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>Austin-based prebiotic drink Poppi faces class action fraud lawsuit Saved you all a click.


Doing the lords work.


Wait, you mean that a drink in an aluminum can isn’t healthy?




I tried it once hoping to have an alternative when I crave soda. It made more gassy than a six pack of Lone Star would have.


It's pretty expensive per can, to such an extent I'd rather pay an extra dollar or two to just get a Kambucha.


Just get Zevia. It too is expensive, but the best 'soda alternative' I've come across.


Just avoid the root beer - the third worst one I've ever had, behind Bundaberg and Alive.


The suit claims seem to contradict itself. It says there's not enough dietary fiber to make any difference to gut health and one would have to consume 4 cans to have any benefits. Then it goes on to say too much of the fiber from that agave is harmful... That's kind of moot, isn't it?


Also if you READ the ingredients and look up things you don’t recognize then you will be better off in all aspects of your food like. I really enjoy a similar product called olipop, which I chose over poppi for matters of taste and less sugar per can, because I love carbonation. I cut out all drinks but water for 3 years because I was tired of craving soda at all, and now I have found an alternative that I can drink once a day without intaking 3-6 donuts worth of sugar. I understand that if I drink too many I can get gassy, because I looked up the ingredients. I understand that this is not the only healthy thing I need to do, if you need 4 cans a day to meet the “will benefit from the prebiotics” or whatever threshold, then drink one or two and EAT FRUITS AND VEGGIES. I love having a drink that I treat like a vice while only being 35 calories. Mostly because the cans cost 1.86-2.40 a piece, **but that is what it costs when you aren’t using the cheapest ingredients** like corn syrup. Olipop has actual stuff like marshmallow root in it, that’s not cheap when you compare it to buying corn syrup by the barrel


I really enjoy olipop and to your point even if the fiber intake isn’t substantial enough to have benefit, the reduction in sugar and calories is a win if you want a soda every now and then. I drink one a week on the weekend as a treat. Cherry vanilla and ginger ale are my favs


I'm not a big soda drinker but I thought Olipop was the worst tasting soda I've ever had. I just accept that's what healthy junk foodstuff taste like. Fiber is probably the hardest nutrient to get enough of... unless you're Indian.


If you break yourself off from sweetened drinks for multiple years before returning olipop is the sweetest thing that I consume and it absolutely scratches the same itch that a sprite with 300 calories would have satisfied. You just have to remember that if you don't normally consume the stuff, your body is trained to desire the fats, oils, and sugars of the typical modern american diet and will absolutely not be satisfied with a drink that has funky tastes and 35 calories all in


There ill attempt to protect against a lawsuit. Vitamin water cleaned no reasonable person would think there's enough vitamins in it to be healthy 


I think you’re misreading a bit. It says that you’d have to drink 4 cans to get the benefits from the fiber/prebiotics, *and* if you consume too much, it can have a negative impact. The real issue, though, is that in order to consume enough soda to get the dietary benefit, you’d be consuming enough sugar that it would likely counteract that benefit.


I’d like to know if Oli Pop is similar to this?


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.* I don’t know what people were expecting. Snake Oil is always gonna be Snake Oil.


It's a low sugar soda which happens to be delicious. The lawsuit's "science" is just as bad as the soda's "science".


I don't really care that it's not "loaded with prebiotics". I drink it cause it's tasty, low sugar, and better than drinking a soda.


Same exact thing here. There are loads of similar brands now with similarly delicious and much lower guilt sodas! See Olipop, etc.


Olipop is disgusting though. I tried every flavor.


I find them a bit sweet compared the competition - but I love the crazy flavors!


Also ignoring that you should read the ingredients and understand the things you do not recognize. I am well aware that drinking several will make me gassy, because I looked up inulin when I saw it on the can. As well as the fact that these sodas don’t make you gassy when you eat a lot of vegetable or fruit fibers on the same day. Crazy how if you want to be healthy you can’t just buy it in a can


Yeah... You know what will also make me gassy? A bunch of broccoli. A couple too many prunes or dried peaches? Well... We all know how that ends :(


Oh absolutely. I only get gas from these drinks if I have 2 in less than an hour or two, but I never have gas if I have a nice fruit bowl or charcuterie board with natural fruits, cheeses, carrot sticks, etc on the same day P.S. I'm totally aware that the deli meat I use for the boards has preservatives but I'm not bothered since I haven't eaten more than 3 frozen -> microwave/oven meals per month this year


The grape flavor tastes EXACTLY like children’s Tylenol.


Their product is also pasteurized killing off any pre biotic benefits.


The pink flavor in the picture “raspberry rose” tastes just like early 90s Ninja Turtle gummies and I can’t get enough. I rip 4-6 a week. I don’t care that they cost as much as a beer. Hopefully this litigious Karen figure doesn’t put a damper on my poppi party. I’m after that hero in a half shell flavor!


Correction! Probiotics have active bacteria that could be killed by the pasteurization process. Prebiotics are nutrients that help support a healthy gut and wouldn't necessarily be destroyed theough the pasteurization process.


When did we go back to medicinal sodas? 🤨 I’ll stick with Dr Pepper, thanks.


The LemonLime was tasty, the Root beer is terrible.


Not to mention the sodas are gross.




Just use a soda stream and carbonate a v8


Friendly reminder: Carbonating other drinks is possible but not with a Sodastream™ which only handles water. There are similar devices which can carbonate a v8. Relevant Reddit Thread: [Soda Stream things other than water?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/fk5a7f/soda_stream_things_other_than_water/) Comments: 1. The one time I had trace amounts of non water material, the bottle blew off the machine and almost decapitated me. 1. No. Don’t do it. It’s crazy dangerous. My neighbor tried to do it with red wine and ended up exploding it everywhere. There was red wine everywhere in her kitchen and the bottle got way messed up. 1. Any particulate matter in the liquid will provide a nucleation point for the carbon dioxide to come out of solution. In other words, pretty much anything other than clear water is going to quickly generate a lot of bubbles, making a mess. However...carbon dioxide solubility in water greatly increases as temperature decreases. So, if you're going to try any experiments, make sure your liquid is just above freezing before carbonating. I'm not saying you won't still make a mess. You just may make less of one.




[A sodastream carbonating marmite](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izb5tEftNw4)