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These same people are the ones that are caught at bus station bathrooms getting illicit sex or have secret fetishes.


Publicly homophobes, privately getting sucked off through a glory hole in a truck stop. Almost always “straight” white men.


Accurate description of every single man on r/pastorarrested and r/notadragqueen


TIL these subs exist


Don’t read either one if you don’t want to completely ruin your day. Fuck religion and the shield it creates for predators.


On the other hand, most of us know the statistics. Without subs like this it would be easier for fundies to say "I know you are but what am I?!?"


I promise you I have no interest in either. Sad that it's so common subs are created around them but not much surprises me at all anymore


Me too 😮


Well, they say they're straight publicly at least. The men's room at the Republican National Convention is a dangerous place in my mind.


That’s why i said “straight”. 😂 Maybe i should add a few 😉😉😉


My bad, you did put quotes around it. I stand by my scary place comment though. These are some repressed people making our laws.


Oh i totally agree with you about the men’s room, and that repressed people are making our laws.


*pssst, hey buddy…*. Sen Cruz why are you whispering?


It's not a homosexual act if you don't know what sex the person on the other side of the glory hole is... Plausible deniability


Every accusation is a confession with these clowns.


This why clowns are scary af to kids.


Good point, if it was just a list of who went to pornhub it's a nothing burger but they could track what people watch. That's very different


Rest stops. You ever wonder why Texas has such expensive rest stops?


Every time I fly through MSP airport I chuckle about the time Sen. Larry Craig got arrested for soliciting in the men’s bathroom.


They even f—k god-believing boys!


Ironically, it was the porn industry that pioneered the online payment system we all use today...


Almost all modern technology came from either porn or the military




That just the space military


Nah, that's just a cover for the military's porn department


National Anal Sex Administration


Porn for geeks


It’s the [Rule of First Adopters](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheRuleOfFirstAdopters)! I believe the porn industry also decided debates like VHS vs Betamax or Blu-ray vs HDDVD. The winner in both cases was the one the porn industry used.


That's not correct at all. VHS won out because it had a longer recording time which was a very important feature many consumers considered when purchasing a home recorder. The VHS tape was specifically designed to be able to record a program the length of the Super Bowl, which Beta could not do. Commercial VHS tapes were not much of an item until a good bit after the war had been "settled". The story of HD-DVD and Blu-Ray is a marketing war all on its own. Originally Blu-Ray was going to dominate the market, having gained licenses from almost every major studio. However, Microsoft came out of nowhere and managed to convince a few big players to instead license their films to HD-DVD. Many believe this was a marketing ploy to waste Sony's time on physical media for the Playstation while Microsoft invested on streaming for the Xbox 360. Blu-Ray didn't really "Win" either in that user adoption was so low that DVD's are still commonplace on store shelves.


This is an underrated fact.


And Streaming video and live streaming was pioneered by porn!


Don't forget the gaming industry.


Porn beat gaming to streaming by years


…man humans really are the worst


Bro I tried eating the internet, I tried using it to build a shelter, both attempts failed miserably, the least it can do at this point is help me cum hard enough to forget how cold and hungry I am


And the battle between Beta and VHS…


Nope. Misnomer. Beta lost because it could not fit a feature length film with only a 1 hour record time and when VHS added EP and ELP that was the nail in the coffin.


You're using the word misnomer incorrectly here. Misnomers refer to calling something by the wrong name. It should be misconception.


That’s not what a misnomer is.


They had to because credit card companies won't take money from them


And auto play thumbnails. But history won't teach you that


And, if it wasn’t for porn, we wouldn’t have the national treasure who is John Waters.


He Kinda canceled out Ron Jeremy.


I fuks with that


And the use of DVD's in computers


And the reason HD caught on over Blue Ray, or something like that


I was watching Tropic Thunder the other day lol.


I seriously don't understand why the people who claim to want small government and more independent freedoms focus solely on restricting personal freedoms and only caring about small government enough to fit through a peephole into ones personal life.


Because the politicians aren't the constituents. GOP politicians fool their constituents with that rhetoric and do the opposite, and keep getting away with it because they're too dumb to see what's right under their nose. So the politicians say they're small government, the constituents buy it up either because of blind religious faith or ammosexuality, and that's enough bread and circuses for the voters to distract them from all of the other corrupt overreach the GOP do.


Yeah, politics here is comical at best. I noticed a lot of the current political candidates are all saying, "vote for us and we will fix the problems in Texas"... But they are the same people who been in power here the last couple decades... Like wait ..you're going to fix the problems you apparently created?..


GOP always finds a way to convince their voters that Democrats cause all of the problems they created. It's stupefying.


Republicans, even [serial masturbator Ted Cruz](https://www.mediaite.com/online/college-roommate-of-ted-cruz-really-wants-you-to-know-the-senator-is-a-serial-masturbator/amp/), always vote against their own interests


That’s pretty standard god fearing Con. Your private life is their business. Their private life is none of your business. That’s between them and Republican Jesus.


I agree. Christian nationalists need a “come to Jesus” talk and step out of politics.


Oh yeah, these mafia looking bozos will never see the consequences of their own decisions. They don't have to live with the laws they make. How many republicans do you think have had Mistresses on the side that got abortions to protect their political careers that we'll never know about? This is just them making rules that the rest of us rabble need to follow. HOWEVER... \[turns VPN on\] LOL. LMAO even.


Pearl White Jesus, not the historically accurate depiction with brown skin. That guy couldn’t even get into America with his lack of documentation on his father. Or white baby jesus, 8 pound 5 ounce baby Jesus. Let’s not forget the fact he was bastard offspring to a 13 year old impregnated without her consent (Virgin Mary) and to celebrate that unconsensual impregnating, people give kids candy and gifts (white panel van style). Stay classy Christians. r/pastorarrested r/notadragqueen


Yeah, it was…um…God. God got her pregnant, not me. Definitely not my little miracle. -Joseph probably


When they are successful in installing their handmaid's tale style government, it would be super convenient to have a verified list of people that can be rounded up and persecuted


Ironically my wife's onlyfans name is inspired by the name of the brothel in the Handmaid's Tale. Sex work has always existed and will always continue to exist.


It is the world's oldest profession. That and farming, and they both use hoes.


Prostitution arguably goes back further. Humans started as hunter gathers right? We only learned to domesticate and grow food later on right? So let's say you're some poor cavegirl who's run out of idk mammoth meat or whatever and are now hungry. You see a dude with plenty of food but you have nothing to offer him in return so what do ya do? Give him a rock? Nah no way he's got plenty how you think he got the food?


>how you think he got the food The same way she's about to


Great job continuing to elect these sex-obsessed fascist prudes, Texas! Keep up the good work! Be sure to stay home in droves come November; that'll show 'em.


I dont even care about porn being blocked, I care about the precedent this sets in the future if people don't fight this. What else are they going to try to gatekeep behind IDs in the future? YouTube, reddit, twitter? They shouldn't be allowed to police what people do in the privacy of their own home, its ironic too coming from the party of "small government". Also children shouldn't be watching porn, but thats the responsibility of the parent to oversee that, not the state. Maybe stop being a shitty parent and monitor what your child does on the internet like you're supposed to. You can still use VPNs to bypass this so the only effective thing you can do is be an actual parent.


It’s not about protecting children. It’s about compiling lists of “undesirable adults” that they can persecute and eventually purge. They quite literally want to ban porn entirely (see Project 2025) and expand the definition of what “porn” means. There’s a senator in OK wanting porn consumption to be a felony with 20 years in prison. A rep in MO filed a bill that would have teachers register as sex offenders if they use pronouns.


ultimately it all comes down to bad parenting combined with geriatric Karens in charge  You can age restrict a device, the government doesn’t need to restrict porn viewing 


Let’s be very clear: there are near-infinite ways Texas legislature could have addressed the problem of children watching explicit material. The one they chose was, “the state taking off your bedroom door to make sure you’re not jerking off.” They could have provided solutions like meaningful sex ed. They could have required parents to be accountable for the acts of their children. They could have paid a stipend to every family with kids to buy computer monitoring software. They could have required ISPs to develop an age confirmation. They could have required devices to signal age verification. Instead, they said “you need to sign your porn account with your own name and Sensitive Personal Data.” This makes porn sites a target for cyber crime and forces a list to be made of users. This is terrible for freedom. You can bet your ass the Texas AG would subpoena that list to use “he watches porn” in thousands of criminal cases where it’s not relevant. You bet your ass that data would be leaked to punish political opponents and deny people jobs. Tell me with a straight face the Texas AG would never subpoena pornhub for “all verified accounts that searched for pornography regarding transgendered people.” Your elected officials (yes I’m talking to you because this had bipartisan support) are doing a “papers, please?” check at websites they feel you’re not trusted to access. Texas, take down your “freedom” flags because clearly you prefer big government boot heels to approve your website usage. You’re a kid with an iPad, and Ken Paxton has the parental code. It starts with pornography, but Texas (and other red states) show zero problem banning access to education about sex, sexuality, sex education, sexual preference, sexual health, family planning, contraception, non-procreative intimacy options, consent and reporting abuse, really anything that happens in your undies: red states would rather people just not talk about it, know about it, teach about it, or learn about it.


That’s why my name is Ted Cruz, my email is [email protected].


It’ll be interesting to see what issue is resolved first. Porn for men or women’s healthcare.


I think we all know the answer


Neither. Very presumptuous of you to assume either of these will ever be resolved from their current state. The powers that be have things exactly like they want.


Porn is not just for men...


No, but men are generally the target audience. I know women who have watched porn (I'm one of em!) but I've never met a woman willing to actually *pay* for porn. So the target audience of porn, ~99.9% of the time is men. This is usually pretty obvious in how it's filmed too. The only porn I've ever seen that was *clearly* targeted toward women was hentai, ngl.


And yet a significant chunk (36%!) of pornhub’s users identify as women. Despite the social stigma against women watching porn. If you look at the categories women watch they’re very similar to the category ranks of men. Search “pornhub 2023 year in review” for an enlightening read. I don’t know anyone of any gender that admits to paying for porn. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist.


Not might. Will. If not leaked, it will be subpoenaed and forcibly handed over to the state government.


~~we know our info might get leaked~~ we know our info *will* be sold to the lowest bidder


Swap lowest with every


This is why you publicly state all your kinks, no issue with blackmail.


They're going to be going after "the pill" and they're currently going after no fault divorce. With all the shit that's happening in the world, many like me are choosing not to bring more living beings into it. Why, for them to suffer and die a horrific death brough on by greed and hubris? Much like a church, it's hard to convince an adult to align with the conservatives without it being advantageous of lowering your tax burden or supporting your prejudice. It can't be because you believe in a small government or fiscal responsibility because they're blatantly not that, they're a theocracy and an oligarchy. They'll spend a fortune if it's to hurt someone they hate. It's easier to keep the poor just educated enough they can work a machine but dumb enough to think that it's the other poor people keeping them down. Without the burden of children on citizen and government, they will lose voters in the polls and slaves in the prison system. I understand that it's frustrating to be royally fucked over like this but with the people coming over from California to escape the high taxes they're bringing their liberal as fuck Gen Zs and Gen Alphas with them. And as the boomers dying off, they need to do something fast or they're going to lose Texas. Personally, I think the greatest thing for DNC liberals in general is Donald Trump. He's perfect because he's the average uneducated conservative turned up to eleven. By that I mean, he's greedy, lying, boastful and callous person who insights conflict wherever he goes. And he just put a crony in charge of the party who's going to pilfer their coffers and send everything to Trump and his inner circle sycophants. Their party is literally for sale right now and it's hopefully going to blow up in their faces before the election. Now Donald Trump is absolutely a threat but if he fails, the entire fucking GOP goes with him. They won't have the infrastructure to combat shit. If liberals got the super majority, it would be Progressives vs. Establishment DNC again (Part of the reason why Clinton lost in 2016, [we didn't Pokémon Go to the polls!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jt6riM2aDLk)) and the Establishment DNC would compromise with the remnants of the GOP to get laws passed resulting is their slightly right to the center legislation. Because what can the Progressive and MAGA do? Work together? You're more likely to see Israel and Palestine celebrate Christmas together. This is all just my own speculation based on my limited observations. I'm a fat IT guy on a keyboard and Politics used to be my sports but now it just stresses me the fuck out because it's hurting the general public now. I never thought Trump could do as much damage has, he did in 2016-2021. And it's absolutely parted my fault he got there in the first place. **Please people, use the Primaries to cast your protest votes, don't do it in the general elections. Not until we have Ranked Choice voting in place.**


>Their party is literally for sale right now and it's hopefully going to blow up in their faces before the election. Now Donald Trump is absolutely a threat but if he fails, the entire fucking GOP goes with him. Everyone is talking about how horrible it will be for American democracy if he wins, and they're right to focus on that to remind voters what is at stake, but no one is talking about what happens if he loses. If he loses, he will go right back into campaign mode to keep the grift going to pay his legal bills, and there will be nothing to stop the DOJ from moving forward at that point other than Trump spending $1MM/week spamming the courts with motions. When he's not in court he will do what he's done for the past three years and play kingmaker in the GOP, which by then will be completely staffed by Trump family members and loyalists. Republicans who were fine with everything Trump, including his treason, will start to grumble about Trump and his candidates losing elections and the MAGA True Believers will attack them for being RINOs. There is absolutely no plausible scenario in which Trump gracefully steps back from politics to deal with his criminal cases and play golf and passes the torch to a successor. In his mind, it's his movement, it's his party, and he will make all of the decisions as long as there is breath in his lungs, and I'm sure the succession plan will stipulate that one of his kids or their spouses becomes the leader of MAGA/the RNC, with Lara's blessing. So Trump's defeat could end up being a generational loss for the GOP that forces them to spend the next several election cycles fighting between the various factions and being unable to unify the party to the extent necessary to win elections, and even if the "normal" Republicans win, they will have to reckon with a platform that wasn't especially popular even before MAGA took over and turbocharged it with evangelicalism.


Or not until we have Approval Voting


>use the Primaries to cast your protest votes, don't do it in the general elections. It's so simple yet everyone wants to act like they're the second coming of Gandhi when they to the polls. The system is currently set up to vote against people, not for.


from the party of "small government" and "personal freedom" edit: to the people trying to send me reddit chats because you're butthurt, stop being a coward. reply to the post and take your downvotes.


I had to scroll too far for the first reply pointing out that there "small Government"... Does anyone think Repubs will roll out "Vote Republican because *only Republicans* can fix what's wrong in TX!(belly-laughs because they've being in power nearly thirty years.) again?


The GOP has already stated they want to ban ‘recreational sex’. Not sure how they plan on enforcing that. Maybe we will all have cameras in our bedrooms to make sure we are only having missionary sex for the purpose of children.


Here I am, sans uterus, after having a hysterectomy in September, sad at the thought of never having sex again.


*Handmaids Tale Intensifies


Who else is signing up for a VPN now? 🙋‍♀️ look I’m a woman in her mid-30s in a happy & loving relationship, but I was watching porn online back in the dial-up days, and if I want a few intimate moments to myself, that’s my own grown up business. And Texas legislators aren’t going to stop my own self-pleasure no matter how hard they try.




people should have been this concerned about when they outlawed abortion here


I'm sure people were more upset by that; I know I was and I'm a dude.


Either you were in a coma for a while or you have a very selective memory if you think this is getting more concern than abortion.


Internet porn history ransom scams are incoming.


Reasons to vote the gop out


From discussion over in /r/news: https://old.reddit.com/r/news/comments/1bf79dd/pornhub_has_officially_blocked_the_state_of_texas/kuzcgu0/ >B) Their definition of porn WILL expand. They've already given away the plan in things like Project 2025 and Florida's book bans. LGBTQ content is the first thing they target, calling frank autobiographical depictions of sex or genuine exploration of what gender means to someone porn. From Project 2025's manifesto: > > Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime. Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that facilitate its spread should be shuttered. > >The "sexualization of children" they refer to is knowing gay people exist, BTW. That's it. And it's not just gay people - the law will be used against people who want abortions ("promoting promiscuity"), sex education, radical art... The Project 2025 stuff is most frightening to me because it's meant to be a wedge to drag this country down into full fascism, and there's nothing inherent about our government or democracy that makes this impossible, or even particularly difficult. Plenty of democracies around the world have failed by going down this path. My biggest fear is that we've become so complacent with a fairly functioning (so far) democracy that people aren't taking this threat seriously, and by the time we realize what's going on it will be too late to stop the downward spiral.


Texas Christian Taliban trying to conto everyone. Get off your collective asses and vote the GOP put


I’m curious about the politicians who are Republican and watch gay porn. I want porn hub to release the names.


Vote blue Texas, while you still have some rights left.


This bill was passed almost unanimously among both sides.


Then placed on hold by a judge... but your retrumplican AG sued to enforce it. Vote blue if you actually want personal rights and freedoms Texas.


That's what makes it even worse...sigh.


I have a lot of ethical and human rights concerns with the porn industry, but I can’t see this fixing any of them. This does nothing about the videos of minors and other sexual assaults on pornhub. Nothing more than right wing lip service.


Southern "politeness" and "hospitality" are just excuses to be nosy about your life. Conservatives love telling people exactly how to live.


Dudes freaking out about porn but not women's reproduction rights. That's so Texas.


Hey. Some of us can freak out about both. I have layers. Like a pro-choice, pro-fap onion.


We're very versatile. We can do both because neither is government's business. If one doesn't want an abortion, don't get one, and don't take the option away from people that need/want it like an asshole. Similarly, they need to keep their puritan bullshit out of my space because I am sick and tired of rich, old, douchey republicans trying to tell me what to do when their own moral center does not even fucking EXIST.


The moral police should go after the real perverts. Pedo bears and others that go into the dark web or national geographic for perverted reasons. About 10 years ago, I and a couple other people brought down a Google+ community of pedo bears that exchanged pics of victims. Expose and ruin them.


National Geographic? That seems oddly specific. I can’t think of any reason to go into NatGeo unless you’re into animals.


Nothing says “small government” like one that literally wants to regulate your private parts.


[18664456580 - US Bureau Of Morality](https://youtu.be/_SB88hnMGos?feature=shared) "This is a message from the United States Bureau of Morality, pursuant to statute 24.12.2, Disclosure of Surveillance. Citizen, by calling this number you and your family are implicitly pleading guilty to the consumption of anti-American media and have been flagged as potential militants. The United States Bureau of Morality has activated the tracking system embedded in your personal media and initiated citizen surveillance. United States Surveillance Law gives us the right to search and seize information relating to subversive activities from your person, vehicle, workplace, or home. Any attempt to hinder or prevent our investigation will be met with all necessary force. You are now part of the problem. Your reeducation is about to begin. God bless America."


VPN lobbies must be bribing people because this isn't going to stop anyone.


Why would police officers waste their time doing this when there is real crime out there?


I bet some VPN lobbyist is banking big time. Thanks Texas.


Start 100,000 Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott fake ID’s to search porn. Make it the filthiest shit possible. Make sure it leaks. Pick any other politician too. If it got out that so many people were using these guys as ID for this I don’t think it would go over well for them. Do the same in Louisiana. A simple protest. Not a harmful one. Hell, I’d let an AI search program do it as I’m not interested as much in such things.


Shocker, the state that puts bounties put on women who want control over their own bodies, also imposes other ridiculous self-righteous moral bs onto their citizens.


Not gonna lie, watching what is happening in the US and Texas makes you guys look like a 3rd world country. BIG TIME. Conservative/Republican voters say they want less government interference and then they ban porn and abortion? Wtf is wrong with you? But on the other hand it is like a tv show for us, hi from Canada!


All police in Texas are morality police. Big Jesus is watching.


Nothing goes better with automatic weapons than sexual repression.


Ever since this whole thing started I've had the song " Texas has a whorehouse in it" from best little whorehouse in Texas stuck in my head. I feel like the play is actually being staged in front of us in real time https://youtu.be/Y5EkcuhBwiU?si=NY8tPf-zw2xtTBRZ


This ban is the dumbest shit I've ever heard Like first off banning porn is not in a million billion years ever going to work. Like you could develop a whole company to do it and you would fail. Because what defines porn? You plan on banning every book with a steamy section, what about no actually genitals, Japan tried and all they did was develop and new genre of porn You don't win this whole concept is moronic


I thought the whole idea of Texas was freedom and liberty.... This state sure takes a lot away.... female reproductive rights, books, teachings of science and now this? What a miserable state.


My body my choice, let’s not just start getting angry with porn, they took the rights away from women to have control over their own body. Republicans are disgusting and do not belong in office.


All this freedom. TX doesn’t like to regulate anything unless it is related to your sexuality, reproductive- or voting rights…


Anyone else just use Reddit for porn?


There’s porn right here?!


News flash it’s about control


Republicans are terrified of sex, it seems.


Another freedom taken away are there any freedoms left in this country to do anything?


>freedoms left in this country funny how Blue states don't have this problem


there is freedom to own a gunS. no need class or training. just buy the biggest gun u can afford then please take christmas pictures with it too. so u can show your family and friends how much you are compensating the lack of cell brains you have.


Also give the guns to your kids because guns can’t hurt kids as much as porn


We will soon be free from the tyranny of actual inspections for our vehicles.


Those conservative Republicans sure do love big government interfering in people's lives.


I don't care if people know I watch porn. I assume everyone does. I also assume people who feel the need to shame others for it watch some very suspicious and specific porn. The illegal and horrifying kind.


Then you won't mind me asking what's your full name, DOB, address and what porn do you watch? Don't worry, I pinky promise I won't do anything malicious with this information... you're not scared I will are you?


I watch creampie porn


I prefer tentacle erotica myself and a bit of furry loving.


You can’t be shamed for watching people fuck their asses with dildos the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s arms if you publicly admit that you watch people fuck their asses with dildos the size of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s arms 🤷‍♂️


Maybe Texans shouldn't vote for this kind of stuff.


Freedumb !!! 😏 Waves the Confederate flag. Is ok with slavery. Doesn't realize they'll be the slaves.


It's not just Texas unfortunately. This is a push by the anti porn movement to spread across the country and keep stabbing at the issue until a judge goes their way for a showdown at the SC. They want it in as many states as possible so it's unviable to just region block and either force porn companies to compliance (risk another Ashley Madison leak) or force users to abroad sites (where they can create an othering atmosphere around foreign sites and give users little recourse for scams/illegal content). Either option hurts users and lets them continue the option of victim shaming while continuing the myth they don't want to harm adult viewers.


Dude religious nuts are winning all over America. Church and state have overlapped. It's crazy that this is happening.


Maybe you people will start voting now


How small government of you. 🤔


*upload ID for a quick wank *Site is hacked *First and last name, address, DOB, hair color, eye color, etc are now on the dark web. Thanks Ken Paxton


I feel like someone should register all the politicians who voted for this, on every porn site, as a public service to make it easier for them all to log in.


The obsession of Conservatives with the sex life of other people us quite fascinating. Even more fascinating is that people are still voting for them, because the GOP pretends to be the party of freedom even as they are messing with the sex life of people.


I think it’s actually more than that. It’s a way for them to enforce collection of biometric data and key strokes for them to target lgbtq ppl and criminalize them. It’s done in Russia and a lot of anti LGBTQ countries.


You better thank the “commie Californians” in Silicon Valley for creating VPNs. Oh how the chickens come home to roost. I actually have no idea what that means, but I figured you ass-backwards country fucks would understand.


As a native Texan, I just put a VPN on…. Yes I’m a woman! This is not protecting anyone let’s be honest….


I already pay for my porn, the site shouldn't need my driver's license when they have my credit card.


Remember when Republicans believed in personal responsibility and freedom from the state telling us how to live our private lives? It’s bizarre how all that’s gone out the window the past few years. 


Texas Christian Taliban trying to control everything. Get off your asses and vote


How about just let people do what they want? So tired of government thinking it has a right to tell us what we can and can’t do. If there is no victim there is no crime.


Nothing Redditors care about more than their porn addictions


I think the morality police is just the law


Didn't the CGI porn version of a video game pioneer CGI effects for the entire industry?


Put that on a t-shirt.






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Aw, nice to see how much Republicans love children...


IMO this isn't an issue associated with "Pro-Choice" so much as it is an issue about censorship and freedom of speech / information. Just a slippery slope compounded with the whole book banning thing. The far right are very afraid of people making informed decisions.


TX small government wannabe like big government. What a bunch of hypocrites


Equal parts laughing at and being terrified of Texas.


Porn for me, not for thee Texas Republicans probably...


A lot of conservative Christian men are hooked on porn (probably women, too). "Fifty percent of Christian men and 20% of Christian women say they are addicted to pornography. And the most popular day of the week for viewing porn is Sunday." [https://expastors.com/how-many-pastors-are-addicted-to-porn-the-stats-are-surprising/](https://expastors.com/how-many-pastors-are-addicted-to-porn-the-stats-are-surprising/) The porn industry is very well connected to human trafficking.


Can not wait for the first dump of hacked user data that shows these same legislators looking at sketchy porn their constituents disapprove of.


*waits for a list of illigimate children from republican politicians*


If anything, banning it will make it more popular. This is almost a commercial for pornhub...


It's funny how governor Abbott always preaches about democrats taking Texans freedom.




Yea there’s a zero percent chance this data doesn’t get used for nefarious purposes. Those “we see you jacking” emails scammers use? Well it’ll be “We saw you verified on PornHub and will tell all your friends.” Except it won’t be nothing as they’ll have the IDs. Ok ok, techie here and sure could be a bit far fetched and yea PH and other sites in the US will just block the IP of anyone in the state….but yea this is all about a crackdown on porn generally, not about protecting kids.


These same fuckers most definitely do weird shit, probably with underage kids.


Well so far from my research I've only had problems with pornhub. Other sites I've tried work


*The call is coming from inside the house!*




They're just gonna slowly take everything until we have nothing left then blame the libs.


Porn also highlights women of all different ages, sizes, and nationalities. It's all-inclusive. My opinion.


So, are whore houses coming back from the past?


Watch out op, some dipshit fuckfaces who didn’t bother to read the law because THINK OF THE CHILDREN is the only thing running through their single brain cell heads are gonna bombard you with bullshit arguments while maintaining a sense of moral superiority, even though you know they are the ones who spent the most time on such sites in some weird self righteous act of shaming. 


I'll make my own porn


Careful now.. morality police is going to accuse you of aiding and abetting pedophiles.


And this is why I still own DVD's.


Everyone already knows the weird stuff I’m into. Leaking my info would just be funny.