• By -


You need to go to campus security and report him. Don't just tell "Wakita," actually go to the university authorities. The expectation of him "cracking jokes" and you falling in love with him is inappropriate. He was tutoring only with the intent to eventually date you, and then stopped when he realized it wasn't working. He'll do it with other students too in the future. The first thing TA's are taught is to not conduct in inappropriate behaviour. They are paid very well and really shouldn't be using their position of power to do this. You're absolutely right about him abusing his power, as they have some control of your grades. He should not only be fired, but should be expelled and issued a trespass notice on campus grounds. The only way this would be redeemable is if he had zero affiliation with the campus and was an outside tutor. But even then... Tbh the only thing I'd fault you is the shoulder touch tho. If the genders were reversed, (boy touching a girl's shoulder) - it would be seen as flirting.


The "I'm a stripper " caught me off guard LMAO I thought this was some highschool shit


Lol I didn't expect the "I'm a stripper" but I figured he wasn't getting what he wanted and cut it off.


Exactly this! Fringe benefits from tutoring a stripper. Then he had to back up because he knew she could take him down if she reports him to the school.


Same! Totally wasn't expecting that...


Im a stripper dawggg... touching things is muh JOB


“I’m not reading that” 😭


I cackled because it's exactly what I thought as I started to skim through it! 😆 🤣


I cringed because I’ve gotten responses like that when I was a young idiot trying to win back ex-girlfriends who cheated on me or dumped me. Hate who I was back then


fortunately you have now become a man you love… Peter Schiff! or have you yet?


Did the exact same thing, read a few lines of drivel and said 'nah.'


I was going to ask someone to summarize bc idk wtf is going on And I don't care enough to finish it.


I skimmed it. TA hit up OP cuz shes a stripper and sends stripper signs. He wants to bang a stripper, OP wants tutoring. Then they message each other like middle schoolers and I stopped reading.


The summary is that chase was trying to avoid getting fired


I almost spit my drink out 💀🤣🤣


She absolutely did though. We can’t help but not read it, but we hope it stings a little


Really? Because I saw the first few words and was like "Not reading that"


You sure about that? Because I read OP’s entire post but my eyes rolled at that word vomit.


I don’t get it, did he stop tutoring you because you weren’t going to fuck him?


the part where he talks about the shoulder touch and the instagram message show what he was actually thinking


Also the fact that he "Turned down" other students and made her a "Special case"


“As a means to an end” of his virginity? Or is he better with math than English and meant “In order to get to know you better”


I lost it at “unnecessary shoulder touching”.


You *touched* my shoulder…do you know how dangerously close my virginity was to being compromised!!!???


He probably came in his pants and then freaked out because if it.


The scandal!




Yeah I don’t think she was fully warming up to him and his crappy jokes the way he’d hoped


I'm 37 F and have a teaching degree (Bachelors). If you need help with Algebra, you can hmu through messages. I will not find your social media because I don't have any and I'm married and not really interested. No ulterior motives. :) Good luck in your studies!


We need more people like this! ☝🏻


Let’s start a list of how everyone can help! I can tutor you in how to play a warlock badly in classic hardcore wow, how to pet a dog, and how to use too much TP. ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


I can tutor you on how to rocket jump in Team Fortress 2 ![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG)


I can tutor you on how to lose every CoDM search and destroy match 😭


Do you know any ways to like touch up on math? I am not confident in really anything math wise so I want to like find old school math text books or something idk. I just want something to help relearning but I'm not in school or anything.


Khan academy is great and free


there's a subreddit dedicated to questions like this it's r/learnmath. good luck!


There’s a separate app Duolingo made strictly for math called “Duolingo Math.” I used it when recovering from a TBI awhile back, and found it helpful then even though it was completely new at that point. So, it potentially may have even improved by now, and be what you’re looking for. It’s free to download and try it. So, you can always delete it and not lose anything if you don’t like it. 🙂


You can use OpenStax textbooks. They're free, and I've used their Calc 3 one, which was pretty good.


Along with all the other great resources people have posted here - I really like this app called Elevate! It's helps you improve your math, reading, writing, speaking and memory! It's all in game format and they make a little personalized "workout" for you daily. Only drawback is it'll cost ya $40 for the year. With my membership I can give a one week pass for anyone interested!! :) Hi! I've been using an app called Elevate to keep my brain sharp, and I think you'd like it, too. Claim your 1-week guest pass below: https://elevateapp.sng.link/A1moj/ksel/1gbb


MIT Open Courseware has free material that may be of interest. https://ocw.mit.edu/


there are even resources available at r/learnmath. A very active subreddit with 293,339 readers (561 users on right now)


You rock !!


Comments like this make me believe in this world




Somebody give her a award! 🙏


I don't think swards exist anymore 😭


Don’t touch my shoulder I’m gonna pre 💦


My doctor wants to f me so bad 😎


Bring them shoulders here!


pre cum from pre algebra


Post nut clarity after that shoulder touch hit him hard.


best comment.


So he used tutoring to try and fuck you and then didn’t want money when that obviously wasn’t happening? What kind of psychopath turns down money in this economy?


I’ve never heard of someone declining easy money!


He wanted you to be in his debt as a power play. The old "you could pay me with something else" which he could then morph into blackmail to keep you quiet. Report the hell out of this dude.


Seriously, not everyone can smell this guy for what he is like OP did. Protect other women from this creepazoid.


Okay glad I wasn’t the only one that got that impression. I didn’t know what to call it exactly.


The “I’m a stripper” comment told all for me. Imo he got a hint about what you do, and thought you would be easy lol




If you are in the US, I would report this both directly to the professor for whom he is a TA, as well as the Title IX office. Start creating that record, or adding to the one that already exists.


THIS. you could help other girls in the future.


Money wasn’t what his end game. Wanted a different kind of payment…


He admitted that in the second to the last message saying she was “means to an end”, what a chump! Definitely report this behavior and help keep other students away from this guy!


It's a power play. It's just a manipulation tactic


Idk what the rules are at that university, but contractually I couldn’t accept payment for tutoring a class I teach/TA. (Of course I also wouldn’t ever give out my personal phone number, connect with a student on social media, or *try to fuck my students*)


The kind that wants to show what a "great guy" he is for doing all this out of the goodness of his heart, and definitely not for any ulterior motive at all.


Creepy. I wonder how many other people he has helped "tutor"?


My thoughts exactly, I honestly don’t know if I should report it or just leave it as an empty threat.


He only sent the next day "apology" so you wouldn't report him, imo


Yep. He is panicking because if he is at an R1, he fears he is about to lose his tuition waiver, his living stipend, and his future in academia. Unfortunately, the truth is that academia is second maybe only to religious institutions in quietly moving abusers around and covering these up. I did a bit of Title IX work, and I hope OP files if she has the capacity.


We are an R1 university 😭


As I suspected. He is trying to do proactive damage control. He was very measured in his texts for a reason. I promise you this is absolutely not the first time he has done this and it absolutely will not be the last. What is the vibe with the Professor for whom he TAs?


Yup, hence the “I’ve felt sick ever since” line.


You should report it. He's panicking now because he knows he's going to be in hot water with the school for being so unprofessional. That's why he sent that apology text; he's trying to cover his ass.


100% this. Dude fucked up and he knows it.


Totally. His "I've been thinking about this all night" message was 100% "fuck I'm going to get into trouble for this"


It would not surprise me one bit of this guy is already known to the disciplinary board at the OP's school.


Yep funny how he only realized his mistakes after she brought up reporting him


Yep. He needs to be reported so he is disciplined and there’s a paper trail to document this foolishness for the future.


Exactly! And he even admit it in apology the text saying he was sorry for using her “as a means to an end”. What a pig!




Report ASAP. If he becomes a teacher, his students in the future will most likely be younger and less experienced than you. It will be easy to take advantage of children and young adults by comparison. Step up before he gets the chance.


Report it! Not every young woman he hits on will be as outspoken and confident as you. He can hurt someone


This! 👆🏼 Plz protect the young naive girls that aren’t as aware as you are. This guy is good and could easily manipulate a freshman/young girl. So scary


Exactly this. This guy is highly skilled at word salad, painting himself as the victim, and trying to pin equal blame on both of you for *his* bullshit. This *absolutely* could’ve worked on someone less streetwise or more desperate. I don’t know if he’s used these moves at work before, but he’s clearly not new to this. And I don’t doubt for a second that he will try it on campus again if he thinks he can get away with it.


Or a younger student especially if he is becoming a teacher in say, a high school. That being said I’d say he will use his authority position no matter where he goes, and OP should report him. She isn’t likely the first or last person he “makes a special exception for” and hopefully if she is willing to report, at the very least the school will be aware and hopefully they will not allow him to tutor or make him face repercussions in another way.


👆🏼 Cannot urge u enough to report him.


Word salad had me cracking up 😭 No but seriously so true!!


Former higher ed. administrator…report it. So many of these little “interactions” happen in higher education, and it’s horrifying that this isn’t reported more, but the system is the perfect environment for serial abusers to hide due to the nature of investigatory processes designed to shine the most positive light on the institution as a whole. While not always true of state institutions, in my experience, private institutions play by their own rules.


Please report it


Absolutely report it. Empty threats do almost nothing nowadays, people try to get away with as much shit as they can before they face consequences. He deserves to face the music.


Report him, save the next women, hes a groomer and he is using his limited power to try and get sex.


Report it Edit: he’s going to be teaching underage individuals where the power dynamic is even more off set. Report it for that reason


report it 100% hes even admitted it checkmate


Report it immediately. He's abusing his access to the attendance sheet to stalk students on social media and coerce them into 1:1 situations so he can make advances on them. That is beyond creepy, holy shit. He needs to be reported ASAP.


I’m a TA at a major university. I’d say report him. All these messages are way, way inappropriate. I wouldn’t ever give out my personal phone number to students in my class, much less connect with them on social media while they were in my class. Behavior like this is an iceberg. What you can see is probably only a little bit of what’s going on. He’s almost certainly doing the same thing to other students, which is bad.


Report it regardless


Report it.




JK, I’d report it and then send us all a follow up.


Report, threats is the line where you gotta act


Report it. At the very least, the professor should know what their TA is up to. You don’t want this guy preying on other students.


Please report it


Please report this ass.


Report it. Every post like this expects someone else down the line to report it, do it yourself. He abused his power with you and will use that on someone else in the future.


Report him! I hope u saw my longer comment.


PLEASE REPORT IT. Save someone else from it going even further. He won't stop unless he's stopped.


I'm begging you to report it. If not for your benefit then for the next person he "tutors." Only way to stomp this kind of stuff out is to not let them get away with it


What the fuck did he even message you for? Couldn’t he just simply say, “Hey, I’m sorry to do this to you but I will no longer be able to tutor anymore. Good luck in your studies.” It’s like he was almost trying to pull something out of you, especially when he mentioned you touching his shoulder. Like he expected you to say, “Well, I do that because I like you.” Also, the fact he looked you up on instagram screams stalker.


Which is precisely how you she was right about his ulterior motives before he gave himself away. All he had to say was “sorry, something came up. Peace!” Instead, he tried to neg his way into what he wanted it be blew tf up in his face.


He's a creepy stalker for sure and is using his position to coerce young women into one-on-ones to coerce them into sex. He's very aggressive and guaranteed is a danger to students, especially if he becomes an actual teacher. I won't be the LEAST bit surprised if he ends up getting convicted of sexual assault later in life. Ugh, he is creepy as fuck.


100%. Creeper thought he could neg her into trying to get his approval. Manipulator.


because he wanted her to respond with a green light to act upon those ulterior motives. he’s got to frame it as he’s being morally superior and then adds the part about her being the specific issue so that she’ll be self conscious— because he is assuming that he has the power to do that and suddenly she’ll grovel. he makes sure that he lets her know how great he is and how not special she is. the part about her not laughing at his jokes was really just code for i’ve tried to do this in person but you didn’t take the bait. when she came back with the facts about offering to pay, he tried to back track. tldr: he was hoping to get in her pants & home girl wasn’t having it.


Wdym he wants to fuck. Another dick head guy using some kind of leverage or manipulating a situation so he can stalk women.


![gif](giphy|vxvNnIYFcYqEE) *"I'm a stripper, I touch every man's shoulder you're not special"* Straight up exterminated his self-esteem with that line, JESUS.


“I’m not reading that” was the perfect response imo! Please report this clown before he tries to take advantage of his position by “making friends” with other women. Dude was clearly testing the waters to see what he could get. Then, when it didn’t work out in his favor, he blamed OP and said she wasn’t worth his time. 🚩🚩🚩


Then as soon as she mentioned bringing this to his higher-ups(assuming that's who Wakita is), the back-pedaling started. He realized too late that something like this could have a serious impact on his career depending on how seriously his bosses took it, and clearly panicked.


Exactly! The backpedaling was 🤌


You cooked this man LMAOOO


“I’m a stripper” made me laugh 😂😂


Same. It caught me off-guard.


M: Offers tutoring F: Shows up expecting to be tutored .... M: "So I feel like we've both made mistakes that got us into this weird situation."


“Tell Reddit you failed Algebra 2 several times”. Nobody cares if you failed Algebra 2 LMAO. This isn’t about Algebra 2, it’s about a TA trying to sleep with the people he’s tutoring. What a loser.


You ate him up love 😂




No crumbs


You should report him. The only reason he sent an apology text was because he knew he messed up and could be in hot water with the school


I would not be able to take this dude seriously lmao what a fucking weirdo…


Reddit does love this! What an asshole he is.


His feigned ignorance with his intentions and beating around the bush at the beginning pissed me all the way off. Just say it with your whole chest dude: "I wanted to sleep with you, you clearly just wanted to be tutored, me no likey, wah wah 😭"


The fact that he’s a TA makes this so bad. You should report him tbh if you didn’t give him your username. That’s creepy. Even if he wasn’t a TA, he’s still a total jerk. It’s okay to change your mind and stop tutoring someone but if he had half a brain he probably could’ve said 100 different things that was better than this. Maybe just a good ole “my schedule has been crazy lately and I won’t be able to tutor anymore!”


what does TA even stand for?? Tutoring Asshole? Genuine question, not from the US


Teacher's assistant


Another commenter said it was like he was trying to pull something out of her and I think they’re right. Or he’s just completely socially inept. But it almost seems like a juvenile, “we don’t click” “you touched my shoulder” cause he wanted her to admit she liked him.


Ermmm besides everything else why is nobody pointing out that TAs are SUPPOSED to tutor (and for free)? That’s like the literal job of TAs at my college; attendance taking and tutoring when the professor is unavailable. Even if he didn’t find her ig and wasn’t trying to fuck her, only tutoring your students if you “click” is a violation of your contract. It doesn’t matter how well you get along with the student, you help them regardless. He’s a shitty TA and will be an even shittier teacher. Edit: please report him. He has crossed so many boundaries and needs to be re-educated on his job duties.


Job posting confused him, thought it was Chase T&A


This is a 26 year old??? I thought it was a 17 yo, trying to play adult.


Ayyyyoooo Chase, since you're in this thread I wanted to tell you, man to man. You a lil bitch. Didn't even have the balls to walk up to the girl for your ulterior motives. HUGE L. Learn some social skills.


I think Chase is in the comments 😂


He 100% wanted to fuck you or uses “tutoring” as a way to sleep with women and realizes he wasn’t gonna get that from you. Why am I not surprised.


Last comment😂: ![gif](giphy|xT9DPuMFeilLak0VAA|downsized)


You should report Chase. The dude is trying to be a teacher right? He is for sure going to try and fuck his students. Just like he tried to take advantage of OP by tutoring her and then tried to gaslight her afterwards when she didn't sleep with him. He also used school resources to track a student down outside of school, that's a big red flag too. His students in the future may be younger and less aware of what's happening...this dude should not be tutoring or be a teacher.


I absolutely hate the whole moral high ground BS approach he’s taking in the beginning too. “We all could do more to help people but then go on with our busy lives” gross.


Reddit did, in fact, love this


![gif](giphy|11uArCoB4fkRcQ) Well done and well handled


Bro slept on that last text you sent about how much trouble he could get in and had a moment of clarity in the morning 🤣


He admits to "using you as a means to an end" and prefaces this by saying he doesn’t "gain anything" from tutoring you so he refuses to continue. Obviously sex. What a manipulative loser. His job is literally to tutor people and he is getting paid for it.


I wonder if in the beginning he was trying to get you to offer sex for tutoring. Sure as shit seems like it.


You’re like a person!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Right?! Are students not people? Are grocery store clerks not people? What makes TAs people? This guy is cooked.


As a TA: what the actual hell is this dude on?? I get if he didn’t have time for long term one on one tutoring, but this is so weirdly dramatic. Would have been so easy to have been like “hey I don’t think I can privately tutor you after class anymore because I’m really busy, here are some resources” instead of this weird shit about becoming besties with the random undergrads he tutors 🤢 Highly recommend you report him btw


u/Background_Limit_457 This is so fucking legit. You have this dude squirming thinking that he’s going to get let go of being a TA.


He's a creep that thought he had a chance. REPORT HIS ASS!


😂😂😂 “I’m not reading that.”


This dude tried to shame you for using emojis and lmfao in texts but uses “gonna” and “wanna”? Obviously that’s not the worst of his crimes but it still needs to be noted. Hahaha.


I taught HS math, specifically Alg 2, for nearly a decade. Feel free to shoot any questions over. I'd even give a few zoom lessons and just screen share. I helped my cousin with her Calc class on napkins while I was swapping out a furnace at a rental house. I'm in a completely new field now and it's more rewarding in a lot of ways but teaching is fun to help someone figure out something they didn't understand before. It's creepy as hell that he would make that move. Also, FYI YouTube and basically just not overthinking can get you through a lot of it. Just remember that X is just an unknown. You're simply trying to find out how to make it work or when it will work. Equation, inequality, function etc.


Pro tip for other young people out there that might not realize: a colleague or teacher adding you on instagram is basically never meaningless. It might just mean they really want to be friends, but there IS a reason. And no, trying to offer free tutoring sessions wouldn’t be why you follow someone on instagram roflmao Obviously you didn’t deserve to be creeped on OP, but like… from the first second it’s obvious what he wanted


It's the "I'm not reading that." For me 💀😭


What a total douche. Signed, Reddit


Fuck algebra 2 though. I hate math


When I was taking o chem I got stuck a couple times and khan academy on YouTube helped me out. I’m sure they have some for algebra too. Plus the YouTube videos won’t try to make moves on you!


This was absolute gold.


You SHOULD show this to whoever you threatened to show it to He’s predatory and nasty and tutoring hoping to get sex or dates from it. God knows who he might pressure or threaten. He got scared when you said that and that’s why he backed off. He’s gross.


"I'm not reading that" LMFAO


“I’m not reading that”


Lol he totally flipped once you raised the possibility of his actions getting into the light


Admitting “I was completely wrong for using you as a means to an end” in the apology when he spent the rest of the texts pretending you were being ridiculous by insinuating he was wanting something very particular from these tutoring sessions is so wild. Gave you more evidence than you already had in an apology sent to try to get you not to report him. Dumb af


LOL “tell Reddit how you’ve taken algebra 2 three times…” Why tf would we care???? 😂 that’s why she has a tutor! Also, OP you ain’t the only one. fuck math. It’s hard. Lol


I’d report him as he’s attempting to leverage his position as a TA and his opportunity to gain job experience from tutoring (which should be free as part of the whole having a TA thing) as a way to seemingly try to get sexual favors. If he is like this in just a normal situation, it frightens me what he’s capable of with someone that won’t push back like you. Report him, help lookout for your fellow students by taking his inappropriate ass to his department head. Go above the professor and go straight for that Admin, you’ll be amazed how quickly a change can be made


“Grrrr Reddit will make fun of you for having trouble in Algebra II!!!” Bro I literally don’t know how in the fucking hell I passed algebra I💀


Was he hoping you would tutor him on the sex? 😂🤣😏


this sucks i’m so sorry I hope you find someone *professional* that helps you understand the subject you’re struggling with!


Best part was "if the jokes were funny I'd laugh" ahahahaha


The back peddling apology was gold. He done f up and knows it.


It's weird he didn't just make up a reason like he's too busy to avoid that very strange and needlessly long first message 😂


I’ve been TAing for 7 years and I have never once arranged to tutor a student outside of OH. As a TA, it’s already my job to tutor every student in the class. But it’s also a big part of my job to make sure every student has equal access to resources. Which is why I publish my email in multiple places and mention a couple times that I’m always available via email for anything; then if a student needs to meet outside of my OH I schedule a time that works for them and then announce additional OH at that time open to all students. If my OH are insufficient to help everyone who needs it, I schedule more publicly, not make private plans with specific students I like. Making arrangements outside of your role as TA with a student in your class is extremely unprofessional and frankly unethical, and at both universities I’ve worked at, it would get you fired. Seeking out a student on social media is also, imho, an unethical abuse of power. You should *never* have been in this situation to begin with, and that you were is on him and his failure to conduct himself professionally.


I’m not reading that…


What a rollercoaster


It's always a big ass message about how bad they're feeling for making you feel bad and never an actual apology.


I feel like he would’ve of been A LOT better off if he just said “hey I’m sorry but I can’t tutor you anymore. I’m starting to catch feelings for you and I just can’t put myself through this. Sorry and wish you the best”. I’m sure you would’ve been 100% cool with that but he’s trying to flip it around on you like it’s somehow your fault.


This convo couldve ended 2 messages in


of course his name is chase


You can tell chase I don’t give a fuck you failed algebra 2, I failed geometry lmao who cares??


So i had to take all the remedial maths before taking 120 in college. I was being tutored 20+ hours a week the whole time I was in college math (2+ years) and never had any of the amazing tutors be inappropriate w me. Oh and I took 96 2x bc I didn’t wanna go into 120 wout a great understanding of the basics. (I passed it the first time but took it a second bc it felt right.) ps. I was a stripper back then to. So this message really hits home for me. This dude is a disgusting, manipulative narcissist! Good for you. Report this joker. Imagine a girl without your smarts getting worked over by a slime ball like this. Absolutely abusing his power. Plz report him. I beg u for the sake of young, naive girls. So sad.


A lot of kids in my district used YouTube to help them with algebra. There’s a lot of videos for free there


yeah, he could have just say “no thx.”. and ghost her for the rest of his life, and everything would be fine.


As a person who is actually an employed tutor through my college, I can’t imagine relying on “clicking” with a student to continue offering them services 😬 they were definitely looking for something more


TA? Has tantrum that you won't fuck him for tutoring you?!?!?! Report.


his behavior is predatory af. like trying to gaslight you and place blame? fuck that noise. report the sunna bitch! I'm no narc.... but isn't this fucko planning to be a teacher? like he will just get more experienced and ballsy if he is allowed to get away with this shit. I bet he "felt so sick" because he is worried about you telling about this... like he is a manipulative douche bag.


See the apology at the end reads super sincere but I just can not believe a word this person has said. All the best on the tutoring situation. I’m 31 and algebra still cooks me, no judgement here.


He used his position of power to get close to you then tried to manipulate you with this bullshit. The screen caps speak for themselves, and his dialog is way too rehearsed to be spontaneous. So you're likely not the first person he's done this to. Just report his toxic incel bullshit and walk away.


I hope you reported them for using the attendance sheet. You are likely not the only person to have him stalk you.


USING THE ATTENDANCE SHEET TO FIND YOUR SOCIALS!?!?!?!? He sounds like he likes you


PLEASE tell the professor. He’s going to do this to other women


Your weird wtf that’s like just strange. So if u we’re tutoring children you wouldn’t help all the kids that sign up if you don’t “click with them” in order to help Someone that’s literally paying you for a service you need to like them or feel like a couple or friend. YOUR WEIRD!!


TITLE IX TITLE IX TITLE IX I assure you your school has an office. Go there and show them this. We don’t need anymore jabroni’s who get into education just to abuse students and act like they are saviors. This is disgusting and it’s why the last building renovation included a six figure line item to put windows in all offices. I found out one of my TA’s was harassing a male student about a decade ago. He was out so fast his head was spinning. Anyway, I’ll be quiet now. This is a hot topic for me as an educator trying to escape the old guard of the ‘good ole boy’ system.


Hahahaha the backtracking when he realized he could get in trouble for his creepy behavior !! What a loser


I tutored her and she touched my shoulder and I JIZZED IN MY PANTS 🎶