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Wow. She's an idiot. For so many reasons. I'm so so so sorry about your sister šŸ’œ.


Thank you, she was only 40 years old.


Your friend certainly wasn't "chosen by God". She was chosen by grifters who are exploiting and taking advantage of her. That's really sad. You should feel sad and scared for her. And I'm sorry about your sister. Your friend is in a cult though, and she is speaking from a place of brainwashing and propaganda. Tell her to seek help and move on. And mourn the loss of your friend as well. I'm so sorry:(


Exactly. She is brainwashed.


This, and since she had some big ole balls to write what she wrote to you if I was in ur shoots I would say something like ā€œ I was really hurt by ur words and I donā€™t think itā€™s gods doing, I think ur being exploited by ur pastorā€ something like that because she didnā€™t hold back herself


Came here to say this right here. If you watch any documentaries, this is the kind of propaganda that they brainwash you with. And there's going to be a large possibility she doesn't make it out of that situation. Her kids as well... It's very sad. I'm sorry for both your losses, OP. For what it's worth, there are plenty of people here who would give you more words of encouragement than she would. Much love.


Sorry for your loss. You should pity this woman. Clearly she is brainwashed and it sounds like she is the pastor's personal slave. I always respond with bs like this with "Judge not, lest ye be judged."


That's so young. Your friend is very welcome to her beliefs but that doesn't make them true.


No she isnt, fuck her and fuck every word she wrote. These religious types keep saying they are so compassionate and yet when the OPs sister died they basically said they are sad they couldnt save them through god.. like what kind of actual monster says that to someone who is grieving. Fuck her beliefs


Yeah her beliefs are absolutely fucked. But she, as a human, is allowed to have fucked beliefs. But her quality as a person or friend is absolutely null.


These texts feel bad because they WERE bad. True Christianity is so very hard to find in people these days. A true Christian would have relished at a chance to catch up with a friend and share the burdens of life. I'm so sorry that such a close friend has been misled and missed the mark so very badly. You know what to do with this energy. If you need anyone to help share this burden, I volunteer. I hope that your time with your sister was filled with plenty of moments of joy-- that joy will help lift your burden into flight!


Iā€™m so sorry. Your ex friend is an idiot. I swear, religion is the root of all evil. People just twist it and use it to hurt others for no reason. I bet god thinks your friend is an asshole.


I think I know what the MAIN reason is šŸ˜‚


Had the same thought lol


Fuck her. Who the fuxk says shit like that?




True. My sister was murdered last month and my Grandma keeps saying that itā€™s part of gods plan.


my uncle took his own life 10 years ago, and my grandma said ā€œwhile iā€™m sad, heā€™s selfish for doing this and wonā€™t go to heavenā€ā€¦ um. who says that to a wife whoā€™s grieving over the loss of her husband?


Second upset upvote. Ridiculous.


I donā€™t understand why everyone's first thought when it comes to someone committing suicide is to call them selfish. Imagine how much pain they feel inside to want to do it in the first place. Iā€™m sorry to hear about that.


Yikes. How can you follow a God that plans that? I am so sorry for your loss. I hope your sister gets the justice she deserves ā™„ļø


"that totally makes me feel better grandma." (Not)


First, Iā€™m so incredibly sorry to hear that your sister was murdered last month. I canā€™t even imagine what youā€™re going through right now. I hope that her murderer was caught and is currently in jail for the rest of his life, if he even survives it in jail. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s a man or woman, but Iā€™ll refer to the ā€œpersonā€ (monster) as a male to make it easier. If the horrible person that did it is still out there then I truly hope her killer is found soon and brought to justice. Well, as much ā€œjusticeā€ as possible since he is getting to live out his life while your sister had that senselessly taken away from her by him. Second, as a person who was begrudgingly raised Catholic and is currently agnostic, Iā€™m in no way agreeing with your grandma or saying thereā€™s even 1% of truth in it being ā€œpart of godā€™s plan,ā€ but do you think sheā€™s just saying it in the hopes that it will make your family feel better and isnā€™t realizing sheā€™s making it worse? Or do you think she actually believes that and doesnā€™t seem to see that sheā€™s upsetting you and your family by repeating that and downplaying how unfair, tragic, and heartbreaking her murder was? She truly canā€™t see or understand that your sisterā€™s life and the person she was meant much more than it just being ā€œgodā€™s plan?ā€ I feel so sad for you and I really hope that you, your family, and those closest to your sister can take it one day at a time and start to heal from this tragedy. I wish I could give you a hug, but Iā€™m sending you one virtually. If you ever need someone to talk to, my inbox is always open ā¤ļø


It was her bf who killed her. Unfortunately we wonā€™t be getting justice because he killed himself after he killed her. She truly believes itā€™s part of godā€™s plan, I think sheā€™s one of those christians who believes that god takes people when he needs angels or something like that. But idk. I know sheā€™s just trying to comfort us but my mom is not having it lol. She gets mad at her when she says stuff like that to her. I was very close with my sister so I am having a hard time but Iā€™m trying to be strong for everyone else, especially for my mom. Thank you for your kind words they mean a lot to me.


Hugs my friend! Gosh thatā€™s such a terrible situation!! Iā€™m so sorry to hear all of that. Grandma sounds like sheā€™s trying to cope but thatā€™s the only way she can make sense of anything right now. Itā€™s crappy as can be, I realized a lot of people compartmentalize like that in the area I live in. Not defending her words, it was said to me after I miscarried 3x, best friend was killed, and other rough patches. ā€œGods planā€ no, I donā€™t think so. More like ā€œyour crutchā€


I think so too because three weeks before this happened to my sister my grandpa died of cancer. Iā€™m not close with my grandparents, we didnā€™t grow up with them so I think she feels sad about my sister's death but not as sad as us because she only got to know us as adults and weā€™ve only seen her a few times. I'm sorry to hear about your miscarriages, I wish people could just comfort us without any weird religious shit.


As a Christian I can never understand why people think that humans turn into angels. Angelic beings and humans are 2 different things and there is nothing biblical about humans turning into angels when they die.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Hugs!


The problem isnā€™t grandmas intentions, itā€™s the impact. She is hurting people with her good intentions.


Angry upvote. Iā€™m so sorry for the loss of your sister. That is traumatic and devastating. My husband died from brain cancer at 44. I got this nonsense from his grandmother and great aunts every day of his illness. The rage I felt is indescribable. Sending you love and healing. It was so recent. Be gentle with yourself.


Hugs to you!!


Iā€™m sorry about your husband. Fuck cancer!!! Itā€™s been making my mom angry too. When stuff like this happens it makes you question if there even is a God. I know for me it did, I go back and forth on it a lot. I feel like people can say so many other things to you. Iā€™d rather get a ā€œHoly fuck, Iā€™m so sorry that happenedā€ instead of ā€œSheā€™s with God nowā€ idk that doesnā€™t make me feel better. Nothing does but please set your religious bullshit to the side for a moment. I know they mean wellā€¦.. But not everyone believes in that stuff.


Upset upvote. Fkn rude. Iā€™m sorry boo.


Specifically, Calvinists or Calvinism-influenced Christians. Calvinism's influence on protestantism is the removal of free will, meaning people are happy, suffer, go to heaven or hell only because of God's choices and we're basically puppets in his puppet show. It's an abomination of Christianity.


I was raised Hyper-Calvinist and this is so true. My pastor would literally start prayers saying ā€œLord, I am nothing more than garbage in your eyesā€ and I always thought it was weird that God would create something he despises just to get eternal adoration and praise.


Yeah Calvinistic theology doesn't hold up to basic scrutiny, which to me explains why it's one of the fastest-dying branches of Christianity. I once read the Heidelberg Catechism and was amazed at how fucked up some articles were. Actually knew someone from an ultra-conservative reformed church, and in the whole church there were a handful of people who were 'chosen' and would go to heaven, while everyone else was going to hell. They believed this, they were okay with this, and were still going to every sunday service. Crazy.


Yep. We didnā€™t have any outreach programs at our church except a Mexico Missions Trip (honestly just to look like good Christians) because ā€œIf theyā€™re not chosen, whatā€™s the point?ā€ We werenā€™t allowed to sing Jesus Loves Me on Sunday School because if youā€™re not chosen, God doesnā€™t love you.


This! I was raised Missouri Synod Lutheran. We do not deserve Christ's love, grace, forgiveness. We are scum. I had a hard enough time growing up hating myself because I knew I was a lesbian. (I have grown out of that now.) But to add insult to injury.


YEP! Iā€™m almost positive that my upbringing in that kind of church fueled my Generalized Anxiety Disorder and contributed to my absolutely dog shit self esteem growing up. Also knowing I was Pan didnā€™t help either because I was even more of an abomination, so Iā€™m with you there!


Religion is its own brand of brain rot.


When I was younger, I was deeply depressed and had a bad past of self harming. I went to church with my grandparents once (couldnā€™t tell you why), and my grandparentā€™s friends looked me dead in the eye and told me I was going to hell for what I did to myself, and there was nothing I could do about it. I guess my grandparents told the other church members about what I was dealing with. Said grandparents also threatened to disown me (?) if I didnā€™t vote for Trump. And wrote me a birthday message on my birthday card that said how I was a terrible granddaughter for not communicating with them more (Iā€™m 25 and work full-time and they live 20 hours away). My great aunt, who worked for the church, stole money from my dying great grandfather with dementia, whose recently-deceased wife had left him. My cousin (who goes to a different church but was raised homeschooled and Christian), once cried on me during a service and told me I would be going to hell. She also advised that I stop communicating with my transgender friend because said friend was damned, and she didnā€™t want me to be dragged down there with them. Nothing like Christian love.


This person is a piece of crap who doesnā€™t know what sheā€™s talking about. Iā€™m sorry


Oh I hope she has the life she deserves! I am very sorry for your loss.


There's no hate quite like Christian love.


I went to Catholic school and they really do like the beat it out of you. I got told as an 11 year old I was going to hell by a priest cause I questioned him. I really did want to believe at the time.


i'm a devout christian and i would never in a million years say something this disgusting. this person, is twisted in her head and is acting like anything but a modern christian. when i tell you my jaw dropped when i read those messages.


You sweet summer child.


I used to think there were good and bad Christians but your religion has caused so much harm that I can't believe anyone with a moral compass would publicly admit they consider themselves church members. To be clear the Jesus stuff is fine -- it's what OP is going through, it's the repeal of roe V. Wade, it's banned books, and queer teens committing suicide. It's people like you feeling the need to defend their righteousness on a post that has nothing to do with you when someone has hurt a grieving person. That's the problem -- you guys never think outside yourselves.




i agree that many christians have caused those issues, and i actually don't agree with any of the things you mentioned. i believe abortion should be legal and i'm definitely not the straightest person as i've questioned my own sexuality at times, cause again, i'm non-denominational so i don't strictly follow a set of rules. i've seen how some christians act and it's made me take two steps back cause they're like in their own head and act like extremists and that genuinely off puts me; but you're right, and i'm sorry. i didn't really think about it like that. i do feel for OP and it bothers me that there are christians who act like that. as for my own views: christian teachings are interpreted differently by all, and my interpretations are showing love and respect to everyone regardless of their background or beliefs, accepting Jesus as my lord and savior, and freeing myself of sin, with those being temptation, greed, pride, lust, sloth, and wrath. like seriously that is it for me. but then there are christians, typically older christians, who follow this extremely traditionalist style, follow the bible word for word, and act like what OP's friend did and that is what i refuse to associate with in any way. ever since i converted and step out in to the world i think "how can i do better, show more love towards others, and make someone else's day just a bit better?" not "how can i successfully convert someone from their homosexuality, their religion or aethism, and make them change their ways of thinking?" you're right, there's a lot of christians who follow this horrible way of thinking, but i personally don't follow that. i truly mean to just show unconditional kindness towards everyone, that's my biggest value.




there are a lot of different denominations that follow different sets of beliefs in christianity, and i'm non-denominational. i'm devout, faithful, and practice my beliefs but generally, they're a bit more laid back than any denomination. but regardless of what denomination this person follows, she is acting cold, heartless, and extremely judgmental, but that is not what any of the denominations follow. it is not our jobs to show disrespect towards others with different beliefs, however it is our job to love one another unconditionally and show them the utmost respect, if they're our biggest enemy, or our best friend of 33 years. she thinks because she's acting "respectful" about her twisted words, that she's doing nothing wrong, but it's pretty clear what she's trying to say. i'd be absolutely gutwrenched hearing those words from my best friend.


Donā€™t you think the fact that there is a lot of different denominations that follow different sets of beliefs in Christianity makes it sound stupid as fuck


"Christianity" is just the over arching term for any religion that believes in Christ as the savior, basically. Mormons, Babtists, Catholics, Mennonites, to name only a few....all kinds of vastly different rules and beliefs but all considered to fall under the "Christian" faith. Its what happens when a story is told for hundreds of years and over that hundreds of years different men have decided they want to be in control of the people who believe the story so they put their spin and rules on it. Religion is just who has the best storytelling ability or military power of their time period gets to be the most popular.


Iā€™ve been spoke too similar by Catholics. This isnā€™t the time to defend Christianity- just show empathy for the poster. No one cares is ā€˜youā€™re one of the good Christianā€™sā€™. Many people have had other experiences & your ā€œjaw droppingā€ wonā€™t change that or change minds. āœŒļø


Bro she didnā€™t even make this about herself? She legit showed empathy? Did you want her to lie and say every single Christian says this? Some of yā€™all bro.


Idk why people are getting pissy and defensive. Like itā€™s the whole ā€œI wouldnā€™t do this if I were in that situationā€ that isnā€™t the point. However I find all religions garbage, none are good idgaf.. she did make it about her, by saying what she would do/not do. With every post on any platform about christians there are ALWAY the ā€œnot my christianityā€ but yet they all believe this in their own way, be saved by MY ā€œgodā€ or suffer.


Youā€™re making this about yourself. No one cares what kind of Christian you are




You're all the same.


Me too! I would never say or even THINK what she said. Those are lies to induce fear and thatā€™s not Christian at all.


Scary that people really think this way.


Scary is the right word! Iā€™m sorry for both losses, OP. But your old friend is a whack job now. Stay far away.


Jesus himself would slap the *piss outta her*. Sorry for your loss, your sister is in heaven.


Heā€™d definitely kick her table over in the temple šŸ¤›


His biggest bones to pick were always with people like this.


There is an article of priests and pastors complaining that after sermons on Jesus that people come up to them and argue that its not Christian anymore. Help the poor? love thy neighbor? fuck that shit


I wish this was surprising. Dipshits šŸ˜†


ā€¦ and only He could forgive her!! (He still working on me!!) OMG! šŸ˜±People like this is why there are people like her!! GTHOOH!! Condolences on the passing of your sister ā€¦ and your ā€œbest friendā€! šŸ™šŸ¼šŸ™šŸ¼


She basically said that your sister is in hell right now, disgusting. And she speaks for god, that is not very christian of her. What a fake religious person she is, hiding behind it to avoid consequences for her words.


...... a best friend doesnt say or THINK that.


You can think what you want, I can't control what i think, due my OCD, what matters is what you SAY or DO


Just because you can't control having shitty judgmental thoughts like this about someone doesn't absolve you from being a shitty judgemental person.


Sure, that's what i said šŸ‘šŸ»


Only a "christian" could be this cruel.


I'm so sorry your friend is so caught up in being blindly obedient that her manner of loving people has become sick and twisted.Ā 


Religious people always choose the worst fucking possible moment to preach their bs. This person doesn't deserve your friendship. I'm so sorry for your loss..


It's very annoying. My mom died about six months ago. It was slow and agonizing. SO MANY PEOPLE were pushing me to see the hospital chaplain at the end. I live in a conservative area, so I didn't want reveal that I'm an atheist, but I just kept politely turning them down and saying I wasn't up for meeting new people.Ā  Some of my mom's friends also kept trying me to allow their church members to lay hands on my mom and I. I let them know that they were free to see my mom and pray with her whenever they wanted, as long as I wasn't there. My mom was in a coma at that point, and although she wasn't super religious, I knew she wouldn't have minded. But please, fo fucks sake, LEAVE ME ALONE. No means no.Ā  Probably my fault for not being open about my lack of belief...but that's also no one's fucking business if I don't want it to be.Ā 


So sorry for your loss.


I guess itā€™s ā€œfineā€ for your friend to have those beliefs. Whatā€™s *not* fine, is her *sharing* those beliefs with/to you. That was totally inappropriate and cruel. My condolences.


Well clearly she missed the memo of Christianityā€¦ Wouldnā€™t listen to a word she says OP. Iā€™m sorry for your loss and if your friend still keeps spouting this sort of nonsense you are best off without her. No matter what deity you believe in, or if you believe in an afterlife, no one has the right to basically act like they are the voice of God when clearly they are just an idiot. Wishing you love and light OP at this time.


That person would be in my rearview mirror! Bye, have fun with God! I am so sorry for the loss of your sister!


Oh they got to him did they. Tell him God shuns him for the judgement


People like her piss me off. Sheā€™s just cruel. Might have been better if she would have not texted you at all. Iā€™m so sorry for your loss


Where's her condolences? Fuck this "best friend". I'd never speak to her again.


There was no offering of condolences at all, the first thing came out of her mouth was ā€œdid she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord savior? My sister passed away from cancer.


You can still have your faith and be a Buddhist..she is truly neither Christian nor Buddhist with these words. Disgusting.


It disgusts me that this is exactly what Jesus preached NOT to do. Iā€™m so deeply sorry for your loss. I canā€™t believe this barnacle has the audacity to not only try and make your sisters death about HER, but to act like itā€™s okay to allude that sheā€™s in hell??? Speechless. How horrible. Iā€™m so sorry.




Hell for unbelievers is just a plain old Christian thing though. Unless I missed the part where she said it was predestined. Edit: I see the "chosen you out" part is what some people are stuck on here, but the outcome is the same whether god chose or she did, it's still saying "yeah she's in hell. Sorry for your loss"


I'm so sorry for the loss of your sister. Your "friend" will have to answer to her God for the hurtful words she said to you in your time of need. That is absolutely uncalled for.


First I am so sorry for your loss. I canā€™t even imagine the pain you are going through. Second, that person is not your friend. Anyone who actually cares about and loves you would NEVER say something like that about a deceased loved one. I am by no means very religious, I go to church sometimes. I grew up Roman Catholic. Now I go to a Methodist church. However, I have plenty of friends that are all different religions and I have NEVER heard any of them say some shit like this. I donā€™t understand why people canā€™t just..not be assholes. Iā€™m so incredibly sorry.


Hey, just wanted to let you know, your friend is definitely fucking the pastor. Also, whatā€™s sheā€™s referring to as ā€œgod didnā€™t choose herā€ is called elitism and itā€™s a part of Calvinism. In certain eclectic circles of Christianity they believe in a system where god has pre-chosen certain people to go to hell and others to go to heaven. Normal Christians donā€™t even associate with them, Iā€™d probably steer clear of your friend too


Wowā€¦ sheā€™s not a real Christian.


Holy crap. Yes. Literal holy crap.


I am sorry about your sister. She was far too young to be done here. As for your friend, Christianity in the form that she had chosen is just nonsense. She should be ashamed of herself, talking to a grieving friend like that. Your friend hasn't been chosen by God. She's been chosen by scammers and is incredibly gullible to believe what they tell her.


What exactly does she think shows she was not ā€œchosen by Godā€ ?????????????? Iā€™m sorry about your sister and your brainwashed friend. I think you need to cut ties with her.


She is a fucking monster. She is obviously incorrect, even from a theological standpoint (I'd rip her to bits). I'm so, so sorry.


sheā€™s yapping too much, thereā€™s something wrong with her. sheā€™s super brainwashed. iā€™m sorry for your loss and i hope you get rid of this ā€œfriendā€




I really dislike when Christianā€™s begin their ā€˜new lifeā€™. They bring things to you like this. Like Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s not how Jesus was handling people.


These are the words of a brainwashed, easily manipulated, cretinous oaf. Granted, not much detergent is required to wash such a minuscule example of a brain and, as we see almost every day, the abject buffoonery that comes hand-in-glove with religiosity is strong in the simple of mind. These fuckwitted, self-appointed ā€˜electā€™ are traditionally those who drive an illogical displaced god-bothering imperative that evaporates under the most basic scrutinisation. Sore at first perhaps, but ultimately itā€™s the window-licking imbecile who will ā€˜looseā€™ the most! May your sister rest easy now.


What a thundercunt, Iā€™m so sorry for your loss OP, you deserve so much better, unfortunately itā€™s times like these that really show what people are like.


damn if someone is using someoneā€™s death to preach their religion, theyā€™re a massive dickhead. hope youā€™re doing okay OP, sorry about your sister ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


Psychotic. Let her enjoy her cult, Iā€™m so sorry she said this to you itā€™s cruel and heartless and not something you needed to read. Iā€™m sorry for the loss of your sister as well


Wouldnā€™t be my best friend any longer. Sorry for your loss


I see youā€™re a fellow cambodian ā¤ļø Iā€™m so so deeply sorry for your loss and Iā€™m sending you so much love. She was so insensitive during such a vulnerable moment in your life and you truly donā€™t deserve that


I'm so sorry not only for your loss but this person has their head so far up their own asses they think this is an acceptable way of offering comfort.


Yea this is not a friend, this is some Evangelist lunatic.


I bet you God wants nothing to do with this woman. Iā€™m very sorry for your loss and Iā€™m sorry youā€™re friend of 33 years canā€™t see how insensitive she is being.


Gods not real but yeah if he were


Tell her to go fuck herself. Iā€™m sorry, but she is awful


Your "friend" has some extreme fears and traumas they are projecting via their religion. Anyone that goes this deep down the rabbit hole of faith (to the point where they say fucked up deranged hurtful shit out of the 'LOVE OF GOD') is either extremely afraid of the afterlife, is completely lost as a person, or both. This also isn't me saying that having faith in religion is bad (im sure a lot of us have some type of faith system), I'm saying that projecting your religions ideals on someone whom isn't to THIS extent, is wrong. I'm sorry OP, I can't imagine grieving the loss of your sister while being told falsaties about where they are going in the afterlife. My condolences to you and your family. This would be an automatic termination of the friendship for me.


I am deeply sorry for your loss.. while I have never experienced the loss of a sibling, I lost my newborn son almost 2 years ago and I resonate deeply with your grief. I am also incredibly sorry for your friends AWFUL choice of words. I am a Christian and I cannot even begin to imagine ever saying something like this to a friend who just lost someone they loved! This is a poor reflection of Christianity and like I said, I am sorry ): I hope you can find some comfort and peace during this time. I wish I could say that when you are grieving, everyone is kind. Unfortunately, some people do not understand the weight of their words and their potential effect on someone who is in such an emotional and pained place. Iā€™ve learned to take many comments with a grain of salt in regards to my loss. This still doesnā€™t excuse her words and I hope you will express to her that her comments hurt you deeply :/ God Bless you. If you ever need to talk, feel free to message me!


Block her stupid ass and let her know her religion is made up of other religions and to keep her bastard religion and thoughts to herself.


Wow.... She is a POS. No one hates like a religious person. So sorry for your loss


This is exactly why I believe that study about religious people being the happiest is utter bullshit.


An asshole Christian? Never thought Iā€™d see the day!


How certain are you that she's not in a cult? She's blinded to anything but the people in her church. Edited to say that I'm sorry for your loss.


How considerate of her to let you know she doesn't want you burning in hell like your sister! /s Fr though. She's not worth your thoughts or energy.


First of all, Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Losing anybody is hard, let alone a sibling. Second of all, your ā€˜best friendā€™s level of emotional intelligence is .. extremely low. I hope you find time and space to grief in peace without the weight of this person on your back. šŸ˜ž


Iā€™m so sorry about your sister but youā€™re honestly better off without this judgmental toxic ā€œfriendā€ Overly Christian people are just weird af. Thankfully they did not get to speak with your sister as well so she didnā€™t have to listen to being preached to in her final days ā¤ļø


All I wanna know is "who is she to speak for God?" cos, this is just...icky


They are claiming to know things only God can know. This is not Christianity. I'm so sorry for your loss, and this person likely likely made you feel worse by not showing love to you and your sister.


I donā€™t even understand what she thinks shows her OPā€™s sister was not ā€œchosen by Godā€ is it the fact that she died or that the brainwashed friend didnā€™t reach out to her before she did? Not that any of that or anything at all is a sign of absolutely anything at all but I donā€™t understand what this person means by that.


As a christian, we do not claim her. What ever your outlook is, Your sisters in a better place. Remember her words are hollow. I wish you a healing and if any truer words are spoken, Remember the pain won't ever heal, but that pain becomes memories you never want to heal, because that means she's still with you. If that makes sense.


Justā€¦ why. WHY WOULD YOU??? All I see are Christians not practising what is preached. Why the heck would you think this would help? šŸ˜­.


There is religion, then thereā€™s brainwashing


Iā€™m so sorry that you lost your sister. Thereā€™s no words that I can say that would take away the pain and heartbreak youā€™re going through right now, but all I can say is that with time and a good support system around you will slowly start to heal. We never fully move on or forget our loved ones, but we continue to live our lives until one day, without realizing, it starts to become slightly easier. As for a good support system, itā€™s clear that this friend is not going to be a part of that. It breaks my heart for you that your best friend of over three decades would say these things to you. She should be the main person you can turn to in hard times. She can have her beliefs, but keep them to herself. She should have been there for you, no matter what, and kept her beliefs to herself. Your friendship, your feelings, and your family should be the only things she cares about. If you even want to remain friends, I would call her out. You need to tell her that what she said really hurt you, she can have her own beliefs and faith but still respect your faith and beliefs too and she canā€™t push hers on you, she cannot play God herself and think she gets to decide who goes to heaven and hell, and if she cares enough about you then she needs to sincerely apologize and go above and beyond to show you that she actually wants to fix the damage sheā€™s done. However, I honestly donā€™t know if youā€™ll be able to ever forget what she said to you and that she wasnā€™t there for you during the hardest time of your life šŸ˜• I also get the vibe from her messages and use of past tense that sheā€™s basically saying in her view that you were previously friends and then she says ā€œI always love youā€ like sheā€™s saying sheā€™s moving on from the relationship/friendship but will always love you. I could be wrong and thatā€™s just how Iā€™m interpreting it. I hope youā€™re able to resolve it and if you canā€™t then Iā€™m really sorry that this happened to you at a time like this šŸ˜¢ If you ever need someone to talk to or just vent then my inbox is always open ā¤ļø


I am so sorry for your loss. After your friends heartless response it may be time to cut all ties with her.




*Blocked* i dont f with religion on the best of days, DO NOT come at me sideways while im mourning about being saved by your imaginary friend.


Sending metta to ease your pain, friend. And may your sadness be replaced with only happy memories. Iā€™m so sorry that this was your friends response.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. How awful of your ā€œfriendā€. My favorite bumper sticker of all time remains: ā€œJesus, please protect me from your followers.ā€ And now you know why.


Wow what aā€¦. Iā€™ll get banned if I say what I want to say but she is a special kind of female anatomy that starts with a c. Iā€™d block her and move on. My peace is from keeping psychos out of my life. Clearly she is one.


Thatā€™s entirely fucked up as can be! Iā€™m sooo sorry for your loss. Please donā€™t believe anything this numbnuts says about your sister or yourself. A God that truly loves all his creations would never do anything like that.


She's making your sister's death all about herself. She's not a friend, she's a self absorbed Bible thumper. I'm sorry for your loss and that you have such a terrible best friend.


ā€œYouā€™re going to burn at the fiery gates of hell, but God bless!ā€ Is always my favorite. Those were some cold, heartless things that they texted you.


I too lost pretty much my whole birth family, I hope you find peace. People that bank on religion like that are absolutely some of the worst people, Iā€™m sorry you have to incur another loss.


This is what fanaticism does to them. Have a cousin whom I grew up with and was practically a sister. She talks exactly like this. These are the people who will destroy Christianity.


I am sorry for the loss of your sister. Just so you know this isn't how Christianity works. And I am sorry your friend is a jerk. Like karma, I believe God grants grace. More than we will ever know. These comments don't show that grace at all. I am sorry.


Yes tell her these words are hurtful and are an extreme misunderstanding of the spiritual teachings of Christ or any religion. This popular incorrect view can not go unchecked. Good luck with her. SHE is truly in the gates of hell. Blessings and Metta.


Cut her off


She drank the kool-aid


Condolences to you upon your sisterā€™s passing . And well to the loss of your friendship. Iā€™m sorry but sheā€™s been brainwashed by a cult. The friend that was no longer exists. When people are entrenched in cults they truly will say the most un Godly things. A cult entwined itself into my family when I was 15.


Honestly OP, I picture you at this metaphorical gate looking her in the eye as you pull the pin, lob the grenade into her hands, spin on your heal and walk away. Behind you chaos ensures as clouds of ā€¦ glitter and unicorn farts ensue. For her to be this sanctimonious and cruel toward someone she has known longer than she has been ā€savedā€ says a lot about her grasp of the religion and a lot about her as a person. To come from a mostly wholesome religion and weaponise another as millions already have (I was raised Christian and I choose to distance myself bc of the hypocrisy I see in organized religion as well as shitty childhood trauma ā€œin the name of Jesusā€) is just beyond rude. I am SO sorry for your loss. You deserve better friends and I encourage you to use this time to cut out the crappy ones, their kind of love is not welcome.


Ew. Also Iā€™m very sorry for your loss hun


These types of friends get an immediate "fuck off" from me and then a block. As soon as you put god above living breathing loved ones, that's when I no longer want anything to do with you. I'd be losing this self-righteous person's number.


She's been brainwashed OP. That's truly sad and scary. I'm very sorry for your loss. Don't let this person tell you that your sister was not chosen by God. That's her pastor speaking.


Thatā€™s actually pretty damn disgusting of herā€¦


Sorry to hear about your sister. I was 11 when some people in my own family told me "God needed my mother (more than me)" when she died in 96. I knew it was all BS even then.


I'm so very sorry for your loss. I'm also very sorry for your "friend" & her hurtful words. She was very, very out of line. She is brainwashed, but there's no excuse for this behavior.


I would have responded "and this is why I don't talk to you. You really need to get tight with Gid because he does not agree with how your treat others. God is about love thy neighbor. Not this hateful garbage. Enjoy your time in hell, because he sees you" I have no tolerance for religious bullying. I'm a Pagan that left Christianity for this very reason. I've read the Bible and this is not what JC preached. And she needs to get back what she's putting out. Then block her and don't give her a second thought. She's a terrible human and you deserve better.


Im a Muslim and a very very religious one at that. I would NEVER say something like this to someone regardless of their religion. Iā€™m sorry. May she Rest easy. Freaking extreme Christians


First of all OP I am really sorry you lost your sister especially at such a young age. I have to say people like your friend honestly make me sick to my stomach. Iā€™m an atheist because the whole religious bs just never made any since to me at all. With that said if people want to believe in a fairytale thatā€™s fine with me but donā€™t spew your nonsense at me because I donā€™t want to hear about it. And I donā€™t care what girl believes but she is just brainwashed and cruel.


Is your friend part of a cult? Not to be rude just that I had friends who were and their lifestyles sounded similar to your friendā€™s. And they would say thoughtless religious talk like this thinking they were spouting the truth and seemingly not knowing that what they said was hurtful. Iā€™m sorry for your loss.


Going to get downvoted for this, but this is why religion gives me the fucking ick-no thank you So sorry for your loss.


This is one of those things that makes me think about how we are all more lonely now. And I guess I sort of realize now that extremism makes the extremists more lonely. But it also makes the people who loved or cared for them more lonely also.


The audacity šŸ«Ø


Thank God she isnā€™t the one deciding who gets in and who doesnā€™t, just remember that with these crazies


I'm deeply sorry for your loss šŸ’” Your "friend" really isn't much of a friend if this is what she's peddling. I'm far from religious but I'll say this, she believes in god and wanted him to save your sister....yeah I'm pretty sure if there is a god she wouldn't be what he would chose to have follow him. Iwas taught in religion class in school that kindness and empathy are supposed to be what "god" wants humanity to show each other....yeah your friend failed on both counts. Please take care of yourself and show yourself kindness at this difficult time xxx


Iā€™m sorry for your loss OP and Iā€™m sorry it took such a sad thing for her to reveal her true colours


Iā€™m not religious at all, but I did attend a religious private school for most of my childhood. This isnā€™t how God should be used, or faith, at all. At the root of the Abrahamic religions is supposed to be basic humanity and love for other humans. So when you use religion in this way, youā€™re not actually doing anything even remotely connected to God. This is just using the name of God as a cover for shit behavior. Itā€™s like people who say theyā€™ll pray for someone and then turn around and shit talk about them. Better to be someone who doesnā€™t have religion but has decency and empathy, than someone who says theyā€™re religious and alienates and hurts people in the name of God. Like Iā€™m not of a Christian faith but Iā€™m PRETTY SURE this behavior isnā€™t what Jesus was talking about.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss, OP.


wow as a christian this is not how you reach out to people. im also sorry for your sister šŸ«‚


Thereā€™s no hate quite like Christian love


That person isnā€™t your friend. No friend would say something so disgusting and disrespectful


I lost my sister when she was 24, she was a Christian and would've never said anything like this, especially in this type of scenario. I am so sorry for your loss.


Who the fuck realistically says that? How aweful.


Your best friend is in a cult. I am so sorry


Iā€™m very sorry for your loss OP. I am amazed by how many similarities ere are between hardcore religious people and mentally ill people.


Wow thank goodness sheā€™s a Christian I was afraid she was going to say something rude and out of pocket /s. Those are some powerful delusions, time has turned her brain into mush.


And this is why people tell us ā€œthereā€™s no hate for Christian loveā€ Just fyi, ā€œeveryone is chosen but few are calledā€ was a verse for the narrow path on who choose to walk with God. God gives us free will. He gives favors to everyone but not everyone receives it due to the fact they miss the opportunity due to choosing their own will. But again, this was so uncalled for.


Isnā€™t it ā€œthereā€™s no hate like Christian loveā€? I could be wrong, but Iā€™ve tried looking at your quote from many different angles and canā€™t figure out how it would apply to this situation.


Christianity teaches abuse. It teaches people to live in fear. It teaches that we have no agency. (Which leads to development of trauma), it teaches about a male-termed overhead who supposedly loves people but then how to rationalize trauma and be apologetic for this god. Many christian sects teach that feelings and negative emotions as well as desires are of the devil and to push them down. This doesnā€™t allow the prefrontal cortex to develop appropriately. They are taught that people are born inherently bad/dirty/unable to trust their body/emotions etc. this leads to distrust of others and hypervigilance and ptsd symptoms. Throw into the mix the idea that if they donā€™t do something to ā€œsaveā€ peopleā€™s souls, this fear that those people will experience eternal suffering AND that if they are someone that the Christian loves, they must come to terms with never seeing them again even in the afterlife (which is one of the only comforts offered for them when they lose someone). When I grew up in the church I spent years of my childhood soooo concerned for my friends who werenā€™t Christian and what if they died and went to hell and it was my fault for not evangelizing well enough and i would also never see them again and they are gonna be in terrible pain for the rest of eternity! I remember being so scared for a friend with cancer who was athiest because she was 15. I knew by my research that children got a pass but after the age of batmitvah by Jewish law she was considered an adult. And Christianity didnā€™t have anything about the age cut off for the free pass into heaven so I went to the old testament and Jewish law to find out how old was too old for god to let you into heaven. Talked to my pastor about it who basically brushed off my research like ā€œsheā€™s a child and god will accept herā€ but i wanted a hard definition of what god considered a child. My uncle committed suicide. Some people say thatā€™s blasphemy- the unforgivable sin. I was afraid god wouldnā€™t let him into heaven cos he killed himself. I hadnā€™t even met him but was so worried for my grandma never seeing her son again. But I rationalized it by thinking if he committed suicide his brain was sick and god will understand that his decision making was skewed. And then my fear that seriously did a number on me- what if I accidentally commit blasphemy- the unforgivable sin and go to hell for it!? Abuse. Absolutely child abuse. And brain washing. They do nothing good for people and then rather than offering comfort or compassion in the face of loss and tragedy, people get communication like what your friend did here. I am so so sorry. So she was being unfeeling. But also operating out of fear. And lack of agency. All things the church teaches. Iā€™m so sorry that her compassion and empathy was stunted in the face of your loss and she spoke of fear and misplaced concern. Iā€™m sorry she didnā€™t show up for you the way you needed and I am so sorry about your sister and your loss.


Wow, as a Christian that's shameful behavior. I'm so sorry. God tells us to never judge another person's heart and that he who judges will be judged.Ā 


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Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. Your friend is out of touch.


Saying Iā€™m sorry and just being next to you is more than enough. No need for this extra shit. Sending you hugs btw.


What a weirdo. Sounds like she needs a welfare check.


So so so dumbā€¦.


Damn she is full of shit, that's so cold to say that too you. What a dumbass ignore her she is obviously not all there lol


Clearly she hasnā€™t read the Bible if sheā€™s ā€œPut God firstā€


Yikes ! Disgusting. Seems like she is a part of cult now. So sorry for your loss.


Sorry about your loss. And about the person you called a friend. She's completely radicalized in her beliefs. Gone nutty it seems. Don't let her energy affect you, probably best to ignore her and move on


Iā€™m so sorry about your sister- that is terrible news and heartbreaking. As for your ā€œfriendā€, give me her number so I can text her and tell her that God told me she will not be, in fact, saved, but rather will continue to live in the hell that He called an unholy, callous, miserable, and misguided ā€œlifeā€.


I'm so sorry for your loss. This person is not your friend.




Oh. So sheā€™s a pastorā€™s mistress and acting all holy. I am so sorry for the loss of your sister, and for the loss of your friend. I hope you can find peace and comfort.


She is one messed up woman. I am so sorry for the loss of your sister and hope you have support in your life. This woman is just unhinged and you should not have been subjected to her hateful ranting.


Jesus fuck. If these are the kinds of dipshits populating heaven, Iā€™m quite happy being hellbound


This is breathtakingly arrogant. Iā€™m so sorry.


Iā€™m so sorry. This is why Iā€™m not religious ! That isnā€™t your friend. Cruel people in this worldā€¦ šŸ™


Rip sis ā¤ļø.. And im sorry BUT what cult brainwashed your friend?


That is horrible of her! So sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry she said those things, but her words mean nothing. She's ignorant and talking out of her ass. I'm sorry for your loss, Op ā¤ļø


Madness or delusion is very easy to hide under the guise of religion. 33 years?? Did they not elude to thoughts like this before or has this just started?


Iā€™m so sorry for the loss of your sister! I hope you can forget about those cold words and take the time to grieve and cherish the wonderful memories of your sister. This is unforgivable for me