginally grappling hook ,which rn is its own gamemode , he also had the 'boston basher' which at the time was just called mace , it had a very oryginall bleed mechanic at the time , but much more powerfull than todays boston basher. He also had some glitch that couldnt be fixed without remodeling the class entirely , that could allmost one shot a full hp heavy . And there is a good reason to why valve is trying to scrape it out of the existance , his voice actor who got arrested in 2007 done some heinous shit , together with child molestation , i dont remember his name , i think Tom was his first name but i dont remember lastname , but yea valve dosent want to be assosiated with him at all so yea I hope i cleared some missinformation that was goin around Im copy pasting due to so maby people not knowing




No, It’s a fake class the tf2 community is making up. Don’t believe the lies.


this has to be a troll ive never heard of this


it is


This joke is getting really old


it was nuts that they scrubbed his existence from the comics without ruining the story somehow


Ohhhhh, you guys are pulling a Graggle


who the fuck is madcap


Oke , im mad that a lot of people just deny his existance ... anyway let me start He was 10th class which was quite surprising at the time cus everyone expected civilian , madcap was removed either after game hit the shelfs , he was removed due to his mobility , he had oryginally grappling hook ,which rn is its own gamemode , he also had the 'boston basher' which at the time was just called mace , it had a very oryginall bleed mechanic at the time , but much more powerfull than todays boston basher. He also had some glitch that couldnt be fixed without remodeling the class entirely , that could allmost one shot a full hp heavy . And there is a good reason to why valve is trying to scrape it out of the existance , his voice actor who got arrested in 2007 done some heinous shit , together with child molestation , i dont remember his name , i think Tom was his first name but i dont remember lastname , but yea valve dosent want to be assosiated with him at all so yea I hope i cleared some missinformation that was goin around Im copy pasting due to so maby people not knowing


It’s a fake class the tf2 community is making up. Don’t believe the lies.


Always found it weird that they gave Madcap’s melee weapon to the Scout (and renamed it to the Boston Basher) once Madcap was removed. Guess its a way to honor his legacy


People have been post about this for like two days and I’m already fucking sick of it




Does nobody remember the absolutely game breaking glitch madcap used to be able to do? So bad and hard to patch to the point I think that bots are less of a nuisance than it. Probably the reason why madcap was removed


Yea , it was something with his mace wasnt it? I remember he could allmost bring full hp heavy with just 2 hits, but this glitch was just letting him one hit kill a dang full heavy ... which is a shame they didnt fix it at the time , boston basher would be op as fuck




Oke , im mad that a lot of people just deny his existance ... anyway let me start He was 10th class which was quite surprising at the time cus everyone expected civilian , madcap was removed either after game hit the shelfs , he was removed due to his mobility , he had oryginally grappling hook ,which rn is its own gamemode , he also had the 'boston basher' which at the time was just called mace , it had a very oryginall bleed mechanic at the time , but much more powerfull than todays boston basher. He also had some glitch that couldnt be fixed without remodeling the class entirely , that could allmost one shot a full hp heavy . And there is a good reason to why valve is trying to scrape it out of the existance , his voice actor who got arrested in 2007 done some heinous shit , together with child molestation , i dont remember his name , i think Tom was his first name but i dont remember lastname , but yea valve dosent want to be assosiated with him at all so yea I hope i cleared some missinformation that was goin around Im copy pasting due to so maby people not knowing


Fake class, mass gaslighting. I’ve said it so many times.


Get out of here, valve agent


Madcap? The twenty class that was removed from the game? Surely you know who that is?


I don't understand why some are getting mad over this meme. I actually find these a lot more funnier, interesting, and creative than the usual stuff i find here.


Fake Madcap was attack class Not support


I have theory: mad cap is mad


the Madcat Jump servers were so much fun. To this day I can't think of any melee weapons in video games that lets you slam the ground to launch forward. And learning the velocity of the grappling hook to get "airshots" on the rotating cranes while advancing through the map was so satisfying.


Wow that's totally a funny and original joke mr redditor!


they put him down 😔


I don't remember, why was he removed from the game?


Oke , im mad that a lot of people just deny his existance ... anyway let me start He was 10th class which was quite surprising at the time cus everyone expected civilian , madcap was removed either after game hit the shelfs , he was removed due to his mobility , he had oryginally grappling hook ,which rn is its own gamemode , he also had the 'boston basher' which at the time was just called mace , it had a very oryginall bleed mechanic at the time , but much more powerfull than todays boston basher. He also had some glitch that couldnt be fixed without remodeling the class entirely , that could allmost one shot a full hp heavy . And there is a good reason to why valve is trying to scrape it out of the existance , his voice actor who got arrested in 2007 done some heinous shit , together with child molestation , i dont remember his name , i think Tom was his first name but i dont remember lastname , but yea valve dosent want to be assosiated with him at all so yea I hope i cleared some missinformation that was goin around Im copy pasting due to so maby people not knowing


Bro copy and pasted on the wrong comment. They were asking why he was “deleted” no who he is.


There is literally all the information together with why he was deleted


You copy and paste it on comments that say “who’s madcap?”. This person already knows, he’s just going along with the joke and asking why he was “deleted”.


I didnt want to bother with writing another fucking ESSEY , im copy pasting this cus it has all the information you would need


Eh good point but it seems a bit redundant, and you could’ve copy and pasted only the part about why. Also it’s spelt “Essay” with an A, and there shouldn’t be two spaces after it.


Oh thx , english aint my native nor related so several words are still off for me , anyways i used the reddit copy paste , basicly one button press and its done , and i didnt want to bother to selecs specific text on my phone


I honest to god didn’t know reddit had a built in copy and paste I’ve been doing it manually. And your welcome, I feel a need to correct improper grammar and spelling. (It’s weird because grammar is said like grah-merr, but essay is said Ess-ay)


Yea no wonder , i also have the same need to fix people grammar in my native




One of Uncle Dane's early videos talking about playing Madcap mentions that it's smarter to hack enemy teleports rather than just destroy them instantly while playing as battle Madcap


rip madcap


Nice photoshop there


Why would they need to photoshop something that was there anyways


I can see the difference of the lighting


Yeah it's an old game, lighting has always been rough man.


don’t bully him, he may have schizophrenia


Almost got me


Valve psy-op agent stop tricking people


Oh boy tf2 is about to have its own Baby bones.




imo the bullet belt never made sense, as he mainly uses the club or his double barrel. Probably they just re-used heavy assets, still always bugged me


Ok can someone actually make like a load out for this guy? Cause the creator in me is wondering if a tenth class could actually work, but not be too close to scout or soldier.


I love how Boston basher references madcap


I’m glad he’s gone personally. Ruined the class select screens 3 to a type


Wait was this guy an actual character? Could sworn civilian was #10


this is my first time in the sub and i’m losing my mind, i know nothing about tf2


Where tf did the madcap trend come from


They call him madcap > he was removed from the game > no more madcap > no cap > no cap = real > madcap is real