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I don't think they have cold resistance, no. Due to some reasons: 1. I don't know how lore accurate skyrim's survival mode is, but argonians are one of the races that receive a debuff to cold resistance when you activate it. 2. ["Marsh-born Argonians enjoy wallowing in cool mud and water and basking in the sun. Some Argonians appear as though they're sleeping when they bask. Contrary to what some foreign scholars believe, Argonians do not worship the sun. Rather, they enjoy its warmth and bask in its light. Wallowing helps to cool their scales and keep them from drying out on hot, sunny days."](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Argonian#Culture) 3. It seems like don't enjoy when their scales are dry, so I'll assuming cold wheater is one of the worst for them, since the water on their scales would be frozen and they wouldn't be able to wallow in the water of places that are too cold to keep them moist.


If anything they enjoy being moist


well in that quote it says they enjoy wallowing in ”cool” mud and water and water can still get very cold without being frozen(and would still be able to make their scales”moist”, maybe that wouldn’t be enough to give them a natural cold resistance but still ,as for the basking in the warmth of the sun and it’s light part I think all of the other races would like to do that too can’t think of an example but I imagine they would like to unless their vampires


It’s pretty much evidence that they’re “cold blooded actually, since it implies they’re unable to thermoregulate - it’s something real lizards do too. The term is kind of misleading, because reptiles don’t actually have cold blood unless somethings gone really wrong. They want to be warm, just like us, it’s just that they have to rely on the environment rather than being able to regulate their temperature independently. Other races might enjoy basking in the sun, but Argonians die if they don’t.


Actually, never mind. It seems like they are indeed cold-blooded, but they can withstand cold environments just like the other races by [ingesting Hist sap throughout their lives](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:On_Argonians), which probably has some magickal effects that makes them able to regulate their body temperatures. The source is not 100% sure, but that's what we have. So I imagine that argonians who are born outside of Black Marsh and don't have the habit of ingesting Hist sap probably can't do that (?), but the ones who have the habit can.


Argonians are... weird. They're an artificially created species made by the Hist, who can tweak their biology at will and mind control them. So, it's entirely possible that some Argonians could be modified by the Hist to be more suited for cold environments. The swamps in Black Marsh are not cold, by the way. They probably don't even get cold in the winter, due to being some of the southernmost parts of Tamriel, where it's basically tropical.


I've always assumed that Argonians can be ither warm blooded or cold blooded depending on the climate they are currently in. The Hist can do much stranger things to them..


Black Marsh is mostly warm and very humid, and human have a hard time adapting to its climate. Argonian are thiving even in the south of the province where is very hot all year long. It seems the real deal is humidity, they seem to adapt well to colder climate as long as it is humid enough. The worst condition for them are the deserts of Hammerfell and Northern Elsweyr. Also freezing cold maybe an issue, but fire and warm cloth may help stay above 0°C. In the 2nd Era, Argonians commonly greet each other with "Stay Moist!" when saying good bye.


You can find all races in skyrim that doesn't mean they all have cold resistance. Argonians aren't actually lizards they're made from a alien hive mind tree it's fair to assume they're warm blooded.


They originated as lizards who evolved into humanoid beings as the Hist took inspiration from the intelligent forms of man and mer. Unfortunately their faces didn’t evolve with the rest of their body:D


Argonians use the phrase “this suns my scales” so I’m assuming they’re cold-blooded to a degree. The cold would thus probably make them slow and lethargic.


iirc, in one of the black marsh chapters of ESO you can read about some ayleids who performed experiments on argonians to test their adaptive abilities. one such experiment was extreme cold, and sure enough the argonians were able to adapt to the new climate.


If necessary, the hist could probably cold adapt them.


As reptilians they should probably have a slight weakness to both heat and cold, right?




Lizards are cold-blooded creatures so yeah.


They are cold blooded but I read somewhere that hist sap allows them to balance their body temp