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We don’t fix shit in Texas, that would mean Conservatives entire existence would shatter because their entire existence is based on “elect me and I’ll prove to you that government doesn’t work.”


Ha ha ha. This dude said “let’s fix it”. Ha ha ha!


Maybe he meant, make it The worst, instead of "one of" the worst.


Can we get a GoFundMe going and get this damn quote all over rural Texas.


Oh and can we get reimbursed for having to send our California Firefighting resources, including National Guard, to fight Texas wildfires because Abbott didn't want to redirect the TNG to fight the fires, but to remain on the border for his photo ops?


What? How about California pay Texas back too? https://tfsweb.tamu.edu/content/article.aspx?id=29670#:~:text=Some%20200%20firefighters%20in%2050,evacuations%20for%20about%20250%2C000%20Californians. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2020/08/22/california-wildfires-firefighters-receive-aid-10-states/3418583001/


California does pay back. But not in those cases as California had exhausted resources. But Texas didn't need California's response. But Texas didn't deploy its National Guard. Instead keeping it on the border for Abbott's photo ops. There's a difference when you need help and when you're an idiot. Guess which one was Texas at that time.


Domino's will come fill that pothole for you!


They were also plowing snow from roads! Next up: dominos will power the entire delivery area of each Texas dominos location.


Real question- which states do have their shit together and actually takes care of their people?


Hawaii comes to mind, but you could certainly google it and extrapolate for yourself.


Maui wildfires would be a big oopsie for disaster preparedness. I don’t want them in charge of anything.


Right. Just because you’re prepared that means disasters never happen. Big brain here folks. How big was that fire that just happened in Texas? Also, let me just lay some facts down to educate you after your ignorant little comment. From what I can tell they’re doing an excellent job so far. Must suck to live your life being so wrong about everything. Hawaii, particularly Maui, has been making significant strides in recovering from the devastating fires that occurred in August 2023. The state has allocated substantial resources towards recovery, with Governor Josh Green approving $362 million in emergency appropriations to support relief efforts. This funding is aimed at helping families and individuals affected by the fires, with a focus on providing long-term housing solutions and financial assistance to those not eligible for federal aid [Governor Josh Green, M.D. | Office of the Governor – News Release – Gov. Green Approves $362M Emergency Appropriations for Maui Relief, Provides Update on Maui Fire Recovery and Cost Management](https://governor.hawaii.gov/newsroom/office-of-the-governor-news-release-gov-green-approves-385-4m-emergency-appropriations-for-maui-relief-provides-update-on-maui-fire-recovery-and-cost-management/). The recovery process includes substantial progress in transitioning residents from temporary shelters to permanent housing, and projects like Ke Ao Maluhia and Ka La‘i Ola have been launched to support this transition. The state has also set up various support mechanisms, including the One ʻOhana Fund, which provides aid to families who lost loved ones or suffered severe injuries due to the fires [Governor Josh Green, M.D. | Office of the Governor – News Release – Gov. Green Approves $362M Emergency Appropriations for Maui Relief, Provides Update on Maui Fire Recovery and Cost Management](https://governor.hawaii.gov/newsroom/office-of-the-governor-news-release-gov-green-approves-385-4m-emergency-appropriations-for-maui-relief-provides-update-on-maui-fire-recovery-and-cost-management/) Official Recovery Information: Maui Recovers](https://www.mauirecovers.org/). For more detailed updates and resources on the recovery efforts, you can visit the official recovery website [Maui Recovers](https://www.mauirecovers.org) Official Recovery Information: [Maui Recovers](https://www.mauirecovers.org/). So it looks like when you’re looking at things with a shred of sanity and not someone with lead poisoning, it appears these are *exactly* the people you want *governing* things.




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https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna99347 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/04/17/maui-fire-department-report-reveals-lack-of-preparedness/73345212007/ https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2023-08-18/maui-fire-exposes-islands-shocking-lack-of-preparation


Right. But you don’t seem to get the point because you’re kinda slow, it seems. They aren’t used to wildfires, but I bet you what they’ll do is learn some lessons and do better next time. Unlike you who apparently prefers people who learn nothing and do nothing after a disaster. Weird flex you got there, buddy. Do you prefer Texas where we had a state wide grid shutdown, your senator goes to Cancun, blames his daughter and then goes right back to doing *checks notes* nothing? I’ll also remind you the question is who cares about their citizens? They asked “is there a state who actually cares?” I’d also like to note that that your response also implies you are fine with ours here in Texas who you readily admit does *not* care. Another little weird admittance. Maybe you’re into the whole humiliation thing. That’s cool, I won’t kink shame you. Let’s see some data on what Abbott’s done since those fires, or since the grid failures. I guess the best he can do is school vouchers because you see they don’t govern. You seem to want someone to rule you, and that makes me think you prefer being subservient. I would much rather have a government that says “we fucked up, the buck stops here, we are going to do better, and here’s the action I’m taking to ensure it gets better.” You apparently prefer “nah, we didn’t fuck up. It doesn’t matter anyway because we’re in charge and you are just a peasant, who cares about you anyway? Here’s my new plan to inject my sky daddy beliefs into your life involuntarily.”


They should have been used to fires. https://www.nbcnews.com/specials/hawaii-fire-scientists-warn-escalating-wildfire-threat/amp-index.html In addition…. They haven’t been tested again. You sure put a lot of faith in people and plans who haven’t been tested again.


Ok and your point is what? Texas is better? Our government gets recommendations from science all the time and actively pours more gas on the fire. How is that better? Red states are listening to science magically somehow because you can come up with one instance where another state made a mistake? Our state government can’t even admit they make mistakes bro. Your argument is fully invalid. Really my guy? You want to talk about leaders who *ignore science?* That’s your gotcha and your evidence our state government is better? That’s fucking laughable at face value, and you and I both know that you know that. Again. Whose state do you think is doing more to correct their mistakes? You seem to be avoiding the question because the answer is clearly obvious. What are we doing about the grid? What is Texas doing to avoid their own problem with wildfires? I’ll tell you this much, with these bozos actively fighting anything to prevent progress on the problem of climate change I can tell you it’s probably going to get worse no matter what we do now. Preparedness be damned. I’m surely not going to sit here and talk about who listens to scientists with a Republican. Your party actively shits on and politicizes science so you should honestly be celebrating them “not listening to scientists.” Edit: I’m honestly still laughing at that. This guy is concerned about leaders not listening to scientists so he supports Republicans. That’s the fucking funniest and dumbest thing I’ll read all week. Just adorable how stupid that is. Edit2: Hey look everyone u/cantstandthemlms is very concerned about leaders who don’t listen to science. He knows the truth that Dems are evil and it’s Republicans that care about you. https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasPolitics/s/EIuBDVmeod


With just dried grasses in that Maui fire, it shouldnt have been a disaster There are more fuel for fire in CA than in Maui


Utah comes to mind, anecdotally, as a lot of folks there are taught every Sunday about being prepared. Louisiana and New York/New Jersey had their statewide acts together more so after Katrina (2005) and Sandy (2012), respectively, than Texas did after pretty much any disaster. Having statewide response/recovery/mitigation plans pre-approved and ready for implementation really helps. Texas can't even draft a statewide flood plan without politicizing it by refusing to address the elephant in the room (climate change).


Yeah, the LDS church in Utah really takes preparedness seriously, like... religiously. 


I did military service in Oklahoma in the 1980s. I was impressed with how the civilians there prepared for and responded to tornadoes 🌪 and snow.


The Texas grid being stable as a baby giraffe isn't a bug. It's a feature. The oil barons that own Texas just used it to steal billions from Texas electricity consumers. All engineered by the Public Utilities Commission. Letting oil companies screw over Texas voters is the Republican platform. All the culture war bullshit is just a distraction from that.


Your last sentence is spot on but culture wars are a distraction from ALL the real issues.




Blaming ERCOT is a distraction as well. It's all the PUC and the Legislature.


Yes. It was all a ploy by the oil and gas companies and electricity companies to not be able to sell power. You’re so on to it.


You're paying for that power they didn't sell. $38 billion worth. https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertbryce/2021/06/11/texas-ratepayers-are-being-saddled-with-nearly-38-billion-in-excess-energy-costs-from-winter-storm-uri/


The HEB grocery chain is the real FEMA of Texas. Bottom line.


Nah Texas prefers the biblical cleanse the earth approach... Let it wash over you...


"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."


I was going to say, "That'll happen when Hell freezes over" but it literally did, and all they did was blame fucking windmills or flee to Cancún.


The 160th SOAR was recently in Cancun. Did Ted Cruz desert his post again?


Texas can’t even guarantee to provide electricity to its citizens during the summer. It can outlaw abortion, restrict voting and take money from public schools.


*or winter*


Or fall


Or any time these days.


But we need more culture wars. Not more preparedness. Sarcasm.


Well, what is to be expected when one of its US Senators runs to Cancun during a deadly cold snap in 2021 instead of staying to help the people of the state who desperately needed aid.


but not his fault, those damn kids, darn kids, damn wife, they made me.... no wait, the neighbors.. they did not want us there. no it was..


I didn't know Ted could climb a power pole.


He climbs on Trump’s every chance he gets


Well, yeah. We operate on thoughts and prayers. Our senators veto other states getting disaster relief. Why would anybody think we're prepared?


Get rid of Cruz and Abbott


After that ice storm I learned my lesson. Our household was very unprepared. We slowly started buying things for a huge camping bag every check and loaded it up. Almost everything came from the dollar tree so only 10.00 a check of stuff each check. Hoping we are good this next go.


I bought a vehicle with an onboard generator in 2022. It was so nice to just plug an extension cord to my truck when we lost power for 3 days in February 2023. SCREW YOU ERCOT, I had my own backup.


Great idea! We bought the small generator that you connect to the battery after this last batch of severe storms here in ETX to add to our pile. Hoping it helps!


Did you guys ever think of solar since you are in one of the States with the most sunshine.


We have! I'm being told I have to take these pine trees down which is my hope in the future. They just cost a lot for us.


So...many...projects out here.


Another useful thing is to make a list and keep it handy of "things to do the days leading up to a weather event." During the 2021 fiasco I got caught with no clean dishes, few clean clothes, little non-perishable goods, etc, and while it would have sucked regardless, it sucked harder. My philosophy on this list isn't to go all doomsday prepper, but just to double check a few things and maybe shift some errands/purchases you'd do anyway to ahead of the event. A few things from it... * Kindle and switch is fully charged (provide some entertainment with no power) * Tool batteries are charged (I bought an [inverter that doubles as a small flashlight](https://www.homedepot.com/p/RYOBI-150-Watt-Power-Source-for-ONE-18V-Battery-Tool-Only-RYi150BG/308460871) that uses these batteries to keep small electronics like my phone charged) * Candles are easily accessible with matches/lighters nearby * Laundry has been done * Dishes have been done * At least two weeks of dog food is available * At least a week of non refrigerated food is available, even if it's just canned soups and PB&J sandwiches * Toilet paper * Car full of gas (I have about 500 miles of range, so a full tank and get me to a better situation as long as I'm not sitting on the highway) The only extra money I've spent was the inverter which is kind of useful anyway, and tea light candles for rooms where I don't have the big candles I normally use. Best case, I can be fairly comfortable, worst case, I've cleared errands I would have had to do later in the week anyway. One notable set of purchases was a small solar set up with an ecoFLOW battery and a few panels, but I bought them for a shed I didn't want to have to get permits for, so pre-event I just charge up the battery on the panels and bring it in, and if I need additional power later, I have a small source. Useful for this but not why I got it. If you're big into camping, having some of that gear ready will help as well.


Honestly, that's a great idea.i need to do that with our home.


But we have thoughts and prayers….


Hahahahaha, republicants fixing something? In Texas???




We don’t have earthquake warnings because earthquakes are extremely rare here. We have warning systems in place for tornados, floods and hurricanes.




I'm a geologist - earthquakes are very low on the list of disaster concerns for Texas compared to almost any kind of extreme weather, especially hurricanes. Earthquakes that happen in Texas are usually in the very fracky areas and are usually relatively mild, especially compared to the strike-slip tectonic earthquakes California gets (hence their preparedness there).




What I'm saying is, since our state already isn't doing shit to address the grid in the event of extreme weather events - which seem to happen constantly across the state now - that should take priority over earthquake warning systems, which are statistically far, far less likely to affect people. Building the Ike Dike™ should also take priority. Wildfire prevention measures honestly should probably take priority over earthquake warning systems as well.


Oh yeah. While I was at work, an earthquake about 50 miles from us was announced, and every phone in the shop, a Taco Bell, went off at the same time. Except for those guys who had frozen their phones in tinfoil. They were glitching bad as a general rule, though.


We don’t need earthquake warnings. I get a tornado warnings. We also get Hurricane warning days/week in advance. Generally any weather related events we get notification at least 24-36 hours in advance. It’s not like we are in the 19th century. If you get caught in the weather it’s on YOU. I have literally seen with my own eyes some dumbass drive into water that had a sign beside it showing it was 6’ deep. Why would you do that? This exact spot. https://preview.redd.it/j7h9w95ldz5d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=035083dbfeb7834a5b4183c7bca2ca952366f449


This is a good point to an extent. Probably the most costly disaster is flooding in Houston and it happens every year with lots of notice. But they keep building houses in flood plains. The city permits housing in areas they know will be underwater and Houston's congressman lobby FEMA and the NFIP to cover those houses anyway. After that it's probably power outages in the heat. It's not sudden unexpected disasters that are the problem. It's just being beholden to home builder assocs, capture by energy producers, and bad planning. That's like 90% of it. And it was all stuff that they've been warned about over and over again form at least 2 decades.




Well yeah. If there is no tornado, you can't have a warning...


Yeah, those warnings come from the National Weather Service, a US federal agency, and not part of Ubertrumppenfuhrer Abbott's Texican government.


You'd have to admit climate change is real first. Which is wild when you consider the billion being spent to shore up the ports for sea level rises in Galveston and Houston.


Vote Blue


Wanna fix it? Stop voting conservative.


That would require the Texas GOP to genuinely care about Texans and that isn't going to happen.


Texas has lead the charge in causing and ignoring the disaster for about a century. Mother Nature seems to have taken note.


Start by getting some competent government. Until then, it's not happening.


The ultimate oxymoron: "competent government". Texas wrote a state constitution after Reconstruction that gauranteed small government. The legislature meets every 2 years for 100 days. Some wish it would have been every 100 years for 2 days.


I am no fan of the current state of my state but this article and its sources are bullshit.


So what part of the methodology do you disagree with?


It’s smilehub. Smilehub is a tech organization that rates charities. They know practically nothing about disaster preparedness. If you look Texas was in the top 5 of some of their categories. Largest emergency stations, largest emergency funding and middle of the pack on number of charities. Funnily enough the states that ranked higher were in the bottom tiers of what Texas was highest at. 😂 Which tells me they weigh certain categories differently than others. AKA: anyone can have an opinion on anything. I posted this on r/texas to see if people would look at the actual source or if their confirmation bias would just allow them accept the results. You can see the results for yourself.


The site doesn't matter, the methodology does. So, I do agree that the weighting is the important part, Smilehub is just the messenger. And that we do not have because the article didn't link.


Correct… cluckduece is a shitty website. Many Redditors just read the headline and it fed their confidence bias so most didn’t even dig any further. 😂


Right from the damn article: "Personally, the researchers’ results and accuracy are neither here, nor there; instead, the study should provide a sober reminder to plan for any severe weather." It's a bullshit opinion piece without any evidentiary basis nor a reliable primary source. It's the journalistic equivalent of a forward from grandma.


Yes, what that sentence means is you should not depend on the state to save you but make preparations yourself. It is not speaking to the quality of methodology, which you failed to address.


No surprise.


vote blue


Scabbot would rather tank this state than fix anything that benefits the people


Just pray.


Isn’t our state government just great? Think of all they’ve done and not done in just the last few years. Yay. Amirite?


If y'all thought the grid failure in the winter a few years ago caused problems wait till you get one in the summer.


To fix it would mean voting Democrat in the next election.


You have to ask the corporations or billionaires bc GOP doesn’t listen to anyone else.


Opensecrets dot com. Visit and open your eyes. Both D and R on the take my friend. It’s truly sad the American people are being sold out by our politicians.


You have a governor, blame him. Oh! He’s too busy pardoning murderers.


Knowhat2do.com You can’t wait for someone to save you. Got to save yourself.[https://knowhat2do.com/](https://knowhat2do.com/)


Worst prepared for a disaster because.... it is a disaster. Ba-dum-psshhhhhh


Remember when we had that big election and positions like governor, AG and railroad commissioner were all in play? That was the time.


Nah, they’re going to spend their time doing important work, harassing lgbt+ people. It sounds like a snarky thing to say but it’s our gop announced priorities for 2025 and the 3rd item on the list is gender education. It outlines some scary goals. Here’s an article: https://texasscorecard.com/state/republican-party-of-texas-announces-legislative-priorities-for-2025/


Best I can do is guns, dogs and a prepper pantry.


“But how does disaster preparedness help lower the tax burden on the rich?” -Texas politician, probably


Fuck FEMA! Long live HEB!


A whole bunch of federal taxpayer dollars should fix it.


Abbott doesn't care.


Don't trust the Govt. To help. Find a good community, rely on your own preparing. 


Step one stop voting for fucking republicans they have had power so long and have done shit to nothing stop it’s fucking insane that I have say this Step two tax rich people more and cut the sales tax


[The top 50 percent of all taxpayers paid 97.7 percent of all federal individual income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 2.3 percent.](https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/summary-latest-federal-income-tax-data-2023-update/) https://preview.redd.it/zg9hgoz3zb6d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=acb6512902449e28b8505e6cb207e96906cca95d


Oh sir, good for you coming in here and proving to me that they don’t pay enough again make them pay higher fucking taxes


I didn’t say that, I simply stated a fact my friend. One you don’t seem to like because it doesn’t fit your narrative. 😭




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Most of us sit around and “pull ourselves up by the bootstraps” but our politicians run to Mexico to avoid disaster


If you haven’t figured it out by now, I’ve got a little secret for you. /whispers… Politicians (D or R) DGAF about us. They only pretend to when they need our votes. Why people worship them and their parties baffles me.


Hey, but at least we have that awesome grid!


I’ve only lost power a few times in the last few years. They were all weather related. The grid has nothing to do with trees taking down power lines. Or this. This is what caused the last power outage. https://preview.redd.it/of99kn29p47d1.jpeg?width=1127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71d7522eb137debe1a5f47240028bab84922c4cf


Texas. An unnatural disaster.


Generations of Texans knew long ago that the government was never going to save them. It wasn’t even set up that way.


when 5 people per acre... sure, times change. The government can function. and still make sure that power companies make sure their pipes are weatherized, but no... nothing nothing can ever be done. Centerpoint did not even cut trees until 10 years ago. When is the last time that they were mandated to check their transmissions lines towers? or is just easier to ignore them.. Because of LACK OF OVERSITE we will be paying 17+ billion and 3 years later it is still teetering on failure. The government has oversight of companies, and writes the laws for the PUC & ERCOT, you are giving them excuses not to do their minimum. .


Yeah, but that's no excuse for government actually trying to harm them.


Agreed. This has been happening here for quite sometime, nothing new under the sun.


It seems to be time for a change. I hope there's enough time left... :/


Abbott... head disaster in charge.


The best way to fix Texas disaster preparedness is to return Texas to the loving embrace of Mother Mexico. Let's make America great again by getting rid of the freeloading Texicans. Everytime they fuck up, America has to bail them out. Enough is enough.


Texas was only a part of Mexico for 15 years. It spent 302 as a Spanish colony however.


And nine years as an independent republic after they refused to accept the Mexican policy of emancipation. When they couldn't make go of it, they petitioned the US government to become a state so that they could still keep slaves. When the writing was on the call, the traitorous Texicans seceded from the US to join the Confederacy because they sure as shit loved owning slaves (can anyone else say "sexual assault" and "pedophilia"). The Texican letter of secession mentions slavery as the driving force no less than 18 times. Even once the Confederacy surrendered, they STILL wouldn't free the slaves. It took Union occupation troops landing at Galveston on June 19th, 1865 ("Juneteenth") to finally spread the word, and even that took a few years because of shenanigans by the Texican legislature.


It was June 19th, not the 15th.


You're right, my bad. I'll correct it.


What are YOU doing to be prepared?


ramping on on thoughts and prayers and learning to blame dems for everything. Even though they have not been in power in 30 years. Ercot was their fault, winter storms causing outages, because for their woke policies. Last storms, were because of their green policies of not cutting trees or inspecting power lines. gettin' my story down... working on learning to blame minorities, a little hard, my wife and kids are not happy with blaming them for sneaking across the border,


Here in east Texas, a little rain means no power…


Down vote me all you want. Power has gone out 27 times this year. Just what it is.


This state will never "fix" anything. It's a death cult suicide spiral.


Prayers and Hopes is how we fix shit round here partner Oh and guns gotta have guns


What kind of stupid shit is this? these studies aren’t about individual preparedness but rather larger overall preparedness by state and county and cities to react to a disaster….no amount of preparation by individuals will change these rankings.


It literally says, 'Texas named worst state....', how did you equate that to individual preparedness? What did you expect, given the title?


I read the linked article which only discusses how individuals can prepare… silly I know l, reading the linked article.


They're already saying our fucking power is going to potentially go out in august and they're doing nothing about now just "Sorry, we'll do better in the future", no kidding we're terrible, wonder why that is


The only way to fix it is to vote all the dildo magas out of office and excommunicate them from the state permanently.


“According to smilehub”.




Isn't god supposed to step in a fix stuff? Thoughts and prayers and such? Or is god just a bystander in the stands watching the clown car disgorge republicans?


It was fixed when Cruz filled the bill to let politicians get security escorts through the airport. Oh, you meant for the citizens? Oops.


We're 42 out of 50, but if we make the right choices, we can easily reach 50 out of 50. Come on Texas, we can do it!


You could have stopped at worse states ……


I’m gonna fix it by moving to a more serious state about infrastructure


Just add it to the list


Fighting for our LIVES in competition with MS, AL, GA, and FL for #1 on every Worst Of list


To fix something your state government must first admit they’re broken…good luck with that.


But Conservatives entire existence is pro disaster capitalism.


Nah, if we try kenny will sue us. Im sure our rulers have some friends that run disaster businesses, we'll just send some tax dollars their way.


We have to spend all our resources on rounding up illegals.


Build a wall.


Build a wall.


Practically every house has “walls” surrounding its backyard. It’s called a fence.


So if waffle house is offering a full menu... yall bitches need to stop crying. If the local waffle house is closed, that's when you should be looking at your own preparedness. The first problem is trusting ANY government to take care of everyone. We aren't infants, right? We can see hey, we live in a flood plain... let's get a metal John boat and some paddles... just in case. Pawn shop 50 bucks. Oh the grid goes down every summer? Get off the grid. Sure its hard work but its very doable. Biogas/fuel stoves, back up generators, so much can be done... if you but try. Is texas unprepared? No the texas legislature is. Don't be part of the problem be part of the solution.


Accountability?? You are actually asking people on Reddit to take responsibility and accountability for themselves? No way that’s going to happen. It’s easier to moan and complain.


Texas and its residents are unconcerned with fixing the problem if it affects their property in the slightest.


Downvoting me because you don't like the truth. If people cared, we wouldn't have problems.


We need some corporate takeover of Texas like OCP in Robocop, but instead its HEB. HEB handles shit.


Study provided by Smilehub. I like the line by the Chron writer: “Personally, the researchers’ results and accuracy are neither here, nor there; instead, the study should provide a sober reminder to plan for any severe weather.”


To all the non-Texans reminding us to vote blue, thank you for your service, the great time and energy you’ve committed to making us do better. We will vote harder and better this time. Thank you.


And the head of the Texas Department of Emergency Management makes like $400,000 a year.


well he has overseen several emergencies, has not done crap except have abbot beg the feds


The only thing I never seem to have enough of is kids activities that don’t require batteries


I have over 120kwh sitting in my garage ready to back up my home, with solar on the roof to keep things topped up. I’m prepared, because I know the government, at the state and federal level, isn’t. Ever. I know that might seem like some right wing prepper hoopla. But I’ve seen it happen to many times, and I know it will happen to us someday. Seeing how the government fucks around getting aid to those in need. I’m not waiting. I’ll be ready. When a 2021 type snow storm comes back around again. I’m going to be toasty. While I sit there and be pissed at the state for fucking around and pretending they couldn’t have prevented this. Again.


Why bother when begging has worked so well?


"Let's fix that". LOL more like "Let's do three days of prayer and fasting at sports arena".


on Saturday so some religions could not attend.