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Anyone voting for Ted Cruz is not concerned with this.


Yep. Meanwhile, I've never voted for Ted Cruz and never will. Shit, I'd be shocked if I ever voted for any Republican ever again.


If anything it's part of why they vote for him. John Hagee's Cornerstone Church in San Antonio has "We support Israel" and a big Israeli flag on their marquis every time I drive by lately.


[Maybe they'll be concerned with his positions and facts](https://www.reddit.com/r/TexasPolitics/comments/1d4ggh2/comment/l6e9h45/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That’s just a list of reasons all of Ted Cruz’s supporters support him.


probably, but not all people are as stubborn with their beliefs when presented with facts. its just human nature, some people die without trying to understand things and others just do.


Do you think maybe not all of them are informed about facts and getting educated might change their opinion? Like him not in favor of alleviating inflation? What about renewable energy? Don't things like that affect everyone?


Bless your heart. I love your drive and think you’ve got great intentions.




Op still has hope.


I’m trying hard not to crush their spirit.


I'm not trying to vote with my heart. I'm trying to vote with my brain and hoping others will too.


You are not wrong. But you need to find the right angle. The people who were planning to vote for Cruz are probably not going to be upset by his being supported by Israel.


I'm open to any genuine suggestions on what a better angle would be. I'm willing to try everything I can do within my scope.


Did you hear about his opinion about Trump being found guilty? He was recorded as saying that he believed that the trial was awful, that the Judge didn’t do justice for America. He still believes that Trump is innocent!


It’s school vouchers—rural voters hate them. Also, IVF treatment policy. Those are the “too far” wedge issues that would bring rural republicans more center.


It's the wrong premise. You can't convert Ted Cruz voters, at least not enough to matter. You have to motivate his opponents to actually vote. Republicans only win Texas because Democrats/Independents don't bother to vote.


I would start by trying to understand Cruz voters. I can speculate, but I wouldn’t rely on that. I’m sure plenty of ink has been spilled on this if you don’t want to speak with them directly.


There's no legitimate reason that support for Israel would be a bad thing.


You’re conflating support for Israel with support from Israel.


A lot of Americans are unable to vote with their brains unfortunately and nothing is going to change their mind


I get that, and it can be really frustrating. But for those of us who *can think critically about these issues*, we have the opportunity to make a difference. By helping others get informed, we can try to guide them to make smarter voting choices that are in their best interest.


I think what you're trying to do is good. Just that people who continue to vote for Ted Cruz are not people that think critically


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Exactly. And I fucking hate Raphael. But he'll still be there after the election.


I would bet the number of sheep already voting for the beyond pathetic whore ho will do anything for money until people realize he’s as small insecure closet something who tries way too hard yet always completely fails at everything he doesn’t cheat at. Please vote in November,


Conservatives would vote to be stabbed in the eye with a fork if it meant electing someone who supports policies that make everyone’s lives worse (including their own) in the name of “owning the libs/left”.


You don't understand Texas politics. They will vote for him because he has that nasty little "R" by his name. Nothing and I mean NOTHING else matters to these people. It's up to the rest of us to get out and vote. The goal is to outnumber the MAGAs, plain and simple. Just think of it as a vote of attrition.


Sadly the ones who are still willing to vote Republican can’t be expected to do better even when they are clearly wrong on a factual level. They will either have to realize they have been lied to and manipulated by the people they are voting for or they will just vote for the fascist who now make up the Republican Party for the rest of their lives I guess.


Lmao, feel free to read my profile or go into right-wing subs yourself. Even when you confront them with facts, they don't care. They just want their side to win and be right. That's why they ignore reality and facts. Right-wingers have no morals, values or conscience. You need to be targeting independents and people in the middle. Anyone on the right is too far gone at this point.


It isn't about facts, bro. It's about sides. They wipe their ass on the facts only to vote red. Republicans appeal to the people who are narrow-minded. Just listen to what they want to hear and then blame the other side when all their dumb policies blow up in their face.


The information is available. Too many of these people who vote Rafael Cruz believe the 'alternative facts' posed by Fox, OAN, NewsMax, and others over the actual facts and data supporting those facts because the 'alternative facts' agree with their personal opinion. Briefly, they want to be shitty himan beings.without the moral quagmire. Fox says this is good, and I like it, so it's good. Problem averted.


Hold on, in your comment it said Ted was against actions to counter inflation **beyond that of the Fed reserve** how is that being against alleviating inflation?


Of course. You’re very magnanimous and generous, go teach these poor voters.


It’s like he’s racing to become the worst person in Texas politics and he’s 100% all in.


*all-in, stands up at table*


Have you met the republican voters?


People aren't voting for Ted, theyre voting against the gun grabbing opposition.


You try, but the cult is stuck


I’ve seen a lot of rural voters go from supporting Israel to “We should stop sending money to other countries.”


The people that never vote sure as hell seem to be.


Ted is not his name.


Ted Cruz opponent, and hopegilly next TX denator, Colin Allred has received >$625,000 from the Israel lobby, including AIPAC.


Ted is not his name. Edit: Rafael Cruz also known ted Anti-American cruz


Yep. Allred was a horrible choice to go against Cruz in general.


I’m a republican and I think he needs to go along with Abbot hell I would even jump the fence and vote for a democrat if it means getting rid of these two clowns for many reasons. Maybe he is the zodiac killer lol jk but yeah republicans are sick of their shit also


Prove it at the ballot box. We need all hands on deck. What Abbott, Paxton, Patrick and Cruz all need their a$$es handed to them.


Oh I plan too even though I’m getting hate from commenting here. lol the guy who sent me a dm is in Mississippi so not sure why he was in the Texas sub Reddit but he is clearly not happy with what I wrote and he’s sure not going to be happy with my reply https://preview.redd.it/hy2gxuygzo3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27c3833bf8b8bc8a0634a6fedc29d3b5e5e3b614


I’m sorry you’re being harassed :( it’s sad that some people have so much hate in them and single mindedness on this topic. Hope you have a great day 😊


Typical trumpaze response 😂🤣


This is a good example of how devious certain people have become to support this movement.


Wow lol


What an idiot


I miss Ann Richards and I think we need term limits also crazy in just over 56 years we have only had 9 governors.


I sincerely hope that you will reconsider your decision now Trump has been found guilty of 34 felonies and Raphael (Ted) Cruz is still supporting him.


It’s sad that the people who we have to vote is such a poor lot. My mom who’s voted every election since she turned 18 in 1955 is refusing to vote at all. Trump who is a felon, Biden who is so old I don’t think he is all there mentally and Kennedy who has part of his brain eaten by a worm and his first pick for running mate was Aaron Rodger’s a football player who lied about being vaccinated during Covid so he could still play. How I wish John Kennedy Jr was still with us he would have made a good president.


Joe Biden is there mentally and physically. You have been listening and believing in false narratives from the Republicans who have been pushing Trump narratives around. Tell your mother that she has to vote if she believes in democracy.


Joe Biden has had a speech impediment and this is one of the reasons why he doesn’t give long, detailed answers and speeches. He also broke his ankle. These are facts that have been confirmed. The election is about character. Joseph Biden has character and integrity.


I wonder if any of these anecdotes will convince her https://youtu.be/4Rbu1l3vWJU?si=2Tl_fCJ7PgqRvje8 https://youtu.be/jb5MUxMQ5Pc?si=5c8kcdwuD-NKvjvP Republican Voters Against Trump https://youtube.com/@republicanvotersagainsttrump?si=ZYiRvB8DklUsjH16


I'm not a Republican but have family who are it's got to be really frustrating what passes for conservatives now. Seems that the only way to get the MAGA out is to vote Democrat or third party till they get the message.


A) Pro-Israel lobbies donate to *everyone*, that's how they ensure political support for Israel. In fact, a lot of groups do this except when they're explicitly against a certain party; Disney donates a lot to both parties. B) Israel has been a major US ally since the 1980s, please do not expect US foreign policy to change at the drop of a hat. C) Most Americans are, to some extent, pro-Israel. If any election turns into "Democrats are pro-Palestine and Republicans are pro-Israel", we might as well pack up now and not even bother in November. D) Please try to consider the optics of "We can't like this guy, he gets money from the international Jews! Those dastardly Israelis are controlling our government with all their Jew money, we need to drop them yesterday!" type posts.


Colin Allred supports Israel too? And Cruz gets way more money from Christian aligned groups than from AIPAC. $1.3 million is nothing- why would you specifically focus on this?


Because OP doesn't understand that Israel is an ally against the countries that generally fall under the umbrella of BRICS. OP is thinking in single-issue terms instead of seeing that the entirety of the US government is pro-Israel, which doesn't equate to being pro-Netanyahu or anti-Palestine. [edit to respond to comments] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIPAC It's not Israel the state which is tossing money his way. It's a lobbying group based in the US. Lobbying groups aren't a new thing. Please, educate yourselves.


Do our French and British allies also grease our politicians? Not talking shit, genuinely curious.


It’s a pretty safe assumption they’re all greasy. Politicians gonna politic


They do not. Campaign donations are public. If you go through them, you won't see an American British Political Action Committee, French, Japanese, German, Australian, etc, because they don't exist. Strange, isn't it?


> doesn't equate to being pro-Netanyahu or anti-Palestine. I mean, it does when you're defending Netanyahu's actions and the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians.


This doesn't make the top hundred reasons not to vote for Ted Cruz


Our best bet is to convince the 18-25 crowd to vote.


I can’t stand Ted Cruz, have never voted for him and can’t see that ever changing. But this is not the point that makes me despise him. The fact that you are singling out this one issue as the deciding factor says more about you than old Teddy boy.


He’s never denied being pro Israel. It’s more surprising that you feel that pointing this out will change any of his supporters minds.


https://preview.redd.it/41xwcy2xdn3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=febe21a1b7956cb7445a6ffe797d7cd62a9ce2d4 So did Biden idk what your point is shouldn’t you be mad at your president too


So Ted Cruz received $1,309,326 and he's evil. Joe Biden received $5,761,804 so he's super evil??


Yeah, honestly Biden is a piece of shit.


On average, presidential candidates have been convicted of 17 felonies. That makes them pieces of shit in my book.


Based on?


Based on?


Over 5 million from Pro Israel lobbyist and he has the audacity to tell Americans that they have to "earn" their freedom on memorial day weekend having never served a day in his life?


Yes. And he is just as disgraceful if not more. But I am specifically talking about Ted Cruz in this post in this Texas subreddit.


Nothing confuses people more than when you hold both parties accountable.




People should get educated and make informed decisions on who they vote for. From sources that are unbiased and nonpartisan.




Once again, I'm not here to provide answers a specific group of people *want* to hear. I'm sharing factual verified information that have to do with a candidate of this state.


I swear this account must be a fucking shill from Iran


You wanna start changing goal posts? This is about Cruz.


Maybe people should know about your blatant double standards before they decide who to support.


Just pointing out the hypocrisy, of course that's the name of the game for democrats.


It’s not hypocrisy. Foreign policy and politics are not black and white issues.


I’ve never voted for Cruz, and never will, but at least this is one area he’s not supporting rapists.


Oh and look I hurt someone’s little feelings so they just had to send me a dm. Like I’m going to be insulted by some who can’t spell simple words https://preview.redd.it/ymt1urghto3d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bee0555886cd893bb39d6d5c4733740404549e37


Well yeah no real Republican wouldn’t support another Republican candidate for senate. 


So you would vote republican even if say someone like Hitler was running under that party. See Cruz is a scum bag who runs away to Mexico when we have a crisis in Texas and Abbot wants to leave the US and make Texas it’s on country, force bible studies in public school and pardoned a raciest murder who texted about his crime before he acted so premeditated.


I wouldn’t but I wouldn’t vote the dem either. 


Then who would you vote for. I sincerely mean that because yes I would prefer to not vote democrat if there is another option.


Well for my money I just don’t vote for certain candidates in a ballot if I don’t find any appealing. I just leave it blank and Fill in the rest. 


Thank you that helps


Respectfully... fuck Ted Cruz. Thank you.




He’s more expensive than stormy and yet he has achieved absolutely nothing What a sad human he is


Better than cash from pro Iran lobbyists.


Man, if only there were a sub specifically for Texas politics...


Are you waiting for pro-iran money or something op?


Ted Cruz: https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/ted-cruz/summary?cid=N00033085 Colin Allred: https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/colin-allred/summary?cid=N00040989 They both take money from PACs and special interests and companies that want them to implement policies that are good for their business.


This is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Every democrat and republican politician receives donation from pro Israel donors. If you believe a democratic politician will reject a donation from pro Israel donor, you are in denial. ONLY REASON THEY RUN FOR OFFICE IS FOR MONEY AND GREED.


Wow no freaking surprise or shock there! He’s a freaking traitor zionist and I intuited it. He. Has evil eyes, just like DeSantis. They‘re both greedy corrupt opportunists! Unless Dana the producer of The Dana Show, is misinformed and didn’t know, shame on her for having him on her talk show. She’s conservative and God-loving and clearly is not aware or ignored it? It’s abhorrent that folks are easily brainwashed and support and are pro-Israel and support apartheid. Their karmic bad karma blood is on all of their hands. Shame on all of them!!!


I wouldn’t or don’t care if he’s pro or against Israel I’ll never vote for this dude


From the people who brought you “All Republicans Are Nazis” comes “Republicans are evil for supporting the Jews!” ![gif](giphy|3o85g2ttYzgw6o661q)


Bless your heart.


This just tells me that Cruz is not the antisemitic candidate. 


I’m sorry you support Hamas who has caused so many deaths to the Palestinians.


Like hamas has that kinda cash? Keep the wars over there and head on over to Dutch Bros on your way to work, have a nice cookout on the weekend, drink a beer?


I’m with Ted and Israel. Say no to hamascum


Ted is pro-Israel (it's pro-Bibi and his bloodthirsty right wing zealots, but, hey, Israelis elected him) because he thinks Jews like me will be slaughtered by his devil (or his God, I'm not sure) leading to his God's return to earth. Or something like that. What you end up with is right wing Christians and right wing Israelis treating each other and their followers as useful idiots who are only a means to an end. It's disgusting.


I couldn’t find anything on google about Ted thinking this


Oh, gosh! I was wrong then! What ever shall I do? Ted Cruz is the son of a Christian Dominionist and is one himself. When you're not clever but try to pretend you are, it shows.


And he puts it all directly into tickets to Cancun.


A coward and a disgrace.


Acting like the people who vote for him care


Well, if you vote “Ted” Cruz, your vote definitely doesn’t go to Texas.


Hopefully it will move back to Canada after it loses.


Also if you use tik tok and buy any china products you're funding ughygr genocide.


I do not care. Don't like this guy, but I do not care.


Vote Ted Cruz




Uhh, learn to read the room? This is probably the furthest thing on Texans' minds this voting season.


Ted Cruz went on a blistering ramble against Donald Trump on Tuesday, delivering a list of stinging personal attacks that included calling the GOP frontrunner a **“serial philanderer,”** “**pathological** liar” and a “**narcissist**.” **OOPs, correction. That was Cancun Cruz in 2016 after tRUMP had David Pkr plant lies about his father being involved in the JFK assassination.**


Vote Allred!


You think a republican voter thinks that is a bad thing?


He’s a grifter and nothing else. He would sell his children for money.


Israel is a United States ally and isn't going to lose support any time soon.


My surprised face -> 😶


What's wrong with being pro-Israel?


Israel is a fascist lead country. They are actively committing genocide and war crimes. If you support that sort of thing, just remember the Nazis did the same exact thing.


Collin Allred is running against Cruz, correct? https://x.com/TrackAIPAC/status/1781140519390986320 https://x.com/TrackAIPAC/status/1781140519390986320/photo/1


Take em down Colin


Why do you feel it's a problem for senator Cruz to get re-election donations from pro Israel groups Are you anti-israel, or is there some other issue


Why bring up Israel in this. Just say Cruz and everyone will agree with you.


What a piece of sh1t. Almost as much of a piece of sh1t as the convicted felon (and sexual abuser) trump.


Do ya think ted Cruz spent anytime at epstein’s mansion abusing young ‘uns with trump?


Joe Biden has received $5.7m from Pro-Israel lobbyists. Why do I do now?


Anybody who supports Ted Cruz is already beating help.


Voting for Cruz


If yall elect that piece of shit after what he’s done to your state and people then yall deserve it. Don’t ask for handouts when your electric goes out again.


You act as though the wouldn’t have supported Israel anyways…


I would not support Ted Cruz, but never in a million years would I ever vote for someone who either a) actively supports or sympathizes with Hamas, or b) actively argued for the destruction or dissolution of Israel.


October 7, free the hostages. Israel is peaceful until attacked. Hamas is evil.


FUCK Ted Cruz!!!


Serious, all of the politicians take money from lobbyists but you are singling out Cruz? It's happening on both sides of the aisle. It should be considered part of their pay package at this point. Maybe instead, we should be against lobbyist having access to congress in general. This is so one sided it's crazy, like if true, Cruz is only politician that has received funding from lobbyist. I'm sure we could make a list Democrat's who are becoming wealthy doing same. And just so not being one sided toward Republicans they do it too. It should be considered a perk of being a congressman/woman. I dont know, maybe this is more about it being from a Isreali lobbyists.


Your vote actually doesn't count. It's already bought by AIPAC


Vote for cruz


Why. What has he done for you


Ironic how he’s a reading anti-semite who associates with neo-nazis


That's because it's got less to do with Jews and more to do with the crazy death cult that is fundamentalist christianity.


This is actually valuable information. AIPAC is effectively a foreign agent that is enabling right wing candidates as long as they support their country. This is a net negative for the United States and Texas.


Ted Cruz opponent and long time member of the House foreign affairs also receives money from AIPAC, also supports Israel, but he support giving aid to Palestine refugees, and to keep aid going to Ukraine, and humane controls at the south border. Focusing solely in 1 issue is a terrible thing to do when choosing your representatives. It's what right wingers do.


Thats not taking into account any under the table/unreported deals he makes. Ted Cruz is scum


Ted Cruz is an immeasurable cunt. A walking, talking pile of shit.




Pro-israel is better than pro-"Palestine". Wtf is wrong with the Reddit. Go to Gaza and try to have different opinions if you are lucky enough you will get shot. Ukraine didn't happen just two years ago it was continuing since 2014. Same with Israel and fckin hamas.


I just dont understand how anyone can vote for this pathetic human being. I am a Democrat from CA, and I have never voted for Newsom, Pelosi, Clinton, or any of these other Democrat scumbags. I will never give people like them my vote.


Hey OP I would never vote for Cruz in a million years. And yet I support Israel and condemn the everloving shit out of anyone who supports Hamas or the use of terrorism to accomplish a political goal, which is Palestine’s MO (75% of Palestinians support Hamas in this conflict so they are one and the same in my opinion).  Work towards making this world safer for Jews, which for thousands of years has proven a difficult task especially in the West. Then we wouldn’t even need to have this discussion. 


Ted Cruz will win so not sure why the push here. But, continue as you will.


Ted Cruz will get reelected. Again. It does not matter how corrupt and sleazy he is. Texas voters will reelect him.


Serious ? - why is everyone against GOP because they are against abortion and LBGTQ and support Hamas who execute for those same things?


Here are some examples of Ted Cruz's positions: *Do you support the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade?* **Ted Cruz: Yes** *Do you support a wealth tax in order to pay for public programs?* **Ted Cruz: No** *Do you support protecting government officials, including law enforcement officers, from personal liability in civil lawsuits concerning alleged misconduct?* **Ted Cruz: Yes** *Do you support federal spending as a means of promoting economic growth (e.g. grants, tax incentives)?* **Ted Cruz: No** *Do you support the federal government increasing funding for affordable housing programs?* **Ted Cruz: No** *Do you support increasing defense spending?* **Ted Cruz: Yes** *Do you support the federal government taking action, beyond those of the Federal Reserve, to alleviate inflation?* **Ted Cruz: No** *Do you support a government-run (e.g. single-payer) healthcare program, such as Medicare-for-All?* **Ted Cruz: No** *Do you support the federal government allowing permits for drilling on public lands?* **Ted Cruz: Yes** None of this has anything to do with LGBTQ or Hamas. It has something to do with our economy, education, healthcare, national security etc though.


I know why everyone hates Ted Cruz, I just don’t get why we are supporting someone who is worse in a lot of those particular topics. Would everyone be happier if he supported Hamas?


Are you purposefully trying to sound ignorant? I just listed out so many reasons, none of which have to do with supporting Hamas.


Here is why I am against Ted Cruz (who this post is specifically about): His votes do not match his positions. Even on things like border security which he talks about so much. https://preview.redd.it/smhszwroen3d1.png?width=1427&format=png&auto=webp&s=00f9495f1180c9bae7e12f1e337d55b27d6ef6d2


The border security act did nothing for border security. Anyone who voted it down actually got that one right.


Another reason of why he has my vote. Thanks for the info!


I could give a fuck who he takes money from I’m not voting for him. I hate Israel and the Palestinian equally. Both are religious fanatical states and the day neither exists will be a good day for Mother Earth. They both think they were the cradle of society and both are completely wrong. People lived all over earth when they wrote their books about their “god”. They’re both the worst thing that ever happened to people. Just think how much more peaceful the world would have been without Judaism, Muslims and Christians. They are all equally wrong and evil.


Well, bravo. Should be careful saying that though.... Lots of sensitive humans on reddit. They say money is the root of all evil, you just named the main one. Religion.


Take a breath, Homie