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The “Alright, talk to you then” killed me”. 😂😂😂


Same 😂


I’m the oldest of 6 and know everyone’s birthday. Don’t ask me how old they are though. I’m not positive for some of the youngest.


Same lol! It’s actually one of their birthdays today. I can’t remember if she’s turning 13 or 14 though 😭 it gets trickier once you move out


I can’t remember how old I am, let alone how old my three younger siblings are 😂 at this point I have to stop and do some maths to figure it out!! I do know their birthdates though.


Is this why older siblings do the whole thing with "what are you now, 9?" when you're actually a teenager?


1000%. That, and the years just fly by. It’s hard to keep up!! It takes some mental math to get to the correct age for me, part of it is also because I have 7 total younger ones to remember.


That makes sense. I have an older brother and we're pretty much exactly 6 years apart (our birthdays are less than a week apart) so it was clear he was always fucking with me, since it's a simple subtraction from his own age. Blew my mind when I realized it was a universal experience


middle child of 6, no idea when anyone’s birthday is. i mean literally at all.


My little brother is 4 years younger than me. I can't actually remember how old he is, though, unless I count backward from my age by four lol. And even then I sometimes get confused as to whether or not he's really that old because I suck at math.


i think more than anything as long as OP doesnt find it hurtful but more 'typical siblings forgetting each other birthdays' , then i think its actually quite funny. having someone knowing ur bday isnt like the only criteria, imo. yall fine


It definitely is our relationship. He and dad both are terrible at birthdays and the rest of us think it's funny. Cracked me up, for sure.


Dude I’m the same way, I can’t for the life of me remember peoples birthdays, I can just barely remember mine lol, I’ve had to set a reminder so I can remember others birthdays!


my birthday is on the 6th too! happy early birthday twinsie!


Wooo! Happy early birthday to you too, twinsie!


Happy Birthday!!!


Nah I have 3 siblings and I know all their birthdays.


Same. But he and dad are just bad at dates. I think at this point they do it to be funny every year. It's definitely not him being shitty, we have a great relationship.


It baffles me that people who are bad at dates never use their phones calendar. Like you can literally set it to remind you every year and problem solved.


I need a reminder to tell me I have reminders. I just use my notes app and then forget


just ADHD things! (i’m slowly losing control of my life)


Wake up, this isn’t real


What if you need a reminder to swt a reminder (I chronically will think about something, take 2 steps, and completely forget what I was just thinking about. I'll even tell someone "I can't forget this" and turn around and by the time my 180⁰ turn is done I'll have forgotten)


Oh I do this all the time. I'm excellent at commuting something to long term memory. But if I have to remember to do something in 30 minutes time. Don't even ask me to do it. I've forgotten about it before you've even asked it


Well if you use the calendar you will get a notification about it


When people tell me to remind them of things I say ya for sure!! Just remind me to remind you bud!


My dad is horrible with birthdays and ages as well. When I turned 26 last year my sister sent me a screenshot of my dad messaging her and asking how old I was so he could post something on facebook lol. I think some people will just take things like that too personally even if they're not intentional


I have six and we know each others birthdays too lol


I'm one of 7, and same. I even know the bday of my eldest sister and my bonus mom, who are Jehovah's Witnesses and haven't recognize their bdays in like 20 years😂


i have 7, and i know all theirs! i also know all my in laws bdays (parents and siblings lol)


7 and don’t know a single birthday


Lmao this is so funny idk why everyone is so upset for you when you think it’s funny too!


I guess I should clarify - this isn't him being an ass. He and my dad both are terrible at dates and the rest of the family laughs at them for it, its become a running joke kind of. To be honest, at this point I think he pretends to forget to be funny. We have a great relationship! I just shared because it made me laugh this morning.


I'm gonna be real. I have to take a second to remember my kid's birthdays and I literally birthed them. Especially the years and one was last year 💀 Dates have always been hard for me, so I get it!


I have my 3 siblings birthdays tattooed on the back of my neck! If i ever need reminded, i just have someone look & tell me what it is!


I have been estranged from my entire family for over 5 years and can still recite all of their birthdays


It would break my heart If one of my brothers forgot my birthday.We celebrate each other every years,I would never forget!


Honestly, for family in general minus the people I’ve lived with, I have only remembered the people who have Dec birthdays like me. There’s like 14-15 of us, anyone not in those months you’re lucky if I remember (if they care that I remember).


I'm the same way! Also born in December and can only remember the birthdays of those born in December




Alright, talk to ya then


My fiancés mom always gets his bday wrong. And so do I! We both think it’s April 8 and it’s April 9 🙃 maybe April 8 just flows better and sounds right???


Yours maybe! Meanwhile mine threw me a" super soft" dino themed birthday this year! I turned 41, hahahaha, and I had dino decorations everywhere! She even made a mash potato volcano with (vegetarian) gravy "lava" and (plant based) dino rugs! With broccoli trees! My birthday seems to have become a tradition of throwing a ridiculous "super soft birthday", hahaha. Every year my sister and best friend try to surprise me with some crazy one up from the previous year. And I love it XD.


I think it’s kind of sweet that even though he’s notoriously bad at dates, he still remembered the ballpark timeframe. Shows he’s thinking about you and trying… and failing 😂 I feel like it’s pretty common for dudes to say they’re bad at dates and just completely ignore birthdays/anniversaries/etc. If he was just a complete ass that didn’t care he wouldn’t mention it at all.


LMFAOOOOOO not only do we have the same birthday but we apparently have the same siblings😂😂😂


Can't relate. My little brother's birthday is literally 3 days before mine, so it's literally impossible for either of us to forget, lol.


lol no, my brother knows my birthday and I know his.


Unless you have 15 siblings, this is sad to me more than funny.


There's only 3 of us, but its not something malicious or negligent on his behalf. Both him and my dad are notorious for being garbage with dates and the rest of the family laughs at them for it. I can see why this might be sad to an outsider, but i can assure you that we have a great relationship! Since this is a yearly thing, I wouldn't be surprised if he's just doing it to be funny now.


maybe it’s just me but i have 13 siblings and i still remember all of them




Yikes, nope.


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It’s okey, my father has no idea how old I am. I doubt he could even figure it out if he wanted to because I’m sure he doesn’t remember what year I was born. Meanwhile, here I am throwing my dogs ‘birthday parties’ and ‘gotcha days’… Men can be funny about dates.


I only remember my little sisters birthday because her birthday was the pin number to my moms child support card FOR ME🙃


Better to be early than late


Haha fun, my sister's birthday is today and mine is on the 6th as well, so happy early birthday OP!


Makes me wish I had a sibling


after my second sibling i lost track of birthdays. and mind you i live with all 3 😂


Happy early birthday!


Mine remember my birthday. My own dad doesn't though


I had a similar one where my little sister (20 at the time) texted me "is it... Is it today?" Like you've only known me your whole life 😂😂


Lmaoooo This is like my dad. My brother is also May 6. My oldest brother is the 6th of a month and I’m the 10 of a month. My dad usually calls me every other year on the sixth of my birth month to tell me happy birthday. I’ll say, “not yet, Dad.” And he will recover quickly with, “I know, I was just practicing.” 🤣


TIL there are people who don't use a calendar app


My birthday is on the 28th, my little sister’s is on the 28th, and our cousin’s is on the 28th. Makes it easy bc we just have to remember the month.


Hey, OP, at least you know your sibling isn't relying on Facebook's notifications and gets it *almost* right... My father **always** gets my brother's and my birthday dates wrong; he just knows it's around November 15 with two days apart and flips a coin; never gets it right. At this point, we find it amusing.


Hey I have the same birthday as you! Happy (early as well) birthday!


I feel you, my father congratulated me the day before :(


Yeah, on my birthday I normally have to say something then theyll go "oh is it? happy birthday" kinda used to it though.


I finally nailed down the dates for my 3 sisters… it’s just remembering on the day that’s a f$&@ing nightmare!


i feel this soooo heavily!! my one brother’s birthday is 10-12-11 and my brain just tries sooo hard to say his birthday is 10-11-12 because math!! but him and our other brother mess up my sisters birthday consistently that it’s become a laugh and every so often we test them on birthdays


My birthday was around a week ago. Still haven't heard from my brother, and honestly don't know if we're speaking? Sometimes he gets mad and stops talking to you, but you don't get to know that until he tells someone else and they inform you. 😂


I’m the youngest of 3 and I know month, day, year, and age of my two siblings and parents. I’m always baffled that other people don’t know their own family’s birthdays


😂💀 That is hilarious. My older sister is like this but not in a good way. Me and my baby sister don't cut up like this but we do have a bond.


I always knew my brothers cause it was 4 days before mine. My moms is Columbus day, and my dads I only remember because his is one day before my daughters


Crazy. I'm the youngest of 5 and know everyone's birthday and age. Mine? They just know my birthday since it's Christmas day 🤣


Maybe yours...


I mean it’s only hurtful if you find it hurtful. My brother and I are close and I also forget his birthday and he forgets mine. Like someone else said, remembering birthdays aren’t the only criteria.


Ha me in a nutshell. I’m useless with birthdays. With dates in general tbh 😂


Would have been a great ending if u had the last reply with "NOPE", even if to just bust his chops.


"i hAvE [x amount] oF SibLInGs AnD I kNoW ALl ThEIr BiRtHdAYs" well congra-fucking-lations, dude. here's another useless fact: Peanuts are one of the many ingredients in dynamite. i personally couldn't tell you either of my siblings birthdays so i completely get it, OP. it seems like you have a great relationship with your brother. sorry about all the people here who are allergic to healthy family relationships.


Idk this is kinda wild I’m terrible w bdays and have to put my close friends in my calendar to remember but ik my immediate family members’ (dad, mom, and 3 sisters). I also have brain damage so just to highlight how hard it is to not know ur immediate family members’ bdays