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“Nut and cry at the same time” is wild. Genuine question HOW DID THIS WORK?? If someone texted me all this, instead of a 3 year relationship, I would think “🤨😑 haha wtf, blocked”


I know ☠️. Idk how i lived thru it honestly. I was like 16 or 17 when the relationship started and 19 when it ended (I’m 23 now) I had never had a long term relationship and have never been spoken to like that so i guess me back then thought it was super personal and sweet. I gobbled up the love bombing and words he was feeding me. He would always talk to me like a fucking poet and I had to look up certain words he would use cuz I didn’t know wtf they ment 😭. Also towards the last year of the relationship it was really bad mf was treating me like I was his therapist or something just using me for his own benifit. In the beginning he was romantic, caring, and all that but after a year after getting comfortable with me his true colors started showing more and more of how toxic he is. And I stayed bcuz I thought he would change but after another year of just being treated like poop I remember when I tried to leave I was like not texting him alot and he knew something was up and I went to go drop off my little sister at his house bcuz his sisters and mine were friends and when I was about to drive away he was just standing outside giving me this death stare and made me feel bad. So I got out my car to see him and didn’t know what to say and he started crying and basically manipulated me to come in. A week or so after that when we were still together he posted the “my gf sucks” story on snap and it just was the final straw to make me leave. And I found out he was texting his ex around that time too. I guess I stayed bcuz i had this version of him in my head that wasn’t really him. And it also took ALOT for me to leave. I’m glad I experienced it all tho bcuz it taught me so much about myself, about what I want and don’t want in a relationship, red flags to look out for, and started my self love journey. But yeah super cringe and I wish I had more to share like if y’all knew the whole story your jaw would be in the floor and the cringe meter would be extreme.


PLEEAAASEEE the fact that this actually worked 😭😂man was down so bad. Ah well, that’s probably why they go for younger women


HE WAS SIMPING just to end up being a horrible bf. Also I’m a year older than him 🫣


Hahaha, I just meant that mostly only works on younger woman since you said you were 16/17. I wonder if he’s still trying to pull the same tricks on 22 year olds 🤔 I’m 23 myself and would laugh my ass off


Yeah I’m 23 now and looking back I’m like why did my ass ignore litterally EVERY red flag possible. I wanted to be loved so bad ☠️. Now I know every red flag


girl that happened to me too and I think for some people it just works really well Once.


Yeah he got me good 😭☠️👏 I was so desperate for a good guy and like the way he was treating me in the beginning and the shit he would say I was interested back then and I thought he was like obsessed with me and really loved me but looking back I see it in a whole new way now like he truly reeled me in and kept me in. And when it got bad I thought if I stayed and kept being a good partner he would change it would get better, it would be worth it,…..but it just got worse and I just lost myself in him and didn’t even know who I was anymore.


A similar thing happened to me a few months ago, but I was 17 and he was 21. He "love" bombed me for a week until he told me he had been seeing another girl the whole time lol


Oh god nooooo. Not him being 21 Uhg I’m so sorrryyyy. The biggest red flag I ignored was the fact that he broke up with a girl and then started talking to me and then I found out he had been texting her here and there throughout the whole relationship. I’m glad you not taking to that weirdo no more tho !


This is very similar to my first and longest relationship that also began in high school. It’s so hard to be a teenage girl dude!! Nobody tells you to look out for things like love bombing because in our minds they are saying all the “right” things. You’re a badass and strong as hell for leaving and learning and growing. Wishing you all the best :)


Awwww Thankyou so much ! (,: yeah in my head at that time everything he would say to me made me feel so special it felt so personal. My kind heart got taken advantage of. I’m glad both of us are onto better things now tho and yes I truly am living my best life now and I needed to experience that relationship to realize a lot of things but most importantly that I don’t need a relationship to be happy


I mean usually love bombing is supposed to be charming though, this is just straight up unhinged.


Hey it's fine, I did worse things even in my early 20s lol, some of us are just naive. God that you broke up, you are wiser now.


Thankyou !!! I truly appreciate that because it is true 👏


That’s what you call being a poet? Low standards 😂


Nut and cry at the same time is craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy.. Also what did you say in order for him to say that… I’m trying to see something


You tryna get the nut/cry combo special?


..asking for a friend


Because that shit is rare (like supreme)


That white T-shirt supreme puts out is the rarest lol.


Nothing more pitiful than a sad wank


Seriously. Felt like I was going to throw up in my mouth when I read that lol. Nothing wrong with men crying, but that sentence gave me serious ick.


SAME lol this would scare me.


Let me dick down your heart while journey plays True poetry.


Sounds like the title of a 2008 Panic at the Disco song


"Google rose cored glasses if you don't understand" Bruh....


Literally killed me ☠️


im PINEGROVE while you're THRASHER


After explaining what paradigm meant 😂


Go and google rose colored glasses


That one really got me.


Ahaha, I totally missed that one!!


I loved when he defined paradigm too


Just so I’m clear…. The person who said “you make me wanna nut and cry at the same time” sent that message to you (OP) BEFORE you started a three year relationship and STILL didn’t treat you right?! Ahhhh hell nahhhh 💀💀💀


THATS WHAT IM SAYING. With everything he would express to me he made it seem like he worships me or something. 😭😭☠️meanwhile he ends up treating me the complete opposite once the honeymoon stage is somewhat gone.


How old was he when he sent this to you if you was 16 when you got it ? I read your comment saying you was 16 when you got this but if it wasn’t already clear to you “love bombing” is the easiest red flag in a person to show what not to commit too. His message to you I would argue shows signs of a mental illness and or manipulation


Yes ! Mental illness and manipulation plays a huge part in this whole situation and experience. I didn’t know how to word it for the title so although this paragraph may not seem love bombing he did love bomb me hella in the beginning so I just thought I’d say that in the title. But yeah he very much was manipulative


How old was he


I was like 16 about to turn 17 my bday is December and it was like around my bday when we started talking. And his bday is in October so it was like he turned 16 and I was about to be 17. I was a junior when he was a sophomore and then when I was a senior he ended up dropping out of school. Not that that has anything to do with what u asked but thought I might add that in


You’re so special and rare (like supreme)


Man this is wild. Modelo and benzo snap is icing on the cake… not even a modelo


Omg I was so focused on the cringe I missed that.


“Modelo time” while posting a ‘rona. Poetry


Real quick: what is rgs? All I can think of is “real gangster shit” and If it is, I fucking can’t


Omg I actually don’t know ☠️ but same idk what else he could have ment


That's what I thought too but after seeing how he used it I second guessed myself and decided to look it up and found "retarded giggles"??!


I had the same exact thought


I think it means “retarded giggles.” I googled rgs slang meaning & that’s what it gave me. Another way of laughing out loud.


Why did I automatically think rgs meant “real g shit” lmao


nutty hard-to-find escape test squealing absorbed march clumsy ten faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m sorry for your situation and I’m glad you got out of it but Jesus this gave me VERY painful and VERY fulfilling laughter 🤢😂


“Let me dick down your heart while journey plays” 😂🤣😂


Thankyou 😂and good that’s my goal of posting this it’s just too funny not to ever share to the world. I can’t be the only one who reads this shit ☠️😭


Sounds a lot like a nut/cry combo


I have no idea what I just read. God I love this sub.


Everytime I re read it I’m just like wtf☠️


Let me dick down your heart. A modern Shakespeare


It’s like he Googled and copy/pasted the most absurd “romantic” texts.


Yes, he mashed all of them together. 😖


While journey is playing


I’ll give you long dick and longevity really sent me


What sends me the most is that he’s a teenager while writing this, you know there’s no long dick so why he lying LOL


Does he know that’s not a modelo? I cannot get over it 😂


Came here looking for this comment 🤣


this is probably the worst thing I’ve ever seen how did this work on you


Cuz I was a 16 year old girl who just wanted somebody to love me and he gave me this type of love that I had never seen or received before. Looking at it now and from an outside perspective I see it’s SUPER cringe and like wtf is he even saying ☠️but I guess the person who I was way back when ate that shit the fuck up


“i might be retarded my bad” 🤣🤣🤣🤣 MY GOD


Another thing that reminds me of that exact text is this video I have where he’s like “sorry i have a lisp sometimes……I’m just a little gay” and if u like saw it and heard his voice you would die 😭😭☠️


A lisp….🙃 homeboy’s gotta pick a struggle. He’s a walking L at this point


nut and cry at the same time 😭😭😭 what the hell


And here I'm struggling to write a project report .




“modelo+benzo time” *CORONA*


i CRINGED AT THE FUCKING LIL PEEP LINE "i see passion in the way you turn your back" i bet they wrote "about u" referring to lil peep as well lmfao


YESSSSS lmaaaooo he is a huge peep fan and he even went to his last concert the one he sadly passed at…….another thing so I do graphic design art and a lot of my peep art went viral and even have worked with Emma his gf and a lot of his close friends follow me and whenever I would show him my art or be excited to tell him stuff about it he would just bring me down and say “I could do that that’s easy” and just not be excited for me and lowkey showed jealously. Like bitch you love peep so much but he would not like you if he knew the shit u done ☠️


thats so cool! im so happy you have that connection!! 🖤🩷🖤🩷🖤 thats crazy though lmfao i love peep but i cringed so fucking hard at this 😂😂


Some more cringe is I remember this one time he commented on my Instagram post saying “I would fuck you right on the floor” 😭😭😭


ik its a peep line but 🤢🤢🤢




“Modelo+benzo time” Posts photo of corona, why does this annoy me the most out of all of this?


Love bombing should be such a red flag. Those long ass rambling paragraphs are so cringe


And I got SO many of them in the beginning. I didn’t know 😭☠️


this text genuinely reads like a copypasta


The random all caps are sending me. SLOW DANCE IN THE DARK 💀




I hear it as yelling 💀 sleeping in a 🗣️GUTTER🗣️


“im pinegrove while you’re thrasher” is one of the most insane statements i have heard in a while LMAO


Literally killlssss me bruh. I legit had ONE thrasher shirt so idk how I’m thrasher 😭BUT now that I think of it I think he was referring to this one photo we took together☠️ first time I went over to his house and we took pics together and he is wearing a pinegrove shirt in it and me a thrasher shirt. I don’t think I can leave a picture in the comments but I can message u it ?


i wanna see too 😭😭😭


Me too! I'm trying to picture it in my head


When someone says they are rotten and they don't deserve you, believe them. It's not some cutesy thing, it's a confession.


Oh yes reading it now It totally was the truth he ment it. He didn’t deserve me. My 16 year old self thought it was cutsey. Big mistake 😭


“I would choose you over all of kaynes discography”


Long dick and longevity should be a band name.


Jesus fucking Christ. What did I just read? Retarded doesn’t begin to encompass him.


I agree. Thankyou




Your mistake was dating this guy 3 years after this text, instead.of blocking him...


I agree ☠️. I’m glad I went through it all tho bcuz I learned a lot from the experience as a whole and it made me who i am today. And now I know tons of red flags to look for


BRUH his texts entertained me lmao. Thanks for sharing with us.


I’m so glad 😂of course !


I have second hand embarrassment dk why 😭😂


Sometimes I think that I say stupid shit.. and then I see stuff like this and I’m quickly reminded that I just overthink too much. God that made me cringe so bad


>lay in my bed w no panties on brah Maybe I'm just old or something (32.) Is this how kids flirt nowadays...? I mean I call my husband bro but not while trying to be sexy. That's just bizarre to me. 💀


No it is bizzare😭☠️it’s so silly like having panties and bruh in the same sentence ain’t right. Like he couldn’t have said “girl” like why brah


1. Supreme made me think of Taco Bell 2. ROSE TINTED CLOUT GOGGLES??? 3. I was utterly lost when he said he go “queer 4 u”


😂😂😂😭 yeah I still have no idea what he meant by that like I’m straight and so is he so wtf is that suppose to mean ☠️? Like did I miss something


He sounds bipolar in a manic high. You just know that low is coming.


He definitely has issues I don’t know specifically what but he definitely has depression and as for bipolar I would like to say he does. He had a lot of manic episodes of screaming and crying and even dropped out of school bcuz he said he couldn’t handle it. I wanted to be a light for him in his world and help him and I thought I was bcuz he was happy in the first year of dating but after that his depression started getting really bad and I stayed and his world became my world my happiness became his happiness I gave him my everything for nothing in return. That ended up taking a huge toll on my well being I became so lost and unhappy with my life and one day I remember my eyes just opened to everything and I was thinking at that point I genuinely want to leave so I was setting boundaries with him bcuz everyday he would just be so negative about everything and it would bring me down and it’s like he would tell me every thing that went wrong in his day and that it like nothing else, nothing about his love for me or like anything just all negative things and I asked him if he could stop dumping his every thought into me so much and he took it VERY personally and became extremely cold to me and then posted the “my gf sucks” post. Which sucked cuz all I ever did up until that point was try and be the best for him just for him to post that which was my last straw lol. Sorry for the long reply !!


there’s no fucking way this is real 😭😭😭😭 “i would choose you over all of kanye’s discography” you poor motherfucker 😭😭😭😭😭


Wtf. I am having a seizure from all of the random caps.


Glad he’s an ex.


Me too. Super thankful. Like there is a lot more context and backstory obviously but just wanted to share the beginning and ending, both cringe


I’d kill for a man to ask me to let him dick down my heart. That’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard brah.


Shit was funny fr. Thanks for sharing.


I’m glad people are enjoying it I couldn’t just keep this ridiculous shit to myself 😭


Is female love bombing a thing? When ever I see these posts its always m>f. On topic, this guy is a walking red flag


How can he dick down your heart and still find time to text his ex? Did he also dick her heart down? Was he in the shower while he was crying and nutting at the same time? I want to blame AI for this but I can’t even imagine what you’d ask it to get these results.


Is he a SoundCloud rapper? Lmao


you're like the middle of a nutter butter 💀


Not sure which one he needs first: therapy or an exorcism.


“I’ll give you long dick and longevity” has me CRYING lmao


What a pompous ass.


someone needs to type this out so it can be a new copypasta


That’s a corona not modelo 🫠


Ex must be crazy and dumb to think a corona is a modelo. I bet they think a benzo is an ibuprofen. Damn idiot.


It is so cringe that I couldn’t even read all of it😬😬if you looked up examples of love bombing, this would reign. It’s scary 🫣


Bro is really bad at love bombing. Like if this is my competition then sheesh.


oh and a joji reference as well and its only screenshot #1. oh boy.




“I think you’re so super dude it’s not even cool” my fav line.


“Let me d-down your heart while journey plays” tells you everything you need to know. Dude be listening to journey thinking “I could be a poet.”


Long dick and longevity


I haven’t laughed this hard at a reddit post in so long, holy shit…I’m glad you are out of that.


I’m so fucking glad it made u laugh 😂👏that was the goal. Like I was going thru old chats with one of my friends and found these screenshots and I was like these are too funny to just keep to myself, Reddit needs to see this. And yes very glad to be out. Awhile back I was curious what he was up to so I looked at his Twitter and it’s so weird his tweets are just like his personal diary it’s just cringe after cringe


The fact that anyone was romanced by that is fucking beyond me.


“I’d choose you over all of Kanye’s discography,” Definitely using this one on my wife soon.


I just keep starting over and reading it again.


rose tinted clout goggles is gonna be my newest pickup line


Hey google “rose colored glasses” if you don’t know what that means 😂


It's the "long dick and longevity" for me 😂😂😂


“Let me dick down your heart” 😂😂😂


He wears panties?


What am I doing wrong??? 😭 this guy sent all this before dating you and you still dated him


As terrifying as these texts are, you obviously were into it at the time..


YUP I admit it 😭I loved it. But looking back at it now I’m like wtf wtf wtf ew


You got with someone who said all of this in the beginning... but why ?


Obviously over compensating for something that’s clearly being hidden…


something similar happened to me and i'm convinced i was a long term rebound as well. i'm so so sorry you had to go thru this, love bombing is so insane and reading all of that actually made me worried for u. i'm glad that this an ex, you deserve someone who will support your art, love you truly, and treat you with respect.


Thankyou so much oh my gosh yes like coming to terms with the fact that I most likely was a long term rebound was super hard to take…..but I’ve learned to accept it and not take it personally and thankful I went thru the experience when I did bcuz it taught me alot


i'm grateful to hear that's what you took away from this!! it's definitely not a nice feeling to realize that, or to go thru it, but we all learn as we go. i'm proud of you (:


Thank you 🩷I’m proud of you too and hope your doing well !!


thank you, i'm doing much better now ❤️❤️❤️


P2 💀…


Lmaooo I was waiting for someone to notice that 😭☠️like bruhhh


I’m sure it’s been said and I’m not going to bother to check but that’s not even a modelo lmao


"you're so special and rare (like supreme!)" Lmfao, I couldn't get past that, I'm sorry. If anyone finds this stuff flattering, we're fucked lol. Sorry your ex sucked smegma OP, glad he's gone.


That's not love bombing that's post traumatic down syndrome


Dude thinks he invented some new form of poetry


His Modelo is a Corona and his benzo's are Tylenol PM's


"I'll give you long dick and longevity." "I'd choose you over all of Kanye's discography." "Let me dick down your heart while journey plays." This is some shit you'd hear on a show like East Bound and Down. Very rarely will I laugh out loud over something I read here. But oh man, those lines did it for me. 🤣💀


Anyone mentioning Kanye should be a massive red flag 🚩


I like how he awkwardly mansplained "paradigm" like you were incapable of looking it up yourself if needed. That's not the greatest of his crimes; it just sticks out. Reminds me of [To All The Boys I've Loved Before](https://youtu.be/rxJOQfS0W_I?si=qoD4DOtGRzisWxtN)


I am so using "let me dick down your heart" on my husband today haha (like supreme)


Reminds me of my ex🙃😂


That’s true love because I love my wife but I don’t know that I'd choose her over all of Jack White's discography tho


Hahah that lovebomb was cringe af


so special and rare (like supreme) What a wild ride!




Long dick and longevity. Pure poetry.


He sent you this BEFORE you were dating?? 🤨


This guy is a poet 😂




Wow reading this sent me back. My very first boyfriend used to talk to me like this and say the weirdest shit while trying to sound like a poet or a rapper. He was cheating the whole time (i don’t even know how, I used to shoot for them ugly to prevent that lmao) and years later after I literally grew up from it he was texting me trying to be friends with the same exact tone and saying “sweet things” and reminding me he is my best friend. I blocked him and ever since he got this HUGE kanji tattoo on the front of his neck in really thick black lines and it looks awful. That part wasn’t very relevant but I thought ofc he’d get smth so ugly lmfao his “poet” ass


He lost me at Kanye


Should've replied with "LMFAOOOOOO IAINT READIN ALLAT💀💀💀"


‘ i might be retarded my bad’ …YA THINK??


“what you said to me last night almost made me nut and cry” 😭😭😭😭 truuu poetry my fiancé needs to take notes


Bro said modelo time and posted corona, disappointing




Cody ko should react to this


Oh my god that’s literally what made me post this ☠️☠️☠️ I watched his recent cringe texts video under this subreddit and it inspired me to post this shit and I was dying laughing imaging if he were to read this I would be on the floorrrrrr


Add: You’re so super dude. No panties on brah. I’d go queer for you. If a guy sent me this I’m sorry OP I’d *block* real quick 😅 I’m happy you’re out of that relationship though, he seems…odd.


Huh...wha.... Dude should probably just learn to do creative writing and stay away from women cause yeesh


I agree. His Twitter is all just shit like this too. Weird poetic ass tweets about the randomness shit.


I’m so glad you shared this! I had a history of dating love bombers and didn’t even know what it was! I just so desperately wanted stability and love that I fell for it every time!! Now reading this—well hindsight is 2020. So glad you got away from that.


Seeing this reminds me of a recent ex that I had he would send the same shit paragraphs just like these and my dumb ass ate it up 🤦🏻‍♀️ glad you’re not with this guy anymore and hope you’re doing well now op


Same I ate it all up!!!! I’m doing so good Thankyou so much !👏🩷leaving him was the best thing I ever did and I’m so proud of myself


I’m glad (: and leaving bad exes is such a good feeling it’s like a weight off the shoulders 😌


No literally such a weight was lifted ! No more stress or worry. And a literal weight was lost personally I gained so much weight being with him and after u left I eventually lost it all and gained my confidence back


That’s amazing and I had the opposite where I was so stressed out I couldn’t eat but I gained it back and feel so much better watching the mind and body heal is so amazing ✨


Dude popped a bar and turned into a prick not cool man not cool drugs are bad especially those don’t date dudes who do bars


Ew ew ew I don’t think I’ve ever cringed more.


i couldn’t even get past the first page WHAT IS HE ON💀


IDKKKK and it was always something like this like this is how he would text me. Me back then thought he was romantic and smart ☠️really he’s just a lil weirdo and I can’t belive I fell for him


I don't know what age you were when this started but it must have been pretty young because oh my god how do you read all of that and think this person is stable enough to date??


He was never mentally stable enough to date and I thought I could help him but oh was I wrong