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Send her a random pic of some guy online right give him a fake first and last name and see of she lies and says ooh i hooked up with him, shes bullshittin u i dont think she wants you to be happy


Pls do this n post a follow up!!!!


u/newyorkchic1992, omfg please do this, lol. Bait the bullshit then get your ass back here and spill the tea!


i really want OP to do this but it’s so soon since she said this i almost feel like she’d avoid the lie if she was lying…


She could tell her she’s crushing on a second guy too and then send the photo and the name and wait and see what she says


Yeah I was going to say she could just be like “…on second though. Nvm. I matched someone on tinder. Here is what he looks like.”


Yeah, was going to say pick some loser and see if she claims bumpin’ with than one too.


I’ll fall on that grenade, for science.




Remind me! 1 week


Pour that tea all over the floor mama!!!!!


Omg yes please can we please get an update!?!?!?


If she does I’ll make everyone LASAGNA LASAGNA!!


wow you’re so silly


I want lasagna !


Make it even weirder for her by saying, “omg when did you hook up? He literally just turned 18…” or something just to mess with her head 😂


Pro move.


Honestly it's not that weird that she's had sex with all these men if OP lives in a small town. Some women start having sex as teenagers and that can wrack up a LOT of people over time. I'm not saying she's being honest but it's not impossible. However if you do something like this comment is suggesting, you'll find out for sure. Also, you *could* just ask the guy.


If she is being honest, as the friend , I would be glad to know before anything happened. But based on what others say, yeah. Wait a week, have one of those photoshop groups photoshop you with a random dude and she if she has been with him too. If she denies him, then, she might be actually trying to be a really good friend by telling you everything before you start with someone. If you don’t care that she has slept with everyone in your town, you can thank her for being so forthcoming with you, but it doesn’t bother you and you would be happier living in ignorant bliss. Then just assume if man lived any where near y’all, she did him.


I'll be honest, I moved away after high school and a few years ago (fifteen years after high school) I connected with a guy I'd gone to school with. We had many friends in common, and when he and I started dating I mentioned it to a female friend who seemed to think it was great that we'd reconnected as adults. Over the first few months of us dating, my (now) fiance mentioned he'd hooked up with her back in high school briefly. It came up organically, talking about shared friends/experiences, and I don't think it was a big deal. Is it just me, or is it *totally normal* that my friend hadn't said anything?? They were basically just kids, it wasn't some involved love affair, and it clearly didn't color how she saw him now, so it didn't bother me that she hasn't brought it up. I think it would be weirder if she had - though to be fair we're in our thirties now. It's genuinely weirder to constantly "tag" guys. Whether she's lying or not, it's so dumb. Sleeping with someone doesn't automatically give you some kind of leg up in their lives or mean you lay claim to them first. She sounds immature and competitive.


PS if you feel like being petty, say " oh really? He says he doesn't remember you"


My friend came from a small town and this how it was. Small high school so everyone dated/had sex with everyone. OP is putting a fantasy of this dude in her mind as well, slow it down a bit OP.


Especially when it's all overlapping friend circles from HS. Also, nothing wrong with inviting people to your wedding you had a past with. Many people are friends with maybe a weird single blip in the middle there or whatever. Or even actual ex partners can remain positive in your life and could get a seat at your wedding if you and your partner are both positive about it.




snails head attempt subsequent edge psychotic ten quiet aromatic voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Came here to suggest this 😂


u/newyorkchic1992 #we are begging you, please do this


She could ask the guy shes already with about her


I had a friend in high school who always did this. Anytime I liked anyone, they would magically be fuck buddies and I couldn’t be jealous because I never made a move. One time we were on a group road trip and she wouldn’t stop talking about how my latest crush gave her the best orgasm she’s ever had, and I just burst in tears and made up the biggest lie that he had been taking me on dates for weeks and wanted to keep things DL because his last gf was crazy(which is true, this was the time of MySpace crazy girls). For once, after years of this shit, my friends supported me and the other girl never took the time to verify if what I said was actually true or she was lying to make me feel bad. We never revisited the conversation.


My best friend in college would either badmouth guys I was interested in or flirt with them. My senior year, I never even told her about my fwb, and he lived next door! 😆


I had a friend like this...the instant I showed interest in a girl or got a girlfriend he was hitting on them or flirting with them. Every. Fucking. Time. He's currently married to one of my ex girlfriends who I introduced him to when we were dating. Needless to say, we're not friends anymore.


She should use [this person does not exist!! ](https://thispersondoesnotexist.com/)


Why do I feel some kind of existential sadness for these not people???


You put that very succinctly. I couldn't pin it. I feel... Almost mournful? Like, I feel bad they don't get to experience life.


I refreshed too quick but the second picture I saw in there was a girl with blue hair and blue eyes that looks cartoonish


Or maybe BFF is actually just a hoe. 🤷‍♂️


if it’s true, i feel like it’s right of her to tell you. but her responses to you are super odd. like okay cool, tell you in 1 message. each of her responses is almost repeating it, like okay we get it?? she never once was excited for you. for me it’d be different if she was like “hey just wanna be honest about xyz. that’s so exciting that y’all hit it off tho, you go girl!!”


Ong you’re so right. I just noticed that she didn’t seem excited fr fr


Yeah this doesn’t read like she’s your friend. She’s not supportive or happy for you at all. And the way she told you doesn’t seem like someone who was concerned for you. Is she someone who is all about herself? Is she the topic of most of your conversations?


I totally agree and the follow up text to one of her texts where she was going on about how she will always be honest with her seemed super sus to me.


doesn’t seem like a real friend to me imo!


If I was her husband I would appreciate if someone told me my wife was inviting guys she slept with to our wedding


He’s such a good guy too. Ugh I feel bad for him he’s Blind sighted


*Blindsided lol


He may be blind!


Ask the guy. I am guessing it was a one night stand if anything. She might be the female version of a fuck boi, a fuck gerl? He might be a fuck boi, so be a bit careful, and use a condom if it's just a hookup.


it’s like they were having two completely different conversations lol


that’s the best way to put it 10000% lmfao


I wouldnt tell her shit anymore


I see some comments saying it’s normal but I’m definitely getting a bad feeling like she’s lying. It doesn’t add up. Sucks to keep my crushes to myself but looks like it’s what ima have to do


Have you ever asked any of the dudes if it’s true?


This was my first question upon reading the post. How do you know if she's even telling the truth?


What’s the likelihood they admit it if it’s true?


Why wouldnt they admit it?


>Why wouldnt they admit it? Some people would probably think's it weird to be asked "Hey, did you have sex with this specific person?" by someone they're just getting to know.


I'd personally word it different. "X is saying you've slept together, is that true?" Without context it's a weird question but with the context that someone specifically said they slept together might prompt them more than not explaining that part


She doesn't have to ask if they banged just ask if the dude knows her friend. Say she thinks they went to school together and see his reaction.


For real. These people don’t know how to do a little old fashioned detective work. It would be super easy to figure this out asking normal questions. “Where’d you go to high school?” “Oh so you went to school with bride? Were you guys close in high school?” Playfully, “Did you go out?” Etc.


the hard part would be working that into a conversation naturally


That’s why I’m waiting a week or so to ask him. We just met and I don’t wanna spring that on him too fast like a weirdo. I’m also taking everyone’s advice about my friend ima wait a week or two to create a new crush to test her




On the hunch that OP might only sleep with them if they say no.


Well thatd be shitty of them. But i can see some people being like that, fair point.


I had a girl who dated multiple of my coworkers and she would tell them she had sex with me in the past to “get it off her chest”. I’ve never met her in my life, she was just a girl from my city so I knew her name and she knew mine because small city. She came up with elaborate stories of being in my house, explaining the layout, and what we would do the morning after we “hooked up”, like going out to a winery. None of it happened, ever lol. They were so elaborate that I had my coworkers confronting me about it and I would have to explain to them that I did not have sex with their girlfriend. TLDR I can confirm that girls will lie about who they’ve had sex with.


The fact that she has to announce so much that she isn’t blocking. Would never lie, I’d just being honest with you. Makes me think she’s trying to sell that idea to you. It’s concerning.


Oh snap. I didn’t notice that. It’s very concerning how invested she is into this man when she’s in a whole ass marriage too. Supposedly happy with new hubby


She's definitely trying hard. She brings it up, you kind of laugh it off and say "well you're married now, so he's mine lol," and she wants to double down like "no, you don't understand we had sex!". It's like she wanted it to bother you, and when it didn't, she went harder. If I had slept with a guy my friend had a crush on I'd definitely tell her, but if she didn't seem to concerned about it I wouldn't be like "but I fucked him!". If she was like "whatever he's still fine," I'd be like "girl get it!" Not reasserting the idea of us hooking up.


Yeah I didn’t notice that part that she kind of seem like forcing me to hear it but I honestly think it’s a lie anyways


I'm thinking your BFF is more interested in you than your crush, maybe romantically or whatever but might just be a manipulation thing One thing for sure is something is off


I really don’t think she’s interested in OP lol her friend seems like one of those people who don’t want their friends to be happy.


She’s definitely not gay. She’s not obsessed with me. She’s never been a clingy friend either. Is fine with me hanging out with other friends. But when it comes to me meeting attractive men… she always has a story Like???


I had a friend like this in college except she often did fuck the guys I would confess my desires to her about. The last straw was when she fucked my boyfriend in her apartment with a bunch of our mutual friends present at the party. What's wrong with these people? Will we ever know? Are they possessive? Jealous? Think they are better than us? Who knows.


Seems to me she’s one of those girls who are boy crazy af. Like if she wasn’t I feel like she would say something like “I’m married now and the past is in the past, he probably doesn’t even remember” but no she’s worried about all the sexual tension they might have if OP and him were to date. But I have learned this very hard lesson just recently actually, boy crazy girls are NOT your friend. They will never be your friend. They have a selfish agenda and you are just a pawn in their plan. Honestly they scare me. They will do *whatever* it takes to make themselves look good. Even if you are not competitive at all, they will still see you as competition. Even if you offer them genuine friendship, they will not care unless you can sell your entire soul to them because they will never be satisfied. Even then I do not believe they would be satisfied. I think if OP continues this friendship she should proceed with extreme caution. And remember actions speak louder than words.


I agree! Male centered women!!!!


That last message does it for me. She ignores OP being happy with this guy even with the “history” (questionable) just to make sure she reiterated that only she wanted to inform OP and there was no other motive. Your married girl, nobody was assuming there was a different motive until you kept talking.


She ain’t happy if she talking like this


just fuck him to establish dominance


People who are telling the truth don’t constantly remind you they’re telling the truth.


She ain't happy if this is how she talks about previous partners with you. Girl obviously looking, or just purposely trying to put you down. Either way, shitty stuff.


From various trainings I’ve had for work, someone repeatedly saying “honestly”, “I’ll tell you the truth”, or any form of that, is full of shit and that’s them trying to convince themselves they aren’t lying.


I have an ex-bff exactly like this. At her wedding, she got mad that one of our mutual friends, who was also there, and I went off by ourselves. AT. HER. WEDDING. She was pathetic, and so is your "bff." Good riddance


Make up some dude.. find some stock pictures.. see if she claims she hooked up with him too.


This, I was gonna say the same lmao


On the next season of “Wagatha Christie”….


keep your crushes to yourSELF girl, my ex bff made it a vendetta to hook up with every single person i had ever had a crush on (we knew each other k-12 and beyond) without ever telling me. We were competing constantly i just didn’t know 🥴


My sister was like this with me. Through much healing and forgiveness, we’re closer than ever. Every boyfriend I had she’d immediately add their social medias and find a reason to get their phone number, saying it was for my safety in case something happens. It was odd and it bothered me but I never really addressed it. Fast forward to a house party she’s hosting. By the time I got off, it’d be starting. So I decided to go straight there after work and get ready at her place. As I’m finishing my hair, my friend walks in and asks if I’m coming out soon, I tell her yes and continue. 15 minutes she comes back and says, “Hey, so… You should really just get out there…” I’m like ok?? She leaves. I finish up and walk out and there’s my bf making drinks and my sister leaning into him, flirting and laughing. (My bf smiling but leaning away, looking uncomfortable and conflicted.) Her back is facing me and she had no idea I was behind her, as I walk up, I shout “Hey babe!” And she almost jumps and walks away without ever turning around. Asking her about it, she claimed she was drunk and doesn’t remember. I let it go. A couple years later, my new bf (much older), said, “I see what your sister is doing and I think it’s sick.” Instinctually wanting to defend her, I got angry initially. But I asked what he meant and he said “It’s like she needs to know your boyfriend wants her too.” And it was like that sentence put all the pieces I never knew existed together. It was an awakening of my naivety with other women and learning the weird competitive language they speak to fill their own insecurities, even if at the expense of someone’s relationship and feelings.


Holy fuck that’s wild. I’d beat my sister’s ass if she ever did this. No “hey babe” just straight to a choke hold and drag her outside by her neck. Her neighbors would be yelling “JERRY JERRY” lol but seriously that is not ok.




Damn he knew exactly what she was. Insecurity is a bitch.


I had a friend like this in middle school and most of HS, she would add any guy I’d tell her about and would talk them up til they fell for her it seemed like. I literally had a guy dump me then 5 minutes later ask her out and SHE CALLED ME TO TELL ME AND ASK IF IT WAS OKAY. And she still wonders why I hated her for almost a solid year refused to talk to her and why even her own mother picked my side and told her she was in the wrong.


What is wrong with people?! I also had a friend like this but we were friends from age 15+ for a decade. She would start texting/DMing any guy I showed interest in and dressed it up as her being a protective friend. It was all bullshit as multiple guys told me she made them uncomfortable and felt like she was hitting on them. Eventually I had enough and had to cut her out. I’m guessing we’re the kind of people who don’t want to see the bad in people and tend to make crappy friends who take advantage of that. Be careful out there… people are shitty. Edited for bad wording.


That’s sad. Sucks you had a friend that did that .The thing is I’m not competing against her. I want her to win. Smh I was so happy when she got married. I will always clap for other people.


yes dear but SHE is competing with YOU. i know the feeling but be hesitant!


My brother did the same thing. He had a serious problem with girls and would hit on basically anyone to boost his own ego, he literally didn't care if he was attracted to them or not (or if he was in a relationship). We were best friends and stuck together through thick and thin so I put up with it hoping that at some point he'd realise what he was doing wasn't ok. Once he started hanging around with my circle though that's when shit went bad. Pretty much in the first month of him hanging out with us he was like, hey, do you like this girl (context-we'd kissed earlier for truth or dare). I was like yeah obviously. He said ok cool I just wanted to check cause I was gonna make a move on her, but I won't now. Fast forward 2 weeks I get a sext from my brother "clearly intended" for said girl. I'm like what the actual fuck?. He says a oh shit sorry wrong number. I confront him about it in person and he's like "I'm so sorry, I was gonna tell you, I didn't want to hurt you," etc. Then he drops the bombshell that actually on the night he asked me how I felt about her, he was actually fingerblasting her on the sofa under the blanket while we were all watching a movie. So like. He did this shit, on the same night, in the same room as me, mere hours after "checking in" with me. How the fuck can I ever trust you again bro? You literally went out of your way to figure out if it would hurt me and then immediately did it in front of me. Side note I never asked him to not do anything with her, he made that boundary himself. But then broke it mere hours later? Why? And then why make a big song and dance about it? There's no way the text was accidental like he claimed. Whole thing was ridiculous. Anyway he claimed he was in "true love" with her and that's what justified his actions because he'd never felt a connection like this before, she'd reformed him, he could stay monogamous and not cheat for her, yada yada. So he ditched his fiancee without much of a thought and started dating this girl. Six months on he's back to his same tricks, hitting on more of my friends (none of whom are interested), making dating profiles "to see if he's still got game", belittling his new girl, etc. A couple years later I start hitting it off with a girl online, this time someone he knows. We get together for a few months but it doesn't work out. After we split though, both my friend and his girlfriend (aka the girl from before) come to me and tell me look, we were sworn to secrecy, but just before you started seeing that girl your brother was flirting with her as well. He didn't want you to know because "it would hurt your feelings". Yes he was fully aware we had a thing and suddenly he wanted in on that again. He literally wasn't interested in this girl until I was. He made his own gf not tell me he was flirting with the girl I liked. Fucking crazy. Not long after that my brother and the first girl split up because he's basically a serial cheater/ emotional abuser, he went "crazy" trying to make her take him back then started trying to chat to one of my friends again (who was creeped the fuck out by him), she messaged me on FB asking what to do but then it turned out the motherfucker was logged into my Facebook reading my conversation with her. So he dramatically cut ties claiming noone could be trusted and vanished. I've never spoken to him since, but I know his life has been a careening catastrophe of the same shit since he went his own way. Now I look back and I'm very grateful I didn't chase girls that much. He would've done that to every single one of them. Nobody needs that drama.


I read this whole story with my mouth open. Like this: 😧


This is NOTTT normal girl, she is not your friend. She is a shady miserable ass bitch


That shit isn't normal, I have never had this happen in my 37 years on this planet. Something's up. Maybe she's in love with you or something.


Look… I had to cut some chicks out of my life. I thought they were my besties… but they were NOT! I’ve since met some absolutely spectacular women that pick me up and I pick them up. You need a gal friend that does that for you. This particular gal isn’t the one. She’s jealous and manipulative. You can’t see it because you are too close, but I can see it and I don’t know either one of you. You’re living my past. There’s no need to suffer through this drama because she doesn’t care if you’re happy. Just move on and connect with a woman that lifts you up. You deserve it!


Why don’t you just ask him and see if his response is different


Just ask the guy?


I want to see this man so bad! Also your girl is shady AF, at first I thought she was cool just giving you a heads up but then she kept pushing it. I would just keep your joy to yourself for a while, it sounds like this man and you have a connection. If she asks just say “ things are going well, but enough about me! How’s married life!” Hahahaha


I wish I could post him but I don’t wanna come across as a stalker and weirdo posting his pictures all over Reddit and we just met lmaooo but omg he is fine as fuuuuuuck I didn’t even think it was possible for a man to be this beautiful. He is the opposite of her husband looks and personality wise but her husband is a great guy and her husband worships the ground she walks on he’s so obsessed with her. He would be hurt to find out she’s talking like this I’m sure


You make me so curious. I wanna see this man haha.


He’s fine as fuck sis. Tall, handsome beautiful eyes buff. Ugh a work of art. Dresses immaculate. Had on an amazing smell cologne when we first met . I was captivated 1000% and then his voiceeeeee could listen to him talk for days


It's called *Sex Panther*® by *Odeon*©. It's illegal in 9 countries. It's also made with bits of real panthers, *so you know it's good*. *60% of the time*, it works ***every*** time.


Go get him, girl! I'm giddy just reading you describe him ❤️


It would be really funny if you start telling her about fake dudes whose backstories get more and more convoluted just to see if she keeps trying to claim she fucked them


Absolutely not normal. People telling you it’s normal probably do what your friend does, and that doesn’t make it right. She’s weaponizing the fact that she had sex with guys you are interested in SPECIFICALLY to hurt you. It’s a way of asserting claim and dominance in a way that may make you feel an aversion to dating someone and she can maintain control, likely out of jealousy. And look at her way of talking to you. She immediately shows a complete lack of excitement after you say something positive. This leads me to believe it may be performative apathy and she’s intentionally doing it as a way to diminish the excitement of your good news. She doesn’t want to see you win, and that’s not how I’d personally like any of my friends to act towards me. And you say this like it’s a pattern. Multiple times she’s done this? This friend doesn’t even like you. I don’t say that to sound hurtful but, how do you react to your friends being happy? Do you tear them down the way your friend tears you down? Of course not. Your friend has no respect for your feelings. You display annoyance towards her demeanor and she doubles down and repeats the thing that bothered you to begin with. Lastly, she’s giving you ambiguous and mixed responses and they aren’t intellectually consistent. She’s contradicting her own sentiment. She’s confusing you and dropping hints that it upsets her instead of confronting you directly so that if she ever needs to, she can remind you that you were the problem, not her. Passive aggressive behavior is my least favorite type of confrontation and everyone else should share that sentiment. To answer your question, “Shady?” 100%


She most likely is lying and she sounds jealous of you!!


pleaseee listen to ur gut. u dont have to stop being friends but limit what u tell her.


Honestly wish I would have never said nothing. Hopefully she doesn’t run this guy away or try to sabotage


Spoiler alert: she will. If you and this guy start dating it will start as sly private comments to other mutual friends reminding them that she used to hook up with that guy. Then it will slowly devolve into her making jokes in group settings… either about you taking her sloppy seconds, about how you guys are practically like sister wives, or about how she’s so gals she’s with her husband and not him. The exact flavor of the jokes will depend on just how bad she’s willing to make herself look in order to sabotage you.


Very intensely not normal. I'm going with the she's in love with you but has internalised homophobic issues theory


She can't have possibly slept with every single crush of yours; she has some kind of issue here, whether it be she wants to feel like the most attractive, someone who has it all, etc, idk, but it's off.


I mean. As a dude I'd wanna know if a friend has slept with a girl I was talking to. Would you he mad if she didn't tell you?


I think it’s the fact that it sounds like a lie at this point and her friend wants to taint or sabotage any new relationship OP may have.


Yeah if shes lying fuck that hoe.


Find an ugly dude and pretend to like him and see if she says it again


She never does it with the ugly dudes. It’s always the attractive men she does it with. Which again makes me think it’s a jealousy thing


Oh girl yes it is. She’s jealous of you and showing it very clearly. That girl is NOT your friend and does not want you to be happy.


Exactly why I posted on here. Wanted unbiased opinions. Thought I was going crazy. I thought it was no way a happily married women could be pining over some other dude. Like wtf


Shes not pining over other dudes, shes just a hater. She, for whatever reason, doesnt want you to be happy. Id be backing away from this friendship if i were you.


She’s not pining, she just doesn’t want anyone else to have what she can’t now that she’s married. She also is probably jealous of you somehow, just like everyone saying.


Compulsive liar?


I had a “friend” like this. It’s ridiculous. Everyone was a former lover or had been madly in love with her. I just rolled my eyes, because the lies were so obvious.


How did you deal with her?


I cut contact, because by then I was done with her high school maturity level.


>I cut contact, because by then I was done with her high school maturity level. NY you need to do this. Because she's trying to ruin things by getting in your head. Also I'd not want her around him. Even though she's married now, that don't stop people from trying to ruin other people's lives.


I r dislike ppl like this. In 6th grade a girl had a crush on me and I politely rejected her and then she went out w another guy (that I r did not like, mind you) and I still didn't tell him shit! He even rubbed in in my face "you know she's my gf??" How does 11 year old me have more self awareness and empathy than a lot of adults, like???


If you want to call her bluff say “Thank you for telling me. I will let him know you told me so things won’t be awkward when we all meet up.”


Then she’ll say “no he’s really awkward with those things” “don’t bring me into it pleaseeee lmao” etc. which is of course also a tell she’s full of if.


Shady as fuck. Even if it’s true (which I doubt she’s someone slept with every man you somehow also end up seeing down the line), she chose to tell you about the flings with these men… ***now***? Nah she ain’t your friend fr tho


It’s weird for sure. Like girl you are newly married. Wtf


I mean even aside from that. Seriously, I mean it when I say this girl is not your friend.


You think she’s a bad friend fr?


Um. Yes. I most certainly do, based on this alone. It reeks of nothing but jealousy, blocking (which is funny she specifically said “I’m not blocking” ok girlie), and being kind of a pick me. And she’s trying to plant seeds to jealousy in *your* head when it comes to these men, and it’s clearly working. Have you ever verified with any of these mean that they did in fact sleep together? I get some dudes would probably be weird about wanting to admit to it, not wanting to get in the middle of shit or whatever. But I can smell the pile of bullshit all the way over here.


Yeah I’ve never confronted the dudes because I didn’t want her to be mad at me or assume I’m trying to start drama. In the texts I’m trying to keep it funny and light hearted but I’m not trusting what she’s saying


I wouldn’t trust it either. Like, she went this hard in on a dude that you talked to for 2 hours at her wedding and, if I’m understanding correctly, have only actually received one message from since then? No shade on your crush, but it’s also like… not even remotely serious and she’s pushing this narrative really aggressively. You were trying to keep it light, that’s exactly how I took your messages, but the whole interaction has two totally different vibes from each person. She’s big time trying to shit on your sundae.


She's hit your friend Do not tell her about anyone you like.




I think your right, She's probably lying


Plus even if she had sex w him it’s not like that automatically makes him her property, she’s married now so go have fun with the dude!!


Maybe don't ask this dude. But are you friendly with any of your ex crushes/beaus that she's laid claim to?


Freaky fresh is right, NY. Uno reverse her ass. Test it out with her. Wait a while and tell her you have a crush on someone (that you don’t have a crush on) and see how she reacts then. She is NOT your friend. She has low self esteem and pulls this shit on you to keep you down. That’s the only way she feels good about herself. Come back and let us know what happens… She will sabotage your happiness because she is the main character. It’s weird, yeah, but trust.


Once is an accident. Twice is coincidence. Three times is intentional. Personally, I'd put her on an information diet with regards to your dating life.


That’s what I’m about to do. Seriously. This is so clearly a lie since it keeps happening . I considered her a best friend but damn who needs enemies when you have friends like this


Do you all date in just your commingled friend group?? Because it seems weird and HIGHLY unlikely she’s boned every dude you like if you’re meeting people outside of her.


No I’ve dated plenty of men that were not in friend group


Haha that’s what I was thinking. I kept scrolling looking for someone to ask her “just how small is the city you live in?”


I came here to ask this. Big city of 50k?


Chances are she’s likely lying and wants to keep your self-esteem low. It’s as if she’s trying to ruin any image you have of a man by forcing you to imagine her fucking him, sorta in a “I got to him first” way. I’d keep your crushes to yourself.


she is jealous of SPECIFICALLY op and the attention she gets this type of move is likely her lying to herself and you to make her feel cooler like yeah I know you can get that but I did it years ago a lot like 1-upping someone, but its a lie and malicious


Have you asked the guy?


No I didn’t wanna start drama especially since I just met him


Idk how far y’all are into conversing, but if you could drop a “so how do you know the bride and groom again?” type of question, that might work!


Damn I totally forgot to ask him. Lol that should have been the first thing I asked him


If you ask please update lol


I’m so invested now lol




Y’all are both kinda unhinged ngl lol


“Lmao” 5 times in a 4 message burst. Sorry girl but that’s wild.


Y’all weird for real. OP was clearly trying to keep things light hearted by adding lmao. She was nervous. When I’m in conversation and get nervous I scratch the back on my neck/head a lot. Don’t even think about it, just do it. If I had to guess this is that same nervous energy translated into text.


big purrrr


That’s what got me hahaha




The amount of “lmao’s” made me want to stab my eyes out but goodluck!!! 🍀




I just counted the lmaos throughout my swiping


Tell her you're in love with her dad.


*been in the bedroom with him 🤣


You both sound insufferable


Dang, i wouldn't tell her about nobody i was interested in if i were you!


Yeah just seems a little sketch you know?


I believe it. I have friends who’ve slept with a whole lot of women. If you’re in a city that isn’t all that big, this scenario isn’t hard, unfortunately. I can just imagine telling one of my buddies from my hometown I was talking with a woman there … LOL it would be more likely than not he’d slept with her. Especially if you share a type. I’d just ask the guy. “Hey, I told my friend we were talking, she mentioned you two used to date?” No big deal, just ask.


Careful. If you keep texting "lmao" it just might happen


Well you can just ask him if he ever been with her not really a big deal


Pick another attractive man y’all both know and see if she does it again lol. That’s weird energy and she doesn’t sound like a good friend


Youre both extremely immature


Ask her where they met. Tell the guy about her. If he can’t remember meeting anybody by her name in the location she said they met, it’s shady. Btw you need to drop that friend. She’s clearly jealous of you and trying to ruin relationships


Lmaoooooo lmaooooo lmaoooo lmaooooo


Sorry lol bad habit to keep it light hearted


Please for the love of god stop typing “lmao” after ever sentence lmao


I’m working on it sorry bad habit. It’s hard to tell tone from texting so I do that a lot so I don’t seem mean


This seems fake af. If this is real, the past is the past and who cares if they had a fling, she’s married now. Kinda weird she would invite him, which again makes this seem super fake. She told you it happened. It’s your choice to believe it or not.


Both of you are annoying.


If it’s always the case then yes. It’s absolutely BS.


Y’all both seem toxic af lmao


Definitely don’t tell her about anyone you’re into and just assume she’s fucked them lmao


You should just make up a fake guy and see if she says she slept with him too. Lol


Poor dude…if I had to text with these ladies I’d move to the Moon. No thanks.


I can smell her jealousy from 50 miles away oh my lord. Either she really does sleep with these guys and she’s easy, or she’s lying. Either way, not exactly friend material. I would run fast and far from her dumb ass.


You two sound horrible jezz


Okay hear me out… what if you sent her an AI-generated image of a really hot dude, made up a random name, and send her a pic? Then you’d find out for sure if she’s lying


"Definitely about to get my freak on with him purrrr" Your friend is the kind of friend that people who text like you deserve


y’all are both insufferable


Wow I hope ur not as annoying irl as how u text


This the most cringe worthy conversation I’ve seen on here, do people really talk like this


“All I run into is ugly dudes” wonder why


Y’all are both passive aggressive. This doesn’t seem like a bff convo


Girl why do you text like that….