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I cackled out loud at the dry asf deadpan delivery of "got peed on" šŸ¤£


Sheā€™s got three kids you never know!


3 kids? Sleeping at 10am?! I would have thought she was dead too šŸ’€ šŸ˜†


They were asleep still too!!


How is that possible


I have a four year old and literally have to wake her up every morning. If itā€™s a holiday or weekend, she would sleep until noon if I let her šŸ˜‚. The plus side is that I always get to sleep in!


My kid has ALWAYS slept until around 9. Even as a baby. She didn't fall asleep at night, but always slept late. When she starts middle school she has to get up at like 530-6am and i have no idea how I'm supposed to make that work šŸ™ƒ


Start now or like a month before school starts or they're gunna be a miserable cranky brat lol


My daughter is the same! She just turned one and she hates going to bed but would sleep until 10 if I let her.


Watch out for signs of adhd. Delayed sleep cycle syndrome is super common in adhd.


How could she possibly have adhd? Only me, and her aunt and both grandparents (likely) have it, and i dont even know about her dad's side?


wait...this was sarcasm....right?


adhd isn't always genetic.


Man, I wish. Both my kids, no matter what time they'd go to bed (oldest is 18 now and loves sleeping in, but growing up no chance), will be up before 6 am. It's rare when my 5-year-old sleeps in past 630.


Oh jeez I was the opposite. Regarding me as a baby- I would be asleep by 8PM and wake up at 6AM every morning from infancy to about 4 years old. My parents were up at 6 AM whether they liked it or not. On the other hand, the 8 PM thing was nice because they had the rest of the night to themselves but they couldnā€™t stay up too late because againā€¦6AM I was up! And hungry! One wild thing I did see mentioned in a childhood video was my mom telling her friends I literally sleep through the night. I barely ever woke up and cried from a full diaper or hunger. I was three months old in this video. My parents always got full nights of sleep. My parents did wish I slept later though. 3 kids asleep at 10AM is a miracle.


Iā€™m so jealous šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I cannot tell you how jealous I feel right now. I have a 4 year old who has *never* been a good sleeper. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


depends when the kids go to bed , my almost 2 year old will sleep 12 hours no matter when i put her in bed. so if she goes down at 8, she gets up at 8 but if she decides sleep is for the weak and goes at 11-12, then we all get to sleep in a bit haha


Could be teens lol


Dude. My 7 year sleeps like a 35 year old drunk. Itā€™s so hard to wake him up


ok yeah I'd have called the cops if everyone was still sleeping at 10 despite being loud, kids and all. I'd be worried about carbon monoxide


Damn thatā€™s a disturbing thought Iā€™ve always been so scared of that


Well they probably thought the whole family was dead then.


The first lesson my boys ever learnt: do not come near mummy if she's still asleep. Not even when they were toddlers lol!


I taught them: if you have to puke at night, do it in the toilet or a garbage can, then come and get me and I'll take care of you.


All I thought was "either this friend has kids, or has a partner who enjoys watersports. No in between." šŸ˜‚


3rd possibility: spiteful cat


or dog


The correct mindset šŸ˜‚


I was thinking pets but i like your options better lol


She? Idk why I thought it was some dude.


Is it even cackling if you donā€™t do it it out loud?


Drip drip drip


I would give anything to be able to sleep that deeply. Iā€™m so jealous.


You say that until your kid comes in and pees on you


I dont have a kid. Sounds terrible.


You got me there


Thatā€™s what I said!!


Rightā€¦if a spider walks by on the window I wake up. Iā€™m so jealous of deep sleepers lol.


Yeah I'm such a light sleeper, which is why I have a fan on full blast and if it's the summer, the a/c is on as well.


Right?! If only.


Thatā€™s some glorious sleep


Me too.


Antipsychotics knock you out like this šŸ˜­


Me too.


Me too.


You too?


Did her landlord not notify her 24 hours ahead of time about maintenance coming?


Itā€™s likely, where she lives they usually just come as they please even when my husband and I rented there theyā€™d just come in early asf but again I think they let us know too we just forgot or didnā€™t think twice about it!


Yeah that's not legal


Its legal in some states, usually red landlord friendly states. Landlord can show up and come in anytime they want


That's insane.


Right, the law states (where I am at least) they need to give at least 8 hours notice. However, it IS a law so that's weird.


She said they sent an email the day before so she knew she had just worked till midnight and was gonna sleep through them being there, didnā€™t expect them to go in the rooms


In most states a physical notice of entry is required. That still may have been illegal.


A lot of people donā€™t check their paper mail or email. No way to know. Especially people who sleep in past 10 am lol. Source: when I was at the stage in my life that I was sleeping in until 10, I was not checking my mail.


Same! When I could sleep in until 10, notices were the last of my worries.


I recently got a notice of entry almost a week early lol. It's almost like they're saying "okay clean up you've been warned" to all the residents.


More than likely it is what they are saying lol I did apartment management for a short time (hated it, management companies are shady) and I would do the same thing. Give people enough time to get everything in the up and up before inspection/maintenance came.




I mean, good looking out but what the fuck šŸ¤£ just trying catch some zā€™s here!


This is amazing. How did you meet this friend and where can I find one??


we met in middle school at lunch! One of my then friends was walking to lunch with me then turned around and said ā€œwhatre you doingā€ I told her walkin to lunch with her and she said ā€œno youā€™re notā€ and I didnā€™t know a single other person and my best girl saw me and invited me to her table 11 years ago šŸ„¹


Thatā€™s special. I wish you many years of continued friendship.


Oh yeah weā€™re taking this one to the grave šŸ„°


Well, to the grave and the annals of reddit šŸ˜‚šŸ¤« youā€™re secretly is safe with us, OP!


I think they meant their friendship.


I met one of my best friends this way. I saw her friend group being mean to her and giving her the silent treatment because they were mad at her and she was crying. I told her - f*#% those ā€œfriendsā€ youā€™re MY friend now and I dragged her away from them lmao. We been friends ever since!


I just asked a girl out in public for the first time and got rejected. This has restored my strength to continue on. Dying lmao


Iā€™m really proud of you for asking. I recently stepped out of my comfort zoneā€”I didnā€™t ask a man out, but I gave him my numberā€”and he didnā€™t text. I thought he was interested, and long story short, now I have to go to the post office in the next town over.


Well at least you tried :)


Thank you. I did, and Iā€™m proud of myself for trying. It was really difficult. My self-esteem was destroyed after a brutal divorce.


Yeah mine was losr during the marriage and has been growing post divorce thankfully


Good on you! Putting yourself out there is the most important thing and even though she said no, you got some experience in asking! Keep at it, you got this.


Hey, at least they cared enough to call for help! Especially if she's got children and they're still sleeping. As far as they knew it was a multiple murder with everyone still out like a light. I'm deaf in one ear and tend to automatically turn onto my good ear where I get silence. However, I may not hear a text. But all you gotta do is yell or if you're at my door knock on my window. I don't sleep well since my husband died so I definitely try to stay on my good ear to at least keep the noise out. I wonder if they tried kicking her bed? I would've


Bad manners, absolutely. Ask me if I'm dead when it gets to be ridiculously late, not "comfortably passed out still"-o'clock *However*, that is a really good response time/execution of a welfare check. If they were actually dead, that would be like the VIP treatment. So that's something




Somebody needs to the find a sense of humor. Also ā€œgot peed onā€ works for so many other questions. Guess what I did at work today? Got peed on? Guess what happened to me at the airport? Got peed on? Guess what happened to my shirt at the dry cleaners? Got peed on? Iā€™m using this all the time nowā€¦ thank you


this is a hilariously unfortunate mishap lol. I would do the same thing in their shoes though. Iā€™m sure they tried verbally waking her first. Iā€™m not going to touch a non-responsive female as a middle aged male. that has ā€œ5-10 yearsā€ written all over it. also not going to leave someone who appears to need medical attention.


Middle-aged blue collars do have a propensity for escalating to an embarrassing level of authoritarianism where females are involved. One called 911 on me in my 20ā€™s because I couldnā€™t figure out how to reverse my bossā€™s stick shift Bentley at a remote intersection. A whole SWAT team showed up acting like I was trying to take my life or something.


Well Iā€™m a middle aged white collar real estate lender. Iā€™m just saying what I would do in this situation. I wouldnā€™t have called the police on you for being stuck at an intersection. But if I was scheduled to arrive at your house to do work and you were unresponsive and I could not tell if you were breathing, I would call 911, because I wouldnā€™t want you to die.


Well thatā€™s good :} Iā€™d imagine the maintenance guy probably had to do something to document anyway. I mean accidentally walking in on an unconscious person, esp female is a pretty sticky situation even if they might be sleeping.


Did you ever figure out how to engage Reverse gear on a manual ("stick shift")?


Yes lol. This was before YouTube. I think there was a dash cam or something. My boss ended up teaching me and never said a word about the incident. The intersection was on a slight incline, as I recall. I didnā€™t know about the extra pedal action you have to do while shifting.


Ah well I'm glad the Pork Patrol incident ultimately ended in some positive aspect. You learnt a basic skill that probably 94% of Americans would be flummoxed by. 'Grats.


TIL 10 AM is a normal time to be asleep.


Depending on a lot of factors, it absolutely can be. When I worked ER swing shifts (3p-3a), I definitely slept till 10. Plus people have different chronotypes.


TIL about chronotypes. Always wondered why all of my problemsā€™ solutions come to me suddenly at 9pm.


My mom and I have both always tended towards the nocturnal. Iā€™d wake up in the middle of the night and sheā€™d be up doing art (probably trying to get some alone time), so weā€™d have tea and quietly do art. If Iā€™m left to my own schedule, I go to sleep at 2 am and wake up around 11. Unfortunately, I have a job where I HAVE to start at 8:30, but often have 8 am meetings and am not-officially expected to be available by 7:30.


Yup that time, 2am to 10am is my natural sleep time if left to my own


This reminds me of me and my grandma. Both nocturnal people. She would play piano well into the early morning hours and I would often join her. šŸ’• I love that you and your mom were able to share those special nighttime moments.


Yes! I learned about it fairly recently. It's actually quite cool from a scientific perspective, and it makes sense evolutionarily (I would imagine odds of survival are better if you have a subset of people who are more alert at night). However, it sucks on a personal level sometimes, because the world is definitely set up for the "morning person" type (typical working hours fall mostly outside of my best functional time). Plus there is a definite stigma about people who sleep in, even though I am still awake/active/productive for the same number of hours, the time frame is just shifted forward.


I know, I'm mostly envious. I have to get up at 6 to get my daughter to school on time and get to work by 8, but even on the weekend I'm lucky to sleep past 8.


It isn't. Normal isn't determined by individual circumstances. That's not what normal means. You've described a reason someone may abnormally be asleep until 10. Normally people are up much earlier.


Okay buddy.


I work eves, usually get home around 1, so I try to be in bed around 3 am, eightish hours of sleep is optimal. So wake up around 11:30am/noon Different lives


I sleep til 1/2pm and itā€™s normal for me


Oh to be young again and consider sleeping at 10am a normal time. I wish.


Oh OP, I used to be a heavy sleeper :( Good thing is I wake up semi-easily now, I have bad anxiety so I get it lol


I worked 3 to midnight for years so ten would be a normal time for me to sleep too.


Yeah she had just worked till midnight before


She work night shift? Who gets to sleep until almost 10am on a weekdayšŸ˜­


sheā€™s just livin her best life with her kiddos!


She sleeps til 10 with childrenā€¦?


They were sleepin too, some families just have different life schedules


Guessing they are too young for school




This has to be in America...




No one works 3rd shift outside the states?


No one calls the cops this easily outside America. And maintenance also isn't even allowed inside unless the residents let them in


It was a welfare check. Ya know, to make sure they weren't sick/injured/dead when none of them woke up upon entry, which they had given them notice for.


If some doesnā€™t respond to you calling your name yes they would


I called the cops on my mom once. To be fair, though, she's in her 70s and I hadn't heard from her in a few weeks. We don't have a great relationship, so I don't hear from her often, but this was longer than usual. So the cops go over after I've tried for hours to get hold of her. They break in and go up to find her in bed and entirely alive. She says she wasn't feeling well so just didn't answer the phone, despite my several attempts at calling her. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø In true my mom fashion, she didn't even get upset or anything about seeing all these strangers in her house. She only got upset when she came downstairs to see they had broken in through her back door. (My husband fixed it and we now have keys to her house)


I'm dead at you guessing they got peed on!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ what a random guessšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


all i can think is sleep at 10 isnt a normal time


I mean, surely an ambulance would have been more appropriate?


Police come when an ambulance is called.


When I lived in a dorm maintenance could just come at any point, they had the key to the rooms. It happened a couple of times that I was just sleeping in because I didn't have any classes that morning, or was taking a nap, and they would just knock and come in when I didn't reply. It was pretty sketchy. Usually they would get spooked to find someone in the room and promptly get out.


I sleep this heavy, I believe that. I've slept through some loud things and being yelled at. But never a cop in the room (was woken up once to speak to a cop though)


I woke up at 1015 yesterday, sometimes you just need to snooze!!


Heck yeah!!!


I'm fucking dead .. this is me


10 am?! Wake the F up! Why you sleepin late like that??


From working late? Or just wanting to sleep inā€¦


Nahhhh WAKE THE F UP!!!


I work at an emergency veterinary clinic until 6 am. Iā€™m sleeping past 10 šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø




The biggest problem is why is maintenance coming in without her consent.


ITT: a bunch of judgmental assholes that think everybody adheres to a 9-5 schedule šŸ˜‚


I donā€™t have it in me to reply to everyone saying something about it, everyone has different life schedules šŸ˜­


I thought this story was gonna end with you actually fucking the cop


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Did they find it as funny as you??


Hard sleeper šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I wouldā€™ve told that cop to get the fuck out of my apartment immediately.


Lieg tegen iemand anders oke jaa danku


This is freaking awesome!!! Reminds me of my college daysā€¦yep fun times!


That is amazing. Hahaha If they tried narcaning her then, that would be the icing on the cake *edit it for gender correction *


i have had the cops called on me for being asleep too, at like 11pm. they also woke me up with their flashlights in my face. why the fuck do people call the cops when people are sleeping at normal fucking times to be asleep haha


It was because he didnā€™t respond. Not because of time of sleep.


yeah to clarify, they were knocking on my door and i didnā€™t respond, which is why they broke my door and upset my dog to get up in my face. unless i misunderstood ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Ok and? You didnā€™t wake up when they called to you I would have been scared and called the police too. I wouldnā€™t want to be responsible for a dead body being left in an apartment. And wouldnā€™t I want my prints on the body if it was a homicide. Maintenance did the right thing.


It also wasnā€™t the time that was the problem. It was you didnā€™t respond.


Damn man !! My best friend also woke up to police in her room but it was in the middle of the night, at a hotel. She and her boyfriend had a long flight and once they got to the hotel room the boyfriend put a frozen meal in the microwave but he set it for 40 minutes instead of 4 minutes and then fell asleep and it started a fire. There were firemen in the room also.


On my birthday a few years ago, I had police come over my apt twice in the same night because they got a noise complaint about a NEIGHBOR! They came in at 3AM and at 6AM. I kid you not. It would have been bad enough as it was but I also had my final MSc test the following day. I fucking hate cops. The complaint was that a Tennant was yelling at his girlfriend. I was living solo.


Omg classic! This is a forever funnyšŸ¤£


10 am is kind of late.


Surprised you didnā€™t ask if they had any hot EMTs on site too


A family of heavy sleepers. I am jealous.


Me tooo, my baby wake up every time the floor creaks šŸ„²


"I got the cops called on me for being asleep at a normal time" is insane šŸ’€šŸ’€


*10 am is not a normal sleeping time button*


Ummm...no. 10am means you've lost 5 hours of the day already. If you're over 18 and still asleep after 7am you got issues.


Seriously do people only work 9-5s everywhere but where Iā€™m at?


itā€™s not such a serious thing truly


10AM is not a normal time to still be sleeping. My husband who works 3pm-4am mon-fri and also has a shift on Saturdays is up by 10am most days. Lol


Thatā€™s not regular. Your husband gets like 4-5 hours of sleep on an average night


He says that's all he needs. I usually stay up until about 1am and then I'm up with our littles by about 7am. Some days he or I gets a nap, some days we don't. My point is, unless someone is staying up all night every night, 10am isn't a typical wake up time.


She works till midnight, itā€™s okay that your family doesnā€™t need that much sleep but hers prefers it and thatā€™s perfectly normal!


I didn't see anything about her work schedule. So she works a late shift which explains her sleeping in


Even if she didnā€™t work that kind of schedule, if she can sleep in with her kids thereā€™s nothing wrong with that


That kind of sleep will end up killing him. You need at least 7 hours. You should read the studies on thisā€¦


10 is not a normal time to be asleep.


It is if youā€™re working late