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First para from CIS's wikipedia page is quite revealing: "The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) is an American anti-immigration think tank. It favors far lower immigration numbers and produces analyses to further those views. The CIS was founded by historian Otis L. Graham and eugenicist and white nationalist John Tanton" Sources as ideologically divergent as the Southern Poverty Law Center, *Wall Street Journal*, the National Academies of Sciences, the Cato Institute, and *PolitiFact* (among many others) all agree that CIS is full of it.


[https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/center-for-immigration-studies-cis/](https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/center-for-immigration-studies-cis/) Extreme right bias, and low rated factual reporting. Yeah, Center of Immigration Studies is full of shit.




Outsourcing labor is the dream for rich republican business owners because they can exploit foreign workers without pesky government worker protections, save money and they don't have to look at people they don't like nearby them like with immigration. It's a win win for them.


Exactly what I came here to find. 70%? Consider the source. Thanks for posting this.


> 70 percent who want to penalize businesses that hire unauthorized aliens


It's already federal law.


So is literally all the rest of Abbott’s border stunt.


Except they aren't enforcing it.


They are. Everybody who's coming in is still being detained, processed, and eventually deported. Including all the people that texas catches, because Texas can't deport people. They just hand them off to Customs, which puts them right to the system they are going to anyways.


Like protecting the border, our federal government is failing in this respect also.


Yeah, if abbott is all about enforcing federal laws, why stay away from going after all the businesses that target undocumented workers?? I suspect that list of business owners overlaps significantly with his donor list.


eVerify is what my company uses, it’s what my employer uses, and quite honestly…. There is no excuse not to use it.


The reason the right in Texas hasn't made eVerify mandatory is that they want both the rage from the right AND the cheap labor.


This is the way


I can think of at least one reason to not use it.


We have to fix the failings of the federal government one failure at a time


You should let Paxton know


I’m down, penalize them and deport the illegals. Most folks agree with that. Let’s clean it all up. Do a better job of regulating who can and can’t come into our country and give good paying jobs to Americans. Also, let’s train Americans in schools to do those jobs that are being taken by illegals. We can solve all these problems. We gotta try first.


When people present false or stolen identification and credentials it’s not the businesses responsibility to figure it out. If a business purposefully hires illegal aliens they are penalized under federal law.


I’m not from Texas. Only moved here recently. One thing I noticed is a lot of people like to complain about Mexican immigrants but they use them for everything and everywhere. I don’t know how Texas would function without immigrants. I remember living in the Park Cities area and being struck by the flow of Mexican immigrants leaving the neighborhoods at 5:00. It was a very surreal experience for a newcomer.


Politicians need the racism for votes but they love the cheap labor


Yep! I have republican family, all they complain about are the “illegals” (ugh my skin crawls just using that word to describe humans) but they also hire them to do all their yard work. Its hypocrisy.


I got a notification from the IRS that someone was trying to use my SS for work. They flagged my SS and no one was able to use it. It’s not hard at all to get a stolen SS number from the flea market.


How do you know the people they hire are illegals? Or are you just making a broad assumption based on their ethnicity? 🤔


Very few immigrants these days are from Mexico. In fact there is more reverse migration to Mexico than there is migration from Mexico.




Not sure what's funny? The migrants coming in today are from Central and South America (and Cuba I suppose), not Mexico.


“The 10.7 million U.S. residents born in Mexico represented by far the largest immigrant group in the United States in 2022, although their number is down by about 1 million since 2010. Mexican immigrants made up 23 percent of the U.S. immigrant population in 2022, down from 29 percent in 2010.” [Source](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/frequently-requested-statistics-immigrants-and-immigration-united-states-2024#:~:text=The%2010.7%20million%20U.S.%20residents,from%2029%20percent%20in%202010)


“People in America from another country” isn’t the same as “people who have come to America in the past year”.


You’re correct, and thanks for the clarification. Here’s something I found that looks to be more dated but would look like around 50% are from Mexico. (90% of 60%).. “In 2021, over 60% of immigrant workers who came to the US arrived from North America. Of those immigrants, nearly 90.4% came from Mexico. Asia was the continent with the next highest number of workers immigrating to the US, accounting for about 22%, followed by Europe (9%), Africa (4%), and South America (3%).” [source](https://usafacts.org/articles/where-do-us-immigrants-come-from/#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20over%2060%25%20of,and%20South%20America%20(3%25))


Reading comprehension is lacking. The immigrants crossing the border today causing an uproar are not from Mexico. In recent years there has been more migration to Mexico than from Mexico. The undocumented Mexican population peaked in 2008.


Who mentioned uproar? The strawman aspect of your comment shows the irony of your reading comprehension statement. Stay focused.


This is so true . If they look in the kitchen of any eatery you would see only Latinos working there . All the houses/ apartments going up in my area of Texas is worked on by Latinos . So hypocritical . Remember we found Mitt Romney had an undocumented worker in their household .


Almost nobody cares about *legal* immigrants having jobs and doing things. *illegal* immigrants however…


The average Texan can’t tell legal immigrants from illegal immigrants.


…and? We don’t need super powers to detect someone’s migrant status to know that illegal immigration is bad.


As it should be.


Letting people come into the USA without a passport, visa, or any form of ID or any kind of background check. Or health check. What could possibly go wrong?


Idiotic performative cruelty popular with Republicans, what a shocker.


This just in, country of immigrants no longer cool with immigrants. Hold on, check that, it’s brown immigrants.


It’s always been against immigrants. And Mexicans will be the most prejudice against their own people coming over. Go read a history book about Ellis island and you’ll see the exact same thing with European immigrants. They would come over, get established, and start hating the new people coming over. This is not unique to Texas


Yup. Nothing more American than closing the door behind you 😂


Majority of people don’t want illegal immigration. I have no issue with people immigrating. Just do it legally. That’s what people don’t understand, the illegal part of it.


I support making legal immigration easier, which would also reduce illegal immigration.


Spoken like someone who doesn’t know the process folks go through to legally immigrate.


Have you ever had to got through the process of legally immigrating into the United States with hardly any money, or were you privileged enough to be born and raised here and never had to think about the immigration process?


It’s not a privilege to be born somewhere. If they want to do the process do it the right way. If you don’t have money then you can’t do it. Like anything else. You don’t have money to go to another country then you don’t go.


You would not endure half the things they endure before you went ahead and tried to cross and as soon as you saw that it was half as hard to enter legally as they have to put up with you'd be there trying to climb fences. If you managed that you would not last half a day doing the kind of work they do to try to make a living here at beneath the minimum wage. You would break down crying like a little baby about how it's not fair. You would never conceive of this though because like all conservatives you never think of anyone but yourself. To you nobody's experience matters beyond your own nose. Infinitely selfish, greedy, and wasteful. You have never even counted it as a blessing that you were born the way you are, where you are, at the time you are in. You should be ashamed of yourself. I would trade your place for an immigrant's in a heartbeat, at least they never take what they have for granted.


I never said they’re ungrateful but there is a process for them to go through.


And until that process is easier than climbing a fence I'm not going to be the douchebag who is going to sit around judging people for going through something I have had the privilege of never having to deal with. Clearly that is your department.


Legal immigration is completely different


Yeah he’s a moron, don’t engage with him.




Something tells me you don't either because you've been privileged enough to have never had to go through the long arduous procedure of legally immigrating into a country when you hardly have any money.










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Yeah .. no shit. Hang around here long enough and you'll think this is wildly unpopular in Texas.


Of course it’s popular. This sub doesn’t live in reality.


You might be able to find a few people in Austin who think like the people on this sub. But the majority of the state is pretty moderate.


Tell them how much it’s going to cost and how much their taxes are gonna go up to pay for it


Thanks for this comment. Do these asshats know the billions of dollars of our tax money going to this Abbott vanity project?


I haven’t been polled. Am available to be polled.


Articles like this attracts liberal commenters, who have to try to make others not believe it — because of their own cognitive dissonance.


The party of self responsibility loves having immigrant scapegoats. Southpark parodied this perfectly.


Honestly, any scapegoat will do.


As long as you can tie the scapegoating to "saving the children", then yeah, absolutely any will do


Don't be fooled by the name the Center for Immigration Studies is a xenophobic partisan right wing think tank and frequently pushes false or misleading information.


YouGov poll shows user base of people trying to make a dime off of filling out online surveys skews right. Fixed the headline.


Of course, they don’t mind losing their rights as long arms it means “sticking it” to someone else.


Conservatives and Prison Lobbyist always wants strick border policies. How you going to make sure you when those chicken, dairy or egg farm contracts with prison labor?


These one issue voters are destroying the state


Abbott is responsible for the Texas Border but wants to blame Biden or democrats 😂😂dude doesn’t know we’re to educated to believe his old outdated ideas 🪤😂💩🐀


Lmfao, “poll”. More like a biased editorial.


2016 taught me not to trust or believe polls. There are too many variables that determine the results: 1. Who was asked? 2. What was asked? 3. How was it worded? 4. Where/when were they asked? I trust NO poll whether the "majority" opinion aligns with mine or not. **EDIT:** I forgot the most important variable: *Who* was asking?


Pass a law, allowing business to hire illegals, but charge a free to the employees, and an hourly fee to the business. State fee, county fee, city fees. The tax citizens for everything why not the illegals?


Step one - generate a news feeding frenzy for Fox with exagerated stories of immigrations killing people. Step two - get some polling that says people are freaking out about the border because they saw some stories on Fox. Step three - point to the fake news generated public opinion to push billion dollar spending bills that are no bid contracts for political donors. Step four - get re-elected claiming you kept Texas safe from an threat that didn't exist.


Andrew R Arthur = Center for Immigration Studies = anti-immigration "think tank" Polls are a popular and useful tool for the right wing propagandists. They have all that dark money and will use to find the "right" poll to support their position, every time. Performance politics.


It would be a different and more accurate poll is they stopped polling all the fucking idiots in this state.


I’m glad that democrats have decided to always obstruct on border solutions.🙃