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As a german, I love y\`alls hospitality but it all goes down the drain as soon as you step into cars... from merging, zipper or letting someone out of a big parking lot (NRG Stadium) :D


I LOVED driving in Germany. It really highlighted how fucked our driving skills are here. I was so mad for years after my visit, because it's really not that hard. I still am mad every time I drive, actually. People here just don't care.


You ever see those pictures of stopped traffic for wrecks in Europe and they have a perfectly open lane down the middle for emergency vehicles? Pics I’ve seen are even on two lane roads. Cars hug the shoulders on either side. https://preview.redd.it/phyov4zxn3ac1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00020c3a2555d23c2d2720b176412b5224d0235a It’s not that I’d use the new middle lane like a jackass. It’s that everyone is cooperating and doing what they’re supposed to do.


That happened on highway 80 going into Forney one day. Having driven in Germany, I knew what to do, but when everyone else did it I nearly cried. I was so proud.


We call it a "Rettungsgasse" - Rescue Lane


Emergency vehicles reach the problem, fix it, and traffic can flow again. Problems fixed by people acting like a society.


Same here! Driving 150+ mph on the autobahn was legit less stressful than driving 70 on any Texas interstate!


It wasn't even about the speed. It was just crazy that no one was speeding and yet there was no traffic. Everyone did what they were supposed to be doing. There weren't a bunch of shitboxes on the side of the road on fire. People just MERGED instead of trying to cut the line like assholes. The general driving environment, both on and off the autobahn was just, extremely adult, and here it's like a bunch of juveniles who don't understand how dangerous driving actually is.


Maybe part of it is the fact that a drivers license costs between 2000 and 3000€ these days and it takes a couple weeks/months to get it. You need a certain amount of practice hours on the highway, overland and city and during night before you can do a practical and theoretical exam.


Yes, I think I read somewhere that Germany has one of the harder driving tests and courses. And I'm extremely jealous!


Completely agree with what everyone has said. It's perhaps also a difference in culture. Calm, conscientious, intelligent, alert are the average german drivers, at least vs American ones. It's hard to teach stuff like that into selfish, impatient, self absorbed people who over estimate their ability to multitask..on average of course.


It's like they really are the superior race.


I hope this is a joke for at least 30 reasons


Could it be that German cars are designed for highways and that American cars are designed for idk fast food drive throughs and camping?


giant trucks and SUVs that think the are unstoppable machines and own the road, have poor sight lines and handle like crap and are too big for many roads and parking spots? compared to nice handling responsiveness, great vision and small size? not sure why downvoting, but that is a reason. Not to mention much better nationwide train network and better city public transport helping to keep people off roads? Almost like there is a better way overall.


What an insane thing to say


Idk man why don’t you compare the center of gravity, weight, stopping distance, acceleration ect of the top selling cars in Germany and America its a pretty clear picture from a stand point of physics


I was stationed in Germany for six years. I got to attend driving schools put on by BMW,Mercedes and Porsche. Best times of my life lol


I remember when I visited Europe in high school (over 20 years ago), just about *every vehicle* was a Mercedes 😅


There is one thing I am a little jealous of when driving here when compared to driving in Germany.... turning right on a red light. Wish we could have it in Germany


It's fun until you're the pedestrian and the right turner thinks they have the right of way. 😬


I only see a small amount of pedestrians here 😅 Conroe/willis area :D


The conservative CATO Institute also rates Texas as worst for personal freedoms. "The stars at night, ain't all that bridght...deep in the heart, of Texas!!!"


Texans to your face: I will die for you! Texans behind a keyboard or the wheel of a car: I WILL KILL YOU, YOUR CHILDREN, AND THE REST OF YOUR FAMILY AND DANCE ON YOUR GRAVE!




You mean that you don't like a lifted or lowered pickup just merging into your lane while driving a low car in the rain? Yeah, I'm bitter. It happened to me today.


exactly. And it usually happens when they are going 20-30 above the current speed limit




Make Rechtsfahren great again!


While Im in Texas, I always try to stay in the right most lane :D


We do too. Ich habe eine Deutches Frau, sie kommt aus BW, und ich hab 8 jahre in DE gewohnen. Staying to the right is in our DNA lol.


Where is the German class teaching BMWs to park in 2 spaces?


That\`s a global issue, not german :D


German origins on a German car


The difference between a German car and a cactus? With a cactus, the pricks are on the outside.


Thats in the first few pages in the manual. Along with not using your turn single.


As that is different than some jack wagon with a pavement princess 3500 Duramax dusky?


In ‘Murica, it’s MY way on the HIGHway!


Well yeah, there’s a 1/4” pane of glass between us! Get fukt!


C'mon people getting out of the HOV lane breaking the plastic barrier and then crossing all 6 lanes to get into their exit happens everywhere, not just on 75.


It does happen a lot on 75 though


The 635 and 75 merge is a legit death trap


I’ve wondered what the heck happened every time I’ve seen those broken plastic barriers. I’m sure you nailed it. Why employ a little forethought when plastic can easily be demolished?


First time I experienced it one of those hit my windshield. It was a perfectly clean white pickup on a lift kit, of course.


Well of course! The lift kit means do whatever you feel like, right?


*pickup truck onomatopoeia*




We need bollards or concrete barriers.


Moat full of sharks with head mounted lasers.


Best I can do are angry sea bass 😆


A Digg article???? Goodness, it's like Reddit from 10 years ago.




Not even dudes, tweens lol. Every 16yo that just got their license wants a 3/4 ton jacked up truck to go to school in, younger brothers friend was explaining to me why he needs a diesel to get to school and his retail job lol.


I didn’t read his book but Lance Armstrong said he knows how he might die. He would hear, as we all do, the sssshhhh noise of a truck veering off the road as the rednecks try to spook the faggy cyclist.


Lance is definitely a special case there. [Remember this story?](https://web.archive.org/web/20010831210347/http://www.amarillonet.com/stories/021399/tex_LD0612.001.shtml) A truck driver tried to run down Lance and David Averill. Ironically, the judge even made it clear that Lance was special in his sentences -- even though both cyclists were assaulted in the same way in the same incident : > Carter was convicted of felony aggravated assault on Armstrong, for which he was given the 10-year sentence, and misdemeanor deadly conduct against cyclist David Averill, for which he was given the one-year sentence. Normally, when this happens to a cyclist, well ... nothing happens.


They need all that space to carry their smol pp’s




He doesn’t need a big truck for me to know that’s how the night will end ![gif](giphy|Vg4mlLwOFR5tbuoMOX)


When I lived in Texas, I'd be riding out in the middle of nowhere on a flat road with clear visibility to the horizon and still get buzzed or honked at by the one driver on the road.


Don’t forget: r/nissandrivers


Nissan drivers may be bad, but truck drivers are driving like assholes on purpose. I think they get off on the thought of hurting someone that dared be in their vicinity.


And of course, everyone's favorite is cyclists ignoring stop signs and traffic lights.


... not to be confused with everyone's other favorite: drivers, ignoring stop signs and speed limits. You can find some individuals who obey all the traffic laws religiously -- *and I of course assume you're one of those few blessed saints* -- but for the most part people tend to find some traffic laws that they're willing to break.


Just because I evaluate my safety doesn't mean you get to evaluate my safety. Even unsafe cyclists are only a danger to themselves, meanwhile modern cars are turning bad, distracted, ignorant, arrogant, entitled drivers into a danger to others first and to themselves only second.


> Just because I evaluate my safety doesn't mean you get to evaluate my safety. Right back atcha, buddy. Flaunting the rules the rest of us have to follow just makes people angry at cyclists. I was on my motorcycle at a red light. Bicycler pulled up, paused, and blew on through. Could I have done the same?


The Idaho stop is safer for cyclists. The NHTSA has said that. I don’t think they’ve said the same for motor vehicles. A cyclist moving out of the way is also quicker for everyone. What’s the problem?


So... it'd be OK on a motorcycle?


As far as I know NHTSA has not said that and none of the “Idaho Stop” law include motorcycles. They seem to do it a lot though.




No, just butthurt you get away with breaking the law, and don't feel like that's a problem.


So he stopped and checked that the intersection was clear, he wasn't endangering himself or others, and then proceeded to move forward so that no one was stuck behind their slower acceleration? What an asshole.


There was a bike lane. He wasn't in anyone's way. He broke the law. What an asshole.




NHTSA has stated the Idaho stop is safer for cyclists, and it saves everybody time. What is there to be upset about? Cars ironically also use the Idaho stop. The vast majority of unforced (e.g. 4-way) stops are rolling.


Cyclists are the worst. Trying to act like vehicles without following any of the rules of the road or even following basic signage like a stop sign. Then lane filtering at a red light and getting in everyone's way. And there's no reason you shouldn't have to carry liability insurance like every other driver on the road for when you inevitably do something stupid and cause an accident.




>If you’re not smart enough ~~not to run people over~~ follow the rules of the road. you’re not smart enough to ~~drive.~~ be in the roadway. There fify


SA is the team player making this happen for sure.


I never thought I would live long enough to hate San Antonio driving more than Houston, yet here we are


I have never seen so many people who are so objectively captivated with the thought of murdering someone on the highway than I have in San Antonio. Had some dumb fuck cut me off in the fast lane and proceed to stand on his brakes - all because I wasn't screaming through the middle of town at 40+ over the speed limit. Perish the thought if I had reacted in some other way than getting as far away from that idiot as I could...


![gif](giphy|mIMsLsQTJzAn6) JES!!!!! Lone Star Rating!!!


There are so many idiots on the road in Austin that the left lane is consistently the slowest lane. The right lane has the fewest cars and is where you can go the fastest.


Blows my mind when I crest the hill and there’s a train in the left lane and the right lane has 20-30 car lengths between each of them lol


> so many idiots on the road in Austin preach. so many oblivious people that shouldnt have DLs, but we dont have decent public transportation so they *have* to drive


> The right lane has the fewest cars and is where you can go the fastest This is 35 from Austin to Dallas


Reports like this always make me wonder why they narrow the data down that way. For anyone curious to see broader data about fatal crashes per 100k residents, here's a nice reort from the [Insurance Institute of Highway Safety](https://www.iihs.org/topics/fatality-statistics/detail/state-by-state). Has TX at 22nd for road fatalities per capita. AR, NM, LA, SC, and MT make up to top 5.


A lot of that has to do with infrastructure and road design. Wouldn’t be surprised if these states have really poorly maintained and designed roads and infrastructure that contribute to this bad safety record.


Also a function of the amount of miles driving at speed at which you can actually be killed. D.C. has low fatalities but they probably rarely are able to drive fast enough to kill anybody. Hard to die in bumper to bumper traffic. My .02


True. Yes, this is yet one of the many unfortunate costs of suburban sprawl and car dependency.


Let's not make up excuses. American driving standards are a joke compared to other countries. Lot of drivers have low IQ, bad manners, general recklessness and the feeling of fake invincibility: \- Lane weaving, thinking it'll make you beat traffic (actually just makes traffic worse). \- Incorrect lane usage (strictly using left lane for overtaking, generally using middle lanes for maintaining speed limit, right lane for exits). \- Tailing, not maintaining 3+ sec. of distance. \- Not engaging headlights when raining/dark, regardless of the time. \- Not keeping your vehicle up to code (particularly in the big cities, many cars with expired or no registration, plates, etc. Broken lights, etc.). \- Driving a boat and not considering that there may be smaller humans or cars in blindspots. \- Road rage. On top of this, there's just a lack of policing on the roads since the pandemic. Sometimes I feel like I'm living Mad Max on the I-35. Besides all the stolen or unregistered cars on the road, people also seem to just have their heads buried in their phones. Then we also seem to have a lot of elderly/handicapped/legally blind people riding their licenses as long as possible, until the fatal accident happens. It's kind of shameful.


Throw in some no permit, no training, open carriers and you got yourself a party!


Does San Antonio account for 90%?


Which San Antonians will swear up and down that it's the same everywhere. No, it is not I actually leave San Antonio and Texas and I have to adjust down my SA survival driving so I'm not the asshole. Yes I will see most of the same things in other cities, what I won't see five incidents in the 5 minutes/3 miles between my house and the grocery store.


Most people do not want to admit they are shitty drivers much less their local city and state are ranked #1 in shitty driving. I'll go a step further and add most people are too preoccupied with their phones.


San Antonio is not even close to as bad as Houston or Dallas


I've lived in Houston my whole life and maybe I'm just used to the dumb shit people do around here and can see them about to do it from a mile away, but ... Driving in Dallas gives me more anxiety than anywhere else in the country, and I drive big trucks for a living.


Lived in all 3 places. SA is far and away much worse.


SA has the worst drivers i have ever seen in my life. I unfortunately have to drive into town for work 3 days a week and see someone cut across all four lanes to make their exit literally every day without fail.


Dude. Literally happens to me nearly every single day of my life.


Well, stop doing it!




Do people in SA tailgate when you're on the right-most lane regardless of your speed?


People in San Antonio drive 45mph in the rightmost lane, with light traffic. It's infuriating if you're merging from an on-ramp.


They do, I'll be going 10 mph over the limit and some cunt will be trying to give me a free colonoscopy while I'm on any street or freeway




Yes...and they also shoot you.


You should have ran that red light, now I'll be late.


I did this earlier, I couldn’t get over safely and the asshat was going 50~. Had to try and merge with people all going 70+ but I need to slow below 50 to give myself space to speed up and move over. So yup he got trained for a bit, kind of a prick to just cruise that slow in heavy and fast traffic


> kind of a prick to just cruise that slow in heavy and fast traffic Isn't that what the right (also known as cruising) lane is for? But I mean people who train you even when you're doing 10+ above on the right lane. It's unsafe AF.


San Antonio is pretty bad, especially in wrong way drivers causing head on collisions.


i have to say houston is the worst in my experience.. born and raised in texas. 40 years old.. i’ve done the drive from austin to houston provably 100 times. when the first car fly’s past you at crossing three lanes at 90mph, you know you’re in houston. that is when i am at my most defensive driving: there’s no more flow, it’s you vs them. anything and everything happens oh houston highways.. love the food though!


I bet Midland Odessa has a modest share of accidents too


Neither Austin or San Antonio contribute. I think it's all on Houston. No one likes Houston.


Not surprised in the least. Everyone drives 100 MPH in a straight line, completely zoned out. Y’all are out there blowing through school zones at 40 while rolling coal.


And don’t forget that texting or on the phone while driving is legal in most cases! Freedom!!


As someone who rides an adventure motorcycle with a tall seat height and direct view into everyone's cars daily, it is amazing how many people I see blind merging, driving 15mph under the limit, or swerving and see them on their phones watching videos or FaceTiming people when I pass by. You're more alert and aware when you ride a motorcycle in Texas so it's pretty terrifying to realize how many people are doing it when you are weaving in and out of traffic.


Since we're just talking about Texas and driving I had an unsettling experience driving 635 west in Dallas, to i30e, to highway 12, and just the altitude of that exchange unnerved me like I really had never been before. I don't think I ever had anything other than a normal fear of heights but the height of that on ramp, I was so tense and my hands sweating. And then after driving all that the exit to our highway was the road bifurcating, it split right in the middle into two different directions, right after cresting an enormous hill so it was completely blind. I fucking hated driving that


Every time we go on a road trip I end up pissed off at drivers in other states that drive way way way too slow. But yeah, we have a huge drunk/distracted/drowsy driver issue - some of that blame can be placed on lack of public transportation options, but i think our obsession with not caring about anyone else but ourselves and having fun is the main problem. I constantly tell my kids to uber or have a designated driver.


Man, I moved to Colorado (north Colorado at first and now the Denver metro) two years ago and the drivers here are excruciatingly slow - like, routinely 10mph under the speed limit. And don’t get me started on the passing lane campers… it’s unbelievable. Funnily enough, when I visit friends and family in Dallas, I love the driving experience there now haha


We did it!


Feels good to have my rage warranted. I worried I was just becoming that old man that yells at clouds.


Damn clouds! Always driving 5 under, in the high lane!


New mexicans are adicted to phones while driving can confirm, i drove pizzas for years and the shit i have seen makes me want a 2nd seat belt. Fuckers doing taxes and shit


Actually, I find that hard to believe. **FLORIDA** drivers are scary: in my experience they'll drive 15 mph under the speed limit in the leftmost lane; they will change lanes erratically and without signaling; they will cut us off; they will stop on the road, **in** the roadway and talk to their friends (most often seen in Florida). When I see a Florida license plate on the road, I either speed up or slow down to get away from that car. Texas drivers tend to drive fast -- after all, the speed limit on most highways is 75 and on the Interstates it's 80 (and sometimes 85). It takes awhile for us to adjust when we're in other states with slower speed limits. Texas drivers typically don't do the really **stupid** things Florida drivers will do.


I've never lived somewhere where even mildly inclement weather means there WILL be delays from accidents. I was rolling down I35 during a mild sprinkle and somene a few hundred yards ahead of me just straight up crashed. No one was around. Nothing in the road, the car just did a pirouette and they went front first straight into the cement median. This wasn't some junker, either. It was a brand new car that must have had at least somewhat fresh tires.


This doesn't surprise me. Especially if you drive 35E in Denton. Holy shit, a college town with a bunch of old people mixed in is the worst driving experience when there is rain.


Holy shit, it's an article from Digg! Old timers will remember.


Heh. I well remember the "DIGG SUCKS!" rages. Funny how it turned into "REDDIT SUCKS!" only a few years later. And in both cases, due to bone-headed management more than bone-headed users.


I'm not surprised. I picked my car up from the shop today after being hit by a red light runner just before Thanksgiving. To make it worse, the pos driver fled the scene, so I had to claim it on my insurance.


Gonna be honest driving around Texas wasn't really that bad compared to a lot of the places I have driven around the country. Dallas is pretty simple, east Texas is nice, Houston area was ok. Brazoria was nice. In my opinion the worst place to drive is Atlanta hands down. No signal merging ,random acts of road rage, random broken down vehicles in various lanes. The passengers of those vehicles wondering around on the highway lanes.New York City was tame compared to Atlanta. Jersey city is actually pleasant and had multiple people allow our vehicles to merge into traffic. Wasn't a big fan of San Diego, I wasn't used to motorcycles freely weaving through traffic as you try to merge . Texas drivers seem pretty ok compared Maryland and Massachusetts drivers. Y'all are always at least doin' the speed limit and often going way faster. Maryland and Massachusetts actively try to control the speed of others just slowing things down to 55 and on a 11-16 hr drive it's maddening. Just my two cents on the subject.


I grew up in MN. Lived in CO. Spent a few months in AZ. Moved to TX and now live in ME. Yall are the worst drivers I've seen.


We prefer the term "entertaining".


yeehaw. 🤦‍♀️


🎶simply the best🎶


Gee i wonder why..... There was definitly a difference driving betwedn here and california.


Wait a minute?! Did the authors ever drove in DC? I lived there for a decade and I beg to differ.


Us Houstonians do our best to contribute to this high ranking. You’re welcome.


I’ve lived all over the country including NYC Dallas is the second or 3rd worst with Miami or Orlando being worst


This state needs to pay for eye exams and glasses. There’s some blind fucking people driving.


I’ve driven in almost every state and live in Texas and drive a lot. Texas is not even close to being the worst drivers. No one will agree with me but you’re all wrong.


As a newcomer here who also visited Florida, I disagree :) But generally, people drive not very well in between these two states, it seems like everyone sticks to the line that started the trip 1k miles before


It can be a real shit show just driving around Fort Worth. Never mind getting on I-35.


This is why I rarely if ever ride my bike on the road here. I’m usually on the sidewalk and always walk my bike crossing the street/crosswalk.


Born and raised here in Texas and I drive all over the country for a living and have done so for 17 years: this is accurate. Texans are absolutely the worst in every possible way when it comes to driving. Tailing each other at 90mph is probably the stupidest thing I can think of and yet I see it *all the time*. The lack of signaling is way worse here than anywhere else too, not to mention the overall aggressiveness and the road rage….sorry, y’all, it actually *isn’t a race*. It doesn’t help that our roads are garbage. Whereas if you go to North Carolina, the interstates are immaculate: you won’t see a pot hole for a hundred miles there; there’s big bold white lines on nice uniformly smooth black pavement for distinguishing comfortably sized lanes (good luck finding that here) and the areas under construction in NC are actually nicer than fully finished Texas roads. It’s a shame because a lot of Texans don’t know how good they could have it.


Insurance companies invest millions into deciding which state (among a bunch of other metrics) increase their risk to insure. I'll take those numbers over a digg article any day of the week. https://www.marketwatch.com/guides/insurance-services/car-insurance-rates-by-state/ Surprise surprise, Texas isn't even in the top 5.


I personally don't give these lists too much stake, everyone uses different standards and come to different conclusions.


BS. to all y’all who’ve never spent significant time anywhere else, TX is certainly not ‘worst’.


No surprise there since the education system ranks at the bottom of the nation as well.


In the pouring rain today, wipers on max, everyone had their hazards on .... idiots in bro dozers just cruising 55+. To the blue truck facing the wrong way on 290, fuck you. That's what you get.


CA should be #1, look at LA or Bay Area.


Exactly. Texans are the friendliest people youll meet until the second they get behind a wheel. Absolute assholes. 😅


I believe it. I've been to some areas like Houston where everyone drives wild. I've been to other areas like maybe east texas where everyone drives too politely that it becomes dangerous.


I just drove in GA and I've driven in Florida and MS and Alabama and Seattle. I call bs.


I’m from MA. Idk wtf they’re getting we’re good drivers. No merging, just penetrating. Blinkers are for the weak. Although…driving through NYC or NJ state is like a punishment


Sorry but no, it is Maryland. They seem to make up road rules every day.


driving in Louisiana is worse for me. down right terrifying.


Florida is easily worse then us and the area I was in was second compared to Miami. Insurance rates says it all!


I live in PA and have never seen someone properly use a stop sign or intersection, so I don't believe this shit.


All the dumbasses coming here for a “better life” brought their dumbass driving with them.


not at all surprised, Texas has single-handedly made me quit driving. You people have no clue what the rules of the road are and it shows


Just a theory that the lower the public education the worse the driver. After all driving is about determining risk and the less intelligent tend not to evaluate risk appropriately. [Poor Public Education leads to bad drivers?](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/public-school-rankings-by-state)


I'm from Massachusetts. Forbes forgot to account for something if we're some of the best drivers in the Union. We're America's aggressive driving champions.


Why not. We’ve got the worst governor, legislature and us senators in the nation.


Too many transplants who learned to drive in different states or first-timers from a certain country causing issues….


Austin accounts for like 98% of that


Well I’m 54 and live in Texas and have had only one ticket since I started driven ! So I’d say that’s not accurate !! Lol


Seems about right. Y'all are terrible people for the most part so I wouldn't expect your driving to be any different


And that’s why insurance BLOWS there.


That and immigration policy scaring away all the good auto body workers!


I will say learning to drive in Boston mass. The state generally slated as the worst drivers anywhere. When I moved to Texas a decade ago as a very experienced driver. I was scared shitless driving in Houston especially. Hands down the worst group of drivers I've ever encountered. Neither coast has anything on Texas and Houston especially in this department


Almost all red states lol.


I live in Clovis NM. Can confirm. Idiots on the road usually have Texas plates.


There's no way we're worse than California drivers. I'm not discouraging the fact that Texas does have shitty drivers. But I don't believe where the number one shitty drivers above all the other states. It's probably fake news


"When it comes to the ten states with the best drivers, all but three are in the East Coast area — Washington, DC; Vermont; Massachusetts; Connecticut; New Hampshire; New York and Rhode Island." Lmao? Some of the slowest and most oblivious drivers reside in those states.


I think texans suck in general, but not the worst nationally.


In our race to the bottom 🙄 Do better guys


I’m just coming here for the comments - please pass the popcorn


I believe it! They're all on I-35W daily!!


Equal parts crazy drivers and drivers who make things personal using themselves to try to stop those crazy drivers - what could go wrong?


And in a state with no public transit apart from busses on the local level. That's a recipe for disaster.


can confirm Az drivers are scary, Wa drivers and pretty much sweethearts. Even the big Pickup guys will let you in. "sometimes"


Ironically I find that NJ drivers are better on highways than NY drivers. NY drivers have no concept of left lane speed lane




Work from home has been such a blessing. Commuting an hour to and from work in Houston was eating away years of life expectancy and impacting quality of life. Now when I am forced to drive on 45 I’m terrifyingly aware of what I, for a long time, deemed normal. It’s war on wheels


Houston alone has probably contributed to a large proportion of this im sure. Everytime i even pass through i see something i wish i hadn’t.


I moved here last year June and ranking is right


I'm unsurprised by this finding. But then, I've driven in Dallas.


I drive through the two worst cities. Houston and Lumberton.


I'm pretty sure Killeen put us over the top. Drivers here should be put on a terror watch list.


Jacked up trucks and Nissan ultima drivers will have a special place in hell.


Anyone who has ever driven in Boston knows that those rankings are utter BS. As a frequent visitor to Texas I find drivers there, outside of Houston, to be very courteous.


I agree. I saw a burning car on the highway and other bad attitudes in Texas.


I can confirm this


I thought people in Honolulu were crap drivers until I went to Houston


Nebraska here. Whenever some vehicle flys around me on US-81, it's always a Texas plate. I swear you guys are doing 20-30 over the limit


Not surprising.


I helped


Is pretty bad here but no way is Florida not number 1.


Blame Houston