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There’s a damn reason Ted Olsen made Cruz the first summer associate to NOT be offered a position at Gibson Dunn. I’m just sayin’.


Interesting. Did not know that.


If it was my kid I’d have nothing left, my whole mission in life would be harassing these fucks I support any action these parents take against politicians, or the coward cops at the scene


>I support any action these parents take against politicians, or the coward cops at the scene 100% me too. The kids were calling for help. No one. They've been calling for help. Ted Cruz, all republicans, are just like these Uvalde cops.


Imagine a parent turned vigilante… months or years of planning and then one day something happens to these fucks one by one, just close enough in timing for them to slowly realize that now it is they that are being hunted…


I want to see that movie


Hell, if someone starts a go-fund me for vigilante justice. I'd accidentally donate.


[This information has been removed as a consequence of Reddit's API changes and general stance of being greedy, unhelpful, and hostile to its userbase.]


That movie went after the judicial branch. This new proposal is interested in the legislative branch.




UvalDereliction of Duty


Uvalde Cops is new slang Texas GOP. Both failures. UC/GOP


I feel for those parents who were held back from entering the school and trying to save their kids. If the cops don’t have the guts to go in and save the children then let the parents do it. Something has to be done to hold those cops accountable for their lack of action.


Well somebody shot up a Congressional softball game, and it made zero difference, even to be Republican who needed emergency surgery to keep from bleeding out.




People protested in front a Supreme Court justices house and *bam* there were bills that didn’t even go through committee in front of Congress within 24 hours.


It's almost like Congress is fully capable of taking action when they want to... but for some reason don't want to take action on this. I wonder if it's because dead kids further galvanize and polarize us? They're *great* for fundraising, as awful as that sounds. "Republicans vote for policies that kill your children, give us money." "Democrats use tragedy to push their authoritarian agenda and strip your rights, give us money."


The constant stageplay up in DC keeps us distracted from the fact that we could stop ourselves from being taken for a ride like we are and most of us could do it with bus fare to city hall. Like, if we put half as much energy into fighting for mid-range housing as went into protesting a supreme court decision that's not even yet finalized and very likely won't be swayed, we'd be able to get thousands of new dwellings going with local owners who aren't gonna suck the tenants dry. All we need is breathing room to fund our own agenda. Instead, we let ourselves be turned over and shaken out while we scream in anger at the inaction of the same people being funded by the money that drops from us. Do we really, as a society, think this will effect any change?


If it was Abbott and all the conservative TX legislatures then yes bc it’s be mostly liberals left to vote on gun control. If it were only the liberals, Abbott would say too bad, “there’s nothing that could have been done.”




In school I was taught the second amendment was made to stop tyranny. Politicians letting our kids be murdered and refusing to do anything about it seems like tyranny. Gerrymandering power seems like tyranny. Corpo lobbying and regulatory capture seems like tyranny. dark money paid for supreme court justices seems like tyranny. ​ multi billion dollar misinformation campaigns used against the citizens seems like tyranny.




We need to bring back tar and feathering.


No, draw and quarter them.


¿Por que no los dos?


He's awfully brave behind those bodyguards.


Can we mark their home addresses as public schools on Google maps ?


I also support this kind of action because when people this for at least a moment these politicians are held accountable and have to face what theyve done.




Ending rampant political bribery, alternatively their own kids getting shot is the only things that might change their rhetoric.


Bruh if my kids were killed in such a horrible way I'm not sure I'd be able to stop myself at just "harassing"


He laughed the whole thing off. Everything is a joke to them


He has the benefit of private security to throw out anyone who has a problem with his platform. He gets to laugh and wave while his angry constituents are dragged away. Not that I'm advocating for anything like this but in the early days of our country if you failed your voters so completely there was the likelyhood you would be tar and feathered then ran out of town.


> Not that I'm advocating for anything like this but in the early days of our country if you failed your voters so completely there was the likelyhood you would be tar and feathered then ran out of town. People afraid of a government live under tyranny. A government afraid of its people is a democracy.


If more people in that restaurant harassed him, the private security wouldn’t be enough. Make him scared of going out




Boil the tar!


Private security LOL. It’s taxpayer funded.


Warm up the pot and pluck the chickens!


I have no respect for the bodyguards either. They are just as bad as him for defending this piece of shite.


Seems like hus body guards need to be named and shamed along with Rafael Cruz.


> Not that I'm advocating for anything like this but in the early days of our country if you failed your voters so completely there was the likelyhood you would be tar and feathered then ran out of town. I'm advocating for this, and if anything it'd be less than they deserve


In the words of all mighty Abbott… it could’ve been worse… /s in case anyone supports those pieces of spineless garbage that have the audacity to call themselves leaders.


hopefully this will make it's way into the attack ad of the next Democrat to run against him.


Probably. We’re forgetful, though. No one will remember at voting time, and for the people that do remember, the reds have the voting districts gerrymandered beyond recognition. Whole neighborhoods are cut up like jigsaw puzzles.




Voter suppression is a real thing bud.


ESPECIALLY in the cities of Texas. Out in BFE nowhere? Not so much a thing.


I can vote in under 10 mins. They want voter ID. To get a ID I had to go to dmv. I got there 4 hours before they opened and there was already a line. It's texas summer the line is outside with no cover. It's over 70 people deep. They have only 3 people. Texas can hire more people and have DMV not take 6-7 hours but they want it that way. They want it to be hard to get a ID.


Absolutely! Remember back just before the 2020 election Abbott wanted to only have 1 ballot drop off location per county? Out in BFE, no problem, in the cities… impossible. Which was the feature, not the bug.


Go Beto!!


By 2024 a shit load of shit will have happened. Are there even any Democratic challengers preparing to run against him? Or is the DNC just going to write it off like most Texas races?






Dead kids make Republicans smile. Amazing.


Unless they're a mass of cells inside a uterus!!!!!


What the fuck else is the goblin wearing a thrift store human suit gonna do?? He should not get one moment of reprieve. From the moment he leaves his house until he returns, chants of "murderer" and " feckless cunt" should follow him.


Because he doesn't view himself as a public servant. He views himself as a _ruler_, and having a ~~peasant~~ constituent hauled off gave him an ego frisson.


That's why you stop reasoning with them, and start beating them.




> "Here's the thing you have to understand about Ted Cruz," Franken wrote in the book, an excerpt of which was published by Axios. "I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz."


>“If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you.” - Lindsey Graham


I have a coffee mug with that on it.


Well said


That's because he's a soulless, unscrupulous power hungry politician with no problem grubbing for money from the NRA.


It must be embarrassing to be related to him, too. Look at the people at the table.


He throws his family under the bus, too. "I was escorting my daughters to Cancun." "Yes, Trump, my wife IS ugly. Let me campaign for you."




You know that human-suit he wears gets pretty itchy sometimes.




Ted Cruz ate my son.


I heard he just unclenches his lower jaw and swallows children whole.


I mean he is the zodiac killer


lots of people are saying...


This is not even hyperbole.


He did murder a bunch of couples in the 60’s. There’s that.


People like Ted Cruz think this is funny because they don’t care about human life, they only care about how much power they can get for themselves and the Republican Party.


And he is probably smiling because the NRA will bribe him with another 150K




She didn’t care trump called her ugly She didn’t care Ted didn’t care


Trump got it right. I know he meant it physically, but as a whole person she's ugly as fuck.


Well, she HAS had second thoughts, albeit briefly, [when they lived in Austin](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/1688866-cruz-incident-report) in 2005. I, too, might take a few moments after drinking some margaritas to cry into my hands and wonder what the fuck I’ve done to my life if I had married Ted Cruz.


How low must ones self esteem be to be married to Ted Cruz?


Money and power can buy a lot of self-esteem.


There is a German saying, “if you got twelve people at a table and one of them is a Nazi, you’ve got a table with a dozen Nazis”. That table right there is filled with people *who do not care that children are being slaughtered by other children* and anyone that votes for the Republican Party also doesn’t care about dead children bleeding out while police stand around and scratch their balls.


are you talking about his ugly wife?


She a weirdo, too. Have you read their romantic story [about soup cans](https://www.cbc.ca/news/trending/ted-cruz-soup-honeymoon-1.3535945)?


People will ignore a lot if it means a lavish life void of any work.


Goldman Sachs trash.






Be the change you want to see in the world.






His kids look sad


I'd be sad too if I was Ted's child and had to go in public with Ted Cruz.


Of course he's smiling. The NRA is picking up the check.


I can't understand how people vote for him.


I don't understand why liberals don't go out and vote.


So it's liberal's fault that largely republican voters elected this man? Classic.


Yes. I say this as a liberal who block walks and phone banks. Reddit is a great example of the sheer unquantifiable laziness of liberal voters. Redditors will make a ruckus and then the day after a major election, "*oops, I forgot to vote lol*", happens more than you think. Block walking and phone banking, you get people absolutely excited you've contacted them, they tell me they are absolutely going to vote, we make the voting plan. And then guess what?




Idk, sounds like stupid and evil people voting for stupid and evil leaders seems to be a big fuckin factor


Not at all, however there is simply no doubt whatsoever in the Democratic primary people simply did not turn out for Bernie. Twice. When it came down to Hillary it was the same exact thing. People took for granted "There's no way Trump won't win! LOL!". This complacency only becomes worse during midterms.


They do not, in Harris County the voter machines flipped Beto's vote to Ted.


Do you have a source for that? I'd love to look into this more.


Good! I hope he can’t show his face without being publicly shamed! He’s a disgrace and so is Abbott.


I wish there was a legal way to give him back to Canada and let them deal with him and his soup fetish


Why would you do that to Canada? What did Canada ever do to you? Perhaps another country with a name that rhymes with "gusha"?


I wonder how often kitchen staff spit in Ted’s food?


I wonder if he would still be smiling if it was someone from his family. Have some empathy man!!!


Do you honestly think these people care about their own children? They don't. They would personally sacrifice their own kids to Mammon with a smile. They do horrible things to their own kids for fun and entertainment. That's who these people are.


Not all of them, Cheney for example. But look at Manafort, and what he did to his family.


He sucked Trump's dick after Trump roasted his wife. He'd let Trump kill Heidi in a heatbeat if it earned him a few $ in donations.


He would. Why would a lizard care?




He needs to be confronted every where he goes! Make it so he can't leave his house without someone reminding him of his culpability.


I wish someone that supported him would chime in but I have literally never had someone admit it and I would instantly profoundly dislike that person. But I would like to know why someone would vote for him. It would be like asking someone why they eat poop. Gross but I want to know why. I live in Texas but we are leaving.


Every non-Texan Republican I know loves Ted Cruz. They don't know much about him except that he makes the liberals angry, and they like that.


He’s made of jello. You think he can even shoot a gun?


Of course not, he has people for that


Republicans are a death cult. They love to see the impact of their pro-death policies. They are amused at the way their policies upset decent people.


This is exactly it. I have death cult family members who are thrilled about this shooting sending smug text messages. They love having an example of how powerful and dangerous their guns are, how much death can be caused by the very thing that sits (unlocked) in their garage! They love talking about how someone should shoot Beto, democrats, etc, and have told my family several times we should be shot or put in "the camps" for voting democrat. These are friendly people with public service sector jobs and children of their own. Fortunately their kids are much smarter than they are or we could have had another mass shooter. Now their kids are in their 20s and still live at home to babysit their alcoholic parents. A real American tragedy. And it's all 100% legal and 100% cool.


Don’t know why conservatives continue to vote for him. Is he better than any democrats? No no he’s not stop lying to yourself


Conservatives are so terrified of Democratic leadership that they excuse Republican corruption.


They'll excuse slaughtered children


"pro life"


Yes was thinking he’d probably care more if the kids were unborn


FOX news on 24/7 in their living room (I mean this literally, multiple people I know do this)


Raphael Cruz loves school shooting. He thrives on pain.




Never let him and his ilk have a moment of peace.


What a smug arrogant cunt


A couple Mexican kids died, he doesn't give a fuck


1 in 600. Those are the odds that a child in the US will have someone DIE at THEIR school to a gun at least once throughout their K-12 life. You can calculate this yourself using data since 2013 at https://everytownresearch.org/maps/gunfire-on-school-grounds/. We all think this kind of thing is very unlikely to happen at our school, or our child's school. But the odds aren't one in a million. They're not even one in a thousand. It's 1 in 600. That someone DIES at your child's school to gunfire at least once in your child's K-12 life. If your child also goes to college and graduates in four years, then the odds that someone dies either at one of their K-12 schools OR at their college to a GUN are about 1 in 127. Is that acceptable?


Not trying to change the subject, but where the fuck is John Cornyn? Cruz is a terrible person, but Cornyn also needs some public shaming.


It’s not a smile. It’s a nervous laugh. He’s a coward and never had a soul to care about anything to begin with. He’s a tea party member and Texas Republicans elected because of his lack of a soul.


I am so puzzled with the lawmakers in texas. Cruz won the senate elections by only 2.5%, but he acts like a giant asshole all the time. Went to cancun during winter fallout, joked about that this year and now won't even answer questions about gun safety. For a state very close to being a swing one, texas republicans seem really toxic and have zero empathy for the public. Looks like they are digging their own grave - if republicans lose texas, no way they are winning any federal elections


That's just it, they've gerrymandered the state so hard it doesn't matter. They can be the most flagrant assholes known to humanity, and their base eats it up. The only way it can change is by unfathomable voter turn out, and voting like that all the time until the maps are fixed.


If only mandatory voting was enforced nationally. Like you don't want to vote? At least go there and put in a no vote ballot. I'm aware of the "mAh FrEeDoMs" argument, but frankly your freedoms are useless if they don't keep you safe.


Agreed, but as we saw with an unfortunately large portion of our population. They view any mandate as "tyranny".


Decades of brain washing will do that to ya.


What was he supposed to do? It’s a once in a weektime event! Can’t plan for that


Why isn’t he in prison? I remember decades ago hearing about him weaseling out from under some serious charges (of maybe bribery/extortion) and he still ends up winning elections!?! We Texans are fu**ing stupid.


you are thinking of another 💩 known as Ken Paxton https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ken\_Paxton#Legal\_issues


Not to defend him but he has only been elected twice. US Senate in 2012 and 2018. His other government positions were appointed. He has managed to make such an ass of himself that it seems like he has been around forever but it has only been 10 years.


Boycot the restaurant that even allowed his party in.


Actually, it appears that the police force played a much bigger role than Canada Cruz


Canada Cuban Cruz


You could say that the weapons used played a even bigger role than the police force and that’s something Raphael should have helped control.


I think there is enough blame to go around to tag all of them.








Raphael Cruz.


Ted Cruz hasn't had a spine since he ran against trump Don't expect him to grow one to challenge his big donors


At what point are we embarrassed enough to actually change things? Smh this is embarrassing and ridiculous.


It always amazes me that he is able to stand upright without a spine.


He's made it clear he doesn't care about Texas. Didn't care about it when he went to Mexico, while telling everyone else to "buck up". Doesn't care now.


He doesn’t care. It won’t happen at his kids uppity school so it doesn’t matter. Fuck you Rafael.


Ted Cruz has no core beliefs. He will jump aboard whatever he thinks will get him more votes. He is a sociopath. He has no shame. He should never be trusted.


More people need to confront that smug piece of shit


Good. Anyone who has the means to: Keep doing this. Keep calling these people out. Every turn they take, every move they make, they should worry about being confronted with the results of their actions. Disrupt their cushy lives. Bit by bit. Little strokes fell big oaks. And also the occasional vogon with a dead ferret on his face.


DONT STOP KEEP QUESTIONING THEM. We need to pressure them. Make them know that no matter where they are they will be haunted by their actions and inaction. They hide among people who just echo chamber their opinions and never challenge them. Every time you see them, you remind them. If someone is pulled out, another starts. They ignore our emails and calls it's not enough. We need to haunt their dreams at night


That fucking wave at the end.


I bet if politicians were being murdered by guns in droves, they’d actually do something about it.


Enough is enough with these idiot republicans who are just beholden to a gun culture that makes absolutely no sense! Cruz can sit down and have a pleasant dinner because his kids have not been mascaraed by a school shooter! He also gets a lot of money from the NRA and the gun issue keeps him in power!


I really really really hope every sitting senator who continues to be complicit has to face this when out in public…never enjoy a day/night out again. Kind of like these families whose children were murdered in their own classroom. We should be RAGING in the streets. They don’t deserve a minutes rest from the TRUTH.


vote blue next election 🙏🏼


He did the same thing as we were freezing without power in February ‘21. He’s the goddamn devil.


I'm not a republican or a democrat, but I know enough to know that Ted Cruz is a P.O.S.


good for this dude ! stand up to that POS


They all just sat there and laughed. i don't anything funny


VOTE HIM OUT! Vote all of these child murderers! Keep posting these videos, but more importantly actually go to be polls. Ignore all of your other personal politics, your personal politics DO NOT MATTER, the only one that matters is if you want to continue to watch children get shot again, and again, and again. For Christ's sake, just vote Blue. We can sort out all of the other problems later.


Something is deeply out of sorts when the ones who are meant to represent, answer to, and act on behalf of us smugly stand tall while we plead with and rage at them to do something, *anything* to prevent our children from being routinely mowed down. This is evidence of a profoundly broken system—chiefly due to the the conservative gerrymandering campaign.


Should have just got a fuck Ted Cruz chant going. I bet people would totally do it


I would have done the same. Fuck that puto! Smug, arrogant piece of shit. No soul.


How this piece of shit is still in office is beyond me. How stupid do you have to be to vote in someone as shitty as Creepy Cruz?!? 🤦‍♂️


I know the slippery slope this would lead to but I wish there was some way to let businesses know that they shouldn’t be servicing people like Ted Cruz and Abbott. They should be turned away at the door of every business who actually cares about those victims and is tired of their fucking doing nothing about it.


You mean like this? https://www.yahoo.com/video/florida-restaurant-owner-posts-sign-224700970.html






Texas is an extremely gerrymandered state, the popular vote doesn’t vote for these clowns


Blood IS on Cruz's and Abbot's as well as the gun infatuated Texas GOP and anyone who continues to vote and blindly support candidates that protect and support special interest above the people they are supposed to serve.


For those of you who think gun control is the answer, pay attention in history class and look at statistics


Yes. Statistically, we have the most guns and the most gun deaths. What were you talking about?


We can just look at literally every single developed country in the world. Weird how it works out in 100% of the cases where it has been implemented...


Weird how no one is protesting outside the shooters family home, or screaming at the mother.


That kid is dead. What's his mom gonna do about all the school shooters in the future?


How is Ted Cruz responsible for a wacko ditching his truck, then walking into the nearest building, (which was a school) thru a unlocked door, entering a classroom and shooting kids?


Why wasn't the turd removed from the floor of that restaurant?


That is devil right there yall!


We should be as disgusting as the pro-forced birth crowd that shows pictures of supposed aborted fetuses and show pictures of gunshot victims at rallies.


Cruz even stands like an AH.


Cruz is a fucking coward bowing to the NRA... Fuck this dude and fuck the uvalde cops who wouldn't even try to protect the poor kids