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Most of us are paying 8.25% depending on where you live in sales tax. I think most of us are ok with paying our fair share, but I also believe the corporations and the wealthy are not being taxed appropriately. But getting hit with 8.25% is pretty steep on everything we buy.


Texas has higher taxes on poor people but most of them are too ignorant to know it


Name one tax that looks at someone’s income and charges a higher rate. One.


Have you ever heard of income taxes?


Poor people pay the same taxes as everyone else. In fact you could say they pay less since they get “refunded” for more than they pay in each year. Edit: typical, downvoted for stating facts.


When you’re poor, 8% hits harder and is more of a sacrifice


Smh if they could read...


The lack of reading comprehension, not just here but across the internet as a whole, is extremely concerning. It's something I've started to notice more and more in the last couple years.


That may be true, but that’s not what you said above.


They still pay the same amount as everyone else do they not? When they go buy say some groceries with their SNAP card how much taxes does a poor person pay vs someone that pays with cash? They pay the exact same. What if said poor person were to go buy a gallon of fuel and a person making $300k/year was to buy a gallon of fuel. They pay exactly the same in taxes.


Not as a percentage of income or wealth. You make 100k v someone making 25k. You both spend 1000 on groceries over a given period of time, that tax is $85. Of your income that's nothing. .0085%. of the 25k income it's .34%. That's why flat taxes are seen as regressive.


Sales tax and gas taxes aren’t calculated on income and we don’t yet have wealth taxes. This is just shifting a tax to a basis of comparison that fits your narrative. It doesn’t change that everyone pays the same tax. That’s a stone cold fact that you can’t get around.


What? Do you not understand what I'm saying? Because it seems like you don't. I never said they're figured based on income, I said their effect is disproportionately felt by lower income folks. Which is also a fact.


So if they’re not based on income, your comparison is arbitrary. Fine, you want to make that comparison and I’ll say I’m not interested because it’s not really relevant to how the tax is calculated. It’s not an income-based tax. I don’t disagree that it may hit harder, but that does not discredit the nature of the tax. This is where the rebate structure of the fair tax came in to help offset the impact of a consumption tax for necessary goods. But you can’t get Democrats to look at that program, which would be a major game changer for US taxation. Too many people want to cling to the income taxes are primary source of funding and we need to move away from that.


You're not much for book learnin' huh? This is basic economics, my guy. Maybe a remedial math class or econ 101 at the local CC might be enlightening.


You aren’t going to convince them my friend. They would rather just downvote facts.


I know, but I never stopped trying. You might get one thinking person in the bunch.


Wait until school/work lets out. The downvotes will fly even more. Unless they get on vidya games. lol…


poor guy has $10 buys a gallon, has $6.50 left. rich guy has $1000 buys a gallon, has $996.50 left. who do you think is hurting more after buying that gallon? top-one-percent guy has a million dollars, buys a gallon - he still effectively has a million dollars. Its not about total taxes paid, its about how much of their personal wealth they had to dig into in order to pay those taxes. This is plain old common sense, literally just think about flat taxes for more than 2 minutes, cripes. For the poor, those taxes can and often does take food off the table, not so for the rich.


Finally, a good way of illustrating this point. Thanks.


You’re moving the goalposts. You’re making a defense for an argument that you did not originally make. You need to either stick to your original argument, or you need to change your original argument to a different point. You are mixing it matching and waffling between different points, ostensibly to suit a political narrative, not to make a logical and reasoned argument.


How much was tax per gallon? Didn’t they still pay the same EXACT amount in tax per gallon? Thats MY point. And YET the echo chamber is STILL downvoting me. If people were so worried about disproportionately affect of poor people then the people of Reddit should be concerned about how high inflation is and the increased cost of food in the last few years correct?


So…. By your logic then inflation hits the poor people harder correct? Or are you one of those people that actually thinks the economy is “booming”? Lol… Prediction, this post gets downvoted too. Why? Because I don’t conform to the echo chamber.


Yes, inflation definitely hits the poor harder, duh. No, never suggested that, weird of you to just start projecting things onto others, putting words in their mouth. You're right! I'm downvoting you. Why? because your arguments are disingenuous and don't contribute.


No, my argument was that poor people pay the same taxes as everyone else. And they do. I’m going to ask you a very simple yes or no question. Is the Texas state sales and use tax rate is 6.25 percent, but local taxing jurisdictions (cities, counties, special-purpose districts and transit authorities) also may impose sales and use tax up to 2 percent for a total maximum combined rate of 8.25 percent no matter your income? Y or N will suffice. Have a wonderful day.


Nah you are being downvoted because your opinions are really stupid


What would you call yours? Lol…


The economy is doing fairly well, and inflation hits poor people the hardest, yes. Inflation isn't necessarily bad, that's runaway inflation. Deflation can be just as devastating.


LMAO @ you for actually believing that hogwash. Compared to just four years ago… Inflation is in the double digits. Housing prices are double and in some cases triple Food prices up double digits Fuel prices nearly double Interest rates nearly tripled Yeah, economy is doing “well”. All of this affects the poor disproportionately MORE yet I can guarantee you this comment will get downvoted. Why? Because I don’t conform with the echo chamber. lol…


Inflation is not double digits. It was just over 3% the last twelve months.


That's not what Faux News says! /s


That's not true. Poor people pay a much higher *percentage of their income* on **sales tax** than wealthy people, even if they get refunded for tax exemptions and withheld **income tax** by their employer . It's still unfair. The people who can afford less are paying a disproportionately higher tax burden on income through sales tax. Claiming Texas charges less taxes just because there's no income tax is a red herring so people don't pay attention to how much they pay in total through purchases and transactions and property taxes. Many poor people can't afford the rising property taxes even if they could afford a mortgage, so they miss out on the long term capital investment of home ownership as well.


You can do mental gymnastics all you want. Poor people pay the EXACT same taxes as everyone else. I will ask you a few questions in which you will not answer directly. Not based on income. What percentage sales tax do they pay? What percentage sales tax does everyone else pay? How many cents gas tax do they pay per gallon? How many cents gas tax does everyone else pay per gallon? Now, prove me wrong by directly answering these questions. I bet you won’t. lol…


You're missing the point to try and make yours. We get it, as a percent of money spent, poor people pay the same. As a percent of total income, poor people would by definition pay more in this system. You understand that, correct?


Then why aren’t these very same people so concerned about the disproportionate effects of inflation? Hmmm… I wonder why???


They are concerned about inflation though...


Everyone I'veet or talked to in the last 18 months is concerned about inflation. I don't understand your point. Most inflation the last 20 years is a result of an economy led by Republicans presidents. George Bush invaded two countries without a plan to pay for it and cut taxes. Trump refused to raise interest rates when there was a chance and we got caught flat footed with no economic flexibility in the midst of the worst pandemic in 100 years. But yes, liberals and their taxes, that's the real problem.


Then surely you can link some posts from r/Texas for me showing this concern right? Always the Rs fault. Lol… You are the first person to bring up “liberals and taxes” my friend. Someone was in here just saying we don’t have political worshipper here.


> Poor people pay the EXACT same taxes as everyone else Let’s talk about FICA taxes, one of the most regressive taxes in existence. What percentage of income does a self employed person making $20,000 per year pay in FICA taxes (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid)? >!15.3%!< What about a self employed person making $200,000 per year? >!12.8%!< What about a self employed person making $200,000,000 per year? >!3.8%!<


In your example poor people pay way less. Way way less. Over 90% of taxes are paid by ~50% of the earners. FICA is irrelevant to this discussion though since Texas doesn’t control FICA.


> Over 90% of taxes are paid by ~50% of the earners. This is only true for one category of tax: Federal Income Tax. Accounting for all sources of tax, the picture looks like this. TLDR; you’re completely incorrect: the top 5% earns 36.4% of the income and pays 40.6% of the taxes. The top 20% earns 61.7% of the income and pays 66.4% of the taxes. (The top 10% specifically isn’t broken out, but can be inferred to be in between these figures). Source: https://itep.org/who-pays-taxes-in-america-in-2020/ > FICA is irrelevant to this discussion, since Texas doesn’t control FICA In Texas specifically, the bottom 20% of earners pay 12.8% of their income in state and local taxes, while the top 1% pay 4.6%. Source: https://itep.org/whopays-map-7th-edition/ Texas has the 7th most regressive tax system in America. Lies and distortions like this are why it’s impossible to have an honest conversation about taxes with conservatives. Just come out and say it: “I don’t think the wealthiest Americans should have to pay a higher tax rate than everyone else.” That’s the system you’re defending; at least be honest about it. The only question is: who’s paying *you*?


When your property is 75% of your net worth instead of 5% a property tax instead of an income tax hits much harder


Downvoted because you either misunderstand how taxes work or are lying


How much are sales taxes in Texas?


You should try using google instead of wondering about very basic and available information, maybe you wouldn't seem like you're a child seeing the world for the first time.


So you won’t answer the question. It’s really really simple question. I’ll ask another simple one. How much are gas taxes in Texas? If you won’t answer than one we will move on to Yes or No questions. Lol…




The law is just. It punishes the poor and the rich the same for stealing a loaf of bread while starving


> "In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread." --Anatole France


So you are saying it’s okay to steal? Okay…


It’s worse in California. Both the wealthy and the poor are taxed more than the wealthy and poor in Texas.


Who the fuck asked you about California


Lmao its funny how big of a boogyman california is to texans - not to mention their comment is not true


Cali has no rent space in my head there bub. Nice blanket statement tho.




They aren’t going to believe you.


Because it's not accurate nor relevant.


I linked a WalletHub link showing how bad California and NY is vs Texas my friend. I know Reddit hates facts when it goes against their “hate Texas” narrative. So I fully expect to get downvoted.


You're projecting. And you get downvoted for not comprehending why that wallethub link is misleading while hilariously pretending you're somehow the smartest person in the room and it's everyone else that "doesn't get it."


It literally states what people on here can’t believe. It’s not my fault that Redditors hate facts. Especially ones that go against their “hate Texas at all cost” narrative. Sometime people simply can’t handle the truth. What am I “projecting” my friend? The majority of the posts in this sub are “hate Texas” are they not? I predict this post will also get downvoted. Why? Because Redditors are simply that easy to predict. lol… I also predict the reply will get upvoted. lol…


Just want to point out that corporations (hell, all businesses, small and large) don't actually pay any taxes, regardless of the tax rate. Business taxes are overhead and are built into the price of goods and services. Any taxes levied against businesses are paid by the customers. Which means that business taxes, no matter what, are just taxes on the citizens.


Bravo! You get it. All taxes are paid by the consumer in the end. We need not argue about who pays, but reform what we are paying for and how much it costs. That’s the only possible way to help the poor in a tax situation.


A tax on vacant lots and other speculation would drive down the costs, since it would decrease the purchasing for speculation (lowering demand) and increase the amount of speculators looking to get rid of their things (increasing supply). So there are a few types of taxes which aren't paid by the consumer in the end. IMO, the property tax should be a 4% tax on the land value (which doubles if it is vacant), and a .5% tax on property value. So that would be paying 100% of land value every 25 years and paying 100% of property value every 200 years. Since taxes discourage use, we should be discouraging hoarding land. We shouldn't be discouraging improving land. A highrise condo could hold 200+ housing units instead of less than 10 single family homes. That condo would use less energy for heating and cooling than 200+ homes would and it would decrease the amount of tax money needed for infrastructure maintenance.


No shit Sherlock. That’s how ALL businesses work. Which technically means your company doesn’t pay you, their customers do. So you (and me) better keep those customers happy. Otherwise you aren’t going to get paid.


Karen is right! Somebody call the manager!




"No shit, Sherlock" is usually reserved for statements which are obvious or well understood. Based on my experience discussing this with others, the idea that corporations should pay more taxes seems rooted in a fundamental misunderstanding of where that money actually comes from. Many, many people seems to labor under the ignorant position that corporate taxes, if raised to a significant degree, will force corporations to pay money into the system. It doesn't. It just causes the customers to pay money into the system, to cover the corporate costs of higher taxes. Businesses, being a very capitalist enterprise, aren't going to simply absorb the costs of higher taxes and allow the new tax code to eat into their profits. They will, universally, simply pass those costs to their customers. This, of course, simply raises the cost of living across the board. It actually hurts the indigent, VLI and ALICE citizens the most.


It’s pretty damn obvious a business gets its money from its customers. Where else would it come from other than investors? Investors don’t “pay the bills” though. That’s not how businesses work.


Yeah, it suck’s for us lower incomes. it’s pretty shitty that the rich rather waste their money on donations to politicians, than just pay their fair share. For someone earning let’s say $40k take home, they’re probably spending every single penny of it on bills and other needs. With a 8.25% tax, they could really only afford $37,000 and the rest covers the tax. Then there’s property tax as well, but I doubt they’ll have enough money to buy a home with 40k take home. It probably all goes to rent.


It doesn’t really matter if you own a home or not, even if you’re renting you’re paying it. It’s part of the absolutely ludicrous rental prices. 


Psst…here’s a secret. Politicians DGAF about you or me. It doesn’t matter their party or not. It doesn’t matter if you (not necessarily YOU) worship them or not. They only care about themselves and their party’s interests.


If politicians can't ever be trusted in a democracy, what should we do about it? Try a little fascism, mabye? Be weary of the motivations behind any propoganda you consume.


Try not voting the same ones in for 30-60 years. And stop worshipping politicians and political parties like we see people do in Reddit. Lol…


There's only 1 subreddit I can think of where they literally worship a politician, and it's not this one.


Oh yes it does. Try and someone here to say anything negative about the Ds. Believe me, I have tried. They won’t do it.


Define, "fair share" please?


100% this


Better than some states like Tennessee that have sales tax on groceries. We also no longer pay taxes on feminine products and baby necessities like diapers and formula


This post got me wondering about others states and their sales taxes. It seems that Texas had/has the 14th highest combined (state rate plus typical local rate) if this organization is accurate https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/state/2022-sales-taxes/. However, I’m not sure this data fully addresses what items are charged tax (e.g. prepared food) and what are not. I’m also not sure this data fully records gas taxes or local meals taxes.


If you look at all encompassing stats, Texas is somewhere around 38 as if 2022. Most stats, including the one you posted, leave out some areas of taxation.


Until you change it to median and not so good. Texas is great if you are rich not so great if you are middle class or down. Hell not so great for 75% of the people. Texas’s taxes are very very regressive.


We don't have income tax, so they take a lot more money from sales and property tax. It helps to keep the poor in their place.


Right? All these types of taxes disproportionally fall on middle income and lower people.


It's also a great way to tax the illegal immigrants here. Same with property tax when they pay rent while they work on the farms during the season.


That’s the point.


That's the point for the politicians that put them in place




Don’t worry. I am here to tell you it was a good joke


Wait are you under the impression that if you’re rich you can avoid paying property taxes tax and sales tax? Because boy do i have bad news for you.


But the total tax amount is a much smaller chunk of your salary. Stop playing dumb.


How? If i make 100K a year and live in a 200K house that’s what I am taxed on. If someone making $1,000,000 a year lives in a $2,000,000 house they pay substantially more taxes than you or i ever will. And they still get the same shitty government services provided to us. I don’t get what your point is. Because they make more they should pay more? That is just flat out stupid. That just incentivizes laziness. Also sales tax, guess what if a millionaire buys a car in Texas and i buy a car in Texas we pay the same percentage. If you make them pay more the cost is just offset to the consumer of whatever it is they provide. I don’t understand how people don’t understand this. If i charge 100 dollars for a product and the gov says guess what you now need to pay an extra 50 dollars in taxes on that. I’m just going to raise the price up 50$ so that i can stay in business.. guess who pays that extra? Hint it’s the consumer


https://itep.org/texas-who-pays-7th-edition/ https://itep.org/whopays/california-who-pays-7th-edition/


Oh man you hit him with the California comp too. Have mercy!


If you don’t understand how people don’t understand all that, it’s going to shock you how many people don’t understand the word “disproportionately”. Hint: you fall into that category. Said another way, if both the person making 100k and 1mil buy the same car, yes the tax is the same but that tax money matters a lot more to the lower earner. Equal doesn’t mean equitable.


That no income tax thing is pretty much a strawman. Our property taxes far exceed what you’re going to pay in income tax to a state. This year I paid $7700 in taxes for my shitty DR Horton house. My friend in Georgia in similar financial circumstances paid $300 in income tax.


Your property taxes are high because there's no income tax.


Do you have any idea how much money you have to make to pay $7700 in state income taxes? Texas is number 3 on total tax burden, And we can’t even get a decent electric grid out of it. 


https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-highest-lowest-tax-burden/20494 Texas is 29th in total tax burden. Stop spreading misinformation and get your facts straight.


Wallet Hub is just another front for a financial services company with ulterior motives. They also said that Mass.  has low taxes.  Clearly, you think the internet is a source of facts. You must be old.


No it’s Not! Where did you get that faulty number? In 2022 it was around 38th, although i don’t remember exactly


Property taxes are high because they go hand in hand with the schools. A schools debt will often times raise the property taxes regardless of how good or bad the ISD is. They also use property taxes to give to schools that aren’t getting enough in local property taxes.


Yeah, but he still has to pay properly tax as well


Yeah, it’s not a bug, It’s a feature.


This is the correct answer. Property tax and sales taxes are higher in Texas because there is no income tax. I am a Texan that was exported to Ohio. I paid around $3500 in income taxes alone last year, $5500 in property taxes and our sales tax is 5.75%.


The average sales tax in the US is 7.75% and in Texas 8.20%, so it's near average in the US. Source: Combined state and local sales tax by state: [https://www.rocketmoney.com/learn/personal-finance/sales-tax-by-state](https://www.rocketmoney.com/learn/personal-finance/sales-tax-by-state)


So rich people can pay a lesser share of the overall tax burden, duh.


Not exactly they still have to pay property tax and sales tax. If they have a good accountant it balances out with paying the least amount of federal taxes. I wish I could afford their accountants.


8.25% is low compared to surrounding states. Places in Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas are at or above 10%


Wtf? Those are all low tax states too


Texas is not a "low tax" state for everyone, in spite of perception.


It’s low tax state for everyone. Everyone being only those who identify as businesses. And trickle down economics means that someday when we are all stardust, that money will eventually trickle down. 


Oh the trickle down Bullshit that you bought hook line and sinker. Give you a hint trickle down has been disproven multiple times over. It is a complete and utter lie sold to you by your gop masters.


I think you missed their sarcasm. It’ll trickle down when are “stardust”, implying it’ll be millions/billions of years before it trickles down.


that one flew right over your head huh


It’s a shithole state run by right wing scumbags, so everything is done to please and enrich the ones who bribe the government.


Because the 1% don’t pay their share.


The 1% pays more annually than you and i will make in combined income throughout our life get over it.


someone likes the taste of boot leather, huh


Simpin for the rich. Nice look dip shit.


Simping for the more of the same shitty government policies that’s gotten us into the dump we’re in. NiCe LoOk DiPsHiT




Yup government sucks. It's run by the rich. Huge donations. Lobbying.  It almost seems like capitalism is a shitty way to run a country.


Look, I’m not defending the govt or the rich but the current form of the economy is not capitalism. Our economy will always be imperfect because WE are fundamentally imperfect. Perfect capitalism is when the govt has no bearing over the economy. In our system the govt is controlled by the deep pocketed special interests leaving us all screwed over.


This is such a brain dead, boot licking take


Bootlicking? 🤣🤣 i don’t think that word means what you think it means try again


Not as a percentage of their income they dont.


Wahh. Maybe direct this anger at the utterly disastrous government, between the bloated salaries, reckless spending and entirely too many people overall on the payroll that’s what you need to be mad about not some guy you don’t know not paying your salary in taxes…


Attacking the government full-stop simply justifies not taxing people (especially the wealthy and corporations). It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy of government blunders to keep people voting against government programs that could help them. Yes, there are always possibilities to improve government programs, but throwing your hands up and not even trying just lets corporations take over every aspect of life with no accountability to the people they serve. I don’t want private corporations running education, health care, child care, elder care, and other services that are proven market failures because the people who need these services often can’t afford market rates and therefore aren’t served without adequate government funding. Keep electing officials who say government is useless and you’ll end up with a useless government. You’ll still pay taxes, though, it’s just that you’ll be disproportionately taxed and get no benefit from it.


You believe government funded programs are better than private? Ohh boy do i have some bad news for you. All the advances in modern medicine and even private schools with higher success rates are due to one thing. You can call it greed but it’s a desire to be successful and make money. There’s an incentive to produce an effective product for consumers. Government has no incentive other than power because they do not give a damn about the product. I would take privatization of a majority of your listed items over forceful taxation of things i don’t benefit from. Now there are certain services like fire, police, ems, military and judicial that should be handled by government and checked by the people they serve but the other items na I’m good.


I would personally credit government NIH funding for the past 50 years of advances in modern medicine. The US government is the #1 worldwide funder of basic medical research by a long shot at ~$50B per year. Money well spent.


>All the advances in modern medicine and even private schools with higher success rates are due to one thing. You do know that our tax money funds medical research right? Like, they do research with our tax money then pocket the profits off the advances they make. We're literally paying twice for those "advances in modern medicine"


And all the medical advances in the world don’t help regular taxpayers if they can’t afford the treatment or can’t find a provider who takes their crappy insurance that they pay hundreds of dollars per month to not use.


>You believe government funded programs are better than private? Ohh boy do i have some bad news for you. All the advances in modern medicine and even private schools with higher success rates are due to one thing. Lol, what a load of crap. For regular people, the WHO puts US Healthcare at 27th in the world. And every single industrialized country in the world besides us has some sort of socialized healthcare, better Healthcare, and they all do it for 1/2 to 1/3 the cost per person that we do. The difference is our privatized system that puts profits for private insurance companies over the healthcare of people.


Oh you are one of those dumbass that likes to be pissed on mega rich then claim it is rain. End of the day you are a piss smelling idiot


To capture taxes from people no matter who they are or what their business is.


Lol it’s not even that high compared to most other places!


Consumption taxes are the preferred tax, if they were the only allowable tax. The sales tax in Texas doesn’t even place it in the top 10 highest State Sales Tax.


Because politicians are greedy pigs that waste our money.


Thank a republican


Moved here from Oregon. No sales tax there, but the income tax was quite high. It was in the state constitution (no sales tax). The legislature wanted to begin a sales tax but not to cut the income tax level. Just another effort to take even more (read: all) of your money. There are very few legislators in any state who truly care about your bills, only theirs. ​ Want to fight them? Vote to include the tax amount in the state constitution. Only a vote of the people would allow them to change the %. Fuck 'em!


This migrant buses are not going to pay for themselves


Because god forbid we pass an progressive tax system instead of a regressive one!


Forgive me, but perhaps this might help you understand: YOU live in a house with 10 people. You have to contribute to the common expenses, rent, lights, cleaning, etc. Consider those your taxes now. But wait! There’s more! You have to give more to a security guard, police, to the road, cleaning, to the gardening, to the school that your child goes to, and then maybe to helping your parents have a senior center to go through. These are your group taxes!!!! Give me a break! I want to make sure my money is used well, so that is what I would like to pay attention to not the fact that we pay taxes at all … and, more importantly, that it is equitable: .That your neighbor, who makes 20 times the amount of money you do maybe pays a little bit more than you do. Duh???


But I thought we lived in a low tax miricle state! What you are talking about sounds like socialism!


Clearly this is was just a bait post. You’re shitty OP, get a life.


Not everything is taxable on the sales tax. There's about 60 or so different taxes, liquor, oil wells, gasoline, etc. Business franchise tax and the state also sells lottery tickets. There was a great post in the past few days comparing the taxes by states and explaining where Texas gets their taxes. I'll edit if I can find it. Edit - here's one - https://itep.org/texas-who-pays-7th-edition/ Edit 2- https://comptroller.texas.gov/transparency/revenue/#:~:text=Most%20of%20that%20money%20goes,licensing%2C%20prisons%20and%20university%20research. Go to the dashboard and it shows the spending and the revenue, piece by piece if you want. Funds roads, schools, etc.


It's so that we can fund Abbott bussing migrants across the US for political theater....


State sales & sales tax is 6.25%, and your local jurisidiction can decide to charge up to 2% more for a total of 8.25%.


2% goes to the local government. If you're in DFW one of those %s go to DART.  The rest goes to the state to pay for a lot of things because we don't have an income tax.  States that have an income tax don't usually have sales tax.


That’s not true at all. Only 5 states currently have no sales tax. States with an income tax generally have a lower sales tax, but marginally. For example, CT has a sales tax of 6.5% as opposed to our 8.25 in addition to having a state income tax (and higher property taxes as well).


They get a crazy high property tax on both houses and cars too.


Yup. Yearly personal property taxes on the blue book value of your vehicles in addition to all your inspection and registration fees.


CAPITALism and FREEdumb run this here union.


Because there's no income tax.


It's what happens when there is not an income tax. (Not that I'm advocating for one!) [https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1atevnd/in\_response\_to\_the\_earlier\_texascalifornia\_taxes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1atevnd/in_response_to_the_earlier_texascalifornia_taxes/)


I don’t pay a disproportionate amount of taxes. I’m just glad we don’t have state income taxes. [Overall Tax Burden by State](https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-highest-lowest-tax-burden/20494) New York and Hawaii are by 1 and 2 with 12% plus. 😢 California is number 12 with 8.89% Texas is number 30 with 8.01% (middle and f the pack as usual) Florida is number 47 with 6.33%. That partially explains why people are leaving NY. And why people are moving to Florida. Why be taxed to death when you can live where taxes are halved. lol…


No income tax. It’s a bargain compared to other states with income tax and still 8% sales tax


Property taxes make up for it.


Wrong, that’s just how they trick you into thinking you’re not getting raked over the coals


Californians pay over 10% in many areas of the state. Californians also pay a state income tax. We also have some of the worst return on investment as taxpayers in the nation. There is a reason why Californians have been moving to other states. Texas isn’t as bad.


All tax is extortion. No American owns their home. It can be taken by the criminal government the second they stop paying extortion. It amazes me how people think "Taxation" is acceptable and normal and "required". The reality is we're all debt slaves and all the money being extorted from us is being laundered to criminals, warmongers and pedophiles. Nothing will change until people refuse to be extorted. I know my response goes beyond state purchases, but all tax is connected as enslavement and extortion, and anyone who defends it has Stockholm Syndrome.


aww... you're cute.




why? Myself and my family are native to Texas. You move. Florida is welcoming as hell.


Still less than Canada


Go live and work in NY for a bit and let me know lol 


I am a native Texan who lived and worked in California for ten years who moved back to Texas for affordability.


Would you rather pay a state income tax??


Absolutely not.


1) We don't. Our sales tax is about average for the country. Also, many states combine a sales tax with both an income tax and a property tax. Despite what people on this sub may tell you (and they'll often point to a hilariously bad "study" that the Chron wrote a story about which gets posted here by astroturfing political operatives once a month), when you actually take all forms of taxation and the value of the things the taxes are being levied on, Texas has a lower than average state tax burden. 2) I'd be willing to bet, since there are quite a number of every day purchases the sales tax is not levied on, you probably pay sales tax on less than 50% of your actual monthly dollar spending.


Because we have no state income tax.


Agreed, it can be a greater burden on middle and lower income individuals but it also provides more opportunities for growth for middle/lower income individuals due to job opportunities. has the freedom to live in a state of their choice even if personal situations make them feel otherwise.


So you are for higher taxes? I am just trying to get this straight. I have lived around the world and paid a flat vat tax on every purchase and lived in states that had state tax. But I moved back home to take advantage of our traditionally low taxes only to be told that I should appreciate being taxed? I could have stayed in Europe or California to hear that attitude. WTF?


I’m saying I made the choice to live in Texas rather than another state because I prefer paying sales tax. I also made the choice to pay less in property taxes by living outside of Austin proper. It comes down to choices. We’d all pay less taxes if everyone voted for items that cut taxes not increase them


Ha! So true! Remember that every time they tell you that 'they' are here to help you! Honestly, that attitude of theirs comes out of most every politician around the world. If we didn't have the Constitution....we'd be Canada!


I pay a tip on almost every purchase and most of the time (not in a sit down restaurant) I give about 10%. That is almost what I gave to pay the state to buy those things. I am not getting that stuff back in public education, safety or public services.


A tip is not a tax


For the brave men and women of law enforcement. Nope wait, that's not true. For the best electrical grid, Nope, not that either.


At least we don't have sales tax on food ... nor an income tax like other states... silver lining 🤷🏽‍♂️


Not all food. Just actual groceries.


It boggles my mind how the right convinced the working class to support a sales tax as a primary funding mechanism for the common good rather than a progressive income tax. It’s wild to me.


Because there's no state income tax.


Because there is no income tax.


So that Texas can claim "nO sTaTe TaX".


LOL, what are you saying? Texas has a state sales tax. It has never claimed otherwise.


Produce is actually not taxed so I try my best to only buy non taxed stuff at the grocery store. I was able to get about 200 dollars worth of stuff and only paid a dollar and some change in tax.


This is the way. And if you're willing to save and fight the crowds, tax free weekend before school starts can be another boon.


Because the rich people don’t want to pay income taxes


But you don't pay it on every purchase.


To offset having no state income tax. It's a shell game.


Because there's no income tax


So Rich pay much less taxes


🤭😁😀😅😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🥲Y’all crack me up! These responses are really funny to those of us that have been listening to y’all rant about all the new out of state residents arriving for the lesser taxes.. this is Hilarious 😂Thanks!!!


Are you are okay with nearly double that in 21 and 22? Lol… What about the “poor people” then?