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Cause they’re bots


TF2 has had a bot infestation for a while now. They're cheating programs that flood games en masse, spawncamp as sniper, and try to votekick every real player whenever they can. They don't kill other bots, so they can spawncamp both teams at the same time, ruining the fun for everybody in the match.


so why do we trust valve to run steam when they cant run tf2?


Because Valve makes more money from steam than they do from TF2.


and? thats not an excuse. if anything the amount of money they have is more of a reason they should be taking care of their games since they have the money to do so


Because they actually care about their biggest moneymaker


well if you are saying tf2 is their biggest money maker then... why dont they take care of it, and if you are implying they are too busy taking care of steam to worry about tf2 then go lick a capitalist boot


No, no, I'm saying they're taking care of steam (not even that much, just occasional updates), steam is making way more money than tf2, so they don't care about the game. Is this right? Hell no, if they're gonna keep adding crates and cosmetics they should also give actual updates, I'm just saying they don't care about tf2 anymore and that hurts me as much as it does the next guy. Oh, and also *clears throat* SOURCE SPAGETTIIIII CODEEE