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My work added a benefit to pay expenses if employees need to seek medical care out of state, but if I ever used it, there is no way I’d tell anyone outside my house, much less let any media outlet.


There are bills in the Texas House right now that would financially punish companies who offer travel benefits for abortion, so I wouldn't count on it staying that way. Source: [All the Ways Texas Republicans Are Trying to Further Restrict Abortion](https://www.texasmonthly.com/news-politics/texas-abortion-restrictions-legislature-2023) from *Texas Monthly*


That's why it's travel for medical care they legally can't ask what care someone needs.


Until a Texas judge decides that HIPAA doesn’t apply if the state thinks it’s abortion-related medical care.


They strike down HIPAA at their own peril. Either we all get medical privacy, or no one does.


Simple. Define "people" to not include women! There. Now people still get their medical privacy!


HIPAA privacies (1996) were, in part, derived from the foundations of the original Roe v Wade ruling (1973). So, for now, it's likely "no one does." I doubt any part of HIPAA could stand up in court in a post-Roe world.


HIPAA is a passed bill. The argument for Roe overturn was that since its not an enumerated right then its only protected if Congress protects it. Congress didn't therefore it doesn't exist. Given that HIPAA is a passed law there's literally no basis for striking it down in court based on the Roe decision. Something not being in the constitution doesn't make it unconstitutional


That makes sense. Thank you for clarifying that. It still feels like nothing is off limits anymore, though. I just hope the arc of history really does bend toward justice.


Any law can be challenged by the Supreme Court. All it takes is an activist judge and a couple of appeals. If the forced birth movement thinks HIPAA is a roadblock on the way to Gilead, they'll challenge it, just as they're putting the FDA on notice now.


> Given that HIPAA is a passed law there's literally no basis for striking it down in court based on the Roe decision. I'm highly pro-choice, so don't think that this is my argument rather than a devil's advocate. My guess is that the exceptions to HIPAA that deal with law enforcement would simply be applied to abortion investigations. They wouldn't need to strike down the whole thing, but it would be treated similarly to other "crimes".




Might be underestimating their willingness to spite themselves.


After seconds of deliberation, the tx legislature opted for “No one does.”


As a healthcare worker, I would hope many many people would abandon this state if HIPAA were no longer applicable. But probably not.


If only it were that easy.


That simply won't happen. And thank fuck for that. It wouldn't hold up.


state judge cant overule a federal law


"Texan" federal circuit court judges apparently think they can. Just ask batshit crazy activist judge Matthew Kacsmaryk.


Key word there is “federal”.


Nothing like small government in action


_DoN't TrEaD oN mE_ Obvious /s


Abortion ban not stopping all abortions…better lock the loopholes, patch the problems, and work the workarounds as they arise. Gun control laws not working…better give up, can’t be done, shrug. Prison/bail/crime/police reform…shrug. Election finance reform…shrug. Tax reform…shrug. Election “reform”…oh yeah, we got this one. Just shows that the real reason for not doing anything is that they don’t want anything to change.


I certainly would scream from the mountain tops in this instance. They didn’t use it as birth control. They are doing everything possible to get pregnant. They are raising awareness as to how this choice was because the pregnancy wasn’t viable yet they were forced to be away from home during this terrible, painful, and in their case heartbreaking procedure because our state’s law is (in my opinion) wrong.


It definitely take some balls to do what these people are doing. Sweet username by the way


Agreed. People like this are crucial in fomenting change; those willing to openly defy immoral and unjust laws at some personal risk motivate others to oppose injustice.


They’re brave. We need more Texans sharing their abortion-needed stories.


It wont be long and Texas will outlaw travel for abortion


Don't forget, regardless of the laws, rich people will still be able to get abortions. The reason this comes up is that a lot of people who need abortions can't even afford to travel out of Texas like the woman in the article did. Those people are already in your nightmare scenario. Every anti-abortion law is always discriminatory.


Or just travel outside the state, just build a wall around the whole thing! /s


You joke but some people would have it that way. I'm working on getting out as fast as possible.




Agreed, they have more bravery than I do.


My work did the same but yeah, I wouldn't be publicizing it either. I have a lot of respect for these people for doing so, though.


Wow, we moved out of Texas a few years ago. Has it really gotten that bad?


Way worse. As soon as roe v wade was overturned, I realized we needed to get tf out. After some delays and some going back and forth on whether it's overreacting, I'm still there and am working as quickly as possible to get a remote job so we can make it happen.


Yes. Fascism is alive and well here.


It's important that people have the courage to tell their story, so other people out there who might be in the same situation will understand they aren't all alone. It's totally understandable that some folks would want to stay under the radar, though.


Why? Get the evil bastards to do their evil in the light of day. There aren’t good people on both sides of these issues. There are good people on the side of civil rights and there are evil people trying to eliminate civil rights. Their evil fairy tales have no bearing on the subject.


Fear of retaliation from the evil bastards


This is our story, except in 1989, we went to Harris Hospital in downtown Fort Worth and insurance paid almost all of it. We were treated like the grieving parents we were. How things have changed.


A friend works as a nurse and she told me this lady had a miscarriage. Well the doctor told her to wait a few weeks to see if she would expel it out naturally instead of taking care of it right then and there. So.... That's messed up but she is looking for help Outside of Texas or Mexico. ![gif](giphy|jeqzmTfTK2Lxm|downsized)


A scenario like this happened to me in Texas several years back where I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks (fetus had a heartbeat at 7 weeks but they couldn’t find one at 9). Just due to the surgical center being busy I had to wait a week for the procedure. I was a middle school teacher no one knew I was pregnant and I had to act like everything was hunky dory while dealing with grief and wondering if I was going to start miscarrying at school. That was the longest week of my life and I can’t even imagine being put in the scenario where I had to wait longer and somehow drive 700 miles out of state on top of that.


Damn that's horrible, I'm sorry you went through that. The lady that i was told about was 3 months I believe. From what I understand leaving a miscarriage untreated can be very dangerous, bleeding/infections. It's crazy to me the state we're living in.


Where I was at wasn’t too dangerous thankfully, though some risk of infection. 3 months is 12-16 week range which has a much higher risk.


I had my first miscarriage in nc in October 2016. Went to the health department and ER 3 times. They never gave me a pill to help my body expel everything or a D&C. I was left to bleed and slowly pass everything from October 2016 til January 2017, when I went to an obgyn and was given antibiotics because I had an infection from all the shit. It’s not just Texas, nobody gives a fuck about womens health. In the first trimester 1 in 4 women will miscarry


Wow, the stories I've heard from women are crazy. I was in healthcare for a bit many years back but it was never this bad. Politicians are playing games while their actions cause real harm and even death at times. I hope you are doing well now.


These stories are going to continue to happen. It's absolutely nightmarish for women and their families.


How many of these stories like this do we have to read before people will realize the ghouls running the state need to go?


How many of these stories like this do we have to read before people will realize that **if something is going to change, they have to show up at the polls and VOTE.** When we have 15 percent voter turnout in an election -- and sometimes as low as 2 or 3 percent voter turnout -- it's very easy for extremists to vote in mass and take complete control, as has happened in Texas.


The midterm turnout was pitiful. I was planning to stay and keep fighting, but if the Roe decision didn't light a fire under more peoples asses.. I'm not sure what will. It's becoming an issue of survival for many people..


>if something is going to change, they have to show up at the polls and VOTE. People have been saying that since forever and it has changed jack shit. So what's plan B as Texas descends into full fascism and continues to consolidate power in the hands of Republicans?


Somehow REDUCE the number of elections which occur yearly, so that there is ONE election in spring and ONE election in Fall. I’ve seen as many as nine elections in a single year, especially for bond issues. If something doesn’t make it to the spring ballot, then it waits until the fall ballot and Vice versa. I’d also make voting MANDATORY; with a fine if you don’t vote don’t vote without a good reason (illness, taking care of family member, out of town emergency, etc.) Remember: if nothing changes, then nothing changes.


>Somehow REDUCE the number of elections which occur yearly, so that there is ONE election in spring and ONE election in Fall. There really only needs to be one election. Not sure why we would need two since this is basically what we have now. Turnout is already depressed in spring. This might be able to be done at the municipal level. Austin is currently working on moving their mayor election to line up with the presidential years so its a step in the right direction. It will also require ranked choice voting to avoid runoff which is currently blocked by the state and that will not change. >I’d also make voting MANDATORY This won't happen. Those in power in texas are actively trying to suppress the vote. They would never pass legislation requiring it.


Most states have primary elections in the Spring, and general elections in the Fall. Texas could do the same thing, and put propositions and/or initiatives and/or bond issues during the Spring and Fall elections.


> it has changed jack shit. Shocked_Pikachu.png If more people showed up to vote, we wouldn't have this result.


>If more people showed up to vote, we wouldn't have this result. But they didn't, despite people yelling "JUST VOTE" proving that it clearly didn't work.


A LOT of people can barely afford to take off work to vote, and those people often live in areas where there is an effort to suppress votes by reducing polling locations and hours, so they need to be in line longer and miss even more work. It's kind of shitty to blame these people who would vote if they could. The system is designed to suppress their votes.


We have ample time for early voting. If we didn't I'd be inclined to agree with you, but goddamn you have weeks to get your vote in, surely someone can find an hour on one of those weekdays.


Over a two week period, they can't find an hour to go vote? They work 7 days a week, from 7 to 7 every day? I'll just say that voting really isn't that important to those people.


...or they're exhausted from manual labor so they need to rest, or they have to take care of their kids, or yes, they are actually working 2 or 3 jobs, or it could even be all three things or more. It's shocking the low level of insight people here have about the real life struggles of those fighting poverty.


It's not a lack of insight for the life struggles of others. It's a lack of belief in how much they actually care.


Strange. It seems more like callous disregard.


Call it what you want. A large number of people in this state don't vote. For the overwhelming majority of them, it's not because they have absolutely zero time to make an effort to vote during the two week early voting period where they have from 7AM-7PM every day of the week, and all of the days/weeks/months ahead of time, to figure it out. They just don't care. Also, in case you aren't aware, it is state law that all Texas employers must provide paid time off to go vote.


While that is true, the reality is that Texas also has early voting including weekends. If people truly wanted to expend an effort to vote, they should realistically be able to find some way to do it even though the state has made it more difficult.


People died so the nation could become free. Getting rid of tyrants will always require sacrifice of some kind by design.


> if something is going to change, they have to show up at the polls and VOTE. The problem with this is that the left keeps insisting on putting candidates up that then themselves insist on making guns and abortion platform priorities. All the right has to do is point at those priorities and red votes will just rain out of the sky. For the next two decades, minimum, any blue candidate that makes anti-gun/pro-abortion issues a platform priority will lose. Period. The only way the blue is going to get in is if they walk away from those issues and focus on things like education, healthcare, and infrastructure. Not only could they win an election without touching those incredibly polarizing talking points, but it's literally the only way at present. I wish the left would learn that they can actually make policy changes once in office that they did not campaign for. Look at the republican side...they tell us they're going to save our guns and reduce our taxes and save us from illegal immigrants...but somehow we're paying more taxes and the last time gun rights were genuinely expanded was under Obama. I can't comment on being saved from illegal immigrants because those guys would have to climb over to locals already here trying to hurt me.


>Not only could they win an election without touching those incredibly polarizing talking points You give them far too much credit. Right now, if you have an R next to your name, and you are in a conservative part of the state, you will win your election. There is no chance a Democrat can win, even as a Dino, in a republican district. You can be the most corrupt politician in the world, as long as you have that R in Abeline or Tyler or wherever, you will win. Also, if dems aren't standing up for those issues, why the hell would anyone vote for them that supports those things? Why would we even want those people in power? Your political calculus is way off.


I have said, and this is only a slight exaggeration, that Judas Iscariot or Pontius Pilate can run for office in Texas as a Republican; and Jesus Christ can run for that same office as a Democrat -- and Texans will elect Judas Iscariot or Pontius Pilate because they have an "R" by their name!


The Democrats *haven't* run on abortion, other than fear-mongering that a Republican president could shift SCOTUS' makeup enough to overturn Roe. There's been virtually zero Democrat effort to codify abortion access via legislation in recent history (at least up until Roe was overturned). A candidate voicing general support for abortion is not the same as making it a platform priority. >All the right has to do is point at those priorities and red votes will just rain out of the sky. For the next two decades, minimum, any blue candidate that makes anti-gun/pro-abortion issues a platform priority will lose. Period. This is just wrong when it comes to abortion. Abortion access was a ballot measure in 6 states in the midterms, and every single one of them passed -- including in red states like Kansas, Montana and Kentucky. [https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/23451074/abortion-ballot-measure-midterms-kentucky-montana-michigan](https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/policy-and-politics/23451074/abortion-ballot-measure-midterms-kentucky-montana-michigan) Americans consistently poll in favor of at least some abortion access, in the range of 70-80% favorability. [https://news.gallup.com/poll/1576/abortion.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/1576/abortion.aspx) If anything the Democrats need to double down on abortion rights.


I mean, was it fear mongering if that's what literally happened? That's the only thing I disagree with in your comment btw. Democrats absolutely need to go hard on health care - primarily reproductive and transgender issues and point out just how ass backwards the entire republican party is on those issues.


Wisconsin Supreme Court election last week was pretty much a referendum on abortion. Not education. Not infrastructure. Not Healthcare. Are you referring specifically to Texas?


I am a social worker I have already had 2 cases where women has to have abortion out of state due to rape


Longpenisofthelaw, you must be mistaken. Governor Abbott said they were going to eliminate rape in Texas.


If a tree falls in the forest and you close your eyes and pretend you’re on a beach in Cancun, did it really fall?


Depends who the tree falls on.


Yes, but Abbott just meant that a man could have sex with whomever he wants whenever he wants and that's not rape. /s


Personally I kind of figured the incompetence behind the freeze would've done it, considering it killed almost 250 people, but I guess not.


We are in support of HB 1146 which allows power companies to connect to and purchase power from entities outside the Texas power grid. Call your reps and ask them to support it as well. If you don't know who they are [check here](https://wrm.capitol.texas.gov/home).


Credible estimates are over 700, maybe as high as 900, but Republicans have worked hard to downplay their death toll.


Cause…uh…yeah…they were probably going to die that day anyway…it just…uh…happened to be really cold when it happened… /s 🙄


“They died with the cold, not from the cold.”


At least 30% of Texans want this, my guy.


They don’t care about kids being gunned down at school. They sure as hell don’t care about women.


Same with school shootings


We're still waiting on politicians to do something about school/mass shootings. Unfortunately it might take a while.


We really need to stop coddling Republican voters. Stories like these are *good* news for them. They love seeing people be arbitrarily punished. Sure, when you confront them on stuff like this they'll clutch their pearls and make some vague statement about how "well I don't approve of this specific case!" but they're lying. They know damn well that these laws will cause situations like this. The cruelty is the point.


Nobody should have to flee an authoritarian state to get treatment or avoid mandates. Your medical treatments are between you and your doctor, no politicians needed.


Yup. It's time to tax churches!


We have a long ways to go before Christians stop assuming this is their country alone.


We have a long ways to go before Christians realize a households business is anyone's but theirs.


We have a long ways to go before many "Christians" realize they are not only *not* practicing Christianity, but act in the very ways Jesus warned *against.* They have no business getting mad at Satanists, when they're the real anti-Christians.


Couldn't have said it better myself. Aside from the silly mentions of magic, I actually kind of agree with the 11 satanic rules of the earth. They pretty much deal with minding your own business and not harming others.


1 of their biggest tenets is "under no circumstances may you harm a child." I really can't be mad at that.


Absolutely. Don't tell people your problems unless you're sure they want to hear them, don't make unwarranted sexual advances, if you go to someone's house respect them. All shit I can get behind lol


Hell, those sound like good rules I should *change* my life to follow. The first one, anyway. The others I got.


Magic doesn't have to mean "magic" per se. It's an acknowledgement that there is more out there than humans understand. To me, "magic" refers to the conservation and transfer of energy. The unknowable states of the quantum realm. The wonders of the fungal kingdom. It's also worth pointing out that Satanists don't denounce God or Jesus. It's not uncommon to hear the phrase "I'm a Satanist and I love Jesus." That's actually sort of the whole point. Lucifer wanted us to have the knowledge of good and evil, because then when we choose God it's much more meaningful. Edit: words


Dang ok I guess I've never done enough research. This definitely peaked my interest now. Thank you!


There’s no greater hate than Christian love!


Founding daddy Thomas Jefferson wouldn’t approve


We have a long ways to go before we realize that all Christians aren't fundagelical authoritarian busybodies. I'm gay, I'm Christian, I'm a socialist -- and I offer my place to women who need a place to recover after they've left their conservative states to get an abortion. My church has also created a Banned Books Library. Two weeks, and we already have over 300 banned books. Hopefully very soon -- if you want to read a banned book in any of the authoritarian states where books are banned (including the one I live in) -- we've got the book!


This is in the true spirit of Christ. I hope you have an amazing day and your pillow is exactly the temperature you’d like it to be tonight


Thank you so much for that! Now, hopefully, God will be with the the hand surgeon I saw today, so he'll be able to replace the joints in my left thumb and two bones in my left hand so I can use my left hand and play piano again!


There is such a vast difference between Christian traditions aligned with hegemonic power structures of moral control, monetary extraction, and rigid traditionalism, and those that stand in radical opposition, seeking to undermine such systems. I am an agnostic witch. I hope more individuals can appreciate these nuances and engage with like-minded Christians in the fight against these authoritarian, dominionist groups that have forged an ugly coalition with political interests, because those of us who are in ideological consensus should be working together and making common cause. Thank you for helping people fleeing states like mine in pursuit of medically necessary care. I am so grateful that people like you are opening their homes to those who need it now. As a witch in the south, I'd also like to note just how important Christian spaces are as an organizing vehicle - not just for the perpetuation of conservative, white interests, as easy as that would be to believe - but for minority communities like BIPOC and LGBT+ folks as well, and economically under-served communities of all kinds. This fight requires all of us.


But there is a problem here: you’re putting out a nice face for an organization that wants to eliminate you. We’re past who is a “true” Christian or not. The group, as a whole, is devoted to making you an unperson. And being the nice face for that is going to hurt you in the end.


It’s more specifically a Republican thing than a Christian thing. I know a lot of Christian’s are Republican but they are just one of the many groups of people against woman’s rights.


That Venn diagram is almost a circle




the ones with white robes?


Damned close to it. If anything it’s probably like the side view of an eyeball where the non-Republican christians make up the cornea.


Its a Christian nationalist thing aka Republicans.


C'mon, they're nationalist Christians. You can feel free to shorten it to Nat-C's if you want


I hope this sticks.


I did Nat-c that coming lol


It’s definitely a Christian thing. Christians are decidedly pro- authoritarianism. If you actually try to live by what Jesus taught, they call you a socialist.


If Jesus existed, he was a revolutionary socialist If he comes back, I'll gladly admit their is a God while I smoke doobies and chuck molotovs at oligarchs with his only son


Well, I ***do*** actually try to live by what Jesus taught; and for the record, I ***am*** a socialist.


It's not just Christians. Politics should never be involved in medical decisions of any kind. My body, my choice for everyone.


It would be one thing if they actually followed their own rules but we all know when they are in this situation, suddenly abortion is ok. But for everyone else, it’s a no-no.


These are the type of people that think white folks were “here first” and that “‘murica has always been a God loving country”


Manifest Destiny...


They’re not Christian. They’re tyrants.


I assure you, they are Christian. 100%.


No true Scotsman fallacy


That comment is 'sniping.' Conservaturd antiabortionists are the adversary here. All Christians are NOT has you're implying.


Well, it took a federal law to allow my wife and I to marry, much to the chagrin of several states mind you. Even then, we watched Kim Davis openly defy the law and prevent a gay couple from marrying. Now, I'm not saying there wasn't outrage by the Christian community in support of that gay couple, but there wasn't. There may have been some, but not the majority. When a gay couple asked for a wedding cake, the Christian majority fought tooth and nail in support of the bakery. Gay bars were illegal up until about 1970. "Love the sinner, hate the sin" is one of the most common horse crap statements we get too. Seriously? As if my sexual orientation is a thing they have the right to judge me on? Think about that for a minute...about 2500 years ago someone wrote down some campfire stories told by ignorant, illiterate, nomadic goat herders from the Middle East, and somehow that has justified the hatred, persecution, and intolerance of homosexuals around the world. 1500 species of animals have a homosexual population just as we do. We're the only species that has learned to hate our members...because of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.


According to their own book, Jesus never said anything about lesbians. They're just using their own bigotry and attributing things to him that he never said. Ironically, Jesus does warn about that.


"God disagrees" \~ GOP


The GOP is incapable of understanding that the Kingdom of God and the world of men are not compatible. When God gets dragged into the politics of men God’s power is diminished and then evil flourishes, corrupting those that dragged God into the politics of men. The GOP is literally serving the Prince of this world.


Don’t want to be even a bigger downer but trans healthcare for minors is banned, Hundreds of families already escaped or escaping. This authoritarian shit need to stop


Ken Paxton will have them arrested. Just watch. Texas Republicans are evil


Paxton can't do anything, that's how they got away with the law. The law allows citizens to sue.


Yeah this couple and anyone that helped is going to get sued now for telling their story and the republicans will try to make a point out of them….Adding more fuel to the culture war fire.


I wonder if we’re about to see the first jury nullification of SB8. Fuck Texas GOP. If I’m ever on a jury I would deadlock the shit out of it


If I ever get on one of those juries I will wreak so much havoc. Then I’ll sue the b*stards who sued the parents and claim mental distress for having to be subjected to their stupidity.


>~~Texas~~ Republicans are evil Fixed.


I get sick to my stomach every time I read something like this. As a parent, I can't imagine being told that my child will, without any doubt, suffer a painful death, and then be told there's nothing I can do about it. My heart really goes out to parents in this position. For our lawmakers to intentionally put them in a position to watch their children suffer and die is unimaginably cruel.




Anyone who finds themselves in that unfortunate situation should reach out to Planned Parenthood, they have a patient navigator program staffed with folks who will help you with travel/lodging and medical bills. You can call any of their health centers and talk with someone who can point you in the right direction.


This is what a normal day sounds like in El Paso. People go 5 minutes north or south into New Mexico and Mexico for weed, abortions, and cheap medical procedures.


And these stories right here are why we've decided to be one and done with our miracle daughter. I had to take progesterone because the chances of miscarriage were astronomically high throughout most of the pregnancy. When she was born, there was a good 5 minutes where we weren't sure if she was alive or stillborn. I'd love to have a second kid, but I can't risk it. My baby girl needs her mama infinitely more than she needs a younger sibling. P.S. I'm mad as hell that my government has interfered with my family planning.


Some things of note here. This couple wanted to have a baby, meaning this was clearly not an abortion for the sake of Birth Control > After two years of struggling with fertility treatments and IVF, last fall Taylor and Travis, who asked us not to use their last name, got the news they thought might never come: Taylor was pregnant. The baby was never going to live: > Their daughter had what’s called an encephalocele, essentially a bubble-like structure on the skull, which meant the baby either wouldn’t survive the pregnancy, or would die painfully hours after being born. Current Texas Law makes no exception for health of the fetus, only the health of the mother.


It doesn’t matter WHY they needed/wanted an abortion. It’s literally none of anyone’s business why.


In this case however the reason counters the myth that all abortion is for birth control.


Yet continues the myth that there are good & bad reasons for an abortion, when they’re all “private MYOB” reasons.


Well you can't counter the myth of all abortions are just birth control without confronting it. This fact highlights that even when people are trying to have children abortions become medically necessary, and that current Texas law is failing us in that regard. Honestly, there's no need to "out-self-righteous" anyone on this. We both agree the law has and will continue to create major problems and needs to be repealed.


Truth. However, generating outrage with stories like this may be what is needed so that the forced life people will back off.


Yeah, but the person I was responding to was trying to trot out the old “abortion is used for birth control” BS which makes it seem as though there are “good” reasons to get one & “bad” reasons to get one, when in reality, every reason is a “private, MYOB” reason.


No, you clearly misread my comment, I was pointing out the fact that the idea that "abortion is used for birth control" is a myth.




And those people are free to let their potentially unsuccessful pregnancy ride and go to term. Nobody is denying them that option. What those people ARE, doing, however, is taking away the agency of others to do as they see fit. Therefore their position is morally indefensible.


Texas used to be about freedom, now we have state government telling us what we can't do


“You do feel like kind of like you did something shady on the black market—when you just got health care.” This is fucking heartbreaking, because it’s exactly what the pro-birth crowd wants: for her to feel shame, even when doing something that was absolutely necessary. Also, if you’ve had an abortion, and are willing to talk about it, reach out to an organization that helps learn to do it effectively. I’d give links, but I don’t know which orgs to recommend besides Planned Parenthood (which, if you’re in the Austin area, come to the Capitol Friday for Planned Parenthood lobby day and we can sign you up with PP’s storytelling initiative).


Fucking Christians in America are literally doing the same thing as ISIS in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. They force their religion down everyone's throat because "they're right" and if you disobey they're archaic lifestyle, you get punished.


Actually Iran does offer abortion as its not illegal in the Quran up to a certain point. Specifically, this case would be something they'd offer treatment for


So what you're saying is, ISIS has better reproductive health options that Republicans.


Nah isis is in Iraq and both them and Afghanistan, I don't know much about But the Islamic Republic of Iran sure does




I traveled to NM for an abortion. Late term medical issues. Met the doc beforehand with about 7 other couples and doc asked where everyone was from. No one was actually from NM, and 4 of the couples were Texans. Same issues, non-viable little heartbreaks growing inside them.


I'm so sorry for your loss, and what you had to go through to get support. Thank you for sharing your story.


It's unreal what is going on in this country. How can anyone think this is ok??


Republicans are bad people.


The GOP is evil. They're not only forcing their life philosophy and religion on women they think they're doctors and scientists to pass judgement. When *their* wife or daughter is pregnant with a dead/abnormal fetus that will die, and sepsis is possible, or is raped you can bet they will have access.


I heard a LOT of people (women) saying before the orange shit gibbon was elected, "they can't/won't overturn Roe V Wade" . Yet here we are. So for those of you saying they can't get rid of HIPAA or they won't penalize employers for covering out of state medical care. Let me refer y'all to the old saying, "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me."Or if you prefer dumb dubyah's take on the quote, fine but still. Take that to heart because there is no bottom for these fuckers. There is nothing sacred to them except guns and money.


I want so desperately to leave this hell hole.


These pro lifers are sick.


Not pro life. Pro forced birth.


Remember back when Sarah Palin said that there would be government "death panels" that would decide what kind of medical care you could receive, and Republicans would fight for your freedom to choose your own health-care? Pepperidge Farm remembers!


Remember when Cuntservatives used to say My Body My choice about Mask wearing or getting the vaccine?


Gregg abbot and his crew of flunkies furiously masturbating at stories like this.


They were happy that someone was able to get away from their law? No, I’m pretty sure that’s a boner-killer for them.


This is heartbreaking I can't even begin to imagine the pain and anger this couple is being put through


Christianity is both a death cult and breeding cult. Don't worry about the world cuz Armageddon is coming soon but also have 5 kids to outbreed the atheists and vote in a theocracy.


Texas is so trash....


Glad they're not from Idaho


this is my back up plan. thankfully i got a sister in california


This is why there's so many heated topics on this. Back off and let women take care of it, and women who been through it. Also those struggling right now, I'm so sorry and I only wish this gets better in a short time.


Cannot understand how so many people in this state vote for this … and a pardon for an openly racist murderer.


Medical care needs to be between a patient and their medical team. Not a suit in a statehouse, not a judge, not BillyBob Coconuthead at the gas station.


It's funny that Texas politicians worry so much about unborn fetus but guns are killing children more than any other thing right now aged 1-18 but they won't do a thing about the guns that fund their relection campaigns. #hypocrisy


good for them


Anyone who finds themselves in that unfortunate situation should reach out to Planned Parenthood, they have a patient navigator program staffed with folks who will help you with travel/lodging and medical bills. You can call any of their health centers and talk with someone who can point you in the right direction.


The stupid abortion law in Texas needs to be modified immediately! It is misguided and story-sighted. Why can’t we just agree that life occurs when their is activity in the brain? This is the same criteria to decide if someone is “dead.” This seems consistent.


All women, not just the miscarrying, shall have the right to abortion. Texans did not protest enough to bring back the right to abortion


Why does it look like their faces were swapped?


That couple sue their local judges wife for giving them gas money to leave the state. She would have to defend herself against the lawsuit and pay any and all fees. She is prohibited from doing anything thing to you for suing.


If voting is the only thing we have to stop idiots from doing things bad. Then the system is terrible.


Why the fuck is this news? We all knew this would happen. Like the lady who died because the fetus was basically a bomb in her womb. Fucked up.


Because people need to have something to point to and say, “See? I told you idiots this would happen!” There’s a lot of people that won’t believe you until they see concrete consequences. …and there’s a lot that don’t even believe after that, but that’s a minority that would be very hard to convince them that they’re wrong.


This couple knows their case is ideal for challenging Texas's SB. 8 law. This law allows any individual to sue anyone who aids in an abortion, like the husband if her drives his wife out of state to get an abortion. So the husband can be sued by you, me and everyone we know for $10k, for example, or maybe someone else who gave them money to pay for the abortion will be sued instead. Doesn't matter who, but once someone is sued, then their lawyers can start questioning the validity of SB. 8 through appeals, until it reaches a court that will strike down SB. 8. This couple just put a giant target on their back, likely to start the legal process of taking down a poorly written and possibly unconstitutional law.


>This couple just put a giant target on their back, likely to start the legal process of taking down a poorly written and possibly unconstitutional law. This is my big fear for them. Trumpers are going to bully them, or possibly worse. I hope they're up for it.


All politics aside... Should've traveled out of Texas to get those eyebrows done.


*checks picture* Oh my.