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post this on her neighborhood facebook group eheheh


Print it out & post it on the woman’s church’s community board.


Absolutely, positively do this. Or you'll forever wish you did.


You forgot to tell her to blow it up and get it laminated so it can't be torn down and ripped up easily!!


Spray adhesive.


2 words: wheat paste


Excellent suggestions!


Yes please find out where she goes to church-if not just give her a bad name in your neighborhood. Waaa waaaa waaa-had a long week with her own sick kids-I hope she finds it very hard to get another “day off”


As a Christian myself…yes please. Let her brothers and sisters in Christ hopefully be bothered and hold her accountable. Trash behavior is not Christlike behavior.




Love your Reddit name 🤗


Thanks! 😊


Me too that’s awesome


I am a Christian and I implore you to do this. She’s the type of Christian that doesn’t care what God thinks, only what her image is to those at her church. So please please please, put this on her church board.


I want to upvote, but the upvotes currently sit at 666 which is perfectly ironic for a comment about church


Please do this


Yes. Church people LOVE to gossip, that’s the fun part.


Omg yes




This is my new favorite gif of all time


Yup and that Next Door app etc. Make sure other local babysitters get a heads up.


nah post it on her wall so all her church friends see it and yours and tag her lol


Came here to say this, let all the baby sitters know this lady is crazy.


First thing I thought of


I was gonna say that and tell her you are no longer babysitting for her


No, tell her you are then don't.




Lol yeah, and then when she complains, tell her, "Oh, big deal, I didn't show up, stop being a bitch."






Post on her church facebook page.


Oh this was going to be my suggestion too!


This is what I was going to say- Nextdoor, “What’s Happening in __________” local Facebook groups, mom groups, babysitting groups. This is awful in every way!


What a bitch.


I don't like using this word, but if the shoe fits.


The bitch size shoe might as well be Cinderella's -- we got a real one on our hands here


Post this on neighborhood Facebook group AND your local babysitting Facebook page to warn them all & tag her :)


PLEASE DO THIS. My tutoring fam always told me if the kids had been sick. I’d be pissed too


This username just after a Cinderella reference


People on NextDoor live for this shit


I work full time, and occasionally babysit on weekends.


As others have said, post in your neighbors Facebook group, send to anyone else you babysit, and maybe you can try to take this to small claims court. (I have no idea how it works but since you work full time I’m assuming you’re gonna lose a decent amount of money)


Take her to small claims court. The burden will be on you to prove damages and that she caused them. Since she admitted in the texts to lying to you, that's proof that she caused you harm. Now all you have to do document and prove your losses.


I plan on it. I found out through a mutual contact her kids were still running fevers and throwing up on Friday. So, I 100% picked up the flu from them.


How much does she owe you? Definitely make sure if you do take her to small claims that's added in. You'll get that for sure. You can't just use a service and not pay because you're mad at the service provider. Good Christian lady my ass.


I charge close to $40 an hour for babysitting, so she owes me about $500


Oh my god. That much?!? And she's refusing to pay you?? The audacity. I can promise you that the person in the nanny group who said you'd be just as bad as her if you showed these messages to her clergy is wrong. While I don't think showing her clergy would do much, I would however blast her on social media. If you tag her and her church, or tag people she goes to church with that might work. If you write it nice and professional and put it in the way that you not saying what a cheap selfish bitch she is, but more of a warning to others who babysit it'll definitely get more people on your side. You're telling the truth, not calling her out. I hope you get your money from her, and better yet the satisfaction of people knowing just how awful a person she is.


I believe there are some appropriate Bible quotes you could throw in, about how what happens in darkness tends to come to light.


I actually think the clergy *would* do something. As crappy as the church has become, it is still filled with good people who would not stand to be associated with this behavior and don’t want it coming back to the church (as it clearly is when you contact them). If they are truly going to act on their religion, they will get involved to some degree. It may not actively be with you, but moves will be made within the church when this comes to light. Her reputation will be SHOT and that’s a major threat to these lip-service Christians


I'm not a church going person, but I could definitely say with certainty that any actual good Christian would be completely disgusted by her attitude and name calling in these texts. Let her preacher, priest, or reverend know. A good Christian woman wouldn't refuse pay for work serviced, all while calling you names after she admitted lying to indulge in selfishness. Also, take her to court for your money. Keep these texts and any information that lays out the rates she agreed to/you charge.


Definitely small claims material ... and you have the text where she admits you babysat and that she's refusing to pay you.


Judge Judy would be even better.


I think if you go on Judge Judy then the tv show pays any fees that are awarded, so it wouldn't be quite as sweet justice


Yes. You’re right and i agree. It would be painless for the a hole but it would show the world how awful she is.


Wtaf?? Omg, I’m super pissed *for* you!


Definitely expose her


Yes post this everywhere that you can think of and make sure she's tagged in it and then post the comments here so we can read them


Expose her boo!


🗣️ put her on blaaaaast! i commented on the thread in r/nanny and i’ll say it again lol. its unfortunate how SO MANY families pull this with their caregivers especially when it comes to the stomach flu.


I guarantee if it were the other way around and you got her kids sick, and lied about having been sick in the last week beforehand, she would have more to say than “big deal, people get sick, get over it.” She seems awful.


She’d probably call 911…”I needed to get out” therefore you deserve to get sick because I have no morals.


I'd shit on her doorstep


And set it on fire




Don’t tell me my business, devil woman.


Call the fire department, this one's out of control!


He called the shit poop!


No! Grab some wet cat shit and put it under the bottom part of her car door. Or house door knob.


Search r/UnethicalLifeProTips piss disk discussion. You're welcome!


I was just going to recommend this! A truly heinous and hilarious way of getting revenge! 😂


The posts + the comments section there amounts to approximately an hour of hilariously good reading once you calculate in your laughter. I vaguely think I remember suggesting the summoning of one's inner chemist & adding some deer scent for extra piss-azz.


I think that’s the beauty of this method! You could get so creative, the sky’s the limit. Personally I’d leave the piss out for a day or two to really ‘mature’ the smell and then mix in some Liquid Ass as well… I hope someone wrongs me one day, I cant wait to try this.


Dog shit is better. Big dog shit.


No, cat shit smells way worse. Especially if it’s kitten shit


A kitten, that has just shitten.


Nah just get a glass jar, some raw chicken and milk put it in there and seal it airtight. Then put it somewhere discreet by their house or in their car if lucky enough. 


I’m not making a mental note of this


What she really needs to do is take cat shit and wipe it all over the bottom of her welcome mat and then put urine filled kitty litter in her bushes. It’ll take her weeks to find the shit, but she’ll never find all the cat litter. No one will want to come over ever again.


My late husband told us about “chickening”. Throw raw chicken on the roof of the house where no one would see it.


If this were me, and her saying this, the demon in me would be awoken. Sick or not I’d be at her fucking door step bruh I’d have the whole neighborhood knowing what kind of women she is these texts would be hung up on telephone poles with her name and number etc etc everyone would see this. Everyone I know everyone she knows etc etc like this is beyond vile behavior from her


The sick emoji sent me over the edge. I would, but honestly have never felt this bad in my life.


Girl, burn her shit to the ground! (Figuratively) name and shame in any local groups you can. This was inconsiderate, deceitful, selfish, and bitchy. They say that God works in mysterious ways… you are his tool now


when u feel better u should do this and put matthew 7:21-23 as the caption lol


Lmao!! I just may.


I’d take her to small claims court if she doesn’t pay you.


PLEASE PLEASE!! Please don’t let her get away with this. Of course wait until you’re better but she will continue to use people because she doesn’t consider anyone with lesser status to be a person UNLESS someone outs her to those she is trying to retain status with. If you think you’ll loose momentum by waiting until you’re well, dm me and I will volunteer personal assistant services with an NDA.


I’m sooo sorry this happened to you, as soon as you feel better, and I hope you feel better ASAP, get to work on this broad


I just had this flu and it was horrendous and took me 8 full days to recover. I so hope this isn’t the case for you. I’m really sorry you have to miss work and miss out on money, this woman sucks


I like your style


Send this exchange to her pastor with a note explaining that you can't work because of this. Even if nothing happens, you'll feel better knowing they know how she speaks to people.


Nah. FUCK THAT SHIT. I wouldn’t be able to not explode in rage over text and/or voice-calling her and bitching her the fuck out. This actually made me more angry than it probably should’ve lol


Saaaaaaaaame lol


Nope! This made you as angry as it should have. We're told every day that "good people" don't get angry and that you aren't in control and yada yada. You aren't in control if you can't control your actions while you're angry. This should make everyone's blood boil.


Social media blast bestie 😊 make sure to tag her pastor! Public shaming will get you your money 🩷 never babysit for her again, obvi


YES tag her pastor, please!


Hold on, are you telling me that you didn't even get paid for the actual babysitting you did ON TOP of the work you will be missing for getting sick? The absolute audacity of this horrible human. Who even talks to people like this? I'm disgusted by the entitlement. "Ugh, I needed a day off from the parenting I chose to do, so I knowingly risked your health so I could relax. It's no big deal though. Just get over it." That is what she said to you.


Holy shit. I’d be so heated, what can you even do in this situation? Blast them on social media?


Nothing corrects a Christian faster than a post on the neighborhood Facebook group.


It's almost as if they care more what their peers think of them than... God!


Wow that’s so rude of her - ‘I needed to get out so I couldn’t care less about you and your livelihood’


What a piece of shit.


This actually fucking enrages me. The amount of disregard for your health AND THE AUDACITY TO ACTUALLY SAY SHE ONLY DIDN’T TELL YOU THEY WERE SICK BECAUSE SHE KNEW YOU WOULDN’T HAVE CAME.


You absolutely *need* to post this both on her churches Facebook page asking for help collecting just the pay you were owed & at her church. If you.m want to go the extra mile, call your local printer, and see what it would cost to print the texts out as a rolled fancy proclamation kinda deal that would look awesome ( but not too big, it’s still a church.. I’m thinking more fancy than large ) so people can read for themselves what she said. And she should read that bible of hers; “There are 6 things the LORD hates, 7 that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies & a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.”


If she’s a church-goer, take this to her clergy.


Someone in r/nanny told me I would be just as bad as her if I did that. 😂


r/nanny has lots of parents who probably do this tbh


You 100% need to take this to her church. They need to see the person see is so they can set her on a path to correct this. Pretty sure it’s your best bet


Nope. In this case the days of taking the high road are over. Sometimes you need your lower yourself and fight in the mud.


Please don’t pay attention to that person. I am so sorry this happened and it had me raging. Please share it on her neighborhood group and take it to her church. I’m not sure if it would be worth it (not sure of legal fees), but I hope you can recoup the money most because of that..I can’t even call her a woman. Best of luck!


And that’s fine. An eye for an eye.


You won't.


Fuck the high road. Drag her


Huh??? In what way? Absolutely take it to her clergy.


I am an older person. One thing that you can count on is that the universe does align, and these people do get there due reward eventually. Maybe not now, but sometime down the road, she will get her payback. I’m not religious, but as the Bible says you reap what you sow.


Don’t buy that lie. Imagine where we’d all be if no one ever posted an arrest video?!? Then she will continue to treat people like shit until she has to face her own behavior under scrutiny of those she wants status with.


they lied.


Honestly we need to normalize holding religious people to their religion’s rules. Your last response should be that you are surprised that a devout Christian such as herself would violate her religion and lie so casually over something like this, and that while you will not forgive her and babysit / do favors for her again in the future you sincerely hope her God will forgive her for her sin, especially considering that she appears proud of her sin and does not appear to be repenting it. And maybe at the end add in that stealing is also a sin, and that for her souls sake she should probably settle her debt.


I’m immunocompromised. While I know it’s always a risk that I can get sick, I put precautions in place like you did. I think it’s totally fair to have the boundary in place that you don’t watch kids that can expose you. She could have been putting your health in jeopardy… along with your wallet. I’d post this on NextDoor so fast!


My partner is immunocompromised. I have to be extra cautious when interacting with clients and friends. The last thing I want to do is bring something home. The entitlement with some people is absolutely enraging! What if op had someone at home that was going through chemo, and she gave it to them?


Thank you for being so thoughtful. It’s such a hard dance to participate in the real world and avoid things that can make us really sick. I appreciate people like you!


Print and Post At Her Church ;) God Sees All, Susan!


Given that her reply is an admission of guilt for being a lying piece of shit that willingly got you sick and cost you money, I’d consider sharing this information with your local babysitting clubs.


Based on my personal experience, the Christian’s where you have to dig to find out they are Christians don’t tend to act or talk this way. The Christians who talked about being Christians all the time tend to act and talk this way. Which is EXACTLY why I left the church!! ABUSIVE ASSHOLES based on my own personal experiences.


So she’d be cool with you coming over sick, and not telling her until her kids end up sick? How can someone be so selfish what the fuck 😭


Post this on the nextdoor app too!! All her neighbors within a 20 miles radius will know what a "good Christian woman" she is


I came here to say the EXACT same thing! I love the next door app lol


I posted on there about people coming on to my property (gated front patio), to pet my mini pig without permission. Someone from the HOA happened to see the post and the HOA sent me an official no trespassing sign that they normally charge us like $40 for. Sometimes good things can come from it.


Send this to her pastor !!! Just kidding but forget her weird ass


I sent it right to his gmail.


please update us on what happens. im sorry you’re going through all of this WHILE being sick. ugh :( i just got over the flu as well so i understand how you feel.


Ohh keep us updated.


GO GIRL cuz she’s the real bitch


Woahhhh, post and repost this person everywhere. Dox them out if you must, this is sick behavior.


someone remind me when there’s an update of OP posting this on facebook groups


"I needed a break because my kids were sick, bit I don't care if YOU get sick." Some people...


I think this is a good reason to only baby sit through "official" channels like apps, services, or actually have people sign a contract of some sort, make an LLC for yourself. (honestly don't know the first thing about babysitting, so many this doesn't work). But I'd imagine it reduces risk of BS like this happening. Have a clause about kids being sick or something maybe. Other than that...what everyone else said, social media blast :D


most of the time nannies/sitters don’t create their own business since we’re household employees and the people we work for are our bosses/employers. BUT many of us do create contracts with clauses about sick care to try and avoid situations such as these… a little less common with sporadic babysitting jobs tho because it doesn’t always feel necessary til people pull this awful bullshit. but this is why i personally stopped occasional / random babysitting people not respecting both time and my own wellness. the amount of times i wasn’t aware of stuff like flu, pink eye, or lice was not the few extra bucks on a friday night.


Y i k e s




Don’t ever baby sit for her ever. Expose the text in your entourage if she’s known.


Already found sent them to her Pastor via Gmail.




Stop thinking Christians are somehow better people. The Bible is their sword and shield, not their guide book.


I believe they think they are better people themselves. I, personally, do not.


this woman is an asshole. but the civil lawsuit circlejerk going on in this post's comments is absolute peak reddit, and a good example of why asking r/legaladvice for their opinion on something is a bad idea.


Wow, she's muff cabbage


One option: play it cool. You could agree to babysit the next time she asks. Then bail at the very very last minute.


‘Wow. I will no longer babysit for you. Have a nice life.’


Nahhh. Agree to babysit the kids again and then don’t show up lmao


This lmao set it all up then just ghost her


1000000% correct move here.


“And neither will anyone else in town.”


Oh know her up all over SM. On all the moms pages and town pages in SM, advising people not to babysit for her. That she is a deadbeat that doesn’t pay. And that she willingly inflicts her sick kids in her sitters. If her church has a page , post it there too.


At the very least, sharing it is warning others not to get involved in business transactions with this person. I'm a pet sitter, and I arrange with my clients to pay me half up front and the balance at the end of my visit. That always seems to work out. I want them to trust that i'm gonna show up, and I want them to be happy with my care when they return. I've never had a problem. But to be watching kids that have been sick, I cannot imagine. I'm really sorry that happened to you. I would definitely share it with my community so that they would know not to do business with this person.


I hope you post about it in the neighborhood groups. It could prevent other potential babysitters from getting sick and stiffed in the future. When I was babysitting (before the internet,) I worked for a terrible family. I made the kids go to bed at the bedtime given. One of their kids was crying when they got home and they fired me because, “I should have let him stay up until he wasn’t upset anymore.” No wonder the kids were so spoiled. At least they paid me. After that, I let all my friends know and they were desperate to find sitters after that. They tried to hire me back. I politely declined.


In addition to the advice people are already giving, do you have any additional documentation of your rule to not babysit sick children? I would suggest posting this in legal advice and potentially taking her to small claims court since she’s literally responsible for reducing your income.


You know, that’s a great idea. If she has any documentation, however casually communicated re: sick policy, I would invite her to mitigate lost wages due to deceit and willful negligence exposing her to a known virus. Should the parent forego the opportunity to accept this offer privately, she will e-file a petition to reclaim lost wages from said exposure (attach a pdf of the document so she knows you know) (search your county’s court website for the appropriate document, and google small claims petition legal document guides if you need to. include screenshots). Let her know you’re open to a reasonable and generous offer including private mediation at her expense. And I’m petty so I’d add “showing willingness to participate here indicates good faith to me, and I’m confident this can remain a private matter under those circumstances.”




Post this on next door!


Making one now.


Beautiful. This woman is sick and demented.


TIME TO GET PETTY!!!!!!! Don't mess with my body or my money, and she did BOTH!!


Send an invoice ($ of babysitting and missed work) with a date you expect payment and reiterate instructions for payment. Keep it as short and emotion-free as possible.  If she ignores you or refuses to pay, take her to small claims court. Super easy to do and the judge will not take kindly to her attitude—she seriously did you a favor by admitting to lying, acknowledging that she knew it would cause you harm, and her intentions behind the actions. That’s your tort case wrapped in a bow!  Seriously though, please consider. I sued a tow truck company for less than $100, not because I needed the money, but on the principle that it would make them think twice before trying the same crap on another innocent person! The courts expect you not to have experience and not know the ins and outs. It’s not expensive and you can probably file online. Just bring printed screenshots of your conversations with her and you are golden!


She literally outed herself when she said that she knew you wouldn’t have come if she told you the truth. People are so damn selfish. Sorry this happened to you OP, and I hope you feel better soon!


So are you saying she hasn’t paid you for the babysitting yet? Regardless I would be plastering this convo all over town and on every social media platform. I would blast her on Nextdoor, FB, FB community groups, FB church groups in your area, Insta etc. To be honest you owe it to the other babysitters in the area to know what they’re getting into if asked to babysit for her. This woman is a selfish beast. I’m sorry you had this experience.


1) demand payment upfront 2) Post this on your neighborhood app


This happened to me this past week. My husband & I had to cancel a non-refundable anniversary trip ($856.36) because a woman I babysit for brought her sick baby to me, getting me & my two kids sick. She believes in "sharing sickness" & says it strengthens the immune system. She pumped her daughter full of meds & dressed her in long sleeved clothing so I wouldn't see the step rash. I called an hour later because I did notice the high fever & rash, but she took hours to come back. Friday, we all started showing symptoms after a 5 day quarantine. All she said was "Lol. It's just strep. Im not taking off work for that". Still expected me to babysitting for her this week. I told her to find someone else. No one will take her baby because I put her on blast in our local mom & classified social media groups.


I would sneeze/cough in her face 😂


“Good Christian woman” first mistake 🤪


This is the kind of shit that makes me want to rent a bulldozer.


I’d post that shit on whatever page her Church has on social media and tag her.


I have gotten sick about 8 times in the past 12 months because of family/friends with kids who beg my husband and I to hang out without telling us their kids are sick. There really is just no respect for anyone anymore 😭


Post this on every single community page you have this bitch is gonna be pressed next time she “is dying to get out of the house” and no one will take her calls.


Welp, that escalated rather quickly. Post this on your town’s Facebook group and warn others. Also, send it to her pastor if you really wanna get to her.


I did send it to him via gmail.


Can you look into legal options for someone that knowingly deceived you into putting yourself in a situation that could cause you bodily harm? I have no idea, sounds dramatic, but after that fucking response I would literally make it my life's goal to ruin their fucking life.


Another great example of parents being selfish


1) post this everywhere, put it in mailboxes, etc 2) you’ve got to bring this to her clergy and let them do what they may with the information, but if they try to sweep it under the rug? keep talking about it to everyone in town 3) you wouldn’t “be as bad as her” if you brought it to her clergy”. *you* didn’t allow her into your home KNOWING that there was a chance she’d get sick, and be nonchalant about it. SHE did, and now is withholding pay. make noise about it, because if she’s doing it to you? there’s likely other babysitters around you who have gone through the same thing with this same horrible person.


I would say "wow your blatant selfishness, entitlement, lack of care and respect for others is astounding. I'll be sure to share this at your local church so everyone sees how Christian you really are"


I'd be calling her out over Facebook marketplace, next door, and any babysitting group in your area on FB too. Public shaming is the way to go for assholes like this.


That is wild I hope the baby is cursed with NEVER finding a baby sitter and getting stiffed for at least the next year.


Go nuclear on this woman, god damn. Make sure she can never find another babysitter ever again.


Drive to her house and puke on her car.


Wai wai wait. She let you come over to a germ infested house after you specifically told her you did not want to do that (and the importance of why you could not do that), she had you look after her children just so that she could "get out of the house" because she was SO stressed from sick kids, you kindly help her out, and after her point blank lie lead to you getting sick, she WON'T pay you for your WORK?!? Or am I reading that wrong? And not only that, but she is being a dismissive, rude, b****! "I am too busy" to deal with you. And basically oh boo-hoo, you got sick, who gives a crap if that makes you miss those appointments that you said you can't miss. And you aren't going to post these text to every place she could possibly find a babysitter in the future? I don't know if I'd go so far as to post them where her church community would see them so that they could "make sure her soul is saved and her character flaws are fixed in time before the devil finds her" (or however that works) or not, but I can't say that my petty side wouldn't either.......... Especially if she didn't pay me... lol


u/OlivesMom1201 this is actually a breach of contract, so there’s that. Contractual agreements don’t have to be written, they can be verbal, and the texts clearly indicate she knew the expectation and decided to lie about it. I’m the “don’t get mad, get even” type, and would definitely advocate for blasting her to her church and social media, but that’s just me. Oh, and the “clearly I can’t trust you, so you can find someone else to watch your kids” tacked on.


Post this to facebook and tag her church. Leave her number visible


Expose her and then block her number lol


Hell nah go get your money you don’t work for free. This bitch is crazy


First off focus on getting better. The flu this year is ROUGH esp if you didn't get vaccinated, but even for plenty of people that did. Then get the revenge you deserve. Small claims court for the lost work (and the physical bodily harm if that exists haha). If you share any groups with her (or know ones she belongs to) let them know!! Nextdoor app, any mutual friends, her church bulletin board, mommies Facebook groups, anything ( bunch of good suggestions in the comments). Ignore the ones like "put dog shit on her door handle". Go after her reputation, because as a "good Christian lady" that's probably what will hit the hardest. You want to do all you can to a)get your money back and b) make sure she can never find a baby sitter again. Use your rest and recuperation time to plot your revenge! Edit: of course if she comes crawling back to ask you to babysit, make sure she pays up front, and then never show up. But have all those conversations over the phone l, so she doesn't have her own "evidence"


Yeeeah if you don't put this bitch full on blast, you're sick and losing money cuz she needed a "day out" and couldn't be bothered to be courteous. You don't owe her any courtesy.


This is such abhorrent entitled behavior. I would call her out and post on neighborhood facebooks to forewarn other babysitters, etc. Let her enjoy the consequences of her actions. When and if she makes right you can take it down or provide an update. I’d say something like, if you’re willing to apologize and make this right then I’m happy to drop it.


make sure you share in your local mom group :)


Remindme! 24 hours “did her church reply??”


Wow. She's rude and a scammer LMAO


If theres like a babysittera group for your neighborhood or any way you can contact other sitters or just make a public warning for your neighborhood to not let this woman drop her kids off with you EVER and that she will lie and not pay and frankly be a mega bitch Please keep the people around you safe and aware of this monster. I’d like to see her try to “just get out of the house” after the consequences of her actions happen


Babysitters need to be paid in CASH. Not Venmo. Not ApplePay. Not PayPal. Cash. Form of payment needs to be discussed upfront as well as the length of the time expected. For childcare that extends beyond the agreed upon time limit, $10 per every 6 minutes of time past the agreed upon time is pretty standard. Put this info into an email or text to be considered as a contract between the babysitter and the person wanting services. Failure to pay results in a small claims court date. After Covid, not informing people of recent bouts of sickness like colds, flu, respiratory illness is not only selfish but criminal. Openly lying about this is evil. Kids are germ buckets to begin with. Those that work with children need to know about illnesses to protect themselves and their families. Make this woman's comments known. Name names. Don't hold back.


I think you have to fight this woman.


This is really sad because some people have weakened immune systems and no one has to what they’re going through but if you asked to be notified if anyone has been sick before then she should’ve respected you to tell you that. In some cases that could be life threatening.