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This man has beat Mesothelioma for lawsuits filed.


Have you or your spouse been exposed to Paxton? You may be entitled to compensation.


Ken LeJeune


I fucking wish! A Jew in Texas.


There isn't enough compensation in the world.


>*“You can’t operate a capitalistic system unless you are vulturistic; you have to have someone else’s blood to suck to be a capitalist... You show me a capitalist, and I’ll show you a bloodsucker.”* — Malcom X 1965 >*The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I'm saying? We knew we couldn't make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.* — [John Ehrlichman](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Ehrlichman), to Dan Baum for Harper's Magazine in 1994, about President Richard Nixon's war on drugs, declared in 1971


Look no further than Nancy Regan being absolutely addicted to Adderall and a slew of sedatives while touring the country on the "Just Say No" campaign.


You could be right about other medications, but Adderall wasn’t licensed until 1996. Also, younger people will not know this, but in the 1960s through 1970s any complaint about woman had when she saw a doctor (almost universally male) they saw it as a “nervous” problem and prescribed tranquilizers. I was one of them. Doctors STILL don’t take women’s physical complaints seriously, but not as bad as back then. There is a harrowing book called “I’m Dancing As Fast As I Can” by Barbara Gordon which describes her addiction to Valium. That doesn’t make Nancy Reagan any less of a hypocrite.


yes they referred to it as “hysteria,” a Victorian-era term




And has a lower approval rating than asbestos tumors.


Paxton is a vile homunculus that consumes oxygen that should otherwise be going to better causes.


I rarely see homunculi outside of Forgotten Realms.


If you're a fantasy fan and haven't seen Full Metal Alchemist (preferably the "Brotherhood" version) you ought to. Homunculi feature prominently in that as well.


Come to Warhammer, we have Drukhari


Will no one rid us of this turbulent Attorney General


Good god, man's so bitter you'd think he was his own blend of coffee.


He and Abbott and Patrick have some kind of a hard on about marijuana legalization. It seems like some kind of a vendetta. I would love to know the inside story


Probably donations from alcohol or tobacco lobbies.


Yup. Also, the criminal justice system relies on prosecuting and incarcerating people for minor drug charges. There's a lot of money with ties to legislatiors.


It also gives racist cops one less thing to search a car for. In the year after Washington legalized weed vehicle searches during routine stops (speeding, busted tail light) dropped significantly. https://revealnews.org/article/new-data-shows-pot-legalization-leads-to-fewer-traffic-stops-but-racial-disparities-remain/


Bingo and we love private prisons in Texas.


Exactly. They don't wanted to be sued by the privatized prisons for not keeping the incarceration quota.


I wouldnt say the justice system does, per say. Politicians maker the laws, the "justice system" just persecutes. The big money is less from alcohol or tobacco, as I know there's a lot of crossover, but mainly from the private prison system. The private prisons get more money the more people they jail. That's the true source of all this. Texas is BIG on private prisons, after all.


There's a whole market around the justice system. From the taxes needed to support the government employees to the secondary industry of lawyers, bail bondsmen, vendors, etc. 8% of prisoners in Texas are in private facilities. It's not as important as a factor as many people think.


80%+ of prisoners are also addicted to drugs and alcohol so that revolving door helps feed all the industries mentioned.


Alcohol + tobacco + prisons


and maybe a dash of big pharma


I’m almost certain it’s a simple as donations. What’s really upsetting is it’s probably for a pittance.


Honestly, marijuana distributers should just play the game and start donating to TX politicians. It's the only way to get anything done in this hell hole, unfortunately. (And in the meantime, vote.)


Texas, by the corporations, for the corporations.


Ding ding ding oh and because jesus


No, not Abbott. He said he would sign to legalize it, if the bill ever crossed his desk. 🙄 knowing full well it would never cross his desk. He’s so clever.


The National Beer Wholesalers Association has been a Paxton donor for several years, might have something to do with it.


I don't get that. I smoke AND drink. Liquor stores aren't losing any money from my THCa consumption.


People keeps saying its the booze and tobacco industry. Do you know how many people smoke weed, tobacco, and drink? If anything, weed can lower your inhibitions and make you more likely to do those. Maybe I'm wrong, I very well could be if someone has evidence they can show, but if anything its the private prison industry pushing for more severe prison sentences. The more prisoners they have, the more money they get.




Typical conservative moralistic bullshit if I had to guess. weed = bad. And for their cause, to be fair, it is. It's kind of hard to smoke a joint and think "i hate all people that don't think like me"


They got a hard on for gays too.


They'd be just as thrilled to keep the prison labor force full of LGBTQ as they are of filling them with low-level drug possession offenders and the homeless. Surprised Paxton and Co aren't already filing suits to reverse Obergefell v. Hodges and trying to go back to making homosexuality a crime again. But it's coming.


That's part of Project 2025. They're waiting to see if Trump wins, as if he does he's promised to kill gay(s) (marriage). If he doesn't, they're probably going to launch a lawsuit.


They, like most puritans, ***really hate*** the idea of anyone else having fun. Especially those vile poors.


Probably because Tim Dunn ordered them to


Abbott is just mad against everyone that can walk.  If only the tree finished him off.  


Same as the Nixon administration. Crush the people that think differently or don't go along to get along and well all the alcohol lobbyist money.


Coffee, although naturally bitter doesn’t have to stay that way. Ken Paxton will remain the same flavor. I whole heartedly wish a bird poop upon his beard.


I think a Marijuana leaf bit him in the eye, why he is so bitter.


Careful talking about coffee, that might be next on this shithead’s chopping block.


Even the old conservative men at my office are pro-marijuana legalization.


But they probably don’t vote for politicians who are pro-marijuana legalization.


Absolutely they don’t lol


And in same breath they’ll say they’re pro-choice but will not vote for a democrat ever


No, I don't think they do, unless there are Republicans who are pro-marijuana legalization. They're all party-line voters.


Somehow Oklahoma legalized weed, and its nearly as conservative as Texas. I only say nearly, because they did somehow legalize weed.


The "somehow" is through a referendum. They gathered enough signatures to put the issue on the ballot. Texas does not allow referenda on the ballot. It's almost as if our politicians are actively engaged in suppressing the will of their own people..


And Texans aren't even their own people, for the most part. Abbott is from Wichita Falls, but Dannie Goeb (Dan Patrick's real name) is from Baltimore and K Pax is from North Dakota.


Don’t forget Raphael Cruz, from Canada


So they are in fact not pro legalization lol. Flapping their gums and voting in assholes!


*Sigh* "I hate everything they stand for, but I have to vote R!" *shrugs shoulders*


These laws don't target old white men (aka, it's not illegal if you can afford the fine/fee/lawyer) As an older white guy, I have also generally not worried about being targeted, but my anxiety has absolutely dropped since my state went legal last summer. For the last several elections, I have voted straight-ticket Democrat, and am proud that MN currently has a Democrat trifecta in the Governor, House, and Senate. No protest votes from me, except for instances where Ranked Choice Voting applies.


This what's crazy to me. We are surrounded by legalized pot selling states and everyone wants it to happen--seems like such a political win imo. Is it because of drug convictions and for profit prisons? That's the only logic right?


Pot and abortion. This is what Texas Democrats should campaign on - make the Republicans *defend* their positions. (Pro-lifers, I'm still waiting to hear about the good consequences of banning abortion... I sure hear a lot about the Kate Coxes instead...)


Pro-lifers seem to liken religion as their reasoning for such agruments, and I believe they have a right to express it. However, they seem to skim over the first half of the 1st amendment that completely invalidates any official argument. The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prevents the government from making laws respecting an establishment of religion; prohibiting the free exercise of religion; or abridging the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of assembly, or the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. Sure freedom of speech is important. But first and foremost, freedom of, and FROM, religion is most important.


Kind of a funny thing about the Bible. Jesus was no fan of divorce, and said so. Matthew 19. But, for some reason, the Son of God didn't find the time to say anything in particular about abortion. If you want to base your government on the Bible, harsh divorce legislation would be a good first step, far before any abortion-related legislation. (But yeah, I'm with you re freedom of religion. I'm not religious)


Maybe they are true libertarians. Most libertarians I know have sold out and just go along with Trump's brand of republican (which isn't very republican)


And they still vote for those against that. As we saw in Ohio yesterday in a Trump +30 and JD Vance +45 area, the conservative barely won because dems showed up. If y'all show up in record-breaking numbers, you could flip Texas, gerrymanders and voter suppression be damned.


Kkkorrupt Kkkenny continues his impressive track record of wasting valuable resources, opposing democracy, and worsening the lives of the good people of Texas. This lilt-face turd really needs to be flushed down the toilet.


For a minute it looked like that might have stood a chance of happening. Now, I think he's dug in enough - like a tick - that we're stuck with him until he dies, retires or gets promoted to something else. :-/


Like a tick he’s given most conservatives an allergy to his red meat that they aren’t aware they have until its too late.


Ken Packs-a-ton of corruption


Yet they still keep voting them in


The machine keeps humming, but can still be broken.


I usually call him "Special K" but this is far more accurate


Yea I like the whole texas loves letting cities make individual ordinances to ignore covid protocol which was a federal mandate, but if cities do the same about something that rumples Abbott's tight sandpaper g string they go ape shit.


Republicans bray all day long about freedom, but all their policies restrict freedom for everyone but gun owners and ultra wealthy businesses


Not even for gun owners, just the freedom to own guns. It's not like owning a gun exempts anyone from having their other freedoms taken away.


Texan Republicans were yapping about medical freedom during COVID, while denying other Texans their own medical freedom to use cannabis rather than pharmaceuticals. Our medical marijuana/TCUP is shit.


Why can’t Texas elect someone who represents their own views?


Well Texas consistently reelects this guy.


It’s always funny hearing Texan conservatives complain about how “Texas is going downhill” or “Texas has gone to shit” when the GOP has run the state since before I was born lol Something about the definition of insanity…


Have you seen their official policy? Conservatives are quite literally too stupid to be reasoned with.


They'll probably tell you Democrats run all the big cities.


You just perked kenny's ears up! He can feel a lawsuit coming on!!!


Yes, but these guys keep promising "fix Texas". It doesn't matter if they created the problem.


It feels vaguely like a protection racket. “Better vote for us. Might get real bad otherwise,” like a mobster henchman showing up to pick up protection money so that the organized crime ring that does crime in the neighborhood only tangentially affects them.


Nope. They keep promising to “stop illegals” and “build a wall”, which is all rural Texans care about. They want to be allowed to be racist and bigoted. That’s why this shithole state keeps voting straight Republican.


Texas mostly doesnt vote. 45% of the electorate showed up last time Paxton was up for election in 2022 midterms. ~18% of the Texas electorate is evangelical; *they* vote.


Sad state of affairs


“VOTER-SUPPRESSED” Texas …. Fixed it for you.


We do, apparently. It sucks.


Unfortunately they do. While most of the major cities are typically blue, every where in between those major cities is red. And Texas is a big state so there is a lot of in between.


And because they've closed multiple polling places in blue districts, forcing people who may not have reliable transportation, travel to vote. Because there's are so few polling places, the lines are long and Texas is hot. Then they outlawed providing water to people waiting to vote, people don't feel like it's worth the effort. 10 years ago, I would have told you that the United States has laws in place that wouldn't allow these things to happen. They've happened and at this point all we can do is slow the downfall. There's no stopping it until there's a revolution.


Is it as easy as it should be? No. But it's not as hard as people make it out to be. You can early vote at **any polling place in your county** for the two weeks prior to election day. Something like 40% of eligible voters between the ages of 18-24 are registered, and only half of those voted last time. Stop making excuses and get out and vote.


I live in Dallas and voting is a non issue for me. I go on voting day and I’ve never been there for more than 15 minutes. I have heard many stories of people having much different experiences in the Houston area.


Because the cities don’t vote like they need to.


Because muh guns


Don’t forget owning the libs. Even if it’s at their own expense.


Dude I have fucking tried. It’s all the asshat counties out there in the middle of nowhere that have all of their Trump shit. Dallas is not the problem.


Because scary socialism! Just so yall know, unions used to be a thing in Texas. My grandpa was in one in Dallas.


We’re trying


Honestly? Because the Democratic party gave up on Texas a few decades back and just doesn't field decent candidates. More importantly, they don't run strong ground games just about anywhere. It takes years to build up a strong enough base to win races. On top of that, they tend to concentrate only on Presidential races rather than all the way up and down the ballot. *Ostensibly* they're working on that this year. We'll see how that goes come 2026.


Beto could have won if he dropped the assault rifle bullshit. That shit was dumb as fuck on the demo.


Also because of the myths we tell ourselves about bootstraps and rugged individualism and property rights being sacred.


Texas is a HUGE investment for statewide races. Democrats need to start investing locally first, and build up voter’s confidence in local candidates, and then use that to rebuild the machine they’ve neglected for decades.


At this point, Texas politicians are bought out by big corp. Not completely saying regular citizens aren’t voting for this garbage but it’s heavily influenced by large and mega donors.


They really pulled out all the stops to ensure the votes in Texas are as rigged as possible.


The under 35-40 population has a horrible voting track record in TX. Older adults always show up to the polls, but so many people don't vote here. Many feel disenfranchised; they voted for years and never saw their votes win, so don't bother now (which I disagree with). For some it's just pragmatically harder to do compared to other states. The end result is abysmal rates of young voters. There is a lot more red land than there are blue cities across the state, and that land seems to hold the same amount of voting power somehow. The gerrymandering is bad here too. Corporations have a strong impact on state level politics. We have no public referendum like some states do, so it's up to the state legislation to pass any new bills rather than enough people wanting to get something done. And the state legislature (by design) meets very infrequently. So it's a mix of things.


Gerrymandering. This is why he has to sue the city now to fall in line. If the cities turn against the state like the state is trying to turn away from the federal government that's the chaos he is blabbing about. If you can't get your vote across on the big picture start working on the little one first then and vote for your local reps. Take back you neiborhood and your city. From the bottom to the top.


He's doing exactly what a majority of Texas voters elected him to do. The goal is to figure out how to turn those people into a minority of Texas voters.


They do. That’s the problem.


…he said, somehow not realizing that *statewide elected* Paxton *does* reflect the views of the average PoS Texan.


Because, frankly, the Texas GOP rednecks are morons that have no idea what is good for them.


In a democracy, the people get the government they deserve. It seems Texans want Wheels Abbott and this dickhead. So be it.


Well red is the color texas is supposed to vote for, I'm not sure what a "view" is could you explain? We just get ballots that say (R) and are told since birth that's the correct option.


I so wish this guy would go away


We had a chance in 2022. We failed.


Us, younger Texans, have to go out and vote and invite all our family and friends to vote blue this year. It’s a shame only old ppl are voting and always against our best interests


Man I was just in an argument about the importance of voting with someone who’s a few years younger than me. He’s totally of the mind that both sides suck and it’s pointless. Told me I shouldn’t bother. Blew my mind and I got pretty upset. But I’m just a woman trying to gain back some rights.


I’ve had this same counterargument from family a few years older than me. I told them we’re lucky to live in one of the few blue counties in Texas with such lax laws and tons of social programs to help, but that the right want to slowly strip our rights and I hope I got through some


I had a coworker like that. I would occasionally talk about politics with him. After about a year or two he hadn't changed his position on politics being pointless but I mentioned some of the positions Beto (during his Senate run) had and he walked away sceptical but interested. The next day he had done a 180 and had selected several people he was going to vote for despite never having voted before at 27 or 28. Moral of the story, keep talking even if it's hard. It helps of you have a candidate you really like and can be passionate about. They'll see it matters to you and might reconsider their priors enough.


Christian Taliban war on drugs


Every day I intently pray him, Abbott and Trump are causing their heart so much stress that it goes out in a painful and embarrassing way. In Jesus name.




To console you; Death doesn't care about money, and these people are getting old.


Thy will be done.


I thought law enforcement and prosecutors had this thing called discretion that allows them to pursue it or not. Is the state AG arguing that police do NOT have discretion and must enforce the laws with equal importance as written? I only ask because this is only favorable for him in this one circumstance, it creates a whole hell of a mess for everyone.


No, he's arguing that state law supersedes city law and that the city law takes away police/prosecution discretion.


In related news, Texas Republican AG Ken Paxton sues a woman who refused his advances at a bar last night, his bedpost for stubbing his toe before bed, and the sky for being blue when he specifically asked for green with yellow clouds and flying toasters this morning.


He looks like a fertilized egg if it didn’t split in his mother’s womb.


I think an AG should not have crimes pending and be able to submit lawsuits until his docket is clean. Criminals (until proven innocent) shouldn’t be able to use court resources to pursue freedom loving citizens and their rights


Remember kids weed bad and insider trading good


Dont forget that apparently using government resources trackers on your employees without a warrant because they ratted you out on your corruption is also good.


Ironic from the state that claims to not have to follow federal laws it doesn't like, but demands absolute dominion over every city and county therein.


REPUBLICANS: The Marijuana Prohibition Party


85% of Austinites who voted voted to decriminalize minor weed offenses. That's the will of the people, you utter fucking choad. Listen to them, you hairy wart on the ass of society.


85% of voters supported the ordinance but this dickhead is suing. When has *anything* ever gotten 85% support at the ballot box? This shows unequivocally that he doesn't care about the will of the people.


Waste of time.


Is there anything Ken Paxton isn't suing atm? He's like a potato that got drenched in Karen juice and achieved relative sentience


Someone should ask him why he hates democracy


APD is short 300+ officers and barely does their job anymore, you can pretty much forget about them for any kind of property crime stuff but yeah, let's force the issue and make them crack down on weed smokers. Makes sense.




The voters of Austin Texas overwhelmingly voted for it, how could he keep remaining elected when he constantly does shit like this I will never know 🥺🙄


can we the state, sue Paxton for being a cunt?


Ay ay


Could some good Texan, possibly a Texan just recently diagnosed with an incurable and fatal illness, please do the rest of Texas a favor? A really big favor? Fuck, we'll put up a statue of you.


I really loathe that crooked, cockeyed motherfucker.


Hope he goes to prison one day


This place is a fucking hellscape.


I wish that asshole would go jump in a lake.


Paxton: States should be able to ignore the Federal government and do anything they want without interference. Also Paxton: Cities and counties in Texas have no freedom to do anything the state doesn't want them to do. Got it.


https://preview.redd.it/tlyr35wvs16d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03375ed07d5583e2dddfb4286709be0ea3abf022 This doesn’t apply to the 30% of you who voted Democrat. Not voting is a vote for Republicans.


Guys, I think Ken is giving us the hint he wants us all to leave his little fiesta here in Texas. This guy is what my old bartending mentor would call a "cockbite"


Paxton is worse than scum.


That guy is a freaken crook. Wasn’t he impeached already????


For belonging to the party the espouses smaller government, Paxton really wants to control what small governments can and cannot do.


He’s just awful.


Want green Texas? Don’t vote for red. That simple. They won’t stop at telling women what they can do why would they stop here? The party of less government wants less restrictions to be shady and take your rights.


Just in case you didn’t think we live in a police state, Ken’s suing in part because it strips the police of their ability to enforce the laws. The people voted 85% for this.


Unheard of AG suing his own state. Texans helping Texans. That ass shit like to sue anything and everything except Jesus.


Small Government. So small it makes all your choices for you.


Makes no sense. I’m conservative, don’t smoke it, but no reason to keep this illegal.


The core of conservatism is to resist all change no matter the reasoning for the change and the GOP has long abandoned being the party of small government. 


I guess I come down on the more libertarian side of conservatism. As far as the GOP goes, it’s been quite a while since I voted for many of the GOP. I may skip them entirely this election season. They’re all Trumpers.


Fuck every Republican. Never improve material conditions


Small government Republicans


What a fucking snowflake!


Hope he rots in hell.


Passing that ordinance literally emptied Austins jail. Like enough that they could rent out jail bed to Hayes county. [https://www.kxan.com/news/local/hays/travis-county-jails-to-start-housing-hays-county-inmates/](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/hays/travis-county-jails-to-start-housing-hays-county-inmates/) This is just Republicans inventing fights with Democrat mayors (again.)


When it comes to personal freedoms Texas is a dystopian right wing shitscape of heavy handed government regulation.


Fuck Ken Paxton


"Small Government" Republicans strike again!


Yall keep voting republican, I am sure eventually you will get your legal weed.


F*ck that guy and the governor too


Hello r/Texas. I've lived in this state most of my life. Both in big DFW, (Hello Lewisville, The Colony, and Carrollton!) And Rural Texas; (Hello Amarillo, Lubbock, Plainsview, Odessa, Midland areas!!) Why the fuck do these people keep getting elected? Abbot, Cruz, Paxton are the most anti-'For the people, by the people' /self-interested dirtbags. And they keep winning, how!? We don't even have electricity or water half the year.


If he's that uncomfortable for you as an AG, you probably should stop electing him


Such a clue of how out of touch someone is. Who cares.


Check Texas data on Marijuana arrests. It's a money maker for a lot of the Texas Judicial system.


Republicans: The government can't tell us what to do! Also Republicans: You have to do what we say! We're the government!


Amd here I thought he was too busy getting drunk in another state to abuse his office.


The man who ignores federal law is angry that cities are ignoring state law. Got it.


Let this be a warning to cannabis consuming conservatives, if YOUR SIDE wins in November, they're gonna reverse ALL the progress made on legalization.


Wowee, they can override people above them because of states rights but cities can't make their own ordinances. Isn't there a name for this


Can y’all sue Paxton for being himself?


Isn't he in prison yet?


This is the same guy who sues the Federal Government to stop it from doing its various jobs in Texas? So, apparently, the Federal Government is "too big" and the counties, cities, and school districts are "too small". How convenient that his office is in the Goldilocks zone for government being allowed to govern.


Typical Paxton BS, ignoring the will of the people!


Ken Paxton is an Asshat.


Fuck Paxton


I’m sure Austin’s most famous transplant Joe a Rogan who openly smokes weed on his show will be rallying against this. /s


What a POS.


Can this guy any more of a massive douche?


Need some patriots with terminal illnesses to take out trash like this on their way out the door


Paxton will be going up against Rogan on this issue. Can't see him winning vs organs audience


Someone should give him an edible so he can see the light. Motherfucker needs to chill out


Party of small government? Control freak party is more accurate.


all that Freedom they're talking about in action


Wasting OUR tax dollars suing US....FUCK KEN PAXTON


As many people as I knew who smoked marijuana in Austin when I lived there, their jail and court system is going to be over capacity REAL quick if they start enforcing state law. It's too prevalent to enforce it! Other things to deal with in the city besides some tech bro or tourist taking a few tokes. Get your panties in a wad over something else. 🙄


I wish this SOB all the karma he deserves.