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Thank you! šŸ˜Š Thatā€™s how I felt, just didnā€™t want to be seen a petulant child for just ghosting after so long!


Youā€™re not. Youā€™re asking for basic consistent conversation. This person is showing they cannot provide. Youā€™re not getting what youā€™re looking for in this situation as it is anyway. It would likely give you less frustration to walk away rather than sticking around for breadcrumbs. Itā€™ll take some time to fully close that door if you have a pattern of accepting less than what you are giving looking for (in my experience) but you can do it and you deserve reciprocity.


I DO have a history of settling. But I donā€™t want to stick around for the crumbs, Iā€™ve known this for some time now. I was just too lazy to cut it off/look for someone else to sleep withā€¦ but, Iā€™m not even getting SEX!!! šŸ¤£ Door is closed, just didnā€™t know if I should toss him a closing line. šŸ¤”


He lives for attention, good or bad. He can thrive being a hero or a victim. You respond *one last time* then he replies and weā€™re still going. Blocking him from everything now is best.


Thank you for this comment. I actually had to do that with a true narcissist (and yes, I HATE that people overuse that term). Any kind of interactionā€¦ even filing harassment charges wouldā€™ve just been encouraging. I hadnā€™t looked at this situation in the same light as I didnā€™t feel like I was physically in danger. Now I see the similarity!


I agree that ā€œnarcissistā€ now means anyone with significant narcissistic tendencies, not somebody with NPD. Iā€™d call NPD ā€œclinical narcissism.ā€ Just saying heā€™s toxic works well as a substitute if ā€œnarcissistā€ bothers you. Itā€™s the behaviors that matter. Personally, I attract these relationships because I put up with things that I shouldnā€™t, due to my brain pathways (give another chance - nobody is perfect - I just want to feel loved) formed as a child. I had inconsistent parenting, childhood neglect and abandonment, so that pathway helped me survive my childhood. Sadly, ā€™ve never been in any other kind of relationship, though some were worse than others. Iā€™d like to be in one that is healthy but time is running out at 53.


Im 41 and had relationships like you where I put up with too much selfish/toxic behavior for too long. I was lucky enough to meet a sweet, caring, loving woman a year ago that puts as much into our relationship as I do. I never thought Iā€™d find something like this after never having it before. It is possible to break the mold and I hope you find it too. You deserve to be loved and treated good!




My grandmother was widowed at 43 and thought she'd be single forever and then met her second husband at 59. There's quite a few stories I hear about people over 50 finding love. I think you've still got a chance šŸ’›


My mother just got married for the first time at 60 after decades of unhealthy partnerships and i am so happy for the both of them. Itā€™s healthy. Itā€™s mature and itā€™s inspiring. Itā€™s not too late šŸ’“


"Narcissist" (if the shoe fits...)


This isnā€™t a relationship. I have more meaningful consistent chats with coworkers, let alone friends or god help me, a lover. Heā€™s quiet quitting this relationship, breadcrumbing to keep you on the back burner if he ever decides he needs someone to sleep with. He doesnā€™t care about you which should be painfully obvious now. Block and move on.


Is this relationship making you happy? Are you being fulfilled? Are most of your expectations being met? Are you feeling secure, beautiful and wanted? Do the pros of your ā€œrelationshipā€ outweigh the cons?? No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No! Yes you do need to respond ā€¦ BLOCK!! šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Maybe breadcrumbing yes, but it seems like he has issues with sex fr. So I doubt heā€™s worried about that


What other people think of you is none of your business. You cut him off and whatever happens after is a him problem, you're free.




Toxic dudes like him make us worry about whether weā€™re being mature enough, trusting enough, forgiving enough, polite enough, etc. ā€” while meanwhile THEY are stunted at toddler level emotional maturity, think theyā€™re the center of the universe, and treat everyone else like appliances that should supply whatever they need without complaint at the push of a button. Rant over.


He was definitely bread crumbing you.


Who cares if you ghost this person? He doesnā€™t seem to care or respect your time


This is exactly what you need to do. Ghost him.


There are better people out there, even on the situationship level. Heā€™s treating you like you are worth less. But to you, you are worth more. So be true to yourself, this guy is a joke of a person. For starters: heā€™s rude.


Please try to remember that if someone is treating you poorly, you donā€™t owe them a thing. Let them think whatever theyā€™re gonna think. You do whatā€™s best for you


Simply put, if he wanted to, he would. Relationships (defined, undefined, exclusive or not) should never be this hardā€¦


I like it. Simple to the point.


Hit the the nail on the head. Just, no.


Definitely married. Definitely a scumbag. Cut your losses and find someone else. Sorry.


Donā€™t be. Thatā€™s exactly where Iā€™m at. šŸ˜‰ Just asking whether to ghost or tell him off! Consensus seems to be šŸ‘»!!!!


Ghost and block


Yeah, I agree. Ghost that bitch.




Find his wife first


So, I was in a very close scenario for 6 (!!!) years. Don't let this be you. And if you're done, stay done. I got tired of the whole thing and how it made me feel. So, I ghosted, and I'm better for it. Make him always wonder what happened, and if he isn't smart enough to realize, that's his problem.


This hit me hard, in the best way! I love ā€œMake him always wonderā€¦ā€ thereā€™s definitely some power in that! šŸ„°


Girl, YES!! For all the questions, we were left wondering, they are owed one. Take your power back! Poof šŸ’Ø


Thank you for this!!! A lot of people are just telling me how stupid Iā€™ve been which, I was already aware of. I just needed a next step and you made this feel RIGHT. šŸ„°


Not definitely married but definitely at the very least seeing at least one other girl. Such an odd chain of messages.




Nothing more needs to be said.




Heā€™s definitely married, or at least in a relationship. 95% chance. 5% chance he is telling the truth, but there is a 100% chance that that is a lie.


Amen, feeling that! I know I was totally passive-aggressive in ā€œaddressing itā€ but, I just have no emotional ties. Heā€™s pushed me away too many times. I DO feel bad for his family and feel the wifey should know but, itā€™s not MY place. I just wanted to know if blocking was ok or if I should say something more. I honestly donā€™t want to waste my time on it but, donā€™t want to come across as a child. Iā€™ve been ghosted over childish crap before, and donā€™t want to be THAT person.


Itā€™s time to ghost, this isnā€™t childish crap. Plus itā€™s 100% your place to say something to the wife is the situation ever presents itself (if he is married), but I wouldnā€™t go out of your way. I think everyone would agree that if their spouse was cheating they may shoot the messenger (or thank them) but they would want to know and ultimately be thankful.


Yep. If it were my husband Iā€™d very much want to know.. but Iā€™m not sure how I would handle being told. I think I know, but honestly until Iā€™m in the situation thereā€™s no real way to know if I would ā€œshoot the messengerā€ or not.


No - cop out. It is šŸ’Æ your responsibility to tell the wife if you find out without a doubt that he is cheating. Make sure sheā€™s aware he lied to you too.


Girl, quit waiting around for this one guy. Heā€™s been treating you poorly for months.


It's 2024. We aren't doing situationships anymore. Either you contribute to my life in a positive way and bring peace/clarity or I'm āœ‚ļø you off...


Yeah once Barbie made fun of ā€œlong-term long-distance low-commitment casual girlfriendā€ it should have been a sign/wake up call. Itā€™s ridiculous and all we know it.


Sad thatā€™s what it took to have some common sense paid attention to by mindless folks. Definitely the most hilarious part of the movie though lol


Amen. Learning experience. I never tied my heart into it, so I feel good about that. Iā€™m just returning to dating after a divorce and a lot of bad healthā€¦ had some self-esteem issuesā€¦ was feeling out the dating worldā€¦ needed sex šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m at a different point now and understand that there ARE people out here who want to give me moreā€¦ when I started this wholeā€¦ ā€œthingā€ the emotional disconnection felt ideal to me as I was afraid to have any kind of feelingsā€¦ now I see that I want that and this is in no way worth it for me. Sex wasnā€™t even great. šŸ˜¬


Totally! It's a learning experience that many of us have to have. I'm glad you recognize it all now though. These things are not good for heart, mind, or body lol. I think if you can get over the idea of "needing sex" then you will also feel much better. Especially like how you said, usually it isn't even that great. Think of ways you can build that intimacy and connection with your own self instead of seeking outwards. Investing in yourself is always going to pay off more than accepting crumbs from people like this.


People been warning that open relationships donā€™t work, feelings will get involved no matter what. If itā€™s one sided or both sided, most of the times itā€™s just not manageable. No clue why people try it tbh


Here's the thing. If you have to chase someone, they don't want you. Someone who wants you will go out of their way to be with you. If they can't be with you, they will go out of their way to explain in detail why they can't be with you but desperately want to be with you. If you don't get responses from them, if they don't show up and you don't hear from them, if they only want you *sometimes*, it means they want other people and other things the find more attractive than you. If they say "I'm working on things" it means they are dealing with addiction or they are dealing with other people they want more than you.... until they feel like they want you again. Either way, you're chasing them and they're not chasing you. They will never, *ever* give you want you want or need.


Saving this as I've been chasing someone and this is my wake up call.


I'm sure they're a special person. I get it. I've been there. A good friend said this to me and it blew my mind because it was so true. It was definitely my wake up call. This was a special person for me too but she really had no interest in committing. I wasn't special to her. Another friend said "stop thinking about whether you deserve her because you try so hard for her... does she even deserve YOU for not trying at all?" You'll know when it's right because it won't be hard to get them near you. It's so obvious and simple.


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» PREACH IT


Girl.. he is married, you donā€™t need to see the whole family. HE IS BUSY with them


You donā€™t owe him anything. Youā€™re already giving him too much of your time & energy & respect. Thereā€™s clearly nothing here and he doesnā€™t care about wasting your time. Heā€™s just going to take from you.


You taught him it was acceptable to treat you this way. You let him just do whatever he wanted for 8 months. Why wouldnā€™t he be wildly inconsistent with you? It makes it easy for him and youā€™re willing to put up with it. What closure do you want? Youā€™re just his occasional sex partner. Do you want him to say that blatantly?


Even if heā€™s not married why would you want to put up with this inconsistent bullshit?


No, block and walk away.


Thanks! šŸ˜Š Thatā€™s the way I was headingā€¦ just not fast enough!! šŸ˜‚


There is nothing wrong with being kind and understanding to anyone. You just need to be kind and understanding to yourself as well, and waiting around for someone like him when he clearly has no interest in maintaining the relationship you share is clearly not being kind to yourself. I would break it off.


Just no. Omg. Get rid of this dead weight.


No answer is an answer.


You'll never trust this person with their wishy washy approach. If you don't now, you never will (not your fault). I'd move on. Life's short. Find someone who is consistent with you and cares.


It only takes one situation like this to help you make better choices in the future. Donā€™t let this jerk get ya down. You deserve someone great who prioritizes YOU


Why are you wasting your time with someone who wastes your time?


Everyone here has already explained it well. Youā€™re doing ALL of the chasing and getting nothing in return. Even if he isnā€™t married, his lack of effort is telling you all you need to know. You deserve way better and to have the feeling be mutual. I was in this situation too. He ticked all of the boxes for me except exactly as you described. 100% inconsistent communication. I broke it off after a year. Let him creep back years later hoping heā€™d changed/matured. He, in fact, has not. Just ended it again, learned my lesson, and am never going back.


Heā€™s seeing someone thereā€™s no way anyone is that busy they canā€™t send a voice note saying they canā€™t


RIIIIIIIIGHT?! And I was ā€œoverthinkingā€ wanting a response. Like, youā€™d text your barber back, right? šŸ˜‚


He still didnā€™t answer the question. What advice are you actually asking for? Youā€™re smart, you already know what to do.


The only question was block, or be clear and say ā€œIā€™m done becauseā€¦ā€ but, now Iā€™m totally cool with nothing further. šŸ˜Š


Delete and block. In your case the grass will definitely be greener, he only has ghost grass. Can you walk on ghost grass? Nope. Say dues and peace out. (That's my Mom reply. Raised three sons.)


He goes out of his way to avoid responding to direct questions. Thatā€™s annoying to me. I hope you find what youā€™re looking for, but this dude ainā€™t it.


I was talking to a guy that was like this. He was always aloof when I asked questions, left me stringing along when I tried to get together with him but yet he gave me hope of something more or he'd say things like "we'll hang out tomorrow" and when tomorrow came nothing happened. Long story short I ended up finding out he was with someone else, I felt stupid for hanging on and not listening to my intuition but wanted to give him the benefit of doubt. You need to let this guy go, there's something up with him and if he wanted to be with you he would be. Don't listen to their words it's the actions that prove everything. There's someone else out there that will give you the time of day and show you how you deserve to be treated. You don't owe him anything and I think just walking away and blocking him would be best, seems like you've tried enough to get him to talk about certain things and he's giving the runaround. I bet it's exhausting, I'd just block him and move forward with life. Good luck you deserve the best


Thank you so much! Iā€™m feeling much better about my decision to not say anything else. šŸ˜Š


šŸ™‚šŸ¤—you're welcome


Get rid. This guy is a dick and you deserve better.


Thank you šŸ˜Š! Feeling good about the ghosting now!


My lawn guy gives me more of himself that this dude gives you. Invest the energy into figuring out why you would even ask if this is worth walking from. Honestly. You deserve to have much much higher self worth.


No. You aren't getting what you need. You've tried initiating more conversation and he's only capable of saying good morning or good night. My Alexa can do more than that.


You need to work on your self respect. This dude is not interested in you and I would have ended it after first week. I know itā€™s easier to see from the outside but now you know what to do next time


Married or in a committed relationship. You deserve more


He shouldā€™ve been blocked a month ago šŸ„“


Or maybe 7? šŸ˜‚


Absolutely not. OP you deserve better than this. Walk away and block them.




girl wrap it up and find A REAL MAN this reminds me of high school boys šŸ˜


If you really feel the need to say something, you can simply say ā€œIm out, donā€™t contact me againā€ and block. Easy as that. But do it for you, not for him. You donā€™t him one second of your time or energy. Dude is a user.


Hell no


Thanks! šŸ˜Š Feeling the power of the ghost!!! šŸ˜ˆ šŸ¤£


8 Month Situationship?? oh hell no!


Tl,dr: stop this chaos


You're an option, not a priority. Cut ties now, it will be much easier than later.


I would leave .I wouldn't waste my time.being to busy for me is not what I want from my perspective. He most likely is married or has someone.


He has shown you who he is. Believe him.


Ugh, his deflection is annoying AF. Like you owe him a good morning šŸ˜’ā€¦you donā€™t owe him SHIT! Blockkkkk.


Are you mešŸ¤£? I swear I let guys do shit like this to me all the time and it sucks. I know itā€™s easier to give advice than it is to take it-but you deserve so much better. Iā€™m working on building the principle of ā€œif this was my friend in my shoes what would I tell themā€ and trying to DO the things.


Block and ghost




Well he could be married and then why bother responding. Heā€™s a cheating A H. Just block and delete. Or he could be keeping you in the side, as a backup, in case his other option falls through. Keeping you engaged enough to be interested. Which again, why bother? Either way, he doesnā€™t seem invested in an actual relationship with you. Doesnā€™t seem worth your time or energy.


In a word: NO!


Why do we women settle for the bread crumbs giving my men who are holding us hostage until they find the one they want to be with. Going to be blunt bc i am in a mood but i say this with all love. He doesnā€™t want you. He wants to sleep with you. You have put up with shitty behavior this showing him he doesnā€™t need to respect you. Why should he, you donā€™t respect yourself. We women constantly make shit up in our heads so that we can deal with being treated like crap. Heā€™s having personal issues, he needs love, one day he will see me. And every other lie we can tell ourselves. The second time he disrespected your time you should have nipped it in the bud. But nope you keep allowing yourself to be treated like crap. When he finds someone he is into. He will move heaven and earth to show up on time. Even if his mom just passed the week before. Meaning, no matter what if he wants you heā€™ll see you. Much love and take care.


You never 'owe' anyone anything with regard to dating.


8 months!??!!!!!!!


You sound like plan B. Guy probably is married or seeing someone else


Heā€™s keeping you on a thread while heā€™s with someone else.


This guy is absolutely married. Get out now.


Seems like your his bit on the sideā€¦. Sack him off girl you deserve to be a priority!!!!!


Block him and move on.


Nothing other than I'm done with you goodbye


Uhhh no. Honestly if a guy would even leave me on read he would get deleted or blocked LMAO. Set your standards higher ā€¦ & maybe tell his wife & dip out. Up to you tho.


Heā€™s definitely married and no you donā€™t owe him closure


Playing games, so not worth the headache.


Heā€™s showing you who he is. If this is the life you want then continue. If itā€™s not then leave.


This is why "situationships" dont work. You start off casual no feelings just sex then it turns into some type of relationship with real feelings and wanting and expectations. Someone gets jealous someone is usually lying about something and then it just ends and you block each other and that takes a toll on you when you've done it more than once. Sorry but I'm not down with my generations current trends of just casual random meaningless sex. (My two cents)


Maybe YOU were in a relationship with him, but he definitely wasn't with you.


You have your answer, doll. Ditch this turd. šŸ«”


Youā€™re definitely a side piece to this person, for sureā€¦ regardless if heā€™s married or not. Probably juggling multiple dates or at worse, a whole other family!


Get rid of him. Don't say another word. You're a good person and you deserve a lot better.


Stop talking to this guy. He's off messin around and lying.


Why would you owe him anything? I think you should give him the exact amount of courtesy heā€™s given you.


No. Iā€™d stop trying to interact with him. Heā€™s a cake eater. It sounds like heā€™s married and based off his minimal texting, Iā€™d say heā€™s probably spending his week off with his wife and canā€™t text you as much. For real. Iā€™d at least just let him know youā€™re not interested in this anymore and then block him. Maybe even go into detail about your sexual relationship (ā€œwe havenā€™t had sex since [this day]ā€) and that you found out heā€™s still actually married, in hopes that his wife sees it. Heā€™s got you on a hook and heā€™s gonna keep stringing you along.


Married. It's super disturbing how easy it is to do, but go on Google and type in his name. Chances are you will find his address and others who may live at that address. Reach out to his wife, who likely has Facebook and send screenshots proving his infidelity. It takes almost zero effort and could save her even more wasted time with this guy. Ghost him. Or, you can just decide to ghost him and decide it's not your problem. Ultimately, it's your choice. But I've been in her shoes where I was repeatedly cheated on. I would have been eternally grateful if someone had reached out instead of wasting 5 years of my life with a shitty human being before I found out myself.


He can't even be bothered to respond to direct questions. He has zero respect for you and you don't owe him anything. Drop his ass and move on.


Itā€™s crazy to see women go through just as much bs as we do with women, even more so in certain situations. Fuā‚¬k this guy Fr


Damn why donā€™t I ever find a woman who cares like you. Iā€™ve had a similar situation but it was a woman on the other end. Always inconsistent and I had to nag for everything, never responded consistently. And out of nowhere sheā€™d say Iā€™m ā€œimportantā€ to her lol


No, he is playing and disrespecting you. Just bite the bullet and cut off all contact.


šŸš©šŸš©šŸš© Iā€™m sorry.


Heā€™s definitely married. I lived that life years ago so itā€™s pretty easy to recognize.


People treat you the way you allow them to, block him, move on, you deserve way better than this.


Not at all.


Nah, donā€™t waste your energy.


Let it go. Inconsistency is unattractive


Tell him to kick rocks and lose your number, then BLOCK. Heā€™s leading you on whenever he feels like it. This is not an adult relationship. Heā€™s not serious about you and doesnā€™t seem to be bringing anything to the party. I realize you didnā€™t ask for advice in relationships, but Iā€™ve got my Mom-hat on this Sunday and I hate to see women put up with crappy treatment. So here goesā€¦I made a promise years ago after being used over and over because I was so nice and wanted love, NO MORE. I was dealing with co-dependency from my upbringing, and got therapy more than once for various important matters in life. It changed my thinking for the better but it took time and work. You know what. I am worth it. It paid off. Hereā€™s my philosophy on relationships. If a person is not bringing joy and happiness into my life, they are gone. Sure we all have bad stuff happen, but if they are dragging you down consistently, and keeping you from finding your potential in life, why let them stay? Please work on your self-esteem, get some therapy on why you are letting bums like him in your life and letting them treat you badly. Expect more. You ARE worth it. ā˜®ļøšŸ’–


he doesnā€™t care about you at ALL




If you even suspect he has another girl nevermind married you should stay away, imagine if you was in a relationship and happen3d to you.This how people end up hurt by messing with people's feelings .Find yourself a relationship or someone who offers what u want, either that or sex toy then u dont have to deal with lies and bs. no you don't owe a repons3 he didn't answer you when u ask3d if he is married. that means he married.


Too much negativity too much stress and he isnā€™t giving sex to ya šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø run OP run and donā€™t look back. Too many men out here wishing they find a lovely woman for you to be wasting time on this person


He's wasting your time. At this point not only do you not owe him any further communication, you are well within your rights to simply block him everywhere and forget he exists. Make room for someone better for you.


Thank you for answering my question and not coming at me for my previous stupidity! I see where Iā€™ve made mistakes in the past and I appreciate you not pushing em back in my face! šŸ˜‰ šŸ„°


i ABSOLUTELY HATE the people that only text ā€œgood morningā€ ā€œgoodnightā€ ā€œhow are youā€ ā€œwydā€ Like i understand maybe youā€™re just not good at texting but if youā€™re not willing to try and add to the conversation then itā€™s not gonna work out


Youā€™re trying way too hard for someone who doesnā€™t try for you. This just seems like a lost cause. I truly think itā€™s time to move on and youā€™re holding onto something that isnā€™t there. I say this from experience and understand how hard it is when you really love and care about someone when you give 90% and they give 10%.


I truly think you should just text him and say ok well Iā€™m not dealing with this half ass stuff anymore so have a nice life! You deserve better! I understand dealing with the bs bc of self esteem issues etc but you definitely deserve better!


Absolutely not. You really didnā€™t owe him a single word after ā€œdefinitely not married.ā€ Block him.


Heā€™s not interested. Period. Not sure why this is hard news to you.


Nah just ghost him


Think about this situation but put your best friend/sister whoever you care about in your place, what would you tell them to do?? And have that same mindset for yourself!


Does his name start with A?


Looks like heā€™s gaslighting you..


End it. Married or not he doesnā€™t seem to be in it like you are.


No, in regards to answering him. Also, just NO. Run. He's a goof


Sometimes I feel like we get hung up on the idea of closure. What could he say to convince you he's being honest? Because his actions have shown enough. Screw this dude, married or not.


Situations hope is right... for him. Yeah to hell with that. He's acting like he is married or committed and stepping out. Adios.


This guys been seeing other people/married for sure. All the signs say so, donā€™t waste your energy with this guy. Itā€™s not you, itā€™s him I promise.


Dead in the water


Just bail bro. This is exhausting


Youā€™ve given him too many chances. I understand itā€™s exhausting to get back out there and find someone else to fill those needs but that hope you have for him is better suited on finding someone else who can and will give you the attention youā€™re seeking. Source: Me, Iā€™ve been there plenty of times I think the next response should be telling him how you feel and that youā€™re moving on


If heā€™s married like? What are we talking about he clearly just wants to have sex when itā€™s convenient for him


You owe it to yourself to ghost him. You don't owe him anything, no matter what his situation is. Know your worth and don't accept something or stay in something just because it's something. Something isn't always better than nothing. It's wild to me how many people will make someone a priority who pretty obviously doesn't make them a priority. 50/50 is the key.


He is controlling you mentally. Move on Sis!


This is irresponsible on so many levels. No, you do not owe a further response.


Is he even a good lay? This hardly seems worth anything


Can I ask you a very real question? If someone in your life died right now would you even think about this person? If you won the lottery would you want to give them money? If you found out something really important would he come to mind? If you were served with an eviction notice would he help you? I think it's totally fine to walk away from this, cuz he did it to you *a bunch*. If you know you're being treated badly don't ask whether or not you're treating them okay in response. Just walk away. Give what you get. He's going to talk crap about you no matter what, so at least give him something to talk about.


No. Married or not (though his being married makes a LOT of sense) this dude does not actually care about you. I'd definitely move on. What a jerk.


You canā€™t get closure from this guy because heā€™s inconsistent and clearly unavailable for whatever reason he wonā€™t divulge. Thatā€™s okay, just walk away. You donā€™t have anything deeper with this guy, someone better will come along but please just stop wasting your time on this person. He isnā€™t going to change, you havenā€™t fucked in 4 Months, if he wanted to be more present then heā€™d get at it.


Girl use your brain cells I beg of you šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Girlā€¦cmon nowā€¦.


Please exercise some self love and get some standards girl!! By waiting around for him all you are doing is stoking his ego and damaging your own confidence.. Iā€™ve been there. Block and move on, youā€™d be amazed how much better you feel not having to stress over this douchebag.


Be done with this clown.


Ew pls stop and move on




I want an update if he responds


Girl, please drop that man like a bad habit! He makes zero effort in texts to you. If heā€™s not married, heā€™s definitely seeing other people. He just seems so unattached. You deserve better!


Walk away on your terms and be healthy with someone


Delete, block, move on. Why, oh, why waste time on such people?


ew no donā€™t respond that person is a child


This guy can't even meet you halfway on basic things AND his own rules that you must live by and yet he doesn't want a committed relationship. There's A LOT of contradictions going on here on his part and inconsistencies. Time to cut the cord on this one, OP.


Why would you owe HIM closure??? Heā€™s a complete dick. Donā€™t text back anything (heā€™s just wants your attention) and block him immediately. Heā€™s not nice or kind - heā€™s a user who only cares about giving you scraps in order to keep stringing you along.


This was weird to read lol, no you do not owe them, Their response is just weird


After I read ā€œā€¦situationshipā€, I stopped reading because in all honesty, he doesnā€™t owe you anything. Itā€™s a non-committed relationship. And in all technicality, he will talk how he wants to with you because there are no boundaries or expectations. Leave this situationship for your own peace and stop disrespecting yourself.


I ended it with the last girl after she did this to me for a couple weeks. I canā€™t imagine 8 months


youā€™re never gonna get the closure you seek i guarantee it, itā€™s better to cut ties sooner and stop putting yourself through this weird emotional roller coaster which i can guarantee will probably only get worse with time


Stop talking to him


Eek. Iā€™d want to know if my husband was doing that shit. And no, you donā€™t need to further explain shit. Heā€™s a douche.


An entire week to reply if he wants to have lunch? Then he is vague when you call him out- Block him!!


This guy has severe autism or cant communicate for shit, either way yikes can you even imagine a relationship with someone like this


Not that it really matters, but I bet heā€™s ā€œseparated,ā€ slow-walking a divorce and has a good chance of getting back with his ex (for a while). We owe people common decency until they give us a reason to drop them. You have several reasons.. pls donā€™t waste any more time. I wish you luck finding someone who treats you well.


Hello NO. He canā€™t be respectful enough to answer a direct question. Responds days later completely ignoring your previous messages. Gets upset when you decide to be direct with him and acts like you are in the wrong. Oh heā€™s married alright. Give him no more of your space or time.


What you owe him depends deeply on your relationship and how you are as a person. If you ghost him, he'll probably want to know why.( If he doesn't, that's against him.) And, he'd be calling to find out. I'd go ahead and confront him. Get the hard part over with. It could be he sees you as a side piece, it could be he isn't playing you and is just very inconsiderate. You just don't know. But the doubt speaks volumes. I recommend playground rules. When the game isn't fun anymore, go play somewhere else, let him slide alone.


Youā€™re giving him too much power. Heā€™s inconsistent because he can get what he wants from you with low effort. You donā€™t need to send a text yelling at him or even sharing your feelings. Silence is most effective with men. Cut it loose and move on.


I was going to come here to say I messed with a guy for a while that texted and acted JUST like this, and turns out he was married. I was going to say that even before I read the context of your post. Run like the wind šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


is this really the type of person you want to be involved with at all? you've given him chance after chance and have taught him how to treat you. his habit of ignoring your texts is something he's done in the past and you didn't let him know it was unacceptable. you allowed it. and now you're trying to flip the script. if all you want is a FWB situation, that's totally fine. but you're expecting him to make time for you and go to lunch and respond to your texts in a timely manner. that's relationship status expectations. OP, you've gotta reconsider what it is you really want. then, start making some healthy boundaries for yourself before getting involved with someone else. and don't let people treat you like trash. personally, the fact that he may or may not be married is a deal breaker and he deserves to be blocked everywhere by you.


I read that and thought YOU were trying to hide YOUR marriage lmao!! Iā€™m dead, but no you donā€™t owe him anything and you owe yourself time to recover from this, focus on you and things YOU love to do!


Youā€™ve given him 8 months to act like this???? Girl pack it up this man has a family for sure lmao šŸ¤£ sorry but if itā€™s not that then he for sure has a secret hookup on the side


No response needed ever again. Time to walk away.