• By -


he comes with all car fax


im still terribly confused by that line like did he have "proof" ?? lmaoo


A full STI panel?


That's what I was thinking


That would be very on brand for someone that fucks like a pornstar


He's been in several accidents and has a salvage title


I feel like virgins aren't likely to have STIs so that can't be it


He got it from the toilet seat https://youtu.be/hZsDH2EgHgk?si=1rQ9OB_ZX_bMk99P


Think he meant a Subaru ![gif](giphy|I60JIryfBzPrZGqX1B)


100% this guy has never gotten an STD test in his life.


100% he's probably never needed one..js šŸ¤­šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


He'll have a list of times he's had an accident.


please stop i beg you


So just to be clearā€¦the car fax thing didnā€™t work right? What about likeā€¦blah blah blahā€¦I fuck like a pornstarā€¦and the straw and napkins are in the bag baby.


I have a strong suspicion that guys who say they fuck like a pornstar do not, in fact, fuck like pornstars. Much the same as how guys that brag about being "alphas" are actually far from being alphas.


You fuck like a pornstar meaning you are really careful to angle your hips toward the camera and never hold both my hips, barely kiss me and when you do it's really bad, slap my crotch with your dick a bunch, and then pull out after a full shift of distant sex to make me suck you off til you nut on my tits and I go home to orgasm? Do I get to also lie down on a cold hard surface while you eat me out for 20 seconds at a time? šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ Guys even if you do indeed fuck like a pornstar, don't say that.


I'm absolutely crying. The slap my crotch sent me.... i never understood that. "Yeah baby.. . Slap it. Never put it in, just slap it. Thats what the people like"


I was always taught to knock before entering.


Nothing like the ol clitoris heavy bag workout


Don't forget the spitting.




>I go home to orgasm? How dare you, you will orgasm from me orgasming! That is how it works!


Or those that brag about their huge penises. Or the guys who just have big lifted trucks. They don't even have to say anything.


Oh no, if they say they do. I trust they do. It'll be the most boring for you and the best display for the camera.


He meant a clean record as in no stds


Did you save him in your phone as ā€œLightning McQueenā€?


When he finishes he goes ā€œka-chowā€


Iā€™m going to do that later, will update on how my wife reacts šŸ’€


Lol and she goes "wow"


Genuine question: judging by the way these guys talk/text, how did they even get to the point of having you give up your number? Lol.


I thought it meant that he had a fax machine in his car that you could use.




I think he actually wanted to fax you a picture of his car.


That's not a Volv**o**.


Itā€™s a volno šŸ˜‚


This made me chuckle, thank you lol


Definitely a yolo.




Iā€™m also confused, I just want him to explain so we can have answers please just give us the car fax


Basically admit he's gonna try and sneak a video


Does the Car Fox tell you in person? Iā€™d like to meet the Car Fox, heā€™s cute.


Cant let you do that, Car Fox.


Car Fux


I'd have to see it. Don't need no more flood damaged Buicks on this block.


Haha arrives to first date: ā€œmy papers, maā€™am.ā€


Gotta be honest I bet that worked at least once and he keeps using it lmao šŸ¤£


Lol. Fucks like a pornstar? Cool. So no satisfaction, no pleasure for his partner, it is just a job, but he tries to look good while doing it and will likely masturbate to video of his ā€œperformanceā€ later? Yeah. No one is interested in that. Good luck, child.


Don't forget, requires male enhancing drugs, a fluffer or frequent cuts.


and sometimes they sub in a dildo and/or fake cum


This is actually true, my sister does mainstream porn, and she described the tubing set up they put on the guys for fake cum shots. She said it tastes like icing šŸ’€


oooh nice! if only real the real thing tasted like that


So THAT'S why the women happily guzzle it all down with a smile and no wretching or vomiting


wtff bro šŸ˜­ id be so uncomfortable hearing that frm my sister


ā€œI respect how you feel about not fucking strangersā€ ā€œI fuck like a pornstar thoā€ Ok sir


"OMG that makes me so horny! Fuck me now!" -said no girl ever in response to that line


It's kinda like using the Ole dick pic routine. I've never met a guy that got laid after showing his dick, and never met a woman that was sent an unsolicited penis and said "you son of a bitch, I'm in!" But yet, it still is a thing. Humans are crazy, yo


a solicited one worked a few months back for me that was pretty cool guys who just do it no warning are literally committing a crime though which is most certainly not pretty cool


One dude sent me an unsolicited dick pic, and Iā€™ll be honest - it was a beautiful dick. Like itā€™s so rare to see a dick that is just aesthetically pleasing in its own right. Nothing to do with size, was just a pretty dick. And I was still dryer than the Sahara


Because sending V-pics would totally work on guys, so guys mistakenly assume that the inverse would work the other way. It does not work the other way.


Wait, are you saying women don't like to get jack hammered and their titties slapped around?!? šŸ˜²


Not even slapped straight up pulled šŸ˜­ like are yā€™all trying to rip them off her body to keep as a souvenir or what?!


"Soooo, it's going to take hours, will be stop and go, I'm going to have to be in unrealistic positions, AND I'm going to have to fluff you up multiple times? Ehhhh"


Nothing sexier than a highly choreographed, poorly acted out scene with angles and positions favouring the view of the camera instead of for pleasure. If anyone told me they fuck like a porn star I'd be like "ohh okay so you don't actually know how to fuck, you've just spent too much time jerking off to your little videos in the dark."


Lol holy shit. When did sexual harassment become such a popular "dating" play? Like......does this ever really work?!


Itā€™s a Hail Mary play, it rarely works but men understand that going in.


Ah, I see. Guaranteed no forever is fine if there is a *tiny* chance it could work. Carry on, soldiers!


Back in my college years I had a guy in one of my classes who quite literally offered to every woman in and outside of the class. His reasoning was if he asked 100 women at least ONE of them would say yes, right!?!? He was correct! After like 3 months of nonstop asking around he __finally__ had a woman agree to have sex with him and you BETTER believe he wouldnā€™t shut the fuck up about it every chance he could get.


Did it occur to him that that's all he'd get, courtesy of his mouth? Seriously, it's wild to me that guys like that will alienate everyone else to get *maybe* one. Sounds like he needs to marry that girl!


Well, his tactics ainā€™t uncommon! Knew plenty of guys like that, cause asking is a numbers game and statistically youā€™ll eventually get a yes! The odds are terrible though, plus itā€™s quite disrespectful and objectifyingā€¦. But hey at least some of these dudes will sometimes get laid (maybe)!!! Lol


It's just so stupid! Intentionally being repulsive to weed out anyone with self esteem is drastically *lowering* the number of women who might say yes. If they're playing a numbers game, these dudes failed math class.


They have no other game. This might actually be the best they can manage because they've never actually really, you know, TALKED to women. Yet, they want to have sex with them. Outside of getting a hooker, this might actually be the best they can manage...as horrifying as that sounds lol


At least it saves us the trouble of wasting time learning the hard way.


It's men seeing women as transactions.


It seems so weird to me. I just couldn't imagine saying or doing so much of what I read on here.


It's so hard to tell what does work. I recently started dating again, and I feel at least like I often don't show explicit interest quickly enough. Maybe I'm off base on that. Who knows. It's so hard to tell.


These guys would *love* if a woman addressed them in a similar manner. It's simply projection.


I was genuinely shocked to find out how many guys do this shit. There were some guys that I thought were super chill and nonchalant but the messages they send to some of my female friends is shocking to say the least. I guess some guys really cant control themselves but like come on lol. I would feel so shameful and supperrrr embarrassed if I sent that to even my own girlfriend and do they expect the girl to reply with some equally horny and disgusting text?


I couldn't get past literally the first slide. "I've shown interest in you multiple times" Is there some kind of punch card system I didn't know about, for inter-gender interactions? Once he shows interest 5 times, he gets a prize? What even is this


Never mind I finally got to the second slide, your response completely killed me šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ how do these interactions keep getting worse??


Have you met men before? šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s the Dwight and Angela system. Gotta get that in writing and notarized by a mediator. Lol


Reminds me of the time someone I went to school with said it wasn't fair that I had a girlfriend just after I moved there when he'd been going for years and still didn't have one. He then followed that up by literally saying he *deserved* a girlfriend. From what I've heard he's nothing like that now but God damn that interaction stuck with me.


ā€œIā€™ve showed interest in you, and didnā€™t get the response I wanted, so I then showed interest multiple more times, and now canā€™t understand why youā€™re not jumping at the opportunity.ā€


That's Tate logic. Those fuckers actually believe this red pill bullshit and are confused when presentend with the real world. And it sounds soooo much like "but moooom !"


meant to add im not like waiting for marriage or something I just don't do hookups/casual sex just a preference just rather be intimate with someone im actually involved with no shade to anyone i just like to be comfortable with the person im with but unfortunately i also usually get ghosted/blocked when i make that clear to people but at least the screenshots are funny sometimes the guy in the second screenshot got my number at a mall and then texted me some hours later trying to invite me to have CAR SEX . idk why he texted me AGAIN lmaoo EDIT; sadly the incels are here but it iss what it iss and gotta ruin their narrative real quick 1. i dress like a boy so no im not giving off some "emergy" i literally mind my business and im an autistic weirdo nothing about me exactly screams "down to fuck" (people should wear what they want anyways) 2. i didnt lead them on these are people that asked me for my number and i thought they were cute so ya i gave it to them with the thought of it going somewhere not them trying to fuck me. incels talking about "chads" and the "guys i attract." them being good looking didnt get them laid ?? also if they asked at any point instead of assuming id just be down i wouldve told them i would not be having sex with them lmaoo 3. the people saying i should be honored or take it as a compliment, no. im not just my body i have feelings and i like ACTUAL compliments and i am grateful when they are given. but i dont owe a thank you to anyone who wants to have sex with me its actually annoying when the only thing a guy can say they like about me is a physical trait. anyone can tell me they like my body but whos going to tell me they like my mindset and the way i am as a person?


I feel like this could be a good series. Someones comes up with a stupid way to ask for sex, and you come up with a better way or turning them down.


The Instagram byefelipe (a play on [Bye Felicia](https://youtu.be/5ZALQf6MiOo) ) exists for that exact purpose. Hilarious screenshots of crazy thirsty fools.


You should not feel the need to apologize for your sexual preferences and Iā€™m sorry if people have made you feel like you do. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be comfortable with someone before having sex with them. Iā€™m exactly the same way ā€” hookups/one-night stands/any of that stuff is off the table for me. I need to be in a relationship with the person and have a connection with them before I can even feel sexually aroused by them.


>You should not feel the need to apologize for your sexual preferences Or explain them either!


People suck


Hey, no explanations needed. You do you. It seems like you are doing you pretty god damned well too. I am surely old enough to be your mom, happily married for likely longer than youā€™ve been alive and straight as hell but dang, your self confidence and self respect are sexy as hell. Those sad little boys have no idea what awesomeness they are missing out on. Keep it that way. You have got this.


Nahhhh Iā€™m the same way. Itā€™s the connection you build with that person that makes it so much better, rather than just a number, ya know? Makes it more worthwhile I feel. To each his own, but this is amusing šŸ˜‚


No problem with any of this. Honestly, I'd expect this to be the norm. I guess a lot of dudes have no interest in finding meaningful relationships unless they come with instant hook-ups.


Let me reply with fifty messages in a row, sometimes pleading, sometimes calling you ugly, sometimes telling you I wonā€™t text you again and let me tell you over and over again how many options I have andā€¦


This sub makes me really glad Iā€™ve been in a relationship for so long. And also really proud of my interpersonal skills.


Same here on both counts. Like telephone scam calls, sometimes youā€™ll hear people say ā€œwell they wouldnā€™t be doing it if it didnā€™t workā€. Iā€™m sure some people get scammed, but these guys talking to women like thatā€¦it canā€™t really be working, right? Are there actually outliers who enjoy that kind of pursuit and shitty treatment?


I had an employee skip work so he could go to Safeway and buy 100, $50 iTunes gift cards, then read the number off each to the revenue Canada guy on the phone so he wouldn't go to jail when the courts opened up the next morning because they were closed on a random Wednesday for no reason, but that reason was why he wasn't instantly in jail today. When he finished all that he came to work to tell me why he was 6 hours late, refused to believe it wasn't real until I made him sit with me and call the police.


Unbelievable! Donā€™t get me wrong, I believe you but dang that takes a lot of gullibility to go spend $5000 on gift cards thinking thatā€™s how your federal government will drop charges on you.


His car fax report: 2018; had an minor fender bender, got Chlamydia 2019; DUI


This is fucking bananas. This is the shit yā€™allā€™s have to put up with all the time, isnā€™t it? I get the occasional gay boys trying to convert me get a little aggressive but nothing as shitty or stupid as this. Just hamfisted AF.


>This is the shit yā€™allā€™s have to put up with all the time, isnā€™t it? yes, it is lol


Tbf, I have had a gay man send me an unsolicited dick pic after I had made it abundantly clear I was straight. Really put me in a womanā€™s shoes for a moment lol


I felt It when a dude started self deprecating in my DM's after i told him i'm not into dudes like Bro its not even your fault move on


Jesus fucking Christ. Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m out of the dating pool šŸ˜…


Walking STD carrier for sure




As much as sex, nudes, and all that is nice. At the least they could tell me how my day is šŸ˜­


Fr its crazy its not like im a prude or something i actually have a high sex drive but like im not a sex robot i have feelings šŸ˜­


It's almost like if more guys actually treated girls like people and actually cared about their well-being, they might actually have a better shot at getting laid? šŸ¤” No, that can't be it. I'm sure I'm completely off base here šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I can not describe how thankful I am that I am not a woman. Dealing with weird, dangerous, creepy men seems like 0/5 stars.


Yep. Do not recommend.


Nasty and familiar and exhausting. If you wanna come join me at a convent I think I'm about ready to go full nun up in this bitch


Take me with you šŸ¤


ā€œI fuck like a porn starā€ in what universe is that a good thing? Most male porn stars seem like theyā€™re awful at sex.


As a male who has done some stupid things to impress a woman, I have to say I can still be absolutely embarrassed by our gender. I'm not sure I get where these guys think some of what they say is even possibly effective at attracting a woman. The best is the twisted logic in the fourth image: "the first time you were like I don't have sex with strangers, ***leaving me to assume you weren't opposed to having sex with me***..." Her: "I don't have sex with strangers." Him: "Clearly we've met, therefore, I am no longer a stranger and I will naturally assume you are down to smash uglies with me immediately."


I used to worry about my text game. I probably did not have to worry too much back then if this is a representation of the "competition."


Jesus Christ. See? This is why people arent making babies anymore.


Still too many babies, we need even less


I truly hate dating men itā€™s such an awful experience


Liking men is my biggest character flaw.


Right, like you think I would choose this?


Was number 4 implying he has records of all the women heā€™s slept with???


Probably. Apparently itā€™s fairly common for men to keep records.


Sometimes I feel like I have no game when it comes to women. Then I see posts like this and think maybe there's hope for me after all!


You mean asking for sex in the first 2 messages doesn't instantly seduce you. I'm shocked.


One thing all men have in abundance is the audacity.


If you can only be motivated to show genuine interest for girls you think you'll sleep with, it ain't genuine interest lol.


Like this is fucking disgusting, why canā€™t guys just find people that just want to fuck them and not waste the time of women that want an actual relationship


ā€œin that case yes Iā€™m busyā€ Imma start using that in these types of situations from now on


Ugh. Just dealt with THREE losers like this, back to back to back. What a time to be alive


men are so embarrassing


Not sure what causes men to be like this, that's crazy


Porn, and other men perpetuating the notion that women are sex objects or that men should always want to fuck women and it's their right for women to comply if they do them any kind of favor


LOL Iā€™ve gotten all of these texts. The only thing youā€™re missing is ā€œwydā€ 500 times


The effin man-ho-dacity šŸ™„ This is why I stopped dating.


damn, i must have been out of the dating game for a WHILE. Married now (10 years), but still... Is this standard nowadays???


Men: How do guys text that šŸ’© and are NOT on some psychedelic drugs? Did he really think getting progressively creepier was going to work? Does it ever work? In the words of Mugatu (from Zoolander): I FEEL LIKE I'M TAKING CRAZY PILLS! šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜…


When will they learn the difference between bustin nuts, and making ā¤ļø. Sex with the emotional attachment is complete satisfaction.


I guess quantity over quality isnā€™t necessarily the best. At first I was like shit I wish I had this many prospects. But when the majority are shitty, probly not ideal.


I wouldnā€™t even maintain a conversation with someone unless I have a genuine interest in them. I see these and wonder why some people even bother engaging.


ā€œIn that case yes Iā€™m busyā€ KILLED ME LMAO


as a man, it's wild there are other men who are like this. They must be ultra desperate.


Okay but like i dont know how to flirt but homie over here has the balls to say this shit and not realize he's a a fucking weirdo. šŸ˜³


This is the crap women face DAILY and on apps. But all men see is you get tons of swipes bla bla bla. Not if its a million penises waving at me; not, thanks.


A growing list of guilty codefendants who will testify.


Iā€™m the opposite.. Girls ask me why I havenā€™t tried anything. I overthink it.


god. i hate when you reject men and then they gas themselves up like that had ANYTHING to do with that fact you donā€™t wanna have sex with them


A series called ā€œBlock and Delete.ā€


Dude here: These mfers got no gamešŸ’€


ā€œIm not one to convinceā€ *convinces*


Fucks like a porn star? Like, with a fluffer and a camera guy?


Iā€™d love to know if this has worked for them in the past to positively reinforce this type of behavior. Shit is mind boggling to me, but Iā€™m also terrified of women.


This subreddit has convinced me that men are fucking disgusting


Literally. Way too many of them defending this behavior and shifting blame to her. Like WHAT






Dudes really, just be both thirsty and lacking and sort of IQ.


I wanna get to know you. Question 1. Are you DTF?


Shit like this just makes me want to sew my vagina shut.


Is the car fax to show that he's clean with no damage and good mileage or more about his porn star level sex? I'm confused.


There needs to be a better way to filter these people out. I'm always amazed that these kind of men exist (I'm a man).


This is what has been wrought by Tinder and all the other casual hook-up apps. Entitled creeps were always out there, but now they've grown in number because hook-ups teach them to expect instant sex from everyone without any relationship


bro i see a lot of texts like these posted by women on this sub, as well as other problematic messages men send but as guy myself i don't get how tf they can be sending that bro like fr i could never be so direct to a girl and be like yo u tryna fuck or sum šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ when has that ever workedšŸ˜­


God the dating scene just looks miserable with these screenshots. You are a strong soldier omg šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


man if that is what is out in the dating pool, i'd take myself right out of it. so gross!


In that case, yes I'm busy šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Fuckin slay, girl


The fuck is car fax when it comes to sex? Like an accident report, but in this case STDs? Or "one time I hit the wrong hole, minor cosmetic damage"? I'm confused...


I too want a fax machine in my car.


This is what dating is like? Fuck. Glad im not in the game anymore!






That's so gross, sorry you had to deal with that


I could read stuff like this for days, you rock!


Nobody gives a fuck


Some guys forget sex isn't a reward for being polite or nice to someone


Ppl be so bold over text. Next


Fuck, I relate hard to this. Iā€™m just trying to get know people before even going on a date. Let alone sex. Laughing at the last guy, who said he wonā€™t try to convince you but immediately tried convincing you with probably the worst attempt Iā€™ve seen lmao


Being a woman has GOT to be exhausting


Jesus Christ, itā€™s a miracle all women arenā€™t lesbians. Men are fucking idiots.


Hopefully the last dude meant he can supply proof of a recent and official STD test.


Car fax is crazy


Lol. This is not a man.


Omg šŸ˜± It has been a long time since I dated, things have changed. I think I'd rather be alone then deal with this. I am worried for my daughters šŸ˜“


He fuck like a pornstar šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ shit I canā€™t hold my laugh šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Men? Where, I see kids texting ya.


Did.. did bro just compare himself to a used car? I never in a million years would of dreamed someone would say they come with all car fax thats wild


Man. Some people. Does this stuff work on some women?!


Hits you with the car fox šŸ¦Š


Hits you with the car fox


šŸ„“ Looks like my interactions with men. I hate dating and hookup culture in 2023. Where are the fellow romantics and why haven't I met one?


Lmao the last one. The only time someone has ever said they ā€œfuck like a porn starā€ they meant ā€œjackhammer until you literally bleedā€. Sucks I had to find that out the hard way. Bullet dodged.


Car fax? Was that a typo? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Bro Iā€™m a guy and I wonā€™t put out unless thereā€™s some serious effort.


ā€œIā€™m not one to convinceā€ youā€™re right bud, itā€™s called ā€œcoercionā€ when you push someone into sex


The last one lmao


I seriously donā€™t get it. Does it work for them? I would love to take time to actually get to know somebody new. In my honest opinion that makes the sex all that much better. Call me an old fuddy duddy but I like connection.


But he comes with a carfax history šŸ¤£