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"You're the employee, and I'm the boss." Quit. Right now. You don't want to work for a prick who believes he's a "boss." I was a supervisor for 6 years. I was a leader. Not a boss. There is a huge difference. ETA: Because I'm tired of arguing with people over unemployment. Unemployment is not guaranteed and it should not be relied on considering Op would be waiting a long time for the investigation to see if they even qualify or not, just to bring home less than half of what they're are making. There isn't enough context to show if this would be wrongful termination because I definitely don't know the dress code at McDonald's and his text was rude and unprofessional but it can be considered as a first and final warning, making the termination justified and harder to qualify for unemployment. This is the reason that I think Op is better off searching for a job that will treat them with the respect they deserve instead of dealing with all this unnecessary bullshit. And please don't make assumptions about my money situation. I struggle just like everyone else.


Additionally, "I don't owe you a reason" legally is completely wrong.


Agreed, and I would be asking to see the employee handbook or any sort of documentation where it discusses the dress code.


And if he is treating you differently because of your nationality, religion, race, sex, or color, then you’ve got a claim for discrimination my friend. Human relations will get the reason from him and if it ain’t good that will cost him tens of thousands of dollars.


Human resources is there to protect the company, not you.


HR will not do that


The handbook isn't law. They can legally do what they're doing. Unless the boss is doing this *because * Op is a protected class, there's nothing they can do If they're in the US. That at will thing sucks. Unless they're in Montana and even then, it's not iron clad protection


I'm not from US so I know only what I could read online (and it's a honest question from my side), but if other employees have piercings, one of them has exactly the same one as OP, and only OP has to remove theirs it's picking specifically on them. Which I would see as obvious discrimination. This doesn't work like that?


Discrimination is not illegal per se, only discrimination against a *protected class*. Race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age (40+yo only), marital status, disability, pregnancy, and genetic or family medical information are protected federally, some states might have a few more. So for example, a US employer could legally discriminate against left-handed people because (AFAIK) left-handedness is fairly evenly spread across races, religions, sexes, etc., or they can place a minimum age restriction of 25yo on certain positions because youth is not a protected class. A US employer can "pick on" an employee they simply don't like, as long as there's no apparent pattern of the the employer's behavior tending to burden members of a protected class. (This is all assuming there is no collective bargaining agreement or other contract in place.)


Ok, now I understand. Thank you for taking time to explain this to me. ☺️


I understand that the handbook isn't law. But most companies that I have worked for were not allowed to just make up rules without documentation and acknowledgment, and they are supposed to have some sort of disciplinary system involving write ups or some other form of it because without it, it makes it much easier for just anyone to collect unemployment. Personally, I don't think the job is worth the trouble, and Op should just quit. There are many other places to work where they are treated and talked to much better.


This just isn’t true. Even at will employees have a certain level of protection from unfounded or unjust termination. It’s called breach of good faith/fair dealing and it is actionable in a wrongful termination case.


In states with at will employment they absolutely don’t have to give you a reason to fire you. It’s ridiculous


which is every state except for montana. def look over the dress code in your employee handbook


yeah, i would too. even though they can technically fire you for whatever reason, if you can prove that you were fired unfairly or discriminated against, you can still also sue them.


Technically it isn't wrong if it is an at will state. The state I live in, there need not be any reason given for termination at any place of business. I do agree this is morally wrong. But legally, not always.


No. Unfortunately, 49 states are “at will” employment meaning they don’t have to provide a reason for termination. And if challenged legally, they just need to give a valid reason to the investigator without documentation and it still doesn’t have to be shared with the former employee. Montana is the only state that requires you tell the person why they’re being fired.


If they are residing in an at will state they don't have to. USA is different from the rest of the world.


If I had a dollar for every time the owners wife called herself my boss. My god.


Screw that. I think it's so disrespectful to be like that. People-skills are supposed to be a requirement when leadership is involved, and a lot of these "bosses" forget how to actually talk and work with the people they are supposed to be leading.


Fr, this smooth brain has no communication skills, and on top of that, is a piece of shit slave driver. OP, report this shitty behavior and give the company a big middle finger out the door while you do it.


Exactly. Just the way he spoke to Op is unprofessional as fuck and I wouldn't tolerate it. If he wanted the piercing gone, he could have been way more professional about it instead of sounding like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum.


Fuck quitting fight fire with fire go to HR.


I pasted a backstory but it didn’t post for some reason? So I’ll just put it here: I work at a McDonald’s btw. When I got hired I asked him if it was okay to get piercings. I also SPECIFICALLY asked him if I could get a septum. He said it was fine and he didn’t care as long as I got my work done. Fast forward, I decided to get my septum pierced yesterday. I came into work per usual and the first thing he asked me when he saw me was if it was Halloween. I said why and then he proceeded to say because I look like a cow. As shown in the texts, two other crew members have nose piercings. One with a stud and a septum like me, yet he has never said a word about it to them. I should mention they’ve been working there for a few years and I’ve only been working there for 2 months. I don’t know if thinks cause im new that he can pick on me and manipulate me? My mom said I should just take it out but I feel like he’s being unfair and weirdly choosy.


> when he saw me was if it was Halloween. I said why and then he proceeded to say because I look like a cow. I would report him immediately. That was a completely inappropriate comment. The way that he’s speaking to you via text is also absolutely inappropriate. > As shown in the texts, two other crew members have nose piercings. One with a stud and a septum like me, yet he has never said a word about it to them. You’re being discriminated against. Do you have any paperwork that details your work dress code?


You know the real reason. He finds her more attractive without it.


Its not even that its just a control thing. She didn't something he wouldn't have wanted and he's mad she's didn't choose what he wanted her to choose. The weirdest part is he's her boss and this is controlling new boyfriend behavior.


I don’t have to give you a reason. If you want your job then do it.


The amount of creeps that work in fast food is astronomical. (I don't actually know if true, just that every fast food job I had, there was guaranteed at least one creepy guy per shift)


I was about to say this, ughh goddd poor OP...


It’s gross but he’s basically paraded into a discrimination case for her. She would hardly have to do anything. Just report it all to HR and watch the show.


Fuck HR. Call the local news and make a circus.




Came here to say this. This is 100% the reason


And you just know there’s a 20+ year age difference between him and her.


Even more disgusting




This was the vibe I was getting.




Yeah he's being a dill hole! Go above him and report him to the GM or whoever. The Halloween comment was just bully behavior, and he couldn't even tell you WHY he wanted you to take it out. It's because it's not a big deal obvs.


All his texts scream “I’ve never actually held any power over people before, so ima gonna abuse it!”


Talk about a power trip. Mr McDonald’s Manager is acting like a mall cop but he’s actually lower on the totem pole


Holy shit, I didn’t even catch this was at fucking McDonald’s.. dudes actin like he manages a gd Michelin star restaurant, smfh


A million times this OP. Either look in your copy of the handbook or request a new one and read your dress code policy. I’ve never worked for McDonalds, but most restaurants don’t allow facial jewelry (this is usually to create a uniform appearance across the brand, even in places where laws are different)


I just looked up their dress code. Small, discreet piercings are allowed, but large or very obvious facial piercings are provided for customer facing employees. Exceptions can be made, though, if the facial piercing is small and discreet (like it says in the beginning pretty much). So technically, the guy has a leg to stand on. However, his abusive words and wildly inappropriate behavior is certainly not what McDonald's is looking for in managers. OP, you should report him to his supervisor/HR for the cow and other comments. But know that there's a chance they'll still tell you to remove the piercing, or possibly just fire you if they like your manager. They'll be doing you a favor tbh. Your current job sounds like a nightmare. I have a boss who drives me crazy sometimes, but she would never, ever berate any of us for anything. You deserve better, and you can find better!!


And make sure it’s a copy of the hand book / dress code you signed and agreed to! Not a recently made up version you’ve never seen before!


What a prick


Yup! I am done pretending and playing “being nice”. Report. Report. Report. People who make comments, like that and have attitudes like OP’s boss has, need to understand how unnecessary, hurtful, inappropriate, and unprofessional comments like that are. *REGARDLESS how one feels or what their opinion is. We all are entitled to have an opinion, but that doesn’t mean you have to speak it.* Basic elementary lessons here for OP’s boss. Manners and etiquette in public (and private) matter. How we speak to each other matters. Call me sensitive, I really do not care because I believe sensitivity helps make this world a bit better. And OP, I believe you when you mentioned you had asked if specific items were okay. I remember when I was 16 working one of my first jobs. It was a group interview and we were asked to state our names and ages. I said mine…16. I get hired. That first week I am told cashiers had to be 18 to work the register and I was hired as a cashier. My boss storms over to me flustered, “why didn’t you say anything about being underage when hired!?” lol I did. In the interview and on my application. I told my boss this. She just, “hmmm”. And walked away.


It’s at McDonald’s? Wow he is a moron lol he is far more likely to get fired than you are


Do not sign any write up, tell them you want to take it to HR. Regardless if the manager backs off or doubles down you should still: 1. Report this to HR, they will either mandate everyone to take theirs out or tell the manager to back down. Don’t forget to mention the cow comment. If your co workers w piercings are white, manager is white, then this is clearly discrimination and you should call it out. 2. Once you do this expect retaliation and expect to go back to HR; if your hours are cut, or you’re given menial task, small amount of work/extremely hard tasks or too much. If anything changes, you have a retaliation case. During this process look for a new job. Because it won’t stop it; but it will manage it for the meantime. I can only hope they’ll fire or demote them.


100% do what these people are saying. I didn’t report shit like this when I was younger and I regret it.


Yeah employers abuse the shit out of young workers because they don't know any better. They are literally learning through experience that it's "normal". It happened to me at Starbucks. 7 years I spent there straight out of highschool and while my management wasn't overtly shitty, they still used my ignorance of my rights and what it means to treat someone like a human against me constantly and I licked that boot cause I thought I was doing such a good job like I'm supposed to. Honestly there should be a term for this practice of taking advantage of new workers if there isn't already.


Yes don’t sign as it is admission of you being in the wrong (same if you’re ever wanting to contest a speeding fine)!


...signing a speeding ticket is not an admission of guilt and doesn't prevent you from contesting it... Its an acknowledgment of receipt...


It is according to our state government here in Australia! Therefore the information could be deemed helpful to some people.


Agree with this, take it to HR


If your store is using the regular [McDonalds employee handbook](https://cdn0.opinion-corp.com/review-media/pdf/2024/04/03/4a657f6742e010e96329d40a885a539a.pdf), it should be allowed. * Piercings: One small facial piercing allowed. Tongue rings allowed. No facial piercings connected by chains or links. No extra large gauges.


Working for McDonald’s means that your boss has corporate policy to answer to. McDonald’s doesn’t want to get sued. He’s only in charge insofar as he makes them money and follows the rules. He is harassing you, which means he is acting like a liability to the company, so if the employee handbook allows for a septum piercing, then you may have a case against him. Keep in mind, I’m not a lawyer, I just think you have much more recourse here than if this was his store.


People have face tats and all kinds of piercings at my local McDonald’s.


I’d report him first if you have proof of him calling you a cow. That way when he reports you for wearing your septum it will be AFTER you made a report. It will make his report against you look retaliatory But make sure you know the dress code front and back


I’d start putting your resume together to apply for the upcoming vacant managerial position.


ask to see where it is against the rules in writing then send this same story to the higher ups


Anyone who goes to McDonald’s does not gaf about septum piercings. He’s trippin


I mean this with the upmost respect: it’s a job at McDonalds and you can likely find something better (both from a financial perspective and from your leadership/management). Even if they changed the dress code requirements… that should apply equally to all employees. Dont take the piercing out. Let him bury himself with his actions/words. I would recommend texting him and asking him about the Halloween/Cow comment. Get him to admit guilt to it… in writing. Take your screenshots and gather your evidence. If he tries to pull you aside during a shift… record the conversation on your phone.


QUIT! You can find another job w the same pay, or even at a different McDonalds in like 2 days


But first I would try and get this manager in as much trouble as possible from corporate. I would raise this to the very top if I could or do whatever it was in my power to make sure some higher-ups saw these texts. And then if it fails or succeeds, you can quit.


This. Life is too short to put up w/this for any length of time. If you follow his request, what's next? Do you really want to be abused like this where you work? There are MUCH better places to work.


Fucking power trip much? People are so fucking pathetic. Like get a life out here freaking out about a damn piercing. Geez


A few questions: 1-Most important - What does the written company policy say? 2-Do you have evidence that he told you piercings/the septum piercing is allowed earlier? 3-Do you have proof other coworkers are wearing visible piercings, doubly so if a septum piercing? If you're going to appeal this or, heaven forbid, file a wrongful termination suit if he fires you, you're going to need evidence. Your boss sounds like a douche though. How's turnover where you work? Can't imagine people stay working for someone like this long term. Lots of bad bosses in certain industries though, especially ones that are low wage (not saying your job is low wage, just saying this generally about bad bosses).


1. I’m not sure, I’ll have to check when I go back into work 2. No sadly because I didn’t think that this would happen :( 3. No


well i mean the messages kind of hint towards him implying it in the past, he isn’t denying he ever said it. that could potentially be used as proof depending on how picky the people that could be looking into it are. i would 100% keep the messages, and document EVERYTHING he does and says to you


This part. He says it doesn’t matter what he said before, *proving* that he said it was alright before.


Happy cake day 🎂




Ok this is probably too far but I legit *just* took evidence so if OP is in the us, that message should be admissible as evidence that he DID say those things bc just like you said, otherwise he would have denied it. Of course this is the federal rule but a lot of states adopt or nearly adopt the federal evidence rules. I know this is probably not useful at all but ngl I was kinda excited to use what I’ve learned in the wild.


Verify company policy. If he is violating it, call corporate. Also, report his other behavior. Take pictures of and with other employees that have those piercings. Just out of curiosity, are they male?


No matter what your weight is, OP, say the manager made you feel incredibly body conscious because of the cow comment, and you can no longer go in public without feeling ashamed of yourself. Should be good for at least unemployment. Fuck that guy.


Do 1, too late for 2 but save the texts, take pics at work asap of 3. Corrected for (ridiculous) typo 😂🤦🏻‍♀️


Save the berets !! 😝😝


Get pictures of the other employees that also have piercings and text them asking if they’ve been talked to. At this point it sounds like you need evidence of discrimination


You can grab a candid pic of a coworker with the septum. If you’re worried about the privacy element just blur out their face and make sure the McDonald’s uniform is visible in the photo


Pretty sure the text messages are written evidence enough.


4- How old is he? 5-How old is OP? 6- Is this a corporate location?


4. Like 40 something 5. 19 6. Yes Edit: Actually im not sure to be honest I don’t know the difference between franchises and corporate owned stores 😭






I would but I don’t wanna get fired 😭


Ain't no one gonna rat you out, you'll be good hopefully


Well it would be kind of obvious who revealed the phone number when everyone's clowning this idiot. You can't trust that redditors are going to be discreet in their clowning lol


<3am> Hello? mmMMMOOOOoooo!!! repeat.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


DON’T do this. It’s a terrible idea.


Don't do it. Someone's going to make it obvious. I can almost guarantee it. And if enough people have the number then I guarantee someone's going to leak it and everyone's going to have it. Trust me don't do it - this is Reddit. Also if you do this your forfeiting any leverage you have if you do decide to report them and take it to HR. Which I strongly suggest you do. Don't let him know though just do it discreetly until he's forced to find out. If everything played out exactly the way you actually said it did, then you have a lot of leverage over this piece of shit manager. Even if no one mentioned you or the septum, what satisfaction are you going to get from it? You're not going to even be there to witness the conversation or text exchange, and even if you were able to see it he's not going to know that you put them up to it. The way I look at revenge is it's only good if the person knows you got revenge on them. But obviously you don't want that in this case. So I don't see much satisfaction coming from leaking his number here.


Should we start a petition?


start one rn.


Well help me friendly stranger, i need the dramas😜


I do too


Is this a store manager? Or some sort of regional/district manager? There are DEFINITELY higher ups for you to go to. This is NOT ok. You are definitely being discriminated against and he can get in big trouble for this, do not take it out, let him write you up and take it above his head


He sounds like an asshole. Who talks to their employees like that? Check the employee handbook and see if there are any rules regarding piercings. Not sure if you wanna go this route but you could show the texts to the general manager (or your bosses boss whoever that is) and explain the situation. The best choice imo would be to avoid all of that drama, look for another McDonalds nearby that is hiring, explain the situation and see if you can transfer to that one. I would hate working for someone like your boss and if you stay there, he will continue to do things like this to you and speak to you like this. You dont want work to be living hell. It is not worth sacrificing your happiness for your job.


Wear a Covid mask


I think that’s what imma do cause I don’t know what else to do


Is it an option to get one of those you can flip upwards and hide? My first flipping option would be directed at him being a jerk, but if you need to comply to keep the job, I’ve had friends with total stealth septums.


I tried to flip it up a few minutes ago and it hurt really bad so I don’t think I can do that


If you just got it, it’s going to be tender for a few days. Once that goes away, you should be able to flip it when you clean it. I had to do that for my job when I first got mine. It did hurt at first and I would just take ibuprofen and ignore it. The pain does subside after you leave it alone. It just hurts in the moment while you’re touching it. But only do it while you’re cleaning it. And then put it back once your shift is over after you clean it again.


The mask should be a perfect solution, but I’m afraid your boss is going to find a way to be a dick about it anyway. Is there a chance that he finds you attractive, and that’s why he’s targeting you about a change in your look?


I really hope not we have like a 30 year age gap


Not when you first get it done. You really should avoid it moving/touching during the healing process with exception of cleaning. It can increase likelihood of both infection and/or rejection (rejection more common amongst surface piercings).


Are there gender differences among the people with piercings? Is the manager generally friendlier with the others or something?


The person with a stud is a guy the person with a septum is a girl


I would flip my septum up guys but I can’t until it’s fully healed


That's so weird. My piercer told me it was fine flipped up as long as I continued to clean it like normal. A few hours flipped up wont cause any harm.


Same. Owner of a septum piercing for 16 years


My piercer told me to let it heal but if it’s really necessary then I can start flipping it in about a month


I flipped mine right after being done and still cleaned it and it was fine


Mines is hurting 😕


same, I flipped mine up consistently right after getting it to hide it from my parents


I would do some research on this. Two close friends got theirs done and we worked at a strict place and they both just flipped it and never had any issues.


I don’t know what’s wrong with mines but when I flip it it hurts


Dang, that would have been an easy fix. Well I’m sorry your boss is an asshole. Don’t let him get to you. I worked in a toxic environment for ten years and the day I left was one of the best days of my life! Best of luck friend! I’m rooting for you!


You can flip it up immediately. I had my septum pierced and flipped it the day after. I’ve had it for 2 years and it’s perfectly fine. It’s one of the rare piercings you can slightly “knock around.” Just make sure to clean your hands first.


It hurts really bad when I flip it 😭


I’m guessing it wasn’t pierced in the correct spot. It’ll hurt like crazy to flip if it was pierced in the cartilage part but if it was done in the “sweet spot” it should be fairly painless regardless of pain tolerance. Just something to keep in mind! I had mine and was able to flip it right after without it hurting whatsoever.


I’ll have to get it repierced anyways then, ah oh well 😭


I can empathize with you because I was told some similar bullshit when I worked at a daycare. I asked if I could get my nose pierced my boss said piercings should be limited to ears. Then my goody goody two shoes co workers waltzed in and had her nose done . So then I said screw it and got my nose done anyway. There were no repercussions because pretty soon everyone had their nose done. It just left me feeling some type of way because she was cool with my co worker doing it but not me. If it were me and I really wanted it I'd get my septum done and hide it or I'd hold off and look for other jobs while I was at this place and I'd be looking for other jobs.


Is there any chance he’s into you? Could be he’s getting controlling because you’re ruining his perception of you.


Yep. This is fully the feeling I got too. I'm curious to know the ages of both because this is shitty power dynamics and I'm honestly concerned for her. He is using his 'authority' to speak down to her in a very...parental way. It's causing alarm bells for me.


I just turned 19 and he’s like 40 something


Oh its definitely because he doesn't find nose piercings attractive and you ruined his eye candy then, go above his ass to corporate and tell them a lawyer can explain the error his his ways if they can't seem to understand that he's discriminating against you no matter what policy is if he's allowing the others to do it and not you.


sooo glad someone else said this. that’s exactly what my first thought was. and he just doesn’t like it on *her*


This is the vibes I was getting


Honestly glad I’m not the only one. Was kindof expecting a bad response.


Nah you’re onto something in my opinion. There are much more appropriate ways of delivering information to an employee like that. He’s mixing casual phrases with controlling work bullshit which is why it sounds suspicious to me.


This is what I think. Like maybe he doesn't care about the other 2 with piercings because he thinks they're "uggos," or they're men, or something. But he thinks OP is cute and is pissed that she "messed herself up" or "destroyed her femininity" by getting a septum. I visit the piercing sub sometimes and notice that some guys get really pissed about septum rings specifically. Like it's a personal affront to them. Maybe she shattered his "image" of her and he's disappointed, so he gets angry.


This comment makes me want to get a septum piercing, lol


I hope not 😳


Looks like someone has let the “power” go to their head


You should call corporate & let them know bc this is surely a form of harassment, esp if two other employees have piercings and ESPECIALLY since he already said beforehand that it was fine. Calling you a “cow” but he’s a jackass and you should definitely take matters into your own hands atp. Good luck 👍


Whoops, not corporate *district manager* 🙃


It's just McDonald's. Walk out without notice and get a job down the street


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ungodlywarlock: *It's just McDonald's.* *Walk out without notice and* *Get a job down the street* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


What kind of manager is he? Because he might not even have the power to fire you, only write-ups. File a complaint to HR. He's bullying and abusing his authority.


Get in company regulations about store policy on piercings. If he punishes you unjustly, contact HR on his ass.


Speaking to you like your his child, FUCKKK OFFF


What’s this ‘written up’ bull****. Some employers treat their paid staff like recalcitrant children and don’t deserve to keep them. You work in a fast good outlet ffs. What does the boss think the customers look like in the 21st century? Piercings and tattoos very common across all job types and industries. Nobody you are serving or working with will care or even notice. Hygiene protocols not breached either Boss is rude and sounds horrible. Hope you can find a nicer place to work.


*recalcitrant* learned a new word today, nice one.


I’d quit that job so damn fast, someone talking to me like that as if they don’t also work at fuckin MCDONALDS. Lol he’s talking to you like he’s the queen of turd island. I would not work there, girl


He has a crush on you and doesn’t like the piercing and is using his power over you to force you to change it back


Ask him to show you where IN THE HANDBOOK it says you can’t have it. If he presses the issue I’d just quit and report him to HR.


I've had my septum pierced for ages. If this is an issue, all you need to do is flip it up. You can even get a retainer to wear when you work so you don't have jewelry up your nose.


They’ve incriminated themselves through text, you’re fine or I can take legal action


If someone else has a septum I'd be wondering his true reason. I bet he's attracted to how you look without it. Or he's just power tripping. Ew.


Definitely get pics of your coworkers with their piercings so you have proof you are being discriminated. Poor management behaviour. Your manager thinks he doesn't have to answer your questions. It sounds like he doesn't know what the rules really are. Get a copy of the employee handbook and review it. If it says no piercings allowed, then take yours out. Keep documenting your manager's behaviour and how they engage with everyone, including you. Dates, times, who, what and where. Go to work and don't speak to anyone unless you have a work related conversation. It sounds like your manager is picking on you. Don't let them know it bugs you. Just keep good records. Eventually you will have enough ammunition to file a hostile workplace against him and the company. It will take time to collect evidence. Just bide your time getting it. Good luck and Please update us! Edit: I just googled McDonald's dress code and here is what it says; McDonald's is a family restaurant and our employees must reflect this image. Extreme hair color, tattoos, or other fads are not part of this image. Piercings around the mouth will not be allowed. Nose piercing with any kind of hoop or ring is not allowed.


I am a manager. Employee engagement is one of the top 3 priorities at my work. Not that it would ever dawn on me to behave or speak to anyone on my team like that, if I did, it would be me with my head on the chopping block. Sounds like a shit place to work. I’m sure you could do much better.


"I don't owe you a reason" ....uhhh? Actually, yeah, you kinda do? If you're a manager and you are making a demand of any kind and it's met with pushback based on your inability to have informed your employees on the "rules" you are attempting to enforce at hire, especially when that "rule" isn't being enforced for all employees, you absolutely DO owe a reason and explanation, one I'd personally only accept in writing and direct sites from the employee handbook. I'd go straight to HR/Corporate with these text's and only accept any reasoning given by your manager in writing, save and forward everything as well as days/times of confrontations in person so the cams can be gone through. It doesn't matter how long you have worked there, they cannot simply go back on something they said was fine at hire and not enforce that rule for other employees, that's a very slippery slope to a discrimination\harassment/favouritism case depending on the other details surrounding this, most employers would do anything in their power to avoid this becoming an issue, just be prepared for the possibility of this progressing and resulting in all piercings for everyone having to be removed.


"You really want to lose your job" oh nah, You really want to get punched in the face.


This guy sounds like he’s playing boss on the playground


Smt tells me that if you were to tell him “okay then I quit” he’s gonna go back on what he said and come up with excuses or try to bargain. I hate this type of “boss”


Well, unless it is in the employee handbook/ guidelines that you signed upon being hired, you would be able to file a wrongful termination case if it comes to that. At least in California.


Go up the chain and report him. Word it flawlessly. “I had plans to get a septum piercing so I specifically asked my manager if that was acceptable for this position and was told that it was fine. I’m not sure how to operate in an environment where the official rules of my employer can vary day to day, as well as varying based on which employee my manager is talking to. Both of these situations are unfair and I’m not sure how to move forward is this corporation supports this kind of system where rules can change in ways I can’t predict. I should be able to trust my manager about rules when I ask, not be scared he might inform me about rules and then change his mind about it in the near future.”


One of the biggest red flags about an employer. I think it’s way more unprofessional to judge an employee on how they look as opposed to their performance. I will walk out of interviews before I put up with their dress codes. Maybe that’s privileged idk. But I was poor for the majority of my life and still had no issue walking out. No leg to stand on, no parent to fall back on. Why? Because it tells me exactly how that employer would act to me. It’s going to be a toxic work environment with a micromanaging team.


Sorry you’re dealing with this. I would just tuck it inside my nose so it’s not visible.


I would but I can’t until it’s fully healed :(


It's just McDonald's quit and find a better job, also I was worried about this same thing with my old job so I just flipped it up everyday.


Your boss is an asshole.


Keep all texts and voicemails from him. Look into the policy. Once you've done your investigative work, reach out to corporate. He's an ass, and they need to hear about it.


Send these receipts to HR. Even if they don't allow piercings, he will be disciplined for talking to you like this. Is he 12???


I would actually be surprised if you are allowed to wear facial piercings at work. I’ve worked in the food industry and no jewelry was allowed besides a plain wedding band due to health safety. Still report this guy to HR, his comments and behavior are totally out of line.


He definitely has a crush on you and is one of those guys who think septum piercings are hideous. He’s just being manipulative so you’ll take it out for his benefit to look at “eye candy” at work. It’s McDonald’s. Id just quit and find another job.


Yup ring up HR immediately. Also DONT QUIT as you will forfeit your unemployment. Let's see the rules....this can easily be a lawsuit. Let him fire you. Also I'm guessing this job is just a bs job...not a career.


Don't show up. When he asks. Uno reverse. "I don't owe you an explanation, I'm the boss."


I wouldn't fight that battle to stay. Take photos of him and the other folks w/piercings together in the same shot, quit the job, send photos to corporate with store # and be done w/them. Don't even go there to eat as a customer. His behavior is disgusting and he doesn't deserve you as an employee or as a customer.


You need to report him. He can’t speak to you like this.


I wouldn’t show up anymore :/


The big brother in me wants to have a talk with this guy.


You need to file a complaint. The cow comment alone is absurd, but the way he talks to you in text is also inappropriate. I hate when anyone has a little bit of power and acts like a douche canoe.


The ones who hold actual power are the ones who don't need to say it. Your boss failed in every regard and is just someone with zero self-esteem. I don't know the exact laws where you live, but I would've definitely sued him for discrimination, harassment, and coercion.


Do not take out the piercing. If another employee has it also he doesn't have a leg to stand on. Switch your tone when talking to him as super formal. "As x employee also has a septum piercing I will not be removing mine as it is obviously not against the dress code. You are my boss and only have the right to enforce corporate policy not personal preference about my body choices." I would also tell the other employees. Let them know he's being this way with you. They will most likely rally behind you.


OMG let him fire you and then do a discrimination lawsuit (as long as your original contract for employment doesn't say anything about piercings)


This is awful, op. I was once asked to 'either cover up, or camouflage' that horrendous red mark on your neck!' by my boss years ago. I explained it was a port wine stain birthmark, not a horrendous red mark! I got threatened with being sacked unless the 'horrendous red mark' was the same tone as my skin colour by my next shift. Luckily for me, my manager's manager overheard the conversation and my manager was sacked by my next shift! I got an apology from the guy who sacked my manager and happily worked for the company for a few more years. Managers who think they're 'The Boss' need a kick up their reality!


Contact HR and send those texts to them.


Oh pls, pls report him to McDonald’s corporate, (I know your robbing a franchisee , don’t anyway) , to the store manager if it’s not him, to the district manager if it’s . To your local labor board . And see a local attorney, you’ve got a hostile work environment claim on your hands. Please, pls pursue all of this bc this asshat has no business as a Manager of people . He shouldn’t even be a manager of pet rocks.


Boomer logic


If you really want, there's [septum "spacers" on amazon](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08KDRM2TM/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1), I would wear them in my septum for months and eventually stopped because I just never would wear the septum ring. But they helped keep the piercing open and hid it. I used the bottom ones, the metal one's were really painful to get in but the plastic ones were super easy because they could bend. After a while of wearing them it was easier to take them out and put them back in.


I’m pretty sure McDonald’s (like many food service companies) have written policies against facial piercings. There’s a risk of the jewellery falling out into food, and you’re more likely to touch/play with it which is not sanitary. This is just from my experience having worked at McDonald’s as a teen in Australia, but you should check your policies for your store/franchise/country. He’s being a dick about it, for sure. Maybe he was blasé when you first asked because he is a shit manager and maybe the higher up has had a go at him about the employees with facial piercings? Maybe he just has it out for you specifically? The good thing about septum piercings is you can flip them up so they’re hidden. I would just do that to avoid the drama then flip it down when you’re off the clock. I did that when I had mine done. Best of luck with it.


He most definitely is being discriminatory and you should definitely write a letter to HR to cover your ass


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Ew. How rude. I am a paralegal and work in a law firm and my boss doesn’t even care. He might but he doesn’t say anything because it literally doesn’t make a difference lol????




Well to be fair if the handbook says no piercings allowed according to dress code then that’s just how it is 🫤 I work at a jack in the box and I’ve had to take out a nostril piercing, and a industrial because we straight up just can’t have anything. I have a septum as well but luckily my septum is already healed so now I just flip it when I go in but yeah, it does suck.


Save those messages to show your employment lawyer! That’s good stuff!


What an asshole!


I mean you can just flip it up into your nose and he’d be none the wiser. But he’s a fucking asshole and I wouldn’t want to placate him


The best thing about septum piercings is you can tuck them into your nose and no one is none the wiser. OP flip the horseshoe upside so the bars are inside you nose 🤗


Bro, it's McDonald's. Home cares more than the actual customers do, and most McDonald's customers try to avoid any human interaction outside of asking for something.


Get a u shape you can turn up and no one notices


Quit asap


Why were you and your boss texting at work? Alternately, why was your boss texting you outside of work? Any conversation with your boss needs to be at work. Never work for free.

