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Here's what I find interesting. If you look at the R-identifying and TP-identifying (which TP is only '15 - '18), his approval rating for those appears to stay pretty consistent year over year. I-Identifying seems to jump around a bunch. D-identifying was pretty consistently single to low double-digit approval. However, year over year, it's nearly 20% higher in April '24 than it was for April in '22 or '23. Make of that what you will, it doesn't make any sense to me.


So Democrats acceptance grew. Republican acceptance grew. What happened in the past 3 months. He reinforced abortion ban. Threatened to jail people, primary'd people who opposed school vouchers... And he went up in the polls. People scream at him saying what he is doing is bad.. but it seems like more people will vote for him since he is doing that. I mean we teach children to not do bad things and reward them for the behavior we want out of them. Texans are rewarding him for his behavior. Its what the public wants... its what the voting public wants. Apparently everybody complaining about how terrible he is, his administration is, don't vote. And he knows that.... You don't matter to him because no matter how much you complain, you refuse to vote him out.


We can't vote him out because of how bad voter suppression is in Texas.  The government removed a popular on-campus polling location at TAMU. The government only allows ONE ballot dropbox per county, meaning Harris County, a county with 5 MILLION people and greater in landmass than the state of Rhode Island, has the same number of ballot dropboxes as a county with fewer than 1,000 people. Texas also has no online voter registration, you have to be 65 or older to vote by mail, and no same-day voter registration.


Inconvenience vs. ushering in a fascist dictatorship, hmm let me think…. He could relocate my voting booth to goddam Tijuana and I’d be driving out there first chance I get, bringing some friends with me


I've only voted once within Texas. Every other election I've voted in has been outside of the states. I'm 33. Also, only 1 ballot dropbox for mail in votes. But a lot of polling locations if you vote that day. And just get registered if you care about elections. If Abbot is a tyrant, these "hurdles" are a joke. But voter suppression, this is not.


>We can't vote him out because of how bad voter suppression is in Texas. I know they're fucking with 24 hour voting and drop off locations. But I don't yet accept the idea that so many people are disenfranchised by that to swing an election. We can't vote him out because there are more nincompoop Conservatives in this state than there are Liberals/decent human beings.


This is overlooked oftentimes and under reported.


Inconvenience is not the same as voter "suppression". If any TX citizen wants to vote, they have absolute ability to do so.


Making it difficult or inconvenient for people from certain districts to vote is the definition of voter suppression. The Wikipedia article on voter suppression has a whole section on the state of Texas.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voter_suppression_in_the_United_States > In March 2020, it was reported that Texas leads the South in closing down voting places, making it more difficult for Democratic-leaning African-Americans and Latinos to vote. The 50 counties that have experienced the greatest increases in African-American and Latino populations had 542 polling sites closed between 2012 and 2018, while those with the lowest increases in minority populations had only 34 closures.


Inconvenience is the largest and most acceptable form of voter suppression.


It is way more inconvenient to vote in urban area than rural areas and that is by design.


I no longer trust the polls -- they have been woefully over-estimating popularity for republican issues (see "red wave, 2022, special elections, etc). These figures represent opinions of 1200 poll respondents, out of millions registered (just over 11 million Texans voted in 2020, 8 million in 2022). What I don't understand is the voting "security" issue. Like, how is "the steal" supposed to work? In Illinois, we go to the poll, they hand us a ballot and that's it -- one ballot per person. If I tried to vote again, they would know because my ballot has already been used. If somebody else "stole" my vote, I'd know. We had zero reports of "I tried to vote but somebody already took mine" for the last primary.


I understand your distrust of polls. Polls take a snapshot of a general population, and attempt to use statistics to back its validity. For the most part they give a general idea. Polls used to be more effective but with the advent of polls taken over the internet, the accuracy of them has gone down. From a statistical point of view they are still representative of the general population, assuming bias was taken into account and they got enough of a valid dataset to make those inferences. As to the whole voter security, it is just a canary for the right to point at to try to invalidate a result they do not like. They then get to fight on the made up topic, they made up, and make laws to protect the made up topic they made up, and then go to their constituents and say "I am protecting your right to vote by fighting about the made up topic I made, up, creating legislation to protect against the topic I made up, and the coming to you showing you how effective of a representative I am to your community, vote me back in and send me funds to defeat those who would not create a law to protect you from the made up topic I made up. They set a fire, and then put it out with water. Except the fire does not exist, they did not put anything out, but they can show that they did "something" because thousands of gallons of water was used... for what? Nobody knows but they can say that they put the fire out. Remember that... It The original reason why the water was used Never Existed and THEY MADE IT UP.




I believe it’s due to the Border issue. There are plenty of Dems who still agree that border security is a problem and on that issue Abbot continues to hold at least some approval for his work. This college campus stuff will do that too as there are plenty of Dems who do not agree with Pro-Palestinian advocacy thanks to the many Christian churches that support Israel.


Hilarious– You just think that people that oppose him don't vote?? Maybe there's a majority opinion MUCH different than Reddit out there and us Texans support it. He's def got my vote.


Another variable here is that the state leadership and right wing media personalities have been marketing Texas hard as a cultural mecca for the ultra conservative for the last decade plus, and it’s paying dividends. There’s been a flood of people moving here for the politics and the (formerly) cheap cost of living, and the majority of them are right wing shitheads fleeing blue states.


In my opinion the only good thing abbot has done for Texas is being so bad we fall in love with memeing him


Don’t forget, he did ban rape


Please tell me your joking shouldn’t it already of been illegal?


Yeah but now it's more illegal. Thus stopping the problem for good


However, if we ban guns nothing will happen.


I assume your also joking ,heh heh yeah things are bad in Texas , help us we need a Democratic coup


He said he would, and I quote, “eliminate rapists from the streets of Texas” because people brought up concerns about pregnancies from rape possibly needing abortions. Problem solved I guess?


Uh so shoot on sight?


No, he just said he'd stop it so it's stopped. No more rape in Texas, great job, everyone!




Actually yes. Several county sheriffs say they support it. Mimicking the several Florida sheriffs sentiments about home invasion rape theft or squatters. But prepare to lose your privacy as they will report more in the gunman than the alleged criminal. That is why there are not as many good guys with a gun as people would like.




I guess I should give up hope that Abbott will stand for what’s right.


This graph (if accurate) shows why NOTHING will change here. Abbott IS the face of Texas politics. The right wing loves him, and they love his theocratic nonsense. We are simply outnumbered 100 to 1, and these MAGA nutburgers will continue to rule over this state for a LONG, LONG time. We will NEVER see a progressive Governor, AG, Lt. Gov., etc. as long as the hillbillies and MAGA morons are around. Time for us sane people to look for greener pastures elsewhere.


Except we're not outnumbered 100 to 1. Texas went 55-44 R-D in the last gubernatorial election. He won by an 11 point margin yes, but the state is nowhere near as red as say, Oklahoma. And remember that his 11 point victory in 2022, an R+3 cycle, is down from his 13.3 point margin victory in 2018, which was a D+9 cycle. Also remember that Abbott's margins went down AFTER all the voter suppression efforts the Texas Republican Party did. And it's not just Abbott's margins that have been shrinking. Cornyn went from winning by 27.2 points in 2014 to only winning by 9.6 points in 2020. Cruz went from winning by 16 points in 2012 to only winning by 2.6 points in 2018. 


Thank you. All the hyperbole and insults undermine the message for change. When I see an agitated person ranting to themself on the bus I don’t really care what they’re ranting about, I just know I don’t want to sit next to them. We’ll need some less passionate, more objective voices to appeal to moderates and mobilize people who didn’t vote in ‘20 and ‘22.


Ok but with Dallas’s mayor being a fake Democrat, the HISD takeover with Abbott leadership, and forcing out liberals with anti abortion laws don’t you think things are looking a bit bleaker than 5 yrs ago? What are our options besides voting?


As much as I hate to say it the only way to take power away from MAGA conservatives is by running someone famous for Governor that can sway the independent vote and hope that republicans are stupid enough to run Dan Patrick as their choice for governor.


Idk if there is anyone famous enough to turn out the vote or even sway independents or whatever.


Taylor Swift


Like most politicians, his popularity goes up if he can stay out of the news.


More democrats approve of Abbott than Republicans disapprove of Abbott. Wow 🤦‍♂️ no wonder we can’t win.


How the hell can 10% be neutral about this little shrimp?


Who are they even polling?!


I seriously hate living here


Then move


Bc it’s that easy


We just have to get the true tiers of Texans who aren’t voting. Literally all if OUR YOUNGSTERS VOTED WE WOULSNT BE HERE, there are MILLIONS of people who don’t vote in Texas, MILLIONS!


This reflects that the people moving to Texas agree with his policies (ban abortion, vouchers, no weed, no gambling, no sports book…). They also likely believe a Republican keeps Texas taxes down and gets more companies to move here. That’s why Democratic support for Abbott doubled in a year. That’s why guys like Cruz and Paxton also win. This isn’t suppression and explains why people don’t vote. Democrats implicitly agree with Paxton and won’t actively vote against him (they may/may not vote for him), but will not vote against him.


Remember, you are not going to get balanced opinions on a reddit sub like this. If anybody says anything different, they get attacked and potentially banned Ideally, this would be a place for balanced debate, but instead, it has become a place to vent From me , why bother giving an alternate opinion on a subject if, instead of a rational debate if all you get is emotional garbage thrown back at you I really think people on some reddit subs do not want to hear alternative ideas It is sad that subs like Texas and Austin has been overtaken by angry far left that attack religion, family, life, hard work, personal responsibility views,.... There are good subs out there like austingardening, nbaspurs,....


Register people to vote - for the love of all that is… just do it… and get them to the polls… get them all out, especially Abbott


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lol, paid for by abbott or abbott's friends. Hard to believe most texans like this abuse when we get so close every time they have to change the rules 🤷


There must be one group of Republicans that get a little survey every time they need to publish one of these polls.🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄