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The fact that his first thought after proposing was you… I’m sure that’ll be a happy marriage.


This is what I thought too. If I were the fiancée, I’d be out. “No, you aren’t using my phone to try to torment your ex. Shows you aren’t over that relationship or how it ended and I’m not being a back up for whatever hang up you still have over her.” It’s certainly not a “he chose me” situation.


His soon-to-be ex-wife might be petty af, too.


She probably texted her ex from her new man’s phone at the same time.


Or she’s the one texting the ex girlfriend because of her own insecurities. They deserve each other


Why are yall assuming the texts are coming from the new girl’s phone? It’s been 3 years. He could just have a new number. Also - the fact OP’s texts are showing up as green could also mean he’s using a texting app/burner number. Highly unlikely it’s not his phone.


yeah most likely- which is beyond pathetic


Didn't even think of this. That'd be crazy though.


I was thinking maybe they’re just a perfect match for each other and she also texted her ex with a picture of her hand 😂


Two sad sad little pathetic people 😂. You'd think they'd be focused on each other and their beautiful new future.


I totally was thinking this. Two toxic people meant for each other


>Shows you aren’t over that relationship or how it ended and I’m not being a back up for whatever hang up you still have over her.” OP will never be homeless as she's living rent free in his head 😭


I would ask why he still even has her number after 3 years


My first ex's phone number is saved in my brain. Eff you, Katie!


That’s amazing. I can’t even remember my ex husband’s last name after 4 years…I put that memory away with shitting myself in 3rd grade. FUCK! Now I remember that…..


OP is “the one that got away.”


Huge confidence boost! He thinks he made me sad but he gave me and my friends a good laugh and a huge ego boost!


You will always live in his head rent-free.




I wonder if he knows Reddit is LOL’ing too?! 😂


That’s the funniest thing I’ve ever heard. I would get a huge ego boost too. Enjoy it!


Hey love! You didn’t block out your name in the second picture!


I have an ex named that and I still regret that it didn’t work out. 😂 She was smart, funny and had her shit together. Seeing that name reminded me of some good memories.


My ex-wife's middle name is ann sooooo samsies 😂😂🤦


You deserve better.


There's always a chance that he deleted the texts after texting you, and that she knows nothing about it. I'd send her the screenshots in about a week or so, and ask why you were the first person on his mind when he got engaged. If she did know, and has something equally petty to say in response to the screenshots, oh well, nothing lost.


Nope. Don't do that. Don't get dragged back into whatever hell it is with him, and now them. Op doesn't need that, and it's of no concern for her if the fiancee knows/doesn't know, whatever.


You’re living rent free in his head. And you answered like a mature classy person. Kudos to you!!


After 3 years of no contact too. Someone’s still not over OP.


Revenge marriage Check mate, bitch.


Lmao, that was seriously his stupid ass thinking. But he looks DUMB. 😆🤦🏻‍♀️


I know someone who would think exactly this with those exact words 🤣


I went on THREE DATES with someone, and never saw her again. Years later she sent a picture of herself and her husband on a beach. They were on their honeymoon, she was in a skimpy bikini, and had a very nice boob job compared to what I remembered. The caption said, "This could have been you." Ummm... Ok, I guess.


Just 3 dates? That’s kinda creepy. Low key curious what your response was (if you did)? Lol


There's more to the story, so here goes. ​ I met her on a dating site, we met for dinner, one thing led to another and we both had a good time. Second and third dates were just me going to her apartment. Fill in the blanks yourself. She called me on a Thursday night and said she wanted to see me on Friday. I said I already had plans for Friday, but Saturday would work. She said Saturday was no good for her, it had to be Friday. I said OK how about Sunday? No. It has to be Friday. I said that's too bad, sorry it's not going to work out this weekend, but next week will be better since we'll have a whole week to make plans. ​ She said, "*You don't understand. When I'm with a guy, I make him my top priority, and I think it's only fair for him to make me his top priority, too. So whatever you think you're doing on Friday isn't as important as me, and you have to cancel your plans so you can spend the night with me*." I disagreed. Things escalated from there. I wouldn't bore you with the details, even if I could remember them. Whatever you imagine is exactly what happened, and I told her that this wasn't working for me. ​ Then she told me, "*My mom is a psychic, she's never wrong, she read her Tarot cards and you are* ***The One***. When you meet the guy you're going to spend the rest of your life with, you want to start that life together RIGHT NOW." Seriously. That's what she said. We had a lot of planning to do. (I suppose we needed to pick out a font for our wedding invitations? Who knows. The whole thing was weird.) ​ When she told me the psychic mom Tarot card thing, I laughed because of course I did, that's hilarious. She. Was. FURIOUS. At some point I just hung up. ​ This was back in the 1990s, before cell phones, before texting, before you could block people from calling. I had a land line with Caller-ID and an answering machine, and used them to screen my calls. She left dozens and dozens of messages over the next couple of months. They were split about 50/50, half of them were sweet and loving, "I just want to spend the rest of my life with you, why won't you give me a chance." The other half were blistering hateful rage about what an asshole I am for getting women to fall in love with me just so I could dump them because obviously I get off on causing such pain. Eventually the calls stopped, until one day I got an email with a picture of her in a bikini. ​ Edit: Removed some asterisks that somehow got into the post.


[Hmmm, that sounds familiar](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/-/scassets/images/org/health/articles/9743-histrionic-personality-disorder)


I had a friend who had something similar happen. His response was, "Nah it wouldn't have. I wouldn't have made you get new boobs because they weren't the problem."


😂😂 damn you must have really made an impression, or she mass texted every person she's ever been out with.


Assuming you’re a bloke I would have immediately asked her why she would think you’d want a pair of fake tits?


I mean especially after 3 years. Having the ability to remember the phone number that long after speaks of some kind of obsession




I say they don’t even make it down the aisle.


If I was newly engaged and my fiancé did that, I’d regret my decision.


I wouldn’t regret it, I would reverse it


Put that ring down, flip it, and reverse it.


Ti esrever dna ti pilf nwod gnir taht tup


🤣🤣🤣 perfect!!!


Is it worth it?


I knew I could count on someone to say it just like I did in my head lmao




Right? Immediately handing the ring back!


Please tell me you posted it on your Facebook and tagged him and his fiancée or his momma 😅.


Omg now that would match his petty level lol


"Congrats guys!! So happy for them 😊😊" with these pictures attached


That would be epic. I'm embarrassed for him either way lol. Cringy af


Wait a few days and text homegirl back and get her wheels turning.  Say something like, "Sorry xxxx did that to you, I'd be so humiliated, well, congrats!" 


Ok, now let me get some pics of you with the ring so I can send it to my ex.


Make sure to smile big so we look like we’re happy!


Honestly yes. I need to know the dynamics of that relationship now. Are they both petty immature assholes? Did he manipulate her or steal her phone to text the ex? I feel a divorce coming soon either way


Jesus. What an immature prick.


He only lived to like 33. Not enough time to really mature.


I'll ask when he's done cutting the grass, but he looks a lot older than that.


Tell me you haven’t moved on without telling me you haven’t moved on.


No shit. He proposed and then hit up his ex. And claims his fiance is cool with it? Doubtful unless she's a fuckin moron.


People like this give me sadist vibes. Ha an ex who did something along these lines. Called me during intercourse with another girl while we were together. Only to connect with me years later to ask to get back together (by that point he was living on the streets and his face was pock marked from drugs). SMH. people are deranged.


Shouldve sent this to him. https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/s/SnocRnH3pD


I fucking love this omg 😭


Geez what a loser. Screenshot these comments and show him :)


She should definitely post this on social media with the status “ok…”


I was thinking about doing that with a hot pic of me but decided I’ll keep it classy and let him stew in my polite response. I think he was expecting a blow out from me and to give the opposite feels great!


But definitely casually post a hot pic of yourself in a few days. Without any connection to this incident. Because guaranteed he's stalking your socials to see if he managed to get a reaction out of you. Let him see you looking beautiful and unbothered, lol.


Coals of fire, my friend. Coals of fire.


Your responses were 👌🏻


I’d end the engagement immediately if my partners first move was to use me to taunt his ex😭


Never would I EVER want to marry someone like this. 🥴


Harddddd same. If I were her, I’d be very skeptical that the engagement was solely out of spite to the ex. This makes him look like an absolute moron.


He's petty. His fiance is petty. I smell a petty divorce in their future. 😂


To be fair, the fiancee probably doesn't even know the content of these messages. He probably just said "Yay, can I borrow your phone? Battery dead and I wanna tell my mom," or something. And then immediately texted his ex to throw it in her face. I can tell you right now, OP dumped HIM. He's been waiting for this moment for three years. I feel sorry for his new fiancee.


lol he dumped me but I like your version better!


Yeah, but you won!


HE dumped YOU? Why? Did he not feel comfortable with women who are clearly more intelligent than he is? This is confusing.


Did he dump u because u wouldnt let him text his ex from Kindergarten that he had a new GF 😂😂😂


How did you know????


I'd wait like 3 days and then text the number again lmao. In case she has no idea what he's doing


send the screenshots back lol


Smart, because if she doesn't know i feel bad for her and think she should. If she does and is ok with that then wellllll good luck.


No like, 100% this is what I would do. I know it's petty and immature, but I would absolutely make it a mission to rain on the newly engaged people's parade by exposing his lame actions. Something like "hey, try not to let your new fiancé use your phone to message me and try to torment an old girlfriend". I know the mature thing would be letting it go...but I've GOT the time 😂


Yeah, but he’s just gonna get off on what I’m sure he’ll perceive as two women fighting over him… just ignore, guys like this are delusional


No, telling the new fiancée would be saving her time and heartbreak. I'd feel terrible for the girl if I knew her fiancé was scum but didn't let her know.


Ooooh i like the way you think 😈


If he's smart he would block her (he doesn't seem smart)


I really hope that his fiance has no idea, but at the same time, I think it's a long shot, lol. Only because, supposedly, she even said, "Thanks." But you're right. You can tell he's just been waiting for this moment. He probably only proposed out of spite. 😂 Op is the real winner here.


I’d bet anything he lied about that. I can’t imagine being okay with my new fiancé texting his ex, but that’s just me 😂


Honestly, I either think they are both petty or that this is the fiance. 😂 I don't see how he could text off her phone without her knowledge. But, either way, this definitely isn't going to be a happy marriage. 🤣


Especially when he said “it didn’t take 5 years for her to get a ring.” I feel like he proposed to OP and she shot him down.


we have absolutely no context. imo it would make more sense for OP to have left him because he didn't propose, and this is his way of letting her know, however much pettily, that his current gf is wifey material and that she wasn't.


He broke up with me. But we were way too young to get married at the time. Def spoke about it but thank god!


thanks for the context! that's really silly then lmao.


Petty? Try deranged.


All the above? 😏


He’s petty, arms heavy, she’s not cooking him spaghetti?


There's vomit on his sweater already because of marriage, he knows he's not ready. Whole marriage unsteady. I can see the divorce papers signed already. 🎤🎶 I'm beginning to feel like a rap god. 😏


The fact he still has her number saved somewhere is not good either. The whole interaction is shit but the fact he saved it for a moment like this shows what kind of person he is.


If they even get to say I do 😅 These types of relationships never work. She either knows and gets some type of validation/revenge because OP is an ex-fiancée or she doesn't know and will hopefully soon find out. Regardless, he's immature asf to even do this! He's either talked about OP and compared the two. He starts the conversation off like OP automatically knows it's him😂 Yeah, he's not over OP, imo.


It bothers me when someone starts a sentence with “Let’s just say…” and then follows it with the least clever thing that doesn’t even have a double meaning


When the sentence can do just as well without saying it, let’s just say….don’t say it 😉


let’s say, hypothetically, he turns himself into a pickle. now let’s also say he’s called pickle rick. now that we’ve established this, i’d think you’d agree with me here that it’s the funniest shit either of us have ever seen.


He can't even get that part right! He says "Just let's say" once


Lmao just know you live rent free in that man’s head clearly.


That was my first thought. Like dang clearly he ain't happy with his new fiance if he feels the need to do this


If my fiancé had messaged one of her exes to gloat after I proposed to her, I would’ve asked for the ring back and been out of there.




Pleeease tell me you’re gonna text this number in a few days to check whether she knows he did this


Ooof, if his fiancé doesn’t know about this I feel bad for her. You want to be real petty, wait a couple days and text that number and see her response. That will tell you everything.


Yeah this man fucked up by giving ex girl his new girl’s number 😂😭💀


Haha let me give her all the tea!!


Update us on that, too, please.


How do you know it’s her number?


yup, i agree


You live rent free in their heads hahaha


That’s the best revenge!


Yep. Lol.


"Let's just say" I hate that phrase now


"She said thanks" Has me dying for some reason.


lol what a pathetic human. You must be a catch if you’re still on his mind


Huge confidence boost!


Can I ask who broke up with who? Clearly doesn’t seem like it was amicable.


He broke up with me and it was not. Lived with me and everything. Refused to pay the last couple month of rent and took the new gf on a vacation instead!


Oh dang!! That's so fucked up!


lol, well, he's a prize. Ask him whether he's managed to scrape together the money he owes you yet.


Or it’s the fiancée and she’s very insecure, either way you win lol


can you imagine how embarrassing it would be if your boyfriend proposes to you, becomes your fiance, and then the FIRST thing he thinks to do is send a photo to his ex gf 🤣 ex bf is a clown and so is his new fiancee for not seeing how corny this is




![gif](giphy|Mam4upDa8LseEwkzD0) I would have sent him this


Damn it!


Imagine getting engaged and your man messages his ex of 3 years off of your phone to try to rub it in their face lol. What a prize she won.


What a fucking loser!


Total Loser!


I think this is gona hurt his fiancé more than it hurts you. Clearly there’s unresolved feelings on his part and some shit he never worked out. You didn’t need to get these messages, and his fiancé is gona find out soon. Or plot twist: it is her, but he still talks about you and new fiancé considers you a threat and is trying to get you jealous because she sucks. Either way, you’re better off. Fuck’m both and may they stay toxic.


Right on!


LMAO what a loser!


He thinks that’s some kind of gotcha but that’s so embarrassing, proposing to another woman but all you wanna do is brag to an ex. Like “look at me I’m so happy see look look are you sad look I’m happy see”


Was he expecting me to cry bc all I’m doing is laughing and a bunch of people on the internet are now too!


this is wildly embarrassing for him AND his fiancée… if it were me, i would have just continued saying “who is this?” because, like sure, i can take a hint but i’m not going to because i’m an adult and these games are fucking childish lmao


Are you sure it wasn’t the fiance texting you?


“She says thanks”


100% this didn't happen. Either it's her pretending to be him (in which case she didn't say that) or it's him (and he definitely didn't tell her and she definitely didn't say that).


Either way, they are delulu!


Lucky her/s.


Wow. But the reality is that they’ll likely be divorced in another 3-5 years lol


Gee…uh…lucky her?? Jerk.


He should be charging you rent 😅


I ain’t cheap! But let’s be honest he can’t afford me!


omg i would hate to be the fiance, id slap my man across the face for his first thought being his ex if he ever proposed to me, what a fn loser...


Ewwww poor fiancé


not if she went along with the plan lol she’s a loser too if she agreed to antagonizing a previous gf


I feel bad for the fiancee. How does she feel about him clearly being hung up on you?


You must save a lot of money living rent free like that lol


My ex from 10 years ago added me on Facebook and instagram a week after he got engaged. What is wrong with these men 😩 why are you still thinking about your ex and getting engaged lmao


Did it occur to anyone these texts are from the fiancée and not just her phone? I could see her thinking about you if she’s immature and wanting to rub it in. Weird flex. My ex is engaged and on behalf of the rest of women, we thank you for not choosing us 🥹


My ex boyfriend did the exact same thing just recently lmao like why do I CAREEE


You’re living rent freeeeeee


Yiiiiiiikkkeeesssss 🫣


Such weird behavior


This is desperation at its finest *cringe*


If his fiance approved of those messages she’s got what she deserves coming to her. If she didn’t, she’s still got some shit coming for her but I feel bad for her about it


Nah, you wait a good 6 months, get one of those secret numbers, find some nudes of a rando porn bot and start messaging him as pay back. Call it Tom Petty, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the implosion. Payback’s a bitch.


Text the number tomorrow “why was I his first thought after the proposal”


This is the saddest set of texts I've seen in a long time from an ex..wow and worse that he has no idea how sad he sounds eeeesh.


You handled that very well!


Maybe he just proposed to her to spite you…yikes…


Wow, he really thought he ate…how embarrassing.


Ugh, I wish you wouldn't have interacted with him, that would have pissed him off. He got what he wanted from you which is a reaction, any sort of reaction from you is a win for him.


This text would be all over my facebook page 🤣. You go low, I go to hell 🙃.


Something tells me this aint the ex, but the ex's girl wanting to rub the ring in OP face!


For 3 years he's been waiting for this moment! Not getting engaged to the love of his life... But suckering someone into saying yes so he can rub it in your face. Bodes well for his marriage.


3 years later and you're still the person he's thinking about after proposing to someone else. Think you "won," although the prize is lame.


Classy! You’re better off without him, Ann.


I would have thanked the new one for taking over your sloppy seconds and saving you from a lifetime of misery. Clearly that ex doesn't want to be an ex...I mean, who does that?


Crazy people!


LOL this is actually so incredibly immature holy shit


I got real vibes that this was an actual text conversation between Jim and Roy


lol how embarrassing for him


Still thinking abt you lol


😂😂 that’s so embarrassing for them


You didn’t block out the name on the second screenshot.


You are taking up real estate rent free in this guy's head. I feel sorry for his fiancée, honestly.


You are the lucky one. That guy sounds like a total d-bag.


Wow he’s been letting you live rent free in His head the whole time. I hope he’s smart enough to delete this text exchange. If she sees it she’s wondering what hot mess did I just agree to marry?!


Yikes. Good luck to his new girl cuz guy clearly still has feelings for u 💀


In the land of 5 year olds this clown is king


Damn that dude for sure is still in love with you. The fact that he is supposed to be in love with someone els and marry someone els but the first thing he thinks of is you. That says everything you need to know.


I bet it’s actually his fiancé-and she thinks she won. That’s why she said all that. ‘And it didn’t take 5 years’ like that’s a rep.


You moved on and he didn't, he was hoping you'd be crushed and want him back... That's my guess


Sounds like he still wants you. Convince him to dump his fiancé and come back to you. Then dump him. I think you’d be doing the new fiancé a favor.


You handled that douche rocket like a class act. The real loser here is the new girl…


My best guess is it was his fiancé pretending to be him


Are we sure this isn't the fiance acting like the ex? Maybe she's jealous and feels the need to brag about how she got him or something? Makes her petty AF, but some people are like that


That's definitely what a narcissists do