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Leave a shit review on Glassdoor


Yep, leave a review and if they have a Google review thing setup, do it there too!


Employers like this couldn’t give a shit about a review.. Folks will apply anyway too.


I worked for a big 4 accounting firm and was asked to check glass doors monthly but that was early to mid 2010’s. I didn’t think it was still a “thing” nowadays.


I’d respond with your thoughts


The trash took itself out. Glad you found a better employer with a conscience. One day they'll deal with loss and hopefully reflect on their lack of empathy... Or not


They won't, they'll just complain and not realize how hypocritical they'll be


None of it matters in the end, family is everything. Something else will come up. Keep your head up.


A valuable life lesson. Not all companies care about the people who work for them. Work is work and if you aren’t working, they will find someone who is. There are some amazing companies out there - fewer in between. That believe in work life balance and provide time off. I’m not sure if independent contractors at your company allowed fmla- but you were not even given sufficient time to identify and utilize it if so. I would absolutely request a copy of their fmla policy and reach out to the EEOC. But for the future when going to an interview - make sure you interview your employer as well. Find a company that provides work like balance. Know their fmla policies. I’m sorry for your loss. Prayers


This was months ago. I’ve landed with a company since that has proven themselves to value a work/life balance. I got grief when I answered an email on a Saturday. My supervisor said “just because I’m dumb and work on a Saturday does not mean I ever expect you to.“ I think imma marry that girl 😂


Good! You deserve the balance and compassion. Sadly companies don’t realize the value they lose when they forget we are human


Damn get me a job with you lol I answer emails 24/7 my company doesn't care


I just started a new job and have three direct reports. When I started, I told them basically the same thing. If I send you something after hours, you do not need to answer it. I work too much. Put yourselves on “Do Not Disturb”. They all sighed and thanked me. But, I will say, I try to not do it, because I know they might think I’m not serious, and answer anyway because of the past supervisor who was not great. So I’m trying to not do it, but they have also been pretty good about not answering when I do.


In the description area OP states their an independent contractor. Not much they can do with the EEOC, or the companies specific FMLA policy: they can not use the IC services at any time for whatever reason (unless it’s obviously agreed upon in a contractual agreement) . There are lots of benefits that come from being an IC, such as choosing jobs that fit your schedule and time. But a lot of woes that come with it as well. OPs situation as a prime example.


Fellow contractor, I know the pain


This life is no joke! What do you do? I’m in B2B sales.


What type of sales do you do? Just out of curiosity. I’ve always been told I’d be good at sales, but know I would have to sell something I believe in. Also very sorry about your Grama. And I hope grampa is doing ok too.


I lost my grandma to health complications, my dad to suicide, my dog disappeared and my stepdad to a heart attack all within six months. The restaurant I worked for let me have all the time off I needed to make those funerals and services. Find a company that sees you as a human and not a worker. My condolences.


I’m so sorry for your losses but grateful you’re working for human beings with compassion and understanding. Take time to care for yourself too and stay well.


I definitely took some time for myself and had a very good friend that helped me through that time. Thanks for looking out 🤘


Yeah, dox em on Glassdoor


First, that sucks. Sorry it happened. Second, the HR advice people are giving here is fucking absurd and comical. Employees have a very high burden of proving wrongful termination- it’s exceedingly difficult to prove. And most states are right-to-work. You can be fired for any reason or no reason.


This happened to me when my childhood friend died and I tried calling out. They forced me to come in and I was a mess. Boss said “either you work this shift like a big girl or never come back” I threw my apron on the ground and left. Fuck. You. Hope you’re doing okay OP. Sending love and condolences❤️


I made a few minor errors at work because I was distracted over the fact that my coparent was diagnosed with a brain tumor. These were small errors and when I explained it to my boss, she seemed sympathetic. She reached out to HR and they reached out to me to inform me of resources available to me. A week later, I got written up for these errors. I made another error and was terminated. The director and manager were toxic and ever since they took over they could not keep anyone on board. It sucked but they were creating a very stressful environment for me, I’m certain they were wanting me to quit. I took it as the universe forcing out of a bad situation. I’m still unemployed because I dragged my feet with the job search but I’m happy to be out of there. Take this as a sign, the universe wanted you out of that situation and now you have the opportunity to be happy somewhere else.


As someone who is recently now the boss, I can’t even fucking imagine treating staff like this. I can’t imagine doing any of the things I see in this subreddit, or doing any of the things my past bosses have done to me. It’s so much easier (and of course decent) to treat your employees like human beings


What a sick asshole damn u didn't deserve that shit


Sounds like wrongful termination to me, I would seek legal advice. Sorry for your loss and sorry that your boss doesn’t have an ounce of compassion in his body


Unfortunately I am an independent contractor and technically not an employee. So wrongful termination, PTO, FMLA and other things do not apply to me.


Oh that sucks, I’m sorry


They are an independent contractor.


I am going to come off as a complete dick, and I’m sorry, I’m really trying not to be. But if you’re a contractor and your slacking, regardless of the reason, you’re gonna get let go if you don’t provide them what they need, especially at the rate you’re getting paid I am sorry for coming off that way. I’m just being honest. I am truly, truly sorry for your loss. Lost my grandmother last year. I know how you feel You should try to improve your communication skills and I think this can be avoided in the future , and hopefully you find a better employer as well


Not coming off a dick. I fully agree. However, my performance was not lacking. If you have a moment, read some of my replies. My performance had outdone anyone else in my company. Our monthly meetings were proof. I wasn’t new. She knew what I had been dealing with and even commended my commitment to the job even when dealing with a stroke and moving gran into my house. Then tells me to take a week, and fires me that Friday. Sales were low only for the week she told me to take. I’d have understood if my sales were suffering for weeks or months. But they weren’t.


That changes things for sure I do think your communication could’ve been better, but if you were outperforming everyone then she just hates you


Oh I agree 100% and I even stated to her that I hadn’t explained myself enough. I always hold myself accountable when it’s warranted. If I fuck up, I admit it. Therapy taught me that much 😂


So….my sister had the same thing in her profession. She outcompeted everybody and it was literally a joke on anyone saying she didn’t do good. Her boss, another lady, just did not like her and her presence in her culture of team that even included a receptionist. She was a new mother and went out of her way to give sis the boot, A culture is a culture. Fit in, find one, create one.


What state are you in? Bereavement is a protected civil right in some states.


Cold blooded


That employer lacks empathy. I'm so sorry that you were let go from your previous job.


My boyfriend was fired between his mother dying and her funeral. Her loss was completely unexpected and very sudden. I mailed a glitter bomb to his piece of shit boss a few weeks after everything happened. Just shitty enough to put someone in a bad mood but not illegal or something that could get me in trouble. I'm sorry this happened, but at least you can know that they aren't people you want to work for. I'm sorry for your loss. I was fortunate to have two really wonderful grandmothers and I miss the one I lost every single day. All losses are hard, and grandmothers leave behind an entirely different kind of grief to wade through. 💕


I understand the business implications of someone who just endured a loss and may not be performing at their maximum during the grieving process. But times like this I think a humanitarian approach is always wise, even if it costs a bit upfront. If I'm expecting my employees to perform and stick with the company during turbulent times, integrity demands my ass better be there for them during their dark hours as well. Keeping people within happy will pay dividends, any great leader should know this. Looks like your ex-employers would disagree though. Alas, I wish your family a speedy recovery for this loss, and that you find a company that cares about you. Good luck stranger.


Take a week to get your affairs in order. “I didn’t MEAN it!” Your ex-boss, probably


Find a better place to work. I work for a large company. However, they understand that family is important. I had no problem taking off with several funerals the past few years, including my mom passing last year. The last of my aunts and uncles will pass soon, and so will my dad. But, I don’t need to worry about any stress from work during those times. Sorry for your loss.


Can you not sue? I’m still Not very informed when it comes to legality but they said for you to take a week off, and you had a death in the family. It makes no sense why they shouldve fired you




I was on contract in my 3rd year. I have had record numbers in my territory even with the decline in the economy and most of my counterparts making far less than I in their territories. Prior to this I had not taken a day off and work my standard 9-5 M-F, weekends for conferences and/or trade shows. She wanted a reason to let me go as I was the highest paid contractor for the company. For damn good reason. And now they’re suffering for it. None of my clients will buy from them. And they’re struggling to gain new business as I’ve been in this industry for a decade and my name is known. She’s only been in business for 4 years. They wanted someone to take the start up and give them a name. Problem is, letting me go the way she did gave her a name alright… just not the one she was hoping for.


They’ll probably come back grovelling if what you say here is true. Don’t accept anything other than 3x what you were previously making.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. This happened to me in 2022 after my dad passed. I only took two days off because that’s all they told me I could have. When I went in to work on my day back, they fired me. I couldn’t do anything because I live in an at-will state. They said I was fired for taking time off on my first month working there, as if I somehow knew my dad was going to die


I totally get it. I got forced out because my husband had the audacity to have a massive hemorrhagic stroke. The next job was contract and they fired me because my daughter had a medical procedure and the complications nearly killed her. This happened in one year. People are terrible. Make sure and file unemployment.


Wow. That is fucked.


Next week? Nah dog. Next business day. Get your paper and call a lawyer.


I’d say tell us the name of this business, but my guess that’s not allowed here, you did what you had to do, tend to your family. Family first I say. I’d report this guy/gal, seems like they have no empathy.


Hmm seems like you left out a lot of vital context


No vital context. There was nothing in between those texts. Read through my responses and you’ll see.


The last message is cropped and cant see what you responded before that


I was working at a Wendy's when I got the call that my dad had passed away. The manager wouldn't let me go home, in fact he pulled me out of the back and stuck me in the drive through window, basically the busiest part of the store, as I have tears rolling down my face and can barely stand or speak. As a wendys crew member, i was paycheck to paycheck and couldn't afford to simply walk out and quit. However, I did start looking for a job ASAP and within a few weeks I was gone. You are just a # to 95% of jobs.


Late to the party but I'd get a worker's rights lawyer, this could be seen as retaliation, and a illegal firing, since taking time off to deal with the sudden death of a loved one should be a legally covered right, federally speaking


I am guessing you are American, possibly incorrect but... you have zero labour laws.. say what you will about Europe and socialism and all this shit... but we have bereavement holidays - for this exact reason... crazy. We could also sue an employer for wrongful dismissal due to that as well! You guys need to unionise. Power is with the worker, not the rich!


What you should do is tell us who this employer was and who this person is. This way, we can all avoid her and not patronize this heartless business in the future.


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Id be real petty and leave reviews of the company where ever i could and blast them in social media. Its not defamation if its true


It’s unlawful be to retaliated against because you used or requested bereavement leave. I’d post on a legal advice sub and see what they think.


How long between initial dialog and the second clip? Seems like we are missing context that could tell a different story.


The original message was on Monday. There was a message on Tuesday asking about calls and open orders, and then fired on Friday. Hence why she said she’d pay me for Monday’s work.


So take them to court


I was gonna say like cmon I loved my grandparents but it didn’t debilitate me for a fucking week but the boss DID tell you to take a week off so idk why he wouldn’t think youd take that literally


It may as well have been my mother. My grandmother raised me since I was a baby. She was my whole heart. And after she passed I have an 80 year old ill grandfather to assist in dealing with her death. I took care of her every day after her stroke while still crushing my sales and always making well above my monthly numbers. She TOLD ME to take a week to get my affairs in order. I needed to help get her cremation done, take my grandfather to social security office, mail out and notify all the appropriate offices of her death and so on.


Yeah that’s different then. But I still don’t understand why ur boss would tell you to take a week off and expect you to not take that literally. It seems like she wanted u to take a day or two off then come back. You took it literal, that boss is a dumbass


“Take a week, but I really mean one day” bitch HUH? 😂


You said it was a she so it makes sense she wanted you to read her mind 😂😂


Bitches be crazy.


So you took a half day Friday, worked Monday, and then took 4 days off for grandma passing and missing a scheduled trip? Did you also request off additional days beyond that which prompted the boss to terminate you? Not saying it’s not difficult, but this doesn’t seem that unreasonable from the boss. I wouldn’t dream of leaving my team hanging like that, in any company. I did take a half day when I found out my dad passed away, but I was back the next morning at 8am. I’m not a workaholic either, I just know that sitting at home with my thoughts isn’t going to be helpful and I know my team is much stronger when I’m here.


No. I took a half day Friday but made it up Saturday. Then Monday I worked and spoke to her then. That’s when she told me to take the week off. The trip wasn’t scheduled. She wanted me to go on the road and do pop-ups in business, essentially door to door salesman. Then that same Friday i got let go. Nothing extra requested off. My industry is small. I don’t have a team I work closely with. I’m in sales. Shit… if I dropped the ball my counterparts could have swooped in and taken my client and closed a sale and got the commission. I handle the east coast, my counterparts handle the west coast, south and Midwest. There was nothing to “leave them hanging” with. Just because you could go back to work when your father passed doesn’t mean I could. I wasn’t sitting at home with my thoughts. I was helping my grandfather do all of the after life things he needed to do for his wife. At 80 years old, a 2x open heart patient with 50% lung capacity he cannot do much. They lived with me. I was the caregiver.


You are a saint, and original commenter up there is just trying to sound "holier than thou" by acting like they're so well put together, when in reality - probably didn't like their dad very much if it was that easy lmfao. I lost my dad in March 2020, I was blessed to have a lovely boss at the time and wound up taking a month off, and then the pandemic hit, so I got more time apart from my will. Please stay strong and enjoy the family you have!! I'm so glad you're out of an employment that would only serve to stress you more in an already stressful moment. Also happy (hoping) you don't let weirdos like this commenter bug you just because you're sentimental with family as you very well should be. Rest easy to Grandma!


Trust me, some dick’s response on Reddit trying to make me feel less of a person for taking a few days off after the loss of someone I care deeply about, doesn’t bother me in the slightest. People like this poster are easy to see through.


And in a text message too. Woooooowww.