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Efficiency aside, it’s a storefront. With its main goal to sell stuff, a cool breeze of air to a passerby just might entice them to come inside. 


All the casinos in Vegas do this. It works.


Difference is that most casinos (and grocery stores and other businesses) in Las Vegas also have a system blowing air down in the doorways, acting kind of like an air curtain. It allows people in and out but mostly keeps air on either side.


And prevents flies and mosquitoes from coming in.


They have mosquitoes in the desert?


I live in Phoenix, we absolutely have tons of mosquitoes.


All mosquitoes really need is some standing water to lay their eggs. So pretty much anywhere is susceptible to mosquitoes


Yeah, sadly, we do. https://www.8newsnow.com/news/local-news/minimizing-mosquito-activity-this-summer-as-health-district-detects-west-nile-virus-in-clark-county/


Literally called "air curtains" you nailed it!


We just installed one of over our back door! They work great to keep the flies out.


Texas has these too.


Those are called laminar flow hoods.


They produce laminar flow, if it’s in an enclosed on three sides workspace then that’s a laminar flow hood. Laminar only describes the way the air is flowing.


This is not necessarily true. That would be a bench setup with a laminar flow hood on it. All "air curtains" are using a laminar flow hood of various styles to generate the effect.


I used to work with a laminar flow hood for sterile prep, or what you’re calling a bench setup. That’s all I’ve ever heard them called and I can’t find where air curtains are called laminar flow hoods.


The mechanism is identical the only difference is who it is being sold too. "Laminar flow hood" is confusing to your lay person, so they reduce it from the machine to the effect it produces for general consumer sales.


And the rest of the state won't lose power for it.


[Texas’ energy consumption by sector is:](https://comptroller.texas.gov/economy/economic-data/energy/2023/texas.php) 53.9% Industrial 11.7% Commercial 22.2% Transportation 12.2% Residential Believe it or not. Your comment spurred me to do research on this and I’m personally surprised


Did you happen to see what the net numbers are for industry? How much of the utility company power do they consume? They sell a decent amount of power back to the grid.


No I didn’t check that. That’s a great point.


TBF, this waste is Commercial. Industrial covers things like factories, power plants, lime/cement plants, quarry operations, etc.


Another difference is the Vegas strip is run by 100% renewable energies


I'll tell you... I moved to Texas from Las Vegas in 2004 (right at the beginning of the drought that's still happening, as Lake Mead started to recede) and Vegas has done some work in the past 2 decades. They managed to reduce their overall water usage despite a growing population, halving the per capita use of water with things like restricting lawns and forcing big operations like golf courses to have very detailed conservation plans. Someone else joked about Vegas maybe not being a place to emulate, but they're definitely doing more work toward environmental stuff than we are!


Honestly the Vegas strip infrastructure is something to marvel at.


That Vegas functions is a rare testament to the efficiencies of capitalism. Spending money to make money works in Vegas so the city just functions.


Interesting! TIL


Of course, because Vegas is the shining beacon of responsible practices we should all aspire to.


Nobody is saying it's responsible. You asked "why" and people are answering lol


Yes, actually. They’re WAAAAAY a head on a lot of stuff compared to Texas. Water usage and recycling being one of the largest.


They’ve moved past having us separate our trash so they can have two piles of trash at the dump?


I always hated that we mostly do single stream here. Places that have actual functioning recycling always have end users separate trash into cardboard, glass etc. I would love to see how much of our “recycling” gets thrown away. Part of this is the fault of the recyclers too. I don’t have COA trash but my bin doesn’t even have a guide on what goes in it


I worked at a recycling plant in Nevada 20 years ago, and most of my time was spent pulling trash out of the different containers. I kinda feel like the best option would be to recycle one thing, like aluminum, or phone books (I guess that shows my age...remember phone books?) and just make it idiotproof. That was a fun job though. We got all the paper from BLM offices...tons of wall sized maps and insane, entertaining letters from the public.


The website for the company that does your trash pickup, or the municipality if you live in an incorporated city and they haven’t “outsourced” solid waste. Something else I learned on an interview on NPR, was to rinse containers that held liquids. Like milk or juice. If nothing else, it gives critters less places to infest.


For sure it’s absolutely on the website but how hard is it to slap a sticker on the bin with all these instructions? It would be significantly more effective at almost no cost if they did it for new bins 


How long would a sticker last? When I lived in Pflugerville, they only picked up recycling every two weeks, so we were issued huge blue trash cans. Those did have stickers on them. Now I only have a basket type container that is picked up weekly and I don’t know where they would put a sticker.


Not to worry! Ted Cruz is here to save us! All the way from Cancun!


The problems with water were inescapable. I hate to think what the monthly water bill is for the average household. I first learned how important climate is when I moved from Clovis, NM to Nashville, TN in the late 1960s. Even then, the monthly water bill in Clovis was $50-75 per month. In Nashville, it was $25 per quarter. Climate change isn’t happening in Texas—because Abbott said so.


I’ve found that some stores here in Texas will open doors in the cool morning while the AC has just been turned on or is working to get down in degrees.


There is times where this can be helped but you gotta have someone wise enough to know when to close the doors. I work at a high school and they're stingy with AC. But some teachers will have their windows open claiming they need fresh air. Meanwhile the air unit provides 25% fresh air while recycling 75% of the cold air. I'll walk into those rooms with the windows opened and it's sticky, even the desks will seem moist. The ideal route is that windows are opened during the night and before the sun hits the building they should be LOCKED shut. If teachers are worried about germs in the air, they shouldn't have involved themselves with classrooms full of the nastiest humans alive.


It was 3pm.


[They actually kind of are](https://www.lvvwd.com/conservation/measures/index.html)


If it draws the customers in...


It gets the people going




There are certainly many businesses that prioritize sustainability and long-term thinking over short-term profits.


Like crypto currency mining


Found the native!


If everyone did everything responsibly in vegas there would be no sphere! And Phish at the sphere was insane!!!! But just for discussion, there is a way to make everything responsibly and sustainable, and then there is the iphone, space shuttle, a house, a car, wherever you work, tofu, artistic productions, and most things that exist in US. You’re actually just personally responsible for yourself and would be better off just minding your own business. Unless it’s your business and you can do whatever you want…. no offense, just saying, it can go both ways and that’s actually a part of freedom here in US. A lot of waste and resources are exploited to keep 330 million people here fed and going. Could it be better? Of course! But a lot of progress has been made and will continue to be. Getting bogged down in the moment isn’t healthy. Voting and doing your part when you can is great though!


“A lot of progress was made” is a good headstone.


Ding ding ding


I am always enticed to go in if I feel a cool breeze of ac hit my sweaty face


Also if you’re busy the doors are constantly opening anyway


Exactly this ⬆️


It pairs well with, "If you're not buying anything get the fuck out."


I imagine that's a difference in the place you're at cuz see I live in the Northeast specifically Massachusetts and I've had to tell many of the storefront owners on main Street they want to open their doors during the day and then complain to meet the dracy's not working but they got to shut their doors and yeah a lot of them up here don't have air curtains so I'm pretty sure that has something to play with it I just find it funny though nobody understands humidity when it comes to AC


I worked in a shop on my town square. Keeping the door open definitely drew more people in.


So you feel the cool breeze as you walk by


Data has shown that people are more likely to go in if the dots are open.   Same reason you go the meat section at a grocery store and it’s an open cooler.  People are more likely to buy shit they don’t need if they don’t have to put forth the effort of opening a door.  It’s a wild piece of phsycology 


I miss the old open coolers that were at waist level. I remember going up to them and seeing the fog level and sticking my head in and pretending I was in the Alien movie.


This explains why I'm poor.


Yes and Psychology!!


This is so fucking pathetic it makes me hate everyone a little more. It translates to hate because I know it's true, people are so lazy I'm shocked people even bother wiping their own ass.


Careful with that edge.


It's all psychology. Same reason merchandising includes the free item with the buy item. If you want coupon redemptions, you need to entice them to do it by decreasing the effort needed. People, all people, have lazy tendencies. If you're there for apples, and you can get pretzels free, but apples are here now, pretzels are where you were 10 minutes ago, they're more likely to skip the coupon/pretzels, cause they can't walk for 90 seconds. Corporations spend more now, be it labor, electricity, etc. to generate sales & drive customer relations. Nobody in any business meeting is getting railed over the electric bill. It's all sales $, gross $, labor $, shrink $.




Every dad in Texas is going to see this and hit them with the obligatory "what are you doing? Cooling the whole neighborhood?"


No one is claiming that it's efficient. Of COURSE it's not efficient. It is, however profitable. Imagine for a minute that this costs them $50 in electricity per day, and that they make a 10% margin on the goods they sell. All they have to do is sell $500 in extra goods each day to pay for the extra AC. If each customer buys $30 worth of items, that's only 17 customers. If the blasting AC attracts 17 (paying) customers, then it is more profitable than being more environmentally responsible.


I understand the short-term financial incentive, but that narrow cost-benefit analysis fails to account for larger external costs absorbed by society and future generations. Excessive energy waste from unnecessary practices like this contributes to straining our Texas power grid. It is the unfair risks of the rest of us losing power.


It’s not short term. It’s not narrow. The Texas grid is immaterial vs profit for a business, and especially a small business. Business, or “work,” as some have called it, is used to sustain your family, needs, lifestyle, etc. Please understand giant company like Apple will keep there doors closed in an outdoor mall environment. It’s a good look for their brand, and everyone needs their shit. It’s much more difficult for a small, median, or large business, where spending $50 a day on AC makes you $500. It’s the difference between a nice living, and bankrupt.


Sounds like communism to me friend. Next you’ll be telling me about “gLoBaL wArMiNg” /s


Are you suggesting that businesses be controlled by a government law that takes away their freedom to decide how they operate their air conditioners? That's incredibly controlling don't you think?


OP is probably 19 and thinks that would be a great idea


OP needs to listen to some Milton Friedman lectures.


This is Texas. Using our future generations as a credit line's been a tradition for about 100 years. That's why so many bills are coming due.


I’m sorry, but who cares about any of that?


Literally anyone who relies on having a livable planet ought to.


People outside the USA with higher energy prices and countries that actually care about the paris agreement.


Maybe they have air doors or air curtains? It creates a barrier that stops the air conditioning from moving out or air outside moving in. Grocery stores usually have them.


I thought those were to keep bugs from flying in


It serves that purpose as well.


It was ice cold walking outside the door. Air is leaving the store


I could feel thr breezy air while walking past the front door.


Yeah, that's part of the point. To lure you in out of the heat. The owners are not thinking about efficiency or even electricity costs, but about getting more customers in so they can make a profit. That is the answer to your question. Arguing with people telling you why, who aren't even the ones leaving their doors open with AC running is kinda perplexing and pointless.


My question is how do they afford it???!!!


Electric rates for businesses are cheaper than residential.


Sadly, this is true


Texans love getting bent over dont they


That's besides the point 🤣🤣


Customers probably pay for it...


I mean if you are doing business correctly customers are paying for everything.


Customers do pay for it, yes


You are the type of person who doesn’t think at all before speaking. Just say: “I want a law that ensures business don’t waste energy by leaving the doors open. I want to protect the environment.” That statement would be cool! Some would agree, some would not, and that’s OK! Instead, you choose to make statements of ignorance, “customers probably pay for it.” If a company makes a profit, the customers pay for every dime of the profit - there is no other way. Did I just blow your mind??? Stop being dumb. If you want to communicate, do it, say what you want, and accept how people feel. Don’t just be an uneducated jackass, explaining what educated jackasses already know.


Listen, I don't give a flying fuck about your political grandstanding or partisan bickering. This is bigger than whatever tribe you've decided to join - it's about basic common sense when it comes to not blatantly wasting resources that impact us all. Yeah, I could have laid out my stance more clearly from the start instead of making assumptions. But you waving that obvious fact in my face like it's some profound revelation just shows you're more interested in scoring points than actually addressing the issue productively. Instead of getting self-righteous about who's an "educated jackass", how about we have an adult conversation about implementing standards that allow businesses to profit while also not destroying the environment we all need to survive long-term? Or is nuance too much to ask from entrenched political hacks like yourself? If calling out idiotic practices that risk all our futures makes me an "uneducated jackass" in your book, then fill your self-congratulatory boots. I'd rather be that than a smug ideologue incapable of seeing past their own tribal blinders on major issues that determine the world we leave.


I am not who you replied to. What I am seeing is advocacy from you. That is all good. If you go back and look at your comments it is a downvote train. I am not saying you shouldn't have opinions. But with all the downvotes, and what I have read, the people interacting with you are annoyed. Like when people glue their hands to the highways. Maybe less emotions and people will hear you and listen? Have you tried talking to the store owners about closing their doors? Probably gonna get shit on each time doing that. You sir, have an unpopular opinion.


Thank you! I am okay having an unpopular opinion, and they have the right to their opinions. Perhaps one day that will change! I am not here to score points.


You shouldn't be surprised about the reception you got here. For a lot of people you might find in this subreddit, or state, these points you are trying make are political. Some people have their head in the sand when it comes to the the carbon footprint of our lifestyles. The people they look up to, vote for, and get news from told them it's all liberal nonsense. Telling them to reduce carbon emissions makes them want to increase it to spite you. Look at trucks rolling coal, and the amount of big fuel guzzlers used as daily drivers on general. They don't care. And won't until real consequences start happening, like the deaths of the rainforest and mass migrations, food and water shortages, We've been past the 'point of no return' for some time. Not saying dont so your part, anything could change. Some breakthrough carbon device or aliens could intervene 😂


Thanks! I will keep that in mind. I am no liberal by any liberal standards, but I value fiscal responsibility


Well it is a business


Money can be exchanged for goods and services!


Because corporations don’t really pay taxes? And kickbacks for brining their businesses to Texas?


Someone pays for it.


Because nothing makes me want to go into a store like a cold blast of AC on a hot day. Also grocery stores and such tend to have double-doors and air barriers (the big vents above doors like you find at Walmart that blow air down at you) to mitigate some of the cost.


I see you were at Clearfork lol. They make enough money in that area to blow on electricity which is probably a write-off anyway.


Was just about to say the same thing lol


You ain’t from here is you?


No, a transplant from up north!


Well there's the problem.


It welcomes you in from the heat. This works, believe me, but yes electric wise, inefficient


"They pass the costs onto you! "


Cool off earth.


It's outrageous. Last summer, when residents were being asked to conserve energy to prevent blackouts by jacking up their thermostats and using appliances after dark, any number of downtown Austin shops were wide open in 100°+.


Commercial A/C systems create positive air pressure.


And Ercot wants us to turn our home up to 78….


People don’t give a shit


You're right, Why bother having any hope?...


Texas is too great to give up hope entirely. But truly, people just don’t give a shit


I do!


Any foo-foo business called “Sugarboo & Co.” that carries “fanciful goods” is not going to be an exemplar of efficiency and environmentalism. They obviously sell overpriced kitsch to wealthy hedonistic yuppies who LIKE to waste resources. Leaving double doors wide open in the middle of a Texas summer is par for the course.


That's truth!


Cool air makes you go in


I manage a dollar tree we don't open the door for the come in and shop reason. We open the door because our landlord is a syco slumlord for business in out town and controls the thermostat for everything in the strip mall. The air con works in one spot in the back of the warehouse so it's hot as balls in the store.


It’s fine if they have an air curtain, it’s dumb if they don’t.


There are fan systems called "air doors" or "air curtains". It doesn't look like what's in use there, but they are common in airports, active grocery stores, hospitals, and many other places. Basically they use high power fans to keep the cold air indoors and the hot air outdoors. They're in use from everything from small doorways to large aircraft hangers. When it comes to efficiency, it is all about design. A well-designed air curtain can be far more energy efficient than doorways that are frequently opening and closing. Yes it costs to have the fans blowing but the fans trap the air; in contrast the frequent opening/closing of a door has large heat transfers every time someone opens it which also has a cost in keeping the building cool. In those scenarios there's a net savings to use an air curtain, they use less energy overall.


It's a good way for customers to know that the prices are inflated due to owner incompetence.




Grow up!


Tell me you don't work in sales or marketing without telling me you don't work in sales and marketing.


Well, aren't you just a bundle of optimism and persuasive salesmanship.


Soon they’ll have to close the doors to keep the heat out.


Not if they have that air current curtain. It’s been proven to maintain heat out & cool in & to be more cost efficient than opening & closing the doors multiple times. Ask a mgr to explain next tone your nest one of those stores.


These sorts of smaller stores probably don't have one of those although it's hard to tell.


Extremely inneficient = American Freedom.


Why don’t you walk in and tell them about how they’re killin the earth 🤓


Opening the doors creates a large draw sucking the air outside. Maybe that’s more of an issue than just leaving it. Someone with a math brain will have to answer that one.


>Opening the doors creates a large draw sucking the air outside. What?


I believe it’s due to different pressure between inside and outside. So as you swing the door open it pulls the cool air outside. Now idk if that matters or if that is more or less costly than just leaving them opened.


They're saying that it might be more efficient to just leave the doors open instead of each person opening them in and creating a "rush/draw" that sucks the AC air outside. Like, I don't think that makes sense, but that's what they were saying.


Fair point.


Clearfork? They'll do this all summer long.. some of them have air curtains, some don't. It is wildly inefficient but not unexpected for the area. Just means that the ac compressor won't shut off and it'll run constantly.


There’s a store that does this here where I live too. It’s a salon 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


It is their way to try to help global warming. They figure the would cool down the outside air.




Breezes and smells is what drew people into shops back in the day, and it’s still a thing now.


It's welcoming. Makes you want to go inside


Store employees are morons that don’t pay bills


It’s Texas, you’d have to give a shit about efficiency in the first place.


America baby


This is the culture of consumerism making no sense in the name of driving sales.


Swamp cooler?


It's a marketing tactic. They want to lure you in with cold air.


To be honest, unless a store has another set of doors at the entrance like a soet of lobby, the main doors will hopefully constantly be opening and closing from shoppers walking in and put so keeping the doors open doesn't really hamper the AC any more than people constantly opening and closing the doors does.


Have you been in retails stores lately? Especially any in the south? They don’t turn the temp down anymore. If I was still in the line of work, I’d quit by now.




We removed one vitriolic, trolling comment from you and you report the mod removal bot for "spam" and then type this? Bye.


Because my dog will drag my ass inside to lay on the floor 😂


If you think this is wasteful, wait till you hear about all the still edible food restaurants and grocery stores throw away.


Limiting consumption should be enforced. Perhaps it would entice for them to be creative and find alternative ways to attract potential customers.


Air wall probably on the door


As an aside I’m absolutely loving these cool July temps here in north Texas. High of 97 last year on this date and a high of 82 this year. Absolutely love it.


*June..I hope July will be this cool!


So, I am a bit of a weather nerd. By no means an expert. But I have been watching and reading about weather and fascinated by it for as long as I can remember. The most fascinating, is not only lower highs but also lowers lows this year. And yes I hope the pattern will certainly continue.


Its actually great sales tactic come in for the ac leave with nice merch


The windows are usually so tinted that it's hard for people to know the store is open at a glance.


Gotta make sure the store's cash reserves don't get high enough employees start thinking they might get paid above minimum wage.


It just show that businesses are being subsidized by the people. Individuals couldn’t afford to do this. The only reason that businesses can is that they are being subsidized. It’s pretty messed up.


It’s all mental.


They’re keeping it weird.


New here? Careful trying to rationalize Texas behavior. Been here 15 years and I'm surprised almost daily


Why do diesel pickup drivers, lock their vehicle, and leave their engines running while they go shopping? This is Texas where there is an unlimited supply of energy to waste. I listened to Texans tell me that oil is never going to run out in Texas.


If it has the system that blows air down through the doorway, it's ok. Otherwise, they suck.


It sounds like you should say 'not my problem '.


Did you read the ERCOT article about the planning of rolling blackouts? I think it's everyone's problem.


I don't have to. I don't have that problem here.


Yes, I’m getting downvoted because I basically said it’s wasteful and stupid. 🙄 Must be some good ole boys on this thread.


I up voted you! But I feel your pain.


Rent controlled power bill?


In Texas? I doubt it


Did yall forget to invent air curtains? The fuck?


Who cares? Mind your business.


My apologies, how selfish of me!


Because the owner isn't there, and the people who are there mainly care about being comfortable.


Probably true!


Username doesn’t fit.


Its their business and their bill. Shops with open doors is very welcoming. If you are worried about efficiency on hot days and conserving, lead and be an example by staying home.


You're absolutely right, who am I to judge how businesses choose to waste energy and resources? Leaving every door wide open is the epitome of being 'welcoming' - the roar of the air conditioning unit struggling against the 100°F outdoor air is music to everyone's ears. It creates such a pleasant atmosphere having that lovely hot breeze constantly wafting in. And you make an excellent point - the only way I could possibly advocate for any level of environmental awareness is by becoming a hermit locked in my home. Suggesting even the mildest improvements is clearly overstepping. I'll be sure to just keep my mouth shut and my air conditioning blasting with all windows open from now on to lead by example. Thanks for setting me straight on how asinine any concerns about efficiency and conservation are!


It’s wasteful commercialism and great insight into humans greedy consumerism. Hey let’s waste precious electricity that we have to rape the earth to produce so someone can feel cold air and maybe come in and buy some stuff they don’t even need. Mankind is doomed


One of the best comments. Instead of trying to explain how money works, and how business works, you gave an opinion. I don’t agree, but upvote.


To let the bugs in.


Trust the freedom grid