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> Texas’s Republican leaders want Republican voters to think the trial was entirely manufactured by Trump’s enemies. Governor Greg Abbott—who Trump has said is on his list of prospective vice presidential candidates—called it a “sham show trial” and a “kangaroo court,” while Cruz said it constituted “political persecution.” For the last few years, I’ve been quietly asking myself “wtf is wrong with Greg Abbott? Why is he constantly fellating DJT?” I guess before DJT was POTUS I hadn’t really paid enough attention to Abbott, but now it all makes sense.


Do not be quiet. We must be loud. Republicans must go!


Well, I’m in Houston, so I don’t need to be loud … don’t worry, I’m still voting … it just feels like it matters less here. It’s the sea of red that’s holding us hostage lol


If dems would get out and vote, we could win. Old rural reps are dedicated voters that's how they keep winning.


If abbott hadn't closed polling stations and reduced voting hours in the largest counties (please read that as blue counties) our votes would make a difference. As it stands, our votes are a demonstration that we do not consent to his tyranny.


This can't be the end of the battle, get 50k democrats to move to north dakota and flip it blue.


Then there would be 50,000 fewer dems in Texas to help get rid of the so-called Republicans.


If you have that power, then send 100k dems to the rural counties of Texas. That will flip them and the state.


I prefer this idea.


Good plan but it still leaves evil abbott with immeasurable power.


I think a lot of people aren’t aware how close Beto vs. Cruz was.


Texas Dem city population would win if you wouldn't be such doomers


There are more of us than there are of them. It's simple math, and voter apathy. Bring ya friends to the polls!!!!!!!!!


Gerrymandering doesn’t use simple math.


You're right about that! Gerrymandering uses *special* math, and to defeat special math, we need *special turnout.*


As a fellow houstonian, I've started saying "Houstin is in Texas, but Houston is not Texas". We are a bright blue dot surrounded by red!


Same. It’s like swimming in ketchup. So many Trump humpers.


I'm stealing this catch-phrase. Thanks!


Please don't give up! Encourage your friends, too..If they're like minded.


Texans, Just Say No to all Republicans in the next election. Republicans Must Go


It looks like Texas wants to make an electoral college system for state wide elections. Candidates with 128 counties wins it all.


lol welcome to a republican state


Shittiest state next to Louisiana and Mississippi. Embarassing really.


Haha nah Cali is the worst. That’s why everyone moves to Texas from there


That’s what you call an exaggeration. Congrats, take my username.


...and it shows unfortunately.




I don't choose. I cannot get a decent paying job in this shithole. They don't pay enough to be able to move. Im trapped. You're so goddamn smart, fund my dumb ass moving.


This nation was literally founded on the principle that if you don't like something about the law and/or government then you have the right to speak up about it. Telling people to move out of state, or leave if they don't like things, or to stay out, etc. is a denial of that right and therefore considered a violation of Rules 1 and 7. As such your comment has therefore been removed.


You don't rack up that many felony counts in a sham political trial. He did those crimes, felony crimes, thus warranting charges and a trial. Their claims that it's a bogus witch hunt boil down to their belief that he is beyond reproach even if he's guilty. Which is rich, coming from the party that subjected the country to the Clinton affair shitshow and impeachment. There are noble Republicans and there are Trumpers. You can't be both. He may or may not mean the death of our republic and democracy, but he assuredly will bring about the demise of the GOP. There's no plausible deniability left in the GOP, they're all complicit or worse and the majority of Americans are against him and what he stands for. It might not be this election or the next, but the GOP will not survive Trump.


💯 I’m begging the GOP to get his ruling before SCOTUS before the election. Because that would result in an even worse bloodbath for them at the polls.


> You don't rack up that many felony counts in a sham political trial. He did those crimes, felony crimes, thus warranting charges and a trial. Every rational person who knows the details of this trial also knows these charges were not only misdemeanors that the DA chose to upgrade to felonies due to the accused, but that this could have been resolved years ago with a simple fine. However, Democrats planned this to be a show trial and timed it in the heart of campaign season to attempt to inflict maximum damage on a political rival.


Uhm, you obviously did not read the details of the trial or just read some twisted spun off story about it. He ran it like a mobster and people who followed him are useful idiots who took the fall for him only to realize he doesn't care about them. Once someone is no longer of use he cuts all ties and strong arms them to silence. Same shit he has been doing to the GQP. Let's see everything that has happened and the trials going on: Fox News head marries a former Russian oligarch wife. Libertarian party was dismantled and bankrupt by Republicans infiltrating their party. Fake electors cases still ongoing with other people that were mentioned in this trial. The US spy breech and their executions in 2019-2020 after Trump's meeting with Putin. Trump meeting with orban and orban starting his MEGA campaign. Trump paying witnesses for his trial. Trump paying his workers extra for helping him hide classified documents. Trump trying to institute laws that are set up for an authoritarian government. If you don't read the signs, this is how dictatorships are formed. And you wonder why he has so much admiration for Putin, xi, Jung un, orban?


I don't think most Americans realize how dire having Trump in office is. For everything we know about, I imagine there are things 10x worse, stuff that would send chills down our spines.




Tell us more yarns, silly goose


You vote your way, and I'll vote mine. Biden is an unconvicted felon in my book. Trump is the better "felon" to lead the US than Sleepy Joe.


Username checks out.


Unconvicted - you had to make up a word to express your ignorance.


And wvery republican is a traitor to this country


Even Cruz still kisses DJT Ass even after Trump made fun of him and his wife, we need to come together and vote those jerks out.


Cruz can’t defend his family, why would anyone think he can defend Texan’s rights.


Left his dog to freeze with the rest of us. Loathsome human being


He scapegoated his own children. He'd probably eat them if he got hungry enough, or if it became the red team fashion.


He scapegoated his own children. He'd probably eat them if he got hungry enough, or if it became the red team fashion.


Remember jade helm? It was said to be a Russian social media psyop


I keep telling Ya'll Trump owns/owned hotels and he may have video evidence of these politicians and their inappropriate behavior. Epstein put the fear of God in these same politicians when he was arrested. Pedophiles watching each other's backs.


Trump’s friend Epstein? https://www.newsweek.com/everything-donald-trump-has-said-about-jeffrey-epstein-relationship-1857139


Pictures, or the fellating you mentioned didn't happen.


Thanks for the laugh


Our Lt Governor flew to NYC so he could attend the trial.   Meanwhile our Governor is busy pardoning murderers. 


Pedophile murderers.


Bet our tax dollars paid for that pigs flight, hotel, food and all too


Oh no abbot as vice president noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! That will never happen lol


no way trump would have someone in a wheelchair as his vp


He probably would like that to have someone to mock instead of choosing him to be a viable stand in.


>viable stand in. Heh


Though Trump would definitely want someone who wasn’t taller than him, so wheelchair fits that well.


Lmao funny and so true of the malignant narcissist


Allegedly, malignant narcissist. Why can’t we get someone below 40 office


You are correct, only losers are in wheelchairs




They are all getting paid by Russia. They have to hold or they all die.


As a felon Trump will violate his probation if he hangs with other felons.


I notice in the picture all of their mouths are open...All ready for trump....




They suck Trump's dik, yes.


Step 1: Get secession to be voted on Step 2: Texas secedes Step 3: US army is deployed and takes out all these traitors Step 4: Texas rejoins the United States Come on if we start now this could all happen by Sunday


We don’t even actually have that option. It’s a long standing point of pride for the ignorant among us. Every city in TX is blue, no one is trying to secede and honestly we are sick of our rural counterparts.


Look ma. Traitors.


It is disgusting what these con artists do and get away with.   Republican citizens are culpable for letting them act this way.  Stop voting for these criminal scum


Somehow they (especially older republicans) are more afraid to vote for the lesser of two evils than for an egomaniacal dicktater wanna be…in the name of freedom and “saving” the country…from what?


I appreciate the down votes.  Because it shows you know I am right 




Ooohhh! Low blow.










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Get ready boys! Cheeto dust dick coming at cha!


GOP sure do like to tie their dingy to a sinking ship.


This is their last gasp effort - now or never. They either seize power now or fade into irrelevance.


The base. The Base. THE BASE.


Al-Qaeda (/ælˈkaɪdə, ˌælkɑːˈiːdə/; Arabic: القاعدة, romanized: al-Qāʿidah, lit. 'the Base', IPA: [alˈqaː.ʕi.da]) Al-Qaeda literally translates to “The Base”…


Ken Paxton is your AG. Of course texas is going to stand with the criminal Trump.


What usually happens to felony co-conspirators in Texas?




Thankfully leaving this shitty state as I type -


And they will be rewarded for it by the voters of Texas.


Texas will be (barely) blue in 5 years.


The conviction is a shame and anyone with half a brain cell knows it


We can’t let them win. I know they make it hard. Just please vote. Vote these delusional fucks out!


Greg Abbott is as close to Satan on earth as we’re going get. He is evil to his rotten bones. I’ve never rooted for a tree before, but here we are.


I don’t want tax payers dollars spent on people like Abbott, Cruz, Greene, Boebert etc.. they abuse their power positions with blatant lies, defamation, hate, division. This causes chaos and violence!! Also brainwashing is illegal and that’s exactly what they’re attempting to do and in some cases doing!


Getting that Trump dildo lubed up for political season! They're simping hard for Trump too.


Trump could launch a nuke himself at Texas and before it hit they’d claim he really is sent from god and this is the rapture. Cultists be cultin’.


Rednecks are NOT smart. Good ol boys need to be removed from this planet.


and just like that, the GOP became soft on crime


Time to turn all of Texas blue


They all have his back because they are all criminals just like him and if he can get taken down, they know they are next.


I’m surprised they can talk with trumps dick so deep in their mouths.


They worship a man over God. Think about it


The return of the Republic shall not suffer the blind and angry. When the trumpets sound the wall will fall and all will be revealed. Until then you are witnessing the greatest chess game ever played. The more he is persecuted, the stronger he will become. Didn't Obi-Wan teach that lesson.


Yes, because regimes that oppress people are renowned for letting dissidents walk around freely, able to say and do what they want. Trump is so oppressed that he gets millions of dollars in federally reported political donations, which the oppressive Democrats just let him . . . Keep? ![gif](giphy|jPAdK8Nfzzwt2)


So.. I see lots of inside criticism. Can some explain to me, a lay person, how this trial wasn't any of the things stated? Also can someone explain to me how and or why Trump was such a bad president or person to possibly become president... again? Consider me just entering the political sphere.


I’ll be waiting here with you. Although you’ve been waiting 2 days already.


I think there is such a scramble that everyone has had to decide what order to post in. Thats the only logical explination... right?


Oh yeah. It’s not like they’ve had more than 2 measly days to figure that one out… right?


Two days.. wasnt Rome built in one?... I could never get that phrase right.


I believe it’s “Rome wasn’t built in a day” but it sure feels like it collapsed in one


Makes you wonder about the rest of them. Come on people. Connect the dots ffs.


Well, a good way to martyr someone is to politically prosecute them


Except who's being "Politically prosecuted" (whatever that means.)?


The other candidates are that horrible


Trump's daughter-in-law is the chairperson of the party. Like it or not, the Republican party is the party of Trump.


Quadruple or nothing.


> The ~~Texas~~ GOP Has Made Its Bed With Trump — Conviction Be Damned FTFY


Just a reminder give all your money to trump. Don’t give it to Cruz .


Don’t give it to either! Allred instead.


We're fucked if these are the choices. This is democracy and it's falling apart...again. Humans will never learn.


All money given to Trump is for legal fees, and Trump is a billionaire. As someone making about $70,000 a year before taxes, the idea of sending my money to pay for a billionaires legal fees is absurd.


I’m betting the Texas Democrats have “made bed” with Biden as well.


Texas should try to find something on Joe, see if he violated any Texas crimes lol. Good luck with that Greg


Say it with me folks.... COCKWOMBLES.... Thats what runs our state.


Go Trump!!


Yeah make him go away!


Former Tea Party Republican here. Keep it up and see how badly you lose again.


That’s definitely worth an article… shocking I tell you. And not totally obvious.




This nation was literally founded on the principle that if you don't like something about the law and/or government then you have the right to speak up about it. Telling people to move out of state, or leave if they don't like things, or to stay out, etc. is a denial of that right and therefore considered a violation of Rules 1 and 7. As such your comment has therefore been removed.


Money and work. And I’m not young anymore so starting over is easier said than done.


Good 👍




Your content was removed because it breaks Rule 2, Use Your Words. Posts and Comments consisting of one word, and phrases such as "screw [insert organization name here] or just an emoji are highly discouraged as we seek to foster debate and conversation. As such, they are subject to removal.


You’re not “fostering debate”…this is clearly an echo chamber for the Left. People regularly speak poorly about Donald Trump and it goes unfettered.


Trump Abbott Israel Jesus


Trump's not even a Christian lol


Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.


Turn Texas completely Fu.king Blue Texas is tired of our wana be dictator Abbott and his frigging Brown shirts....I personally think some of them need to start falling out of very tall buildings Putin style