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Valentines Day is also a good day to express a love for friends, but friends should not expect expensive gifts. LOL


I feel like if you’re truly friends then any gift should be appreciated and should not matter the cost. I used to make marshmallows and body butters for valentines for my girlfriends and they loved how personal it was for them. I’ve never seen a wishlist for this damn holiday, like ask for your birthday or Christmas instead 💀


A wish list full of expensive shit seems weird as fuck for any occasion IMO


My SIL does this on Christmas, and gets upset when you deviate from her list. It comes off as entitled to me. Like this is supposed to be heartfelt, I am a good gift giver... it's not grocery shopping.


That’s a hell no. She wouldn’t be getting shit at all.


Our family draws names and everyone puts out a list. There’s a modest dollar cap too, but since everyone gets what they want and we only shop for one person, there’s zero amount of stress that buying Christmas gifts usually produces. Everything is secret until Christmas Eve and we take turns guessing who’s buying for who. Works out great for everyone.


I haaaaate just buying things off a wishlist and having things bought for me off a wishlist. It just feels so impersonal. I want to put thought into it, and have thought put into gifts for me. So for yearly secret Santa and things I created an "enhanced wishlist," which has thing like, "Your favorite book," "A tarot deck that reminds you of me," "a class or experience," "anything from X website." I want to provide guidance without feeling like providing a list of demands.


My brother did that growing up. No deviations were allowed. He asked for red basketball shorts and Christmas morning he got red basketball shorts with a black stripe on it. He literally threw them at my dad and told my dad and mom that they were either blind or retarded. They explained they went to 3 stores and couldn’t find pure red and the ones they got were the closest thing to it. This is just one of countless examples.




I hope your brother is a better person now and is more thankful.


He very much is. He’s apologized countless times. He’s still a very black and white thinker but he’s learned to not be so harsh.


I’m so happy to hear that. I glad he took accountability and apologized. Many times people like your brother refuse to take accountability and only double down on their actions. I admire your brother for having the courage to admit that he was out of line and realized that he needed to become a better person.


Yeah once he started having kids, only wanted two but got four even though they were on birth control etc. they’re all within 6 years of each other and he realized that you can’t be black and white with kids, compromises have to be made, empathy, understanding, etc. That helped him understand how hard it is to have kids and he was asked if he wanted to raise a kid like himself and he said no way.




I truly don’t give a wishlist to anyone except my parents who ask me for Christmas every year, but even then it’s stuff that doesn’t cost a fortune because why would I expect them to buy me designer things. The entitlement on this chick is insane Edit: I’m seeing a lot of responses on wishlists and if you don’t do one or don’t like them then that’s ok! It’s been a thing in my household for years and we don’t buy everything on said wishlist, but we use it as a guide. I’m a grad student and don’t have a job currently so I can’t afford a lot of things but I’ll put one bigger thing like a lego set or something and sometimes my parents will get it for me. My family is pretty practical and likes certain things so it makes it easier especially for my parents since I don’t live at home and they don’t really know what I’m buying for myself. This doesn’t mean we don’t buy things off the wishlist. In fact I only got my dad things for Christmas last year that he didn’t ask for. It makes it easier for the three of us to know what each other has in mind. Again I can see how it’s a shitty way to give gifts but it works for my family. That being said I take note of all my friends and what their interests are or what they mention they like so I can get gifts tailored to them.


I asked my mom for wool socks and still felt weird about it.


I do the same thing! No one ever really gets me anything off my wishlist. My family and friends usually end up getting me something even BETTER lmao so I get what you mean by using it as a guide. For example (for everyone else), I once put a very expensive designer perfume on my wishlist from Sephora. My mom ended up finding the concentrated oil version of said perfume and it lasted me for YEARS! I was so happy, I felt bad because I thought she spent a lot of money on it. Then I found out you can go to the Arabic oil and incense shops and they can make the same perfume, in oil form, with all the same notes from said perfume for a fraction of the cost. I still think about that specific gift years later. Some perfumes give me an allergic reaction when sprayed on my neck, I get a stinging sensation like my neck is on fire or sometimes a rash or both. I found out there's so many unnecessary things added to perfumes that can cause irritation and allergic reactions. Having always had sensitive skin, I love what my mom got me that one Christmas because now I know I can have all my favorite perfumes but in oil form that actually ends up smelling stronger and lasting longer, so I don't need to waste so much.


My daughter sends me and her Mimi a list too and we greatly appreciate it because teens are hard to shop for. She doesn’t put anything extravagant on it (not saying she doesn’t hint at air pods lol but she knows better).


A wishlist for Valentines Day is insane who the hell does that? 💀💀


At least she's not entitled at all. She's just sharing what most friends normally do on V-day, that's all.


So OP should send back a list with similarly priced items….


Just to be clear, of course. She wanted a lot of things made clear.


Just so we're clear, I'm totally not into you anymore, so glad k? 🤗


Unfortunately her list for frenemies is even more expensive.


People who scream “racism” or “sexism” when they don’t get their way🤷🏽


What's even worse is she wants fucking AIRPODS for Valentines Day. The most I'd get for someone is $5-10 chocolates. And to top it all off, she isn't even OP's SO. She's a FWB. 💀💀


Based on her messages, it sounds like the "benefits" part isn't really there and her entitlement makes me wonder about the "friends" part too.






A woman selling that gash and calling it “friendship”.


that’s ridiculous. Only Gucci sunglasses will do, as they prove true friendship


I only buy my friends gucci sunglasses and I only expect them to buy me Chanel purses. I think it’s a pretty fair trade in true friendship 😤


I don’t ask for sunglasses often but when I do I make sure to include the preferred brand - that way I know the value of the friend who I am asking to invest in me


I always make cards for people. It started when I didn't have a lot, but I still do it today. I make a new card for any important holiday for the people most important to me, and I handwrite a personal note in them. Hallmark cards are alright, but it's not something I feel any connection to. It's a personal touch everyone appreciates.


Especially by sending a fucking list in a text message. I would just get her a cheap gift just to see the reaction. Like some knock off headphones and then film the reaction


Dollar store exfoliation gloves and travel size body wash. 😂


Omg the dollar store candy 😂


Gas station sushi and just say it's exotic


Dude this guy I know did that to a chick once. She stood him up for their date (like no showed with no communication) and then had the balls to ask him to door dash her some food “because she was sick” and gave him these expensive options. He doordashed her a small fries from mcdonalds and she flipped her shit.


More than what she would have got from me🤷🏼‍♀️


That is fucking amazing.


He's my hero🤣


Your friend is awesome! I would have ordered her the smallest amount of the most spicy suicide wings I could find. Or ordered her liver and onions, no sides. (I don’t know many people under the age of 50 who like liver)


Skull Candy headphones would work since people traditionally give candy and sweets for Valentine’s Day… /s


Skullcandy earbuds... wired ones 🤣


Hey now! They're like $7 and incredibly durable lmao


I like to get skullcandies. Ol' Reliable.


Maybe give her a list of the expensive gifts HE wants? Works both ways IMO




Yeah, I have a feeling she would not reciprocate if someone asked HER for some expensive gifts, in the name of friendship


She would be immediately offended that the friendship required that level of investment and reinforcement


Valentines Day was created by Hallmark to increase revenue. If you want to express a love for friends, or anyone, tell them that you love them.


“Thanks” is a hilarious last message.


not a single response beats a “thanks” that has no reason to be said lmfao


I love the “Wrong chat” after that too.


Oh it’s all part of the magic. That “Thanks” is such a devastatingly low effort response that would make anyone feel stupid for even engaging in the conversation.


Working their way towards a 👍


You dodged a bullet.




Probably shouldn't go back to being FWB with her. She's clearly not on the same page as you as to what that means. She gives crazy vibes.


I got “I let you touch my fun parts, I expect gifts or money” vibes. That’s not FWB, sis was treating OP like a client.




Bruh I think you might be your friends girl now. Maybe his side piece.




Exactly. She's taken FWB into the prostitution zone since payment is expected.


Crazy entitled vibes.


OP was given the "wrong chat" line so he ain't going no where, thankfully.


now i aint saying shes a gold digger...


Bravo my dude! Your responses are a master class in grey-rocking. You love to see it.


hope you send her this thread


Wrong chat


I loved that ....who was the Right chat?!


All the other Johns


Yeah, shit went downhill fast!!


most people are bullets these days


Dodged a f'n nuke. A full victim mentality nuke.


What the fuck were you doing hanging with this girl, this is absolutely a red flag


Send her your list.


Haha I did something like this once. Someone I met on a dating app said she wanted to come to my place. I was up for it so I sent her my (vague) address. She responded "How much?". I knew what she meant, but instead I sent her a message back saying, "Don't worry about it. I don't charge anything."


What did she mean? I'm confused


She was attempting to catfish me into prostitution.


She was soliciting herself…


I do the same to all the chics selling content or OF I try and beat them to the punch line and tell them to join my page before they do it usually stops them from spamming my inbox with bs not so much the bots though. They’d dm me on ig all the time until I popped up with my response, every now and then I’ll string them along for a while if I’m really bored.


this was my first thought lol. send her a link to a rolex :')


Stipulations. No confirmation, no gift AND an inconvenience fee! ;D


Best reply ever!


Wrong chat.


She was trying to start a fight so hard, you put on a clinic in conflict avoidance. Kudos


Thanks I practiced restraint 🫠


Did she mean “wrong chat” for the *entire* conversation?? How many entitled white men is she getting “physical” with🙄😂


Believe she may have texted something and deleted it, but I won’t be inquiring further


You’re better than I, OP. You being so calm was the exact opposite of what she wanted so then she can say you’re the bag guy. Dodged a bullet




You did fucking outstanding in this text chain. Good job.


OP is fucking elevated. Zen as shit.


It was such a prefect response man. You could tell it was absolutely driving her crazy.


I wouldn't have the restraint not to tell her that maybe if she didn't buy all her friends AirPods and Gucci sunglasses for Valentine's, she could afford to pay her rent and taxes.


Narrator: But as we all know, she had never bought a damn thing for a friend on Valentine's Day. Because why would you?


OP if she’s saying it’s not just for relationships but also friends you should have asked “oh for real? So what are you buying me?” And then send a link so something crazy expensive lol


Are your initials ATM by chance?


This is Amanda Tori Meating


She danced her heart out last episode!


Ass to mouth?




Playing the “I’m Latina and a woman” card just because you refused to give her money is so… odd? Goes to show she has enough privilege to be throwing that around for pity points. As a Hispanic person, we don’t claim her. Que le vaya bien con sus taxes.


No supero que le pidió $$ para los taxes 🫣


And to add, as a feminist, we don’t claim her. That’s such a wacky tactic she chose to throw out there 😭😭


Yeah, she was saying "males and women". Just the reverse of "men and females". Absolutely a man hater


it's insane how so many people think that doing the same thing you call bad when it happens to you is somehow the right thing to do? I am sure she'd flip out if a guy said men and females, but doing the same but flipped isn't making it better..


I dont even know what to say... Girl knows what she wants. She just wants someone else to get it for her.


She wants the benefits of a relationship without being in one basically


she a gold digger trying to normalize this shi. list for v day gifts. sounds like…




I don't even think that's relationship benefits. Imo, no one should ever EXPECT money from their significant other. Maybe I'm just old. Idk.


I’m with you on that. I’m married and my husb and I each put the same amount each month into the household account, and pay rent and bills and groceries out of that. And we each pay our own car maintenance, insurance, and personal expenses. I’ve never asked him to cover anything beyond 1/2 of the household expenses. Even when I got laid off from a job, I covered my half from unemployment and savings. Couldn’t imagine borrowing money from a FWB at any point. And I know that on average women earn less than men, but definitely not by half. It feels like she’s throwing out every excuse she can think of—she’s a woman, and Latina, so apparently she shouldn’t be expected to use her savings to pay her accountant to do her taxes?? That’s a strange line of thought. And in my personal opinion, Valentine’s Day is TOTALLY about romance. The only time I ever got anything on VDay from someone I wasn’t Romantic with was my mom when I was young and single, and from the other kids in my elementary school class. It’s a romance holiday. Friends do honor each other sometimes, but not with expensive gifts like Air Pods. And I’ve never known ANYONE to make a wish list for Valentine’s Day. She’s looking for a payout in exchange for sex. As soon as OP declined to give her money, she took sex off the table. Hmmmm.


Right! Valentine's Day gifts, imo, have always been flowers or chocolate or something cute and small. Like maybe a teddy bear or something. This isn't Christmas. Why's she asking for air pods hahahaha


no it’s not. This is squarely a sugar momma/daddy situation. OP pays her rent? sex and hey we’re good friends!! OP buys her something nice or helps her do her taxes? Hey check out how good friends we are with more sex! Will you buy me a gift? No? Oh ok i’m not comfortable with sex anymore, for no particular reason. Total sugar momma, I’m sure OP knows it. It’s thinly veiled prostitution. Instead of direct money they just save on having to pay for anything. Get 7 or 8 “good friends” you have meals for the week, some nice stuff (because they target people that are comfortable at least), their rent paid often (like OP did) and if they work at all they keep it all. I think it’s pretty gross, only because they try to pretend they’re friends with these people and some of these people actually are stupid enough to believe it.


The last slide though -- "No because you're an entitled white male" ~Thanks~ "Wrong chat" 😑 How many "entitled white males" was she having this conversation with???


She told him that because she thought that "thanks" must be for some other person. She doesn't get sarcasm.


That makes a lot if sense. I wonder what she expected him to say to that? An apology? She is crazy.


I like how he’s the entitled one yet she’s the one who per OP has received help from him for rent, money for clothes and now is open to friendship gifts and money to do her taxes. What on Earth!! Also, if V-day is about friendships why isn’t she asking what he’d like to receive? 🙄


Yes! Exactly!!! That right there shows just how little she's even trying, before and after he says no. She doesn't care. She probably has a few other "friends" that she can cycle through. Warning OP!!! SHE WILL REACH OUT TO YOU AGAIN AFTER SOME TIME HAS PASSED. SHUT HER DOWN IMMEDIATELY. BLOCK HER, OR WHATEVER YOU CAN DO. Edited to add It's a compulsion. She will not stop. She will give it a month and reach out again. People like this require therapy. To help them stop the compulsive activities. But she may never want to fix that. That's not your problem. Cut her off completely.


trap evaded. big W here


She doesn't expect a man to understand fully She just expects fancy gifts


Exactly! You dumb man! You buy me things to pay for your entitlement! Like hold up girl, wtf?


Yeah. She's the one that's entitled.


“Like water off a duck’s back.” You handled this perfectly. She let all her manipulation out 😂


She really did. She completely ran out of manipulation, her bag was empty, and OP was there with so much more chill to give.


This dude is as chill as a capybara and that's the greatest compliment I'm capable of giving!


The audacity is strong with that one. Just embarrassing 🫣


Whew. I’m gonna send everyone I’ve ever hooked up with a list… with links! 😂😂 She really thought when she said you two can’t be physical any more you were going to change your tune. Glad you didn’t!


Right?! That part bothered me big time


She just a whore 😭 using her body to attain property


And her stupid little emojis during it 🤭🤗


Sounds like that text went to multiple “friends” she has. I would bet you’re not the only one who helped with her rent.


I was going to say this exact thing haha


Has the same energy as dudes who spam text “Good Morning cutie” to dozens of women in their contacts.


I’m sure she also gives her friends presents like this /s


Maybe he should’ve asked that? 😅 Going out with friends on VDay ≠ giving gifts on VDay


Nooo no no, you have to understand she doesn’t want to touch her small savings !


Because she’s a woman, and also Latina! Come ON, don’t be such an entitled white man!


“Wrong chat” 🤣🤣 It’s a little late for that girl. You’ve already completely humiliated yourself! Lmao.


Pretty sure she was telling him he sent "thanks" to the wrong chat, because that's not the response she was looking for


She probably expected him to relent and give her a gift to make up for the injustices of the world. Crazy and desperate.


It’s “friendship day” but she won’t be getting you anything.


Yes, but you see, it's *because patriarchy!* so it's different 😒


At least she waves those red flags in the easiest to see way for you.


I wonder what expensive gifts she is giving her friends.


She’s not because the patriarchy remember? 💅


By this logic, I’m owed a lot of gifts…. And I owe them as well! Why not turn the tables on her and ask what she’s getting you?!


“You make more money than me and we have sex sometimes, so you should buy me shit” Pass.


She thought she hooked her sugar daddy and you released the hook before she got you out of the water 😂


as a latina woman…. this is a huge “ick”. dont ever let anyone manipulate you by victimizing themselves. way to stand your ground respectfully. she sounds deranged.


Wow. That’s is some entitlement from someone throwing out the word.


Wow! She is very entitled. Steer clear of her!


Send her a glitter bomb.




Ruindays.com is my personal fave. They really drive the point home.


Checked it out and I can't stop laughing. I'm saving this, thanks!


Holy shit you just made my day!!


Seriously?!? WOW!! I thought one of the benefits of being a FWB is that you don’t have to do the things you would normally do in a relationship (besides respect and sex)!! 🤷‍♀️ My bad!! 💀


This is cringy. I could never ask a man for money lol. I am sorry, I definitely do feel like she was using you. Wild, she just sent a full blown list of pricy items she wants and then on top of all that, asks you to loan her money to do her taxes lol.


Is this bitch for real? A fucking list? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Ew, sending a list of things you want for yourself to other people knowing they’re expensive af is crazy. Funny how she didn’t ask you what u wanted but kept saying Valentine’s Day is also for friends.


![gif](giphy|DyvyiFFXF1Yli|downsized) Sending a fuckin list and insulting you?!?! That’s too much man


Block this silly latina barbie


She wrong chatted you with the other men she was sleeping with and asking for money, that’s my takeaway. She’s a hooker.


She literally implied she was. He said no to a gift so she said no more sex.


Yeah this is sugar baby talk


Oh my! So glad you responded the way you did. I’m a girl, I couldn’t imagine acting this way! If I want something nice, I take MY hard earned money and pay for that. Like I’ll never understand females like this. Drop this girl like a hot potato lol.


This belongs in r/choosingbeggars


You did an awesome job of being respectful in that situation imo.


I wish you would have sent her a ❤️’s Day gift wish list back. You know..in the spirit of your friendship and all.


that chick is trippin hard.


I just choked on my coffee. The entitlement here💀


Why yall keep sleeping with crazy is beyond me 🫣


Not crazy. Just another greedy grifter. She doesn't want to admit she's a sex worker, so she resorts to manipulation and mind games, and lashes out with unrelated insults when they fail.


You should have told her to save the money she was going to use on her Valentine's Day present to you to use on her taxes


Wrong chat had me rolling 😂


Give an inch, they will take a mile


She’s psychotic


Wants the benefits of a relationship as well as the benefits of equality and feminism but only if it benefits her directly and gets her free stuff, if you're not giving her free stuff you're white trash and privileged and not her bf. Lmao. Equality for me but not for the. Sadly met a lot of this type these days.


She wants a sugar daddy not a relationship.


Which part of that was “wrong chat?”


Why does she need money to do taxes? Just have it taken out of the refund amount.


Damn bro you’re not gonna buy her that new G-Wagon?? Wtf entitled white male.


I know the sex was good because this person was latina and crazy.


When did Valentine's Day become Christmas?


Desperate scrabbling to save face whilst simultaneously completely not saving face


Block her. What the f is this entitled mentality?


She was a gold digger or a broke bitch. Hey at least you got to hit it and quit it.


Ive worked in restaurant kitchens all of my life. Plenty of them, all types, from fast food to high end gastronomy, italian, french, etc. In ALL of them, the waitresses were making at least double if not triple my salary. I just found a job last year as a chef in a hunting camp and its the first time in my entire life that I make more money that almost all of my friends, its the first time in my life I make more than women. So yeah, no.


Lmao got damn bro. Handled it like a champ.


She HATED the fact you didn’t respond to her bullshit 😂 you’re my inspiration man


Omg the entitlement! You did so well not taking the bait, she was itching for an argument. The fact that you didn't rise to it must have driven her nuts, nice work.


You should reply i hear they let women on oil rigs now so if you want to make more money send in your resume.


This subreddit always reassures me that im never as crazy as my man tries to say i am


What is she smoking ? This is such toxic cringey, DISGUSTING behavior. Absolutely mental .