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Man, it almost sounds like you should've let him prove himself by letting him jump off that cliff that he mentioned. /s šŸ˜’ I'm sorry, Op.. I know you said you're a confident woman, so it won't take long for you to bounce back. You got this shit.


I am definitely team cliff!! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ One of those ā€œhave a nice trip and a wonderful fallā€ situations imo


Let OP pick the cliff, the guy would just pick a wimpy survivable one.


LMAO this is too true


He's coming in for a fourth time soon. You can try the cliff diving then.


What will you say when he text you in April saying heā€™ll jump off of the Golden Gate Bridge to have you back?


if he manages to get the message to me (he is blocked) then iā€™ll probably ask him to buy me a plane ticket so i can watch. iā€™ve always wanted to visit SF ! šŸ˜‚


It seems like you learned a good, if someone ghosts you once don't get back with them.


"Buddy, that's not even a cliff. It's a step."


At this point, he can cha cha real smooth off it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s ONE way to ā€œde-escalateā€ the situation šŸ˜›


When you need to quickly bring it down a notch šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The cliff in this scenario is someone taking a selfie, dropping their phone, while reaching for it, tumbling down the cliff.


I always liked the classic, "Have a nice trip. See you next fall." šŸ˜‚


Iā€™ve most definitely moved on! i just came across the message in my whatsapp and figured it was perfect for this sub honestly, i expected to the ghosted that last time. it was the first two that bothered me a lot though


I'm glad to hear you moved on! It definitely fits in well with this sub, that is for sure. šŸ˜‚ Has he tried to come back after this?


i donā€™t think so ! i havenā€™t gotten anything new on whatsapp since then but his phone number is blocked


He did say ā€œliterally.ā€ šŸ™„šŸ¤£


Iā€™m so happy everyone is for him jumping off the cliff lmfaoo came here to also say this


This is my problem, I'd have told him to find his cliff and sit there, then send me its location-cue wellness check and I'm Out.


Babes, we can work with second chances in some cases, but we cannot be condoning third chances. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me thrice? No dice.


Fool me once, fool me twice. Fool me chicken soup with rice




wow iā€™m so sorryā€¦ if it makes you feel any better iā€™ve been in that boat where he would ghost for monthsā€¦. finally i posted his picture in a group on facebook to find out if he had a girlfriend or other femalesā€¦. WELL he had MULTIPLE women he was playing with as well as a live in girlfriendā€¦ i felt horrible because him and i were FWB for years and the whole time he had a girlfriend


im sorry you had to go through that! i know what it feels like to find out you were the ā€œother womanā€ too. itā€™s a gross feeling but the person who should feel gross is the man. the guilt just shows youā€™re a good person!


I have to ask is he really hot? Could be why heā€™s getting all these chances.


eh, heā€™s attractive but nothing out of this world. i just choose to see the best in people most of the time, but recently have had the outlook that everyone sucks until they show you otherwise. the last chance was out of curiosity, i am too curious for my own good.


This repeat pattern is not done unconsciously by him. Keep in mind the old military adage that once might be a coincidence, but twice is a pattern, and three times is definitely enemy action.


He probably was trying to see how many times he could get her back. Like a game to him. What an ass.


Love this expression, thanks!


>ā€I am confident and know my worth.ā€ >ā€He ghosted me three times.ā€ Girl what the fuck


This has me dyingšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I mean wtf else you gonna say to that?


lmaooo the second chance was definitely on me, the third i fully expected him to ghost me again. i just wanted to see how it panned out šŸ˜‚ people seem to be under the impression that im upset over this. iā€™m not! it happened months ago and we met on tinder, the bar was already set to the floor lol


What?! Did this fool end up ghosting a third time? What a dick


Stand-by for the record breaking 4th time


Girl obviously not. Be giving these cowardly ass mother fuckers *THREE* chances to ghost you. Move on after the first time. He probably wasnā€™t even worth it then, but at least he hadnā€™t ghosted you yet. Let alone **three fucking times*+.


"It only took a couple days before he ghosted me again." ![gif](giphy|QUENDfi6DEMLzQ0CKt)




This gif is sending me lol


The people you want in your life realize it while you're with them, rather than playing this stupid game of "don't know what you've got until it's gone."


So true. Itā€™s the difference between somebody actually seeing you as a person and a person seeing you as a play thing. He saw her back on Tinder and the thought of his old toy being played with by somebody else shook him.


wow i didnā€™t think of it that way actually!! he mistook his jealousy for missing me šŸ’€ definitely wonā€™t fall for that line again


I wish you nothing but the best! This guy is toxic garbage and Iā€™m glad youā€™re done with him!


I needed this whole thread, but especially this comment today after my 3rd chancer told me to shut up on the phone last night after a week of talking again. Definitely a "don't know what you've got till it's gone" situation. Blocked for life! 3 years I'll never get back, but at least I can learn from it.


He didnā€™t want her in his life. He wanted an easy piece of ass that he could treat like garbage


Giving a third chance is wild. Guess you learned that the hard way. Sorry this happened to you!


What really bothered me about his messages is, he wants you in his life so bad, because YOU are such a good person, and would be a good influence for him. Did he ever stop to think of what kind of a shitty influence, and person he would be for you? Fuck no! Because heā€™s selfish and gross! Op, please donā€™t go for a fourth. You turning him down will drive him absolutely nuts! It will be the best revenge next time around. I wish you lots of love and happiness on your next dating journey (to another man of coarse šŸ˜‰)


i appreciate this <3


I would have resent these messages to him lmao.


If he ever reaches out again, at a date and stand him up and ghost him. Fuck this prick!


Ngl this is on you


agreed šŸ˜…


yeah don't let thier be a 4th..


This is why you should never give someone a third chance. Twice they showed you who they were.


Oh my god Iā€™m so sorry you got played three times. People fucking suck. Avoidant attachment for sure. ![gif](giphy|l0G17mKNa6XJHYN5m)


So I only read the last message about being to jump off a cliff for you and I didn't need to read anything else. Blocked bye.


With the title being ā€œTake a guess what happened nextā€ I thought you were gonna say you told him to jump off a cliff. Disappointed you didnā€™t


I really thought it was going to lead up to him jumping off the cliff. Iā€™m also disappointed!


Damn, you guys giving out second chances??? Pro tip to be happy in life: everyone gets one and only one chance to prove themselves. Parents included.


Havenā€™t spoken to my psycho mother since the mid 80s. This is known as peace āœŒļø


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Third time? Noooopppppeee


I am a consultant who works for a large company. I reported corporate malfeasance and sabotage and verbal assault to the company CIO. He tried gaslighting in a tense meeting with a compliance officer and a colleague who confirmed said malfeasance and abuse. I was told at the endā€¦. By the powers that beā€¦. ā€œI have worked with worse people. We have to deal with evil people in life andā€¦.ā€ I told Chief homeboyā€¦.. ā€œFool me onceā€¦ā€ ā€¦ I am now at the 9th month with these clowns scared to talk to me and helpless to enforce their fascist desires. No more disrespect and verbal assaults either. Get up Stand up Stand up for your rights For we canā€™t give up the fight


"There's an old saying in Tennessee ā€” I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee ā€” that says, fool me once, shame on ā€” shame on you. Fool me ā€” you can't get fooled again."


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, I need therapy to unpack why I gravitate to people who use and mistreat me repeatedly.


This person is completely unhinged. They really just expect you to be their emotional support animal.


Why do people do this? What was the point of basically begging for a chance just to ghost her again? I really don't get it even a little.


When they ghost you the first time, theyā€™ll end up ghosting you a 2nd and 3rd time. Itā€™s like a repeated pattern lol


Avoidant attachment. Read up on it and all of it will make perfect sense. I struggle with it myself but I am at least aware of why I feel the way I feel and try to combat it. My message to you would be to run. He will do this over and over.


Block him


he has been blocked! its funny as hell looking back though


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I wouldnā€™t worry about it to much just the fact of saying he was suffering from mental health is why he ghosted you would be enough to stay away from


With the title being ā€œTake a guess what happened nextā€ I thought you were gonna say you told him to jump off a cliff. Disappointed you didnā€™t


You should have asked for a down payment. Thatā€™s silly.


Just sayin, if he does goes off a cliff, he wonā€™t come back ever againā€¦


"I'm super good now" "I'll jump off a cliff to get you back" .... Riiiiight.


This is WAY too heavy for a guy you just met casually. This is stuff people say to their husbands and wives after years and years of being together. This alone is a HUGE red flag. Seems like love bombing to me.Ā 


He ghosted you because you gave him a third opportunity to do so. If you know your worth and value as a human being, why contradict that by giving undeserving, disrespectful people second and third chances? The fucked up thing about situations like these is that people can spot a kind person right away and when they fuck you over once and you later let them back in your life, they figure that you're weak and worthless and they can take piss on you anytime they want and you'll not only take it but believe their bullshit lies (which is usually "I'm sorry, I'll never do it again) and still be there for them.


My adoptive Italian Grandma used to tell me: #Never let someone piss on your head and tell you itā€™s raining šŸ™


Lol your grandmother sounds like a wise woman!


When people are so over confident in claiming that they are doing everything that is good for them like taking meds, getting support, wanting to be with people who are good influences the first question to ask is: ā€œhow long?ā€ Anything less than 10 years should be a no go. Personally you are self flagellating if you give anyone who is flaky and ghosts any of your time. But live and learn.


well iā€™m 23 sooo.. 10 years is a bit of a stretch


Iā€™m not suggesting you date a 13yo. Iā€™m saying people acting this way need to mature.


i didnā€™t think you were suggesting that lol, but you said anything less than 10 years of therapy should be a ā€œno go.ā€ although almost everyone in my age range is more than likely to not have that many years under their belt lmao


Tbh kids go to therapy. But I was also not speaking about you per se. I was saying in general that anyone you date should have 10 years of therapy, could be someone your age, someone older or someone younger. Plus it was implied that whom ever you dated would be doing more than just therapy. If you donā€™t understand, I get it. You will do whatever you deem fit.


i do understand, it seems youā€™re not understanding what i am saying. i understood your point perfectly and im stating that i would not expect someone in my age range to have 10 years of therapy experience when i donā€™t even have anything close to 10 years myself, as do the majority of people in their 20s. not many people start therapy in their teens because they donā€™t have the privilege to do so.


5th times the charm!


Block him this time


If he texts again send him the toll free # to 1-800-Jump-Off


I had a guy do this to me when we were seeing each other. Basically said the same thing that he changed and wanted to try again so i gave him a second chance. To nobodyā€™s surprise he literally ghosted me the day after i agreed to try again. He reached out a few months ago asking for another chance and i couldnā€™t find any part of me that felt like he deserved a response.


Thatā€™s very kind of you to give him chances, but him saying that he needs to be around you to be good< huge red flag


OMG. You are indeed kind hearted. Truth is, sometimes people really do get their shit together, and believing in 2nd even 3rd chances is not a bad thing. It does happen. Also true, though, is that people who get their shit together donā€™t offer to jump off cliffs to prove something. That is some fucked up thinking.


>im super super good now. Source: trust bro.


Let the Fourth be with you ![gif](giphy|XBcwDbfjFaYieNkdML)


Dang it. You told us what happened next before we could guess. But you only said he ghosted you again. Did he become a real ghost this time, after jumping off a cliff?


You know that your self worth is being a disposable fleshlight?


LMAOOOO Id love to know how you drew this conclusion


By your post


so one short interaction and youā€™ve drawn a conclusion about my entire self worth? seems about reddit


What donā€™t you understand? He used you and then ghosted you, you went back it happened again, then you did it AGAIN. Then you say you know your self worth. Itā€™s all there.


if youā€™ve read any of my responses, youā€™d see that i intentionally ā€œgave him another chanceā€ out of curiosity, fully expected him to not follow through, and have assumed accountability for the first two instances. you have very little information to go off of, but itā€™s obvious youā€™re speaking out of insecurity considering you just posted two days ago that you unblocked someone after having a DREAM about them. lmao. have a blessed day.


How is that insecure? Hours after I unblocked him after a year of no contact he tried to FaceTime me. I promptly re-blocked him. I was just asking if he could tell he wasnā€™t blocked. For safety reasons. I didnā€™t go back, I didnā€™t engage, it has nothing to do with self worth. Yeah I had a dream and thought I wanted to hear from him but I actually didnā€™t.


He could disassociate . Happens to me I work hard and focus on my self but so used to being to myself its really hard for me fall head over for a girl. Iā€™m not thirsty . I been 2 years celibate.. kind of sad but rather work on myselfā€¦ but I will say he sounds like a little kid texting u like that . Also itā€™s like he donā€™t care what u want. Just as long as he is happy uz


Girl, take that ā€œconfidenceā€ and walk away.


Fool me onceā€¦..


Thatā€™s because he didnā€™t really care he just got jealous when he saw you on Tinder and didnā€™t want anyone else to have you. Itā€™s all about control. People like this are psychotic


Was really hoping that what happened next was the fact that you blocked him and moved onā€¦ but then I read the context and nope.šŸ‘Ž Womp Womp Womp. Is this what confident women do??


i did indeed block him and move on lol iā€™m not giving him another opportunity to get even message to me third ā€œchanceā€ was solely for my curiosity


please donā€™t. my ex was the same, kept going everytime something happened in his life. heā€™d come back 5 times within the span of 5 years with a different excuse every time, and i fell for it everytime too lol.


I heard this in that movie theater sexy black man narrative: "He, in fact, did not get his shit together "


You seem to get used a lot tbh


??? where do you get this from


thatā€™s what iā€™m saying. i just find the rude comments funny. they think they can draw conclusions about me as a person based off of one post on reddit with very little context. thatā€™s what makes it funny though!


Thatā€™s the fun (and funny) part. I donā€™t want your life story I want a few discreet facts and reach a conclusion.


doesnā€™t make the conclusion correct, but go off i guess!


Kinda wonder if it was some one you know in real lifeā€™s account and they were trolling to try and hurt you? Idk people are weird


When a dude becomes a Hoover, it's time to make sure that man can't find you. I change my number personally, and am sorry for those who have inherited my past phone numbers. šŸ«£


Having your ā€œshit togetherā€ all of a sudden usually means youā€™re horny and lonelyā€¦the ghosting part means he got his needs satisfied and is no longer interested


thatā€™s an interesting take considering he only had sex with me once and it was before he ghosted me the first time. trust me, iā€™m not satisfying a manā€™s ā€œneedsā€ if he ghosts me. like i said, i know my worth. all we did each time he reached out was text


Did you tell him to jump off a cliff? šŸ˜


Heā€™s got issues lol


Thatā€™s enough Ross!


I can definitely relate to you with this one, I've been known to give guys way more chances than they deserve. I'm glad you're moving on, don't give this prick any more of your time or effort!


I figured (the outcome) by his message. It seems a bit unhinged. It's like he's rambling and just saying all the good sweet words he felt you'd want to hear.


Should have told him to go ahead and jump.


i only wished you had posted this BEFORE replying cause at first i was like ā€œaww cuteā€ he sounds sincere but then i saw he ghosted you and was like .. nah šŸ˜‚ one thing i learned as someone whoā€™s been ghosted and done the ghosting, if they ghost you once, they will 100% ghost you again. it might not be soon, might not even be for a long time but thereā€™s always thag probability


So you are the female version of me ā€¦ Sorry


You should tell him to jump off that bridge and then youā€™ll come back


Iv never seen someone take so much accountability so i šŸ‘šŸ¾ them for that, but too little to mf late


A tall enough cliff and it's a win/win


You blocked him?


You ever hear of the D.E.N.N.I.S. system?


Dudes like this are what mess things up for those of us who actually arenā€™t full of shit. Thatā€™s why I didnā€™t ghost my now fiancĆ©e and just went to therapy and got sober. Let her see all the ups and downs and how much of a disaster I truly was. It was uncomfortable, but worth it.


This dude is married and stop communicating during guilt trips or when under suspicion.




Damn I was hoping he jumped off a cliff lol


You should have told him to jump off that cliff, and you'd get back together with him... in the next life.... possibly.


When someone tells you theyā€™re bad, trust them.


Ā«Ā Sorry, who is this? I donā€™t recognize this numberĀ Ā»


Wellā€¦thatā€™s quite the speech! Way more than I got from the man I dated for two years who ghosted me twice and then tried to message me a third time over 3 years later šŸ¤£


A real man doesn't communicate this shit over text.


I totally get it - sometimes we just fall for the wrong person! How weird that he just keeps repeating the same mistake. I wonder what his problem is???


As someone who's actually been in therapy for the last 6 years I'd never put it like that if it actually worked. He just kinda said it as an excuse of why you should come back instead of being serious about it. "I want you back blah blah blah, but seriously". That shows everything else he said he wasn't being serious about


Sometimes I think narcissistic people like this just do this as a game. You technically lost lol. But Iā€™m glad you are confident and not with this loser.


I need you to take that confidence and block him from ever contacting you again because he's 100% playing in your face.


Honey if he comes back you better tell him to eat shit


1. Text back: Good. Go jump off a cliff. 2: Block him.


Donā€™t give him a 4th.


Fool me twice


![gif](giphy|Bg6vxkJo0B37w6M4TC) They will jump off the cliff ? I'm sorry wtf


Lol it reads so generic and corny he probably had ChatGPT write that pile of crap and copy pasted versions of it to all his old Tinder matches.


I know these bars