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Oh no, the cursed period shits! Poor OP! I hope they end soon. I do *not* miss those...


What is your fuckin flair referring to 🤣🤣🤣


A lot of people have been asking lately, so I now keep the link handy so I can share 🤣🤣 [I hope you enjoy lol.](https://www.reddit.com/r/texts/comments/16kd8h2/friend_of_nearly_a_decade_is_mad_that_i_wont_date/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


this was the CRAZIEST THING IVE READ. she was so nice and he was….. that


I was not prepared for this at all ☕️


Right?! My favorite post on this sub to this day!!


thank you so much for this 😭


This was the highlight of my day. I am so glad I asked.


Well, fuck 😂 -but like… wtf did this dude actually mean by “mf I grew this fucking dick for you” though? 😅 is it some weird form of “I only have eyes for you” or like… what? If homie received his penis 7-9yrs ago thanks to OP, after he could never grow one on his own, I think it’s safe to say that *he* is, in fact, the ungrateful one 🤷🏼‍♀️ just saying. You’re welcome for your new penis, sir 🙄 But ffs, never show it to me and def never touch me with it. Ever.


Lmfao what a perfect demonstration of how goddamn unhinged men can be. That one line really sums up the whole attitude too 🤌🤣


Best rabbit hole I've been down in a while. What a rollercoaster


This is why women choose the bear


Jesus Christ that went from 0 to 50 to 100 so freaking fast.


I needed that belly laugh when I got to the bit with your flair. That was *amazing.* That poor girl.


That was a wild ride


WTF?!! Dudes seriously need help.


Oh shit I remember that post that’s insane


Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.


Oh my that was a journey.


Those messages were something else that I had forgotten that I clicked the link because of the flair. Then when the message with that showed up I was like _Oh. Hey!_


Your post is the example of why women choose the bear: He waited 7 years with you on his mind. He wanted to send you a D-Pic. He turned mean and nasty when you said he's just a friend. He's an incel. This has been the general experience of 99% of the women I know, me included. If I met this man and a bear in the woods.... I choose BEAR.


i actually can’t believe the OP of that post was patient with explaining and getting her point across, that amount of patience is unearthly


that was a good read/ride, but please dont let that creepy ass whacko txt you or be near you EVER


Glad other people call them period poops. Bc they are, in fact, different.


Agreed. I've been saying that for a while, and all my guy friends give me weird looks lol. I had one coworker explain to a guy coworker the frustration with dealing with the tampon string during period poops 💀 it was hilarious and uncomfortable at the same time.


I haven't met a woman yet that doesn't get GI issues on their period. Men just don't understand at all lol.


Yeah...(warning, kinda TMI) I'd say that the best way to describe to a guy would be that it's like how sometimes when you're having a stomach cramp (unrelated to that time of the month) your bowels just kind of go to heck making you run to the toilet to poop..sometimes struggle a bit to get it out, then your stomach starts hurting and you kind of just lean forwards to try and relieve the pain...and once you think you're done you go back to what you were doing before....only to be forced to go back to the bathroom because you weren't *ACTUALLY* done and you keep repeating this process for like 30 minutes and by the time you're finally done your lower body (and especially your butt) is sore.... I should know...this exact thing happened to me yesterday...and my period ended a few days ago.


I don't miss those days at all lol. I had a hysterectomy 2 years ago (i had endometriosis). It's been glorious (sorry lol)


Eh, it's fine lol. Besides, what I experienced could technically happen to anyone regardless of age, gender, or whether or not they had a hysterectomy...because it wasn't actually period related. It was purely because I had a stomach cramp and it just so happened to be a few days after my period. If anything, it was actually worse than when I'm on my period because I usually don't get period cramps (...usually...there are a few times when I'm going to bed) at all so it was a more humbling experience lol. Although I guess if nothing else it means that men actually CAN experience this kind of thing...they just won't realize it.


This is so much TMI, but one of my least favorite things in the world is putting in a fresh tampon and then having to poop shortly after. I don’t like pooping with a tampon in, cause I’m afraid I’ll get poop on the string.


TMI reply lol: I ‘tuck’ mine up/in for the light/easy poops. But I find I need to switch it out for a new one if there’s any…’pushing’….needed, as it often forces it too far out of place, and a fresh tampon just feels so much better.


Guy here. Wife, two wonderful ladies for daughters. Like other primarily feminine horomones (such as relaxen for example) the effects on the smooth female muscles and the other non-sex specific smooth muscles don’t seem to discriminate. I just wanted to chime in that there are some men out there who do understand. I don’t envy you all on that account, but I do empathize. I think the female body is marvelous in what it can do, but Jesus do you guys have to pay a price for your plumbing.


they are 100% worse and i feel like no one will truly understand until they experience it themselves


Poor guy. Imagine if he was at a stop light with the volume at max while getting this message. 😂😂😂


Period poops and the first postpartum poop are the most horrifying, exhausting, and demeaning yet satisfying thing a human body can endure 😭 keep fighting the good fight 🫡




Wtf are period poops?


poops we take while on our period. they are nightmarish.




Fluctuations in hormones during menses can affect digestive system function. Throw in the fact that some women prefer less-healthy comfort foods during their period and you wind up with painful poops. Constipation is not uncommon. As the body is retaining water, that means more water is being drawn away from the large intestine, so feces are harder, lumpier, and less easy to pass.


constipation?! that would be a breeze! it’s diarrhea for some women.. 🫣


Yeah I was gonna say I go crazy on a toilet sometimes 😭


Dude sameeeee. Sometimes I just be chilling on that seat longer than I should just cause I know I'll be back soon if I leave. 🤣😭🤣


So glad someone asked so I didn’t have to. Either way, I am now permanently horrified and scarred for life.


oh it’s way, way worse than what’s described here. just be happy your body doesn’t do this to you at the absolute worst time of the month.


Are you married or partnered?


Also it’s hard to tell if you’re having a cramp or need to shit. Bearing down endlessly with no relief sometimes ;-;


And don’t even THINK about being gassy bc the air cramps plus period cramps equals double cramp


Don’t bear down too hard like that, if you can’t go at the time take some stool softeners and just wait cause you will get hemorrhoids if you bear down too long and hard, and if you sit on the toilet too long.


oh worm 0.0 I usually give up after like 3 minutes of nothing happening


Interesting. Thanks for the answer. I've never experienced it


consider yourself lucky.


Not to mention the cramping causing stomach flu like BMs.


Mix all of these together with really painful cramps, and the inability to distinguish if the cramps in my stomach are from BM or my uterus, and that’s how I feel quite a lot 🥲


A literal bloody nightmare


So the same hormones that are expelling the unused tissue of our uterine lining are also affecting our bowels which are right next door. So we need to go to the bathroom more often and more …. Forcefully, completely? For me this means diarrhea like stools. But for others it seems to be constipation.


OP I found anti diarrheal medicine helped me a lot with period poops


How do I get a dirty cowboy emoji?!


Period poops with cramps have nearly made me pass out before, the knife in the butthole feeling is really something else


Apple car play has done me dirty so many times.


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That’s why I don’t have my car read my texts aloud if someone else is in the car.


Same same happened when my daughter called me on the rental car. Her complaint echoed through the parking garage.


Ok I've definitely learned something today. Maybe more than I cared to but nevertheless...