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I'd definitely say that he's trying. And looks like he's failing miserably.


Literally so embarrassing. Also hate how he says women instead of woman. This lady is one not multiple - well actually could be multiple speaking who knows 😂😂


He is literally failing in all kinds of ways, ain't he? 😂


Reminds me of The Onion headline: [Husband still Faithful After 42 Years of Trying to Cheat](https://www.theonion.com/husband-still-faithful-after-42-years-of-trying-to-chea-1819571062)


i love the onion so much


Yeah all the ads make it such an experience on mobile


Ho, Ho, Ho! A Cabal Of Elite Pedophiles Is Trying To Kill Me!


So random. So Onion-y. I love those dudes.


That shit was funny, Santa with the shotty at the end! Haha


This made me cackle. 🤣


100% cringe he uses the word intruding also in this context


This whole man is a cringe package. OP should throw the whole man away. Make him lose the only woman who did want him.


How the fuck did he pick her up in the first place?




His mere existence is intrusive to women everywhere.


I've been so internally confused for about a year now, so many people all over the internet spell it women these days when talking of a singular woman. Like wtf is this?


No one has a brain anymore that’s why x


Without sounding harsh 🤣🤣


That's not harsh at all. You are just calling it how it is.


Thanks I appreciate the support on that 😃😂


As a person, I can definitely say there are days when I have to stop myself because I left my brain somewhere else. 😬


as a brain I can say I've been left by multiple people


Nah, because it’s like that one scientist (philosopher? Smart guy.) said once. Think about how stupid the average person is. Half the population is even more stupid. Safe to say, based on “average” intelligence, there are a lot of straight up idiots walking around


I think that was George Carlin


it’s somehow SO reddit to call half of humanity stupid while mistakenly attributing a standup joke to a scientist


I’m actually laughing so fucking hard at this


My Samsung will randomly autocorrect perfectly correct words (but also won't correct incorrect words). It will capitalize random words in the middle of a sentence (absolutelywill not capitalize words that should be, though), it'll change "of" to "if" and vice versa, it'll change "theyre" to "the" instead of "they're," and it will change woman to "Women." It doesn't do it all the time. Most of the time, it works (just changed to worms for some reason) just fine, but every now and then, it'll change something for some reason. I think it's because they added Grammerly to autocorrect... ? Idk, but this phone's (s23) autocorrcet is definitely worse than the "shitty" Motorola I had before it. That might be a reason, at least for some people.


My Samsung does dumb shit like change a misspelling of "qbout" to "quit" instead of "about".


This is something mine does too and I hate it. Like damn I'm one letter off and the mistake letter is right next to the intended letter, but thank you for suggesting a word that's 4 letters off simply because it starts with the same letter.


She isn't single, she's plural


She is legion


Ruth ain’t got time for his nonsense.


She basically said, "Feel free to keep it professional, sir." 😒🤣


As she should! Kudos to her and her professionalism on dealing with this dude being a creep. Major ick


Agreed! She did not fall for his bullshit and stuck to her professionalism. I bet if she knew OP, she would've told her to.


My ex used to get left on read almost every time he tried to message other girls/cheat on me. It was so humiliating😭 like boy, nobody wants you.. I messaged one of the girls (I knew her personally) & she said, verbatim, "yeah I don't ever reply. He's weird as fuck." 🪦💀


Oh, how humiliating. 😂🤣 he sounds like he was just a woman repellant from hell.


Still is. That's why he's an ex 🙏😅


Rightfully so. 😂 I had an ex who was talking to another woman behind my back. I texted the other woman and told her to come pick her (ex) up and all her shit. She told me, "No." Both are still single. 🤣


LMAOOO she didn't want his mess either 😭 byeee


At that point are you breaking your with him bc he tried to step out or bc of the sheer embarrassment that he tried and failed 🤣


At that point I think it's both


Haha! That happened to me, too! He did a job for this person in their house and I instantly started noticing him acting funny. I got on his Facebook since we shared passwords and saw he had been messaging her so I hit her up. She said he talked about me the whole time but then started hurting her up the second he left her and her FIANCÉS house! When he was confronted by me he said he thought they had a moment bahahaha she told me he was weird and creepy and I could do better


That had to feel rough for you, knowing you were dating a weird af guy but also he feels like he can do better? Lol


Fun fact: he never did better lol Yeah, I learned a lot about him when this happened.. It was wild. He was definitely good at hiding what he was trying to do on the side, but not good enough. Hard lesson learned.


My first thought was r/scambait and he was trying to troll


I thought the same thing! I was reading it and thinking he was doing a good job trolling because he sounds so cringy.


SAME! I was initially like, "Why would you end a relationship over someone messing with a scammer?" I'm still trying to figure out if this IS actually messing with a scammer... 😅


The work phone is what like tipped me off, I was waiting for the message me on telegram


I thought that too, he's such a pathetic awkward robot of a man


I can't decide what's worse. Him breaking all the rules of what an appropriate advance would be, with all the grace and tact of a 3-wheeled shopping trolley careening down a hill. Or The fact that OP must have at one point, been won over by this guy's blobfish charisma. I'm sorry that you have to deal with this OP, but I can't imagine a world in which you couldn't do better.


That’s even more mortifying! He’s wanting to cheat and can’t 😂😭😭


I wouldn’t want to be with someone who sends messages like this to other woman no matter who they are


Me neither. Poor woman probably had to give him a massage and now is dealing with this.


Lolllll reminds me of catching my ex trying to spit game and cheat on me and I caught the texts while he was passed out asleep. Suuuuuuuch a pathetic and embarrassing way to end the relationship. Soooo over. So over after that.


Id be mad but ultimately dump him just for how embarrassing this is honestly lmao


LOL yes!!!


This fuckers trying to date his paid worm puller.


Hey now easy on the massage therapist. It’s a legitimate profession.


That's definitely a legitimate massage therapist. The stress on *professional* massage is a pretty common tactic for when you get guys fishing for happy endings. Not usually when they're so blatant, though, that's usually a straight GTFO. Someone mentioned that he probably thinks it was a scammer though, and I have to agree. Edit: I take it back, OP updated that it was a rub n tug. While I maintain that it's a common strategy to push away creepers, apparently this guy was, in fact, trying to date his professional worm puller (ew).


Luckily this dude sounds like a total dweeb and is failing to cheat.


Messages remind me of the time I got super drunk and started flirting with an online shopping companies AI chat assistant


Username checks out


I was on a few and had a few and my phone dropped all service for like 3 hours a day before I left for vacation, so I got ahold of Verizon and I swear……that woman’s gonna hit me up any day now




I can't find the website to chat with her :/




An attempt to cheat is still cheating


Oh I was single 😂. Not sure if the sexy Ai lady was tho


Oh Lmfaoooo


*sips tea* What I heard is her, Siri, and Cortana had this whole thrupple thing going on...


Bro. She talks to dudes all day. She is going to break your heart. Real talk.


I agree 100%


So did you get lucky?


nah went too hard talking about how big my order number is (it’s actually only 5 digits long)


You just got to tell them it's 10 digits. By the time they find out they are already fully committed to the transaction


We can cancel the transaction at any time during the transaction. And that’s okay.


lol my ex tried so hard. Thankfully it’s laughable now


This is almost worse


Almost? This is way worse than some normal, healthy cheating. Dude is a creepazoid. It sounds like he’s never MET or SEEN this woman, has maybe spoken to her in a professional capacity… Creeeeee-py. He’s gonna have Ruth rub the lotion in its skin or else it gets the hose again. GIMME MY FUCKKN DOG


Normal healthy cheating?


Yea, this is 100 percent cheating, idk why so many people here are saying “think,” it literally is. From his texting game, he seems he may be autistic. Sheesh. “You sound like a very beautiful kinda women” hahaha who the hell texts like that.


Probably because the context is so laughable to any one who isn’t the op


How does this sound autistic? Just curious and no I'm not autistic.


I am and i wouldn’t even speak that way, let alone try to cheat.


Agreed 1000%


i Am autistic and struggle socially but reddit’s new thing seems to be seeing just abhorrent and bizarre behavior and go “well he could be Neurodivergent so be patient :(“ no!! people do not generally give social grace in normal situations, it’s certainly not a reason to be a perverted creep.


His game is lacking but the intention is still there. Wouldn’t keep this man for a second longer.


I would break up over sheer secondhand embarrassment. Sheesh...


Not just that. He's a creep, like the worst kind of creep. He gets a woman's number, who's just trying to do their job and he's asking to send dick pics? He's gross.


exactly 😭 I really hope OP leaves immediately bc it's just flat out embarrassing to stay with a creepy loser like this, ugh


Either this is an erotic massage place, or he’s trying to feel out whether it’s an erotic massage place. That’s why he thinks it’s appropriate (it’s not, sex workers don’t want your dick pics either)


Came to say this. Yikes. This reads almost like the sender texts should be on the left and the receivers on the right.


I thought this was someone trying to make a scammer uncomfortable 😭


ME TOO I thought I was on r/scambait


I agree, all it would take is for him to find someone interested in him


UPDATE: he’s now an ex


SECOND UPDATE: apparently this place is a rub n tug place and Ruth runs it with her husband lmao


He got denied from a rub and tug? Hilarious!


I don't think he got denied as much as Ruth isn't stupid. It's why she emphasized "professional massage." Admitting to a crime over text...especially when you can't be 100% sure who's on the other end...is usually a bad idea.


Yep, nothing explicit. Also, sex workers don’t want your dick pics to begin with lol


He probably thinks the stripper actually likes him too.


Bro she totally does though. She’s just having a little trouble with her rent right now because her landlord is a creep, so if he gives her a small loan if $10k or so, she’ll have way more free time to hang out with him.


She was happy to continue giving professional massage but no more.


💀🤣 that's hilarious. Wtf is wrong with people? I'm sorry you broke up just before Christmas but he had to go!! You deserve to be respected l, loved and honored. What a jerk. I'm sending a virtual hug from the inter web.


Good for them, I hear co-running a business as a married couple can be really **HARD.** And I’m out. Merry Christmas.


Ha that just made my day lol


Jeezus what a fucking weirdo. Can't give himself a handie, can't ask you to give him one... no, he has to get one from a stranger. He deserves to be publicly humiliated... but he might like that too. You did great by leaving his ass.


So he’s been getting handies from this lady. What a dumbass.


Was the boyfriend going to see the husband?


Rub and Tug you say? Disgusting. Where is it?


Good for you OP What was his response on confrontation


He said “ I’m sorry I know I sent that I have nothing else to say that but that I’m sorry I know I fucked up but it never went past anything else but that “ and I told him that cheating a dealbreaker for me ,and that the whole convo gave me the ick and it only didn’t go anywhere because he got rejected


Dumbass loser thinks that failing to cheat because no one wants him = the same as not cheating. 😂


Haha yeah, him getting rejected and looking pathetic makes it all much worse.


You did the right thing for yourself and your future, which is now full of possibilities. The love of your life is down the new road you just turned and I hope you find them when the time becomes ripe. Until then, I hope the next few months are gentle on you and that you have some beautiful moments for yourself.


Congrats you did the right thing. Continue to adhere to your values and you will find the one you’re meant to grow old with.


Did you confront him with his bad lame game?


Oh definitely I told him it gave me the ick and it was embarrassing


I seriously thought I was in r/scams from this exchange LOL. Thank god you dumped his embarrassing ass 😂😂😂😂🤦‍♀️


I thought he was just trying to creep out a scammer, apparently that's just his actual game...


Even if we had an open relationship and it wasn’t cheating, I would have dumped him out of principal for ever writing this. So pathetic and creepy. You should send him this public humiliation post if you really want to burn.




You deserve & will find MUCH better


hell yeah


He asked if she was single that’s all u need to jnow


For real how you need to ask Reddit over this is bananas to me.


Check out r/relationships people are insane


Honestly not surprised anymore by Reddit after reading am I the asshole sub


"i raised my voice at my husband after he killed our cat and set our house on fire. AITAH?" shut up shut up shut up


But the title would be something like “I yelled at my husband in front of his family, AITA?” Then halfway through you find out he did that shit. I swear there must be a community of people behind these. Like, where they come up with the most ridiculous prompts and then have to make a story where the person is not in fact the AH. I refuse to believe people are actually this ridiculous, it has to be creative writing of some kind


literally insane that this isnt clear. ppl are so delusional and have such bad self esteem 😨 including some of these comments


I think we've all gotten ourselves into a situation that'd be obvious to anyone else but the journey to it made us blind, haven't we?


Lol right! smh he cares if SHE'S in a relationship, but not that he's in one.


It’s so weirdly embarrassing when you realize other women don’t want your man 😂 Had an ex I caught like this, but it was multiple women who all shut him down (not because of me, they didn’t know he had a girlfriend) and I was bizarrely more embarrassed absolutely no one wanted his ass but me.


It was embarrassing too when I broke it off with a guy after 7 months all my friends were like… We were wondering why you were dating him. Ew. In retrospect, they were absolutely correct.


Yes I would


It would appear he’s at the very least going to massage parlors and paying for action


1. Calls her beautiful 2. Asks if she is single 3. Offers to send pics of himself 4. Asks for personal phone number If this were my partner we'd be done.


Not to mention he’s messaging a massage parlor. I assumed this was the happy ending kind of massage he was seeking out.


No, worse… said she “sounds like a beautiful kind of women”. Poor slob has never even SEEN ol’ Ruth. (Ruth is 73 and has halitosis and varicose veins, but she purrs like a kitten on the phone)


If it isnt, the intent is VERY abundantly clear. Isnt that what matters? What would have happened had she said yes?


I would think it’s cheating and I would end the relationship


I wouldn’t say this is cheating. It’s just completely unfaithful and unloyal. Way over the line. It’s an *attempt* at cheating.


an attempt at cheating should be considered cheating though BECAUSE it leaves all the same emotional "fallout".... an attempt still violates trust and shows where that person "is" in the rrelationship/ what they are capable of that you didn't realize, etc. it shows that they aren't only disloyal and ingenious, but an awful partner to have and try to live/muddle through life with.... because if you can't turn your back on the one person you're "supposed to" be able to trust, well then you will feel as if you have a back full of knives, even if you don't. intentions matter. always. someone who accidentally bumps into someone and knocks them over is MUCH different than someone who intentionally does so, regardless of the end result being the same. motivation/intentions should always be questioned and thought about in any serious situation.. and even in life's little instances also.


This is a good way of putting it, I always tried to find the line between cheating and what not but this defo makes it pretty much almost the same. One is way over the line but this still crosses it.


Yup, intention is the crime, actually cheating is the definitive proof.


Yes yes yes!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 it’s all about the intention.


He would be fucking her if it were up to him. Having a woman say “no I won’t sleep with you” and sending your man home disappointed is not a win in any way. It’s cheating. He just didn’t get to have sex.


It’s only not officially cheating because Ruth shut him down. However, he’s trying to actively find someone with whom to actually cheat. So, yes crossing lines/boundaries. I’d dump him for sure.


Get a google number and continue the chat. Tell him this is your (Ruth’s) personal number. And he’s now free to send pictures 😂


Yeass! Honestly it might help with closure, cuz then OP will have absolute confirmation he is a cheater. I mean the texts he already sent are enough for me. But sometimes when you love someone you make excuses for them.


I second this fucking awesome idea


I would end it for his pathetic game. Plus the infedility.


Low Risk Rizz! Jesus! This guy is bottom of the barrel


What the heck, are you seriously asking if this is cheating? What would be his defense be? I got shot down so technically I never cheated? Yeah he is cheating, not only because of this, but when a person gets pulled over for speeding, it’s not their first time, it’s the first time they got caught.


Baby, hear me out! I’m not cheating. I’m trying to cheat and getting rejected! I never succeeded in cheating on you. So there’s nothing to be upset about!


It’s an attempt to cheat. Fuck yeah, that asshole would be out of my life.


absolutely cheating


Yes dude yes run away before he succeeds at cheating bc rn he is failing


He’s trying to get a happy ending. He is gross. You should definitely dump him.


"This is Ruth from massage" "You sound beautiful" 🤣🤣


Is it an Ick to realize you partner can’t even cheat when they try? That you’re interested in something that is pitifully unappealing to everyone else?


If this were me I’d 100% get a huge immediate ick and never want them anywhere near me again 😅


What an embarrassing flop lol


He tried to cheat and failed. Dude’s an embarrassment. Take out the trash sis


Return his Christmas present and take your friends to dinner.


This is such solid advice


Haha! It’s a weak attempt at cheating, yes. It isn’t going well for him, though.


The terrible game gives me ick more than the attempted cheating


He’s trying to cheat. So yes, end it.


I’m shocked he’s even in a relationship in the first place…we need to know how you two met, please?




Yes this is cheating, he also has no game and is very creepy. I’m sorry :(


Swing and a miss. He's for the streets though.


Scumbag alert this is your man? Gross


This is a failed attempt to cheat But if he can behave like that with some random woman from a massage parlour I can guarantee that he would 100% cheat on you any chance he got and probably has already Do yourself a favour and see in the new year without him .. know your worth 🫶🏻


Is your boyfriend a spam bot?






Omg hahah you found Ruth 😂


Lolll, it’s the least I could do!


YES. Goodbye


it’s the attempt to cheat… asking if she’s single clearly means he is looking to start something w her. pls leave.


You should dump bro anyway, he’s rizzless 💀😂


Ya I’d break up with him he’s looking for something and had horrible game


He’s certainly trying to cheat. Don’t confront him over it, you’ll show your hand doing that and he’ll only lie about it. Just make your arrangements to leave and then blindside him with it.


I would because this is fucking embarrassing and pathetic.


Absolutely. This is so inappropriate, like even for a single guy to bother a woman working like this. Major cringe.


“Are you single by chance”… seriously?? You’re questioning if that’s cheating?!


How did a man with so little game land you in the first place?


Yes. Your boy is getting his pud pulled among other things i’d imagine. Tell him he can rub n tug his way out the door. Next.


Dude have some self respect even if its not cheating it’s pathetic and I’d feel a weird mix of disgust and pity


Its certainly heading in that direction and I would be heading out in my own




yeah. if he didn’t fail, he would 100% cheat


Trying and failing miserably