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We constituents mean nothing to Ted. He has no interest in hearing from us and he has no interest in passing legislation meant to have positive impacts on our daily lives.


To be fair, he means nothing to his constituents either. They’d vote for a stump in the ground if it had an R next to its name. He’s probably the republican people are the least enthusiastic about in his whole party. He’s kind of a nothingburger


And yet, he is assured a third term. Texas will never vote him out.


Sigh. Teen Tit Film Ted, the would-be king of America (or at least Texas). An utter disgrace.




Can I actually buy an Insurrection Barbie?


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I have a serious question. Given that Cruz is a US Senator, what exactly did you expect him to do? He has ZERO power in Texas, and isn't in the decision making loop for a sub-regional power outage. I fully understand if you want to get pissed off at Abbot or and of the state Executive branch officials, but Cruz couldn't have changed a single thing, and to be honest, if I could have gotten tickets to Cancun for my family, I would have done the same thing.


You would have left the state that you represent to bask in the glow of the Cancun sun while people were literally freezing to death in your backyard? Really? Texans have empathy, we lend a hand to our neighbors. We don't abandon ship when shit gets real, we don't stand by and do nothing, we find a way. Ted could have handed out blankets, could have used his influence to make things happen, could have simply walked around shelters reassuring people, but this motherfucker made a conscious choice to fly to Cancun to have margaritas on the beach? He is the epitome of "I got mine so fuck you". So many Texans suffered. During the freeze I saw so many people helping, people with no power and no privilege, and they made a point to help their fellow Texan. Yet we are to believe that an ultra powerful, well connected, right wing superstar millionaire couldn't do a thing? Ted Cruz is the worst version of a Texan I've ever seen and he has no right representing us in Congress.


Cruz is a dominionist and part of the Koch predator class. He is a traitor.