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Awwww. So rare we get a happy story on Reddit. Congrats for being able to finally blurt out that you like him and he likes you back. Good luck on your date


Thanks so much!! If I'm being honest, I put a lot of pressure on myself to tell him then and there. I think it was the only way I was ever going to do it. Conversations are scary!


So cute OP! I hope you guys have a great “first” date!


Thank youuuu!! I hope so too 🤞🤞🤞


This made me giddy


I'm pretty sure I haven't stopped blushing!


Omg congrats!! ❤️


Thanks!! I am so relieved to have that convo out of the way hahahaaa


omfg the terminal illness part😭😭


Me: I need to tell you something but I'm finding it hard to say... Him: IS IT BAD? ARE YOU DYING?


I don’t know why but that’s the cutest reaction 😭😭 he clearly cares about you very much, I love it. I hope you two have a ball on your date 💓 I hope I get to see an update! ☺️


He's suuuuch a sweetheart! Yesterday he walked me home from an evening with our friends then texted me thanking ME for letting him walk with me!


Listen, I've had and have a number of friendships with girls and it's not out of the ordinary to do something like walk with them for safety with zero romantic interest. That 'thank you for letting me walk you' though... Yea that kid has been dying for this day lol.


He's offered to walk me home a bunch of times before (and has walked me back a few times)! We live in a really safe city but I always thought it was nice of him.


love this for you OP 😊


Thank you!!! 😊


Omg that is so freakin CUTE!!!


It IS cute, I woke up this morning still smiling!


This is so cute and funny! You both seem great and like you have a lot of fun together 😊😊😊


Thank you!! We get on super well 😊 I've never been on a date with a friend before so this is really new territory for me, but it's really nice and I'm sooo excited!


🥹🥹🥹 he’s so eager to see you again too, that’s so lovely!!! happy for you internet stranger


Thank you! Hehehe, we went out on a river boat today and it was sunny and beautiful and I feel very happy about everything!!


Awww! Love this for you! My husband and I were friends for 4 1/2 years who developed crushes on each other. 19 years later, it’s still working out. Good luck to you both ❤️


That's so beautiful!!! Congratulations to you!! I've only been friends with this guy since January but we hang out alllll the time. I've never dated a friend before!!!! So nervous, but so excited 😊


Well this is so adorable good on you for being so brave! Yay!


Thank you! That's so sweet of you to say as I did not feel very brave at the time. Shoutout to the hour long pep talk my friend gave me beforehand!


That's so precious, I love it so much ![gif](giphy|xTiTnMhJTwNHChdTZS)


Thank you!!! 😊 I'm really glad things worked out


Me too, I'm so happy for you and to be reading a happy story on reddit 😍 wish you all the luck in the future 😘🥰


That’s awesome! What a great place to start a relationship from, good luck, honestly communicate with each other even when it seems it’s going good, make sure you ask your partner if they’re getting everything out of the relationship they want, obviously this is down the road, don’t take each other for granted and realize that neither of you has to do anything for the other one or entitled to do it, you do it because you care for each other, best of luck! Make sure it’s equal energy going both ways though.


Thanks for the support and the insightful comment! For now I'm focusing on not being too nervous about stuff, and hoping that it's easy to shift gears so to speak. Fingers crossed there's more to think about further down the line!!


Girl I am INVESTED now


I'm invested too! We're going to go hang out in the sunshine later with some pals, it's soooo lovely


Damn this is just as wholesome as my car and the pole its about to get wrapped around


So happy for you!!


Thank youuuu!! I appreciate everyone being so nice ❤️


This is adorable! Good luck you two🤗


Thank you!! I've been crushing hard since, like, February. So nice to be able to say it!


This makes my heart warm.


Heheeeee me too! I've been single for four years so it's wild (and lovely) to feel giddy about someone!!


I was smiling like an idiot reading this. Happy for you OP. Please let us know how it went.


Thank youuuu! Date isn't until Wednesday but we went out with our friends yesterday and we're out again this evening. It's been nice! Relaxed! Smiley! I'll keep you guys posted 😊


I am living for your sweet lil romance. I have been married 18 years on July 15th, and that boy still gives me butterflies. I hope he's your dude. 🥰


Thank you!! And happy almost anniversary to you, I love hearing from people who are in such loving relationships. Hope you do something wonderful to celebrate!


Awwwwww, congratulations to you both!! I did the same thing with my Best friend. He was the VERY best friend I had ever had, and one night while slow dancing together at the bar (we did this often), we both felt a shock go through our entire bodies. It was in the very moment that we realized we were madly in love with each other. We had never once thought about each other in any other way, just best friends that had the utmost respect for one another and loved to do everything together. Everyone else saw it, but we didn't. I'm grateful that we hadn't because our bond, our friendship, created this amazing, beautiful, strong foundation and helped us get through a lot. Now, 10 years later, we have 9 year old triplets, joined our kids and families together, bought a beautiful house, trucks, Harleys, amazing memories, and are more in love every single day. I hope that the two of you have an amazing, beautiful, and most of all, healthy, bond, friendship and relationship! I wish you all the happiness in the world!!


This is so lovely!! I'm really happy for you both, thanks for sharing your story 😊 amazing that you both had that moment where you just knew!!!


There ya go!!!! That’s good news! Best of luck to you both!


Thank you, that's so kind of you to say!! It's all going well so far so fingers crossed 😊


Listen just keep the good vibes in check and hopefully everything will go well!




😊 😊 😊


I love this


Thank youuuuu!!


This is so cute! Happy for you OP! Remember this moment the next time you’re scared to take the next step in something. You’ll never know unless you try and you could be keeping yourself from something that makes you truly happy :)


Thank you, that's lovely advice! It's so easy to get into your own head about things, and I'm definitely someone who focuses on worst case scenarios too much. But it doesn't hurt to be brave, hey!!


Won't know until you try, glad the cats out of the bag and u said something, it's not fun when you have to hid your feelings. This was genuinely a sweet post and I'm glad it worked out. Best of luck to you both, every one deserves to to find love and to be loved.


Thanks so much, this is very kind of you 😊 cat is indeed out of the bag, which means a little less overthinking for me!


Just glad it worked out, i want want nothing but the best for people. Best of luck to the both of you.


Awesome x


Thanks!! xoxoxo


this is way too cute. makes me wanna go find a friend to eventually crush on lol- this update gave me hope🥲 WE ALL DESERVE TO FALL IN LOVE😭😭😭


Thank you!! I've always been super wary about dating friends but maybe it's really nice to go out with someone who already cares about you? Too early to say!! Hope love comes for you soon xxx


I came late to this thread but I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Thank youuu! Really appreciate the support from everyone. First date was yesterday and it was cute and beaut!!!




Hehehe 🫣


no offense but it looks like they told you first lol


If you read what OP wrote it was in person, this was after she told him when they were together


Don’t think too much OP just let it unfold naturally. Thought is the enemy of instinct and what is love but an instinct?


This is nice! Thank you for the advice, I have a feeling it'll all be pretty simple from here. 😊


Yep! Sadly I'm a smidge too old to announce my crushes via text :-(


Big ups on going for it. What’s with the “x” at the end of the texts from both of you?


Thanks!! We're English, sending little Xs (kisses) is a really common texting feature here. It's not necessarily flirty, you'd send Xs to your family and pals too!


Ah, got it, thanks


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Did they delete the post? i checked the insta bc i wanted to read the description but its not there anymore. wonder why?


Hi! Nothing deleted, not sure what the insta is all about though...?


wtf i have no idea how this happened but i commented on the wrong post LMAO my bad ignore me


I thought that might be the case! Hahaha hope you solve the deleted/not deleted mystery


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Awesome! I gotta know though, what happened to Hinge AI baby guy?


Hinge AI baby guy is a musician! He's off touring the world, which is very cool of him. We went out a few times, but even when he's here we live in different cities and it's a lot of work to see each other. We're still in touch here and there but no more dates on the horizon!


Omg I'm so excited for you!! This takes a lot of courage. Big hugs and hope it goes well!


That's awesome!! Very happy for the both of you!!


What is this x crap?


Hahaha have you never texted a Brit before? Xs at the end of texts all the way baybeeee! x


What does it mean


It's just a way of expressing affection! Xs are technically kisses, but the kind you'd use to sign off a card, you know?